Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jan 1973, p. 6

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6 EEEEEEEEEE , Ri hhhhhhhh 11, untarlo, 1nursuay, Jan. 11, 1:110 WELL rotted manure. big 4 yard load, $18. delivered in Richmond Hill area. also dry hardwood slabs. llé cords de< livered. $25.. while they last. C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. FIREWOOD for fireplace split and delivered. 773-5f188_ ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebulit standard portable and elec- tric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 tfc3 TEAKWOOD Living. dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open [-9 pm. 459- 0760. YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum siding. windows. doors, awn- ings. also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558 fac- tory. 832-1319 Maple. tfc28 Hwy. 7. just east of Fifth Line. (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramaleai rtfc31 SEASONED fire Mia. maple. beech. birch and oak. SEASONED fire wood. maple. beech. birch and oak. Holland Park Garden Cen- tre. 10141 Keelc Street N.. Maple. 832-2455. tfcl4 RAILWAY TIES Holland Park Garden Centre. 10141 Keele Street N.. Maple. 832-2455. tfc14 Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 PLYWOOD 4 x 8 sheets. fir “2" special. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6289. tfc-l §EWINIGH“inquichmdfguarran- teed) from $19.95. Bernina Sewing Centre. 884-37751 FURNITURE. appliances. an- tiques etc. 881-1063. K Motorolar lQunsar) color TV. York Home TV. Peter Smith. 889-1646. tfc20 BEDROOM suite 7-piece, dining suite 9-piece. Chester- field sulte. Burma teakwood. New furniture. very reason- able. 1-247-4377. tfc27 FREE Modular Hi-Fi with 26" color TV, Brown's Appli- ances, 8 Yonge Street 5., Richmond Hill. 884-9821. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES (Effective July 1, 1972) CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.25 and .10¢ per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for $1.15 and 10¢ per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per in- sertion $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. PMR men‘s ski boots. size 1012. used once. 884-8539. clw28 ‘52 FERGUSON TEA 20-85. equipped loader. snow blade. front and rear. cab. Very good condition. 884-2728. FAIR Maple Leaf Garden Grey tickets for Leaf games. 884-7950 c1w28 BEDROOM suite; 120 bass Paolo Saprani accordion in very good condition. 884-6200 after 6 pm. clw28 TODAY‘S Special â€" Print- ed Jersey Laine, 45". half price. $1.59 yard. WYN - DOT THE LADIES' SHOP BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL. ONT. 884-2214 éfoTHEs â€"â€" babies‘, child- ren‘s. toys. odds and ends. VVVVV c1w28 BOOKS, paper back, hard cover. records. tools and tires. 884-8285. c1w28 ‘64 DODGE V-8 Station Wa- gon. licensed, good running order. $150; storm and screen windows, aluminum 32 x 40. 32 x 45 $4 each. 45 x 48 $5. coal and wood cook stove. oven $12. freezer â€"Thor. 884-6849. c1w28 DINING room table 36"x72", 6 chairs, ornamental iron solid glass top. new condiâ€" tion, $185: liquor cabinet, blond. portable. 26"x16" S45. Phone 832-1434 anytime BUFFET and hutch, walnut, 7 feet high by 48“ wide. Excellent condition $115. 225-2184. c1w28 ARROW portable sewing ma- chine. suitable for dressâ€" making. One year old. Never used. 884-8972. c1w28 FIREPLACE w 0 o d . hard maple and red oak. well seasoned. delivered. 884-8948. c4w28 STOVE. 30". four-burner. large ovon. spotless good condition. $50 or best offer. 88-4-9609 after 5 pm. clw28 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 11, 1973 WANTED WANTED c4w27 c4w27 tfc19 tfc21 c2w28 tfc13 c1w28 tfc28 SNbWMOBILE boots and helmets. one lady's medium suit. 884-9748. c1w28 MOE‘FAT gaé'dEyér;‘ 5865a: tic, excellent condition. $75. 881-1864. clw28 30-INCH electric stove $65. Excellent condition. Also friclge $50. 881-1063. c1w28 BENCAN Phyfe dro’p leaf table with four chairs. $110. 