Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Oct 1972, p. 23

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FPUBLIC AUCTION -. RICHMOND HILL HYDRO What is family-size hot water? “JOE DUO" DINING & DANCING ‘I'O It’s' enough hot water . . . enough hot water for all the baths. showers, dish washings. floor washings and laundries that it takes to keep your family and your home sparkling clean. Cascade will give you family-size hot water, because it’s designed for the job. The electrical industry put years of research into the Canadian family’s hot water needs. Cascade was the resultâ€"built by qualified manufacturers to rigid specifications to assure you of dependability and complete satisfaction. Get the Cascade with the capacity that's right for you and enjoy hot water family-size. Cascade, the clean, safe, efficient, electric water heater. COMMENCING THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY OCTOBER 12th to 14th 9 RM. to 1 AM. m frlndliiit Plan in III! We have been instructed to liquidate a large consign- ment of fine. Persian. Afghan. Chinese and Indian car- pets. originally consigned to a European Buyer on credit terms. Now the creditors and the bankers of East India Kirman Trading Co. have ordered immed- iate liquidation. Prestige Auction Club has been en~ trusted with this task. (2nd Street North of Steeles A\'e.. East off Woodbine) 0N Sunday, Oct. 15, 1972 at 2 p.m. INSPECTION AT 1:30 DAY OF SALE “GERRY MANN" (1 light north of Steeles on Woodbine Ave. ALL NEW GOODS Ample Free Parking â€" Membership Fee and Admission 25c Conducted by Prestige Auction Club For further details phone 653-1177 Attend Auction Sales â€" Your Best Value In Practical Entertainment either rental or purchase call for fast installation, Forced by creditors and bankers of EAST INDIA KIRMAN TRADING CO. NO MINIMUM OR COVER CHARGE 383 YONGE ST. N.. RICHMOND HILL 884-9171 PERSIAN RUGS BL AC K M0?“ OR INHAWK N FIRE FIGHTERS CLUB AND OTHER FINE ORIENTALS ENTERTAINS NIGHTLY IN Geronimo’s Fun Room \‘ \§\\ 499-1918 44 ESNA PARK DRIVE 884-4466 THE GREAT NORTH-VILLA TAVERN 323 DENNISON ST. 7 mmuuu“tum\mumummumumuuIuummuumumuumluuu AURORA: The proposed rail- way museum which received a lot of publicity in 1967 may not be dead after all. Councillor Pete Miller and Jack Moore who headed the 1967 commit- tee would like to see the pro- posal revived and a committee of council named to be in charge. muuumuuuumummmumumunmunumlmuuuuuummuum 2 Catholic Seats Bd. Of Education In their searching they dis- covered that the region does not have a camera club. so Allan Stokell of Oak Ridges, treasurer of the COO, is calling the first meeting to begin at 7:30 pm Monday in Roseview Commun- ity Centre, 121 Yonge Street South at Markham Road in Richmond Hill. Mr. Stokell. an avid photog- rapher for the past ten years and now assistant manager of a photographic shop in Willow‘- dale, is also a representative to the provincial conference on man and resources sponsored by the Ministry of the Environ- ment. The new club. says Mr. Sto- kell, will not be affiliated with any other club or national or international federation. It will be open to all residents of the region‘ whether they own a camera or not. and will make some special equipment such as electronic flash units avail- able on loan for a small rental The Region of York is to have its own camera club. thanks to the efforts of a group of York residents who call themselves “The Company of Others." The C00 is a federally chartered non-profit organization formed to be "Community Catylists" in suburban and rural areas; Sidemad. is at work preparing' Some Services. Said Mr. a pamphlet to let people know Young are “0‘ giVen mUCh DUb- what, help is available andlicity for fear they will be where to go for it. The tasklswamped with applications they force is also trying to bringicannot fulfill. As an example all helping services tagether‘he cited the homemaker serv- to encourage co-operatjon and ices which are handled through to help in eliminating duplica- the regional welfare Office. He cited a number of serv- ices which had been initiated by the social planning council and are now operating under region- al sponsorship or volunteer boards of directors. These in- clude the Richmond Hill Day Care Centre, Richmond Hill and Thornhill Family Services, the Youth Aid Centre. Meals-on- Wheels, Helpâ€"mate information services. A task force of representa- tives of the Town of Richmond Hill. from Highway 7 to CFRB Sideroad‘ is at work preparing a pamphlet