man‘s 3 drawer. with mirror $30. for both. 833-5057. MAN‘S 5 drawer chest, wo TV PHILLIPS console 23" black and white. $40.; saxo- phone $100. 222-5391. FRIDGEâ€"Zâ€"door. 2 months old. asking $275. Phone 773- 4396. c1w24 35 mm. Miranda 1.9. tele- photo lenses, 135 mm. Braun photo flash. telex tenders. duo track Bellowscope. tri- pod. case. complete, $125. c1w24 PAIR skis for saTe, good for adult beginner. 884-2685. QUEEN size bed. velvet headboard, hardwood table, chairs, $100. Telephone 884. 3128. after 4:30. c1w24 I.B.M. Selectric Typewriter, $195.; Gendron folding ping pong table and accessories. $40.; movie camera Cannon Fl. 4, Zoom lens, $50.; movie projector. Bell & Howell. $50.; Fleetwood tape record- er. 4 track. 3 speed. $60. 884-2800. clw24 SKIS and bindings good con- dition, new Hockland boots. mens size 10%, $50. com- plete. 884-1493. c1w24 KELVINATOR refrigerator in good condition, $25.; boy's 3-speed Super Cycle. Good condition. $25. 884-6956. HAGSTROM electrical guitar 1 month old, perfect condi- tion. $300 new. Sell for $200. Also stereo record player. $30. 884-6849. c1w24 SNOWMOBILE tote sled kits, heavy duty frame, springs. aluminum skis 60" x 6†com- plete with runners. overall size 75" x 25". fibreglass bodies available. Ideal for hauling heavy loads. Amac Equipment Ltd. weekdays 8-5. 884-1423. c1w-24 DUNE buggy shell with lights. windshield wipers and wheel adapters for Chevy rims, $100. 283 motor rebuilt. $60. 773-4166, after 6 pm. clw24 WINNEBAGO motor home. 18 feet. fully equipped, low mileage. excellent condition, reasonable. 895-5889. ONE bar and dumbbell set. $15. 884-3105. c1w24 ANTIQUE rocker. $45., also antique washstands. $25. and up; dressers and chests, $20. up; china cabinet. $65. Richmond Hill Used Furni- ture and Antiques. 9218 Yonge Street (opposite Park- way Department Store). 881- 1063. clw24 ELECTRIC freight train, complete with track, trans- former and accessories. 832- 1481. c3w23 TABLE tennis tops and bases $25.50; 20% off all Stanley tools until Xmas. Loughlin Lumber, Yonge and Scott Drive, Richvale, 889--1109, open Thurs. and Fri. even- ings. c3w23 SMOCKED satin cushions make nice gifts. variety of colors. 773-5830. *1w23 SKI boots. sizes 4 and 8, black seal coat with (grey) persian lamb size 14 value $495.. half price. 884-5872. c2w23 THIS old shop can save you money (established 1957) girl‘s reversible car coats, winter weight 8â€"14. $8.98 only. also clearing lady’s pant suits. size 10-20. and some over sizes. Richmond Hill 884-2214 WYN-DOT SHOP Bayview Plaza THE FLOWER CART CHRISTMAS ARRANGEMENT Also gifts. unique, but reaâ€" sonably priced. See display at Country Place Nursing Home, 18th Avenue off Bay- view. Phone 884-9565 for appointment. for personalized work. c3w22 AT HOME 524 Bay-view Avenue North of 18th Avenue WELL rotted manure. big 4 yard load. $18. delivered in Richmond Hill area, also dry hardwood slabs, 1% cords de- livered. $25.. while they last. C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. i’I’REwoon for fireplace, split and delivered. 773-5488. 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 14, 1972 C. L. Knappett CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine and Spruce Visit one of our lots Yonge St. South at “THE DOMINION" Reach more prospects faster. Save time and money. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES (Effective July 1. 1972) CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.25 and .101! per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for $1.15 and 10¢ per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50¢ CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES‘ BIRTHS. per inâ€" sertion $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. !.|B_ERAL CleS§IFIED DS I, , FOR SALE Ol' clw24 clw24 02w24 clw24 clw24 c1w24 c2w23 tfc21 tfc19 ,)‘_.. tor both in good'w'orking’ con- dition, aquarium and humidi- fier. 889-1597. c1w24 ELECTRIC guitar cost $150.; sell $50. 