SMOCKED satin cushions] make nice gifts, variety of; colors. 773-5830. *lw23i TABLE tennis tops and bases 1 $25.50: 20".? off all Stanley. tools until Xmas. Loughlini Lumber. Yonge and Scott Drive. Richvale. 889-4109, open Thurs. and Fri. even-n ings. c3w23 I ELECTRIC freight train. ! complete with track, trans- 1 former and accessories. 832- i 1481. c3\\‘23 1 SKI boots. made in Austria“ men‘s size 12. also press, $20. I 884-3189. clw23 l DRAPES. lined, 2 toned beige T on beige diamond weave. 95" ' long. 10 panels. $50.: snow tires, one pair. white wall,’ 825 x 15. $10.; Viking floor polisher. hardly used. $10. 889-7846. c1w23 889-7082. ' c1w23 WASHER dryer Enid Efï¬- erator. 884-7197. after 6 pm. clw23 TWO tires. 825 x 14. gone 2000 miles; 1 Ariens 4 riding mower, best offer. 832-1394. after 5 pm. c1w23 SIX string guitar and case: double snowmobile trailer; Phillips 420 stereo tape rec- order lcompleteu 2 snow tires F-78-15 [used one win- ter). 225-2009. after 5:30 pm. *1w23 19" RCA Victor B and W TV, stereo record player. $70. each or best offer. 884-2975. *1w23 H.O. gauge. $75.: 2 825 x 14 . . . ' ris mas CheJ snow tires on rims. $15.; Clothes make "me Ch t one 7 ft wide x 6 ft. high venetian blind. $5.: one 9 ft. by 20 ft. Sisal carpet. brown and yellow. $15.: portable coal oil heater. $5.; indoor water fall (electricl. $5. 833- 5060. elw23 BABY carriage. Lloyd deluxe $35.;-crib and mattress, $25.; chrome high chair, $7.; 2 chil- dren‘s rockers, $3. each; toy box. $3.: table and chairs. $5. All in good condition. 884- 4242. TANSAD English Vpram. good condition. 833-5141. ELKéK Persian L386, 'haâ€"nl coat. full cut style. size 1_4_.|Pine nnn nnnn Hand Knitted. take Off gifts. 884-6757. c2w23 MINI bike, Rupp Black Widow. 4 hp. A-l condition. only used 3 months. new $420. Sell 8250. 832-1055. c1w23 BOBBY Hull CCM skates. size 8. worn one season. Hoc- key gloves and pants. knee and elbow pads. 884-6824. clw23 ELEPHANT. sbii’r’i'ios‘é’x‘tï¬ï¬i. hand carved. 11“ long by 11" 91‘â€? high. trunk up and at this jpoint 16" high. c1w23 item. 350. 887-5684. Collectors clw23 _CLEARANCE SALE cupboard $100.: 30" good condition. 355. 884- 2163. cl\\'23 2 engines. 11 cars. 60‘ track 7 switches. all accessories €KI boots. sizes 4 and 8. black seal coat with (grey) persian lamb size 14 value $495.. half price. 884-5872. c2w23 TRIANG electric train ’set HOUSEHOLD furnishingsifolr‘ sale. good condition, must “sell. 884-4566. c2w22 THIS old shop can save you money (established 1957! girl's reversible car coats. winter weight 8-14. $8.98 only. also clearing lady's pant suits. size 10-20. and some over sizes. Richmond Hill 884-2214 WYN-DOT SHOP 120 bass accox‘dioï¬K‘ith case ONE side of beef. 79C 5 pound. 832-1130. c2w22 HOT wheels. cars. track and accessories. good condition. value $100.. sell for $50, or by sections; electric View master projector and slides, 56. 884-8893 after 6 pm. A-l Furniture Sales 360 Newkirk Road (World Wide Shipping Bldg.) Richniond ilul - 889-5101 Open Saturdays 9-6 pm only “022 S BARGAINS S S BARGAINS 3 Large selection of piano‘s, dining room suites. bedroom furniture. several odd din- ing room tables. one hand carved pedestal base table Iexquisite workmanshipi. odd chairs. dressers. mattresses and box springs. some china and silver. various ornaments and some antique pieces. ’I‘HE ROOF IS NOW ON Also gifts. unique. but rea- sonably priced. See display at Country Place Nursing Home. 18th Avenue off Bay- vieu'. Phone 884-9565 for appointment. for personalized work. c3w22 WELL rotted ma'nure. big 4 yard load. $18. delivered in Richmond Hill area. also dry hardwood slabs. 11'2 cords dc- livered. 325.. while they last. C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. FIREWOOD for fireplace. split and delivered. 773-5488‘ tfc19 sertion $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as pOSsible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. Reach more prospects faster. Save time and money. