NAME brand color TV's. 1973 models in sealed car- tons, with five year guaran- tee, for $150. less than you would pay in any store. Only five 26" models left. 881- 1813. clw22 JACKET china mink, excel- lent condition. size 16. $75. Trim-Gym exerciser, $50. 889-1078. c1w22 JOHN DEERE, "‘32" ‘s'ndwâ€" thrower for 60 lawn tractor. 884-5863. c1w22 SNOWMOBILE shi‘t'éf’s'izes 14 and 18. $10. each. 884-2273. tf022 THE FLOWER CART CHRISTMAS ARRANGEMENT Also gifts, unique, but rea- sonably priced. See display at Country Place Nursing Home. 18th Avenue off Bay- view. Phone 884-9565 for appointment. for personalized work. c3w22 and 1. ladies‘ size 6. $2.00 pr. 884-7443. c1w22 THREE piece corner couch $75.; '71â€" color stereo TV asking $400. 884-9452. s BARGAINS s s BARGAINS $ Large selection of piano‘s, dining room suites. bedroom furniture. several odd din- ing room tables, one hand carved pedestal base table (exquisite workmanship), odd chairs, dressers, mattresses and box springs. some china and silver. various ornaments and some antique pieces. THE ROOF IS NOW ON SKATESâ€"Children's sizes 11 CROSLEY refrigerator, 16.6 cubic feet; Moffat stove, 42", $50. each. Connected for viewing. 889-5570. clw22 WELL rotted manure. big 4 yard load. $18. delivered in Rlchmond Hill area. also dry hardwood slabs, 11/2 cords de‘ livered. $25.. while they last. C. L. Knappett. 884â€"3089. EURNITURE for sale. living room suite, bedroom suite; fridge. stove etc. 881-0443. c2w21 A-l Furniture Sales 360 Newkirk Road (World Wlde Shipping Bldg.) Richmond Hill - 889-5101 Open Saturdays 9-6 pm only tfc22 Flâ€"RETNOOD for fireplace, split and delivered. 773-5488. tfc19 KODAK movie prdjébtor. model M80 with zoom Iense, $150. 889-2940. nclw22 on1y 3 months; like new. Original price $130., _selling for $90. Phone 884-2884. RALEIGH lO-spééa. use}: USED coï¬iï¬iae‘ï¬ï¬'ater oil furnace. best offer. 884-4839. c1w22 ANTIQUE bedroom suite. rocking chairs, washstand, all kinds of chairs. We buy sell and trade. 115 King Side- road. Oak Ridges, 1‘2 mile in from Yonge. 773-5448. ONE side of beei'ï¬c’T-a pound. 832-1130. c2w22 WASHER, dryer and refrig- erator. 884-7197. after 6 pm. *1w22 DOLLS. Baby Firststep and Tippy Toes and others. Doll carriage. hot rod set and boy's high-rise 3 - s p e e d bicycle all in good condition. 884-5434. c1w22 HOT wheels. cars, track and accessories. good condition, value $100.. sell for $50. or by sections; electric view master projector and slides, $6. 884-8893 after 6 pm. DRUM set, Corinet. good con- dition. $100. or best offer. 884-3449. c1w22 SNOWTIRES F7836? plus rims, $30. 884-5963. ONE dining room suite. ovai table, two arm and four side chairs. large buffet. good con- dition. Phone after 6 pm. 889-5745. c1w22 IDEAL FOR CHRISTMAS WEAR Formal dress and matching ccat, red velvet bodice, white spun French silk skirt, mat- ching red velvet coat. worn once, sizes 7-8. New $130., asking $65. 889-7481 after 6:30 pm. c1w22 HbUSEHOEbifui‘rï¬â€˜sEings for sale. good condition. must sell. 884-4566. c2w22 FMQA’Vf dstereo amplifie . new. $80. 884-3721 after 4 p.m. clw22 GUITAR, cord, caséfused foâ€"r one year. $35. 833-5636. Reach more prospects faster. Save time and money. LIBERAL Cl._.AS§|FlAED _ADS , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES (Effective July 1. 1972) CASH RATES. lst insertion 10 words 81.25 and .10¢ per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for $1.15 and 10¢ per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. chsrze $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50¢ CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARBIAGES. BIRTHS. per 1n- sertion $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. WE’LL BE IN OUR NEW LOCATION SOON Come in and browse FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 30, 1972 c1w22 c4w19 c1w22 c2w22 clw22 c1w22 tfc21 L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 tfc3 TEAKWOOD Living. dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9 pm. 459- 0760. Hwy, 7, just east of Fifth Line. (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc31 SEASONED fire wood, maple, beech birch and oak. Holland Park Garden Cenâ€" tre. 10141 Keele Street N., Maple. 