Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Oct 1972, p. 20

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Guides & Brownies L‘ocal Girl Guides and Brown- ies are organizing for the new season. Some are now under- way and others are desperately seeking leaders. The Bayview Glen area park into the Stouffville Nursing is hardest hit by a shortage of Home. Funeral services were leaders. Any person in this area held at the Ring Funeral Home willing to help should call Friday. Commissioner Gail Thompson‘ Friday Jane Goodyear cele- at 889-4643. {brated her lb’th birthday with a The 2nd Company 'l‘hornhillidinner party for 16 guests~ giv- Rangers reports an increase in'en by her parents. This was membership from 15 to 22. followed by a "windup" at the There are two new Brownie school dance. There are two new Brownie Packs in the area. One, the 4th Thornhill. meets at the new Bayview Eairways School Wed- nesdays. Leaders are Brown Owl Mrs. Liz Ellis and Tawny Owl Mrs. Janet Jones. The other is 10th Thomhill! whose leader is Brown Owl Mrs: Dorothy Steele. Their meeting; place is Thornlea Secondai‘yl School. ‘ School News Next Wednesday is the date set for the Bayview Fairways School‘s “Meet The Teacher" program. which will run from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. Parents with children in that school are urged to attend and be informed on the school‘s opâ€" erations; to see the school and be introduced to their children's teachers by their children. This school has no play- ground equipment. however, the Town of Markham Parks and Recreation Department has in- stalled a slide and other play- ground items in a parklike area next to the school. The new school is working on; an interesting scheme in at-' tempting to apply a “Thanks- giving” theme to all their aca-' demic subjects and everyday events. The program is expect- ed to reach a climax on Friday of this week. Involved are the grades 4, 5 and 6 children‘ The E. J. Sand School‘s par- ents group would like to thank all the interested parents who came to the “Meet The Teach~ ers Night" last Thursday. in spite of stiff competition from the final Canada-Russia hockey game. They also extend a ver- bal bouquet to all the mothers who supplied the mouth-water- ing refreshments after the meeting. Principal Donald Young and his staff showed the parents present their keen enthusiasm and concern for the children. Ladies' Club The next meeting of the Don- caster Community Ladies' Club is set for October 12 and will be held at the home of Mrs. Joy Gould. 110 Morgan Avenue at 8 pm. The ladies will knit with the resulting articles be- ing donated to the Kasavonika Indian Reserve in the northeast area of Northern Ontario. Neighborhood Notes The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to William Cole and family of Sprucewood Drive on the fiassing of his wlnwu . . v A v v . . . v _ . _ V V V . , There last year Mr. Diefen-bak-er was hos- pitalized during a visit near the Jones’ holiday home and the Thornhill couple delivered to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones of 41 Kirk DriVe, Thornhill are shown recently in \Vrexham, North Wales where they presented an autographed photograph of former Prime Minister John Dief- enbaker to the mayor and townspeople. South Thornhill And Bayview Glen News THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill CORRESPONDEA T ham/till C oup/e Present Diefenba/(er Photo the date Fairways Teacher" run from Thomhilll body Owl Mrs: Di 1neeting;”}im DAVE BARBOUR -â€" PHONE 889-5205 - 366-1720 Mrs. Cole Senior. who was in her Slst year, had resided at the Sprucewood Drive address until a year ago before moving into the Stouffville Nursing Home. Funeral services were held at the Ring Funeral Home Friday. ber 26 mother, Mrs. Jean Cole Septem’ A judo club has now been established in the South Thomâ€" hill area. This is the Budokai Judo Club at 120 Clark Avenue, at the plaza. and it also fea- tures weightlifting, jujitsu and body building. Director is Chris Toule, : third degree black beh cham pion‘ « The club, formerly situated on Yonge Street. accepts mem- bers from five years old and up. Their regular evening sesâ€" sions are from 6 to 8 pm for children and 8 to 10 pm fOI adults It is open on Saturda) from 11 am. Scoufing In their first outing of the new season the 2nd Thornhill Venturers group, some 15 in all, journeyed to the north end of Beaver Valley on Lake Euâ€" genia, near Flesherlon last weekend. They took along their kyaks for some boating pleas- ure. At 6 Pm mda)‘ "Thursdax‘ at'with Elwood Glover as host. W q Ring Funeral Home :\ \\\~\’\ “\"M‘ W erv-W\~WWV 3 W ‘MW‘W a 889-0464 â€" 223-5968 “megwwé S BYRON E. RING 7783 YONGE ST. THORNHILL Servicing Richmond Hill and Thornhill Area Fully Licensed â€" Open All Year Creative Art, Free Play. Music. French Transportation â€"â€" Staff Driven Vehicles Assistance with your fee can be arranged if necessary FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 8403 Yonge Street. Thornhill 889-7783 FAIRLAWN JUNIOR AND NURSERY SCHOOL Ontario. Thursday. Oct “The Liberal" is always pleased to contributed by its readers in Please call Miss Margaret Govan. 