884-3721 after 4 ADDING macï¬rir; Majestic Mark 2 $50. 884-9506. POOL table 4 by 3 with ac- cessories. 884-1818. c1w24 BUICK motor 445, Wildcat. $35. 884-8064. clw24 Excellent conditiorrl: 884- 3558‘ clw24 ELECTRIC range, refrigera- MUST sell, fridge. twin door, 18 cu. ft. $390. range $190. Harvest gold as new. 884- 5559. clw24 â€":70 RUPP Roadster mini-bike. L.P. record to each customer, 115 King Sideroad, Oak Ridges. 'vé mile in from Yonge. c3w24 LADIES†brown wig, new; real leather brown dufer bag, brief case attache, like new. deluxe Philishave, under guarantee. 884-1413. BARNFUL of furniture, an- Eiq_ue and second hand, free one drawer, good condition, $20. for both. 833-5057. DRUMS Beltone, full set 5100. firm. 884-4518. SAPPHIRE gray mink jacke’t THOR electric dryer, good condition, $80. 884â€"4698. NORTHUMBRIA sterling and china available through fine arts. 249-2278. c2w24 TWO night tables, each with 21" Black and White TV. Ad- miral. 884-3406. c1w24 CHESTERFIELD and chair. turquoise, f o a m cushions. good construction. $75. or best offer. 889-1801. WASHER, dryer and stove parts, gears. belts, wood bearings and wringer rollers. etc. For all makes. Repairs to vacuum cleaners and small appliances. Math’s TV, 49 Industrial Road, 884-7903. FREE Modular Hi-Fi with 26" color TV, Brown’s Appli- ances. 8 Yonge Street S. Richmond Hill. 884-9821. and blonde mink sole. 889- 8751. c1w24 DRUMSâ€"â€"â€"complete set, $1071 or best offer. 884-3071. SKIS. 2 adults, dne child's plus some boots. 887-5508. PLYWOOD 4 x 8 sheets, fir “2" special. Call World Wide Shipping, 889-6269. tfc4 SEWING machine (guaran- teedl from $19.95. Bernina Sewing Centre. 884-3775. Holland Park Garden Centre. 10141 Keele Street N., Maple. 832-2455. tfc14 FIREPLACE wood, ma'p1e, beech, $5. quarter cord, kind- ling $1. bundle. 9519 Keele at Maple sign, south. tfc15 SEASONED fire wood, maple. beech. birch and oak, Holland Park Garden Cen- tre. 10141 Keele Street N.. Maple. 832-2455. tfclé Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. . tfc24 BEDROOM suite 7-piece, dining suite 9-piece. Chester- field suite all Burma teak- wood. New furniture, very reasonable. Please call 1-247- 4377. Toronto. tfc16 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy, 7, just east of Fifth Line. 42 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc31 TEAKWOOD Living, dining and bedrooms. direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9 pm. 459- 0760. Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebulit standard portable and elec- tric models. Special rental rates available to students. ALUMINUM Doors, windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 Free estimates Aluminum siding. windows. doors, awn- ings. also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558 fac- tory. 832-1319 Maple. tfc28 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES YORK ALUMINUM FOR SALE RAILWAY TIES 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 L. H. SIMS \VANTED (Continued) c1w24 c1w24 c1\\'24 clw24 c4w23 c2w24 c1w24 *1w24 *1w24 c1w24 tfc17 tfcl3 tfc3 GOOD drivers wanted, over 21, full time. Thomhill Taxi, 7711 Yonge Street, Thorn- hill. tfc24 IMMEDIATELY clerk-typist for chartered bank in the area of Keele Street and No. 7 Hwy. Experience prefer- red. 669-1396, ask for Mr. Matthey. tfc22 WANTEDâ€"Someone to come into my home to baby sit, while mother works. 884- 2420, evenings and week- ends. c2w23 FEMALE counter attendant for snack bar, full time from 9-5 pm and part time from 5 pm-10 pm. Apply Mrs. Purvis, GEM Store, 7171 Yonge St. c2w23 OPERATOR TRAINEES Large food container manu- facturor in north end of Metro Toronto requires pack- ers and machine operator trainees for full time work. 3 DAY WEEK Friday, Saturday, Sundayâ€" 12 hour days or nights. 