832-2455. tfc14 BEDROOM suite 7-piece. dining suite 9-piece. Chester- field suite all Burma teak- wood. New furniture. very reasonable. Please call 1-247- 4377. Toronto. tfc16 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale Including new and rebulit standard portable and elec- tric models. Special rental rates available to students. RAILWAY TIES Holland Park Garden Centre, 1014! Kcele Street N.. Maple. 832-2455, tfcl4 ALUMINUM Doors, windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 Free estimates Aluminum siding, windows, doors, awn- ings. also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558 fac- tory. 832-1319 Maple. tfc28 FIREPLACE wood, maple. beech. $5. quarter cord. kind- ling $1. bundle. 9519 Keele at Maple Sign. south. tfclS PLYWOOD 4 x 8 sheets, fir 1"2" special. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. tfc~l WASHER. dryer and stove parts. gears, belts, wood bearings and wringer rollers, etc. For all makes. Repairs to vacuum cleaners and small appliances. Math's TV, 49 Industrial Road, 884-7903. Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 TOP soil for sale. 884-7565. tch SEWING machine (guaranâ€" teed) from $19.95. Bernina Sewing Centre. 884-3775. FREE Modular Hi-Fi with 26" color TV. Brown‘s Appli- ances. 8 Yonge Street S. Richmond Hill. 884-9821. field suite, good condition. 884-1468. c1w21 Sim-2s of Bééf 76315.: _sides of pork. 59c 1b., cut and wrapped for freezer. Phone 884-9430. 02w21 USED 2-piece brown Chester- MEN‘S large Skiroule 2- piece deluxe suit, mitts, hel- met. kidney belt and size 10 boots. used one season. $160. value. asking $100 833-5038. c1w22 some baby articles. $10. 884- 2468. c1w22 BLUE baby carriage with BABY crib $10.. also baby carriage $10., also dressers and chest. 8814063. ONE custom made material rack for 8 ft., Ié-ton fleet side pick-up truck box. ex- tends over cab. Phone 889- 2708, after 6 pm. nc2w22 HAIRDRYER and chair good condition. $50. 889- 0351. clw22 ELECTRIC stoveâ€"‘30" with rotisserie. 4 years old. $75.. wringer washer with pump. $20. 881-1063. c1w22 SAWâ€"Rockwell Beaver, 8" tilting arbor saw with stand and motor. 884-2275, after 6 pm. c2w22 bAMERK‘Yéshica Mat. 124 and accessories. used very little 884-1136 after 4 pm. ONE year old countertop portable dishwasher, new cost. $70.. sacrifice. $20. com- plete; Boy‘s Hookey equip- ment. $25. 884~3786. BABY'S crib, $15., also hiéTI chair. like new. 889-1831. DRUMS (Beltone) full set in- cluding double side toms and drummers throne. good con- dition. Best offer. Call 884- 4518. ‘1w22 BRA‘S_S-bed, donâ€"BIS. in good condition. $175. 832-1069. 6 H.P.. 24" Duo stage snow- thrower with reverse. Little used. no longer needed. good. $250.; no more, no less. Phone 887-5485. c1w22 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. YORK ALUMINUM FOR SALE (Continued) WANTED c4w19 c1w22 clw22 c1w22 clw22 c1w22 tfcl3 tfc17 BOY‘S 3-speed Super-cycle bicycle. in good condition, $30.; fireplace screen. reg- ularly $24., used only one winter. will sell for $12. 884- 8979. c1w22 POOL table 3 ft. by s‘ftTiiYo new. $38.. call between 5 and 6:30 pm. 889-3235. c1\\722 CHAIN saw needs repair. 889â€"2699. c1w22 KITCHEN suite. $18.: card table. 4 chairs. $15.; dining room suite. table. 5 chairs. buffet and china cabinet. $190.; wall clocks: mantle clocks; etc. Richmond Hill Antiques and Used Furniture, 9218 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill (opposite Parkway Dept. Store). 881â€"1063, clw22 10 CAL. aquarium, pump and accessories, $20.; 5â€"piece Stewart drums Ludwig heads and extra heads. $125.; large chrome kitchen table. no chairs. 810,; old rocker $18.; 1 pair gold bedroom lamps. new. $8.; mahogany buffet, $65.; Seabreeze stereo phonic portable record player. $20. 