22 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Oct. ‘26, 1072 WHOLESALE PLUMBING SUPPLIES Copper pipe and fittings - brass fittings - A.B.S. fittings - Galt taps - Wesco waste and overflow trip levers - solder bars and ingots. FAIR-WOOD DISTRIBUTING lid. PHONE 773-4639 The Easy Chelce. The smooth taste of quality that is unmistakably Seagram‘s. FIVE STAR a ’ 'd o _. ' 1 i \I i _and Abma. Shannon . ‘ 1 \. “10‘ a n ‘ l .. . can .da SI T5651 S€IIIITE T36 \ITISh). ‘ATOMS Goal scorers for Simms were. If you are at all any type of I; io\\;:n the 5263:1016}: 8%Xflgé1 -â€"â€": Blendedandbottled by Joseph E. Scagrani&Sons Ltd..Waterloo, Ont, Sea Food Stars 5 Steven White 12). Mark Rey-.supporiey, you would forget TEAM I I holds and Scott .Iordan with‘about last year‘s Rams and hope I still attend school and I Own your home before Winter iBuying that home right now will give ‘you time to make it snug and comfortable before Winter slows the work. And Yictoria and Grey, with eighty years experience in custom building mortgages for people like you, will do all possible to help you have that dream home quickly. Come direct today to Victoria and Grey! The senior Trust Company T1185. - Thurs. devoted entirely to seriing 9:30 a.m. ‘0 4:30 P-m- thepeopleafOIiiario. Fri. 913°a-m-'5=3°P-m-IWInter work cutting Dead EImSI Sat. 9 a.m. tc Noon WCTORM and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL 884-1107 â€"‘ BAIF Bruins 4 Eliitftr‘ifllf‘izif'l’SE;Liberal Youth Program To Provide . I- . "l IRangers Oust Newmarket Squad‘ 63* III“ 0†By 3-0; Move Into Next Round UWIINU LAND WANTED V 7 * RESULTS - . ~ ~ - - HOMfl I \ork tenti‘al AssOciation for the Mentally ,V < The Richmond Hill Rangers tame time to scoring seconds \BC BOWLING Retarded l‘equl'es Dal'k'el 0f SCYVICed lalld- ZOIIed ’ ‘ industrial in the Richmond Hill area to expand moved into the next round of after following some excellent 1 V , V the .\cwmarkei and District paSsing combinations, If}: Happy Gang sicppedlup the adult work shop 3 .Socccr Association playoffs Sun- Billy Keenan got the second 2% â€PI place. la“ week “:1? 3' »' day with a convincing 3-0 sliutâ€" goal after some excellent pass- “ pomt spluige good enougi 10 \ _ -ï¬/fflrfl'â€. out over Newmarkct Brown's ine. between the forwards. have an edge 0“ the “"3013! PHONE SST-5861. MONDAY T0 FRIDAY 'l‘histles under poor field condi- The Rangers thought they PM?“ Hot Shots who haye -o 7 till . . .Iions. The game was played had the ball in the not again points 9 A'M- T0 5 Pu“- Iin Newmarkor when .\lur\\'in Evans shot from SPFPBH l‘lll behind BIT" “CHE“ MAJOR .\I|'I‘ES Randy 'l‘inslcy and Philip Low Play got undcri‘ii) in a steady the win; and the ball appeared Angels with 19. Powell‘s .\lcatâ€" City Wide Rent All ‘2 I Tony's Esso 5 downpour of rain which made to go over the line. The refâ€" head; “It“ 13- “0‘91" 14~ and Rasconc Construction 0 Dvnes Jewellers 6 ball control very difficult and cree disagreed and disallowed Cameos 3 ‘ 5001‘91'5 I0“ Rent All “CFC GUHIQE‘UC‘I‘S f0" TOURS “CFC exchanges for the first '20 the score. The top tliiee ladies for the MAY ‘l‘l L Bill)‘ Easton 3598th b." Jackie John Burnett and Garl‘.\.' 