Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Oct 1972, p. 7

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’62 VOLKSWAGEN as is. 884- 4206. *1w14 '62 VALIANT automatic. r'hdio. requires body work. mechanical- ly sound. Asking $50. 884â€"3534 after six. c1w14 ’55 FORD, running condition. Best offer. 222-2664. c1w14 '65 CHEV Impala. 2-door hard- top. vinyl roof, 6 cyl., standard transmission. certified. re a1 nice. 884-1375 or 101 May Avâ€" enue. “WM '65 Dodge. Phone Bruce. 832- 1434 c1w14 ‘65 VALIANT two-door .6 standard. good condition. $550. or best offer. 887-5309, after 4 nm. c1w14 '67 PARISIENNE. all power certified. $850.. days 889-7541: evenings. 223-0338. c1w14 '66 ALPHA Romeo. best offer. 884-3567 to see. c1wl4 «T6 MERCURY Montclair. breeze- way rear window. excellent shape. snow tires also. 881- 2550. c1wl4 '65 CHEV Impala, 2-door hard- top. vinyl roof. 6 cyl., standard transmission. certified. re a1 nice. 884-1375 or 101 May Avâ€" enue. c1wl4 '65 Dodge. Phone Bmaftiié: 1434. c1wl4 ‘65 VALIANT. two-door, 6 standard. good condition. $550. or best offer. 887-5309, after 4 pm. c1w14 r62 VALIANT automatic, radio, Important auction sale of high class furniture 2- -piece Chester- field in gold: 2 large chairs in blue and foot stool; walnut tea wagon: large coffee table. wai- "inut with leather top; 2 walnut drum tables; walnut whatnot table; bedroom suite; refrigera- tor; electric stove; twin beds; electric fireplace: rugs; mirrors; studio couch and bed; Chinese red plush rug 9x12; several large rugs. extra good; dishes; cooking utensils: lawn equipâ€" ment and tools. In the Town of Aurora south. opposite Gift shop on Yonge St. on Cousins Drive, No. 8, East side of Yonge, The property of Mrs. Walter Milgaie. Terms Cash. Sale at 12:30 sharp. Alvin 5. Farmer. Phone # 887-5311, Gormley Auctioneer. c2wi4 '67 CHEV 283. real good condi- tion. needs fender repair. can be financed. Apply 55A Mark- ham Road. after 5 pm, '67 CHEV hood and right front fender. good condition. 773- 4180. c1w14 '68 PLYMOUTH Road runner. Bar. hardtop sport coupe. 2< door. 383 4 barrel. Must, sell. 884-2798. c1w14 WANTEDâ€"Ride from Beverley Acres to Sheppard and Weston Rd.. arriving 8:30 a.m.. leaving 4:15 pm. Call 884-5616, after ~ vvvvvvvw 6 p.m. c2wl3 ‘ W" C- hlfifi‘wantea from Righmond 35‘“ ANNIVERSARY Hill to Hwy's 50 and 7. arriving‘ Congratulations to Mr. and‘ before 8. leaving at 5, 884-7922.}Mrs. John Dubkowski. Thorn-i c1wl4 hill. on their 35th Wedding An- w niversary. on October 3. 1972. 1"“qu From all the family. clwl4} ‘68 FORD LTD. four door hard- top. power steering and brakes. excellent condition. private. $1,150. 884-2185, after 5 pm. SEW'M“ " 'Efim ’70 DATSUN. good condition. fog lamps, stereo 8 track, 1600 eng. $1,500. 884-8388. c1w14 ’70 MGB. must sell. like new. Many extras. $1.925 or best offer. 884-6453. tfc14 ‘39 METEOR Rideau 500. vinyl roof. all power. excellent cor.- dition, $1,600 or best offer. 889- 6624. c1w14 ’69 SUPER BEE. 383. 4 barrel. 4-speed Hurst. bright metallic brown. Asking $2.000. Phone Jim. 884-9398. c1w14 ’68 BEAUMONT. 396 Hurst 4- speed, body needs minor work. Best offer. 9 Patrick Drive. Aurora. clw14 OCTOBER 7. SATURDAY â€" 12:30 p.m.. Auction Sale of furniture. garden tools. tractor. etc.. including desk. Teakwood table and other items of teak- wood. TV. items of pine. Grav- ely garden tractor (1 yr. old) various attachments for this tractor. lawn sweeper. quantity of Christmas (outdoor) lights and spotlights. many other items too numerous to mention. A very good offering for R. J. Strathy. Lot 16. Con. 3, Town of Vaughan. 1% miles south of Maple, then Li mile east on‘ Rutherford Road. Gord Orr.