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 'Effoctive July 1. 1972) CASH RATES. lst insertion 10 words $1.25 and .10c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for 81.15 and 10;: per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge 81.50 ROX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50¢ CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES BIRTHS. per in- sertion $2.00 WE'LL BE IN OUR NEW LOCATION SOON [.IBERAL CLASSIFIED ADS I, I, (‘ome in and. browse THE FLOWER CART CHRISTMAS ARRANGEMENT FOR SALE Bayview Plaza c2\\‘23 02w22 tfc21 Richmond Hill area, includes garage 1~267-0344. c2w23 POOL table 4 x 8 includes all accessories and Tiffany lamp‘ 884-3337. c1w23 LARGE stole. Autum}? mink. custom made. skins. 884-6846. REFRIGERATOR, frost free, in avacado green with match- ing 22“ electric stove, 1 year old. excellent condition, $225. for both or will sell separate- ly. 881-1063. c1w23 MILLINERS - Dressmaker‘s FRIGIDAIRE. good’ tion. very reasonable 2699. after 7 pm. 'EWO bedroom bungalow Supplies, 93 Yonge Street South, 884-5894. 10" em- broidery hoops, Xmas decora- tions. heavywéight zippers. c1w23 TEA wagon. walnut. ex}??- lent condition. 895. 881-1063. c1w23 FREE Modular Hi-Fi with 26" color TV. Brown's Appli- ances. 8 Yonge Street 5. Richmond Hill. 884-9821. SNOWBLOWER - JEEOTJQ 26" 5 hp.. 5150. 832-2526. Pine cupboard $100.: 30" electric stove, $60.; dining room suite. 5190.; \vringer washer. $20.; baby carriage, 5103' dressers and chests. Richmond Hill Used Furni- ture & Antiques. opposite Parkway Dept. Store. 881- 1063. c1w23 ONE custom made material rack for 8 ft, '2-ton fleet side pick-up truck box. ex- tends over cab. Phone 889- 2708. after 6 pm. nc2w22 MINI bike, Rupp Black Widow. 4 hp. A-l condition. only used 3 months. new $420. Sell 8250. 832-1055. BOBBY Hull CCM skates. size 8, worn one season. Hoc- key glove: and pants. knee and elbow pads. 884-6824. c1w23 Hand knitted. take off clothes. make nice Christmas gifts. 884-6757. c2w23 WASHER dryer and stove parts. gears. belts. wood hearings and wringer rollers. etc. For all makes. Repairs to vacuum cleaners and small appliances. Math‘s TV. 49 Industrial Road. 884-7903. SEWING machine (guaran- teed! from $19.95. Bernina Sowing Centre. 884-3775. Holland Park Garden Centre. 1014] Keelo Street N.. Maple. 832-2455. tfc14 4 X 8 sheets. fir 12" special, Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. tfc-l FIREPLACE wood. maple. beech. $5. quarter cord. kind- linL' SI. bundle. 9519 ‘Koele 1t Maple sign. south. tfc15 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 th3 TEAKWOOD Living. dining and bedrooms. direct from importers ware- house. Open 1â€"9 pm. 459- 6760. ElNAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy, 7, just east of Fifth Line. ‘2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc31 BEDROOM suite 7-piece. dining suite 9-piece. Chester- field suite all Burma teak- \\'nod. New furniture. very reasonable. Please call 1-247- 4377. Toronto. tfch SEASONED fire wood. maple. beech birch and oak. Holland Park Garden Cen- tre. 10141 Kecle Street N‘. Maple. 832-2455. tfcl4 RAILWAT‘HES " 7 A WANTED Pianos and used furniture Call 884-1146. tfc2~f Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale includind. new and rebulit standard portable and elec- tric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS Free estimates Aluminum siding. windows. doors. awn- ings. also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558 fac- tory. 832-1319 Maple. tf028 'TYPEWRITERS" " ADDING MACHINES (Continued) AIJUMINQM Doors. windows. awnings, nnd railings. Ron Woods 984-1514. tfc36 YORK ALUMINUM FOR SALE PLYWOOD DOLLS condi- 889- *1w33 Haze prime c1w23 c1w23 c4w23 tfcl7 ituro. tfc24 ccial. nping. tfcl aran- mine 5. thIB stove wood 11ers. pairs ;mall ’ 49 ': 889-3364. ciwzr; WRECKING ‘63 Rambler and l '62 Valiant. excellent tires ‘ and parts. 