889-6662 16 J oscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 121 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-4474-5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines, Ont. - 684-1177 Outside ï¬ghting maintenance Equipped with ladder work All commercial. residential and industrial wiring. Hydro elec~ trical modernization plan avail- able Brian H. Cowen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) BOSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 LEONARD R. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL William J. Salter ALL RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL WIRING FREE ESTIMATES EVENIN GS 884-4049 Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists AC - DC ELECTRICS PHONE 884-8475 Design Drawings Remodelling Plans Construction Advisory Free Estimates Chartered Accountant P.0. Box 332 Kleinburg. Ont. 893-1977 55 Yonge Street North Phone: 889-8275 884-8651 Auto Transmussmn Construction Consultants Finlay Electric SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants 887-5720 - 889-2741 84 Yonge St. S. Aurora. Ontario Lenok Blachine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 Engineering Electrical Contractors Carpentry CUSTOM WORK CALL PEB ROBERTS COMPANY 884-6253 FREE ESTIMATES STEAMFITTING WELDING THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 12, 1972 884-6663 Call any time 881-2509 NEW GARMENTS IN STOCK OR CUSTOM MADE JUST FOR YOU. Ernie Brock 8. Son Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. 7571 YONGE STREET THORNHILL - 889-0805 Service centre for all makes of lawn and garden equip- ment. Free pick-up and delivery. Motor Vehicle Finance Service TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. Van Dyke - Aborist 5931 Yonge St. Willowdale (at Cummer) 225-0801 or 225-4442 Serving in the Thornhill & Richmond Hill Areas Since 1960 Toronto 363-35 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 TELEPHONE 727 â€9488 9 Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. Authorized Consumers’ Gas Contractors FURNACES â€" WATER HEATERS AND AIR CONDITIONING REPAIRS RESTYLING ALTERATIONS HEATING and Air Conditioning Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 or 832-2445 Res. 832-1224 THE LAWN MOWER SHOP 24 hour service to all of York County Corner Agency Limited Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. E. 1V Heating Co. 889-0506 - 884-7977 Fire, Auto and Liability Fire, Auto and Liability Rear 47 Yonge Street 5. Aurora. Ontario Insurance - Mortgages Lawnmower Repaus 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Res. 727-2737 Insurance Forestry 884-7774 Furrier FINN FURS CO. CUSTOM FURRIER LTD. MAC 363-3959 'Office supplies Sealed tenders properly marked will be received by the under- signed until 11:00 a.m. on October 31. 1972 for the demolition or removal of the following buildings: ‘ West Side of Bathurst Street. ‘ approximately 300 feet South of Regional Road No. 11. Part Lot 5, Concession 2. Township of King, Ontario, 3 D2 storey frame residence. upon a tender form PROVIDED MOTOROLA AT THE OFFICES OF THE COMMISSIONER OF ENGIN- EERING. 1M1 miles north of the Aurora Sideroad on the Don Mills Road or Post Office Box 296. Newmarket. Ontario. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders shall be DELIVERED TO THE CLERK‘S OFFICE. 2nd Floor North. 62 Bayview Avenue, Newmarket, Ontario. Garfield E. Wright Chairman CENTRAL LEASING o TRUCKS! o TRACTORS!§ o TRAILERS! _ C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-9295 884-9296 889-5729 Furniture. Office Supplies. Social Stationery Summer Hours Monday to Friday 8:30 am. to 5 pm. Closed Saturday during July and August only Sporting Goods Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Hourly Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop Truck Rentals THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Tender For Demolition or Removal of Building No. DR-72-4 Optometrists . W. Kirchen, DD. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 24 HOUR SERVICE CALL 889-5101 CENTRAL LEASING by PETER SMITH York Home TV PHONE 889-1646 Bookkeeping Service for , Small Businesses Income Tax Returns H. B. FISHER Office Supplies THORNDALE BUSINESS SERVICES TV Service (And Other Makes) Richmond Hill By Appointment COLOR QUASAR TV SERVICE: 884-3962 889-8051 Robert N. Vernon Regional Clerk their price . . . the Chinese making up their minds. Finally John learned the Canadians effected a con- tract for $700,000. At the same time a large Can- adian tobacco company represented at the trade show, sold a contract in the amount of $400,000. John said this made China Canada’s largest export- ing nation in tobacco. Life is like this: While John Graham had trav- elled on his own throughout the greater part of his trip (the two Australians we mentioned last week teamed up with him at Canton), there were other Canadians in Canton too. One evening, as part of the Chinese itinerary (arranged by the government for all guests), John attended a Red Guard concert “And although the show was loaded with propa- ganda," John said, “it was a truly fascinating pro- gram for Westerners to view. The ballet was beauti- ful and skillfully done, as was the Chinese folk-danc- ing. . All in a theatre as large as Toronto’s_Massey During intermission, John turned to look at the jam-packed crowd, and, of all things, saw a former college friend in the audience, Bill Heath of T0- ronto. (Note: The reference to Dr. Norman Bethune last week, should of course, have referred to him as a “revered†Canadian). mg. . Hall." In The Spotlight So ething for unllr nnmmnnuh: nnllnnn â€"â€"_â€"_â€"_â€"_â€" ..................... Saturday, October 14 Seneca's King Campus sponsors q‘n invitational cross- country race. Junior. intermediate and senior divisions. Open to all high school studentsâ€"trophies and awards! Refreshments available on the campus. King Campus beginning at 1 pm. Seneca 5 Special Evenls Saturday, October 14 Art displays, cralt exhibits. pony rides. an antique show and other special attractions-something tor the whoie tamily at Seneca's beautiful King Campus. Dance in the Pavilion in the evening. Refreshments available. King Campus beginning at 10 am. Seneca 5 Theatre Ballet Theatre Contemporain Friday, Saturday, Sunday â€" October 13, 14 and 15 Founded in 1968, this outstanding French dance com- pany will present its repertoire of contemporary ballet on the Seneca stage as part of a tour across Canada. A valuable addition to Toronto's dance season. Minkler Auditorium at 8:30 pm. Reserved Seats: $3.50 and $4.50 Seneca 5 Sailing Canadian College Invitational Sailing Championship Seneca 5 Cross-Coumry Racing Saturday, October 21 Over 200 Seneca students will receive their diplomas In this traditionally colorful ceremony. You‘re invued. Mink/er Auditorium at 1:30 pm. Admission Iree Saturday and Sunday, Oclobar14 and15 Five colleges vie lor honours on the beaulilul lake right on the college‘s King Campus. Come . . . enjoy a day in the out-ol-doors . . . an exhilarating day in the country. Relreshments available on the campus. King Campus at 2 (am. both days Seneca 5 Graduate: Saturday, October 21 A lestive occasion celebvatlng Seneca 5, Fall Convoca- tion, and the vitality ot Seneca College in the commu- nity. Rob McConnell and the Boss Brass wrll play for your enjoyment in the spacious new lobby of Phase III. Lobby, Phase III, from 9 pm. to 1 am, Tl'ckets: $5 per couple -â€" at the Auditorium Box Ofï¬ce Sunday, October 15 Symbollzing the development of Seneca College which began at the Sheppard Campus. the 20-car motorcade of public ofï¬cials and college dignitaries leaves the Sheppard Campus at 2:30 pm. travels to the Finch Campus, then leaves Finch at 4:30 pm. tor Seneca's new King Campus. Motorcade teatures seven spectacular antique cars courtesy of Creven A. Motorcade route is detailed below Motorcade Route: From Sheppard Campus, east on Sheppard to Don‘Mills Road; north on Don Mills Road to Finch Avenue; east on Finch to the Finch Campus. Then west on Finch to Yonge, north on Yonge to Oak Ridges, west on King Sideroad to Dutterin Street, and north on Dutterln to King Campus. King Campus High School Cross-country Race King Campus Fun-and-lnlerest Day Sense: 5 Dancing Seneca 5 Molorcado Thlï¬all Seneca College mark. m Mlh ennivernary with a week of special events planned especially