884-1745 tlc3 i’EKKWOOD Living. dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open l-9pm. 459-0760. EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line, (2 mlles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc31 Crushed stone. sand, concrete gravel. etc.. delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett' 884-3089. tch TYPWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill LOAM - TOP SOIL Sandy loam - loam manure mix, screened loam. manure - fill - landscaping. C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. tch {MOTOROLA (Quasar). color TV. Peter Smith. 889-1646. YORK CERAMIC STUDIO ‘ Ceramic Supplies â€" Tutoring classes starting September 18th also large selection of greenâ€" ware availableâ€"custom firing. E. McMullen. 884-3580. c4w11 FIREWOOD, split and delivered. 832-2683. tfcll NEW and used snow fence. steel posts. chain link fencing and garden gates. Norman Bone, Fence Builder. 34 Elizabeth St. 8.. Richmond Hill. tfc13 Doors. .wjndows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows. doors. awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558 factory 832- 1319 Maple. tfc28 GAS stove. Tappan-Gurney, 4- burners. 30", very good condi- tion. $60. 889-7700. c1w14 GESTETNER electric model 366; filing cabinet stand. Colour change kit. stencils paper. etc.. King City. 833-5559. *1w14 RIFLE and a shot gun. 832- 8767. after 7 pm. c1w14 PRIVATE sale of household goods. 56 Temperance Street. Aurora. c1wl4 ELECTRONIC organ. Farfisa, 2 key boards. $120 or best offer. 889-6624. clw14 TWO sets drapes, one 6-panel and one. 4-panel, beige in color. 889-5916. c1w14 10" PORTABLE TV. $25.: 19" portable TV. $35.: 2 tires 825 x 15. $5.: small coin collection. 884-5249; c1w14 COTTAGE windows to clear. 1 only. 112" x 68". regular $164.. sale price $130.: 1 only 76“ x 68". regular $116.. sale price. $95.; 2 only 90" x 64". regular $94.. sale price $75.; 4 only 60" LIBERAL CLASSIFIED ADS x 64". regular $63.. sale price $50.: 1 only how window. double glazed. 114" x 57“. regular $297., sale price. $175. Loughlin Lum- ber and Prefab. Yonge and Scott Drive. 889â€"1109. Open Thurs- day and Friday evenings.. FEARS. squash and tomatoes. 884-6367. tfc14 PIANO. console. Nordheimer (Heintzmam. just like new. Reasonably priced. 889-7700. c1wl4 4 x 8 pOOL table"'4‘ cu'es‘ pensioners. 884-3793. c1w14 chalk board with cue rack, ENGINEER. age 28. requires also snooker and boston balls. room and board from Mon.-Fri.. Asking $300. Phone 889-6990. abstainer. non-smoker. Apply c1w14»Box 81, “The Liberal". *1w14 Reach more prospects faster. Save time and money. SEASONED fire wood. maple. beech. birch and oak, Holland Park Garden Centre, 10141 Keele Street N., Maple. 832- 2455. tfc14 VXKING canister vacuum. with attachments. $25. 884-8317. GARRARD SL-95. record player with Empire 888-E cartridge complete with 8 track stereo tape'player. plus amplifier plus 2 speakersfslï¬o. hlso Tele- funken stereo tape recorder, $95. 884-9513. c1w14 RAILWAY Til-35* Holland Park Garden Centre. 10141 Keele Street N.. Maple. 832-2455. tfc14 BEDROOM ‘suiter Queen siz_e bed. black and white TV. sofa and chair. 884-3184. clwlg '67 SKI-DOOâ€"Bombardier, 18 “nu Vuuu. uux-uxu-x. _ ___“1*3 16 FT. cedar strip boat. 15 h.p. '67 SKI-D00 Bombardier, 18 motor with trailer. Complete h.p.. good running order. will 5250. Phone 884-1107, after 6 take good skiboose in trade. 889- pm. 884-7366. clwl-l 2800. clw14 mas“: ROOM and BOARD offer, over $100. 884-3071. CASI-I RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.25 and .10¢ per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for $1.15 and 10¢ per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50¢ CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, per in- sertion $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. DRIVEWAY GRAVEL flï¬k’ALUMINUM FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 5, 1972 ALUMINUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES (Effective July 1, 1972) c2w14 clw14 c1w14IROOM and board. two lady c1w14 tfc2 FIREWOODiMaple and Beech $10 per 8' x 4’ x 16" cord. you pick up. 833-5976. tfc13 BROWNIE uniform. size 8. child's Judo suit. 884-5519. Come in and browse Open Saturday only 9-5 pm A-l Furniture Sales (World Wide Shipping Bldg). 