884â€"6822. *lw22 FURNITURE â€" dining room suite. bedroom suites, 2- piece chesterfield, matching commode and coffee tables. lamps odd chairs, marble lamp and coffee tables. large desk and chair, kitchen set. hall chairs and centre piece swag lamps, refrigerator. electric 30" stove. automatic washer and dryer. Please call after 4 pm. 223-9720. ANTIQUE wooden wall tele- phones. 884â€"3730. c1w22 SNOWMOBILE suits for sale} 884-9748. c4w21 CHESTERFIELD,’ 2-pieces green, $40. 884-7035. SKATES. men's size 10, and boys‘ size 12, $5. 884- 6456. c1w22 CHEST freezer. 19 eliti- perfect condition. $150.. cash sale. 884-2510, after 6 pm. *lw22 COLOR 25" Tonsole' TV walnut cabinet, perfect condi- tion. 223-9720. *1w22 GO-CART. Lotus £91312. Esk- ing $200. firm. 889-5233 FOR all those fascinating knitting and sewing supplies seeâ€"- SNOWMOBILE suit. extra large. unused. 884-4649. HYDRAULIC pumps and E;- linders for snowploughs and power tail gates. Call Herb. 887-5766. c2w21 A Motorola (Quasar) color TV. York Home TV. Peter Smith 889-1646. tfc20 c1w22 MILLINERS Dressmakers Supplies. 93 Yonge Street South. 884â€"5894. 10" wooden embroidery hoops, Xmas 'dec- oration baby wool 59c bail. limited quantity. c1w22 CON Conquest trumpet. ex- cellent condition. $100. 773- 5795. c1w22 70 THEATRE chairs, 2 an- tique rocking chairs, a Tam~ per burner and controls. good condition. an oak bench chair. suitable for cabin. 889-5233. clw22 PHOTO enlarger, Hanza. 884- 2711. clw22 22 AUFOMA’TIC rifle. Call after 6 pm. 884-4036. JUNIOR béd’uiithnvinyl hiat- tress. good condition. $20. 884-4257. clw22 22 IN, General Electric stove, $25.. Kelvinator refrigerator. $25., Beatty wringer washer. $25. 884-6956. c1w22 WESTINGHOUSE 4 burnEF, 30" stove, excellent coï¬driit-{o'r-I: 294-6177. c1w22 COUPLE, man and woman, for office cleaning. full time. Experience preferred. Call between 4 and 6 pm only. 884-5505. tfc18 DISHWASHER Wqï¬i r e d. Phone 884â€"9248, c1w22 CLEANING ladyâ€"for iThorn- hill area. own transportation. 889-7131. clw22 Private hospital requires nurses' aides and registered nursing assistants, all shifts available. .Thornhill area. transportation provided to public bus routes. Please call Mrs. Roland, 889-4931, between 9 am and 5 pm. PACKERS A‘ND MACHINE OPERATOR TRAINEES Large food container manu- facturer in north end of Metro Toronto requires pack- ers and machine operator trainees for full time work. 3 DAY WEEK Friday. Saturday. Sundayâ€" 12 hour days or nights. 40 hours may for 36 hours work. Substantial Sunday bonus. Only interested people need apply to 8100 Keele Street. Information 669-1331. IMMEDIATELY clerk-typist for chartered bank in the area of Keele Street and No. 7 Hwy. Experience prefer- red. 669-1396, ask for Mr. Matthey. tfc22 HELP‘WANTED FOR SALE ‘HELP WANTED Richmond Hill 884-2214 WYN-DOT SHOP Bayvlew Plaza (Continued) c4w19 clw22 c3w21 clw22 c1w22 c1w22 c4w22 To handle correspondence in German for importing com- Dany small busy office. Hours: 9-5. PUNCH press operators pre- ferably female for automo- tive trim plant in Richmond Hill area. Good starting rate with company benefits. 889-7549. tch SECRETARY required for small Willowdale office. shorthand an asset. typing and telephone experience a must. 226-2800. c1w22 IF you have 10-12 hours to snare earn $40. per week. no gimmicks. For information call 889â€"0827. Interested DI‘ODIG only. c1w22 (‘LEANING ladv. proferrably Thuredays. No. 7 Hwy. East of Bayview. 889-5266. 02w22 TEMPORARY OFFICE JOBS Exneriencod tyni'zts. stenos. clorks and all office machine oporatcrs needed now and in the new year. Work avail- able in Willnwdalo. Downs- \'in\\'. Don Milk. North City and suburbs. Work a day. a wr-ok or longer. Top rates, Fast Dav, Interviews in Wilâ€" lrm'dalo by annt‘intment Mrs. Gnidman. 922-5123. 