"Gosh we just came out from the wireless (more ways than one)__hut and found the sea~ sons. had been changed. Now it is'autumn and the time to see nature in all her supreme glory. One doesn’t have to move very farwaway to see the glorious colors; a few minutes walking will give you an idea of what it must be like in the north country. Thanksgiving time is with us and gives us the oppor- tunity to give our sincere thanks for each and every blessing. Do you all remember Branch 375 Fuddle Duddles? The other day we were all met in one spot at the same time and this is the result of that meeting, It seems that our Fuddlers are going to. have a dance on No- vember 17. This is in one sense a victory dance. These boys did- n't win any trophies, but they sure won a lot of friends. So far there are three branches in the tournaments next year. When definite plans are com- pleted we will pass the inform- ation on. r v How are all our sick com- rades and neighbors these days? We say welcome home lo Com- rades Jim Davidson and George Diceman. Also to our Chief Steward Gord Mills. We sin- cerely hope that Comrades Bob Jones (Wellesley Hospital) and Fred Smith (Sunnybrook Hospi- tall are on the road to recov- ery. If any of our friends and readers have been out of sorts. may you all get well in a hurry. Why not drop a card to anyone that you know may be on the sick list! The weekly social nights just! keep rolling along and] with;[ continued success. Friday night‘ Comrade Tom Hughes was the: mystery winner. He then had‘ the pleasure of drawing the‘ winning ticket for the monthly-ll (September) 50/50 Draw. The winner was a Mr. Black 09' Downsview. Sam Wiscombe was the winning seller. Congrats to‘ one and all. Friday we reallyII had a treat. Comrade Colin Wy-E all played for the entire eve-E ning and made the set of Nor-“I ies perform their best. The air cadets of 778 Squadvt rnn are really to be congrat-. ulated. Five members of this squadron recently took part in; the rifle competitions held atl CFB Borden and came up with‘ an amazing 85% win in over all competition. Those members do- ing such a fine outstanding job were: Sgt. Walter Schmidt.‘ W02 Gerry Topham. Sgt. Mike Tracey. Cpl. Mike Kazab and; Officer Cadet Frank Jedlicsek“ Very special congrats to this last named young man on his promotion to the rank of offi-’ cer cadet. To each and every member of this team we extend‘ our heartiest congratulations. j may Why that sick The month has proved to STORE HOURS Millionaires Night Saturday Evening To Aid Midget Hockey 0 Clean and reset spark plug: 0 Check generator output 0 Check and reset timing 0 Check regulator output oChik primary ignition circuits 0 Check, clean and reï¬ll battery oChack secondary circuits including coil 0 Check and lubricate heat riser valve 0 Check points and condenser 0 Check fan belt oTest compression of all cylinders I Check rotor and distributor cap 0 Check P.C.V. operation 0 Adiust carburetor idling mixture 0 Check fuel pump pressure a Clean air ï¬lter It must be right or we make it right! Here’s what we’ll do: 0 Clean and reset spark plugs o Chock and reset timing oChik primary ignition circuits oChock secondary circuits including coil 0 Check points and condenser oTost compression of all cylinders I Check rotor and distributor cup 0 Check P.C.V. operation 6 cyl. cars (8 cyl. cars $12.8 parts extra Effective from of Your legion Reports 6000,} YEAR GO CENTRES Our car service policy assures you of complete satisfaction. October 1972 a busy one so Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion By Chris Ratchford â€" 884-5260 0000;575:112 far. Saturday finds us attending the Millionaires Night. in sup- port of midget hockey. Proprb etor George Sullivan extends a hearty welcome to any who wish to join in the festivities. He is serving a hot buffet to start the evening. Then try your luck at various games of chance or dance the night away‘ Admission to this evening of fun is $2 per person. Saturday October 21 finds the lady veterans sponsoring a Harvest Hop. When these gals throw a bash they always get the best and they didn't miss this time either for they have George Cowie and Ken Birch providing the dance music. For the very low price of a $1 won‘t you come along and join in the fun and frolic. Any funds raised by this hoedown will asâ€" sist the annual Children‘s Christmas Party. Then of course we hold our annual Hallowe'en Night on October 28. Come and join in this annual treat in the cosâ€" tume of your choice. We haven‘t forgotten the gen- eral meeting next Monday at 2000 hours. Legion Hall_ We haven't forgotten so don‘t you. Though \\e never forget the aims of the Poppy Campaign. this time of year brings it much to the fore. November 6 to the lltli‘is Poppy Week. Climaxing this year‘s campaign is our an- nual Veterans' Night. This year Armistice Day is Saturday No- vember 11. It has been twenty- two years since the last time this was held on a Saturday: the more reason to honor it. Branch 375 honors veterans of World War I. They will be our guests of honor at a special dinner and dance. Again George and Ken will supply the music for dancing. Our old friends ithe Newmarket Pipe Band will ialso be in attendance. organ. Our best wishes go to these two couples. and may they have many years of happiness to- gether; Church News Visitors at the church service on Sunday morning were, Mrs Lippitt of King City. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson and family of Alliston. Sunday at 11:30 am the Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated. The October meeting of the UCW will be held at the home of Mrs. Harry Barber on Octo- ber 18 at 8:00 pm. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davie of Uxbridge will show their slides taken on their :THE .DRAPERXEASJQRY : GUARANIEEQMSAVINGS i CUSTOM . MADE Richmond Hill FROM OUR OWN FACTORY TO YOU DELIVERY COULD BE YOURS IN 7 DAYS! Choose your drapes from a lovely selection of the latest styles and patterns. For further information, please call 884-66117 70 NEWKIRK RD., RICHMOND HILL (Between Centre St. and Crosby Avenue) OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FROM 9 AM. TO 6 RM. DAILY Bring your own measurements to ON QUALITY DRAPERIES (8 cyl. cars $12.88) parts extra Effective from Monday. Oct. 9th to Saturday. Oct. llth only niss tave irch $1 join en's the Miss Merry Deeks and John McCormack were married Fri- ‘day morning in a quiet cere- ~ mony in Victoria Square United Church with the Rev Martin Jenkinson officiating. The bride is a granddaughter of Mrs. Nor- man Brown. HILLOCKâ€"SCOTT Miss Carolyn Scott and Wil- liam Hillock were married in the Victoria Square United Church Saturday afternoon with the Rev. Martin Jenkinson officiating. The bride is a niece of Miss Helen Hunter. tour church organist). The 5010- iist was Mr. W. Jamieson. . brotherâ€"inâ€"law of the bride and {Miss Helen Hunter was at the gorgan. 0f: Another euchl‘e party “ill be Iy. held in the community hall on 01.0ctober 20 at 8:00 pm. Euchre There were thirteen tables of euchre players at the com- munity hall on Friday evening. Prize winners wereâ€"Ladies: Mrs. Everett Vanderkooy. Mrs. Herman Mortson and Mrs. A. McDonald. Menâ€"Heber Mc- Cague. Harvey Swain and Bill Harmon. Lorne Hands Mrs. E. Vanderkooy and Frank Brum- well. Lucky draw's for apples were won by Mrs. Hadwin. Russell Brillinger, John Orr and Wil- liam Orr. MCCORMACKâ€"DEEKS Our best wishes go to these two couples. and may they have many years of happiness to- gether; ' Church News Victoria Square Neighborhood News Weddings 884-4423 889-5531 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE. B.R recent trip to Scotland. Com- mittee in charge is: Mrs. Harry Barber. Mrs. Cecil Nichols, Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Mrs‘ John McCague. All ladies in the community are invited to attend. Neighborhood Notes The lst Gormley Guide Com- pany is holding a craft night with Mrs. A, W. Miller at the Melville United Church, Mon- day at 8 pm. There will also be a display and sale. Refresh- ments will be served. Come and give the girls your support! Melville United Church, Mom; Mrs. Neil Brown and family day at 8 pm. There will also be‘of Utica had Sunday evening a displayuagid sale. Refresh-Edinner with her parents, Mr. ments wi e served. Come and Mrs_ Harry Barber. Mr. and give the girls your supportLNeil Brmm is at present on a A family shower was held on,business-trip in YugOSIaVia. Wednesday evening of last week' Mrs. Doris Pickering and Mrs at the home of Mr. and Mistsmnley Boynton called on Miss Marcus Jarvis in honor of Miss‘lDorothy Olive in the Scarboro Janet Calvin and Terry Hart'ï¬entenary Hospital on Sunday who are being married in Nov-Lafternoon. Janet Colvin and Terry Hart who are being married in Nov- ember. The groom-to-be is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs, Larry Sanderson and family in the sudden passing of Mrs. Sanderson’s father, Her- bert Smith, on October 3. Charlie Hart is now a I'esi dent at Country Place, Rich mond Hill. A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. George Joyce who is in the Princess Margaret Hospital. 1 lb. package! 100% poly- ester fibre fluffy stuffing for pillows, cushions, dolls, stuffed animals etc. lUNCHEON NAPKINS A value buy! You can always use more! 140 napkins to a package. Choose whuteor assorted colors. PKG. Our regular price 430. Pkg. use more! 140 napkins ‘ package. Choose white assorted colors. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED Rumney. who mu be 1: today (Thursday). Wedding anniversa‘ry ings to Mr. and Mrs. Boynton. married seven October 16. Toronto. Her room number is 4503, fourth floor. How about a card to her. Birthday greetings to Keith Rumney. who will be 16 years Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichols and family of Knoxville, Penn.. spent the weekend here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols entertained their family to Thanksgiving Dinner. Miss Mabel Sanderson, Mrs. Fraser Gee, Mrs. Alan Chad- wick and Mrs. Everett Vander- kooy attended the bridge and euchre party held in the Lions Hall. Richmond Hill on October It was sponsored by the PKG Gormley 12] KRESGE SPECIAL KRESGE Telephone 887-5421 PRDCE greet- Rolph years, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Leno had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boynton and Paul had Sunday evening dinner with Mrs. Stanley Boyn- ton and Grace. YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL Memorial Fund Limit four per customer (c/o York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill) customer PANTY h. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Oct AURORA. The old water tank‘ on Yonge Street, which lookedl like an elongated M10 and serv-l ed as a landmark for travellers for mam years. has been com-l pletely demolished. ‘ HRIFTY REN' Q svswa AURORA: Local legion mem- bars have rejected a sketch and model from one architect in fa- vor of a hardâ€"sell talk from an- other. The local branch has ac- quired property on Industry Street and is in the process of raising $300,000 for a building. Super Value WE WILL NOT KNOWINGLY BE UNDERSOLD ON IDENTICAL ITEMS You'll want to stock up for fall at this low price! Stretch nylon with nude heels, regu- lar briefs & sheer seamless stockings. Beige or Spice. One size. KRESGE PRICE Choose the piece you want and save! Covered Sauce- pans, Tea Kettles, French Fry Sets, Egg Poachers. So handy around the home! 10 green bags com- plete with ties in each package. Our regular price 49c. Pkg OPEN DAILY UNTIL 6 RM. THURS. & FRI. UNTIL 9 RM. SAVE UP TO 331/470 HRIF‘I‘Y RENT-A-CAR TWIN AUTO BODY 173 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill 884-2139 GAS SUPPLIED KRESGE SPECIAL YOUR CHOICE 12. 1972