40 hours pay for 36 hours work. Substantial Sunday bonus. Only interested people need apply to 8100 Keele Street. Information 669-1331, ANTIQUE record cabinet. 884-8680. c1w24 T0 9 PM WEEKDAYS. l TEMS. 71 GLENCAMERON TWO pair of skis and two pair of ladies ski boots, must sell. 884-1559. c1w29 'TV_ $60.; bassinette, $12; 884-3501. c1w24 DON’T BUY UNTIL YOU COME TO OUR SHOW- ROOM. 1973 FLEETWOOD 26†COLOUR ONLY, $499 FIVE YEARS WARRANTY RD.. THORNHILL. 881-1813. c2w24 WASHERâ€"spin dryer, new. 884-8897. c1w24 PACKERS AND MACHINE MILLINERS’ Dressmakers Supplies. 93 Yonge St. 5., 884-5894. Sale, 14'; off of any sale, starting Dec. 16 to Dec. 22, Xmas decorations. etc. WHOLESALE COLOUR??? SHOWROOM OPEN HOME CABLE TV SYS- MAN’S ski equipment, size 8 boots with press. poles. gog- gles. bindings and ski. 884- 8680. c1w24 Bf SANYO black and white SIX string guitar and case; Phillips 420 stereo tape rec- order (complete); 2 snow tires F-78-15 (used one win- ter), 225-2009, after 5:30 pm. *1w24 HELP WANTED LIKE new GE portable dish- washer: size 12 Brownie uni- form. Phone after 5 pm, 884- 9546. c1w24 STRAW. 65c per bale. BT- Iivered. 50c at barn. 884- 2549. c3w24 AGE 8 track recofaér and Appliances. furniture. pianos. antiques etc. Top price, fast pickup. 881-1063. If’ no answer, 889-9612, c2w24 player, brand new, $115. 884- 5652. clw24 WALNUT tea wagon. Excel- lent condition, $95.; ice box, completely refinished, ideal as bar. $85.; 4 matching din- ing room chairs. $40.; antique gramaphones, $65. 881-1063. ONE horse cutter and set? team sleighs. 884-2549. CHOICE beef 79c a lb. Phoné 832-1130. c2w24 12 STRING guitar. slightly warped, $20. 884-3721, after 4 pm. c1w24 SATURDAY Sale, Dec. 16; 11 am - 3 pm, household items. 59 Markham Rd. ELECTRIC stove $30", $45.; oak dining room suite, con- sists of table, 5 chairs. buffet and china cabinet, $190. 881- 1063. c1w24 G.E. wringer washer good condition 727-4186, Aurora. c1w24 BLACK and white TV 20", with stand. good condition, $50., complete. 884-4074. FOR rentâ€"new Santa Claus suit. $5.00 per day. 832-2408, Maple. c2w23 WANTED Toy trains, Hornby, Lionel and American Flyer, any condition, also dinky toys. 832-1481. c2w23 '70 Ski-doc, 18 h.p.. electric, good condition, $500.; also Bel Air trumpet. $50. Phone 832-1403. c1w23 DIVING tank and regulator, $100. Phone 248-8033, after SNOWMOBILE suits for sale. 884-9748. C4W21 TV. York Home TV, Peter Smith, 889-1646. tfc20 Xï¬otorola (Quasar) color T0 6 PM SUNDAYSâ€"- FOR SALE WANTED (Continued) c4w22 *2w24 c1w24 clw24 *lw24 clw24 tfc23 CLERK-TYPIST We are looking for an appli- cant who is a good fast, ac- curate typist to work partial- ly on mailing lists and other related‘ duties. which are diversified and interesting. The Company offers good working conditions and bene- fits. a lunch room and a salary commensurate with experience. Phone for ap- pointment. Scholastic Publications Limited 123 Newkirk Road Richmond Hill, Ontario 889-0330 TELEPHONE solicitors from local area required for grow- ing communications company part and full-time. Work at home or at office. Shorthand an asset. Salary plus com- mission. Harding Corpora- tion, 881-0707. clw24 WAITRESS, evenings, from 5 pm to 11:30 pm, B 8: M Restaurant. Woodbine and Hwy 7. 499-0666. HOUSEKEEPER help for Nursing Home in Richmond Hill, on Yonge Street. Phone Mrs. King, 884-7646. tfc24 INVENTORY HELP We require temporary assist- ance to count stock December 26, 27 and 28 Hours 7:30 am to 4 pm $3.28 per hour Snap-On Tools of Canada Ltd. Keole St.. 1 mile N. of Hwy. 7 ‘ Call now 669-9501 EXPERIENCED, neat service station attendants, full and part time, 7562 Yonge Street at Arnold Avenue, Thornhill. clw24 LOCAL bank requires teller, experienced preferred, tele- phone 884-8126. c1w24 NOW BEING INTERVIEWED Parkway Hotel, Highway 7 and Leslie Street, are now interviewing experienced hotel staff for all depart- ments. For appointment call, Mr. Harry Parker, 881- 2121. c1w24 STUDENT for work after school in Nursing Home on Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Phone Mrs. King. 884-7646. tfc24 WE are always in need of ex- perienced office personnel for temporary assignments. Mona Robertson Temporary Placement Service 884-6944 RELIABLE girl wanted 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday thru Friday. to care for oneâ€"1- year old at. residence. 