'I‘OSI. MECHANIC on large station- ary engines and compressors for gas transmission com- panv. Must be experienced and have initiative. Know- ledge of hydraulic and pneu- matic centrols an asset. Periodic shift work. Apply in writing to Trans Canada Pine Lines. Box 190, Maple. Ontario. clw22 EXPERIENCED neat. serv- ice station attendants. full and part-time. 7562 Yonge Street at Arnold Avenue. Thornhill, clw22 GROCERY clerk with super market experience. Apply in person. Allencourt IGA Bay- view and Markham Rd.. Rich- mnnd Hill. clw22 ACCOUNTS receivable clerk needed bilingual English and French. must be able to type or write neatly. Keele and 7 area. Phone 881-0220. URGENT Experienced cleaning women. home makers and baby sit- ters. Call 88-1-5286. tfc6 BAKER. experienced, night work. Apply in person, 22 Levcndale Rd., Richmond Hill. 884-6691. tfc19 ONE waitress wanted full time, must have experience. Call Halfway House, 887- 5150. tfc18 EXPERIENCED hairdresser and assistant, good wages and benefits. 889-5310. c4w21 WAREHOUSE men or wo- men. 5 day week. good com- nany benefits. Write Box 631. Concord. c2w21 NURSES and nurses aides. with experience for nursing home. Yonge Street. Thorn- hill area. Phone 889-4651. HOUSEKEEPING help re- quired for nursing home. Phone 889-4651. tch LICENSED bodyman capable 3f working on both cars and trucks with minimum of sup- ervision. Wages open. Apply at B & G Truck and Auto Body. 378 Newkirk Road, Richmond Hill. tch c1w22 CLEANING lady. Thomhill area. weekly. 889â€"3682. MALE or female need extra Xmas S $ S. be agents for Panty Hose Distribution. call 251-0261. c1w22 TYPIST receptionist required fcr dental office. typing skills essential. Apply to Box 3. “The Liberal“. c1w22 CLERK-typist reEuiled.’3 to HEAD COOK for senior citi7cns home in Unionvillo, must have experi- ence in baking. Union Villa. 297-2822, c1w22 NIGHT LOADERS Part time night loaders and unloaders wanted on a call in basis for soft drink com- nany. Must be able to furn- ish references and have chauffeurs license. Tele- phone Brian Reevie. 633-9440. between 3 pm to 5 pm. TYPIST Experienced. must be quick accurate ‘with figures) and pleasant. Excellent starting salary, Finch - Duffel-in. 661â€" 9333. c1w22 PART-time office help with bookkeeping experience, 2 days per week. Sheppard and Willowdale Avenue area. 221- 93934 c1w22 4 monhts. local bank. 884- 8126. c1w22 ACCOUNTING OPPORTUNITY Aggressive individual requir- ed to persue collections and maintain complete set of books to trial balance for Maple Egg Grading Station, King City. Experience necessary. Call Toronto 461- 6305. c1w22 WAITRESSES. experieï¬ch. for dining lounge. full time. 893-1777. 02w22 SECRETARY GERMAN LANGUAGE III CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 80 Yong» Street South 884-6782 - 884-6970 (Continued) c1w22 c1w22 c2w22 clw22 tfc6 KITCHEN help, local ski operation requires cook. Pan- try salad help. cafeteria. steam ta bl e, dishwasher. Modern kitchen, good work- ing conditions. Full or part time. Call Honey Pot Tavern and Ski Valley. 889-4988 and 889-4993. tfc17 DESIGN draftsman with above average ability and ex- perience in the design of special purpose equipment. Top pay for top man. Phone Ed Bradley. 887-5963. c3w20 GENERAL ACCOUNTING CLERK This is an accounting position of a general and varied na- ture. ’ Previous experience is desir- able in any combination of the following areas: Accounts receivable Accounts payable Payroll General accounting Machine accounting Cost accounting Typing. perception, judge- ment, and mathematical skills are required. Please call per- sonnel department. EXPERIENCED press brake operator to start immediate- ly. 884-5868. tfc18 Ministry of Natural Re- sources. Maple. shift work, $3.18 - $3.71 per hour. Call N. Hofstee. 832-2261. ext. 325. clw21 Aâ€"Rlï¬myou sports â€"miridett? Do you like to talk to people on the telephone. If so please call 884-7842. c2w22 WANTED â€"â€" Drivers to do light deliveries with small cars. Please call 884-7842, e2w22 ETEEL shear operators and EARN Xmas Money Now. Be a part or full time home- maker or babysitter, over 21 please. 889-8047. tfc15 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, 5380 CENTRE ST., RICHMOND HILL, 889-7373. clw2I DRIVER for florist delivery. must know city. 884-3933. c1\\'21 TRUCK driver. 