14 for' The Thornhil United Church for reports that their Presbytery day‘Committee on Communications iapproached other church and :community bodies and with the}professiona1 aid, presented a thill'brief on “Senior Citizens and in the Broadcast Media" to the end Canadian Radio-Television Com- Eu- mission. They have learned that last starting October 2 at 2:30 pm heir a weekly program for senior eas- citizens. their problems and ac- tivities will be carried on CBLT Yorkdale Mall, 685 Boy Scouts will aSSemble for a ceremony with dignitaries from the proâ€" vincial and federal governments prior to departing on a four- day Scout visit to Fort Washâ€" ington, Pennsylvania. The jaunt is known as “Scope 72" and will be attended by two Venturers and eight Scouts of the 2nd Thornhill Troop. They are: Ven- turers Bruce Rozycki and Gary Jenkins. and Scouts Mike Frost, Michael Gifford, David Rozycki. David Trudel. Mike Sheedy. Jeff McKnight, Ian Lusk and John Connors. Their agenda includes ai- tending an American school with their hosts on Friday and‘ camping activities for the week-’ end. They will leave for home Monday morning and expect to] arrive at 7 pm‘ i Incidentally the contingent of Canadian Scouts are all from the Lakehead Area, which sur- rounds but does not include Metro. Church News the hospital the day's Toronto newspaper after their flight over. Mr. Jones was a former classâ€" mate of Wrexham’s Mayor Silas Davies. Shown during the presentation of the Dief- enbaker photograph are (left to right): Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Davies, Immediate Past Mayor Gwillyn Parry. Mr. Jones and Wrexham Rural District Council Chairman Mrs. E. M. Massee. 197 publish items of interest the Thornhill area. Deanbank Drive, 889-5372 “The Liberal” requires a responsible boy or girl for an established paper route in the Crest- wood Road area. Please phone Dinah Darling‘ton at 884-1105 for details. All girls interested in playing are requested to report to the Blue Rink at 12 noon. The assessment roll may be inspected during business hours, at the municipal offices located at Buttonville on Don Mills Road. For purposes of identification. please include your name and postal address, and the reason(s) for complaint. If possible, note also the assess- ment roll number, the street address, concessmn and lot numbers. and the municipality in whiCh the property under complaint is situated. Any complaint with respect to an assess- ment on the assessment roll may be brought to the Assessment Review Court pursuant to Sectlon 52 of The Assessment Act. R.S.O .1970, c. 32 as amended. ‘ Notices of Complaint must be made in writ- ing either by letter or on forms available at the Municipal Offices. Any Notice of Complaint shall be mailed by ordinary mail to the Regional Registrar named below. and, in addition, by registered mail to any person whose aSSeSSment is complained of, not later than the 3lst day of October. 1972. Mr. J. L. M. Harbinson. Regional Registrar. Assessment Review Court, 713 Davis Drive, 3rd Floor, Newmarket, Ontario. Thornhill Minor Hockey Association NOTICE RESPECTING ASSESSMENT APPEALS TOWN OF MARKHAM FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE MR. A. E. JOHNS, Pres. - 889-1279 Registration and Tryout DOUBLERINK ARENAS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 of interest CARRIER WANTED Signed: Mrs. Rhona “'em‘en’ 0! Interest 130 May Avenue warren Bryce' Bathmst Phone 8.844333 1Street. was one of the on. (Evemngs’ ‘thusiastic Canadian fans who Neighborhood Notes Jsaw Team Canada take three of Birthday greetings to Daylene'four hockey games In Moscew Greenfield, \‘ongehurst Roadviand e-‘lpel‘lenCEd the great thi‘lll who will be nine years old Oc-‘Of the last few seconds of the tober 4, Sandra Boss October 4. last game \Vhen Paul Hendei‘aon Debbie Chreptyk October 3, and.scored the \vmnmg g9al _“-mch Lila Fransen October 15. gave Canada the series. We Congratulations to Mr. and 119139.10 learn moi‘e about the Mrs, W. Bounds, Yongehurst tl‘lp h'om Warren 1n the future. Road. on their wedding anni-i 141:5. Jean Bryce. under the versal.y0ctobel.11_ la}lScheS 9f Helplnate Informaâ€" Sympathy of friends and neighbors is extended to Mrs, John Ross, Weldrick Road. on the sudden passing of her [ms- band September 25, and to Mrs. Bob Bagley and family on the recent loss of her father in England. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack McSpadden on the arrival of a baby daughter, Kathryn Jean, 8 lbs. 2 oz. Sep- tember 7. a sister for Brian and Karen. Get well wishes to Mrs. Louis Mancini, May Avenue and to Mrs. R. Whittaker. Pemberton Road after their stay in hospi- tal. School News School NeWS This week the Ross Doan‘ Miss Hazel Welsh School will show a film entitl-; ed “Dangerous Playground"i Miss Hazel Morgan Welsh, a presented by the Safety C0n:third generation resident of struction Association. The pu1‘â€";Thornhi11, passed away at york pose of this film is to point OUt'Central Hospital‘ Richmond to the pupils the hazat‘doungill, September 23. areas on constructiOH Sites. Both Clark Street and Mor- ltems 0f wearing apparel that‘gan Avenue owe their names to the construction workers must â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€"*â€"‘ “" wear such as hard hats. steell toed shoes etc, will also beshown. On Thursday morning all the students will have the oppor» tunity to visit the BAIF Subâ€" division. adjacent to the school under the supervision of Ken Mitchell. project engineer for BAIF to see the various stages of construction of these homes ‘and the safety equipment and isafety measures used. The first meeting of the R0551 Doan Home and School Associaâ€"l tion was held October 3. The meeting was mainly “Meet the Teacher Night". The new presi-l dent is Mrs. Marlene Grodzin-ll ski, May Avenue. NEWMARKE’I‘: Bayview Hills: Subdivision needs a second ac- cess road to Davis Drive before winter, resident Peter Hall, a candidate in this year’s munic- ipal election. has told council. He claims that the subdivision was blocked off by snow on Red ‘Deer Drive last February for approximately 3% hours before the snowplow arrived. NORTH RICHVALE NEWS N. J. PICKARD, Clerk, Town of Markham CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) Mrs. Jean Bryce. under the ausoices of Helpmate Informaâ€" tion and Thornhill United Church. is operating a clothing centre at the church. It is open every Tuesday from 9 to 11:30 or by appointment. There is a small charge and everybody is welcome. It is truly amazing how much need there is in Thornhill for good used clothing and how much joy a package of warm clothing can give. Some of the stories are heart-breaking. Both Clark Street and Mor- Juuu Dl"ӢNUUu [in the studio building on Sever! gan Avvnue owe their names to Yulia Biriukova. a giftedlStreet. ’l‘m'ontn. painted p01‘ Obituaries big grip-big vgnLge! SURE GRIP IV â€" 4-ply nylon oMulIi-ungled deals give positive gripping power in mud and snow I OBuilt with Goodyear's exclusive Tuisyn tubber for exm: season: of usa SIZE BLAEKWALL Slll BLAL‘MIALI.‘ mum-13, n -u ems. Fla-151 fiREAI REAR WHEEL TIRE mtg 550-15 Goonfimn I 95 each F7l-l4 BLACKWALI. 7M.“ Socially Speaking In Thorn/rill 560-15 685-15 95 x . . 73545 775“ M Get trachon wnth ec (blackwull) 82;” 85545 "H 0 Casings safety-checked by Good)“ Insuumou 0 Same tread rubber as used m new FULLY GUARANTEED by Goodyear's new tire warranty-no limit NO CASH NEEDED ° USE THE GOODYEAR CREDIT PLAN OR 0000,} YEAR GO CENTRESâ€"A \ 295 Yonge St. South â€" Richmond Hill R") 889-553] PHONE 884-4423 10.95 | 11.95] aoonjflmn TRACTION SURE-GRIP 2 95 each \ / 670-1! her ancestors on her mother’s side. She could claim Pennsyl- vania Dutch as well as Scottish ancestry. With the exception of a short period in Toronto, \rhile work- ing in a bank. she lived all her life in Thornhill. She was born on the northeast corner of Bayview and John Streets. but has been living on Centre Street for a number of years. in: in a bank, she lived all heI“ Miss Biriukova was born instilled a love and appreciation life in Thornhill. She “‘85 Vladivostock, Russia. where hertof art in hundreds of students. born on the northeast corner of father was a government en-gmany of whom kept in touch Bal‘Vicw and John Streets. but gineer during the constructionwith her during her long illness. has bct‘n [Wing 0“ Cenu'e of the Trans-Siberian Railwayl A few years ago the Yulia Sll‘eel f0!” 