6011111‘ minutes were pretty mcnly The Rangers kept persisting night were. Eileen Powell 708 I Woods and Edward Iafono. with two each and Jim Burnett contested with both SldOS mak» and were finally rewarded when ~16? 260. “231i; Frances Warner Allencourt Fish & Chips 3 with one. Philip McLaughlin mg mistakes on the greasy tcr- \‘ince Forttrell got an oppor- 654 i191. 1348. 215i; Pat Curtis POINT OUT V Denny's Sunoco ‘3 Iiad three assistsC and Em'id rain. tunist goal 10 minutes from 6151176. 184.2351. 15 y . citing the puck for Allen- Abbott and Scott ra\\'f01‘ 0119 The Rangers persisted and time on a pass from Billy And: 7 . . . , court were David Noble 12) and each. f D got the first goal with Ivan erson. ‘001:?3333:]]m\s.?mthï¬ileï¬zdg%x 3&5 that ‘Ve ha‘e a Mark Joslin. Wayne Langdon Netting the puck 01‘ 3'1185 Brown doing the honors after‘ Richmond Hill‘s defence lay- m . .. - ' ‘ ' lgOi 130111 f01‘ Dennys “Till RiCkb' were Mike Flood. Dino C8D0- being set up by Horst Del- ed very solidly with Jim Hinry Egg: :2: flfluflggiléggr 159311l gOOd seleCtlon 0f ’ ' ' Murphy helping. tosto. Steve Shadoif ‘2‘ and Jim schlegel and Billy Keenan. and Tom Wilson keeping the op- I188. 944 199. . BINOCUL ARQ . “I!†KIE TALKIEQ NOVICES Wood. Assists went to John That was the only scoring in position at bay during most of I .. i H ' L A L A I ‘ N, T Dan's lisso 4 'l'iick i‘JI. Capotosto. 'l'om Wil' the Iirst half as the Rangers the game. Playing equally well ABC MEN‘S MAJOR . RADIOS . TAPE RECORDERS . bFEREOS Walker's Insurance 3 son iflt and Flood. Goalie .lohn Zindcrdine played was the halfback line of Billy Not too many high lscorcs h)- SONY and other “-e][.kn0“~n makes! caeuc Getting goals for Dan‘s were "origins Bros. Hardware 1 a very solid game and kept out Graham. John White. and Billy wcrc posted as thc Ken Main I2i. Scan Wilson and Street Construction 5 some dangerous drives. Anderson. swung into the home stretch of PHOTO Gary Boyle. with assists from Getting goals for Street “CH" 11 was still raining in the .Iimmy .\lcl\'eehan also played the first scrics. lint the battle well until receiving a leg injury f0r top spot continues light as SUPPLIES ‘John Lloyd and Wilson, Chris Nyc 43!, Stephen SIIIHI‘IC‘) second half and the going was I Eddie Opatow'ski got all the and Mark Gossman with assists muddy. The Rangers had a and retiring from the game. Team No 3 and Frank Engels. from Scott Taylor i2i. Bunther near miss when a shot by Miirm In the next round the Rangers Gulf keep on racking up points. Richmond Heights Centre __ 884-3221 .Walker goals with Peter Eckcr- . K Isley. Cameron Moss and James Bauer. Gossman and Nye. win Evans was just tipped away.play the winner of the New- These two teams have opened‘ Roberts earning assists. MINOR BANTAM ‘by the Tliistles keep at thelmarket I team and Aurora;up a five-point lead over their I Brian's Shell 4 ;base of the post. Bobby Ziri-I‘United. The game will likely closest Opposition. ‘ Allencourt Pharmacy 2 . _ . Richmond Hill TV 1 icino and Vince Forttrell alsoibe played this Saturday. Bob Julian led his team and the league coming through \vithl an 872 triple and 326 single to, keep his team in first place and at the same time move into the lhigh average load at 231, Teamâ€" mate Garry Palmer holds down i‘second spot with 242, Bob Ohlis is third, .lohn Moore fourth and 'Jim Boselcy fifth. .Iillian's game was the only one over 2300 but good triples .wore recorded by B. Fiecland. I727. G~ Palmer. 