360 New- kirk Road. Richmond Hill. 889- 5101. Kitchen. living room. dining roonL bedroonL dhflng roonl tables, some antiques and very unusual pieces. china. and odds and ends. DOUBLE bed complete with headboard, box spring and mat- tress. also two night tables. Call 884-4358. after 6 pm. c1w14 ‘ PLYWOOD 4 x 8 sheets. fir 172" special. Call World Wide Shipping, 889- 6269. tfc4 BEDROOM suite. 7-piece, din- ing suite. 9-piece. Chesterfield suite, all Burma teakwood, must sell, new furniture. very reason- able. 1-247-4377. tfc5 NEW AND USEB FURNITURE SUN PORCH BOOK SALE 300 volumes up to 50 years old, much fiction, textbooks, tech- nical and children's. Nine cents to $1.49. Telephone 884-9405 at 4 Church Street South, Apart- ment 3, Richmond Hill. FREE airconditioner ï¬lth 26" TV. Brown's Appliances, 8 Yonge 5.. Richmond Hill. 884- 9821. tfc53 WANTED Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tic24 AIR conditioners. new. $128. 5 year guarantee. Brown‘s Appli- ances. 884-9821. tfc53 CHEMICAL toilet. portable or permanent, for cabin or cottage, 5 gal. capacity. 6 months old. $40. 773-4172. c2w14 INDIAN rug 9x 12. '1 year old: 884-1744. after 6 pm. clw14 WIG, ash blonde. worn twice, wash and wear dynel. styles beautifully, 5 e1] 1 n g because wrong color. Paid $32.; sell for $25. 884-8448. clwl4 GIRLS’ skating dress. siie 10‘, like new, $10. 884-4805. TAPPEN range and Westing- house refrigerator used. 884- 2550. c1w14 81/é' CHESTERFIELD, twin size bed. like new, 19“ TV. 889- 2523. c1w14 AUTOMATIC r e c o r d player. $15.; cuckoo clock $15.: colonial style table lamp new, $12.50. 884-2163. c1w14 WASHER dryer 'and stove jparts. gears, belts. wood bear- ings and wringer rollers. etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small apv pliances. Math‘s TV. 49 Indus- trial Road. 884-7903. tfcll TOP soil for sale. 884-7565. SEWING machine (guaranteed) from $19.95. Bernina Sewing Centre. 884-3775. tfc13 FIREPLACE wood. hard maple and red oak. well seasoned. de- livered. 884-8948. c4w13 ENGRAVED name badges. desk or counter name plates, identi- fication plates to personalize your auto. camper; boat. luggage etc. Call 884-6741. Stuart‘s Studio. En-Signs division for prices. tfc14 BOATS - MOTORS BOAT. trailer. motor. 35 11.1). Evinrude. 16' fibre glass. Ask- ing $700. Call 889-6990, c1w14 WELDER fitter. minimum of 5 years experience in steel plate fabrication, please apply in per- mmirely son to Joe Tokayer, Toronsteel . . ' _ $6048. Ltd,, 215 Markham Road. Richâ€" mstalled $89 95 Call 88 nwmlmond Hm. cm†horse power Evinrude. trailer and accessories. King City. 833- 5559. *1w14 14‘ PLYWOOD Runabout. 28 ROOM and board. gentleman preferred. adult home. central. pack lunch. full or partial board. no shift workers. 884- 8265. c2w13 ROOM and board for lady, non- smoker. 884-9430. c1w13 WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING ON ELGIN MILLS ROAD FOR SALE (Continued) nclwl4 c1w14 c1w14 *2w14 bear' BOOKKEEPER required by an 36- electronics manufacturer in 9196- Richmond Hill. For appoint- 1 813' merit call 889-7313. clw14 idus- ._ at the office, DID YOU KNOW THAT AVON Store, 70 Yonge St. N., Rich- phoninno. ual‘uware ClerKS. full time. Chain or hardware st 0 r e experience preferred. Usual company benefits. Apply Canadian Tire ffcu ladies will be selling over 100 mond Hill. clw14 0- new and different Christmas tfc gifts this fall? Open areas in URGENT teed) Maple, Woodbridge and Rich- FULL TIME ,wing mond Hill. “C13 details. Call 925-4255 for clw14 DAY CAR HOSTESS 10-90 v. m 4ncam tic? DRIVER required with good driving record. must be reliable for city deliveries. For infor- mation, apply at 65 Duncan Road. Thornhill. cZw14 Capable of general office duties. salary commensurate with ex- perience. Phone Mr. Stewart. 