‘ Auctioneer. c1w14 )k THURSDAY. Auction Sale 4' * OCTOBER 12 â€" of Householdi For the recovery of black dogl ”Pall!” part collie. white chest. long‘ hair. flea collar on. answers to‘ATKINSON, Diane Kathleenâ€" Duster. Missing since Tuesday‘ At Sunnybrook Hosmtal on September 26. Richvale area. Saturday, September 30, 1972. 114 Edgar Avenue, Richvale. Diane. beloved wife of Brian 881-1797. c1W14| Atkinson, 57 Denham Drive. ’71 SINGLE snowmobile trailer. $85. 773-5912. c1wl4 SKIDOO trailer. single, 2 years old. 884-3819. *lwl4 TENT-TRAILER. Apache Fal- con, sleeps six. very good condi- tion. Asking $450. Call 889- 4453. cle ALL types of landscaping. stone work. sandy top soil and mush- room compost. Free estimates. A. Hartwick. 889-6338. tfc-H Do you have a drinking prob- lem If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call EM 6-8684. tfcl'? LOOKING for a different kind of recreation. enjoy Square Dancing western style. Rose- iawn School. Carrviile Road West. Thursday and Friday nights. For further informa- MORTGAGE coming due? Cash to consolidate bills? Low cost Isl. 2nd and 3rd mortgage money available. Call me now for fast. confidential service. Bram Ogden. Emerald Isle Real Estate Limited. 889-5651, 884- 2377. tfc23 ALTERATIOI‘TS, profipt service. work guaranteed. pick-up and delivery. 884-1928. tfcll tion call 884â€"2339 or 889-1061 LOT 58’ frontage, 330‘ deep. Rumble Ave.. backing on to Golf Course, $22,000. 223-2277. *1w14 ’71 DATSUN 1200. fastback, good mechanical condition. re- built motor, radio and snow tires. Not certified because of crack in window. $1,275. 884- 4639. c1w14 ’71 DUSTER. 2-door hardtop, 3- speed standard transmission, floor Shift. low mileage. Excel- lent condition. Best offer leav- ing country. 895-3049. after 6 pm. c1w14 ’70 DATSUN. good condition, fog lamps, stereo 8 track, 1600 eng. $1,500. 884-8388. c1wl4 ‘vidual 'travel. Call A. H. Creigh- ton Travel Agency. 889-5643. ‘ tfc47 ‘ TUITION CLASSIC guitar lessons given. 833-5028. c2wl3 SALE REGISTER OCTOBER 7. SATURDAY â€" 12:30 p.m.. Auction Sale of furniture. garden tools, tractor. etc.. including desk. Teakwood Onh'ln null A5‘1nw :‘nm1- n! Gaol)- LI-ERAL CLASSIFIED ADS Reach more prospects faster. Save time and money. LOTS FOR SALE DRESSMAKING Transportation MORTGAG GARDENING USED CARS FOR SALE PERSONAL TRAILERS FOR SALE REWARD LOST S‘rES c2w14 c1wl4 c2w13 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12 â€" Auction Sale of Household goods including large quantity of real antiques: Harvest drop leaf table: hall mirror, walnut with carving antique; 1 3-piece Chesterfield foam rubber good; square dining room table. anti- que rocking chairs. quantity of odd dishes, moustache cups. kit- chen cupboards: all kinds of tools: wood turning lathe. At Aurora. 11/: mile west on Wel- lington. lst house east of Bath- urst St. The property of Mrs. Marjorie Eyles. Terms Cash. Sale at 12 noon sharp. Alvin Farmer, phone 887, 5311. Aucâ€" tioneer. c2wl4 HUGHES Doug and Priscilla} (nee McFarlane) are proud to‘ announce the arrival of their daughter. Janice Marie. Thursday. September 14, at York Central Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. Kovacs and nursing staff. c1w14 SATURDAY.‘ OCTOBER 14 â€" Important auction sale of high class furniture. 2-piece Chester- CRUSE. Margarita â€" At her home in Richmond Hill, on Wednesday. September 27. 1972. beloved wife of the late Fritz Cruse and dear mother of Edith. Rested at the Mar- shall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill. Service was held Satur- day. Interment Richmond Hill Prsebyterian C h u r c h Cemetery. c1w14 tickets. reservations and indi PATTERSON. Frederick â€" At Toronto on Wednesday. Sep- tember 27. 