Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Oct 1972, p. 19

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t 1.. f ”M 7 W { Caught on Highway 7 between Gordon Barnes, 17 of 29 Richmond Hill and Thornhill Riverside Bouleva1d Thor.nhill “ 1th 2‘2 pounds of freshly pick- pleaded guilty to an October 4 ed marijuana still moist charge of break- i-n and theft Hat'Gmdon Reid, 22 of 903 Mohank Thornlea Secondary School. R0361 1335‘ Apartment 314 was remanded to NovemberH 9 Hamilton refused to admit hav- for sentence and told to reportiing hashish for the purposes of to York Regional Police everyltraffiCking Wednesday night until then. MARIJUANA GROWING Three other charges were with- But he admitted the lesser drawn. and included offense of mari- Two alleged accomplices of juana possession, saying he was Barnes didn’t admit their carrying it for a friend. The charges and were remanded to arrest was at 11:10 pm July 23. October 26 for a trial date to He co-operated by showing be set. They were Glen Sonier.11police where the marijuana was Two alleged accomplices of juana possession, saying he was Barnes didn’t admit their carrying it for a friend. The charges and were remanded to arrest was at 11:10 pm July 23. October 26 for a trial date toll-{e co-operated by showing be set. They were Glen Sonierflpolice where the marijuana was 16 and Gordon Munro. 16. both‘growing. the court was told. of Metro. Reid was convicted and fined QUIT SCHOOL. HOME $50 or 30 days. \xith mo \xeeks Barnes quit school. left homeito pay. He was put on one YOUTH HAS RECORD the absolute discharge recom- He read Stiver’s record to the mended by the federal prosecu- court. It. included a 1971 break-itor. in conviction for which he was STRONG ODOR put on 18 months probation Colton was seen by police at September 30, 1971 and a 1971 11:20 pm at the Woodbridge common assault conviction Memorial smoking something which earned him a $50 fine. with a strong odor. He was Two of Stiver's employers ap- peared in court to testify to his good work habits and reliability, whlle his father testified as to his behavior changing markedly for the good after the seriousâ€" ness of the offense was realized. no excuse". said Judge Pearse. ”After over 20 years sitting on the bench in such cases it is a very difficult pill to swallow, to be asked just for a fine." he aa'id. Crown Attorney John Kerr: wk t It said the July 23 offense tooki Bryan Camping Industries place at the Stiver home after Limited of 70 Newkirk Road. an “001101“: party. Four shots Richmond Hill, a company its were fired at a car occupied by president said is now closed, James Parkinson and Andrew admitted June and July charges Kessei as the two Unionville of failing to file Sales Tax Re- teenage friends of the accused‘turns under the Excise Tax Act. were driving away. The company was fined $20 Stiver said he just did it for‘and five dollars costs. to be kicks and was aiming at the caricoilected by distress warrant if tires. But bullets hit the cannecessary. in, the open front window. hit the dash and the windshield, passing out the open window on the other side. It was a foolish prank, albeit it could have been a deadly one". said the Crown Attorney Kerry. Carman Stiver. 19. of Wem- bley Avenue, Unionville was re- manded by Judge Russell Pearse until November 2 for sentence and pre-sentence re- port. He was told to leave drink and guns alone. and to‘ report every Wednesday night to the York Regional Police Station in Buttonville. DRINK N0 EXCUSE "Drink and drugs are one of the greatest crutch excuses used and are wearing thin. They're no excuse". said Judge Pearse. "After over 20 years sitting on the bench in such cases it is a very difficult pill to swallow, to be asked just for a fine." he said. by 10 inches, entered and stole .a small chest of tools valued at iabout $200 and took $168.90 from the gymnasium office. Police were tipped off and ,were virtually waiting for him outside. The money and tools were recovered and he confess- ed to police. PEOPLE AFRAID “This is a very serious crime for which you can get 14 years in jail, or jail for life if it's a house. Things are getting so bad in this area people are afraid to leave their home un- attended . . . youth are inflicting heavy damage on schools.