881-1063. c1w28 FISHER Alu skis. 200 mm, with Soloman bindings; pair of Koflack Expo Masters boots. Size 10 medium. $150. 884-4593. *1w28 LARGE méfies't' fieczg; 7)}? year old, like new. $150. 884-7713. c1w28 fi‘éAFEEFi‘v. 'péfié bié'xiritii stand. $300. firm. 884-8014. c1w28 ONE four-drawervni‘etrail fill ing cabinet with lock. $35. 884-2472. e1w28 USED office furniture. 2 secretary‘s desks, 2 office desks. one board table. 12 chairs and other assorted of- fine equipment. 884-2632. SKI BOOTS for sale, like new, size 8. 884-5324. c1w28 EAGPIPES and case, $100. for both. 884-5268. c2w28 PAIR ski boots. size 8. 212 Weldrick Rd.. Richvale. WASHER. dryer and stove parts, gears. belts. wood bearings and wringer rollers. etc. For all makes. Repairs to vacuum cleaners and small appliances. Richmond Hill Appliances. 49 Industrial Road. 884-7903. tfc28 USED greenhouse glass. 16 x 16. Please call Maier Land- scaping. 889-5344. e2w28 PHOTO erâ€"Ilérrger,’ tiays. fil- ter! Easel mask, $55, 884- 5177. c2w28 HAY for sale. Call 833-5009 after 6 pm. e2w28 USED on furnaces szo'afid up: A 833:»78967. fl c2w28 1972 HONDA CB 350 plus helmet. Excellent condition and low mileage. $650. 889- 3652. c1w28 RECONDITIONED TV's Portables and table models with radios. $80 to $90. 832- 2684. c2w28 PIANO and bench, upright. needs repairs. $60. 832-1588. c1w28 20TH7'ANNIVERSA‘RY SALE 10 Percent Off All Panelllngs In Stock FURNITURE, 9-piece dining room suite. 2-piece Chester- field. coffee and commode tables. lamps. odd chairs. col- or TV. 2-bedroom suites, marble tables. also automatic washer and dryer. 2-door re- frigerator, and stove. 223- 9720. clw28 DRESSERS and chest of drawers $15 up. Buffet $25, kitchen table. 4 chairs $30. Richmond Hill Used Furni- ture and Antiques, 9218 Yonge St. IOpposite Park- way Department Store) 881- 1063. clw28 6 Scott Dr., Richvalc 889-1109 Open Thursday and Friday to 9 pm. GOOD drivers wanted, over 21. full time. Thornhill Taxi, 7711 Yonge Street. Thorn- hill. tfc24 NURSES and nurses aides. with experience for nursing home. Yonge Street, Thorn- hill area. Phone 889-4651. 7" r_ >t§c6 HOUSEREEPING help re_- quired for nursing home. Phone 889-4653}. tch ONE waitress wanted full time. must have experience. Call Halfway House. 887- 5150. tfc18 WE are always in need of ex- perienced office personnel for temporary assignments. Mona Robertson Temporary Placement Service 884-6944 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED press brake operator to start immediate- 1y. 8845868. tfc18 RN‘S and RNA's full time and part time for small nurs- ing home. Call 889-2054 - 833-5037. c4w25 RN‘s. RNA's and nursing aides. part time and full time in nursing home. Phone 833- 5037. tfch LADY for children's home, evenings. must be available some weekends. 889-3063. LOUGHLIN LUMBER FOR SALE (Continued) (‘2w28 *1w28 c4w28 clw28 tfc24 WAITRESSES E v e n i n g s and weekends. Permanent. Thornhill Coun- try Club. 889-4818. c2w27 CLERKâ€"typist required. Bank of Montreal. Keele and Highway 7. Concord. Ont. Call Mr. Fischer. 889-2673. c2w27 NO. 7 and Keele Area. group leader for bottle filling line. must be mechanically inclin- ed and have some supervis- ory experience. Phone 669- 952], ask for Mr. Grieve. KITCHEN help, local ski operation requires cook. Pan- try salad help, cafeteria, steam t a b 1 e, dishwasher. Modern kitchen. good work- ing conditions. Full or part time. Call Honey Pot Tavern and Ski Valley. 889-4988 and 889-4993, tfcl7 EXPERIENCED saleswoman required for progressive moving company. Success de- pends on her capacity to be aggressive and a going con- cern. Without this desire and drive, please do not apply. Frank Lamb Ltd., 127 Birch Ave., Thornhill. 