1972. Fred Patter- son. beloved husband of Jes- sie Duncan, 79 Edgar Ave.. Richvale. dear father of Edna (Mrs. William P. Maybury) of Peterborough. Raymond and Austin both of Richmond Hill. brother of Elsie. Joe and Thurston, dear grandfather of six grandchildren and one great grandchild. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. North. Rich- mond Hill. Service was held Thursday, Interment Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church Cemetery. TOURS. cruises, rail and bus great grandchild. Rested at‘TOWN op RICHMOND HILL the Marshall Funeral Home} 126 Yonge St. North. Rich-1 TENDER mond Hill. Service was held For: 5 TON CAB. CHASSIS Thursday. Interment Rich- & SNOW PLOW mond H i ll Presbyterian Church Cemetery. Tenders Will be received by the undersigned on or before 12 o'clock noon . 9 PORTER. Nina Bellaâ€"At Rich- Thursday. October luth. 1972 mond Hill on Thursday. Sepâ€" for the following. témber 28. 1972, beloved wife! 1 - 5 Ton Cab 8: Chassis c/w of the late Sydney Porter of; Snow Plow and Wing Willowdale. in her 85th yearflrhe 10“, - I dear mother of Garland, E1'1necessarily accepted. leen. Walter. N915” and‘Tender forms may be picked up Judy. Rested at the Marshall!at. 56 Yonve Street North Rich- Funeral Home. 126 Yonge Stamond Hm:a Ontario. ’ N.. Richmond Hill. Service‘ was held Sunday. IntermentiR- Lynett. Clerk. Lakeview Cemetery. Midlanleown of Richmond Hill. c1w14 c1\\'l4 an i * est or any tender not Anninvraarp Emilia TKINSON. Diane Kathleenâ€" At Sunnybrook Hospital on Saturday. September 30, 1972; Diane. beloved wife of Brian Atkinson. 57 Denham Drive. Thornhill. Dear daughter of Mrs. Jean Hayes and the late, George Hayes. dear sister of Lynda Jean and Barbara Ann” Rested at the Marshall Fun- eral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Monday. Cremation. In remembrance a donation may be made to the Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society. clw14 Heartfelt thanks are express- ed to all friends. neighbors and relatives for their kind expres- ,sions of sympathy during our recent bereavement of a be- loved mother, Mrs. Nina Porter. Special thanks to the staff of Country Place Nursing Home. the nursing staff of the fourth floor York Central Hospital, Dr. Leonard Krystolovich. Rev. John McTavish. the Marshall Funeral Home. and our many ifriends at Texas Instruments. Mrs. Judith Brown and family. c1w14 it it CARD 0F THANKS ‘ The family of the late Mrs. 11 1312:1119? Zia’irthz TRAVEL u of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ran- it_som. RR 3, Uxbridge. are of pleased to announce the forth- At coming marriage of their eldest :1- daughter Sharon Louise to Mr. h- Larry Norton. son of Mr. and rs. Mrs. Lawrence Norton of Clare- lhmont. Wedding to take place in Nov. 4, 1972 at 3 o‘clock at [c_ Trinity United Church. Ux- 14 bridge. *1\V14 I wish to thank my many friends and relatives in their acts of kindness, floral tributes and words of sympathy. They were never more appreciated than at the time of the loss of my beloved husband Ross. Special thanks to nurses and staff of York Central Hospital: Dr. Bigelow, Rev. Eldon Boett- ger. Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill Legion No. 375, also the senior citizens of 75 Dufferin St. Violet Baker *1w14 CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter Pennie Jane to Mr. Michael Richard Shadwell. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shadwell of Richmond Hill on Saturday. October 7, 5 p.m.. at Richmond Hill United Church. c1w14 We wish to express our sin- cere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neigh- bors for their many expressions of sympathy in the loss of a dear son and brother,‘ David. September 26. Special thanks to the doctors and staff of the emergency ward in York Cent- ral Hospital, Dr. Socol, ambuâ€" lance attendants. Rev. David Sproule. the ACW of St. Gab- ‘riel’s Church and the staff of :the Marshall Funeral Home. Mr. and Mrs. Leith Lusk of‘ Oak Ridges are happy to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter Barbara Ellen to Christopher James Margerum. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Margerum of Oak Rid- ges. Marriage to take place October 28, 1972. at Saint Paul's United Church in Oak Ridges. c1w14 * 101 it! Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ran- som. RR 3, Uxbridge. are pleased to announce the forth- coming marriage of their eldest daughter Sharon Louise to Mr. Larry Norton. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Norton of Clare- mont. Wedding to take place Nov. 4, 1972 at 3 o‘clock at Trinity United Church. Ux- bridge. *1wl4 * it! it Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams Vaughan outshot the Rams 34-27 on the game. The score was 4-0 going into the five minute mark of the second period when Richmond Hill walked into two penalties. One player had just officially returned when Bob Harris took a pass-out from Gill and slip- ped it past Carr from right in front of the net. The determined Nats kept pressing and it was Harris again at 11:41 on another pass- out from Gill with the Rams again Shorthanded a man. This time he back-handed the puck past Carr who had no chance on the play. John Winder also picked up an assist on the play. The same two teams go back at it again this Sun- day in Woodbridge which is Vaughan's first home open- er. ' CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lam- bert of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daughâ€" ter Christine Ann to Mr. Pat- rick George Bonnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonnell of Richmond Hill. Wedding to take place October 21. 1972, at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill. c1w14 â€"Danny, Rita, Sandra and Brian Boyle. *1w14 CARD 0]“ THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Jean Cole. would like to ex- press their thanks and apprec- iation to relatives. friends and neighbors for flowers. cards and many acts of kindness, dur- ing their recent bereavement. A special thank you to the Stouffville Nursing Home. Rev- erend Dr. Dillwyn Evans of the Thornhill Presbyterian Church and the B. Ring Funeral Home, nclw14 Mrs. Wilbert Hall of Maple is pleased to announce the forth- coming marriage of her daugh- ter Lynne Marie to Mr. Rich- ard Samuel Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson, also of Maple. The marriage will take place at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church October 13 at 7 pm. c1w14 The wife ‘and family of the late John Ross would like to express their thanks and ap- preciation to relatives. friends and neighbors for flowers. cards and many acts of kindness dur- ing our recent bereavement. A special thank you to Dr. Kirby. Rev. William Wallace. York Ambulance and Kane Funeral Home. c1w14 CARD 0F THANKS Iflnrthmming flfiarmgra 11D ich- We've no red carpet to roll out; no brass band to sere- nade you. But we can help you with names and locu- tionsofschools,lists ofcom- munity facilities, shopping information and allthe other things you'll want to know about your new home town. A Welcome Wagon hostess willvisitatyourconvenienco to provide all this and gifts as well. It's all yoursâ€"freeâ€"forl telephone call to Welcome Wagon at Mrs. Watters Thornhill 881-0917 CW%V@9L w Mmlllllllllllllll“mull“llulll\lllll\ll\l\l\lll\ll\\lllll\|l\ll\l|l\l\llllllllll Voters Lists In Mail Thanksgiving Day. Monday. 0c- tober 9. 