884-5772. c1w14 Good wages. steady job. Phone 499-1415$, Mr. Johnny. c1w14 PUNCH press operators prefer- ably female for automotive trim plant in Richmond Hill area. Good starting rate with company benefits. 889-7549. ï¬UNG man required for serv- ing gas and odd jobs. Apply Tony's Esso 884-3440. c1w14 ASSISTANT for shipping de- partment in Thornhill plant. 889-4837. c1w14 GENERAL parts clerk for re- frigeration company. 889-7351. clw14 CLEANING lady wanted. one day per week, north of Thorn- hill. 889-6653. c1w14 CLEANING woman for 1 day weekly. Apply 107 Hall Street, Richmond Hill. 884-2147. SALESLADY for Fabric Mill outlet. forty hour week, some knowledge of fabrics essential. A very interesting selling posi- tion. See Mr. Nair at No. 7 ‘Hwy. and Woodbine Avenue. c1w14 HAIRDRESSERT experienced. full or part time. LaCasa Loma Beauty Salon. 884-9841. c1w14 fully experienced, part time. 884-8187. c4w14 URGENT Experienced cleaning wumen, home makers and baby sitters. Call 884-5286. tfc6 CARRIERS “The Liberal" requires four boys or girls for established paper routes for September 7. For further details please phone Dinah Darlington at 884-1105. nclws NURSES and nurses aides. with experience for nursing home. Yonge Street. Thornhill area. Phone 889-4651. tfc6 HOUSEKEEP'ING help required for nursing home. Phone 889â€" 4651. tfc6 GIRL 'FRIDAY We have an interesting opening for an alert aggressive, experi- enced clerk-typist to perform a variety of tasks. in our purchas- ing and traffic departments. Previous involvement with pur- chasing a decided asset. Pleasant working environment. SnanoOn Tools of Canada Ltd. Keele Street. 1 Mile North Hwy 7 669-9501 EXPERIENCED t e m p o r a r‘ y office personnel, may list with: Mona Robertson Temporary Placement Service 884-6944 clwl4 NURSING. RN and RNA's, housekeeping staff required in modern nursing home. 884-9248. c1w14 AUTOMOBILE spray painter CLERK-typist. some telephone reception. new bright office, Woodbine Steeles area. own transportation. Call 499-3141. PROFESSIONAL driving in- structor. must have OSL certi- ficate, own late model car. Apply in person. York Driving School, 41 Kennedy Street East. Aurora. c1wl4 TWO helpers for warehouse work, handling furniture. Apply Warehouse Sale, Yonge and Gamble Sideroad. 2 miles north of Richmond Hill. 889-5654. ICEMAKERS helper for Counâ€" try Club Curling section. Call 889-4833. c1w14 LICENSED bodyman capable of working on both cars and trucks with minimum of supervision. Wages open. Apply at B & G Truck and Auto Body. 378 New- kirk Road. Richmond Hill. operator for week-end shift 889-7611. c1w14 GOLF course maintenance man. full time. Year around work, Thornhill. 889-3291. c1w14 EXPERIENCED switchboard WAITRESS for snack bar, full or part-time, day work. experi- ence not necessary, 5-day week. Apply in person to Mrs. Purvis, GEM Store, 7171 Yonge Street, Willowdale. c2w14 PART-TIME stable help. morn- ings. in Gormley. 887-5905. Apply in person to Mrs. Purvis, ed Sunday mornings only. 889- GEM Store, 7171 Yonge Street, 4825. c1w14 Willowdale. c2W14 PERMANENT position, lot man. LADY for vacuuming and iron- Apply in person. See used car ing one day per week. Reply‘manager. Don Little Ford to Box 82 "The Liberal". [Sales Limited. 889-1105. HELP WANTED GAS PUMP ATTENDANT CLERK-TYPIST c1w14 c1w14 c1w14 c1w14 |MALE general laborers ifoeraâ€"c: c1w14 clw14 c2w14 tfcï¬ tfc9 OUR Land Department has ‘openings for sales people cap- iable of selling land for develop- ment and serviced land etc. to ‘developers. Experience is help- ful but not necessary. If you have imagination. can envision the optimum use of valuable land and are willing to apply yourself, we can train you. A business background and/or conversational ability in a sec- ond language are definite assets. To arrange an interview. tele- phone Ted Chester 889-8282, A. E. LePage Ltd., Realtor. One tune-up specialist. one front end alignment man and two general mechanics. $4.00 per hour. flat rate. plus com- pany benefits. Good working conditions. Levesque Plymouth Chrysler Ltd. Highway 7 and Dufferin. Ask for Eddie Leves- que. tch WE REQUIRE EXPERIENCED STAFF FOR PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY 0 F F I C E POSITIONS. l MALE factory help, 7883 Keele Street and No. 7 Hwy. applica- tions accepted between 8 am. to 4:30 p.m.. Monday thru Fri- day. c1w13 STEEL shear operators and helpers. Thornhill area. 881- 2522. tfcl3 INSPECTOR packers required by local plastic company, ambi- tious workers needed for night shift, and week-ends. Call 669- 1331. ext. 44. c2w13 FULL and part-time cook and full time cleaning lady. 889- 2054. c3w12 ACCOUNTANT-Bookkeeper. Ex- cellent position available with a firm of Chartered Accountants, located in Aurora. Leonard R. Rosenberg and Associates. 889- 2741, Miss Wood. c1w14 SALES help and fully qualified cosmetician required for new drug mart opening in Richmond Hill in the near future. Please write with details of experience etc; to Mr. P. Stevens, Top Drug Marts Ltd.. 59 Samor Road. To- ronto, Ontario. c2wl4 JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT RIA/CGA student with first year completed. Should have 2/3 years experience with pay- able inventories, working up to trial balance. Reynolds Ex- trusion Company Ltd.. call Mr. Brennan, for appointment. 884- ‘9161. 9 am. to 5 p.m. c1w14 EARN $50. A WEEK START PART TIME THEN FULL TIME Excellent training. car required 789-7285 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper re- quired for auto dealer iii Rich- mond Hill. 889-1105, ext. 46. CASHIERS. hardware clerks. full time. Chain or hardware st 0 r e experience preferred. Usual company benefits. Apply at the office, Canadian Tire FULL TIME DAY CAR HOSTESS 10:30 am. to 6 pm. FULL TIME NIGHT CAR HOSTESS 6 pm. to 1 am. Sun to Thurs. Taxi supplied after 12 midnight PERMANENT PART TIME CAR HOSTESS 12 pm. to 3 p.m.. Mon. to Fri. Also part time positions avail- able in kitchen and car hostess areas for weekends. A & W Drive-In Restaurant 300 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 884-8911 tory work. rotating shifts. Apply 177 Crosby Avenue, Richmond Hill. c1w14 MAN experienced in car stereo installations, cashiers and sales clerks. full and part time. Apply Target Tape. 295 Yonge St. N., (next to McDonald's) 884-8567. c1w14 YOUNG man. 18-20 years, want- ed for production work. Excel- lent working conditions for right man. 889-0536. nc1w14 EXPERIENCEB waitress. Allen- court Restaurant. 884-5952. ..___- __.__-. V__ .._.u\.uu. audynr court Restaurant. 884-5952. ilentwvfï¬llgé.benefits- 4‘0 h0ur| W, ‘ clw14 CZWMlWeek‘. . . . sTwo bedroom apartment in PRODUCE packers. Apply Wil-iz‘rrlorkl?g 52g; ailigmlquiet low rise building. No liam D. Branson Ltd., 344 New-, 11;; Or children or pets. Balcony. soft kirk Road, Richmond Hill. 5 ‘ - water. central. good shopping. , Apply Metropolitan T o r 0 at o Cl“14 Personnel Dept†67 Adelalde 62 Hunt. References. MOTEL cleaning woman need- St. E., Toronto. 368-4665 or “d4 ed Sunday mornings only. 889- Green Acres Home for the ONE bedroom apt in private 4825. C1W14Aged‘ 194 Eagle Street, New- home. self contained, separate m market. c2w13 entrance. central location, Apply in person. See used car COOK-part time or full time. w manager. Don Little Ford Please apply Scott's Chicken FURNISHED room, cooking Sales Limited. 889-1105. Villa, 191 Yonge Street North.,faci1ities for working person. c2w14 Richmond Hill. tfc111884«1215. cl-w14 HELP WANTED CLASSIC LITE & SOUND Bench and Service Calls 80 Yonge Street South 884-6782 - 884-6970 TV TECHNICIAN Phone 881-1803 After 1 pm. MECHANICS (Continued) Colour Experienced HI CORPS c3w12 clw12 c1w14 c1w14 c1w14 I . v . . _ lostess SECRETARY â€" To type imam. lumen Dearoom nouse, new cial statements, transcribe cor- market» $200 Per month, 01056 - transportation. shopping and rant resnondence from dictaphone ‘0 y and perform various office row schools. Available November tines_ A minimum typing lst. Call 884-7458 anytime. speed of 60 words per minute, 02W†c1w14 dictaphone experienCE. g00d FULLY furnished apartment. ï¬g; Spelling and accuracy in typing fridge and stove, kitchen com- Apply ï¬gures are requ1red for this plete. four piece bathroom, soft position. Applicants should call water. Suit business lady. 884- 1,?322‘928-6470 for appointment. ‘3795. c1w14 EXPERIENCED appliance ser- vice technician. Leslie Appli- ance Service, 68 Yonge Street South. Aurora. 