LIBERAL CLASSIFIED AD Doors. windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows. doors. awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558 factory 832- 1319 Maple. tfc28 TYPWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. c1w15 shin pads and hockey paths. BABY Gendron carriage. critâ€"J 884‘6259- , ““15 and mattress. $15. each. round KAWASAKI Coyote mini bike walker and car seat. $2. each.‘front and rear brakes, good con- 833-5714. clwls'dirinn s25 gamma; nun; 884-1745 16183 TEAKWOOD Living. dining and bedrooms. direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9pm. 459- 0760. Hwy. 7. just east of Fifth Line. (2 mlles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc31 Crushed stone. sand. concrete gravel. etc.. delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett. 884â€"3089. ‘ tfc2 LOAM - TOP SOIL Sandy loam - loam manure mix. screened loam. manure - fill - landscaping. C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. tfc2 A MOTOROLA (Quasar). color TV. Peter Smith. 889-1646. 40" FRIGIDAIRE range. best offer. 884-4688, after 6 pm. Reach more prospects faster. Save time and money. FIREWOOD, split and delivered. 832-2683. tfcll NEW and used snow fence. steel posts. chain link fencing and garden gates. Norman Bone, Fence Builder. 34 Elizabeth St. 5.. Richmond Hill. tfcl3 TWO windows 5‘ x 4‘ 5’2 single pane double diamon glass in wooden frame, 52 each. 889-4230. clwl ONE pair of ladies size 8.Caber ski boots, good as new. Call 884-1443, after 6 pm. c1w15 HEAVY white custom mad; drapes. lined. wall to wall. for large windows. need cleaning. 884-5116. clwlS SEASONED fire’ï¬ï¬. 153313. beech. birch and oak. Holland BAILWAY mis Holland Park Garden Centre, 10141 Keel: Street N.. Maple 832-24551 tfc14 XMAS garage sale. new 3% used goods, October 17. 18, 8 am. - 7 pm. 438 Bonita Cres- cent. 884-6571. *1w15 BOYS' skéEs, C.C.M. Jr. Tad; size 6. used 1 year, $17.00. Phone 884-3611. nc3w15 MOVING. must sell. dishes._din- ing room set. carved end table and leather arm chair. Phone 8844527. c1w15 FREE cheï¬rï¬em with 2‘67 color TV. Brown‘s Appliances. 8 Yonge Street 5., Richmond Hill. 884-9821. c4\\'15 REFRIGERATOR. General Elec- tric. automatic. excellent condi- tion. $150. 889-7493. c1w15 BED Chesterfield and chair. turquoise leather. good condi- tion. $50. 884~1610. *1w15 FIREPLACE w o o d. maple. beech. $5. quarter cord. kind- ling $l. bundle. 9519 Keele at Maple sign, south. Lfc15 RUPP Roadster and two tatnum N5. camp bikes. need work, best offer. must be sold. 884- 2756. clwlS Park Garden Centre. 10141 Keele Street N.. Maple. 832'i 2455. tfc14l SNOW tires. radial. 900x15. new. 884-8072. *1w15 POWER humihiriers. compleï¬â€˜y installed. $39.95. Call 889-6048. *2w15 ENGRAVED name badges. desk or counter name plates. identi- fication plates to personalize your auto, camper boat. lug- gage. etc. Call 884-6741. Stu- art's Studio, En-Signs division for prices. tfc15 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ‘Effective July 1, 19721 CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.25 and .109: per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for $1.15 and 10¢ per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50¢ CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS. per in- sertion $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as poSsible but not later than 8 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. DRIVEWAY GRAVEL ibeK'ALUMINUM FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 12, 1972 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill ALUMINUM L. H. SIMS a L AUTOMATIC washer. 6 months ' custom madelold. Speed Queen. 5125.: elec~ wall to wall, fort ~ f ,- c, T H , need cleaning r1c nuna pan. a on. ne\\_, ' 1 ’15- 515.: mg 12 x 10 new. $30.: 73 __._L gallon fish tank. stand. fully ;, 5‘ x 4: 592". equipped. $125: crib and mat- double diamond tress, 515; high chair, chrome, c2w14 roundlKAWASAKI Coyote mini bike GUARANTY TRUST eaclhfront and rear brakes, good con- COMPANY OF CANADA c1\v15'dition, $85. 