1972 being a holiday. there will be no garbage col- lection in Area 1. Collection in this area will be made on Tues- day. October 10th. In all other areas collection will be made on normal day. 0. S. WHALEN COMMISSIONER OF WORKS llllllllllll‘ll“\\l\l\lllllllll““llllllllulullllllllllllllllllllll\\l“\lll\“\\\lll Rams Down Nats 4 - 2 Home Opener Tuesday Unquestlonably the best Nat out there and maybe the best player, period, was Rob Ham's who scored both of Vaughan’s goals and was a standout all night along with llnemate Gary They were certainly helped WITNEY. Charles â€"- In loving on at least one or two occa- memory of a dear husband sions when National shots hit and father who passed away the goalpost and also by some October 5. 1965. key saves by Goalie Gary Carr. Calm and peaceful he is Big Alex Pirus led the Rams' sleeping. first and only period scoring Sweetest rest that follows pain; parade as he drove home two We who loved him sadly miss goals. Pat Hughes. one of the him. best Ram players out there. But trust in God to meet again. scored one with Dave “Digger" â€"Lovingly remembered by Dunkley scoring the other one. wife Pauline. daughter Zillah John Lumley garnered two as- and son Edward. *1w14 sists and played a good game. 'â€"â€" Home Opener Tuesday MORRISON â€" In memory of‘ Mr . _ . a dear husband and father,:Quan Rlchmond H111 Junlor "A" Bill. who passed away Octo-‘happl Rams stormed to a 4-0 first pe- bet 6, 1964. ment riod lead over Vaughan Nation- We cannot halt the hand of Jane als in Tuesday night‘s opener time son t here and then hung on to pull Or live again the past. Calde out a 4-2 win. Within our hearts are memories marri It was a strange game in the That will forever last ‘33 3 It was a strange game in the sense that the Rams were out- shot in every period but still seemed to have reasonabe con- trol of the contest. Gill If you have not been enu- merated or if there is an error in your name as it appears on the printed list the returning officer or any of the three political parties should be notified. Mr. Bailey may be reached at 884-1054. Richmond Hill plays North York this Friday night in North‘ York and then plays host Tuesday night to the North Bay Trappers. Lists of voters in the federal election called for October 30 will be mailed this week to every house- hold which has been enum- erated according to York North Returning Officer Brian Bailey, whose offices are at 70 Newkirk Road. The telephone number for the Liberal campaign headquarters is 226-4811. for the Progressive Con- servatives 884-8138 and for the NDP 884-9681. John Farrow will sit at Richmond Hill High School (not the municipal offices) October 11. 12 and 13 from 11 am to 12 noon and from 7 to 10 pm. Re- vising Officer John Lawlor will sit at 70 Newkirk Road on the same days and dur- ing the same hours. Contrary to the informa- tion given by Mr. Bailey last week, Revising Officer . JUST ARRIVED? We‘ve no red carpet to roll out; no brass band to sere- nade you. But we can help you with names and loca- tions of schools, lists of com- munity facilities, shopping information and allthe other things you'll want to know about your new home town. A Welcome Wagon hostess willvisitatyourconvenienco to provide all this and gifts as well. It's all yoursâ€"freeâ€"ioro telephone call to Welcome Wagon at Mrs. Watters Thornhill 881-0917 l l l i l .AAAAAAA‘ 7: 1972 between the hours of 10:00 o'clock and 12:00 am. and one hour previous to the time of sale. Terms and Conditions: 1.Each property is being offer“ 3. The purchaser ed for sale subject to a re- serve bid. .The purchaser will be re- quired on the day of sale to make a deposit in an amount equal to 10 per cent of the purchase price by cash or certified cheque made pay- able to the York County Board of Education. will be re- quired forthwith to sign an Agreement of Purchase and Sale. The deposit cheque will be held in trust and the pur- chaser will be given 30 days to examine the title at his own expense. If within