889-4912. c2w27 SECRETARY $120 with or without shorthand, if you're confident, detailed minded and have some chem- ical training or education. you're the one we‘re looking for. North Central (9052). JR. DIC'IA TYPlST 590+ Variety is the spice of life in this active Don Mills of- fice. With 6 months experi- ence. good skills and pleas- ant personality. You can ac- tually enjoy working (9312!. HELP WANTED lNVOlCE TYPIST $90-$95 We‘ve got the job for you! 50 accurate typing. some re- lated experience and knowl- edge of retail-federal sales sales tax and exemntions etc. are all that‘s required. Bene- fits, people and offices are all great I8730l. 493-6440 2025 SHEPPARD E. (AT DON VALLEY PKWY.) SEVEN-ELEVEN EMPLOYMENT SERVICE LTD. SALES CORRESPONDENT Typing and the ability io handle customer phone requirements are essential. Previous customer service experience would be an asset ASSEMBLEBS for all three shifts. suitable for female. Previous experi- ence is less important than ability to do fine work‘ neod- ing good eye/hand co-ordi- nation. Those are temporary positions. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Must have some typing with previous accounts payable experience. temporary posi- tion 4-6 Weeks. APPLY AT: TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED 280 CENTRE STREET EAST RICHMOND HILL SERVICE ADVISOR experience preferred. but not necessary. Excellent op- portunity for young man. in- terostcd in automotive busi- ness. Salarv plus incentive bonus. Apply in person to D. Reid Don Little Ford Sales Inc. 168 Ynnze Street North Richmond Hill 889-1105 c1w28 YOUNG man to operate new car dealer=hip service con- trol board. Knowledge of automotive repair budness \v'mul'? bn an asset. Salary “In: innmtivo bonus. Apply in nnrenn to: “an “Me Fnrd Saks- Inc. 1R8 Ynnze Street North Richmond Hill 889-1105 c1w28 FIGUDMAGiC International Reducing Salon in Richmond Hill. requires immediately several slim. attractive per- sons for instructing. Inter- viewing anytime between 9 am and 9 pm. c1w28 HAIRDRESSER w a n t e d Must be experienced. 884- 8271. c2w28 EXPERIENCED in stereo, records or tapes. 884-8567. WAITRESSES â€" WAITERS Full or part time for busy dining room and banquet de- partment. Black Hawk Inn. Richmond Hill. Appointment 884-9171. Sam Province. For cleaning and working with chef. Good wages. Black Hawk Inn. 884-9171 - Chef. COST ACCOUNTANT Specialty steel manufacturer has opening for intermediate accountant. Applicants must have experience in standard and job costing of engineer- ed metal products. Starting salary up to $9.000. Apply in writing to: Comptroller United Flexible of Canada Ltd.. 128 Centre St. E.. Rich- mond Hill. Ont. c1w28 ACCOUNTING office man- ager for farm equipment dealership. Automotive ac- counting experience would he an asset, but not essential. Call Charles Richards and Sons Limited, 640-3830. 9 A.M TO 4 P.M. 0R PHONE 889-7373 KITCHEN HELP (Continued) c2w27 c1w28 c1w28 c1w28 clw28 GIRL for small office, typing and general office duties. own transportation. hours 10 am to 3 pm. 493-2205. HOTEL PERSONNEL WANTED Night porter and night desk- man Dining room waiters Cocktail waitresses Front desk receptionist Housekeepers and cooks For interview appointment ment call Mr. Harry Parker 881-2121. nghway 7 and Leslie Street 02w27 HELP WANTED FULL time or part time help. male and female for take out food establishment. Please reply Box 11. “The Liberal". c1w27 FULL and part-time cook 'md full time cleaning lady. 833-fi037. _ tfcl6 URGENTLY REQUIRED Experienced homemakers and babVSittcrs. full and part time. transportation an as- set. over 21. 889-8047. TECHNOLOGIST Full time I11 am - 7 pm) or part time for a modern pro- gressive private laboratory serving the Richmond Hill area. Successful applicant must he currently CS'LT reg- istered with at least 1 - 2 years qualified experience in general technology with par- ticular interest in Hematol- ogy. Excellent working con- ditions. For appointment call 884-7112. c2w28 HOUSEKEEPER for work- ing mother. Light housekeep- ing and care of school-age children. Live-in preferred. 889-2710, c2w28 PRESSMAN Experienced on vertical and Heidelberg platen. Phone for appointment. Morgan Davis Printing, 889-4846. c1w28 JUNIOR receptionist clerk required by centrally located Richmond Hill office. Duties to include switchboard and a variety of clerical work. Must have typing. Please call Mrs, Butt. 889-6211. clw28 CLEANING WOMAN, 2 days weekly. Rumble and Lucas. Must have references. and own transportation. 