727-4681 any- time. tch 1mg and nursing aides, part time and full time in nursing home. Phone 889-2054. tfc9 THORNHILL and Richmond Hill local firm requires young energetic person. 25 to 40 years, starting salary $600 per month. with future increases. Give full particulars of your experience. Excellent opportunity for ad- vancement. Please write Box 80. "The Liberalâ€. clw14 PERSONNEL for light factory packaging. Apply to Peterson- Puritan, 8001 Keele St. N.. Mr‘. PAYROLL CLERK AND A ‘ BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Full or part-time. typing and Payroll experience helpful, car necessary. Steeles-Bayview area. Apply in writing. stating educa- tion. experience and salary or call Mr. Jagoo or Mrs. Corlett, 889-1191 or 225-1464. K. J. Beamish Construction Co. Ltd.. 7901 Bayview Ave, Thornhill. GREENHOUSE worker. steady job‘ age no barrier. Must be active. Concord Floral Co.. Hwy. 7. c1w12 SECURITY guard. full time, Aurora area. Write 431. Davis Drive. Newmarket or phone 895- 7751. c1W14 ATTENTION â€"â€" Elderly lady wanted to babysit by the week, week-ends free. in return for small apartment. portion of rent. 884-8286, after 4:45 pm. tfc13 MEN or women with good driv- ing record wanted for interest- ing work in Richmond Hill area. full or part time.‘ Contact Fred Young, Maple, 832-2634. after 6 pm. c1w14 F. Bergson. 669-1232 TAXI drivers, full time. must be 21, good driving record. Thornhill Taxi, 7711 Yonge St., 881-1717. c1w14 MILL hand required for heavy work. Apply in person to Maple Feed Mill, Railway Street, Maple. c2w13 EXECUTIVE secretary for local company president, girl Friday type with shorthand, typing, aptitude. for figures, drivers license required. Top salary for GENERAL helper, lady, part time and full time. Please apply Scott’s Chicken Villa, 191 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. a very interesting position. Apply Box 83, “The Liberal". c2w14 For discharge planning and patient contact. social service certificate desirable, hospital re- lated experience an asset. 260 bed general hospital with curâ€" rent expansion program to 420 beds. Apply Personnel depart- ment, York County Hospital, Newmarket. c1w14 IMMEDIATELY Stenographer 1 clerk for Chartered Bank in the area of Keele and No. 7 Hwy. Previous bank exnerience preferred. Phone Mr. Matthey, 669-1396. tfc14 YORK County Board of Educa- tion invites applications for: 1) Caretaker-Engineers â€" duties involve caretaking and opera- tion of boilers. Fourth Class En- gineer Certificate necessary. 2) Caretakersâ€"Caretaking skills helpful but not essential. Applicatigns are invited for the following positions at the U of T Press (Downsview). CLERK â€"- To prepare current orders for computer billing, maintain back order records and type customer reports. Grade 12 education. two years general office experience and a tYping speed of at least 40 wpm are required for this position. Applicants should call 636-2788 for appointment. SALARY for RN SALARY â€"â€" $7,204. - $8644. for Graduates. Required for 3 HOME for the AGED in Newmarket. Permanent positions with excel- HELP WANTED DISCHARGE OFFICER (Continued) REGISTERED GRADUATE NURSES _. mew. c1w14 c1w14 $8749 clw14 tfc12 tfcll cleaning lady. full and part-time. 727-4602. clwl4 BODY man to work in spare time on small fleet. 833-5038. clw14 SHORTHAND part-time, for 881-2181. LIGHT work in men‘s locker room. Thornhill area. suitable for gentleman looking for 3% day weekly employment. 889- 0091 or 884-4249, ask for Mrs. Lorrusso. clwl4 RN, relief. nursing aids and Y4VBHEDROOM house. Richmond )Hill. available Oct. 23, 297-1984. Large, luxury 1-2 Ibedrooms, pool, saunas, gym, rec. room and play grounds. 889-0271 or 889-0567. tfc46 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne. lst house east of Berks Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 OFFICE space 520 sq. ft., 18 Yonge St. N., now available. heating and air conditioning. 