884- 9346 after 5:30 pm. c1w24 PRIVATE HOSPITAL RE< QUIRES REGISTERED N U R S I N G ASSISTANTS AND NURSES AIDES, EX- CELLENT SALARY. ALL BENEFITS. DAY SHIFT AVAILABLE. THORNHILL AREA. TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED TO PUBLIC BUS ROUTES. PLEASE CALL MRS. ROLAND, 889- 4931, BETWEEN 9 AM AND A & W Coffee Shop at 82 Yonge Street, North. Rich- mond Hill, requires kitchen supervisor, full time nights. experienced in quantity, food cooking and preparation. ex- cellent salary and benefits. Please apply in person. MAN REQUIRED PREFER- RABLY RETIRED AND MECHANICALLY INCLIN- ED T 0 B E FACTORY ATTENDANT DURING EVE- NING SHIFT. P I. E A S E APPLY NEWMAN-GREEN OF CANADA LTD., 301 MARKHAM ROAD‘ RICH- MOND HILL, 889-6258. EXPERIENCED waitresses MATURE woman to help elderly man through day, 122 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill. 884-6346. c2w23 889-0132 EXPERIENCED hairdresser and assistant. good wages and benefits. 889-5310. c4w21 ONE waitress wanted full time, must have experience. Call Halfway House, 887- 5150. tfc18 quired for nursing ‘home. Phone 889-4651. ' tch NURSES and nurses aides. with experience for nursing home. Yonge Street, Thorn- hill area. Phone 889-4651. HOUSEKEEPING help re- WAITRESS and sho'r’t’aéaa cook needed full time. Call Mr. Brais. 884-3403. c1w24 URGENT Experienced cleaning women, home makers and baby sit- ters. Call 884-5286. tfc6 With accounts receivable ex- perience. Must be good at figures and used to handling cash. This is a full time permanent position offering top salary and good company benefits to the right person. References required. Apply Mrs. Nemet, Canadian Tire Store. 70 Yonge St. N., Rich- mond Hill. c1w24 HELP WANTED HOTEL STAFF ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER (Continued) c1w24 c1w24 c1w24 c1w24 c2w23 tfc24 tfc24 tfc23 tfc6 TELEPHONE SALES CLERK TYPIST We are looking for a person possessing telephone sales ability. Duties to consist of preparing quotation and ac- cepting bookings on charter bus. transportation, by tele- phone. Must be good typist and accurate with figures. Reply Trailways of Canada Ltd., 120 Doncaster Avenue, Willowdale. The Town of Richmond Hill requires crossing guards at various locationsâ€"4 hours daily, application forms avail- able at Clerks Office, 56 Yonge Street North. clw24 MOTHER'S helper fivé 'days weekly, live out. 889-3816. c4w24 DELIVERY man, part-time. Apply in person. Allencourt IGA, Markham Rd. and Bay- view. c2w24 MATURE lady wanted for Mister Donut, full time. 881- 0368. clw24 MAN wanted for general building maintenance, shift- work. Apply Eddie Sack- field, 884-1368. c1w24 For loan and mortgage com- pany opening a Richmond Hill office. Related experi- ence not necessary. Typing required. Full benefits. Tele- phone Mr. J. D. MacGregor collect, 270-4231. c2w24 WAITRESS wanted from 7 am to 3 pm. Monday to Friâ€" day. Peter's Grill. 6176 Yonge St.. Willowdale, south of Steeles. 