884-3327. clw28 LIVE-IN housekeeper want- ed. must be fond of children. mother with small child wel- come. 884-3289. c1w28 DAY CARE REQUIRED Dependable woman for kin- dergarten child while moth- er works. Bnythorn and Yongo. Thornhill area. until Junp 30. Excellent remunera- tinn. 889-6084. c1w28 CLEANING lady Wanted â€" 1 day weekly. References. Yonge Street and No. 78. 889-3419. c1w28 DEMONSTRATORS To display Figurine Plaques at home parties. commission with a guarantee. Call 884- 1957. elw28 EXPERIENCED bank teller required immediately. Sal- ary commensurate wlth ex- perience. 889-7528. K. R. Smith for interview. e1w28 DRIVERS needed during the busiest months of the taxi business. opportunity for ex- cellent earnings, full or part time. must be over 21. with good driving record. Phone 884-7383. c1w28 EZEANING lady. 9-4. one day week, must have own transportation. 889-2233. JUNIOR draftsman. Candi- date should have interest in progressing' in engineering field. with a good mathe- matical training. Apply Rey- nolds Extrusion Company. 500 Edward Avenue. Rich- mond Hill. For appointment call Mr. Brennan. 884-9161. 9 am to 5 pm. clw28 MEDICAL LABORATORY SENIOR DESIGN DRAFTSMAN Fabricating company requires the services of a mature draftsman. Experienced in pressure vessels. heat cx- changes. piping. systems of process equipment and lay- out. Must be able to work with minimum supervision. Salary commensurate with experience. 889-4861 J. Soosaar. Dominion Weld- ing Engineering Co. Ltd.. Maple. c1w28 MAINTENANCE mechanic required for day shift. with experience in set-up and re- pair of production machinery or responsible person handy with tools willing to learn. Experience in plastics help- ful. Also required: general factory help for afternoon shift. Apply Formold Plastics of Canada Ltd.. 95 Newkirk Rd.. Richmond Hill. c1w28 ELECTRONIC assemblers wanted. Must have soldering experience. 222 Newkirk Rd. Richmond Hill. 889â€"7313. EXPERIENCED full time switchboard operator for ev- enings from 3:30 pm to 10:30 pm. For information call Mrs. Hunt. 884-1171 extens- ion 220. York Central Hos- pital. Richmond Hill. c1w28 CLERK for general office duties. excellent wages and working conditions. 884-5801. clw28 PARKWAY HOTEL (Continued) tfc27 c1w28 tf028 c1w28 EXPERIENCED 'electrical appliance technician. Full time only. Richmond Hill Appliances. 49 Industrial Rd.. 884-7903 or 884-6492 after WAITRESSES. good wages. Apply B & M Restaurant, Woodbine and Hwy. No. 7. 499-0666. c1w28 hours S‘MITH Bros. Motor Bodies require service mechanics ex- periences with utility equip- ments. Welders and fitter welders experienced with Mig. Machinists for lathe and radial drill. Apply 7400 Woodbine Avenue. Markham. c1w28 PART-TIME help for Coffee Shop. 4 pm to 7:30 pm, Mon- day to Friday. Call Mrs. Storey, 297-1422. clw28 AUTO UNDERWRITING Position open in an insurance office in Thornhill to am- bitious person looking for a chance to advance his insur- ance career. Excellent sit- uation for anyone with super- visory ability. Persons with three y e a r 5’ experience, phone Mr. Homey. 889-6204. c1wZ8 EXPERIENCED teller Ee- quired for local bank. Phone 884-4460. c1w28 HELP WANTED URGENTLY required, home- makers. sitters and cleaning women, ear is an asset. 884- 5286: 02w28 FOURTH CLASS stationary engineer for modern plant in Maple area, good wages and benefits. phone W. Gra- ham. 669-9326 between 8 am. and 4 p.m.. Monday thru Friday. e1w28 ’BOOKVKEEPER experienced. part time. Thornhill. 889- 6382. tf028 SECRETARY For small business moving to Thornhill. Proficiency in siicrthand and typing essen- tial. Opportunity to work on one's own initiative. 