884-3804. clw23, lONE acquarium with all ac-f cessories‘ 50 gallons. $75.’ 884-2855. c1w23 FOR rentâ€"new Santa Claus suit. $5.00 per day. 832-2408. I Maple. c2\\'23 l COLLECTION of horse bitsi and trappings, collector‘s item. one English beveled| mirror. framed. first class condition Please reply Box‘ ;7, “The Liberal". c1w23‘ WAREHOUSE man. experi- enced in selling stock orders and general w a r e h o u s e duties. 741-5210. clw23 c1w23 WANTEDâ€"Someone to come into my home to baby sit, while mother works. 884- 2420. evenings and week- ends. c2w23 FEMALE counter attendant for snack bar, full time from 9-5 pm and part time from 5 pm-10 pm. Apply Mrs. Purvis. GEM Store, 7171 Yonge St. c2w23 RED Cross Homemakers needed. Richmond Hill, Thornhill area. satisfying. re- warding work. good remun- eration, uniform etc. Trans- portation. necessary. Phone 895-1341 or write 22 Pros- pect Street, Jen-market. IMMEDIATELY clerk-typist for chartered bank in the area of Keele Street and No. 7 Hwy. Experience prefer- red‘ 669-1396. ask for Mr. Matthey. tfc22 HOUSEKEEPER, 5 d a y 5 week. light housekeeping and caring for pre-schooler. 833â€" 6369, after 6 pm. c1\v23 DOCTOR'S office Willow- dale. requires full or part time receptionist. Please reply to B o x 6. “The Liberal". c1w23 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT We need NCR operators. typ- ists. accounts payable and/or receivable clerks for tempor- ary assignments. Mona Robertson Temporary Placement Service 884-6944 3 DAY WEEK Friday. Saturday. Sundayâ€" 12 hour days or nights, 40 hours pay for 36 hours work. Substantial Sunday bonus. Only interested people need apply to 8100 Koele Street. Information 669-1331. OPERATOR TRAINEES Large food container manu- facturer in north end of Metro Toronto requires pack- ers and mavhine operator trainees for full time work. 25" WESTINGHOUSE ’cblor TV. $300. or best offer. 889- 7178_ 4 clw23 PACKERS AND MACHINE COLOR TV‘s New. in sealed. cartons. with full warranty. while they last. $285.. Home Cable TV Sys- tems. 71 Glencameron Rd.. Thornhill. 881-1813_ c2w23 SMALL dinette set. éktehsiori table and four chairs. $25. MODERN walnut dining room table and four chairs, chrome baby rocker and a bottle sterilizer. 889-5239. c1w23 HELP WANTED WANTED Toy trains. Hornby. Lionel and American Flyer. any condition‘ also dinky toys. 832-1481. c2\\'2:‘. '70 Ski-doc. 18 h.p., electrio. good condition, $500.; also Bel Air trumpet. $50. Phone 832-1403 cl\\'23 Two’ péir of skis and two pair of ladies ski boots. 88-}- 1559. c1\\'23 ELECTROHCME TV and outside antenna. $100, for all. 889-6307. c1\\'23 I Continued) A MotrroIaâ€"lexasar) color TV. York Home TV. Peter Qmith 880-1646. tfc20 Sï¬bNOWMOBIVLl-EL soif. extra large. unused. 884-4649. SKATES. girls figtlré. siflze 4 good condition. $6. 884-6418 EIGHT power sauzrâ€"tiyï¬Ã©; writer. guitar. good condition. make offer. 884-2630. 884-9748. c4\\'21 DIVIN'G'WaBk and regulator. $100. Phone 248-8033. after 6 pm. tfe23 PIANO mahoganyAï¬eintzman upright Grand. $475. 889- 3061. *1 “'23 PIANO. Gerharth-leinrzman, anartment size, like new. 889-1519. e1w23 HIGH chair. $5.; chesterfield and chair. $50.; carpet 9 x 12. 5 x 8: portable TV Black and white $50.; teak stereo. $100.; teak dining table and four chairs. $100.: lounge chair, and 2" foam mattress. $15.; GE, Electric Polisher, $15.: Super 8 movie projec- tor. screen and movie light. $55.: electric lawnmower, $40.: AM/FM electric radio. $30.: floor lamp. book case. coffee table. end table all teak. 884-8444. evenings. c2w23 c3w21 SfOWMOBffE suits for sale. FOR SALE HELP WANTED» HELP WANTED c1w23 c1w23 c4w22 C 1 “'23 c1w23 GIRL FRIDAY $110. annsview firm requires con- genial person with payroll experience for varied typing duties and relief switch- board. Call Miss Skelhorn. Personnel World. 922-5123. c1\\723 THORNHILL AREA Person to operate model 86 Kwik Print Hot Stamping machine. Job involves setâ€" ting type for names stamped on plastic badges. Good manual dexterity required. Prefer experienced operator. Will consider ambitious learner. Contact Mr. Tiller, The Association of Kinsmen Clubs. 