5-day week. good company benefits. Write Box 631, Concord. 02“ 21 THIRD or fourth year ap- prentice for shift work. Class A mechanic for evening work only. Bob Donald Esso. 9700 Yonge Street. 884-8011. WANTEDâ€"Partâ€"time book- keopoi‘s. Apply in writing only to Accountax Services. 117 Yongc St. SE, Richmond Hill. 884-1538. c1w22 helpers, Thomhin area. 881- 2522. tfc13 INSURANCE RATING CLERK Fast growing insurance comâ€" pany in Thornhill has open- ings for ambitious people looking for change to ad- vance their insurance career. Rating experience or insur- ance background preferred but not compulsory. Excel- lent opportunity for mature people willing to learn. Phone Mr. Billimoria. 889- 6204. 02w22 MEN, women and children (age 6 and up) required for full and part-time work in photography, promotions and ï¬lm. Call Nicolas Harvey, 962-7296, tfc16 EXPERIENCED woman in kitchen and vending ma- chines. Hwy 7. Keele St. 925-0310. c1w22 INSURANCE Claims clerk, telephone experience helpful. 889-4933, clw22 RN‘s, RNA'S and nursing aides. part time and full time m nursing home. Phone 833- 5037. tfc16 FULL and part-time and full time cleaning 833-5037. EXPERIENCED telephone adjuster (female! for Insur- ance Claims Office. Thorn- hill. 889-6204. c1w22 quired Thursday or Friday, 9-3. 889-6254. c1w22 HELP WANTED WAITRESS, experienced pro- fez‘red. Cascade Restaurant, 1 mile north on hwy. 48, Mark- ham, Monday thru Friday, 8 hours per day. above aver» age wage. 294â€"3373. DENTAL ASSISTANT Required in new year for new office Sheppard/Brim- ley. Some experience in this capacity an asset. but attrac- tive person with some office “know how" will be con- sidered. Training period with a view to running the office‘ 885. Mrs. Cohen, 755-1171. Personnel World. c1w22 RNA‘s full time and part time for small nursing home. Call 889-2054 - 833-5037. RELIABLE cleaning lady re- TWO bedroom apartment in triplex, central Richmond Hill. 773-5618. c1w20 7471 Yonge Street 170 Dudley Avenue 4 WEEKS FREE RENT 2 bedrooms only Large. luxury 1â€"2 bedrooms. pool, saunas. gym, rec. room and play grounds. 889-0271 or 889-0567. tfc46 ROOM. cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884- 4828 for appointment. tfc3 YONGE VALLEY TO RENT MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (Continued) c1w22 c3w22 tfc16 cook lady. tfcl6 THREE bedroom bungalow, rec room. 2â€"car garage, $280. monthly. References re- quired. Call Mr. Murphy. 889-2951. Tom Murphy Ltd., Realtor. c1w22 ï¬OOlVIS for mini-$15. week, parking. quiet home. 884- 4297. c1w22 ESSEX Twin Towers, brand new building, only 2 apart- ments left. One 3â€"bedroom and one 2-bedroom, adults only. 884-7216 or 635-0634. tfc22 TWO bedroom apartment, young couple only. $155. with children. $165. including heat and water. fridge and stove. dryer. free parking. 884- 7757r c1w22 COUNTRY hom'éhbn’Yonge. Street. South of Aurora. 727- 2727. c1w22 ONE furnished bedroom for‘ rent. 884-1638. tfc22 SMALL basement apartment. suitable for 1 or 2 adults. furniture optional. 16th Av- enue and Bayview area. 889- L 2175. c1w22 FURNISHED "2â€"room "flat, TV. fridge and stove. $95 month. Available December. 31. 773-4560. c1w22; STORAGE space éGéifané { suitable for cars. boats. camp- ; ors etc. Call 884-6435. 1 NEW luxurious one and two bedroom apartments. fully carpeted, Richmond Hill A«1 location. 884-1596. 884-7330 and 884-3797. tfc9 FURNISHED room. cooking facilities. 16 Lorne. lst house east of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 APARTMENT AVAILABLE 2 BEDROOM SUITES. RENT 'NCLUDES HEAT. HYDRO. SOFT WATER. FRIDGE. STOVE, ETC. NEAR RICH- MOND HEIGHTS PLAZA AT 48 LAVEROCK AVENUE QUIET ADULT BUILDING. CALI. SUPT. 884-2475. QUIET one bedroom apart- ment. $150. Hydro and park- :ing included. No children. Apply 170 Bayview Ave., at Markham Road. 884-9885. OFFICE space 520 sq. ft., 18 Yonge St. N.. now available, heating and air conditioning. 