239- 6323. clw28 MAPLE GERMAN language secretar required for pleasant busy office to handle correspond- ence in German. THORNHILL AREA Experienced junior typist with pleasant telephone man- ners for varied duties. DRIVER salesman for whole- sale florist in Richmond Hill -â€"-â€"must know Toromo and Metro well â€" “rite Box 14. The LibcrnL c2w28 PRIVATE HOSPITAL RE- QUIRES REGISTERED N U R SIN G ASSISTANTS AND NURSES AIDES. EX- CELLENT SALARY, ALL BENEFITS. DAY S H I F '1‘ AVAILABLE. TIIORNIIILL AREA. TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED TO PUBLIC BUS ROUTES. PLEASE CALL MRS. ROLAND, 889- 4931. BETWEEN 9 AM AND 5 PM. c2w28 HOSPITAL requires regis- tered nurses for 2 regular days or evenlngs per week. Excellent salary, positions available. January 1/73. Tliornhlll area. transporta- tion provided to Richmond Hill and city bus lines. Please call Mrs. Roland, 889-4931. between 9 am and 5 pm. FEMALE, light assembly line workers. Apply in per- son, Tip Top Products Co.. 575 Ostcr Lane. Concord. Ont. c2w28 CLERK For small business moving to lern‘nlll. To do admini- stative work on pension plans. Grade 13 mathematics desir- able. 239-6323. c1w28 ON TOWER CRANES rQUlTE room. in clean \home 339-1900 Mmh kitchen fac i 1 i t i es. 7â€" 7h ‘ u »___£1_WE§\ gentleman only. 0 v e r 25 MDS Laboratories. Richmond } years- 884-4139- “W28 Hill. requires general R-T.iFLAT for rent $125. month- Pleasant working conditions I 1y. suitable for single person, in new medical building. No'clpse to Yonge Street, 884- \\'eokond or callback work. 3024. clw28 Phone Mr. L. Thodorff 884- g“ ' ' *â€"â€"â€" ‘ , SUBLET 2-bedroom apart- 7112' Cl“28 mam mnn a mnnth, new SERVICEMAN WITH ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL KNOW-HOW E‘OR TOWER CRANES OR YOUNG MAN WITH SIMI- LAR EXPERIENCE. PHONE 889-1800. clw28 or TAPE OPERATORS Immediate positions available for operators experienced on Honeywell machine. Pleasant new office. Salary dependent on experience. Keele bus to dcor. Please call Mrs. Rolufs. 889â€"9660, ext. 244, Stedmans. 7622 Keele Street ley. 7). c1w28 NEW 1 and 2 bedroom apart- ments. fully carpeted. Rich- mond Hill. A-l location. 884- 3797. 884-1596, 884-7858. A bright 2 bedroom, equip- ped. over store. $145.. adults, Sheppard & Yonge. 486-8578. tfc25 Ill-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 80 Yonge Street South 884-6782 - 884-6970 HI-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 80 Yonge Street South 884-6782 884-6970 c1\\'28 YOUNG MAN FOR RIGGING WORK ON TOWER CRANES 889-1900 TO RENT (Continued) KEYPUNCH c1\\'28 tfc28 c2w28 tfc24 iéMALL house to share. girl. 'Aurora. 727-2304. after 6 1 pm. c2w27 ‘ RICHMOND Hill near Yonge, furnished room and shared kitchen. 769-3691. after 6 ‘ pm. tfc27 :I‘HORNHILL _ Sublet. 2- bedroom apartment. 407. re- duced rent for immediate occupancy. Owner transfer- red. 889-8060. tfc19 INDUSTRIAL SPACE RICHMOND HILL Now available. prime location 3,000 ft. 6.000 ft. 800 ft. heated storage CALL R. A. DYE LIMITED REAL ESTATE 881-0790 OR 884-4988 NIGHTS 884-2803 ROOM at Maple. two restau- rants adjacent, clean, quiet Canadian home. reasonable. 832-2051. tfc20 FURNISHED room. cooking facilities. 16 Lorne, lst house cast of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 fobfifcooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884- 4828 for appointment. th3 ROOM to rent. close to Yonge in Thornhill. business lady. 881-2529. tfc23 SUBLETâ€"2 bedroom apart- ment. Available Dec. 31, first month rent free. References. Apply Superintendent, 441 Elmwood. tfc23 FOUR bedroom bungalow. wall to wall carpeting in rec. room. immediate pos- session. 640-5607. c3w27 THORNHILL, furnished one bedroom. new basement apartment. close to Yonge. laundry. workroom. parking iand pleasant yard privileges included. Available Febru- ‘ary 1. 839-9461. c1w28 FURNISHED room. central Richmond Hill. close to Yongo and transportation. 884-8312. cliwA27 i FURNISHED ’r‘b‘dm’ '6? rent. 884-9738. tfc27 IROTOlC/lrt'or rent. close to transportation. Phone after 5 pm. 884-9427. c1\\'27 $165. â€" 2' bedroom modem; apt. includes heat. hydro“ water. 727-9488. c1w27{ TWO large bedroom apartU mom for rent, $130. per month. 