for you. It‘s Seneca 5! Fall Convocation Official Fifth Anniversary Motorcade Seneca 5 Business Seneca â€" your community college Come . . . celebrate with Seneca. It’s a week at open house events lor everyone to enioy - theatre, tilms. concerts, presentations, dieplays and demonstrations, warts and cultural events â€"- at Seneca’s three campus locntlons â€" Sheppard . . . Finch . . . King. Seneca 5 Flypul Sunday, October 15 Adding drama and excitement to anniversary celebra- tions and the Seneca 5 Motorcade. tour Seneca aircraft will fly past each campus location to mark otticial cere- monies. Watch ior the Cherokee Arrow, the Cessna 310, the Cessna 172 and Breezy. Seneca's own student-built experimental airplane. Breezy looks like an ingenious combination ot a Piper Cub and the Wright Brothers! Sheppard at 2 pm, Finch at 3 pm, King at 5:30 pm. Danceâ€" "’5 tor the Whole Community Monday. October 16 Seneca College's Business Division otters a series 0' demonstrations, workshops, tours and consultations with faculty members and students. See and heat about computer-assisted instruction and the newest techâ€" niques in business management and administration. Finch Campus beginning at 3:30 pm. Flypast by Four Seneca Aircraft Monday: The Business Division Seneca 5 Computer Sludlox Monday. Celebs: 18 V A multi-media presentation, computer displays and demonstrations have been arranged by Seneca‘s Com puter Studies Division in the Phase II Common Room. There'll also be special screenings of 'Hot Millions'. a ï¬lm in the MinklerAuditorium at2 pm., 3:30 p.rn. and 5 pm. Finch Campus beginning 312 pm. Monday: Computer Studies Division Seneca 5 I: a time for celebralion. If; for you! (Continued from Page 2) Tuesday, October 17 Applied Arts at Seneca has prepared an exciting series of events for Tuesday â€" a fashion show, children's art display. law enforcement demonstrations, student films and slide presentations. panel discussions on library techniques and social services. Finch Campus beginning at 3:30 pm. Thursday: Engineering Technology Division Tuesday: Applied Arts Division Seneca 5 Liberal Studies Wednesday: Liberal Studies Division Wednesday. October 18 The character of this division is to be symbolized by presentation at an Italian Festival ieaturing painters. sculptors. a choir, dance group, orchestra, costumes. flags, a doll collection. films. book displays and a dis- play of Italian media. There‘ll be a geology display. too. Finch Campus beginning at 3:30 pm. Wednesday: English and Communications Division Seneca 5 Applied Am Seneca 5 English and Communication! Wednesday. October 18 _ Tours of the Seneca television studio and screen arts projection centre have been arranged. together With presentations of student ï¬lms and consultations with taculty. A book display by Canadian publishers, too. Finch Campus beginning at 3:30 pm. Seneca 5 Engineering Technology Thursday, October 19 Engineering laboratories will be open lor tours and demonstrationsr There'll be technical directors‘ work- shops. Seneca‘s flight simulator will be on display. And you should look lor the air traffic control demonstration Finch Campus beginning at 3:30 pm. Seneca 5 Open House Saturday and Sunday. October 14 and 15 Sheppard's Open House commences Saturday With special displays. children's films, and an opportunity for students. their laminae and friends to visit the college. That evening â€" dinner and a dance. Sunday aflemoon, open house continues with a short ceremony at 2 p.l'n. officially recognizing Sheppard Campus as the place where it all began. Sunday's Motorcade moves on trom Sheppard immediately lollowing this ceremony. Sheppard Campus both days beginning at 2 pm. Open. House at Sheppard Campus | Mrs. Clarence Bass has re-' 'turned from a visit with her brothers and sisters-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Art Ollivier of New Liskeard. and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ollivier of Rutherglen. Ambrose Pullen has moved to lWhitchurch-Stouffville. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sider were guests at the wedding of their friend, Miss Maureen Beaton. in Ottawa Saturday. Neighborhood News Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sider were guests at the wedding of their friend, Miss Maureen Beaton. in Ottawa Saturday. Mrs. Delbert Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baker and family spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baker and family of Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. David Empring- ham will be happy to receive their friends at Open House in honor of their 60th wedding an- niversary at Victoria Square Hall on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Clarence Bass has re- Mrs. Charles Milsted at- tended the funeral of her cousin. Jim Wroggett at Dun- dalk on Wednesday afternoon. Church News The Annual Homecoming and Anniversaiy services will be held at Heise Hill Church Sun- day with Bishop Eric Swalm. as special speaker. The Hisey Family Singers from Creemore. will sing. 1n the 7 pm service. they will be joined in the Eve- ning Hymn Sing by the Harmo- naires Quartet, The Gospelaires and other local talent. Every- one is invited. Mr. and Mrs. David Empring- ham will be happy to receive their friends at Open House in honor of their 60th wedding an- niversary at Victoria Square Hall on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sprox- ton spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Don Sproxton of To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doner had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon McIlroy of Gowanstown. and supper with Mrs. Anna Heise of Palmerston on Thurs- day. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone 887-5445 GORMLEY NEWS The Intermediate Ladies‘ Sewing Circle met Monday night in the Fellowship Hall of Heise Hill Church. The Ladies‘ Sewing Circle met all da_\ Wednesday in the Fellowship Hall of the Mission- ary Church. Miss Betty Sproxton is busy doing missionary deputation work with Christian and Mis- sionary Alliance churches in the Burlington area. A number of ladies attended the annual WMS fall rally at Faith Missionary Church in Kitchener on Tuesday. Seneca 5 Ofï¬cial Opening. Sunday. October 15 Tours of the new Phase [II building will contInue throughout the afternoon. See the spacious lobby, studio theatre boutiques bank. the planetarium unique screen arts projection centre, film studio and cafeterias. Films, displays and teaching faculty will be ready to answer your questions tell abouf your community college Computer demonstration fashion show. engineering lab tours. law enforcement demonstrations, flight simu- lation videocentre, and an Italian Festival. OffIcial opening ceremonies in the main foyer at about 4 p m. Tours from the main foyer, Finch Campus, 2 pm. to 5 pm. Official Opening: New Phase III Building Sunday, camber 15 The central core budding of Seneca's Finch Campus‘ Phase III, will be declared officially open on Sunday afternoon. Main onar, Finch Campus, at approximately 4 pm. Seneca 5 Ofï¬cial Openings Seneca 5 Ofï¬cial Opening: Sunday, October 15 Seneca College's third campus location near King any. the former Eaton estate, will be declared ollicially open later in the aflemoon on Sunday. Main Entrance, Ealan Hall, at approximately 5:30 pm. Seneca 5 Open House Open House at Finch Campus Official Opening: New King Campus Official Opening: Sports Centre Sunday. October 15 Seneca‘s magnificent new Sports Centre on the Pinch Campus will be otlicially opened Sunday atternoon. Mam Entrance, Sports Centre, a! app/oxymarely 3.45 pm. Seneca 5 Film Pruanlanonl Special Program Monday, October 10 As a special event marking the celebration oi iive years as the community college of North York and York Region, Seneca presents a special screening of three great Canadian films, Rape of a Sweet Young Girl. The Only Thing You Know, and Breathing Together: Revolution at the Electric Family. Minkler Auditorium beginning at 7:30 pm. Admission:31 before 9 p.m.; 75¢ thereafter YONGE-STEELES MOTORS Feel free to ‘ callon me any- ‘ time, with any insurance need you may have. In many cases I can save you some money. Don is no newcomer to the service station business. He brings with him 24 years of experience. Old and new friends alike are invited to come in and see Don