889-0295. clwls tf . $25. c1w15 tch e PEARS Bose. Sheldons. squash- Ebuttercup. hubbards, and toma- toes. tfcl5 8§RUPP mini chopper. 5 h.p. “Briggs engine. oil shocks. ex- Ecenent condition. $125. 889- 0295. clwlS "- ‘ELECTRIC range 24". very sigéiiéii clean condition. 889-0242.; __\W_AITRF ‘SWIMMING pool cover. used one year. will cover pool 34 x 14, $85. also Westinghouse builtâ€" [in oven. Coppertone, top condi- ltion. 889-3308. c1w15 WASHER dryer and stove parts, gears, belts. wood bear- ings and wringer rollers, etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small apâ€" pliances. Math's TV. 49 Indus- trial Road. 884-7903. tfcll °°N~1~N~ 01““ TEMPORARY NIAGARA Cyclo massage chair, 4-6 WEEKS. Experienced NCR l3 motors and heat. like new. Operator. Call 889-5149. c1w15 Mona Robertson m Temporary Placement Service 5559. a 5 c1w15 . 884-6944 clw16 BEDRooiï¬â€™ furni‘ure. (Imperial'BABYSITTER. Friday or Satur- Loyalist Maple) bed. chest, mir- day evenings, “‘98klé- 33444;â€. .ror night table. desk and chain] c1\\15 éionon . 4 x 8 sheets. fir ‘2'" special. Call World Wide Shipping, 889- 6269. th4 BEDROOM suite. 7-piece, dinâ€" ing suite. 9-piece. Chesterfield suite. all Burma teakwood. must sell. new furniture. very reason- able. 1-247-4377. tfc5 NEW AND vii) FURNITURE Kitchen. living room, dining room. bedroom. dining room tables. some antiques and very unusual pieces, china, and odds and ends. Come in and browse Open Saturday only 9-5 pm A-l Furniture Sales (World Wide Shipping Bldg}, 360 New- kirk Road. Richmond Hill, 889- 5101. FIREWOBD Maple and Beech $10 per 8‘ x 4' x 16“ cord, ynu pick up. 833-5976. - tfc13 CHEMICAL toilet. portable or permanent, for cabin or cottage. 5 gal. capacity. 6 months old. $40. 773-4172. c2u'14 ELECTRIC range Viking, 24â€. oven ‘view door etc. excellent condition. $100. 889-7493. WANTED Pianos and used furniture. Call 884â€"1146. “024 from $19.95. Bernina Sewmg drivmg record, must he reliableԠFACTORY HELP Centre. 884-3775. tfc13 for .city deliveries. For infor'WlEN required {or material FIREPLACE wood. hard maplemat‘on‘ apply at 65 Duncan handling duties on production and red oak. well seasoned, de-lRoad‘ Thomhlll- c2wl4 work. Sheet metal or wood- livered. 884-8948. c4wl3lAUTOMOBILE spray painterflworking experience preferred. STEEL office desk.5-piece din-:fully experienced. part time. Apply in person to General 884'3187- C4W14 Laminating Corporation Ltd.. ing room set. Excellent condi- 7 . tion. 884-7980, after 6 p.m. LICENSED bodyman capable of 147 Centre St- East. Richmond clw15 working on both cars and truckssHill. Ont. __ c1w15 DRAPES, waâ€"ll tâ€"’_o wall, $5bâ€", or With minimum of supervision. ATTENTION . Wages open. Aoplv at B & G . w 1' best offer. 773-5419. c1w15 . - Don t call unless you can ans e [Truck and Auto Body, 378 New- yes, to the following questions: ELECTRIC range _Viking, “24";gkirk Road, Richmond Hill- Dn vnu want full or part time BUCKLE ski boots in very good condition. size 3. $15. 884-3709. SKATES. youth's size 7, as new 884-7688. clwli 884-7688. clw15 YOUNG man for warehouse PORTABLE Smith Corona type_,work. and delivery trucks. must writer. $25.: cocktail dress. size have Chanfelll‘S licence. Seales 14. $10. 884-4160. after 6 pm. Frozen Foods. 172 Centre c1w15 Street East. Richmond Hill. 884- m 3391. c1w15 TYPEWRITER in excellent con- dition. portable. Ideal for stud- ent. 884-1794. after 6 pm. $300.: golf clubs and cart, (left handed), $50. 889-1551. $7.: carriage. converts three fvays, $20.; 2 TV sets, not workâ€" mg, $25. 884-9423. clwl5 ent. 884-1794, after 6 pm. Richmond Hill Cable TV re- clw15 quires a broadcast journalist to mï¬i complete an active cable casting 889-2141. c1wl5 crew. Interest in politics and â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" public affairs an asset. Call Mr, 539.939 131????- 759933191‘ 331‘ Jeffery. 884-8111. c1w15 BALDWIN Orgasonic organ. French provincial. excellent condition. 