“ said Judge Pearsc as he entered a conviction on the court record. Stiver said he just did it for kicks and was aiming at the car tires. But bullets hit the car fender and door. while one went \“I know I could have killed someone. We just drank our- selves into a stupor," a Mark- ham .vouth already on probation told Richmond Hill Court here Thursday of last week as he ad- mitted shooting up a friend's car with a semi-automatic .22- calibre rifle. Youth Drank, Shot, Nearly Killed What is family-size hot water? If: enough hot water...: .xough hot water for all the baths, showers, dish washings, floor washings and laundries that it takes to keep your family and your home sparkling clean. Cascade will give you family-size hot water. because it’s designed for the job. The electrical industry put years of research into the Canadian family‘s hot water needs. Cascade was the resultâ€"built by qualified manufacturers to rigid specifications to assure you of dependability and complete satisfaction Get the Cascade m the czipacitv that 3 right for you and mics hot water family-use. Cgsude, the clean safe, efficient, electric water heater. A your hydro Roger Colton. 19. of 16 Wal- lace Street. Woodbridge, admit- ted an April 29 Vaughan mari- juana possession charge. He was remanded to November 9 far a pre-sentence report. Judge Pearse refusing to grant STRONG ODOR Colton was seen by police at 11:20 pm at the Woodbridge Memorial smoking something with a strong odor. He was searched and two marijuana cigarettes weighing 1.7 grams were found. He'd been on his present job for 10 months and had no previous conviction. the court was told. Police were tipped off and were virtually waiting for him outside. The money and tools wex‘e recovered and he confess- ed to police. YRP Detective Arthur Haney testified Barnes went to the school, broke a window four feet by 10 inches. entered and stole and moved to Toronto before getting into trouble. Due to his crime he now was without a job but had returned to his parents and was living at home. the court was told. NEWS % His lawyer explained Phillip took a friend to hospital with a head injury. His father re- cently died of a head injury and he was afraid the friend wasn't getting immediate treat- ment. He also was drinking. the defense attorney said. Police saw him going east on Dufferin Street and south on Church Street. swerving across the roadway almost into the ditch. He was stopped at Church and Markham Road, Crown Attorney Kerr said. Charles Robson. 57, of 150 Colbourne Avenue. Apartment 308, Richmond Hill. a caretaker. admitted driving while impaired October 18 at 1:10 am. Robson was convicted. fined $100 or 30 days and a breath- alyzer test refusal charge was withdrawn. His conviction car- ries with it an automatic driver's license suspension for three months. Phillip was fined $50 or 10 days jail for creating a disturb- ance by swearing at York Cen- tral Hospital emergency at 4 am August 28. He was swear- ing at the nurses. doctor and then at police when they came. So he was taken away and charged. the court was told. The Crown then withdrew August 28 charges of car theft and possession involving a 1972 demonstrator car taken from Neill Datsun Limited. Yonge Street North. and abandoned. Bruce was fined $20 or four days jail for being intoxicated August 30 at 1:30 am on Church Street at Roseview Avenue. SWEARING AT NURSES Bruce Bailey. 22. of 197 Six- teenth Avenue. Richmond Hill and his brother Phillip Bailey. 