889-0450. c1w23 LOCATION 14 mile south of Steeles Av- enue. just east off Woodbine Avenue. Applv to Mr. R. Fawcett, Per- sonnel Manager JAMES F. MacLAREN LIMITED 435 McNICOLL AVENUE WILLOWDALE, 499-0880 SECRETARY Reporting to a project group manager. The successful candidate will undertake a variety of responsibilities. in- cluding typing of reports, correspondence, specifica- tions. etc. for a group of pro- ject engineers engaged in en- vironmental engineering and pollution abatement. Appli- cants should have shorthand and accurate typing ability plus flexibility to handle a variety of assignments. ED T O B E FACTORY ATTENDANT DURING EVE- NING SHIFT. P L E A S E APPLY NEWMAN-GREEN OF CANADA LTD., 301 MARKHAM ROAD‘ RICH- MOND HILL, 889-6258. BODYMAN required, flat rate shop. plenty of work. excellent working conditions. Apply Twin Hills Mercury, 889-7703, 884-4441. c1\\'23 MATURE woman to help elderly man through day. 122 Elmwood Ave. Richmond Hill. 884-6346. c2w23 EXPERIENCED waitresses. 889-0132, c2w23 MAN REQUTREE) 'P'RE'FIEE- RABLY RETIRED AND MECHANICALLY INCLIN- RELIABLE and mature per- son. full time only. Apply in person. Scott's Chicken Villa. 191 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. c1w23 COOK exploricnccd, full time; required in new nursing home. 884-9248. c1w2fl MAINTENANCE man reâ€" quired for Markham Com- munity Arena, night shift, full employee benefits. For further information contact Mr. Howard Graham. per- sonnel officer. 8911 Don Mills Rd.. Markham, Ont. clw23 CLEANER Cleaner required for boys residence. Room and board available for male cleaner. Will also consider applicant for full time employment, liv- in: out or part time work. mornings only. Apply GROCERY clerk with super market experience. Apply in pouson. Allencourt IGA Bayâ€" \'i0\\' and Markham Rd.. Rich- mond Hill. ‘ c1w22 CLEANING lady. ihomhm area. weekly. 889-3682. TEMPORARY OFFICE JOBS Experienced typists, stenos. Clerks. and all office machine operators needed now and in the new year. Work avail- able in Willmvdale. Downs- \'ie\\'. Don Mills. North City and suburbs. Work a day. a week 01' longer. Top rates. fast pm: Interviews in Wil- lo“ dale by appointment. Mrs. Goldman. 922-5123. TOSI. CLEANING lady, preferrably Thursdays. No. 7 Hwy. East of Bayvimv. 889-5266. EXPERIENCED hairdresser and assistant. good wages and benefits. 889â€"5310. c4w21 SECRETARY required for small Willmvdalc office. shorthand an asset. typing and telephone experience a must. 226-2800. clw22 quier for nursing home. Phone 889-4651. “(:6 UCFNSED bodyman capable 3f working on both cars and trucks with minimum of sup- rrvision. Wages open‘ Apply at B & G Truck and Auto Body. 378 Newkirk Road. Richmond Hill. tfc9 ONE waitress wanted full time. must have experience. C911 Halfway House. 887- 5150. tfc18 NURSES and nurses aides with experience for nursing home. Yonge Street. Thorn- hill area. Phone 889-4651. tfc6 l{OUSEKEEPING help ‘l‘e- (Continued) PUNCH press operators pre- ferably female for automo- tive trim plant in Richmond Hill area. Good starting rate with company benefits. 889-7549. tfc6 URGENT Experienced cleaning women. home makers and baby sit- ters. Call 884-5286. tfc6 St. Andrew's College Aurora, Ontario 727-4274 J. E. JOLLIFFE c1w23 cl\\'23 c2\\‘22 c1\\'22 tfc23 c2w22 COST ACCOUNTANT SPECIALTY steel manufac- turer has opening for inter- mediate accountant. success- ful applicant is familiar with general accounting proce- dures. Has experience in standard and job costing and has previously worked for engineering drawings and estimates. Please mail full details. including salary reâ€" quirements to: Controller United Flexible of Canada Ltd,. 128 Centre Street. East, Richmond Hill. Ontario. BOOKKEEPERâ€"Don Mills Road (Woodbine) between Steeles and No. 7 Hwy., able to handle receivables, pay- ables. payroll, general office duties. Mr. Wagman. 