491-0277. tfc52 ROOM to rent. close to Yonge in Thm‘nhill. business lady. 881-2529. c1w22 Sublet large two-bedroom apartment. small. quiet build- ing. close to all facilities. Available December 3. Six months left on lease. $150. a month includes parking. No children or pets. After 6 pm. 884-7177. c1w22 ATTRACTIVE single furnish- cd room. steps to Yonge St. Parking. fridge. stove. $15. a week. 881-1063. c1w22 BAYVIEW Plaza. Richmond Hill. store to letâ€"about 400 square feet in a 20 store plaza. $150. per month includ~ ing full basement area. 884- 5669. c1w22 $275.00 monthly or best offer 119 Roseview Avenue, Rich- mond Hill, 3 bedroom with detached garage. 889-9310. FURNISHED room, male preferred. new home and c‘ose to everything. 884- 7969. c1w22 AURORA, bright spacious one and two bedroom apart- ments, $140 - $165. Adults. Yonge and Wellington. 486- 1377. tfc15 TWO bedroom apartments, 60 Laverock. Richmond Hill, water and hydro included. 884-2973. tfc14 THORNï¬ILIIâ€" Sublet, 2- bedrnom apartment, 407, re- duced rent for immediate occupancy. Owner transfer- red. 889-8060. tfc19 ONE bedroom a'partment, Yonge and Centre. $120. per month. Call 884-8048, after 4:30 pm. c1w22 TWO bedroom apartment ii the Bayview Plaza, Richmond Hill. Available December 16. 884-5669. c1w22 TWO bedroom apar'ment immediately. 884-7701. RESPONSIBLE young couple Iminister) require an apart- ment IZabedroom) in the North Toronto - Richmond Hill area, for 6 months. Phone 884â€"6629. c2w22 FtlFNiSHElSVro_om for young man. Cookinz. parking. 884- 5269. clw22 ONE bedroom basement apartment. equipped, use of washer and dryer, available now. $120. month. Call 884- 6738. clw22 FURNISHED room to tenâ€"t. 884-7561. c1w22 F U R N I SH E D bedsitting room. light housekeeping. clcse to Yonge. 884-7677. LOWER 2-bedroom apart- ment. garage. washer. dryer. fireplace and garden. Pres- tige country setting. .Kirby Sideroad. Sixth of Vaughan. Available immediately. Apply 832-2519. c2w22 TWO bedroom apartments. available December 31. one baby only. Apply superin- tendent. 441 Elmwood Av- enue. tfc20 HOUSE FOR. RENT TO RENT (Continued) c1w21 c1w22 c1w22 apart- dryer. Pres- .Kirby tfc49 tfc20 tfle ' CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Deposit will hold till Christ- l mas Eve. ROOM at Maple. two restau- rants adjacent. clean. quiet Canadian home, reasonable. 832-2051. tfc20 SPACIOUS newly decorated 3-bedroom town house in Richmond Hill. two appli- ances, close to shopping. schools and bus service. Rent $250. 884-8237. c2w20 APARTMENT. 2 bedrooms, available December 1, $155. monthly, with parking. 884- 9457. c2w21 SUBLETâ€"Z bedroom house. Thornhill area‘ 881-0443. $165.â€"2 bedroom modern apt. includes, heat, hydro. water. 727-9488. c1w21 POODLES ~â€" Apricot, small miniature. 7 week old pups. $75., papers available. 884- 7389. clw22 POODLE aubpies‘, deep apri- cot, also 2 year old female. 887-5193. clw22 fig}: kitrten to good home. 6 weeks old, trained. 832- 1069. clw22 BEAGLES, cockers, terriers. shepherds. Collies, poodle type puppies" guaranteed, $5. to $35.. will hold. 889-7194. tfc22 O N E bedroom basement apartment, couples 0 n 131. available immediately. 884- 8517. c2w21 SMALL basement apartment in Oak Ridges. kitchen, bath- room and bedroom. suitable for one person. $85. monthly. Phone after 6 pm. 773-4118. riers. mutts. Betty Forsyth. 889-3606. tfc3 PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING All breeds. poodles, terriers and Spaniels specialty, 25 year's experience. Free pick- up and delivery. Rosemary Lamb Davenport. 833-5715 or 889-6116, tfc'? REGISTERED collies. pups. 7 weeks old. available to good home. 885. 884-3035. . ('1w22 TWO year old part German shepherd, free to good home. good with children, excellent watch dog. 481-9211. phone up until 7 pm. ask for Bruce. c1w22 KITTENS â€" Free to good home. 889-1598. c1w22 KITTEN free to good home. 884-8409 evenings. *1w22 TWO year old Irish Setter, female. preferably farm or kennels. registration papers included. 