Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Oct 1972, p. 5

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Matron of honor was Mrs.'cision was that. despite a slew Carole MacWilliam of Rich- of objections earlier by resi- mond Hill. She wore an A-line dents of the area, there was noâ€" gown of deep orangewith rolll‘body on hand to protest at the collar. > IThursday morning session. Also Bridesmaids Beverley Kerwin. several letters of withdrawal niece of the bride, and Carol were received from the objec- Collins wore gowns of the same tors. peau d’ange lace cut on empire That‘s the length of time lines. with matching detachable it took Municipal Board Vice- chapel train and fitted lace3Chairman H. E. Roberts. to ap- trimmed sleeves. Her waist prove the town's application to length veil was held in place change the bylaw to allow 23.9 by a small lace Tudor cap and acres of agricultural land in she carried white gardenias in Unionville. to become available the form of a cross'and accented for an additional 109 lots for by a touch of pale green. Thelthe erection of single famin bride's dress and headdress homes. Twin Towers and As- were designed and made by her sociates are the developers. mother. ’ The reason for the quick de- The ceremony took place October 6 in the Roman Cathoâ€" lic Church of the Blessed Trinity. Willowdale, with Father Wilfred Firth officiating. The wedding March. Purcell's “Har- mony” was played by church Organist Brian Frawley. Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore a gown of white satin embroidered with peau d’ange lace cut on empire lines, with matching detachable chapel train and fitted lace Standards of white gladioli and candles formed a back- ground for the wedding of Judith Elizabeth Kerwin. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ker- win of Willowdale. and Frank Borgatti. son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Borgatti of. Toronto. A series of plays and dis- Services of York County and cussion with the theme “FamilyEYork Central Hospitals begin- and Peopleâ€"Happiness Is '2 ? ‘B’Uning today (Thursday) from 8 sponsored by the Mental Health‘no 9:30 pm Neu'market High A Resident Of Richmond Hill For 20 Years, Judy Kerwin Wed Best man was George Flak of Ottawa and ushers were Steve Kerwin. Robert H a m i l t o n. Michael Gardiner and Brian Campbell. Borgatti-Kerwin The bride. who grew up in Richmond Hill, now teaches in Scarboro. The groom is with a Toronto law firm. Both are graduates of the University of Toronto. The reception dinner and dance took place ‘at Summit Golf and Country Club. Rich- mond Hill. The toast to the bride was proposed by Arthur Family, People, Teens And ln-laws All In Mental Health Program g-nululmllIimumuumllmlmlulm1miuuuuuuluummumquuuuummnumumulmuuuumumunuumuuu\umuuuu'umulmummuuuuluulummunnuuumumumuuumIumuuuumnuuunuuuuuuluu' 'r unmmumuwwmmu Our Lady of the Annunciation in Oak Ridges ‘ -' Our 'Lady Help of Christians,” Béyview _ had 224 pupils at the endfi September. down Avenue, Richmond Hill, is still the largest school _ ' in the region, with an enrolment of 494. down 28 13 from June; ng Township’s Holy Name had from June. Notre Dame in Newmarket is in 85, down 24 and Sacred Heart had 148, up 17. llllllllllll“\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllll' lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll '1' Highest Enrolment In Separate Schools More Than 5, 000 Pupil Population Now The mod guy wants new wheels. The housewife says it‘s time she had a dish- washer. The office supervisor wants to add a family room to his house. The secretary is going on a European vacation. he construction foreman wants to build a garage and the sales rep wants to finance a colour TV set. The student will need money when she goes to University. They’re typical people with typical money needs. and they‘re typical credit union members. They borrow or save at their own credit union. the Real people place. Each is an equal owner. Some will borrow the money they need. Others will save it. Each will get a fair. square deal. If they borrow. their interest rate is reasonable. If they save the money. their dividends are