Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Oct 1972, p. 2

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A report of the Advisory Vn-‘Board of Education says more cations] Committee's Sub Com-[girls should be encouraged to mittee on electronics and elec‘ take technical courses. even if tricity of the York County only at the technical literacy Sixty-nine local Scouts and Venturers and their leaders will be among 700 Southern Ontario Scouts and leaders who spent last weekend on the second half of an exchange visit with American Scouts. A cavalcade of 14 buses left the Yorkdale Shopping Centre at '7 am Friday bound for Fort Washington. Pennsylvania. for two days of camping. a day of school with American Host Scouts and a two night stay with host families. The group will return home on Thanks- giving Day. York Region Scouts, Venturers Pennsylvania Bound For Weekend The 'pl‘Oject. "SCOPE '72'Vden and Alliston. , (Scout Centennial Ontario-PenJ Planning for the trip has nsylvania Exchange) is a con-ltaken place over the past 18 tinuation of a venture firstlmonths. with details arranged undertaken in Canada's Cen-‘by a committee headed by Dave tennial year .when nearly 500 Watson of Bramalea. The cav- Ontario Scouts visited the Phil- alcade will be accompanied by adelphia suburb. The Scoutsia radio equipped car which can will carry a Canadian flag. an assist any boy who may take ill Ontario flag and 8 Scout flag during the trip. for a presentation ceremony in A return trip for American Pennsylvania. Scouts is being planned for the From the local area, 26 boys fall of 1973. Encourage More Girls To Take Technical School October is United Appeal month we are told. The daily press, radio and televisionimake pleas on behalf of the Red Cross, Family Services. Big Brothers. YM and YWCA. Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. the Arth- ritis and Rheumatism Society, Men- tal Health, Association for the Re- tarded, Senior Citizens, Visiting Homemakers and dozens of other essential and worthy services. And every year at this time, the hard working boards of directors and administrators of these services of the Region of York wince as they think of the hundreds of thousands of dollars being syphoned off from York into Metro through payroll de- duction plans that, in many cases, literally force residents of the region to contribute to services they will never benefit from. When we read that “a hard driv- ing campaign to let our employees know the company really cares" has spurred 130 employees of 3 Don Mills firm to more than double their contribution to this year’s United Appeal. we wonder how many of these employees live north of Steeles Avenue. When we note that last year only 31 per cent of the company's staff contributed. that this year the num- ber giving is 75 percent, we wonder if the company and that portion of its employees who live in the Region of York realize that not one penny of those contributions will come to The co-operative leaders have promised Ottawa an eight percent return per year on its investment at a time when two other cardboard plants have recently closed down in the neighboring province of New Brunswick. The St. Anne-Nackawic Pulp and Paper Company has had to mothball its corrugating plant at Nackawic while another producer. Fundy Forest Products Limited at St. George, is now bankrupt. Several factors should be given careful scrutiny by the Canadian taxpayer who is being asked to pour $5.3 million plus a major share of the Canadian - Quebec Forestry Fund into yet another Quebec project. It is difficult to imagine that a project of this magnitude employing an estimated 176 people and creating another 500 indirect jobs could successfully be operated as a Gaspe co-operative. It will take expert leadership by men who are not only familiar with the technical side of such an» enterprise but also compreâ€" hend the financial and marketing aspects to mention only two of the major conditions of any such under- taking. a The decision of Regional Econo- mic Minister Jean Marchand to pour Rover $5.3 million in federal tax dol- lars 'plus another $4.5 million from the joint Canada-Quebec Forestry Program into a new co-operative cardboard mill at Cabano in the Gaspe area of Quebec was based on political considerations and not eco- nomic ones. The Quebec Provincial Government has promised to contri- bute $2.7 million to the project and Belgian interests another $4 million. Ofluwu's Economic Blunders No United Appeal In York " U I, A‘ Subscription Rate $6.00 per year; to United States $7.00; 15¢ single copy Member Audit Bureau of circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Published by Richmond Hill Liberal Publishing Co. Ltd. v . Q - W. S. COOK, Publisher 7 “Second class mail, registration number 0190" EMA QEDB liberal THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Oct. 12. 