499- 1415. c1w23 CLEANING lady for 3' adult business household. once a week. 8 hours, in Richmond Hill. References required. 922-5796. c1\\'23 MOTHER'S helper. baby sit- ting and light housekeeping. live in. 493-6119. c2w23 THORNHILL plant. steady packaging jobs. suitable for women. Apply 108 Don- caster Avenue. c1w23 TORONTO STAR LIMITED Requires full time clerk for general office duties in the Richmond Hill office, some typing required. 35 hour week. some Saturday work. all company benefits. Phone Mr. Elliott. 884-4408, 9 am to 5 pm. c1w23 PRODUCE packers. Apply William D. Branson Ltd., 344 Newkirk Road. Richmond Hill. c1w23 WOMAN wanted for assem- bly work in small plant. 889- 8473. c1w23 MATURE woman required for baby sitting. 2 days weekly. 881-2650. c1w23 Previous executive secretary or comparable. knowledge- able IBM Cxecutivc type- writer. shorthand. dictation equipment. Equivalent sev- eral days weekly as required. Central Thornhill location. Contact R. R. Bird. 889-3060. c2\\'23 An alert responsible person is required for clerical duties in our customer credit do- partment. Prefer an individ- ual who has had one or two vears‘ experience in a similar position. Future growth po- tential. Snap-On Tools of Canada Ltd. Keele Street. 1 mile north of Highway 7. 669-9501, cl\\'23 MET-TIME GIRL FRIDAY c1w23 bLERK 4â€" KEELE - HWY. 7 Porsonable clerk with neat handwriting to look after nrnduction control records. Ditto machine. etc. Young. modern office. “'E REQUIRE EXPERIENC- ED STAFF FOR PERMAN- ENT AND TEMPORARY OFFICE POSITIONS. INSURANCE RATING CLERK Fast growing insurance com- nany in Thornhill has open- ings for ambitious people leoking for change to ad- vance their insurance career. Rating experience or insur- ance background preferred but not compulsory. Excel- lent opportunity for mature people willinLy to learn. Phone Mr. Billimoria. 889- 6204. c2w22 RNA's full time and part time for small nursing home. Call 889-2054 - 833-5037. ""d qki Valley. 889â€"4988 nm“ 389-4993, tfcl7 TRIFCK drivel: 5-7day77\\r'eek. good company benefits. Write Bex 63l, Concord. (2le ARE you sports minded? Do Vnu like to talk to people on the telephone. If so please 05‘] 884-7842, c2w22 WANTED â€" Drivers to do light deliveries with small cars. Please call 884-7842. c2w22 KITCHEN help. local ski operation requires cook. Pan- try saiad help. cafeteria "Mom table. dishwasher. "jodern kitchen. good work- i 3 conditions. Full or part fimo. Cnil Honey Pot Tavern MEN. women and children 'age 6 and up) required for full and part-time work in nhotography. promotions and film, Call Nicolas Harvey 062-7296, tfc16 RN's. RNA‘s and nursing aides. part time and full time in nursing home. Phone 83‘?- V‘R?‘ tic-16 FULL and part-timé cook ï¬nd full time cleaning ladv 833-5037. tfc16 (Continued) EXIA’ifRVIâ€"ENCED press brake operatm' to start immediate- ly. 884-5868. tfc18 THIRD or fourth year ap- mentice for shift work. Class A mechanic for evening work ~11}: Bob Donald Esso. 9700 Yonge Street. 884-8011. HI CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE HI CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 80 Yonge Street South 884-6782 - 884â€"6970 80 Yomre Street South 884-6782 - 884-6970 CREDIT CLERK c1w23 c1w23 c3w22 tfclï¬ AURORA -â€"â€" large basement apartment. near transit, park- ing. fridge, stove. available immediately. $145. monthly. 225-3319. c1w23 INDUSTRIAL SPACE RICHMOND HILL Now available. prime location 3000 ft. 6,000 ft. 800 ft. heated storage CALL R. A. DYE LIMITED REAL ESTATE 881-0790 OR 884-4988 NIGHTS 884-2803 FURNISHED room. separate entrance. use of kitchen and living room. 884-8285. ONE and two bedroom apart- ments. Apply 160 Essex Ave., Richmond Hill. c1w23 FURNISHED room. central Richmond Hill. Close to Yonge. 884-8312. c1w23 HOUSE for rent 6 rooms, 87 Elgin Mills Road. 884-2541. c1w23 OFFICE space 520 x'q. ft.. 18 Yonzc St. N,. now available. ‘noating and air conditioning. 