884-1297. c1w27: FURNISHED room. private: entrance. fridge. stove. parka ing. 128 Pomberton Road} Richmond Hill. *2w27 ‘ OFFICE space 520 sq. ft.. 18 Yongo St. N., now available. heating and air conditioning. 491-0277 or 293-4678. tfc25; .\°.A“TMEVT AVAILABLE ‘ 2 BEDROOM SUITES. RENT i “TLUDES HEAT, HYDRO. quT WATER. FRIDGE.‘ STOVE. ETC. NEAR RICH- MOVD HEIGHTS PLAZA AT 48 LAVEROCK AVENUE, QI'IET ADULT BUILDING. CALL SUPT. 884-2475. AURORA. bright spacious one and two bedroom apart- monts‘. $140 - 8165. Adults. Yongo and Wellington. 486- 1377. tic15 'l‘WO bodroom apartments. 60 Laverock. Richmond Hill. water and hydro included. 084-2973. tfc14 RICHMOND Hill, one and two bedroom. clean family type building. shopping. school. $150. and $165. in- cluding parking. 884-6263. ONE bedroom apartment for rent. Phone 884-7216. IMMEDIATE o c c up a n c y, self-contained b a c h e l o r apartment. M a r k h a m and Yongc St. area. 884-9439. FLAT for rent $125. month- ly. suitable for single person. close to Yonge Street. 884- 3024. clw28 SUBLET 2-bedroom apart- ment. $100. a month. new ’l‘hcrnhill building. Call 638- 0282 for information. ML'SKOKA. furnished five- room cottage. Sleeps six. $25 week, Large fireplace. Snow- mobiling 200 acres. 782-2523. c1w28 fiffiNISHED room. close to all conveniences. 884-6019. c3w28 FURNISHED two - bedroom flat. available immediately, $95. monthly. 773-4560. TOWN House. 3 bedrooms, living - dining dinette. two baths. fridge and stove. washer and dryer. $225. Thornhill. 889-9086. c1w28 SMALL office for rent. on Yonge Street. just south of Richmond Hill. For informa- tion phone Mr. Scout. 889- 4922 days, 884-7968 evenings. c2w28 BUSINESS or professional office space for rent. Yonge Street. Richmond Hill, either one or two offices. Large storage room and private washroom. Newly decorated. wallpaper and broadloomed. Separate entrance. main floor, parking included. Call 884-9235. c1w28 TO RENT (Continued) I"2w28 tfc23 c1w28 c1w28 tfc49 tfc23 tfc28 1 RICHMOND Hill, small house lfor rent. one bedroom, gas heat, stove and fridge. $130 monthly includes hydro and water. reliable tennants. 884- 6955. clw28 SEVERAL houses for rent. Call 483-4386. *1W28 FURf‘fiST-liii) bedroom. liv- ingroom. bathroom and light cooking. 884-1012. clw28 YONGE ST.. THORNHILL $300 monthly. nine room brick home. 3-car garage. Call Mr. Windsor. 889-8181. Harold Keffer Ltd.. Realtor. c1w28 2â€"BEDROOM apartment in triplex. ground floor. all con- veniences. Adults only. 773- 5618. c1w28 419 LYNETT Crescent. Rich- mond Hill. six-room detached bungalow, plus 2 finished basement rooms. near schools and shopping. 491-6340. LARGE 3 - bedroom town house. $225. 226-4719. ATTRACTIVE single room, fridge. stove. Steps to Yonge St.. south Richmond Hill, $15. 881-1063. c1w28 IN duplex. 3-bedroom apart- ment. separate entrance. pri- vate drive and garage. 165 Ruggles Avenue. Richmond Hill. 221-5829. c1w28 FURNISHED room. kitchen facilities. private entrance. suitable for clean gentleman. Manic. 832-1113. c1w28 BAYVIEW and Highway 7. 1.700 sq. ft. unheated dry storage space, $125 a month. 889-1899. tfc28 Oâ€"NE or two bedroom apart; ments. 160 Essex Avenue. 884-4906. c2w28 2-BEDROOM apartment. wa- ter. heat and parking includ- ed; $160 monthly. at 402 Markham Road. Bayview, Richmond Hill. Phone 884- 1909. c1w28 FURNISHED room. kitchen and laundry privileges. park- ing. close to Richmond Heights Plaza. 884-3641 after 6 pm. c1w28 FURNISHED room. large. parking. - $20.00 per week. 884-4297. c1w28 2 BEDROOMâ€"and 3‘b_earoom homes to rent. 889-1234. $95 MONTHLY. Thornhill. bachelor apartment in quiet setting. on Yonge Street' ground floor, suit only one quiet adult. references re- quired. Mrs. Wilson. 881- 2121. c1w28 ONE 'bedfeein apartment. $100 per month. Steps to Yongc Street. 884-7951, $125 a month. one bedroom apartment. one month secur- ity deposit. Richmond Hill. 884-4380. c1w28 5-ROOM house. Oak Ridges. outside conveniences. $100 monthly. 773-4225. available on 15th January. c1w28 NEW luxurious building. free hydro and parking. sauna, one-bedroom available, $165. Adults only. 884-7216 or 635- 0634. c1w28 ONE bedroom apartment. with fridge and stove. 