72L B. Ohlis. Consumers Gas 2 . Bill Neilson and Kevin tsuiu‘ Doug Lewis got three {10315 name not givenl scored for the for Brian‘s with Paul Kisko‘ druggists with Doug McKenzie scoring once, Assists: 'Dave getting an assist. Collins. Dave Dailey. Richard Mark Austin and Bryan Barker. Buchaii were the ('onsiimei-s' Wayne McCartney was aided goalgctters with assists from by Steven Bowers on the 'I‘Mike Barnett and .locl ’l‘hurs- goal. ton. XMAS LAYAWAY i 51 DOWN HOLDS IT Rotary Huh ‘2 Braddock Optical 6 I) & D Excavating 0 Knapps Paints 4 (‘raig Clack assisted both Bill Madden and Erwin Ix'crn» BOIJIIV “011011 and Brian Smith ohan both achieved hat tricks on the Rotary goals. for Braddock. with David Pirri's Fruit 5 _ . _ Mason. Danny Wright and David; Simms Construction I AliilleCTOlPalmeL â€4‘ and 'I~: .Lamb assisting. . Scoring for Pirri‘s were Paul‘ f ‘ . . _ ~ .. . w- l Knapps‘ goals were by Alike-Armstrong (2i. Jeff Thurston. i Standings: lcalinlNo. .3: l_.‘ Smith. John Abma i2i and Bill‘Brian Queen and Rob Fratcr' If. EngelsGulRil; f‘eam No. 1.1 Waterhouse with helpers from‘witli assists from Queen, Steve DEAR COMPLAINERS “‘Darvl Rice". ITeaanligc‘yigoif 1.6-1.T1::125NF(;UE£. g. I IBob Tucker (2). Noris Leler,Bishop. Rod Francey and Brad‘DCar Mr. Sports Editor: But remember it wasn‘t RicelTeam No. 6, 4- I John Noble and Norman help from Reynolds i2|. Jordanuthe best for the new ones. ‘. , . - . . . Murphy each had two goals and‘and Craig Bumfield, Here you are crying over a123,; 0:131 1:135:23, $51.33;}: MadE'tO'Measure Darrel Gleason one for thc.BANTAMS loss you'll never get back (Daryllare playing fantastic and 1 hope SIMS, “'1II‘ 3551515 from Cl‘ll‘lS-‘ CFGM 3 _ Ricel. when you could be cheerâ€"Iall the best for them this sea- topher Gaffney i2l. Blake Moss.) Stephenson Construction 1 ring on the new players. Youlson. . Tom Stubbs and Tom Cubitt‘. i CFGM goals were netted by‘might find in there a newI ALISON CLARK . b BOND CLOT S . y ' HE For BAIF Jack Vantol liadtDavid Cliepelsky, Eric Thomp-' two goals and Scott Bartlettlson and Glen Edwards with aid 1 and Douglas Bell one each with‘fyom Blain Killick. Ala n' Vantol also getting an assist. Thomas. Sean Gentry. Garry We also carry a . . . Latestsmes SELECT GROUP of POSTERS and TAPES 5‘2» «~60 0 V e . 0 Q Q «9 andfabrics b \ % Kc, Q (G I?! I I Q! from 79.50 , . . . ‘ . i -. ‘. ., \ . ' . 1;;rli‘ssgiilgeéllgil'st523 iii/(if). Mme Buscoe and Phlhp‘ Veg 3‘ I“ Q? 63E: O- Que?“ 0!" Save Your Sales Slips For Free Albums I son. Lib. , ¢ Q \a (- . l g ’( I Scoring by the Spoyts were; Sleplienson’s goal was netted U \ \ 0‘3- 0 Q I O < I‘ T . ‘ ‘ .. - , t; k6 _0 50. Q0. S" §~ OldCI l\OW fot eaily pie- Cary Caryin. Jimmy Glass andby Lawrence helped by Hendeiâ€" o éo g, A 60' ‘. . , ~ - - -. . \i . N \a a G Chiistmas delimiy Richard La Penna yvitli aSSlSLS‘son and Thurston. . C)? ,Q $0, 9‘2, it 6 O @ 0 y - o to La Penna and Carvin. . CMR 3. Surf Marine 2 I Re} ‘8, 0 ($0 ¢f )0 ‘ "â€"â€"â€"T “ChmOLId h'†Scoring for the Oilers was; Bruce Chiasson and Don up. “$50 $0 I (so 86 (g BOND CLOTHES I Gerry Lawlor with two. assistâ€" Campbell scored for CMR andi U .0 9! i9 5 (Meyer Solomon) ed by Robbie SIEEI 311d ROdneb‘iGord Bedwell got both counters \‘b .