20. of 38 Benson Avenue. Rich- mond Hill, both pleaded guilty to charges. A sign on the car said “Take Me For A Drive“, the court was told. year's probation and warned not to get involved with drugs again. Call us at 884-1313 now to check your fuel tank and have it all ready for winter. make sure of your fuel oil supply, too! RAMER FUELS SERVICE YOUR HEATER AND CONTRACT FOR OUR FUEL 01L 189 CENTRE ST. E. 884-1313 A&P GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 4s-n-oznn49¢ AYLMER BEETS MODERNE - WHITE OR PINK HERSHEY CHOCOLATE 2M9; Italian Sausage Polish Sausage INSTANT WHOLE 19-H-ox Oin or DICED HARVARD 15‘/2-fl-ox tin CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VACUUM PACKED Chickens 3TOSLBSAVERAGE Ib44¢ SHOULDER ’- BUTT Pork Chops lb 78 ¢ Lamb Chops 5X BRAND, 4 VARlEYIES, HOT-SWEEY-PLAIN-GARLIC EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Blade Steaks lb 88¢ FOR IROILING Brisket Plate Ib38¢ 312325;; Ribs “77¢ 3:313:33?“ mos §3E§Zm§ZN§JnW Wigwam! FRESH Chicken Quarters lb 58¢ NEW ZEAlAND IMPORTED SPRING lAMB, FROZEN, SWEETENED OR UNSWEETENED, RECONSTITUTED NIAGARA, COIL PORTERHOUSE or WING STEAKS 5 OR ROASTS OR SlRlOIN STEAK "’ EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING IiIBV’VSIEAKs $4.14 FIRST 4 RIBS EXTRA LOW PRICES [Super-Right Red Brand Steer Beef! _ a . CHOICE QUAMY 4 tins 89¢ SHOULDER Wieners Mb pa: 5 8;! SK BRAND, FROZEN Beef Steakettes 2-Ibpkg $1.68 Perch or Cod Wieners Meat Pies Sausages SCHNEIL“.RS BRAND, 3 VARIETIES (Chicken, Bad or Pork) Pizza Pie Bologna Bologna TOWN CLUB UNIVERSAL BRAND, BACK-TO-BACK, PEPPERONI BURNS 0R SX BRAND. BY THE PIECE SCHNEIDERS BRAND, RED HOT STORE PACK, BEEF & PORK) RUPERT BRAND, FROZEN, BATTERED MAPLE LEAF. SLICED fééikédfl'hflégtséfém 32¢ MAPLE lEAF, 5 VARIETIES, SLICED SHOULDER ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST (ACTION PRICED) BONE IN (ACTION PRICED) ABSOLUTELY NO compnomss 7m QUALITY! J-Cloths Suave Hair Products A&P Toothpaste Sara Lee Cakes Potato Croquettes 4 20.0; pkg: $1.00 Corn Flakes 12mm 33¢ BEEF, CHICKEN, IRISH Cordon Bleu Stews 25 fl- -zo rm 5 9% A&P Tea Bags polyokgof10069¢ Broccoli Spears ALL-PURPOSE, ASSORTED COLOURS Spaghetti Sauce Heinz Beans 3 1941.01 .mss‘ (BRICK 12-02 856 OR COLBY 12-02 85¢) Cheese SCHNEIDERS, FARMERS 12-02 pkg SPECIAL BLEND FlUORIDE Aylmer Beets 510-H~oznns$1.00 Normal or Hard-Qo-Hold Hair Spray 'IO-oz aersol tin, Lemon Cream Rinse, E95, Lemon, Golden, Dry Shlmpoo 12-fI-ox bN (Your Choice) CHOCOLATE. ORANGE, VANILLA, FROZEN YORK BRAND. FROZEN SPAGHETTI, PENNI RIGATI, RIGATONE, ROTINI STIVAlETTI, CONCHIGLIE Lancia Pastas YORK BRAND, FROZEN Kraft Dinner KEllOGG’S IN TOMATO SAUCE (7c Coupon 0n label {or Kekhup) ROSEBUD PLAIN, MEAT, MUSHROOM, RAGU Pamper Cat Food 2 6-oznns 3 5;! MACARONI & CHEESE I Health 6: Beauty Aids! IO VARIETIES Frozen Foods! 14-02 pkg 8 8 ¢ (2-1.3 VAC PAC $1.15) 16-02 pkg 8-02 pie 73¢ family size 100 ml tube (GIANT $|ZE 50-ML TUBE 39¢) THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Oct Puff/£35 l 30-H-oz iar 10-oz pkg 3 7¢ 14-01 cake 73 ¢ 7‘/1-oz pkg pkg om 97¢ 2-l'b pkg (ACTION PRICED) (ACTION PIICED) (ACTION each 65¢ $1.00 69¢ 87¢ 69¢ 36¢ 17¢ PRICED) DATE CRUNCH FFFFFFFF 39¢ Bfi‘fibfl‘é $49!! Chocolate Brownies Coffee Cake Snowflake Rolls 3 pkgsonz 51,00 Lemon Pie JANE PARKER Raspberry Whirls pkgoré 59¢ JANE PARKER JANE PARKER. MERINGUE JANE PARKER, APPLE RAISIN Rhubarb-Apple Pie 59¢ JANE PARKER, PLAIN OR SUGAR JANE PARKER, COFFEE CAKES, DANISH JANE PARKER JANE PARKER Ontari’o White Table Stock, No.1 Grade RAISIN BREAD 4 ...... 100 POTATOES JANE PARKER, SLICED (DELICIOUS TOAS'IED) (BUY 4 lOAVES â€" SAVE 16:) MUSHROOMS MA-LING WHOLE OR SLlCED ACIION PRICED! ru” 8-inch, 22-02 size 10-FL-OZ TIN FULL a-lNCH, 24-01 SIZ! 12432 cake 15-02 pkg RAiN CHECK POLICY 9R H you uq unablo In purchasa any ndvcnisad llem, plum. ask 'or a Rain Check 1972 (SAVE 20:] (SAVE 30:) (SAVE- 10:) (SAVE 10¢] 59¢ 39¢ (SAVE 6e) (SAVE 66) 53¢

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