to let. people know what. help is available and tion The social planners are at pgesent working with the fam- ily service agency in assessing Region Of York To Have Its Own Camera Club The Wednesday Morning Unit of Richmond Hill UCW had invited Mr. Young, rector of Emmanuel Anglican Church. Richvale. to explain the func- tions of the social planning council. In his two‘and one half years in the community. said Mr. Young. it has been gratifying to see the concern and involve- ment of clergy and church peo- ple aiming for social improve~ ment. The three basw priorities 3 recommendation that a famâ€" facing social planning and comâ€" ily planning clinic be estab- munity service groups in Yorkilished in the area. Region are to inform the. pub- Although nearly two years lie of services available. to fill have passed since the advent the gaps where essential serv- of regional government in Jan- ices are lacking. and to avoid.uary 1970. many residents on duplication of services. Thislthe fringes of the new enlarged was the consensus at the con-‘town feel a little bit like out- clusion of aimeeting in Rich-isiders still. said Mr. Young. mond Hill at which Richmond; Substandard housing has Hill Social Planning Council been almost eliminated in the President Rev. George Younglsouthern parts of the munic- was 'the guest speaker. lipality. he told the ladies, but UNIFORMS Rev. Young Guest Speaker At U CW In the December 4 elec- tion for municipal councils. regional council and school trustees. Roman Catholic supporters in the Region of York will elect two rep- resentatives to the York County Board of Education. For the past two years. County Roman Catholics have had only one repre- sentative on the board, Con Thompson of Richmond Hill. Nomination papers hear- ing the signatures of at least ten qualified voters will be accepted at the municipal offices during normal business hours Nov- ember 9. 10 and 13. For Markham and Rich- mond Hill in the Town of Markham: For the remainder of the Region of York in the Town of Vaughan. Nominations for candi- dates for the two seats on the board of education will be held â€" Nurses. Beauticians, Waitresses 179 MAIN ST. NEWMARKET 895-4621 Future meetings will feature guest speakers, slide programs. films. photo contests and inno- vative ideas of interest to all club members. There will also be splinter group and workshop meetings from time to time COV- ering areas of special interest such as portraiture, optics, equipment discussions and reâ€" treat weekends. The club organizer sees it as a social group that will combine friendly coffee-and-cookie type of exchange with serious seek- ing into sources of photogra- phic knowledge. fee to members who want to find out what results they can achieve with such accessories before investing in expensive and sophisticated equipment. Tolget the ball rolling, the first meeting will include sound-sight presentations from Kodak showing “The ABC‘s of Color Photography” and "Pho- tography After Dark". For further information call Allan Stokell at 773-5800. In discussion. the meeting agreed there is a need for more special classes for the percept- ually handicapped. for more fa- cilities such as Blue Hills Aca- demy for emotionally disturbed children. There is also a need to inform the public about what is being done now to help such children and their parents. Where does one draw the line between duplicate services and complementary services. the speaker asked. The YWCA 0p- There is very little public housing in the region and peo- ple must, apply to Metro or to Barrie offices if they cannot afford to pay for decent. hous- ing. then. Mr. Young said. “They are put on the bottom of the list." A tour of the area with Rev. Robert McElhinney of St. Ste- phen's United Church. Oak Ridges, had brought home to him the desperate need for sub- sidized housing in this area. said Mr. Young. Substandard housing has been almost eliminated in the southern parts of the munic- ipality. he told the ladies, but there is still a pressing need for improved housing in communi- ties to the north. G LDC-AL WSW”. In. RAMER FUELS Satisfied customers are o_ur h e st advertisement. Won‘t you join their ranks? Phone TODAY! 50% OFF Thurs. Oct. 12: Fri.. Oct. 13; St.. Oct. 14: Tues.. Oct. 17; Wed., Oct. 18. These are a few of the sizes: 5x7, 8x10. 810;);11. 9x12. 7x14. 10x12. 11x14, 12x16, 12x18, 12x24. 16x20, 16x24. 14x17. 18x24, 22x28. 24x30, 24x36, 30x40, 24x48. We have over 1000 framed pictures at 50% off the price marked. HOUSE 01" 10.000 PICTURE FRAMES 102 Doncaster Ave., 889- 4346. Open 9 111 6. Turn right lst light north of Yonge and Steeles. 