884-7812. c2w15 RECORD player. speaker and amplifier. working. $30 889- 2950. c1w15 GARAGE sale. Oct. 14 3 Church South, 10 am. Two beds 2 book cases. 1 headboard. STOVE and fridge. $95. each. 884-9805. c1w15 ELECTROHOME humidifier. 832-2350. c1wl5 PAIR boy's skates. size 5. 1 Pl‘ WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING ON ELGIN MILLS ROAD FOR SALE (Continued) S Old, URGENT c2wl4 Experienced cleaning c1w15 c1w15 c1w15| {(66816} man c1w15 c1\\'15 tfc7 CCM Exerciser, like new. timer, tension control. speedometer. 727-6712. clw15 FIREPLACE wood for sale. de- livered. 884-6045. c1w15 BOYS 26" bicycle. excellent condition. bananna seat. high handle bars and a light. 525. or best offer. 884-1381. c1w15 30" GAS stove. suitalgle as auxi- liary or cottage. Phone 884- ‘9893, evenings. c2w15 STEEL utility car trailer. $75.: Boy‘s 3-speed CCM bicycle. two girls bicycles. (reconditioned). 2- G78 x 14 snow tires. mounted on Dodge rims. 5 (used) tires, 650 x 13. 884-5879. after 6:30 automatic rinse. excellent con- dition. $115. 832-2426. c1w15 Bï¬f‘isipiants. 8-14. suit size 16, shoes. 884-8225. c2w15 TROPICAL fish and tanks, 884- 1946. after 4 pm. c1w15 HOOVER washer. spin dryer CHESTERFIELD, small book- case. chair. china cabinet. an- tique bed. dresser. two chairs and 2 rugs. 884-3975. c1w15 ~71 SKIDOO trailer, single. $85. 773â€"5912. c2w15 1'1an WAlVan EARNVXmas Money Now. Be a err- part or full time homemaker or ably female for autom'utive babysitter, over 21 please. 889- trim plant in Richmond Hill 8047. “615 area. Good starting rate with CLEANING lady‘ 2 days aiweek; company beneï¬ts. 889-7549. Bayview and Elgin Mills areal Experienced cleaning women. home makers and baby sitters. Call 884-5286. tfcb‘ NURSES and nurses aides. with experience for nursing home, Yonge Street. Thornhil! area. Phone 889-4651. tfc6 FILING cabinet Cole-steel. 4- drawer letter size. full suspen- sion, no luck. like new. 727- 6712. c1w15 THREE women's “inter coat; size 12, $25. each. 884-9333. WAITRESS for snack bar, full or part-time. day work, experi- ence not necessary. 5-day week. Apply in person to Mrs. Purvis, GEM Store, 7171 Yonge Street. ‘Willowdale. c2w14 HOUSEKEEPING help required operator for week-end shift EXPERIENCED switchboard LADY for vacuuming and iron- ing one day per week. Reply to Box 82 “The Liberal". COOK, experienced for ham- burger restaurant in Richmond Hill. Call Mr. W. Brais. 225- 2142, between 5 pm. and 8 pm. c1w15 ed. Sunday mornings only. 889- 4825. c1w15 JAMTOR for apartment work, live in. Phone 884-4906. RELIABLE woman required to care for one infant. five day week; 223-4774. c1w15 MAN required for general labor. Apply in person. Canadian Spawn and Supply Ltd.. New- kirk Road. behind water tower. C1w15 REAL ESTATE If you're going to be a Sales Agent. why not be a good one? You may take pre-registration training while retaining your present position. This course. followed by on the job assist- ance at full commission. en- sures success in a profitable and highly satisfying career. Both men and women are re- quired in our Richmond Hill office. Call Mr. O‘Hagan at 889-1166 for a confidential dis- cussion. If more convenient. evening appointments can be arranged. MOTEL cleaning woman need- Mona Robertson Temporary Placement Service . 884-6944 clle HELP WANTED BROADCAST JOURALIST FOR SALE (Continued) c1w15 c2w15 c1w14 c2w14 c2w15 1 be: PART-TIME 1W Receptionist-twist 6 pm to 9 Ride from Richmond Hill 3.4511_1_13 p m., 5 days per week Emerald arm mg mid- Toronto 9. 30. 