NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Albert Francis Hillaby All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of Albert Francis Hillaby late of the Town of Richmond Hill. in the Regional Municipality of York, who died on or about the 18th day of April, 1972 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of January. 1973. after which date the Estate will be distributed. with re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be li- able to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED at Richmond Hill, this 11th day of December, 1972. Gladys Pearl Hillaby and Clarence Douglas Hillaby, Executors of the Estate of Albert Francis Hillaby, by their solicitor. Robert H. Blackburn. c/o Messrs. Law- lor. LeClaire. Stong & Nev- ins. Barristers 8: Solicitors, 55 Yonge Street North, Rich- mond Hill, Ontario. Cindy Jane Cook, Laura Wilson. Bruce Murray, Paul Wilson. Valerie Stephenson. Michelle Foflin and Kerry Wilson enjoyed their partic- ipaticn in the recital, wirth The children have been taught the composition of music, and each presented an original of their own, then played solos and duets, and played for Christmas Carol singing. Again this week, we ask those who have items of news to contribute to this column, to be sure to get their material to us by Fri- day morning before the New Year's Holiday weekend. We also urge any of our readers who have been away visiting, or who may 'have had out-of- vtown visitors during the hol- idays to give us a call. Last week, the piano stu- dents of Mrs. Ron Wilson of Netherford Road, put on their first piano recital. We would also like to wish our readers a happy and healthy New Year for 1973. For All Occasions Rice's Flowers RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-1812 Phone 8894812 - At All Hours - Flowers Wired Anywhere in Teston, Mrs. Connie Brown, 832-8817. “The Liberal†is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord, Teston and Kleinburg. Maple, please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Concord, Mrs. Carol Cole, 889-4379; in Kleinburg, Mrs. Gayle McCormack, 893-1856; BAKER'S 147 N0. 7 HIGHWAY EAST snowmobile. “WE ARE NOTED FOR OUR SERVICE" Complete Line of Ski-doc Parts now in stock!!! 7Hwy‘ â€" It's never too early to have us service your 'â€" SKI-D00 THE MACHINE THAT CHANGED WINTER . . . HAS CHANGED . . . Own the SILVER BULLET GENUINE SKI-D00 SPORTSWEAR SUITS OFF Maple, Kleinburg, Concord And Teston News We Deliver to Toronto 8. Surrounding Districts PHONE 889-9472 AUTHORIZED SKI-D00 DEALER I Also during the business, the group voted almost un- amiously to reject the invi- tation received by the Uni- ted Senior Citizens to join jthe federation. The Maple folk seem quite happy to remain in their present state. A Christmas Program was ageoua enough to tell of humorous incidents they had experienced. A surprise visit from Santa ‘ Claus was the highlight of the afternoon, when bags of fruit and candy were given out as well as gifts. The seniors expressed their ap- preciation to Barry Young, recreation-a1 director of Vau- han, who filled in as Santa, adding a lot of fun to the meeting. Following the fun. Santa began the singing of Christ- mas Carols, while Rev. Stan- ley Snowden- revealed still another talent when 'he, ac-i 7 Terry Davis. Kaltie Hull, Laura Jones. Irene Long, Jamie Lowt'hian, Valerie Murchison and Susan Soderâ€" berg received Blue Stars and Carole Sncwden was pre- sented with her second Gold Star for helping others be- come good Explorers and for 'helpingr to plan two candleâ€" light worsth services, one held December 13 'and the other Christmas Eve. Rev. 'Snowden, their special guest for the evening. enjoyed games and refreshments with the group. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian The congregation and chilâ€" gammmummmmugwéiiumziimmmtimememzememmg Sal‘t & Vinegar V " '5 x v 5' B & H' k ’» - g acon lC ory_ g Sour Cream & Omon More ummaamammaammamammmaz23223922222231inhumane. MHH‘IH 2 Following the business portion of the meeting, when reports were heard that Mrs. Gladys Maginn. still in hos- pital in Peel Memorial, Brampton, was holding her own Iand that Mrs. Ethel Kerswill, also still in Our Lady of Mercy Hospital in Toronto, appreciated the cards. letters and visits, apologized for not being able to answer them all. remain in their present state. A Christmas Program was presented with Mary Erringâ€" ton