that time, any valid objection to title is made in writing to the Board. which it shall be un~ able or unwilling to remove and which the purchaser will not waive. the Agreement shall terminate not withstand- ing any intermediate acts or negotiations with respect to such objections. .The balance of the purchase price shall be paid in cash or certified cheque on closing at the expiration of the 30 day period. Gordon Orr Auctioneer Chairman Ross 5. Jolliffe Director of Education S. L.G. Chapman GARBAGE COLLECTION: Tank WATER SUPPLY: Dug Well. Buildings will be open for in- spection on Saturday, October Following dessert and coffee a short business meeting was held regarding future meetings. Also, it was reported that there are three study groups which meet regularly. two book clubs and a French Conversation Club. The October meeting will be held at Kingcraft on the 23rd of that month. Sealed tenders will be received by Mr. R. Lynett, Clerk, until 4:00 pm. on Thursday, October 12th, 1972 Tender plans and specifications may be obtained from the Eng- ineering Department upon a de- posit of $10.00. A certified cheque for 10% of the tender amount must accompany each tender and the successful bidder will be required to provide a 10007 a Performance Bond upon execution of the contract agree- ment. Lowest or any tender not nec- essary accepted. R. Lynett. Clerk, Town of Richmond Hill, 56 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Building - solid brick on poured concrete foundation. New Building - solid brick on concrete foundation HEATING: Hot Air (oil fired) SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Septic A very successful dessert and coffee party was held for the University Women‘s Club of York County at the home of Mrs. David Fayle. Elizabeth Street. Richmond Hill. Septem- ber 25. â€"A1ways remembered by his wife Rena and family. University Women Enjoy Dessert Party Tank WATER SUPPLY: Drilled Well STRANGE SCHOOL At the premises 11:30 am. E.D.S.T., Part of Lot 7, Con- cession 5, Township of King LOT SIZE: 3.048 acres more or less BUILDING SIZE: Original Building 1,502 square feet more or 1e55 New Building - 3,054 square feet more or less CONSTRUCTION: 0 ri g i n a l â€"Lovingly remembered by wife Pauline. daughter Zillah and son Edward. *1w14 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION AUCTION SALE OF RURAL SCHOOLS SATURDAY, OCT. 14, 1972 PEFFERLAW SCHOOL At the premises 10:00 am. E.D.S.T.. Part of Lot 22, Concession 5, Township of Georgina LOT SIZE: 1.274 acres more or less BUILDING SIZE: 2,329 square feet more or less CONSTRUCTION: Brick Ven- eer on Poured Concrete Foun- dation HEATING: Hot Air (oil fired) SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Septic 3n memoriam’ Engagvmpnta TENDER. FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF 270 FEET 0F SANITARY SEWER *1w14 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd George Quance of Richmond Hill are happy to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Mary- Jane to Richard Joseph Calder. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Calder of Downsview. The marriage will take place Octo- ber 14 in Emmanuel Anglican Church. Richvale. c1\\‘14 34 YONGE ST. S. â€" 884-1955 661 Middle age, abstainer, doesn’t smoke or drink wants steady employment for the next 20 years. Preferably in Richmond Hill. 40 hour week, days till 6 pm. Presently employed for past 7 years with a Men's & Boys’ Wear Chain. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS in the New Arena and Shinny ‘Hockey from 4 to 5:45 in the Old Arena. Also Free Skating in the Old Arena each Wednesday from 1 pm. to 3 pm No goal keeping equipment allowed for Shinny Hockey. The Free Skating starts Tuesday, October 10 and Wednesday, October 11. Oak Ridges Arena will have Shinny Hockey from 4 to 5:45 starting Monday, October 9, and Free Skating from 1 pm. to 3 pm. and from 4 to 5:45 starting Wednesday, October 11. The Richmond Hill Parks and Recreation Com- mittee Announces Free Skating for Adults and children every Tuesday afternoon fromr4 to 5:45 oBUSINESS MACHINES - OFFICE FURNITURE KAYDON BUSINESS MACHINES 29 YONGE ST. N. â€" RICHMOND HILL 884-6524 0 881-0741 FREE SKATING IMPERIAL SERVICE CENTRE Gordon S. Wood “Fitted to your Eye Doctor’s Prescription” REPLY BOX NO. 79, “THE LIBERAL" ’VE DECIDED ” BUSINESSMAN FULL and PART TIME 5 DAY WEEK MEDICAL PLAN 2 WEEKS’ ANNUAL PAID VACATION OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT EXPERIENCE PREFERRED BUT NOT ESSENTIAL GLASSES Special Student Rates on Typewriters A Free Opinion. Ad space provided by Committee For Stevens, Box 333, Aurora PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT 832-2248 PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS HWY. 400 -â€" MAPLE RICHMOND HILL Rent to Purchase ‘ Ssso requlres The Town of Richmond Hill requires crossing guards at various locations - 4 hours daily. Application forms available at Clerk’s Office, 56 Yonge Street North. This will be the first time that I have voted in 3 fed- eral election. but having heard the candidates’ views I’m convinced that Sinclair Stevens will do the job in Ottawa that hasn‘t been done in the past. I've decided ~â€" the Progressive Conservatives are the best government for Canada. School Crossing Guards KEN LON EY, University Student THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Oct For a modern Volkswagen dealership, excellent working conditions and fringe benefits. Individual hoists. previous Volkswagen experience an asset but not necessary. will retrain. Contact Mr. Mahler or Mr. Oblak for interview: Call 294-4141 - Toronto Line 297-2421 Now RENTING c AM E o P LA CE « APARTMENTS LEN PUGH REAL ESTATE LTD. MARKHAM VOLKSWAGEN N0. 7 HWY. & LAIDLAW BLVD.. MARKHAM. ONT Air conditioned, Central Yonge Street location in Richmond Hill The only prestige building in town. Only a few two bedroom and one bedroom suites left. \ RICHMOND HILL - 4 Bedrooms $5,000 down, 100 ft. lot with mature walnut, maple and evergreen trees surround this spacious home in popular community area. Family size kitchen, 2 baths and attached garage. Listed at $33,900.00. Call Jack Reid, 884-8183 or 297-1270. GORMLEY 87 ACRE ESTATE 14 Room Farm House Pennsylvania dutch charm and pride of century long family ownership characterizes this prop- erty. The buildings are located on a high eleva- tion giving a commanding View of the entire estate. Frontage on Don Mills and future 404 makes this a most exciting investment. For inspection by appointment call Ron Elliott 884- 8183 - 297-1270. I I9 ornas SERVING in: ’sfiiflifl INDUSTRIAL SITES TANKOOS, YARMON LTD. For appointment, call 297-1777 MIHOREAN & DAHL-JENSEN LTD.. Realtox No.7 HIGHWAY â€" UNIONVILLE OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Essex Twm Towers Required by specializing For Sale or owner will build for lease SALESMEN 216 ESSEX AVE.. RICHMOND HILL CALL 884-7216 or 889-6621 CLASS “A” MECHANIC WANTED .CONTACT BRYDON ELLIS AT 884-4466 8 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO 363-5086 OR 884-3905 FULLY SERVICED Full M.L.S. privileges 1 TO 20 ACRES 22 year-old Real Estate film, in farms, homes and estates. _ - 889-9310 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ONE BEDROOM SPECIALS $137.50 MONTHLY Bright sunny kitchens. large master bedroom. elevator, broadloomed halls. free hy- dro. drapes, sauna bath, and parking. ONE-TWO BEDROOMS CORNER COLBORNE AND MARKHAM Across from Allencourt Plaza 1972

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