491-0277. tfc52 HOUSE FOR RENT $27500 monthly or best offer 119 Roseview Avenue, Rich- mond Hill. 3 bedroom with detached garage. 889-9310, 884-2973‘ tch THORNHILL â€"â€" Sublet. 2- bedroom apartment. 407, re- duced rent for immediate (‘ccupancy Owner transforâ€" TWO hodrnnm apar'mont immodintcly. 884-7701. AU’AW'TMEVT AVULABLE 2 BEDROOM SUITE? RENT '.\'(‘LI'DES HEAT HYDRO. c,OFT “'.-\TER. FRIDGE. QTOVE. ETC. NEAR RICH- MOND "FIGHTS PLAZ\T 48 LAVEROCK AVENUE QI'IET ADULT BI'ILDING. (‘ALL SI'PT. 88435475. TWO bedroom apartments 60 Lm'omck. Richmond Hill water and hydro included red. 889-8060 AURORA. bright spacious (we and two bodrcnm apart- mmm. $140 - 8165. Adults. Yonflo and Wellington, 486- 1377, tfcIS lzrrlroom apartments. fully czvrnctod. Richmond Hill A.l lncntion. 884-1596. 884-7330 :md 884-3797. th9 FURNISHED mom. cooking facilitivs. 16 Lorne. lst house rnst 01‘ Bm‘k's Jewellers at ‘50an ' tfc51 We are looking for a person possessing telephone sales ability. Duties to consist of preparing quotation and ac- cepting bookings on charter bus. transportation. by tele- phone. Must be good typist and accurate with figures. Reply Trailways of Canada Ltd.. 120 Doncastcr Avenue. Willowdale. ___ 7â€" _ ‘ ONE and two bedroom apart- ments. 402 Markham Road. TO RENT 884-1909. c2w23 wï¬wmmmnagzm m7) \ swamâ€"2 bedroom apart- FACTORY help required for afternoon shift 3:30 - 12 mid- night. suitable for females, and midnight shift 11:30-8 am suitable for men. Apply Formold P1a<tics of Canada Ltd.. 95 Newkirk Rd., Rich- mond Hill. c1w23 hï¬LEPHONEMSALES ’ YOUNG man required for pumping gas and odd jobs, full time. Must have drivers license. Apply Tony‘s Esso. 884-3440. c1w23 WAITRESS needed run éinié'. Call Mr. Brais, 884-3403. RELIABLE cleaning lady. weekly or bimonthly. Thorn- hill area. References requir- ed. 881-0946. after 6 pm. HELP \VA NTED CLERK TYPIST (Continued) 226-3131 c1w23 BABYS‘ITTING New Year‘s :8 Eve, $15.. all night service. breakfast. 881-2474, after 6 tfc23 pm. for application. c4w23 c1w23 cl\\'23 tfc19 c2w23 11“le tfc20 [Na BACHELOR apartment. $125 a month. private entrance [re-19 Richmond Heights. 884-8286 ESCAPE FROM SNOW ICE AND 4 WALLS! Three male golf addicts re- quired. preferably incurable and retired. Golf at beauti- ful Jekyll Island, room and golf. less than $5. per day. Transportation and food, etc. extra. 884-4386. c1w23 North area, tc car. 889-6777 ANTIQUES. appliances and furniture. urgently required, top price, fast pick-up. 881- 1063 or if no answer 884- 5806. tfc19 HIGHEST cash prices or trade value paid for used furniture and appliances. Brice's Furniture 478-4175. RAILROAD style pocket watches and guns by collec- tor. Please phone 297-1480. tfc23 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. for direct line call Long Dis- tance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime Ed Pec- oui & Son, Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C-66. GARAGE 11 pm. Please phone Donna 889-4403. c1w23 HAVE A student sha/élglour walk. Phone 384-2155 or 773-5912. tfc23 DOG house for a large dog 889-0705. after 6 pm. F'IX vear‘s experience in typ- ing. clerk and some knowl- edge of bookkeeping. Grad- uate of Grade 12 Commercial Course 889-1317. c1w23 BABYSITTING wanted. 5:36 DRAFTSMAN 10 years ex- perience. machinery many types and size. Plus auto- motive. aircraft. architec- tural. structu'ral. plant layout. l'lou'shects. patents. maps. technical illustration. instruc- tion manuals. hardware cata- logues. advert layouts. etc.. good with ink or pencil and Leroy lettering. Also world wide experience in purchas- ing and hare operated com- mon machine shop tools. All Canadian. Phone 225-8463. FURNISHED room for rent, close to Yongo. Call 773â€" 9010 or 773-5365. c1w23 ROOM and baard. mode‘}n home in good area. Call 884-7969. c1w23 ROOM for rent. close to transportation. phone 884- 9427. after 3 pm. c1w23 FURNISHED rdoms. gentle- men preferred. Thornhill dis- trict. 