reading “A Prayer For Today" and a second reading followed by a guessing con- sist. Florence Marwood gave an excellent reading, follow- ed by one by ‘Barney Bryan from the Christmas “Idealsâ€. An impromptu period of story telling followed when several members were cour- ageous enough to tell of humorous incidents they had cwperienced. An excellent number of seniors turned out for the Christmas Program, Decem- ber 18. A surprise visit from Santa Claus was the highlight of the afternoon, when bags of fruit and candy were given out as well as gifts. The seniors expressed their ap- preciation to Barry Young, recreation-31 director of Vau- han, who filled in as Santa, adding a lot of fun to the meeting. The afternoon began with two minutes of silence in memory of Ed Borrett, a member of the club, who had passed away on the weekend. Mrs. Noble at the piano, folâ€" lowed the silence with a verse of “For All The Saints“. While still at the piano, Mrs. Noble opened the meet- ing. leading the singing of The Maple Leaf and then a happy birthday to Mrs. Mir- iam Lepper as well as to herself. Chris Cook, confined with chickenpox, m i s sin g the event. We do hope that Chris [ has completely recovered.| and will be able to enjoy his holiday. Senior Citizens POP AT FACTORY PRICES REGULAR 11 Potato Chips 288 Bayview Ave. N. (Bayview Plaza) Bayview & Elgin Mills Sideroad 3884-9012 The Chip 0 Pop Shop IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE SPECIAL! Reg. Price This Week and Every Week The Guides exchanged gifts and presented their mothers with gifts and then each patrol put on a play for their parents. A game was played in which the parents participated and a Christmas Carol was sung before re- freshments were served. United Church on 13' Lne Singing UI UHFIS‘LIIHTS United Explorers (a group carom Sam" was on his for 9 to 11-year-old girls) had W33" ememg “We “9â€â€ a special Christmas Meeting. Hud‘sf?" played “ngle During initiation ceremonies,‘ B‘lls ' six new Explorers received Bownng pins and membership cardsâ€"â€" MOUdBY. December 13. =the Salina Azzolin, Marisa Mass-I ladiCS CHjOYCd‘ Christmas g9“ arella, Kathy Rout, Debbie fcgethors in cach team, and Row-bottom, Kelly Stewart} then bowled the following Debbie Thomson and Carol! c‘mCSt-‘Tho H0533 3nd RO' Mathewson xvcrs each took seven points Salina Azzolin, Jackie} leaving the Beggars and Jnmpc Marina Marrarplla [S‘Coun‘drels With “One. Each pack performed, with four packs doing plays and me singing “Away In A Manger". Refreshments followed. After supper, the Guides with Captain Mrs. May For- tin held their party with mothers on hand. Salina Azzolin, J a c k i e James, Marisa Marrarella, KathyRout, De=bbie Rowbot- tcm, Kelly Stewart and Deb- bie Thomson were presented with their first red stars and Carol Mathewson with her first blue star, for learning what it means to be an Ex- plorer. The girls had made their mothers corsages for Christ- mas gifts, and exchanged gdts among themselves. The members were told that there will be no meet- ing during the holiday seas- on, and meetings will resume January 8 at 1:30 pm. Guides and Brownies The girls mas Parties the Brownie Leader Mrs. um, holding afternoon. companied by Mrs. Noble at me piano. played the violin tor carol singing. TRAILER SA LE S 16 oz. THORNHILL East of Yonge v Richmond Hill enjoyed Christ- l'ast week with Pack and their Doris MacCall- their's Monday Thomhill O Baker's ‘dren of the Sunday school igathered December 14 for lthe annual Christmas Pot Luck Supper and program. .Ajter enjoying a delicious | supper, everyone settled back ‘Ito hear the young people [present entertainment in a E Christmas Theme. With Nancy Snider at the piano, the grade 7 class sang “Jolly Old St. Nicholas". Lindsey Creighton played “ch Rest Ye Merry Gentle- men", and Kim MucCallum read "The Night Before Christmas". Lisa Hudson play'cd “White Christmas†and brother Robbie played “Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer". The Explorer girls gave a presentation with the letters in CHRIST- MAS ‘and Kellie Hudson played a piano solo of “Win- ter Wonderland". While the children led in the singing of Christmas Carols, Santa was on his way, entering while Robbie Hudson played “Jingle Bells". Bowling Valerie Stephenson began the program with a piano solo of “Silent Night". Jamie Carter gave his recitation of a “Ford Car". Highlight of the evening was a presentation