180 Bayview Avenue. 884-5728. tfcw28 3-BEDROOM bungalow. im- mediate occupancy. 889-8050. c2w28 A ONE-bedroom apartment with fridge and stove, 884- 7320. c1w28 SMALL basement apartment, kitchen. bedroom, bathroom. suitable for one person. $85. 773-4118 after 6 pm. NEW and used Boa Ski‘s and John Deere. Demonstration rides at Reid residence (5 acres‘ Saturdays and Sun- days. on Yonge Street North ‘next to Fina Small Car Cen- trel. Service and parts for the following e n g i n e s: C.C.W.. Sachs, Kohler. Hirth. Briggs. Tecumseh, Tillitson and Walbro Carburetors, Bosch Ignition. belts. oil, etc. 884-7716 REID LAWNMOWER 210 MARKHAM ROAD ‘72 340 TNT twin, 28 hp., like new, $750 with cover. 884- 4630 after 6 pm. tfc27 1970 SKI-D00 292 cu. in. T N T Excellent condition, like new $500 with cover. 884-5568 '72 SKI WHIZ. 300 S, elec- tric. all accessories, $625: ‘67 Super Olympique, excell- ent condition, $295. New '73‘s Ski Whiz 300, $795. Rumble Tractor. Massey Fergson Dealer, 887-5886. c1w28 ‘70 SKI-D00 292 TNT, ex- cellent condition. $425, Com- plete. 884-1341. c1w28 1970 Snow Cruise}, excellent condition. 499-1965. clw28 "71 GRAND PRIX, 18" track. excellent. new sachs motor. 30 h.p.. $395 or best offer. 884-7008. c1w28 ’71 SKIDOO 640 TNT. good shape. must sell. Asking $600. 884-6036. clw28 77â€"2__SKI-DOO, 20 h.p. Olym- '72 SKI-D00, 20 h.p. Olym- pique with trailer. best cash offer. Call 884-5727. clw28 SNOWMOBILES TO RENT (Continued) c1w28 c1w28 tfc28 c1w28 tfc28 c4w25 c1w28 HBfiSE drawn sleigh rides. 887-5195. tfc17 EbOKKEEpING and ac- counting services for small businesses. 889-5683. SNOWPLOUGHING. 24 hour service. 884-3661. tfc25 SNOWPLost. fabrication, installations and sales. 884- 3661. tfc25 RiES’IDENTIAL snow remov- al contracts or by the hour. 889-2987. tfc25 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- tions. additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc26 PERRI-STYLE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Highly recommended even by friends. CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free esti- mates. Expert workmanship. 20 years éxperience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc2 SHAMPOOING Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 u.\.1u â€"_â€"~ â€"' '69 FORD Ié-ton truck. Ask- GENERAL contracting- alt'l ing $1800 or best offer. 773- erations and addltlons. home. 1 4405‘ after 6 week days. any offices. factories. Custom time on weekends. (.4w28 carpentry of all descriptions.‘ 'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€",â€" Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3: 69 REBEL SST hardtop. 31.- nnn _.n-_ In . A u A . . . 91 an: Roger Proulxâ€"Telephoneâ€" 884-1650. tfc24 RON MOORE PAINTING PAPERHANGING Interior-Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889- 8965. tfc32 Plasterlng Free ESllmalel 488.7521 889%!” 1988 VW Dellvery Van. one tfczo‘owner. excellent clean. in- ;M eluding FM radio. radlal ply FANCY SANDWICH OR tlres. Rebuilt engine. Licence SWEET TRAYS 11357075. Only $1,395. H. J. for your showers. teas. clubs.‘ Pfaff Motors Ltd” Your bridge partles. Call 884-8611 Authorized Volkswagen. pay. or 889-2379. eveningS. ‘ sche. Audl Dealer, 315 Yonge c2w28LSt” Newmarket. 881-1806. c1w28 noun 1 A-{frumnwl‘n Rim LKWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snowmobile repairs and serv- ice‘ Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. tfcle afiNTRY work. recrea- tion rooms. additions, reno- vations, tile floors. and cell- ings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. tfc3 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paperhanging. in- terior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5153. tfc46 FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial‘ residential and industrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 881-2509. PAINTING and decoratmg. interior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer & water lines. footings. 