884-2419, after 6:30. *1w22 L A R G E 3-bedroom town house $225. 226-4719. ONE and two bedroom apart- ments. 402 Markham Road at Bayview. 884-1909. FURNISHED room to rent. 884-8323. *1w22 PETS FOR SALE PUPS free to good home. 773-5912. tfc20 DOG grooming. poodles, ter- REGISTERED yellow lab retriever, 10 months, male. with papers. good with chil- drcn. 1-478-4001. after 6 pm. c1w22 PO0DI.ES Silver toy male. chocolate toy male. beige toy male, also Chihuahuas, $75. and up. 887-5956 or 294-5071 POODLES, black. quality puppies. reg'd.. shots. 1-727- 6669. c3w2 PUREBRED German Shep- herd pups. 7 weeks old. males. $125.. female $100. 832-1209. c2w22 FAIRLAWN Junior and Nursery School, 8403 Yonge Street. Thornhill. Licensed full day school, open all year. ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR FEE CAN BE ARRANGED [F NECESSARY. CHILDREN. any age, ï¬t meals, fenced yard, Elgin Mills area. 884-4297. c1w22 DAY care given in my home, near Crosby School, infant or pre-schooler. 884-5356. $10,000.00 down buys build- ing. 2 apartments, 1 general Commercial Lock-up Store. $800.00 monthly net profit. Balance back on lst mort- gage. $38,000.00. Honest ven- dor with accurate record, 889-9310 - 884-3624 Newmarket 895-6820 TAXIâ€"Richmond ’ H’iil‘ and area. Phone 832-2634 after home, Allencourt area. 884- 2781. €2W22 TOURS, cruises. rail and bus tickets, reservations and in- dividual travel. Call A. H. Creighton rave] Agency 889-5643. tfc4 DAY carp avéiiï¬ï¬‚e inAmy BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DAY CARE 889-0464 - 223-5968 RICHMOND HILL TO RENT TRAVEL (Continued) MON.-TUES. 8 am. to 6 pm. WED-FRI. 9 am. to 5 pm. SATURDAY 9 am. to 12 noon c2w21 clw21 C2w21 c1w22 c4w22 c1w22 tfc16 tfc20 in- PAINTING, interior and ex- H‘ terior, wallpapering, plaster- ncy ing and carpentry. 884-9026 tfc47after 6 pm. tfc20 DRUM and Percussioï¬ï¬les- sons. Call Myles Crawford, 884-1497. c13w13 CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free esti- mates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc2 SHAMPOOING Bugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 GENERAL contracting, alt- erations and additions. home. offices. factories. Custom carpentry of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. th3 Roger Proquâ€"Telephoneâ€" 884-1650. tfc24 All phases of brick. block. stone and repair work. 884-6417 tfc46 RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters. Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884-1105. tfc42 Custom built homes. renova- tions. additions. and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2833. tfc42 RON MOORE PAINTING PAPERHANGING Interior-Exterior. Free esti- mates, Call anytime. 889- 8965. tfc32 Plastering REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snowmobile repairs and serv- ice. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. tfc18 CARPENTRY work. recrea- tion rooms. additions. renoâ€" vations. tile floors, and ceil- ings. Free estimates. 'T. Price. 889-3653. tfc3 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paperhanging, in- terior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887â€"5153. tfc46 Drains, septic tanks. types of concrete work FINLAY ELECTRIC , Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and industrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 881-2509. PAINTING and decorating. interior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. 884â€"5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 NORTHERR ’P’AINTING RESIDENTIAL, commercial painting. interior and ex- terior. paper hanging. 881- 2075. tfc1§ ’ï¬x’cb’ï¬f CLEANERS Repairs and parts to all makes. A. J. CLAYTON MASONRY CONTRACTOR BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer & water lines. footings. 889-3604. EITESSMAKING and altera- {1635. 889-5713 after 6 p.m. tfc9 PERRI-STYLE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Highly recommended even by friends. 