of “A Christmas Carol" by the grade 8 class and their lead- er, Mrs. Bruce Snider. The Ras-oals and Tramps each tcok five points. leaving the Scamps and Rogues with two each. This leaves th e teams standing for the winning of the second series with the Rascal: on top with 37 points; The Hobos in second place, and actual winners of the second series, with 36 points. The Tramps followed with 26. the Scoun‘du‘els with WASHER ONLY ANTI-FREEZE WINDSIIIELII 95 CUTLASS s < RITEGO WHEEI Firestone STRATOâ€"STREAK ALIGNMENT 88 (torsion bars extra) Firestone Riding System Service specialists will carefully align borh from wheels, plus check your balance. brakes, shock absorbers, battery and muffler. Everything you need to get safely through wimer. STORES At the Concord Public School Bazaar the students raised in excess of $300 which will be used by the Vaughan Rotary Club for charitable work in the area. Principal Brian Robinson was very pleased ,with the turnout of over 400 children, parents and friends. Many thanks from all to those who made the whole evening a great success. Thanks also to Gord Barber who distri- buted the gifts dressed as Santa. \. The Voice Of Concord On the same day 15 volun- teer parents were entertain- ed at a luncheon at the school in thanks for their help. Mr. Robinson will be needing more volunteers as several helpers will be un- able to come back after Christmas. School will start again January 3‘ Report cards were distri- buted December 22. They need not be returned. but the insert must be signed and returned to ensure that the parents have received them. Grades 2 to 6 Spent Dec- ember 21 at a local rink at a skating party. 23, Rovers 20, Rogues 19, Beggars 18, and Scamps 17. Alice Abraham took the honors with a high single of 313 and Barb Gauthier took the high triple with 717, bringing her high average up to 211. Winners of the Christmas cheer were Det Palmer. Don- nia Azzolin, Pat Johnson, Marsha Ulrich, Katie Snider. Lorraine Lariviere, Bonnié Prince. Doris Roberts, Marg Passer, Ann King, Bertha In- gram, Brigitta Weidenf'elde'r. Pat York, Joan Slusarchuk. Betltiy Prince and Marg Crook A very happy, prosperous and healthy New Year is wished for everyone in 1973 by your correspondent and family. 0&22-003-7 ONE GALLON BELT DISC BRAKE SERVICE Slle H78 7844/15] F7844 INSTALLED 14/15I Klein burg K larion Socials Congratulations to Joan and Murray Todd of Klein- burg Estates on the birth of their first child. a boy. Jason Murray_ weighing in at 8 pounds, 13 ounces. ("'vaw; T‘no marathons were a Talkathon, Silcnvceathon Iand Chowa'hm. in which partic- ipants were sponsored for every 10 minutes of talking, silence and chewing gum. The staff of Kleinburg Junior School enjoyed a luncheon at The Doctor’s House on December 21. If Gayle Watson is seeing I'ou‘ble these days, it may be because she has recently gone from helping her par- ents sort huge mounds of Christmas mail at the post office, to counting fish at the Department of hands and Forests in Maple. It seems that they are developing a epecies of hybrid fish, and it is Gayle's job to keep track of the fish through to the adult stage. Many thanks to George and Dorothy Watson for “getting the mail through"â€" at least in and out of Klein- hurg. Christmas Concert There was a large turnout rn December 19 when stu- dents of the, senior sc‘hool entertained families and friends with excellent per- formances of Scrooge. direct- ed by Mrs. Linda Kelly, and the Christmas Story, directed by Eric Jacobs. Grade 6 students, plus those grade 7 and 8's in the music elective performed in the Christmas Story, while Scrooge was played primari- ly ‘by students in the drama elective. The Star Santa Fund is approximately $200 richer, due to the efforts of Macken- zie School pupils over the past few weeks. ‘ Students have organized and participated in a series of marathons. plus two Winner of the cake in the bake draw was Mrs. Benson, school secretary. J'im Turn- bull was the lucky winner in the draw for a radio. Humber Club Despite 'a very heavy fall of snow December 15, every member of the Humber Club made it to the Christmas Party at Kl‘ein‘burg Uni-ted. Ladies of the church served a delicious dinner, after WhnewaH F78-15 B‘ackwall $24.95 26' 90 2975 | 33.43 $27.85 30.24 We install four new front brake pads, repack outer front bearings and inspect calipers, rotors and rear brakes. Rorors machined and calipers rebuilt at extra cost. Open Thursday & Friday Evenings 'til 9 p.m. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 250 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 0 884-44 “Town & Country Guaranteed to go or We pay RETREAD COUNSELOR BATHROOM SOME Handsome Slyllng wulh wllu-lhin floor-hugging deugn lor grealu Subllll’y, Color: Gold. Gwen 5 Punk. 7‘75-14. 7,75-15 Blackwell To lll_many models of FORD, CHEM, PLYMOUTH which Santa Claus surpris- ingly appeared and left a candy cane beside each plate. Winner of the door prize, a Christmas Cake. was Mrs. Parr of Nashville. 'Mrs. Ho- mer Elliot of Woodbridge. won the quilt draw. Tickets for these were sold at the recent bazaar and bake sale. The next meeting of the Humber Club will be Jan- uary 2, with bowling in Nobleton on January 4. Reminders There will be 11 luncheon HELP volunteers on Thurs- day. January 4 at 12 noon. Guest speaker will be Mrs. K. Clancey from the Alcohol- ic and Drug Addiction Cen- YOUR CHOICE ‘Fwestone May I take this oppor- tunity to say I hope every- one had a very Merry Christ- mas I trust that you all will have a Happy New Year. A trail ride and cock out have been organized for ad- ult members of the Snow- drifters on December 29 at 8:30 pm. Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Diceâ€" man, Cf Teston. wish them the very best of everything on their 55th Wedding An- niversary. December 27. Congratulations! Thought For To-day A NEW YEAR Here’s a clean year, a white year, Reach your hand and take it. You are the builder And no one else can make Neighborhood Notes PETER SMITH York Home T.V. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 28, 1972 it. See what it is that waits , here Whole and new; It's not a year only. But a world for you! Teston Tidings WORKS IN A DRAWER Color TV from 889-1646 GET YOUR DRUM BRAKE OVERHAUL 884-440] DLC-100 RETREAD INSTALLED wnn Firestone's No-6immick Guarani“?e Written by the students of E. 35 On the morning of Novem- ber 21. all staff and students of Don Head Secondary School attended a special Canadian Fitness Presenta- tion. Awards from the Can- adi'an Government were giv- en to students who did well on the six fitness tests. These tests involve speed sit-ups, standing long jump, shuttle run, 50 yards, 300 yards and flexed arm hang, which give a fair indication of genenal fitness. Awards are given to students who have four scores in an award category. The categories are: Bronze. Silver, Gold and the Award of Excellence. In the assembly, Tom Prier. head boy of the Stu- dent Oouncil, led in the opening exercises. Some of the best students demon- strated the fitness tests. They were: Mark Morrison, Merle Jackson, Charles Brown, Pam Fehr, Julie Parish and David Poll'ey. Following the demon- stration of the tests, other students participated in some enjoyable activities to show that "Fitness is Fun". After the demonstrations were finished, the awards were given out by the phys- ical education department staff. An Award of Excell- ence was presented to Mark Rogerson by Principal Char- les eath, who read a letter from Minister of Health and Welfare John Munro. The letter congratulated Mark for his outstanding performance on the tests; not many peo- ple can receive an award like this and therefore it was a honor for Mark. This was the first year the school had an assembly for und Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 28, 1972 13 Don Head Secondary School DON HEADLINES Fitness Awards Assembly We turn drums, arc and install lin- ings, repack front wheel outer bear- ings, add brake fluid. 30,000 mile guarantee. 06-22-0509 Guaranteed until you trade your car. SPPZZFC: 325‘88 exchange. Fits most Ford and compact cars. SP24F: $28.88 exchange. Firs most Ford cars with big motors & optional equipment; ‘Fnrestone ‘ UFETIME SUPREME BATTERY n n EXCHANGE 8 EXCH ADD $1.00 FOF SP24C Ms mos! Chev , P 81 Plymo Economy Gnnoral Duly 6 glue. 8 1001 alummum boon" cables mth- P.C‘V. chkn no 200 omp coop-r pluod gn'pt ES Eréé SHOCK ABSORBERS at the regular price. Get the fourth for SAVE UP TO 331/4‘7o EMMY IENT-A-CAR amenv s I9 cums TOWN A UTO BODY I73 Yonzc Street N Richmond Hill 884-2139 ADD $1.00 FOR INSTALLATION these tests and we hope they will continue ‘to do as well in the future. GAS SUPPLIED MARK ROGERSON Award of Excellence CHARLES BROWN Gold Award CHERYL MOORE Gold Award CheyvflhPomiac, Dodge & Plymouxh cars. CAROL KARCH Gold Award