223-5662. A&W Coffee Shop, 82 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill re- quires waitress, full time nights, Sunday thru Thursâ€" day. On the job training. Please apply in person. LARGE window manufac- turer requires mature in- dividual for rapidly-expand- ing warehouse and shipping department in Concord, will pay good wages to successful applicant. Call Mike Koebel, 669-1104 for personal inter- view. c1w24 CLEANING woman required 2 days per week, Rumble and Lucas area. Richmond Hill. 884-3327. c1w24 TRUCK driver for light de- livery, all benefits, apply John Buchanan at Don Little Ford. 884-9260. c1w24 DELIVER TELEPHONE BOOKS FULL 0R PART TIME Men or Women over 18 years of age with automobiles are needed in the Gormley. Markham, Stouffville, Bethesda, Claremont, Aurora, Newmarket. Bradford. Rich- mond Hill, King City, Maple, Oak Ridges, Schomberg and Keswick areas. Delivery starts December 27. 1972. Send name, age, address, telephone number. type of vehicle, insurance company, and hours available on a postcard to D. D. A. Ltd.. PO. Box 220, Station T. To- ronto 19. Please do not call the Telephone Company. FIGURMAGIC International Reducing Salon in Richmond Hill. requires immediately several slim. attractive per- sons for instructing. Inter- viewing Thursday 10 am to 9 pm, Friday 10 am to 4 pm. c1w24 LOAN AND MORTGAGE OPPORTUNITY The man we are interested in welcomes challenge and as- sumes responsibility. He is probably presently employed in the finance or banking in- dustries, If you are qualiâ€" fied for promotion and the opportunity does not exist in your present company we in- vite your inquiry. Richmond Hill location. Telephone Mr. J. D. MacGregor Collect. 270-4231. c2w24 MOTHER'S helper, baby sit- ting and light housekeeping, live in. 493â€"6119. c2w23 RNA's full time and part time for small nursing home. Call 889-2054 - 833-5037. KITCHEN help, local ski operation requires cook. Pan- try salad help. cafeteria. steam table, dishwasher. Modern kitchen. good work- ing conditions. Full or part time. Call Honey Pot Tavern and Ski Valley, 889-4988 and 889-4993. tfc17 FULL and part-time cook and full time cleaning lady. 833-5037. tfch MEN. women and children (age 6 and up) required for full and part-time work in photography. promotions and film, Call Nicolas Harvey, 962-7296. tfc16 RN‘s. RNA's and nursing aides. part time and full time in nursing home. Phone 833- 5037. tfc16 EXPERIENCED press brake operator to start immediate- ly. 884-5868. tfc18 THIRD or fourth year ap- prentice for shift work. Class A mechanic for evening work only. Bob Donald Esso. 9700 Yonge Street. 884-8011. HELP WANTED SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS RECEPTIONIST 226-3131 (Continued) c1w24 c1w24 clw24 clw24 c3w22 tfc16 ROOM for rent with kitchen facilities. male only. non- smoker. 884-4139. FURNISHED room, private entrance, frig, stove. parking. 128 Pemberton Road Rich- mond Hill. c1w24 THREE bedroom house, fin- ished rec room. available February 1, 8200. 884-9506. c1w24 IN duplex, 3 bedroom apart- ment, separate entrance, private drive and garage, 165 Ruggles Avenue, 221- 5829. c2w24 FURNISHED room, modern home, with or without meals. Call 884-7969. c1w24 ONE bedroom apartment, close to Yonge on Centre St. E. Possession January 1/73. Rent $100. 884-6216, after 6 pm. tfc24 bNE b e d r o o m basement apartment, side entrance and parking. $125. 884â€"6219. INDUSTRIAL SPACE RICHMOND HILL Now available, prime location 3,000 ft. 6,000 ft. 800 ft. heated storage CALL R. A. DYE LIMITED REAL ESTATE 881-0790 OR 884-4988 NIGHTS 884-2803 FURNISHED room. central Richmond Hill. Close to Yonge. 884-8312. c1w23 Centre area. Call after 4 pm. 884-2427. clw23 ONE and two bedroom apart- ments. Apply 160 Essex Ave., Richmond Hill. c1w23 OFFICE space 520 sq. ft., 18 Yonge St. N., now available. heating and air conditioning. 491-0277. tf052 ESSEX Twin Towers, brand new building. only 2 apart- ments left. One 3-bedroom and one 2-bedroom, adults only. 884-7216 or 635-0634. tfc22 ROOM for rent, Yonge- APARTMENT AVAILABLE 2 BEDROOM SUITES. RENT 'NCLUDES HEAT, HYDRO, SOFT WATER. FRIDGE, STOVE, ETC. NEAR RICH- MOND HEIGHTS PLAZA AT 48 LAVEROCK AVENUE, QUIET ADULT BUILDING. CALL SUPT. 884-2475. TWO bedroom apartments. 