1972 An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 and three leaders will repre» sent the 2nd. 3rd. 4th and 5th Richmond Hill Troops. There will be 19 boys from Thornhill Troops, seven from lst Bever- ley Acres Troop. seven from lst Langstaff. four boys from lst Concord Venturers and six from lst Oak Ridges Venturers and Scouts. Others are going from Metro. from Newcastle and Bowman- ville on the east to Campbell- ville and Hamilton on the west. Two Scouts from Thunder Bay will take Part as well as a group of Scouts from Base Bor- den and Alliston. Planning for the trip has taken place over the past 18 months. with details arranged by a committee headed by Dave When the local agencies launch a local drive for funds, willing and eager canvassers are soon disheart- ened and disillusioned as they are dismissed with the curt response; “I gave at the office”â€"â€"the office in Metro. Volunteer boards of directors are bone weary from making the annual trek, hat in hand, to municipal and regional councils pleading for money. And yet somehow these services survive and expand, and new services come into being and soon have wait- ing lists of clients applying for and desperately needing assistance. a viable economic operation highly questionable. The Canadian public has no guarantee for the millions of federal tax dollars that have been poured into the project beyond the obviously jaded economic judgement of Mr. Marchand. For the sake of the members and clients of the 78 services that depend largely upon the United Appeal for their very existence we hope that the current campaign in Metro is a roar- ing success. ‘ For years a hard-working com- mittee of the Richmond Hill and Dis- trict Social Planning Council has been attempting to devise ways and means of setting up a united fund toAhelp our own community services. We hope also that the residents of the Region of York will be mind- ful of the local need, that they will open their hearts and their pocket- books to campaigns and fund raising drives to meet these needs. for in the end we all benefit. Like the company in Don Mills let us collectively and individually let the region know that the people really care. York. Mr. Marchand is quoted as saying that from a purely economic point of View he wouldn't invest “one red cent in the Gaspe project". but from the “social aspects" he considered it qualified for federal assistance. “It required a little bending of the rules" but Mr. Marchand said he considered it a “special case". Canadians expect 0 t t a w a to encourage industrial development and also help industry to be competitive in world markets. But the Gaspe deal, coming as it did just five weeks before the federal voting, smacks of blatant electioneer- ing by The Three Wise Men of Quebec (Trudeau Pelletier, Mar- chand). The lack of expert manageâ€" ment and soft market conditions makeuthe Gaspe plant’s future as In assessing the Gaspe project's eligibility for federal assistance, Mr. Marchand stated that Ottawa would have to assess its potential impact on the present market for cardboard both ‘here at home and overseas. There is no question that the new plant is going to aggravate the pres- ent oversupply position. In the world markets Quebec will likely lose France as a potential customer as it has added to its productive capacity and is not exporting at very low prices. The Gaspe plant will affect existing Canadian plants at Matane and East Angus in Quebec and Trenâ€" ton and Sturgeon Falls in Ontario. The report was handed down at a meeting of the board Sep- tember 25. Two years in the making, it was prepared by Harvey O‘Neill of Sutton, 3 superintendent with Ontario Hydro. and by Peter Sale. Rich- mond Hill, an employee of Phil- ips Electronics Industries Limâ€" ited. "There should be an active campaign with girl students to make them recognize the equal opportunities which are being created for them," the report stated. The report also stressed the need for schools to be flexible. so they could be converted to general shops if necessary. Technical instructors. too. should be given every oppor- tunity to remain abreast of new developments in technology. level Other recommendations in} the report included: a method: be developed for informing teachers about equipment availâ€" able to them from other schoolszi assurance should be made that: repairs to complex equipment; be made by qualified persons; guidelines should be developed; covering the expected life of! equipment and disposal of out-l dated items: the purchase of bulk electronics supplies by in-V dividual teachers, should be. facilitated. l Aran was the country and Tehran the city where, after three hours of haggling (everyone is expected to do this before buying anything), John bought an oriental rug . . . for cash plus a small TV. ’ 1 The contrast in Pakistan was very pronounced. Here the poverty “was terrible". But it was here he found a genuine camel market . . . on the same street as a snake charmer. Outdoor dentists and open-air “laundries” wooden