889-1540. c1w23 RICHMOND Hill near Yonge, furnished hedsitting room and shared kitchen. 769-3691 after 6 pm. tfc23 AVAILABLE now two-bed- room apartment. $155. mon- thly with parking. 884-9457. c2w23 BABY SITTING ment. Available Dec. 31. first month rent free. References. Apply Superintendent, 441 Elmwood. tfc23 ONE 1) e d r 0 om furnished I basement apartment. 889- ‘ 7578. elw23 UNFURNISHED baEérï¬eh't ' apartment. 3110. month. 884- 4727. c1w23 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities. Newkirk - Elgin Mills area. 884-7996. ‘ Yonge in Thornhill. business lady. 881-2529. tf023 WANTEDVreliaible and trust- worthy tenants for large one bedroom apartment. 884- 7320. clw23 FURNISHED room with cooking facilities. also 3 room flat adjacent to Richmond Heights Centre. suit gentle- man, 889-2710. c1w23 RICHMOND Hill. one and two bedroom. clean family type building. 5 h o p pin g. school. $150, and $165. in- cluding parking. 884-6263. ROOM to rent. close to YONGE VALLEY 7471 Yongc Street 170 Dudley Avenue 4 WEEKS FREE RENT 2 bedrooms only Large. luxury 1-2 bedrooms. pool. saunas. gym. rec. room and play grounds. 889-0271 or 889-0567, tfc46 ï¬bâ€"OM. cooking and parkiné facilities. Please phone 884- 4828 for appointment. th3 ROOM at Maple, two restau- rants adjacent, clean. quiet Canadian home. reasonable. 832-2051. tfc20 Fï¬NISiHED room to rent. 884-8323. *1w22 EMPLOYMENT WANTED PERSONAL WANTED TO RENT (Continued) wanted. Metro to store antique ’7. tfc20 MON.-TUES. 8 am. to 6 p.m. WED-FRI. 9 am. to 5 p.m. SATURDAY 9_ am. to 12 noon c1w23 884-1105- c1\\‘23 tfc36 tfc20 vlnou‘ mom‘ REID LAWNMOWER .3691‘ SALES AND SERVICE tfczgiCompletc lawnmower and ~ - } cnowmobile repairs and serv- 'b°d' ice. Open 8 am - 9 pm. m_°n' ‘ 884-7716. tfc18 4 7. r-â€"â€" . 23,23 7 CARPENTRY work. recrea- â€"‘tion moms. additions. reno- JT ;\'ations. tile floors. and ceil- iings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. tfc3 tfc23 tfc23 PAINTING. interior and ex- terior, wallpapering. plaster- ing and carpentry‘ 884-9026 after 6 pm. tfc20 VACUUM CLEANERS Repairs and parts to all makes. PERM-STYLE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Highly recommended even by friends. NORTHERN PAINTING RESIDENTIAL. commercial painting. interior and ex- terior. paper hanging. 881- 2075. mm DREEMAKING and altera- tions. 889-5713 after 6 pm. tfc9 WALTER LONG PLUMBING Efficient service at reason- able rates. BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer & water lines‘ footings. 889-3604. PAINTING and decorating. interior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. 884â€"5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and industrial wiring Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 881-2509. RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paporhanging. in- terior and exterior. Free estimates; Work guaranteed 887-5153. tfc46 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- tions. additions. and repairs, Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2833. tfc42 RONWMOORE PAINTING PAPERHANGING Interior-Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889- 8965. tfc32 “tasteâ€"ring? Tlioi-nhill All phases of brick. block, stone and repair work. 884-6417 tfc46 RUBBER STAMPSV Several type faces to choose from â€"â€" including Script. Block letters, Outline and signature -- fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884-1105. tfc42 GENERAL contracting. alt- erations and additions, home. offices. factories. Custom carpentry of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. th3 DRUM and Percussionï¬lésf‘ sons. Call Myles Crawford. 