60 Laverock, Richmond Hill. water and hydro included. 884-2973. tfc14 THORNHILL â€"â€" Sublet, 2- bedroom apartment. 407, re- duced rent for immediate occupancy. Owner transfer- red. 889-8060. tfc19 AURORA. rbright spacious one and two bedroom apart- ments, $140 - $165. Adults. Yonge and Wellington, 486- 1377. tfc15 FURNISHED room. cooking facilities. 16 Lorne. lst house east of Bork‘s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 i HELP \VANTED NEW luxurious one and two bedroom apartments. fully carpeted. Richmond Hill Aul location. 884-1596, 884-7330 and 884-3797. tfc9 SERVICE station attendant, part time. Saturdays and Sundays. Neat appearance. Apply 9-6, Texaco, 7161 Yonge Street, Thornhill. KING AREA Clerk-typist. At least one year experience. KEELE & N0. 7 Junior Clerk, accounting de- partment. Temporary positions also available HI CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 80 Yonge Street South 884-6782 - 884-6970 Clerk-typist, some exper- ience. German language secretary WOODBRIDGE work, approximately 4 hotirs. 889-7760. clw24 POSITIONS AVAILABLE NOW MAPLE Bookkeeper. trial balance. must be experienced in all phases. WANTED - packagers - tem- porary - in Thornhill. Part time or full time. 889-6171. c1w24 EXPERIENCED drivér’. night Must be familiar with inven- tory control and general office prOCedures. Typing essential Apply to Excel Metalcraft Ltd., 95 Cousins Drive, Aurora. c1w24 FULL time salesman to sell Hi-Fi and TV components and parts. Experience pre- ferred. but not essential. Apply in person TAT Limit- ed. 10 Yonge Street South. Richmond Hill. clw24 EXPERIENCED office clerk, excellent wages and working conditions. 884-5801. T.D. Bank, dictaâ€"typist. 884- 4413. c2w24 GROCERY clerk, full or part-time. Apply in person Allencourt IGA, Markham Rd. and Bayview. c2w24 INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK TO RENT (Continued) MAPLE c1w24 c1w24 tfc24 c1w24 tfc23 c1w24 tfc49 TOURS, cruises, rail and bus tickets, reservations and in- dividual travel. Call A. H. Creighton ravel Agency. 889-5643. tfc47 LEAVING for Florida first week of January. Anyone wishing a ride? 773-5568 ev- enings. clw24 AN excellent Christmas gift. 1970 340 TNT Ski-doc, used very little, excellent condi- tion, $375. 727-6175. c1w24 ’69 Ski-doo, 18 h.p.. good condition, $325 or best offer. 884-7008. clw24 TO business couple. six-room- ed panelled apartment, liv- ingroom with fireplace. Rent $130. plus utilities. Six miles north of Richmond Hill. For information call 773-5465. '69 SNOWMOEILE, g o o (1 condition, $190.. must sell. 884-5559. c1w24 TWO bedroom apartment for rent, 100 Markham Road, young couple. $155. monthly. couple with children, $165. monthly. free parking. free dryer for clothes. 884-7757. c1w24 ROOM for rent. close to transportation. 884-9427. SUBLET one bedroom apart- ment, one motnh’s rent free call 884-9711, 9 am to 5 pm only. cl-w24 APARTMENT for rent $25. monthly, in exchange for light housekeeping. 884- 9430. c1w24 RICHMOND Hill, Yonge St., 2 bedroom bungalow, acre- age, small barn. $165. month- ly. 727-5239. *1w24 FURNISHED room for rent, gentleman only. 884-7564. c1w24 NEW, 2 bedroom condo- minium. close to Yonge S t r e e t. 884‘5222, $190. 31651â€"2 bedroom modern apt. includes, heat, hydro, water. 727-9488. c1w24 ONE furnished bedroom for rent. 884-1638. tfc24 monthly ONE. two and three bedroom apartments, immediate oc- cupancy. Thornhill Terrace, 111 Inverlochy Blvd., Thom- hill. 889-6813. c4w24 FURNISHED room. light housekeeping, private en- trance, suitable for clean gentleman. Maple, 832-1113. *1w24 SIX room bungalow for rent. Call 488-4386. *1w24 APARTMENT, one bedroom to sublet. Thornhill area. 881-0104. c1w24 FURNISHED bed-sitting room, Richvale near Yonge, $15. per week. 889-3498. SN OWMOBILES ONE and two bedroom apartments, 402 Markham and Bayview, water. heat and parking included. 