491-0277. tfc52 YONGE VALLEY 7471 Yonge Street - 170 Dudley Avenue FOR lease, 3.000173770707075q. ft. industrial space, Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading. 16’6‘ sion tion APARTMENTS AVAILABLE 2 BEDROOM SUITES. RENT INCLUDES HEAT. HYDRO, SOFT WATER, FRIDGE, STOVE, ETC. NEAR RICH- MOND HEIGHTS PLAZA AT 48 LAVEROCK AVENUE. QUIET ADULT BUILDING. CALL SUPT. 884-2475. tfc49 THREE bedroom house to rent. 889-9310. c3w11 TWO bedroom apartment. 6?. Hunt, $160.00, chober 1. Mat- ure adults, no pets, references. Quiet modern, soft water. 488- 0802 after 5 pm. tfc'l NEW luxurious one and two bedroom apartments. fully car- peted, Richmond Hill A-1 loca- tion. 884-1596, 884-7330 and 884-3797. tch ONE and two ments. Apply enue or phone TWO bedroom let. Thornhill. water included FURNISHED room, close to Yonge. a respectable appear- ance. 884-2649 after 7 pm. BRIGHT spacious one and two bedroom apartments $140.-$165. Adults. Yonge and Wellington, Aurora. 486-1377. c2w13 THORNHILL 3 bedroom town- house for sale or rent, separate living and dining room. kitchen with breakfast area, 1!"; wash- room. stove and fridge. close to shopping and school, 1st month free rent. Immediate posses- sion. Call 226-3253. c2w14 LARGE furnished room central Richmond Hill, close to Yonge. 884-8312. c1w12 ROOM, cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884- 4828 for appointment. th3 ROOM, furnished separate en- trance. use of living room and kitchen. 884-8285. nclwl4 THORNHILL â€"â€"â€" Sublet. three bedroom townhouse. four ap- pliances. plus drapes. Available October 14. $225. monthly. Call 889-4453. c1w14 RICHMOND HILL -â€" Flat for rent, $110. monthly, suitable for young single lady. Phone 222- 5468. clw14 NEWMARKET SIX room house. quiet district. near shopping, suit adults. 884- 4953. c1w13 THREE bedroom house, New- market. $200. per month, close to transportation. shopping and schools. Available November lst. Call 884-7458 anytime. 7’ ROOM 'house, on the North Road of Oak Ridges. $150 month. 773-4486. clv ï¬ï¬EEibiedx-oom bungalow with small stable. close to transporta- tion. 884-2756. c1w14 LARGE three bedroom town house, Benson Avenue, Rich- mond Hill. 226-4719. clw14 TWO bedroom apartment. in quiet low rise building. No children or pets. Balcony. soft water. central. good shopping. 62 Hunt. References. 488-0802. tfc14 UNFURNISHED b a s e m e n t room. $60. month. 881-1361. home' Seu email“? fepatgate Take over established home dev entrance' c e n t r a 093 ‘on' livery route, good income for aduus' 884'1263' *IWM ambitious man who can work on FURNISHED room. cookinglhis own, expand and hire more facilities for working person.ldistributors. Will train you. 884â€"1215. clw14|MI. Olsen, 884-9012. c1w14 HELP WANTED 4 WEEKS FREE RENT 5110 net. Lored Construc- Ltd. 630-9500. tfc50 clear, immediate posses- TO RENT 2 bedrooms only (Continued) typist required appointment call c2w14 apartment. sub- hydro, heat, and 889-1794. bedroom apart- 160 Es’sex Av- 884-4906. *1wl4 c3w11 c1w14 c1w13 c1w9 FURNISHED rrorom. privacy parking. 884-5269 FURNISHED roomï¬forr gentle- man. 884-6743. c1w14 SPACE for rent. 1.000 sq. ft.. suitable for office. storage or what have you. Phone 884-6161. c1w14 MODERN one bedroom base- ment apt., completely wood- panelled kitchen. bedroom. bathroom with bath. living room with fireplace. fridge and stove. Private entrance and parking. November 1. 884-8448. PRIVATE office. furnished. share telephone answering. secretarial and accounting serv- ices. Some warehouse space if required. Located in good in- dustrial unit. Keele and Hwy. 7. Good facilities and parking. Phone 669-9612. . c1w14 LARGE basement bedsitting room, completely furnished in- cluding fridge and stove. 884- 1901. clwl4 TWO bedroom iébgrtmentrï¬la Laverock. Richmond Hill. water and hydro included. 884-2973. tfcl4 APARTMENT, 2 b e d r o o m fridge. stove. at Yonge Street Available Nov. 1, $140. Adults 884-4883. c1w14 BIG furnished room. complete kitchen unit. parking. 