tubs and hand paddles), dotted the scene. Travelling to Canton. China, via Turkey, John Graham of Channel 10 TV station, visited the beaut- iful Mosque of the Sullanahmet, and site of the Ger- man Fountain in Istanbul . . . “It was almost unreal and covered an area as big as a football field”, John told me as the story of his seven week trip to the far east continued. He also has an excellent collec- tion of colored films to further enhance his glowing description of the places he visited. While in Istanbul John had dinner with Gavin Scott, bureau chief of the mid-East for Time Mag- azine. Scott is a nephew of the late Gordon Mac- laren of Richmond Hill. In Beirut and Lebanon, tacts supplied by Gavin, and was the much talked-about entertained Kissinger with In Beirut and Lebanon, ‘John Graham met con- tacts supplied by Gavin, and one of these in Tehran, was the much talked-about belly-dancer who once entertained Kissinger with her dancing. The surprise was John’s when he found the cost of a ferry-ride on the Bosforise River â€" from Istan- bul to the Black Sea â€" just the equivalent of 25 cents. Here John met school children who had never before seen a Canadian. They gave him a wonderful welcome to their school â€" through the interpretation of the principal, who was the only person he met there who spoke English. “These were great people for washing them- selves", John reminisced smilingly. “When I was introduced to them they immediately poured scented water on my hands. Then they presented me with a lovely bouquet of their native spring flowers.” John drove from Beirut to Baalbeck . . . “the oldest city in the world,” he said, “built by Greek. Roman and Turkish cultures, the buildings often built on top of each other.” A world-renowned music festival is held in Baalbeck each year. Arriving in Bangkok, John found Thailand much cleaner and very quaint and picturesque. He felt this was the prettiest city on his trip. . . . And the early morning water-market â€" with boats ply- ing their wares with fresh fruit, vegetables. meat, fish and even coal. up and down the river â€" “was very interesting and colorful indeed.“ Thailand is graced with countless shrines and most young boys become monks for at least a few months in their youth. he told me. Gavin Scott, John told me, has personally inter- viewed Premier Golda Mieir of Israel and the former president of Turkey. He also did an article on Premier Sadet of Egypt,, among a host of other celebrities in the midâ€"East. Visiting Americans used clothing plus cash for merchandise. One American went as high as “25 shirts and cash” for a purchase! Finally, as recorded in “The Spotlight" last week. John Graham arrived in the city of Canton. and the Chinese Trade Show. This was the longest stop-over on the trip. until his return via San Fran- cisco, where he was joined by his wife, Marylo (pres- ident of the Richmond Hill Curtain Club). At the Canton Trade Show. John met two tobacco farmers from Tillsonburg, Ontario. They affirmed Canada has not been aggressive enough in selling Canadian tobacco to China. So they determ- ined they would sell Canadian tobacco to the Chinese, themselves. And they did. It took a day or two of dickering over the price . . . the Canadian farmers adamant in not lowering In “the Sp oilighft Key To thgcrafts For lady Flave/le Lady Muriel Flavelle founded Kingcrafts 22 years ago with the aim of preserving the crafts of the pioneer women of the area. On September 27 she was guest of honor at a birthday celebration at the modern Kingcrafts building on Keele Street in King City and was presented with a key to the building handcrafted by the copper enamelling group and mounted on a 'plaque. She also had an opportunity to visit the new wing just opened. Lady Flavelle is piétured above (right), with Mrs. Teen Chalk of King City as they admire the plaque. , By MONA A. ROBERTSON The Magical Far East (Continued on Page 16) We could have supported a number of programmes to aid other countries. people. or things as a method of recogniz- ing the Prime Minister's visit. But what does Pierre Trudeau and the rest of Canada re- member of Richmond Hill? If we were to recognize the} Prime Minister‘s visit to our‘i town surely we could have beenr: a little more original than foist-gl ing a green jacket on him. ml: the name of his son. I A green hockey jacket with a town crest for his son Justin. The more I see. and hear of our town. the more I become con- vinced that many of our citi« zens still believe the world is Would it not have been more fitting for our town to take the opportunity to announce the pledging of twenty four of the jackets to areas where they are needed. the Northern Indian Reserves? Would it not have been in keeping with world affairs to announce that Richmond Hill would be the first town to ac- cept the responsibility for hous- ing and settling of a number of the Asian Families ousted from Uganda? How about an anti-pollution