884-1909. c2w24 FURNISHED 2-room flat. heat, hy-dro included, $95. per month. Available Janu- ary 1. 773-4560. c1w24 NEW 1 and 2 bedroom apart- ments, fully carpeted, Rich- mond Hill, A-l location. 884- 3797. 884-1596, 884-7858. TWO bedroom bungalow. Richmond Hill area. includes garage. 1-267-0344 c2w24 day thru Friday SUBLET Thornhill, 2 bed- room, parking and hydro in- cluded. $160. 881-1649, Mon- FURNISHED kitchen. living- room, bedroom, bath. base- ment. parking $34. weekly. 884-6962. c1w24 month. single person. Call 884-3024. clw24 LARGE 3 bedroom town house, $225. 226-4719. RICHMOND Hill flat $110. a AVAILABLE now two-bed- room apartment, $155. mon- thly with parking. 884-9457. c2w23 SUBLETâ€"Z bedroom apart- ment. Available Dec. 31, first month rent free. References. Apply Superintendent, 441 Elmwood. tfc23 ONE and two bedroom apart- RICHMOND Hill. one and two bedroom, clean family type building. shopping, school. $150, and $165. in- cluding parking. 884-6263. Yonge in Thomhill. business lady. 881-2529. tfc23 ments, 402 Markham Road. 884-1909. c2w23 ROOM to rent, close to YONGE VALLEY 7471 Yonge Street 170 Dudley Avenue 4 WEEKS FREE RENT 2 bedrooms only Large, luxury 1-2 bedrooms, pool. saunas. gym. rec. room and play grounds‘ 889-0271 or 889-0567. tfc46 ROOM, cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884- 4828 for appointment. tfc3 ROOM at Maple, two restau- rants adjacent, clean, quiet Canadian home, reasonable. 832-2051. tfc20 Transportation TRAVEL TO RENT (Continued) MON.-TUES. 8 am. to 6 pm. WED-FRI. 9 am. to 5 p.m. SATURDAY 9 am. to 12 noon c1w24 clw24 c2w24 c1w24 c1w24 c1w24 tfc24 884-1105- tfc23 PAINTING, interior and ex- terior, wallpapering, plaster- ing and carpentry. 884-9026 after 6 pm. tf02( VACUUM CLEANERS Repairs and parts to all makes. PERRI-STYLE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Highly recommended even by friends. NORTHERN PAINTING RESIDENTIAL, commercial painting. interior and ex- terior. paper hanging. 881- 2075. tfc16 DRESSMAKING and altera- tions. 889-5713 after 6 pm. tfc9 WALTER LONG PLUMBING Efficient service at reason- able rates. BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer 8: water lines. footings. 889-3604. PAINTING and decorating, interior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. ‘ tfc35 CARPENTRY work, recrea- tion rooms, additions, reno- vations. tile floors. and ceil- ings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. tfc3 FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and industrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 881-2509. RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paperhanging, in- terior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5153. tfc46 REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snowmobile repairs and serv- ice. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. tfc18 Plastering WHARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2833. tfc42 RON MOORE PAINTING PAPERHANGING Interior-Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889- 8965. tfc32 RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884-1105. tfc42 GENERAL contracting, alt- erations and additions, home. offices. factories. Custom carpentry of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 A. J. CLAYTON MASONRY CONTRACTOR All phases of brick, block, stone and repair work. 884-6417 tfc46 SHAMPOOING Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 DRUM and Percussion les- sons. Call Myles Crawford, 884-1497. c13w13 CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free esti- mates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc2 TLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulxâ€"Telephoneâ€" 884-1650. tfc24 PLUMBING Repairs and Renovations Call J. S. Adams 889-6806 MATH’S TV & APPLIANCES 49 INDUSTRIAL RD. 884-7903 WINDOW CLEANING 