363- LAR A 'Isle Real Estate Ltd. 884â€"2377 6335 extenSion 44, or 727- 2025. men tfc151or 773-4391. c1w15| c1w15; 7996 tfc6 tfc9 MECHANICS EXPERIENCEI One tune-up specialist. one vice techniciar front end alignment man and ance Service. two general mechanics, $4.00 South, Aurora per hour, flat rate. plus com- time. pany benefits. Good working ,“â€" conditions, Levesque Plymouth Sits. 35:: 53:; Chrysler Ltd.. Highway 7 and nursing home Dufferin. Ask for Eddie Leves- ' que. tics ____*_ STEEL shear operators and helpers, Thornhill area. 881- 2522. tfc13 BOOKKEEEE SALES help and fully qualified cosmetician required for new drug mart opening in Richmond Hill in the near future. Please write with details of experience etc. to Mr. P. Stevens, Top Drug Marts Ltd.. 59 Samor Road. To- ronto. Ontario. c2w14 P A R T - T I M E experienéed cashier. Apply in person, Allencourf IGA. corner of Bay- view and Markham Road. Richâ€" mond Hill. clwlo PRODUCEipackers. Apply Wil- liam D, Branson Ltd.. 344 New- kirk Road. Richmond Hill. PERMANENT position. lot man. Apply in person. See used car manager. Don Little Ford Sales Limited. 889-1105. EXPERIENCED waitress. Allen court Restaurant. 884-5952. r ï¬ITREss wanted 7 am. - .: p.m.. Mon. - Fri.. Peter's Grill 6176 Yonge St South of Steeles Willowdale. 223-5662. Bayview and Elgin Mills area. 889-1800. c1w15 EXTRA $50. A WEEK PART-TIME Must be neat and have a car. 789â€"7285. clw15 $17.. cleaning woman. 9 am. to 4 p.m.. own transportation, Maple area. 832-8949. DRIVERS. fun time. must have good driving record. 21 years and over. Thornhill Taxi. 7711 Yonge St. 881-1717. c1w15 ATTENTION Don’t call unless you can answer yes, to the following questions: Do you want full or part time employment? Do you have at least two eve- nings a week, free? Do you have use of the family car? Opportunity knocks. Commis- Opportunity knocks. Commis- sion plus bonus. Answer by calling, 773-4154. c2w15 I WANT to tell you about sellâ€" ing Avon near your home. As an Avon Representative. you’ll get instruction, a chance to make good money spare time. Can you qualify? Find out by calling 925-4255. Open areas in Maple. Woodbridge and Rich- mond Hill. clwls FACTORY assembly work. Richmond Hill manufacturing firm. good working conditions. suitable for females. Hours: 8 - 4:30. 5 day week. Call 889â€" 8473. ' c1wl§ CLERK ORDER desk and invoicing. Alert responsible and friendly to deal with customers. Keele and No. 7 Hwy. 669-1344. NURSING home requires re- ceptionist. duties to include. telephone answering. typing and use of calculators. must be able meet with the public. Please call Mrs. Roland. 889-4931. be- tween 9 am. and 5 p.m., Mon- day thru Friday. c1w15 LWCCH a a.ul. auu u y.u|., Auuu- - , , - POHY. male. chestnut brown‘SEPARATE living quarters in- W with light brown tail and mane. eluding a 4-piece bath in adult NU R SING home reqmres, Elgin Mills and Yonge area. home. References required. Em- housekeeping and kitchen staff Lost Monday morning. If found ployed adults only. 884-8926,' full time positions available. please call 884-8423 or 889~6249 after 6 pm. Available after Thornhill area, transportation anytime, c1w15 October 17. c1wl5 provided to public bus route. "-â€", .~ . . 7 Please call Mrs. Roland. 889- OCTOBER 3» â€Clmtl RIChmond ONE bedroom apartment to sub- 4931. between 9 am and 5 pm. Hill High S°h°°l' amber ““1" let, $150. monthly. Everything L - . . -Ilace, centimental "3111"" Reward included. Broadloom through- W- ““b‘lszo. 223-9163. c2wla ouL 834-1749. c1w15 PERMANENT Experienced office personnel in vited to list now for placemen‘ HELP WANTED A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 884-6944 HELP WANTED Continued) ice personnel in- .v for placement Transportatmï¬n cZwl4 c1w14 c2w14 c1w15 c2w15 c1w15 c1w15 EXPERIENCEDjbpliance ser- vice technician. Leslie Appli- ance Service. 68 Yonge Street RN‘s. RNA‘s and nursing aides. part time and full time in nursing home. Phone 889-2054. tfc9 PAYROLL CLERK AND A BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Full or part-time. typing and payroll experience helpful. car necessary. SteeleS-Bayview area. Apply in writing, stating educa- tion, experience and salary or call Mr. Jagoo or Mrs. Corlett. 889-1191 or 225-1464. K. J. Beamish Construction Co. Ltd.. 7901 Bayview Ave, Thornhill. tfclz ATTENTION â€" Elderly lady wanted to babysit by the week. week-ends free. in return for small apartment, portion of rent. 884-8286, after 4:45 pm. EXECUTIVE secretary for local company president, girl Friday type with shorthand, typing. aptitude. for figures. drivers license required. Top salary for a very interesting position. Apply Box 83. "The Liberal". c2w14 GENERAL helper, lady. part time and full time. Please apply Scott‘s Chicken Villa. 