889-57 62 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 WALTER LONG PLUMBING Efficient service at reason- able rates. PLUMBING & HEATING CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 PLUMBING & HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 Miscellaneous HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 MATH’S TV & APPLIANCES 49 INDUSTRIAL RD. 884-7903 Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs 3 Specialty Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 "sTNoWT’Lome L. REZKA - 889-8098 New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 832-1345 â€" MAPLE E. W. PAYNE R. CLARK PAINTING 884-2433 PAINTING 884-2433 889-9475 Thornhill tfc18 tfc48 tfc20 tfc48 tfcll tfc17 tfc52 tfc43 tfc50 tchO tfc2 tfc2 All S'NOWPLOWING. 689-0738, c4w21 WALLPAPERING and Dec- orating. v e r y reasonable. 884-2861. c4w20 HORSE drawn sleigh rides. 887-5195. tfc17 BOOKKEEPING and ac- counting services for small businesses. 889-5683. SNSWFLOWING. 24 hour service. 884-3661. afer 5 pm. Call 773-5912. tfc22 SNOWPLOWS. fabrication. installations. and sales. 884- 3661. after 5 pm call 773- 5912. tfc22 RESIDENTIAL snow removal contracts or by the hour. 889-2987. tfc22 LET George Do It. Carpen- try alterations, cabinets. rec- reation rooms. storage walls eto. Low winter rates. 884- 8685 days 889-0536 evenings. c1w22 MOTHER. 29 and son 2 years, wish clean accommoda'? lion in exchange for light housekeeping and care for elderly or day sitting. Small remuneration required. have some furniture that must come also. Position must be at least one to two years for child‘s security. Please only sincere happy environment call 884-6125. c1w22 M‘AN’Mth light 'v‘aFfor de- liveries. 384-3302. c1w22 BOOKKEEPING Services. my home. Italian. German. English spoken translations. 889-7250. tfcl7 DRAFTSMAN 10 years ex; perience. machinery many types and size. Plus auto- motive, aircraft. architec- tural. structural, plant layout, flowsheets. patents, maps‘ technical illustration. instruc- tion manuals. hardware cata- logues. advert layouts. etctf,’ good with ink or pencil and Leroy lettering. Also worltl wide experience in purchas- ing and have operated com'- mon machine shop tools. All' Canadian. Phone 225-8463. MOTHER in thirties with 19-. month-old baby needs place to live by December 31. Would prefer quiet self-con; tained quarters. 884-4128. ' CLEARANCE SALE New and used travel trailers and truck campers from $975 up. Free storage. Truck caps from $240 up, parts and' accessories. Hitches installed: King City Trailers. King, Road, 2 miles west of Yonge Street. 773-4260. c2w22 ROOM and board for rent. adult home. central, gentle“ man preferred, packed lunch- es. no shift workers. 884- 8265. c2w21u YOUNG man working from 3 pm until 12 midnight, 4 nights weekly, Monday night to Friday 3 pm. No warm meals required. Newmarket, 895-5905. clwzz 1928 EXPERIENCED tutor and teacher will tutor English all levels and for new Canad. ians. Also History, French. Spanish and Latin. Call 884- 7207. c2w22 £OST PoooLE SMALL black female. no col- lar. substantial reward. 8892 2581. c1w22 STRAYED from House of Concord property. one Here- ford cow. one Ayrshire (red) calf, one white Charlebois steer. 889â€"7655. clw22 SMALL house in Richmond Hill needed January lst fox; retired couple. 884-9752: ;1 GARAGE for winter storage of car. 889-2590 ask for J. Mu rray LOST_ small dog. Maple area, November 3, “Walter.", brown and white. bushy tail; Reward. Days 367-2194, eve- nings 832-1069. tfc21 #SICIVEWIWCTEIEEW trailer, ex- cellent condition. 884-3661; after 5 pm. Call 773-5912. " tfc22 ALTERATIONS, p r o m p t <ervice. work guaranteed. pick-up and delivery. 884- m Board ART SHOW WILLIAM WEGMAN OILS - WATERCOLOURS DRAWINGS - FRAMING HOURS 10 - 10 MONDAY - FRIDAY 574 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL 884-6690 EMPLâ€"OYMENT WANTED FliFâ€"ISSMAKIN G Repairs and Renovations Call J. S. Adams 889-6806 Miscellaneous TUT‘ORING Ms FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT PLUMBING (Continued) fOST c2w22 *1w22 tfc33 tfc22 tfc21 tfc22 tfc20 tfcll