for a refreshing approach to all their motoring needs. MR. DON SOMMERVILLE as the new manager of their FINA SERVICE STATION AT 7092 YONGE ST.. WILLOWDALE TELEPHONE 889-5564 Monday. October 16 Professional tennis exhibition at 8 pm. in the gym- nasvum, featuring two former Canadian Davis Cup players â€" Keith Carpenter and John Sharpe. Seneca Flyers meet Whitby in Junior A hockey at 8 pm. in the arena. Admission: Tennis â€" 81; Hockey â€" $1.75 at the door. Tundey, Oclobor 11 Seneca is matched against St. Clair College on the Seneca ï¬eld at 3:30 pm. Then at 8 pm., We the NHL Oldlimers vs. Seneca Braves in the arena. Men's ' Volleyball: top local teams compele lor the Seneca Challenge Cup in the gym at 8 pm. Admission: Soccer â€" 31; Hockeyâ€" 31eHha door; Volleyballâ€" two for $1. Figure Skating and Women’s Gymnastics Wednesday, October 16. at 8 pm. In the Seneca arena, a ï¬gure skating exhibition par excellence, featuring Karen Magnussen and many others. In the gymnasium, Canada's tinestwomenv gymnasts, the Winstonettes. including all members of Canada's 1972 Women‘s Olympic Gymnastic Team, at 8 pm. Coached by Marilyn Savage. Admission: Figure Skating -- $1; Gymnastics - 81 at the door Thuuday, October 19 The Kalev-Estienne Gymnasto. whose poolically beauti- 1ul movements have thrilled thousands of Canadians, appear at 8 pm. under the direction oi Evelyn Koop. Hockey practice may be viewed iroe in the arena between 4:30 pm. and 6:30 pm. Then at B p.m., watch free exhibition hockey by the Metropolitan Toronto Hockey League. Admission: Hockey â€" hoe; Gymnasis â€" $1 at the door Seneca 5 Sport: Evonls Badminton, Hockey, Field Hockey, Handball Sunday, October 15 Women‘s Field Hockey on the Seneca ï¬eld an p.m4 Protessional Badminton Exhibition at 2 pm. in the gym- nasium featuring the Canadian team to China. Metro- ' politan Toronto Hockey League in exhibition hockey at 2 pm. in the avena. Team Handball: U.S. Champions Vt. Eastern Canadian All-Stars at 7 porn. Admission: Hockey - tree; Badminton and Handball - $1 at the door Seneca 5 Spam Events Soccer, Hockey and Volleyball Sanecn 5 Sport: Event. Scnoca 5 Spam Events Thunday, celeb-r 19 Featuring Paula Moreno. Spanish dancer; David Phillips, flamenco guitar. » Mink/er Audilorium 1mm 12 noon to 2 pm, no charge Hockey and Modern Gymnastics Sense: 5 Sport: Evonls Friday, Ociobor 20 Seneca plays Cambtian in hockey in the arena at 2 pm. Then at 8 pm. there's college toolball under light: as Seneca is pitted against Sheridan. The ice arenai\s open tor free public skating 110m 8 pm. on. Admission: Foolbpll â€" 31; Hockey â€" $1 at the door The new King Campus (tmmerly Eaton Hall Farm) [0 easy to gel to. It you‘re driving, travel along the King Sidevoad heading west on Yonge Street at Oak Ridges, or east on Highway 400 at the King exit. Whan you come to Dutterin Street, turn north tor two miles to tho King Campus. Look tor the Seneca sign on the west sude. Seneca 5 Spam Evonls Football, Hockey and Public Skating Seneca's Sheppaid Campus is conveniently located near the corner of Sheppard Avenue and Yonge Street. And its main location, the Finch Campus. is a! Finch Avenue and Woodbine aliha top end at the Don Valley Parkway. Thursday, October 19 An evening of outstanding entertainmentwith an into!- national tlavour â€" mqsic, dgpcing, §kgtchea and alnging . . . African, West Indian. Chinese. Italian and Macedonian themes. National dress, national food: and dancing in the Common Room after the show. Mink/er Auditorium at 8:30 pm. Admission:$1 at the door Tuesday, Octohlr 17 Featuring Martin Polten and Lenny Braau. William McCauley conducting. Mink/er Auditorium at 5:30 pm, no charg- Seneca 5 Free Cancun: Chicho Valle and Orchestra For further information or details about Seneca and Seneca 5, call 491-5050. Persons in York Region, call 884-9901, or Zenith 31200 (toll-tree) Sunset: 5 Special Evonh Seneca 5 Fm Concerts Professional Tennis, Junior Hockey Here’s the Location of Seneca College Campuses Guitars and Strings International Night Allsule Insurance Companies of Canada. Toronto. Ont. "We’re Neighbors†is pleased to announce the appointment of Allstate JOE LYN AM BUS. 491-6969 RES. 889-0171