128 Pemberton Rd., Richmond Hill. c1w14 LARGE, clean. furnished room, stove, fridge, etc. Working lady, near Richmond Heights Plaza. 884-8302. c1w14 seeks anything, preferably in- side. 884-7953. tfc14 DUTCH â€" Experienced dress- maker. alterations to both men’s and women's clothing. New dresses made from $7. up. 884- 8858. after 4 pm. c1w14 PINTO ~â€"- quiet. good natured. shown trail class. $350. or nearest offer. Days, 889-9880, Nights 884-8459. c1w14 UNFURNISHED flat. no'ir'i'd’gé or stove. in farm house, separate entrance, strictly non smokers. 832-2458. c1w14 POWER lawn mowers, tillers. snow-blowers, etc condition. 832-2065. BOOKKEEPING services in my home. Evenings 884~6236. RELIABLE woman seeks steady day work, $15. day. Thomhill. 766-9104. c1w14 APPALOOSA colt, 15 months old. well marked. $200. 884- 2579. c1w14 THREE bedroom. two storey house. large fenced backyard, central Richmond Hill. close to Yonge. 884-8312 or 884-9438. SMALL snowblower, 884-2163. clw14 MATURE woman wants house- keeping job in motherless home. Apply to Box 84, “The Liberalâ€. ' clw14 RETIRED man MARE in foal. 889-9457. c1w14 WANTED â€"- Storage space to rent, Richmond Hill - Thornhill area. dry garage. Call 225-9758. after 5 pm. tfc12 ON 10 acres, attractive large double room, private bathroom, fridge, stove, $25. weekly. 884- 5806. ‘ c1w14 LARGE three bedroom apart- ment. with fridge and stove. central location, excellent for retired couple. no pets. Call during business hours, 884-4291. c1w14 ONE and two bedroom apart- ments, one child welcome. 884â€" 1909. 402 Markham Rd., near Bayview. c2w14 BEST prices paid furniture and antiques. 773- 4581. ~ c4w11 HIGHEST cash prices or trade value paid for used furniture and appliances. Brice‘s Furni- ture 478-4175. tfc36 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime Ed Peconi & Son. Woodvllle, Ont. Licence No. 3240 - 66. EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUR OWN BUSINESS LIVESTOCK TO RENT WANTED (Continued) very active for used c1w14 c1w14 c1w14 c1w14 tfcl4 any tfc13 MON.-TUES. 8 am. to 6 p.111. WED-FRI. 9 am. to 5 pm. SATURDAY 9 am. to 12 noon roto- 884-1105-6 [RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paperhanging. interior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5153. MISCELLANEOUS?MISCELLANEOU Chimneys and fireplaces bililUCall Myles Crawford. 834-1497; and repaired. Free estimates. C13“’1~' Expert workmanship. 20 yearsï¬ï¬vm experience. Phone 884-2882. or hav cut. Fireplace wood WALKER. CONSTRUCTIOIY A 834_8948_ c4“; RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from râ€"including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€"â€" fast \service. Call “The Liberal" 884â€" {1105. nuvuuu A~yunnu u“ u-‘ u--. Open 8 am - 9 pm. §8+7716. PUPPIESâ€"â€"Male, small dog ti'clalfree to a good home, King City CARPENTRY work, recreation 8324.313 “1Ԡrooms, additions, renovations. TWO male German short-haire tile floors, and ceilings. Free pointers, 14 months old. 889 estimates. T. Price, 889-3653. _ EVIL _ {£93 PONY and donkey. good with RALPH ELMS DECORATING children. must go to good hom Painï¬na nanm‘hangine. interior.889-4577. 01W 4 Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 PLUMBING~& HEAï¬NC Roger Proulx â€"- Telephone ~â€" 884-1650. tfc24 GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions, home, of- fices. factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and inâ€" dustrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 881-2509. tfc48 PAINTING and decorating, in- terior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free estimates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 Trenching. sewer & water lines, footings. 889-3604. tfc2 WALTER LONG PLUMBfNGâ€" Efficient service at reasonable rates. PAINTING and decorating in- side and outside, repairs, car- penter work and rec. rooms, no job too big or too small. 884- 7743. thS DRESSMAKING and altera- tions. 