reasonable too. They also receive some excellent insurance benefits. ‘ - Our Lady Help of Christians, Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill, is still the largest school in the region, with an enrolment of 494. down 28 from June. Notre Dame in Newmarket is in By school closing day in June the number of pupils had crept up to 5,001 pupils from a Septem- ber 1971 enrolment of 4,928. On September 5, the first day of the 1972-73 school year, enrol- ments totalled 4,984, but by September 30 this figure had grown to 5,016. At the end of Septem- ber, 1969, the total enrolment was only 4,596. People and money. that‘s ‘ typical people, with typical money RICHMOND HILL The Real people place - COMMUNITY CREDIT .VOllr CREDIT UNION UNION LIMITED it serves You right. The highest enrolment ever in Roman Catholic Schools in the Region of York was re- ported at the end of September. The number of pupils at that date was 5,016, it was reported at the October 17 meeting of the York County Roman Catholic School Board by Administrator Joseph Hodge. YONGE ST. NORTH. RICHMOND HILL PEOPLE AND MONEY; THAT'S YOUR CREDIT UNION. IT’S THE REAL PEOPLE PLACE. in . Underground services have th already been installed and the re developers are at present cut- of ting out the streets. Markham Solicitor James nd Wallace appeared for the town. iit No evidence was presented on '11- either side and no reasons for he the withdrawal of the objec- ur tions were given. The reason for the quick de- cision was that; despite a slew of objections earlier by resi- dents of the area, there was noâ€" The Official Plan for the town was adopted by council in April of 1971 and approved by the provincial government two months later. Council approved the sub- An 0MB hearing at the Townlfor equality anyway?" ‘ of Markham municipal offices Young people of the com to discuss a proposed amend-kmunity will be on stage on ment to a zoning bylaw. waslNovember 16 giving their in- completed in about 60 seconds,xte1'p1retation of “Teenagers-as October 19. ' lThey See Us”. Returned from a honeymoon trip to Muskoka. the newlyweds are living at 80 Parkway Forest Drive, Willowdale. No One Turns Up ForOMB Hearing Gibson of Richmond Hill amendv Original objections were con- cerned mostly with the installaâ€" tion of adequate sewage services and an adequate water supply. Services of York 'County and School. York Central Hospitals begin-| Presented by the York ning today (Thursday) from BICounty Mgntal Heglth Associa- (Richmond Heights Centre) that‘s what the Real people place is all about. If you‘re money needs, shouldn't you check with your credit union? :écsi‘flIn the Estate of the late Olga 5 no_|\Flora Doner, late of the Town- 'the‘ship of King, in the Regional AlsolMunicipality of York, Deceased. awal ALL PERSONS having: claims bjecfiagainst the Estate of Ong Flora Doner, late of the Township of the King, in the Regional Munici- ;11 in pality of York. Deceased, who d by died on the let day of June. two 1972, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the sub. undersigned on or before the 1971,16th day of November, 1972, The series will wind up with another presentation by the Aurora Drama Groupâ€"“In- laws or Out-laws? In the area of family relationâ€" ships, the Aurora Drama Work- shop will pose the question, "Who is Unfair?" Topic for November 2 is "Can you talk to your spouse?â€" Fighting fairly.” and the follow- ing week changing concepts of marriage will be discussed with the keynote question. “Who is for equality anyway?" - Admission is $1 per family for all or part of the series and includes membership in York County Mental Health Associa- Discussion leaders will be in- formed York Region citizens and professionals especially chosen for the topic of the eve- ning. Moderator for the series will be Fred Baden. director of Blue Hills Academy. tion, the five-weekly programs will deal with family relation- ships, The Aurora Drama Workâ€" shop will present plays illustrat- ing typical family stress points and the audience will be invit- ed to take part in the problem solving. second place with 435 pupils, down 22. St. Mary Immaculate. Trayborn Drive, Richmond Hill. is third largest with an enrolment of 411. up five from the June figure, and St. Luke‘s. 