884-1497. c13w131 CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS ‘ DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free esti- mates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884~2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc2 ‘ ï¬nes and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 ‘ PL’UMiï¬TV’G dinâ€"HEAWNG " Roger Prnquâ€"Telephoneâ€" {184-1650. tfc24 A. J. CLAYTON MASONRY CONTRACTOR PLUMBING Repairs and Renovations Call J‘ S. Adams 889-6806 MATH'S TV & APPLIANCES 49 INDUSTRIAL RD. 884-7903 SNOW PLOWING L. REZKA - 889-8098 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 PLUMBING & HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs 3 Specialty Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 832-1345 â€"â€" MAPLE Miscellaneous PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303} SHAMPOOING PAINTING 884-2433 PAINTING 884-2433 R. CLARK 889-9475 tfc17 tfc20 tfcll tf052 tfc48 tfc43 tfc50 tfc22 tfc2 tfc20 tfc2 tfc48 tfc18 ALTERATIONS, p r 0 m p t service. work guaranteed. pick-up and delivery. 884â€" 1928. tfcll LOST, small dog. Maple area. November 3. "Walter," brown and white. bushy tail. Reward. Days 367-2194, eve- nings 832-1069‘ tfc21 LOST. Cat â€" Vicinity of North and South Taylor Mills Drive. Richmond Hill. white. medium, female, deaf. 884- 6112. after 5 pm. c1w23 '62 CHEV Nova. 6 cyl. auto., winterized and certified. 884- 3331. clw23 ‘56 CHEV 6 cyl. automatic. 2 door, new springs and ball joints. good tires, certified. with plates. best offer. 832- 1579. tfc23 FORD Econoliinervan for sale. Supertest. Markham a n d Yonge. ’01w23 '64 OLDSMOBILE, new transmission. good condition. Telephone 881-1892. c1w23 '64 PLYMOUTH as is. 884- 5176. c1w23 ‘65 MUSTANG 289. automa- tic, $450. or best offer. 884- 3915. after 8 pm. c1w23 ‘65 PONTIAC custom sport convertible. 327-250. g o o d condition. 297-2779. ‘67 AUSTIN Mini Cooper. $300, 884-3035. c1w23 ‘67 PLYMOUTH wégon, 318 motor. very good condition. Call after 6 pm. 889-6579. _A_ 7 c1w23 '66 CHEV. l-ton. $500. 834$ 5917. after 6 pm. c1w23 ‘65 CHEV ss con’vertiï¬Te', 283. auto. uncertified. best offer. 884-1562. *1w23 TGE‘CORVKIâ€"R’ Monz'é, ’é‘idor hardtop‘ automatic. $95. 884- 3915, after 8 pm. c1wZ3 ‘65 MERCURY Marauder 4- door hardtop, power brakes. steering and seats. radio. snow tires. Excellent condi- tion. Private. 889-5181. sedan. excellent condition $1,050. Phone 884-4530. DRE SSMAKING ‘68 GMC 12â€"10n panel, A-l condition. 889-2760 after 6 pm. c1w23 '68 VOLxéwA'GEN' 1500 $495 ‘67 DODGE Fargo pickup truck. Lic. V58674. $295. D & D Auto Sales, 165 Hwy. 7 East. between Yonge and Bayview. 881-2735. c1w23 ‘70 DODGE Superbee. 2 door hardtop, 383 4 barrel. V-8 with ram air automatic. power steering, radio. bucket seats. console, 21.000 miles. Many extras. Phone before 2 pm or after 6 pm. 884- 3142. c1w23 ‘69 OLDS Cutlass Supreme good condition. 1 owner. low mileage. snow tires. 884- 8485. c1w23 ’69 PONTIAC V8, 350 con- vert. 3 speed automatic. full power. new rubber. low back pressure exhaust system. good shape. first offer over 81750. 889-9964, *2w23 '68 FORD pick-upf’cer'tifieci 884-4338. *1w23 D & D CERTIFIED CARS '67 BEAUMONT sedan. V-8. automatic. full power. Lic. 85612K. $695. '67 METEOR hardtop. V-B. automatic. full power. vinyl top. Lic.130239. $695. '66 CHRYSLER sedan. All Chrysler options, Lic. 438032. $695. '65 FORD Fairlane. standard transmission. radio. Lie. 332 225. $295. ‘66 FORD Squire Wagon. roof racks. V-8 automatic. full power. Lic. 55552X. $595. ‘65 RAMBLER. automatic. 6 cylinder. radio. Lic. E19565. PRIVATE SALE ‘66 Navy blue Cadillac Broug- ham. Fully equipped includ- ing air conditioning. $1.975. Executive ear, maintained by local dealer since new. Exâ€" cellent condition. Records available for your inspection. Call 889-9310 - 884-3624. “LET George Do It". Car- ncntry alterations. cabinets. recreation rooms, storage walls. etc. 884-8685 days or c189-0536 evenings. tfc23 DUUKKL‘EFINU and ac- counting services for small businesses. 889-5683. crating. v e r y reasonable. 884-2861. c4w20 HORSE drawn sleâ€"igEâ€"rides. 887-5195. tfc17 BédeEEPING and ac- f Continued) 889-0738. c4w21 WALLPAPERING a; D136- Miscellaneous USED CARS LOST clw23 *1w23 c1w23 tfc20 tfc33