§ 0 {A In “The North Mall" "uglc RE Graham. for Surf with help on one fromi 0‘? ï¬x 1? f . Kent’s Black Hawks 1 Bob Putnam I \9 f 0 RICHMOND J ' i l ‘ “3‘ 8).. I HEIGHTS CENTRE RICHMOND HFIGHTS CENTRE PHONE 884-7362 Rices Rockets 0 MIDGETS . b J i . 1 Scott Patterson was aided by} Village Pizza 5. Little Ford 4 1 uropean Iâ€" â€"- “here the Record Action Is â€" Martin Green on the only goal.‘ Scoring for Village were Kev-i ‘ _ . _ h PEEWEES ‘in McKeag‘e (21. Tom Mesleynj I “ o . Shields Footweai 3 Chris Paterson. and Peter {$512! Dellcatessen : Eric‘s Cycle 3 nedy. Earning assists Scoring for Shields wereiTom Mesley, Paterson. Steve. David O'Connell. Mark BruhiilPeterson, McKeage and Kevinl and Chris Bedford. Getting‘Merritt. ‘ 832-1212 assists were Scott Taylor (Zhl For Littles the goalgetters . Randy Bennett and Bruhn. iwere Neil Clack (2'. Paul Evans; E1 i Scoring for Eric‘s were Pcteriand Doug Law with help from; I BUTTONVILLE COUNTRY CLUB NOW OPEN ’fipold 12) and Robert Steiner Sandy Murdock. Brendan Wood‘ FOR: with help from Danny Petroff..t2i and George Mason t2). Barney Danson Announces 0 CHRISTMAS PARTIES o WEDDING RECEPTIONS o PRIVATE PARTIES o ANNUAL MEETINGS IT LOOKS BETTER on MOTOROLA @ Quésar: . ‘A LL NOW AMAZING ONE-BUTTON. FOR A ‘ lnsta-Matic. ’ ' FREE COLOR TUNING I ' Some 100 youth in four dif- outlining the program and ask-l l'erent communities may get ing them to meet with him to jobs starting December 1 underjput it into operation. a Youth Environmental Service] Danson said the Youth En- (YESI program unveiled thislvironmental Service (YES) week by York North Liberal should qualify under the federal Candidate Barney Danson. lgovernment‘s Local Initiative Any youth who refuses a jobjProgram and would not only offered under YES program will give youths at least six months ‘forfeit his right to unemploy- of work but would, by cutting Demonstration SEATING FOR 200 PEOPLE FULL MENU OR BUFFETS TlANCE FLOOR â€" FULLY LICENCED Available BUT . . . you can get the best value for your food dollar at Levendale Meats. Lean. Meaty Spare Ribs .. . . 1b. 69c Minced Beef ...... 10 1b. bag $4.90 Breaded Pork Cutlets ...... lb. 79c Breaded Veal Cutlets ...... lb. 98c Now is the TIME to fill your FREEZER Front Quarters of Beef . . . . 65c Sides of Beef ............. 75c Hind Quarters of Beef . . . . . 85c Sides of Pork ........ . .. 