834â€"2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 PLUMBING & HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 SNOW PLOWING L. REZKA - 889-8098 New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 832-1345 â€" MAPLE R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs a Specialty Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 Miscellaneous PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 PAINTING 884-2433 PAINTING 884-2433 889-9475 Thomhil] tfcl7 tfcll tfc20 tfc52 tfc50 tfc43 tfc48 tfc22 tfc20 tfc2 tfc2 tfc48 tfclB DO you have a drinking problem? If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call EM. 6-8684. tfc24 RELIABLE day care provid- ed in pleasant home, Neal Drive - South Taylor Mills area. 884-8549. c1w24 DOG house for a large dog 889-0705, after 6 pm. LADY would like to work at home, light packaging. stuff- ing envelopes, etc. 889-7193. clw24 FAIRLAWN Junior and Nursery School, 8403 Yonge Street, ’I'hornhill. Licensed full day school. open all year, ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR FEE CAN BE ARRANGED IF NECESSARY. ' walk. Phone 884-2155 or 773-5912. tfc23 PROPERTY OWNERS We have clients with 2nd Mortgage funds from 10%%, also for good lsts at best rates. For personal service call Tom Osborne at 881- 0164. Osborne Mortgage Ser- vices. c1w24 HAVE 3 student shovel your MORTGAGE coming due? Cash to consolidate bills? Low cost lst, 2nd and 3rd mortgage money available. Call me now for fast, con- fidential service. Bram Ogden, Emerald Isle Real Estate Limited. 889- 5651. 884-2377. tfc23 BLACK and white 3 year old male cat, N. Taylor Mills and Ashler area. Reward. 884-1924. c1w24 LOST, small dog. Maple area, November 3, “Walter,†brown {and white. bushy tail. Reward. Days 367-2194, eve- nings 832-1069. tfc21 BLACK poodle, Freddie, lost in Beverley Acres, untrim- med, limps. 884-2384. c1w24 year, free to good home. 884-5887. c1w24 old. free to good home, 889- 6598. c1w24 HAPPINESS is a Christmas puppy! Six adorable terrier- type puppies. free to good homes. Call Tess, 884-1372. c1w23 deep apricot. paper trained. 887-5193. c1w24 LAB - German Shepherd, 1 FREE kitten to good home, 8 weeks old, trained. 832- 1069. c1w24 GERMAN Shepherd, 3 years POODLE, 9 weeks, male, POODLE puppies. white miniature, registered, male and female. 887-5102. clw24 PUPPIES 10 weeks old, mother is Shepherd and husky, father? Will be small, used to outdoors. $5. and $10. 773-5149. tfc23 PUPPIES just in time for Christmas, mother purebred Bassett. shots. 884-7900. POODLES Silver toy male. chocolate toy male, beige toy male. also Chihuahuas, $75. and up. 887-5956 or 294-5071 POODLES, black, quality puppies. reg'd., shots. 1-727- 6669. c3w22 REGISTERED Dachshund puppies, $50. each. 727-5284. *2w23 “EM’ITOY’NTENT WA NTED CHRISTMAS SPECIAIT Deposit will hold till Christ- mas Eve. BEAGLES, cookers, terriers. shepherds. collies, poodle type puppies. guaranteed. $5. to $35., will hold. 889-7194. tfc22 PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING All rbreeds. poodles. terriers and Spaniels specialty. 25 year‘s experience. Free pick- up and delivery. Rosemary Lamb Davenport. 833-5715 or 889-6116. tfc7 SN OWPLOWING. 889-0738. c4w21 HORSE dfawn sleigh rides. 887-5195. tfcl7 bUUKKEEPlNG and ac- counting services for small businesses. 889-5683. SNOWPLOWING. 24 hour service. 884-3661. afer 5 pm. Call 773-5912. tfc22 SNOWPLOWS. fabrication. installations. and sales. 884- 3661, after 5 pm call 773- 5912. tfc22 RECREATION rooms, sus- pended ceilings, special win- ter prices. Call T. Price, 889- 3653. c1w24 CHOICE CHRISTMAS TREES Stouffville Road, just west of Don Mills Road. -c1w24 PE‘TS.FUR_SKL‘E D_OG grooniirTg. poodles, ter- riers. mutts. Betty Forsyth, 889-3606. tfc3 BOOKKEEPING a n d MURTGAGES DAY CARE Miscellaneous 889-0464 - 223-5968 WANTED LOST (Continued) clw23 c2w23 tfc16 c4w22 tfc33