889-3604. WALTER LONG PLUMBING Efficient service at reason- able rates. DRESSMAKING and altera- [ions‘ 889â€"5713 after 6 pm. tfc9 NORTHERN PAINTING RESIDENTIAL, commercial painting, interior and ex- terior. paper hanging. 881- 2075. fich PAINTING, interior and ex- terior. wallpapering, plaster- ing and carpentry. 884-9026 after 6 pm. tchO RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature -â€".. fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884-1105. tfc42 FLUMBING & HEATING CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 Miscellaneous PLUMBING 8: HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 sNow ’PLOWING L. REZKA - 889-8098 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs a Specialty Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 832-1345 â€" MAPLE 889-9475 PAINTING 884-2433 PAINTING 884-2433 ’Thomhm tfc33 tfc20 tfcll tfc18 tic-18 tfc32 i 226 Iback. atomatic, 40,000 miles, trcz‘stso. 884-2203. c1w28 __ 1988 CORTINA Stationwagon ‘ standard. good condition. 1 Telephone 884-8533. asking ".L ‘; $650. clw28 tfc48 tfc43 tfc50 tfc52 tfc2 PHONE 884â€"1105 '69 ENVOY Epic. needs minor engine work and minor \body work. $350. firm. Will Iswap for good 283 Chev or {Pontiac engine. Dennis or IJim. 773-5727. tfc27 ‘; '69 REBEL SST hardtop. 31,- 000 miles. like new, $1,595 1 or best offer; 884-9762. VACUUM CLEANER Repairs and parts to all makes. Richmond Hill Appliances 49 Industrial Road 884-7903 SNOWPLOWING. driveways and sanding. 884-8948. SNOW plowing. John Traup- mann. 889-0738. Twentyafour hour service. c8w28 Immaculate condition. Full power equipped, including air conditioning. FM radio, vinyl roof and roof rack. Only 25,000 miles. Licence FBU 628. H. J. Pfan Motors Ltd., Your Authorized Volks- wagen. Porsche. Audi Deal- er, 315 Yonge St., Newmar- ket, 881-1806. c1w28 '70 MERCURY Marauder hardtop. fully equipped. fen- der skirts, mag wheels, white walls. tapedeck. A-l. private. 884-6498. V c1w28 '70 TOYOTA Corolla, new tires. excellent condition. 884-5058. c2w28 '70 VW DeLuxe. standard. fully equipped. excellent con- dition. 90-day warranty, 36.- 000 miles. $1,400. 773-4362. '69 CORVETTE convertible, 350 300 h.p.. 4-speed. excell- ent condition. 884-7507. '68 JEEPSTER Commando with snowplow. excellent condition. $2.500. 888-1967. c1w28 69 VOLKSWAGEN, Fast- TEEâ€"firm Gélaxle with 70- 000 miles, interior just like new. reasonable, $650. 884- 3681. nc1w28 1967 PLYMOUTH V-8 auto- matic excellent condition, very low mileage, certified. 895-5582. after 6 pm. '67 PONTIAC Wagon. needg some body work, $300.00. '65 Chev Wagon. certified, $350.- 00. 884-3722. *1w28 ’68 CHEV’.’ lâ€"ton, $500. 884- 5917, evenings. c1w28 '66 FORD Galaxie, 500 XL. PS. and P.B.. 2-door hardtop, buckets, console, with 390 engine. mint condition. 884- 8077. c1w28 67§U1CK Electra. for parts. Best offer. 226-3964. c1w28 '35 LAND ROVER, four- wheel drive, needs minor mechanical repairs. As is $500. 884-8188. c4w25 “NEED TRUCK PARTS" Seasonably adjusted prices. Call us today for parts or spring service. Moore Truck Parts 8; Saies Ltd.. Holland Landing. 895-4666. tfc24 TOURS, cruises. rail and bus tickets, reservations and in- dividual Havel. Call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 889-5643. tfc47 '62 CHEVY II wagon, as is, or parts. some new, chrome bucket seats. 884-8285. SNOWMOBILE trailer, ex- cellent condition. 884-3661, after 5 pm. Call 773-5912.“ PLUMBING Repairs and Renovations Call J. S. Adams 889-6806 Schomberg And Highway 27 2-BAY service station. excell- ent business opportunity. Priced to sell. Call Mrs. Sider, 887-5988. W. E. Fock- ler. Real Estate Broker. TAXI fully equipped and 1i- censed for Richmond Hill area. Phone 832-2634 after 5 pm. c1w28 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Miscellaneous 1971 BUICK ESTATE STATION WAGON USED CARS TRAILERS FOR SALE (Continued) TRAVEL c4w28 c1w28 clw28 *1w28 tf022 tfc28 c1w28 c1w28 clw28 tfc22

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