889-5713 after 6 pm. A. J. CLAYTON MASONRY CONTRACTOR All phases of brick, block, stone and repair work. WE épeéializeln retaining walls, planter boxes and curbing. built from railroad ties. Free esti- mates. A. Hartwick 889-6338. tfc41 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. ren tions. additions, and rep Kitchens a speciality. M! Harrison. 884-2838, 1 PERRI-STYLE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Highly recommended even by friends. WHEADON PAINTING for all your interior or exterior painting. eavestroughs installa- tion and cleaning‘ minor repairs. free window cleaning with every job. Free estimates. big or small‘ 889-9056. tfc13 RON MOORE PUPPY â€"- mother St. Bernard PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Reg'd.. father Newfoundlan Interior - Exterior. Free esti-7 7 7 $30. 887-5508. ClWl mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. §MXITL German Shepherd fre “C3240 a good home. 884-1928. E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snow- mobile repairs and service Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. Plastering R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs :1 Specialty Free Estimates MARKHAM FOOT CLINIC General Care. All Foot Problems Phone for appointment: 294-2372 3 Friar Tuck Road Hwy. 7 and Robinson 488-7521 CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 PLUMBING & HEATING A! MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING PAINTING Ga PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 832-1345 â€"- MAPLE SHAMPOOING CHIMNEY§ PAINTING 884-2433 PAINTING 884-2433 884-6417 889-3185 tfc20 Thornhill renova- repairs. Morris tfc42 clwl40080 tfc18 tfc48 tfc43 tfc46 tfc50 tfc52 tfc46 tfc2 iréi§i5116 me All inâ€" cal )le. ne. :48 m- ars £5. :35 ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR FEE CAN BE ARRANGED IF NECESSARY :See our ad on Page 16. tfc39 >DAY care in my home. 884- 4985. tfcll RELIABLE day care. whilg mothers work for Christmas. Close to Charles Howitt School. 889-8449. c2w13 DAY care available in my home for a four year old. Large yard, daily walks and lunches includ- ed, Lennox and Harding area! a, DOG pick-up and delivery service 773-4368. c4w14 Sâ€"NOWPLOW sales. installation and repairs. 884-3661. \ PETS FOR SALE BOOKKEEPING and account ing services for small busi- nesses. 889-5683. tfc3£ DRUM and Percussion lessons I BABY SITTING EXPERT steam cleaning an pressure washing, tractor-traile servicing. Mobile Service Com pany. 832-8828. c4w1 YOUR personal Christmas card; designed by William Wegman Order now: Cavll Bonnie. 884-8000. tfcl3 RELIABLE part-time day care or baby sitting in my home, days or evenings. Yonge Street, Thornhill. 889-8536. c2w14 WOULD love to care for your child. 2-4 years, company for my own child. 884-1059. A 1 LITTLE REMBRANDT STUDIO 574 YONGE ST. NORTH RICHMOND HILL - 884-669 DAY CARE wanted for two school aged children. near Walter Scott School. Please call after 5:30 pm. 884-3915. FAIRLAWN Junior 8; Nursery School. 8403 Yonge Streek‘ Thornhill. Fully licensed - open all year. EOLLIES. lassie type, register ed. Phone 884-6557. clwl4 DAY CARE. Walter Scott area.‘ Call 884-1582. c1w14’ ___________’__â€" NURSERY school teacher wants to take children in day care, nice home, big garden, quiet street, 192 Duncan Rd., 881- 1361. c1w14 3606 riers RESPONSIBLE babysitter. five‘ days per week. 11:30 to 5:30, Bayview - Steeles area. 881- 0080. c1w14 All breeds. poodles. terriers and Spaniels specialty. 25 year': experience. Free pick up anc‘ delivery. Rosemary Lam! Davenport. 833-5715 or 889- THREEiï¬mnth old puppy. 884 2129. c1w14 FREEâ€"Kittens to good homes litter trained. 884-7760. HUNTERS Black-tan and English Fox Hound Pups. 2 months old, $10 each. J. Hirtz, 889-5696. ADORABLE kittens, one male one female. free to good homes litter trained. 884-5456. TON truck. available f0 PLUMBING Repairs and Renovations Call J. S. Adams 889-6806 PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING SNOW PLOWING Contracts. 884-6975 New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 grooming. poodles. ter? mutts. Betty Forsyth, 889 tfc: DAY CARE (Continued) clw c8w1 c4w1 clwl c1w14 c1w14 clwl clwl c1\\\1 Lfcl tfc tfc