191 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. COOK-part time or full time. Please apply Scott‘s Chicken Villa, 191 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. tfcll CONVEYANCER/title searcher with semetarial experience for Richmond Hill law firm. 884- 9257. clwlS WOMAN part-time help for fabric store, experience helpful, but not necessary. Call Eva Gramsch. 884-6191. c1w15 RECEPTIONIST Pleasing telephone manner. typ- ing essential. Filing and adding. Keele and No. 7 Hwy. 669-1344. c1w15 BAKER, night work involved. Apply in person to 22 Levendale Rd., Richmond Hill. tfc15 SHIPPER - RECEIVER Light metal specialty fabricat- ing company. has opening for ambitious shipper-receiver with experience. Should be able to direct people. Good working conditions and chance for ad- vancement. Call 889-6211. ROLL FORMING Man required to set up and op- erate roll forming machine and perform other related duties. Apply in person to General Laminating Corporation Ltd., 147 Centre Street East. Rich- mond Hill. Ontario. c1w15 EXPERIENCED hairdresser and assistant. Good wages. Thorn- hiI larea. 889-5310. *lwls luuuu. In“. Ullldllu. L'lW EXPERIENCEDâ€" hairdresser and 1|.) assistant. Good wages. Thorn- hil larea. 889-5310. *1w15 015m ï¬ESK We have a vacancy at our dis-v tribution centre. Concord. On- tario. for an individual with the knowledge of lumber, hardware and/or building supply prod- ucts. This is a salaried position offering excellent opportunity for future development with Beaver Lumber Company Ltd. To arrange an interview please call Mr. Brooks at 661-2200. APARTMENT, 2 bedroom. fridge, stove. at Yonge Street, $145. Available November 1. Adults. 884-4883. c1w15 BAYVIEW Richmond Hill, spacious four bedroom bunga- low or secluded treed lot. Absentee owner retains part of ‘basement, $260. monthly. 884- 9416. after 6 pm. c1w15 FURNISHED room. gentleman preferred, Thornhill district. 889-1540. c1w15 .RICHMOND Hill. near Yonge. furnished rnnm. shared kitchen SHORTHAND typist required part-time, for appointment call 881-2181. c2w14 DOG grooming. poodles. ter- riers, mutts. Betty Forsyth, 889- 3606. tch KITTENS, litter trained, free to good homes. 884-5680. c1w15 FREE puppies to good home. 884-2938. *1w15 BEAUTIFUL Free loveable affectionate young male cats. Six months old. litter trained. 889-0268 after 5 pm. RIDE wanted from Richvale to Toronto City Hall, arriving 8:30 am, leaving 4:30 pm. 889-3247. *1w15 HELP WANTED PETS FOR SALE (Continued) LOST LOST 727-4681 any- tfc 9 c1w15 clw15 tfc13 tfcll uuus litterlFURNISHED one b e d r o o m pm, trance, includes hydro and tfcls basement apartment, private en- _ water. 884-5963. c1w15 OFFICE space 520 sq. ft., 18 Yonge St. N.. now available. heating and air conditioning. 491-0277. tfc52 YONGE VALLEY 7471 Yonge Street - 170 Dudley Avenue Large. luxury 1-2 bedrooms, pool. saunas. gym, rec. room and play grounds. 889-0271 or 889-0567. tfc46 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, Ist house east of Bork’s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 FOR lease, 3.000 - 6.000 sq. ft. industrial space, Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading, 16‘6" clear. immediate posses- sion. $110 net. Lored Construc- tion Ltd. 630-9500. tfc50 APARTMENTS AVAILABLE 2 BEDROOM SUITES. RENT INCLUDES HEAT, HYDRO, SOFT W A T E R. FRIDGE, STOVE. ETC. NEAR RICH- MOND HEIGHTS PLAZA AT 48 LAVEROCK AVENUE. QUIET ADULT BUILDING. CALL SUPT. 884-2475. tfc49 ONE and two bedroom apart- ments. Apply 160 Essex Av- enue or phone 884-4906. TWO bedroom apartment. 62 Hunt. $160.00. October 1. Mat- ure adults. no pets, references. Quiet modern. soft water. 