programme. a week long cam- paign against smoking by young people. a refusal to stock re- turnable bottles . . . and on and on and on? When the federal election ls over and Mr. Trudeau has an opportunity to reflect on the narrow interests of Canadian citizens he must place Rich- mond Hill high on the list of offenders. flat On September 20 when our town. Richmond Hill, was visit- ed by Canada's Prime Minister. Pierre Trudeau. he was pre- sented rm our behalf with a hockey jacket for his son Justin. Dear Mr. Editor Dear Mr. Editor CHILDREN $1.50 EACH Everything Included: Food - Beverage - Favours Complete Supervision PHONE - 884-7005 (Photos by Stuart‘s Studio) HOCKEY JACKET FOR JUSTIN PARTIES ROBERT THOMPSON 173 Traybom Drive, Richmond Hill. The five-mile hike will be conducted by naturalist Ron Hudson. and gets underway at 10:30 am. Hikers should bring a lunch and wear suitable cloth- ing and. footwear for cross- country walking. The Glen Haffy area is in Northern Peel The Glen Haffy area is ap-‘lm- NATURE HIKES proximately 1,500 feet above] There are also regular nature sea level and offers many vanâ€" hikes cnnducted in some of the lage points from which to View1 mlles of colorful countrysnde. l day which includes visits to some of its conservation areas. You can pick up maps at the Greenwood Conservation Area. which is four miles north of Pickering on the Greenwood Road and start by enjoying the scenery from the lookout point. From there you drive along pleasant country roads to the Claremont area. and then past rugged rolling land at the Glen Major Forest and Wildlife area. The route then travels a westâ€" erly back‘country course to Bruce's Mill. If you have plan- ned your trip to arrive at Bruce's Mill just before 2 pm or 3:30 pm you can then take part in a conducted nature hike through the area. NATURE HIKES to enjoy the fall colérs and“; Metro Conservation Authority has mapped out a tour for Sun- Five Some of the most spectacular vistas of autumn colors close to Toronto will provide a vib- rant scenic backdrop for a five- mile hike being held Sunday at the Glen Haffy Conservation Area. County on the Airport Road about 112 miles south of Mono Mills. ALSO CAR TOUR} Travelling along country roads is another way in which New Canada Savings Bonds yieid an average of 7.30% a year when held to maturity. Each $100 bond begins with $5.50 interest for the first year, pays $7.00 interest for the second year, pays $7.50 interest for each of the next four years, and then pays $7.75 interest for each of the last six years. On tap of this you. can earn interest on your interest and make each $100 grow to $Z3.25 in iust 12 years. Start somerhing good today with Canada Savings Bonds! They're the go-ahead way to save for the future withom worry. They're backed by a“ five resowces of Canada and they pay good interest year after yeat’. There are STAR! SOMETHING GOOD TODAY -Mi|e Hike Sunday At Glen Haffy Forest, Also Motorists' Tour also regular nature mmmmm 7.30% hikes conducted in some of the conservation areas on Sunday. There is one at. Greenwood at 2 pm, one at Claremont at 4 pm and two hikes at both Boyd and Albion Hills at’2 and 3:30 pm. First EIThird Weeks- The Sleeping Beauty Second Week-The Moor 's Pavane ,La Sylphide.Swan Lake FOR TELEPHONE BOOKINGS ~ O'KEEFE CENTRE OCT. l7-NOV.5 HALF PRICE T!CKETS Specual half [men tnckets for children, students and senior citizens properly Identified at the O‘Keefe Centre box office are avalabie for all matunees and for the sums thud week 1. To reserve seats by teiephone on your CHARGEX card, “I 363 0228. 2. To reserve seats on your Eaton’s Account card, call 364 6487. Or buy vouv tuckets In person at Eamn's Auracuons Ticket Offices at the College or Queen Street stores or at Yorkdale or Shanna] Gavdens. S. HUROK Announcement O'KEEFE BOX OFFICE OPEN MON.‘SAT.. fl.I.m.-9.p.m Guest Artist Cefla Franca ~Arris15c Director Dr. B. W. Granton and Dr. L. W. Krystolovich WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT AS OF OCTOBER 16th. 1972 THEIR OFFICES WILL BE LOCATED AT: 22 RICHMOND STREET. SUITE 208 RICHMOND HILL, ONT. presents TELEPHONE 884-4471 Go ahead! Sforf somefhing good today! Buy Canada Savings Bonds. Canada Savings Bonds are easy to buy. They're available in amounts ranging from $50 up to a limit of $50,000. You can buy them in three different (at for cash where you work, bank or invest (bl on instalments through the Fayre! Savings Plan where you work (d or on instalments through the Monthly Savings Plan where you bank or invest. Canada Savings Bonds are inst cash. They can be redeemed anytime of your bank at their full face We plus earned interest. conservation areas on Sunday. There is one at. Greenwood at 2 pm. one at Claremont at 4 pm and two hikes at both Boyd and Albion Hills at 2 and 3:30 pm. For further intonmation on on these and other actiVities contact the authority offices at 630-9780.

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