'l‘hornhill, is in fourth place with an enrolment of 305. down 20. The new John XXIII School, in the Unionrille area, has a registration of 270. St. Joseph’s, Richmond Hill has an enrol- ment of 217, down five from June; St. Anthony's, Thornhill, has 201 pupils, up 32; St. Robert‘s, Thornhill, now has 272, down eight. St. B‘Iarg‘aret Mary in Woodbridge had 250 pupils at the end of September, down five from June. NOTICE To Creditors and Others Newmarket High School is lo- cated at 329 Prospect Street in Newmarket. lion Ill“llll\l\|\ll|lll\ll|lll“llll““Illll\\lllll\\llll\“11mm SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED I RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Mrs. Ruth Holmes and Mr. and‘ Mrs. Cliff Rumble and their families. ; > Last Sunday's togetherness session, which was the last one. was a hymn sing in the upper room at 7:30 pm. The Spiritual Life Fellowship met October 23 at 8 pm forl meditation and prayer in the church. This was followed by Bible study and refreshments. I . Church NeWS Sunday there will be a cele- bration of Holy Communion at 8:30 am at St. John‘s Anglican Church. The service will be followed by a parish breakfast at 9:15 am and then by a family followed by a parish b1 at 9:15 am and then by a service at 10:30. Last Sunday there was bration of Holy Coml The short anthem was Art Thou‘X The flowers Lord's table were placet to the Glory of God and The short anthem was “Holy Art Thou‘X The flowers on the Lord’s table were placed there to the Glory of God and in lov- ing memory of Mrs. Giles Kers- will by members of her family. Mrs. Ruth Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Rumble and their families. Last Sunday's togetherness session, which was the last one. was a hymn sing in the upper room at 7:30 pm. The 125111 anniversary com- mittee met October 24 at 8 pm in the upper room. Confirmation classes will be- gin Sunday, November 12 in the upper room at 8 pm. There will be a “Festival of Faith“ November 5 at All Elgin Mills - Jefferson News CORRESPONDENT: CAROLINE LOMAS. Telephone 884-3000 was a cele- ommunion Saints' Anglican Church in enjoyed the swimming. which King. St, John’s Mixed Bless- was followed by refreshments ings will introduce the evening and a devotional. ‘ from 7:30 to 8 pm. Immediateâ€"l Friday. October 27, the. young ly following a short worship‘people will met for 2 Ha]. service. Rt. Rev. Allan Read,lowe'en party. will speak for 20 minutesJBirthdays There will be displays in thei This week birthday greetings basement on parish outreach. igo to Stephen Fraser who will St. John‘s Young People met‘be 11 and to Cameron Lund October 20 and went swimmingiwho will be six October 28: to‘ at Richmond Hill CentenniallAllyn Workman who will be Pool. Eighteen young peoplelnine November 1. ‘ WNW .» fiv- Hallowe’en * Dance Bar SATURDAY. OCTOBER 27 IN THE LEGION HALL Prizes for best costumes DOOR PRIZES Royal Canadian Legion Branch 375 (big special raffle) 9 p.m. ’til 1 a.m. WE WILL NOT KNOWINGLY BE UNDERSOLD 0N IDENTICAL ITEMS THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. Oct Lots of fun I have this 26th day of October posted the Assessment Commissioner's List for the Town of Markham in the Municipal Offices, 8911 Don Mills Road. ‘ . The List should be examined by all persons assessed to ensure that the information and school support is correctly shown. A person whose name has not been included in the List or whose name has been included in the List but the information relating to him, as set out therein, is incorrect may apply personally or by his agent by completing and filing a form obtainable at the Office of the Clerk at the address shown below during normal office hours. The last day for filing forms requesting addi- tions‘ corrections or deletions shall be NOVEM- BER 3rd. 1972. REVISION AND CERTIFICATION OF ASSESSMENT COMMISIONER'S LIST SCHOOL SUPPORT OPEN DAILY UNTIL 6 RM. THURS. & FRI. UNTIL 9 RM TOWN OF MARKHAM N. J. Pickard, Clerk, Town of Markham, 8911 Don Mills Road, Markham, Ontario. 19

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