189 CENTRE ST. E. 884-1313 MARKHAM TOYOTA LTD. YOUR ;mm NEWTOYOTA DEALER TRY m fifm 294-5555 PICTURE FRAMES 50% OFF With BAIF development now‘as day care. mental health cen- underway there is no time to‘tres and public housing. said lose in planning for expansioniMr. Young. Is the public suf- of existing services and inaug-ificiently aware of financial help uration of services that areithat. is available for the asking? lacking. said Mr. Young. BAIF‘he wanted to know. with its clusters of townhousesi It was generally agreed that and apartments will double the;there is a great need for im- population of Richmond Hill lnIproved communications be- the very near future. he said.itween helping services and the but this new population will be‘puhlic. concentrated in a relatively: The meeting began with dis- small area south of the oldzcussion of the unit's plans for town. and there will be newithe annual UCW Bazaar Novem- problems arising as a result, of bar 2 and ended with coffee and the high density pattern of thetinformal discussion. It was pointh out that the Y charges for clothing handled in its re-sale shop. that Help- mate provides clothing free when there is an emergency sit- uationl erates a clothing depot and development Help-mate operates a clothing‘ People in depot, Would a joint operation’planning an be more efficient? lice. There Baked Potato. Tomato Juice. Fontainebleau Salad, French Dressing. Toasted Roll. Strawberry Shortcake and Coffee “A,W“_________-_____‘_____»_______,___ __________ $3.00 FILLET MIGNON _ M $4.00 PRIME RIBS OF BEEF $4.00 that you can get married now at the Royal Fontainebleau and have a wonderful reception with a full course meal. The next time some guy tells you Q 5: used car Is “|ust Ilke new” ask for the guarantee. W 8. P MOTORS LTD. FALI. SALE 7381 Dufferin SL, just north of No. 7 Highway 889-3564 TOWNE & COUNTRYE SQUARE WILLOWDALE SPREADING JUNIPERS Concord Nursery DO YOU KNOW When all the smooth folk is done, a guarantee is about the only thing this kind of guy is guaranteed not to give you. Which might explain why so many people find it rough going with a used car they got from a smooth- thking salesman. ' Volkswagen used car dealers aren't smooth talkers. ln focf, We aren't talkers of all. Our guarantee says it all. We'll repair any of the maior working ports of our guaranleed used cars, for 30 days or 1000 miles, whichever comes firsr, free. The engine, transmission, from axle assemblies, rear axle, brake system are all covered. We can cover them because we fix whar needs fixing beforehand. When we inspecf our trade-ins. If they don't pass inspection, of course, they don't get The guarantee. But if they do, anyrhing We have to say abouf them we say in writing. It's a” the conversation you need. CHARCOAL BROILED. RED BRAND NEW YORK SIRLOIN STEAK 1899 178 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL 889-7701 Call us today for reservations x24” Each - $3.75 or 3 for $10.00 Many Varieties ROYAL FONTAINEBLEAU It was generally agreed that there is a great need for im- proved communications be- tween helping services and the public. Substantial subsidies are available from federal and pro- vincial sources for such things as day care. mental health cen- tres and public housing. said Mr. Young. 15 the public suf- ficiently aware of financial help that. is available for the asking? he wanted to know. People in Oak Ridges are planning an information serv- ice. There is an information service in Richmond Hill. “Do we need two information serv- ices?" asked Mr. Young. 223-4700 illBERAL CLASSIFIEDS â€" Get Results - 884-1105 6085 YONGE ST. 226-2870 Denture; Relines Repairs Member of Denturist Society of Ontario As an accredited member of the Denturist Society. our fee schedule conforms with the ethical price range established by the society. A&P PLAZA (Yonge 8: Crosby Streets) RICHMOND HILL YONGE CENTRE KORVETTE DISCOUNT MART THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday LIERAL Now offering complete denture services to the public EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT fr'yu “WINE AND BEER" Books available for the amateur wine maker YORK NORTH COMPLETE LINE FOR THE MAKING OF WE NOW STOCK â€" 884-2444 OPEN 7'DAYS A WEEK Pow-st by the York Norm Lil-m1! Association , Oct. 12. 1.972 Steeles Ave Finch A96. Cummer Yongc Yonge- 0 Centre Plaza Centre Ave

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