3 number 0f )‘eal‘5~ and the building of the longfiBiriukora Gallery was dedicat- MiSS Wt‘lsh “'85 educated in long bridge over the Amulfied in her honor at Upper Can- lhe Thm‘llhi“ Pllblic 5011001 and River. She attended school imada College. She was unable to then the Richmond Hill High Pen-ograd and laterthe Imperial attend the ceremony but “'35 School. Academy of Art at Petrogradfbrought a copy of the program She was a \'0|‘.\'Dl|b1i0 “l3irited and was 22 when the RuSSian‘signed by many of the guests. Citizen A llbl‘al'l' in Thornhnlfievolution broke out. DespiteiThe college paid her another “'35 needed greatly, She bEIiEV'Hnam' harrowing experiences theitribute on the day of her funeral ed. and $0. with Mrs Otto‘family. who were White Bus-[when the school flag was flown James 391 about esmblismng sians. decided to remain in Rus-iat half mast. one- They Sllcceeded in 5991"" sia. Finally, however, the dang- Miss Biriukova once devoted mg 3 1‘001“ in the ne‘" buildinger became too great and theyttwo months to painting beautiful of the TllOl‘nhill PUbliC SCh°51 travelled first to Hong Kong,llife-sized figures on the altar am With a contingent or VOILm‘and then to Rome where she en-lscreen of Christ the Savior teers ran a library for manyltered the Royal .Academy oflRussian Orthodox Church in To- years. Later the library mOVE‘d‘Art and graduated four yearslronto. An accomplished linguist to Centre Street and the“ t0Hater as a professoressa. with alshe quietlybefriended many ex- -C01bm‘ne Sll'EEt With Miss:special flair for portrait paint- patriates. Bee keeping was one ‘Welsh remaining as a member‘ing. of her long time hobbies. V ‘of the board. Her parents died in Rome. The service in the Byron She was a devout Christian aland in 1929 Yulia and her sister Presbyterian and later attendedltne late Alexandra (a graduate the United Church. She was‘archnect and engineer_ who be- buried in the famin plot in theicame a nurse) came to Canada, Richmond Hill Pres'bytel'ian‘their married sister having a1â€" Cemetery. ready settled here. They arriv- She is mourned by her sister. ed the very day of the stock Mabel (Mrs. Charles Hal’pel‘tmarket crash and at first: be- and many friends in this 00111- lieved that some great building munity. had fallen down. She is mourned by her sister, Mabel 4111's. Charles Harper) and many friends in this com- munity. 873-14 673-15 sun I aucxwht} [OW PRICES ON OYHER SIZES, TOO ' 3-1 nylon body (onslmflmn for gleam me I“: 0 Deep, gripping tread for "union on or off the road Julia Biriukova Get‘fraction with economy! 0 Casings safety-checked by Goodyear factory personnel 0 Same tread rubber as used in new fire; artist and resident of Thornhill for some time, died September 26 at the Villa Nursing Home She had been an invalid for sev- eral years as the result of a series of strokes. Her parents died in Rome‘ and in 1929 Yulia and her sister Miss Biriukova took a studio in the studio building on Severn 0 All new tread design gives superb traction ' Smooth quiet ride . . . no "morning thump" SUBURBAN"! XG - 4-ply polyester M42. III-‘3. mu $25.95 Ul-ll. Ell-H. I'll-H $26.95 GET FAST, SURE STARTS THIS WINTER! "w" DELUXE All-WEATHER unuur A IIfW v r G’oonmn's BEST non-mm E WINTER mm K 2 95 each , E7I-‘4 WHITEWAU. " ln Rome.l $27.95 $23.93 $29.95 678-” F78-15 G78-l 5 LOW PRIEEE bk OTHER $225,190! E PoEPEkeijrigifil Equipment Ouulivy as to time or mileage. & Inger. Alsro‘ BATTERY traits of a number of Well knonn people. and taught art at Central Technical School before joining the staff of Upper Can- ada College in 1942. For 21 years. until she retired. she in~ stilled a love and appreciation of art in hundreds of students. many of whom kept in touch with her during her long illness. A few years ago the Yulia Biriukora Gallery was dedicat- ed in her honor at Upper Can- ada College. She was unable to attend the ceremony but was brought a copy of the program signed by many of the guests. The college paid her another tribute on the day of her funeral ‘when the school flag was flown ;at half mast. Miss Biriukova once devoted two months to painting beautiful life-sized figures on the altar screen of Christ the Savior H78~U $30.9; tin-15’ $31.9; 900-157 $35.95 SIZE 24C and I" The service in the Byron Ring Funeral Chapel September 28 was conducted by one of her former students, Rev. Bruce Matthews of McMaster Univer- sity. Hamilton. Among those attending were her old friend, Thoreau MacDonald. a nephew and his family from Galt and a niece from Western Ontario. Another nephew and niece live in British Columbia. and there are two nieces in Australia. In- terment was in York Cemetery. HUS "ADE-ll! lNSMllATIOI SI

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