488- 0802 after 5 pm. th7 NEW luxurious one and two bedroom apartments. fully car- peted, Richmond Hill A-l loca- tion. 884-1596, 884-7330 and 884-3797. tfc9 ROOM. cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884- 4828 for appointment. tfc3 THORNHILL 3 bedroom town- house for sale or rent, separate living and dining room, kitchen with breakfast area. 1% wash- room, stove and fridge, close to shopping and school, lst month free rent. Immediate posses- sion. Call 226-3253. c2w14 THREE bedroom house. New- market, $200. per month. close to transportation. shOpping and schools. Available November lst. Call 884-7458 anytime. TWO bedroom apartment in quiet low rise building. No children or pets. Balcony. soft water. central. good shopping. 62 Hunt. References. 488â€"0802. tfc14 house. Benson Avenue, Rich- mond Hill. 226-4719. c1w14 LARGE three bedroom town AURORA, bright spacious one and two bedroom apartments, $140 - $165. Adults. Yonge and Wellington. 486-1377. tfc15 FURNISHED room. gentleman preferred. Thornhill district. 889-1540. c1w15 rooms, kitchen privileges, near GO station. 884-3128. tfc15 SEMI-detached bungalow in country on paved road. Ab- stainers and non smokers. 887- 5632. *1w15 ROOMS loomed. separate Central. RICHMOND Hill flat for rent, $110. monthly, suitable for young single woman. 222-5466 or 884-3024. c1w15 RICHMOND Hill. near Yonge. furniShed room. shared kitchen and lounge. 769-3691. after 6 am. clw15 SUBLET â€"- 1 bedroom apart- ment, new building, available Nov. 1. 884-7866, call after FURNISHED single or two 5:30 p.m UNFURNISHED b e d s i t t i n g room, approximately 300 sq. ft.. share kitchen with one. 773- 5578. c1w15 (ï¬FICE space for rent. Yonge and Centre Street, 233-9944 or 223-9888. c1w15 TWO bedroom apartment inï¬ MORTGAGE coming due? Cash garage. adults only. 887-5348. to consolidate bills? Low cost c1w15 lst, 2nd and 3rd mortgage SEPARATE living quarters in- money “a“?b‘e- .Ca“ m? “m†eluding a 4-piece bath in adult for fast. confldentlal seerce. home. References required. Em_.Bram 0391“.“ Emerald I§le Real ployed adults only. 884-8926'E5tate lelted. 889-5601, 884- after 6 p.m. Available after: 2377- ““23 October 17. c1w15 WANTED $16,000 mongage on local property. owner equity WHPSS‘TEf‘EEWSEEEZEK$12,000. 773-5517. c1w15 SEPARATE living quarters in- cluding a 4-piece bath in adult home. References required. Em- ployed adults only. 884-8926, after 6 pm. Available after October 17. c1w15 FURNISHED room. separate en- trance. share living room. kit- chen and bathroom. 884-8285. c2w15 FURNISHED room, light house- keeping. private entrance, suit- able for gentleman. Maple 832- 1113. c1w15 LARGE furnished bedsittingbur. Sent na room. cooking facilities. 884-[phone number 4 WEEKS FREE RENT 2 bedrooms only TO RENT for rent. full broad- gentlemen preferred. entrance and kitchen. 884-1610. *1w15 c3w11 c2w14 c1w15 c1w15 ILiberal". TWO bedroom apartments, 60‘Chlmneys and fireplaces built Laverock. Richmond Hill. water and repaired. Free estimates. and hydro included. 884-2973. Expert workmanship. 20 years â€014 experience. Phone 884-2882. ONE and two bedroom apart- ments, one child welcome. 884- 1909. 402 Markham Rd.. near Bayview, c2w14 100 acre farm in Whitchurch Township on 5th Concession, north of Aurora Sideroad. Large farm house with good horse barn. 889-7549. clw15 ONE bedroom apartment with fridge and stove. 180 Bayview Avenue. 884-7355. c1w15 ROOM for rent. close to trans- portation. _Phone 884-9427. after 3 pm. c1w15 ONE furnished and 1 unfurn- ished room. 884-8897. Parking TWO bedroom apartment avail- able December 1 and December 31. one baby only. Apply sup- erintendent. 441 Elmwood Av- enue, tfc15 YONGE-Steeles. one bedroom, pool, Sauna. underground park- ing. 226-4106. tfc15 UNFURNISHED flat in farm house. no fridge or s t o v e. separate entrance. Business couple only. no pets, non smokers. 832-2458 *1w15 FURNISHED room. young man parking. cooking. 884-5269. BASEMENT apartment. fully furnished. Business couple pre- ferred. 889-5967, after 6 pm. c1w15 FURNISHED room. suitable for gentleman. 884-6743. c1w15 RICHMOND Hill. room for rent IDAY care in my home, 884- 4985. tfcll DAY care available in my home for a four year old. Large yard, daily walks and lunches includ- ed. Lennox and Harding area. Call Bonnie. 