65c lb Custom cut. wrapped and fast frozen for your convenience IF YOU DON‘T HAVE A FREEZER â€" WHY NOT LET US GIVE YOU OL'R QUOTATION! LEVENDALE MEATS Levendale Road 0 Richmond Heights Centre Telephone 884-5801 ,ment benefits. down the dead and dying trees. . I Danson, who was parlia-ibe of real service to the comg nientary secretary to Primeununities. I Minister Trudeau in the last‘ He pointed out that some I FOR INSPECTION OF OUR FACILITIES Call 297-1711 Located on Don Mills Rd. and Buttonville in Portables Table Models Parliament said the youth would older experienced men would .be used to cut down Dutch Elinalso be needed to show the par- ITrees and would be paid $2.00§ticipants how to use chain saws a hour. . ‘and other equipment to cut He said that he wrote niayors‘down trees and that they would ‘in the municipalities of Rich-be paid about $3.00 a hour. thus mond Hill, Vaughan. Markliamicreating additional jobs for ma- and land the Borough of North York ture unemployed. F U T w" u KKKKKKKEK££K££¥KKKÂ¥KKKKKKKKKKï¬ï¬KflKKEKKKKKKKW; Console Christmas Cards The high School students in your area will soon be around selling cards to raise funds for the Retarded Children‘s Association. lease welcome them when they come and buy your 1972 Christmas Cards from them. York Central Association For The Mentally Retarded I}!2th}i2i}iki2a?42<?13.?i>iZB-ZZEhhkï¬iirhi22.2.}i2n312i32r312.2i2.3r?->i}4.. â€3" $1.57 ‘ TO ALL INHABITANTS _ ENTITLED TO DIRECT TAXES FOR SCHOOL SUPPORT PURPOSES IN THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL I am in receipt of a list supplied to me by the Assessment Commissioner under Section 23 of The Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1.970. as amended, which shows the school support of every inhabi- tant who is entitled to direct taxes for school support purposes. The list was publicly posted in the Town Clerks Office on the 25th day oi October, 1972. MOTOROLA , -_ “Aslnsta-Maticï¬ii’hi‘ii‘i. the finest color tuning system you can buy Quasar “TM" works in a drawer "T31“ Color TV. Contemporary styling, 26" picture imcasured diag- p onallyi. lnstamatic Color Tuning. Push Button L‘ilF Tuning. Solid State tubelcss chassis. Re- Quasar bright picture placcable mini-circuits. B" I I 0“ tube. Line voltage regulation system. casters, gen- uine tempered hardboard with printed Royal “al- ® nut Grain finish, ROI-A GIVE PETER SMITH A CALL NOW. werezrmiergzkurzmxmmxLeukaemia: 24342i12013342412391§i§i§i3¢213l313ï¬312|3|§223a§13a31 ll You are hereby requested to examine the list To for any errors or omissions i? the CSlerk'ts {Mfg-1e MO XVD HE’LL ARRANGE TO BRING ONE " ‘ "* ‘ ' F‘l'ttls H A . ‘. FACTORY 2:? PW ($be (RtltIlliliilglIiLtllnllfllIiiilBulldlng‘DG onge tree 01 56.25 33911752335 OF THESE AMAZING SETS 121ch Em. 0F '4 The last day for the filing of Ocmplaints for giggatlgllglgfglggfggg INTO YOL‘R LIVING ROOM. FOR a ‘ revision of the list is November 3rd, 1972. l ‘ “arm†LIVE COLOR TY DEMONSTRATION. PRICES Week Plus 5â€â€˜13lclpgsciflundabie ' THE CHIP O pop SHOP 2388 Bayview Ave. N. (Bayview Plaza) Bayview 8; Elgin )Iills Sideroad - 884-9012 S P E C l A L I HALLOWEEN CHIPS $17 5 Box of 40 - 3c Bags Only shall attend at my office on the lid day of October. 1972 between the hours of 9:00 am. and .3200 pm. for the revision of the list and shall continue to do so from day to day, except Saturday and Sunday. until all complaints filed on or before November 3rd, 1972 have been disposed of. ORK HOME TV » 889- 646 in Peter Smith will personallv service all sets if and when required. right in your home. R. Lynett. Clerk. Town of Richmond Hill. October 35th. 1972.