884-8000‘ tfc13 FURNISHED bedroom. living room and private bathroom, suit gentleman. Light cooking. 884- 1012. c1w15 FULLY furnished apartment fridge and stove. kitchen com- plete. four piece bathroom, soft water. Suit business lady. 884- 3795. c1w15 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime Ed Peconi & Son. Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. HIGHEST cash prices or trade value paid for used furniture and appliances. Brice‘s Furni- ture 478-4175. tfc36 WANTED -â€" Storage space to rent, Richmond Hill - Thornhill area, dry garage. Call 225-9758. after 5 pm. tfc12 POWER lawn mowers. tillers. snow-blowers, etc condition. 832-2065. GARAGE or worshop area want- ed for one car. 889-4099. SIZE nine hockey skates want- ed by boy. Telephone 884-9405. nc1w15 RELIABLE part-time day care or baby sitting in my home. days or evenings. Yonge Street. Thomhill. 889-8536. c2w14 RiELIABLE day care. Bluegrass and Zelda. 884-9028. c1w15 LAND WANTED York Central Association for the Mentally Retarded requires parcel of serviced land. zoned industrial in the Richmond Hill area to expand the adult work shop. Phone 884-5861. Monday to Friday 9 am. to 5 pm. FAIRLAWN Junior & Nursery School. 8403 Yonge Street. Thornhill. Fully licensed - open all year. See our ad on Page 20. tfc39 ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR FEE CAN BE ARRANGED IF NECESSARY TRUDELL â€" Will the girl Idesigned by William Wegman lifted to view the Prime Min- Order now: ister Sept. 20’th at the arena LITTLE REMBRANDT please let me return her fav-I STUDIO our. Sent name. address and; 574 YONGE ST. NORTH phone number to Box 85. “The’RICHMOND HILL - 884-669t Liberal". c1w15 c4wl£ Do you have a drinking prob- lem If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill or cal] EM 6-8684. tfc17 REAL ESTATE WANTED MORTGAGES TO RENT IMISCELLANEOUS!MISCELLANEOUS DAY CARE PERSONAL HORSE FARM WANTED (Continued) c2w15 c1w15 *1w15 clw15 MON.-TUES. 8 a.m. to 6 pm. WED-FRI. 9 a.m. to 5 pm. SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 12 noon tfc13 roto- any SHAMPOOING Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884‘2433. tfc20 Roger Proulx -â€"~ Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€"inc1uding Script. Block letters, Outline and signature - fast service. Call "The Liberal" 884- 1105. GENERAL contracting. altera- tions and additions, home. of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 A. J. CLAYTON MASONRY CONTRACTOR All phases of brick, block. stone and repair work. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- tions. additions. and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884- 2838 tfc42 WHEADON PAINTING for all your interior or exterior painting. eavestroughs installa- tion and cleaning. minor repairs. free window cleaning with every job. Free estimates. big or small. 889-9056. tfcl3 Trenching. sewer & water lines. footings. 889-3604. tfc2 WALTER LONG PLUMBINGâ€" Efficient service at reasonable .rates. RON MOORE “"‘V PAINTING - PAPERHANGING '70 MGB. must sell. like new. Interior - Exterior. Free esti- Many extras. $1.925 01‘ best mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. Offer. 884-9153. 4th†_7 â€9:12‘67 CHEV 283, real good condi- Plastering Thomhiugtion. needs fender repair. can R. CLARK . be financed. Apply 55A Mark- Plain and Decorative Plastering, ham Road, after 5 DJ“, E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs 3 Specialty Free Estimates REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snowâ€" mobile repairs and service. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped \xith ladder truck. All commercial lesidential and inâ€" dustrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 881-2509. tfc48 PAINTING and decorating. in- terior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free estimates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms, additions. renovations. tile floors, and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price, 889-3653. RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paperhanging, interior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5153. WE speclal1ze in retaining walls, planter boxes and curbing, built from railroad ties Free esti- mates. A. Hartwick 889 6338 tfc41 PAINTING and decorating in- side and outside, repairs. car- penter work and rec. rooms. no job too big or too small. 884- 7743. tfc6 DRESSMAKING and altera- tions. 889-5713 after 6 pm. STIRLING MAINTENANCE window cleaners. walls and floors. Call Stirling Travers. 223-1952 PERRI-STYLE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Highly recommended even by friends. YOUR persoxElVChristmgs cards WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc2 488-7521 PLUMBING & HEATING CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 PLUMBING & HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 PAINTING 8.: PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 BAKERS BACKHOE EXCAVATING 832-1345 â€" MAPLE CHIMNEYS PAINTING 884-2433 PAINTING 884-2433 884-6417 889-9475 ST. NORTH .SIMPSONS Sears tent trEileIi ILL - 884-6690 good condition. 884-5692 after c4w13 6 pm. clwlï¬ 889-3185 tfc20 tfc18 tfc48 tfc46 ticâ€"12 tfc43 tfc50“ z tfc46 tfc18 tfc52 tfcll tfc3 tfc9 |2182.‘ Call after '7:30 pm BOOKKEEPING and account- ing services for small .busi- nesses. 889-5683. tfc83 DRUM and Percussion lessons. Call Myles Crawford. 884-1497. c13w13 SNOW ploughsirepaired and snow Ploughing. 884-3661, 300 Enford Rd. c4w15 PLOWI‘IVG and discing, weeds or hay cut. Fireplace wood. 884-8948. c4w13 pick-up and delivery service. 773-4368. ‘ c4w14 EXPERT steam cleaning and pressure washing. tractor-trailer servicing. Mobile Service Com- pany, 832-8828. c4w14 ’71 DATSUN 1200. fastback. good mechanical condition. re- built motor. radio and snow tires. Not certified because of crack in window. $1,275. 884- 4639. c1w14 '70‘C‘ï¬XRG’ERi’383. yellow, ‘72 DATSUN 1200 coupe. low mileage. fully optioned. 884- vinyl roof‘ bucket seats. con- sole. power steering. power brakes. Phone 889-4230. c2w15 '70 DATSUN, good condition. fog lamps. stereo 8 track. 1600 engine, $1.500. 884-8388. '64 BUICK Wildcat, power ev- erything. good body. best offer 889-1408 . c1w15 '64 PLYMOUTH. 6 cyl.. auto? ‘;matic, good car. 884-5756. ‘67 COUGAR. excellent condi- tion, Supertest Markham Road and Yonge Street. c1w15 '66 PONTIAC wagon. Good con- dition. $250. 884-3137. days. ‘ '65 RAMBLER. Eadie, best cash offer. 884-1241. c1w15 RTTIRED man very active seeks anything. preferably in- side. 884-7953. tfc14 BOOKKEEPING services in mg home. Evenings 884-6236. ‘ '69 Nb’iim’c Skiâ€"doc. 22 h.p., good condition. 832-1520. ‘ réiiGMC 1/2 ton pick-up. custom cab. fleetside, good condition. $650 as is. 884-8187. c1w15 ‘62 MERCURY Meteor. vs, auto matic. as is, $65. 884-6729. '62 VOLKSWAGEN. Call after 6 pm. 884-2690. c1w15 ‘48 FORD new motor, new paint qertified S u p e r t e st, Markham Road and Yonge Street. c1w15 ‘1 NORDIC -doo 399E. 832- 2586 after 8 pm. ‘ c1w15 ‘71 OLYMPIQUE 24 h. p.. 30 hours running. trailer and cover $650.00. 884-2390. *1w15 '64†PONTIAC wrecking for parts. 283 engine. Hurst shifter. 884-4031. c1w15 ‘63 PONTIAC Parisienne. vâ€"3, automatic. power 5 t e e r i n g, power brakes. 884-5286. D PRIVATE â€" 15 acres, West of Toronto. approximately 10 miles from 401. running creek, ap- proved for building. 884-3337. c2w15 ALL types of landscaping, stone work, sandy top soil and mush- room compost. Free estimates. A. Hartwick. 889-6338. tfc41 Fm Available November 1. box stalls and use of large indoor arena. 884-2756. c1w15 TON truck. available for LOTS FOR SALE SNOWMOBILES Repairs and Renovations Call J. S. Adams 889-6806 EMPLOYMENT WANTED USED CARS FOR SALE SNOW PLOWING Contracts. 884-6975 GARDENING New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 LIVESTOCK TRAILERS FOR SALE (Continued) PLUMBING c8w14 clw15 c1w15 c2w14 c1w15 tfc14 c1w15 clwl clwlï¬ clw15 tfc14 tch