Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jan 1973, p. 6

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Living. dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-!) pm. 459- 0760. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebulit standard portable and elec- tric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy, 7. just east of Fifth Line. 12 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc3l SEASONED fire wood. maple, beech. birch and oak, Holland Park Garden Cen- tre. 10141 Keele Street N.. Maple. 832-2455. tfcl4 ALUMINUM Doors, windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 284-1514. tfc36 Holland Park Garden Centre. 10141 Keele Street N.. Maple. 832-2455. tfc14 YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum siding. windows, doors. awn- ings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558 fac- tory. 832-1319 Maple. tfc28 Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 4 x 8 sheets, fir “a” special. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. tfc~1 SEWING machine (gâ€"ugfan- teed) from $19.95. Bernina Sewing Centre. 884-3775. WANTED FURNITURE, appliances. an- tiques etc. 881-1063. BEDROOM suite 7-piece. dining suite 9-piece. chester- field suite, Burma teakwood. New furniture. very reason- able. 1-247-4377. tfc27 FIREWOOD for fireplace split and delivered. 773-5488 A Motorola 'Quasar) color TV. York Home TV. Peter Smith. 889-1646. tfc20 FREE Modular Hi-Fi with 26" color TV, Brown‘s Appli- ances, 8 Yonge Street 5., Richmond Hill. 884-9821. ‘52 FERGUSON TEA 20-85. equipped loader. snow blade. front and rear. cab. Very good condition. 884-2728. TODAY'S Special ~- Prim- ed Jersey Laine, 45“. half price. $1.59 yard. WYN - DOT THE LADIES' SHOP BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL. ONT. 884-2214 FIREPLACE wood. hard maple and red oak. well seasoned. delivered. 884â€"8948. c4w28 THREE black and white TVs. All three $100. 884- 9759. clw29 MOTORCYCLE 3 wheeler VW. engine. 90‘? finished sharp. $300. or car. 88-1- 8014. *1w29 SINGER sewing machine, model 15-91 in walnut cabinet with stool and all at- tachments in excellent con- dition, $75. Call 889-2331. evenings or weekend. cl\\'29 Dressers $15. and up. chests $15.. washstands $35., pine wood box $45.. buffets $20.. pine cupboards $100., china cabinet $65. Richmond Hill Used Furniture & Antiques. 9218 Yongc Street (opposite Parlmay Department Store». 881-1063. c1w29 TIRES 325x155 (1617613 ivrfité walls. best offer. 884-8285. clw29 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective July 1, 1972) CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.25 and .1092 per word thereafter. Minimum‘ charge $1.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for 81.15 and 10¢ per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50¢ CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per in- sertion 82.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. CONTENTS of home. .10 rea- sonable offer refused. 884- 8285. clw29 LARGE picture. Spanish scene. $15.: SCM model 410 full size electric office type- writer. good condition, 5165.; IBM electric typewriter. good condition. 860.: three- piece white bath sct. suitable for cottage. $10. 884-2163. clw29 ONE bedroom suite. 2 beds with headboards. 2 ching tall dressers. one oire with twin mirror C ONE bedroom suite. 2 twin beds with headboards, 2 mat- ching tall dressers. one arm- oire with twin mirror doors $100. 884-4671 after 6 pm. clw29 CUSTOM engraved name desk plates. counter. direc- tion signs. badges. etc. Fast. reasonable service. Stuart's Studio. 30A Yongc St, 5.. Richmond Hill. 884-6741. CLEARANCE SALE FOR SALE RAILWAY TIES 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 TEAKWOOD THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 18, 1973 PLYWOOD WANTED c4w27 c4w27 c2w28 tfc19 tfc28 tfc13 tch tfc29 STEREO. portable TV‘ floor polisher. ping pong table, lawn mower. fridge. 884- 4955. Clw29 USED greenhouse glass, 16 x 16. Please call Maier Land- scaping. 889-5344. c2w28 iDHOTb enlafger, (rays. fil- ter. Easel mask, $55. 884â€" 5177. 02w28 HAY‘rb‘r'sale. Call, 833-5603 after 6 pm. c2\\728 SOLID walnut dining room table and 4 chairs in good condition. $100. 889-4539. USED oil furnaces $20 and up. 832-8967. c2w28 RECON’DITIONE’D’ TV‘s ’ Portables and table models with radios. $80 to $90. 832- 2664. c2w28 '2iiTli‘7xNN1v’ERSARY SALE 10 Percent Off All Panellings In Stock WASHER, dryer and stove parts. gears, belts, wood bearings and wringer rollers. etc. For all makes Repairs to vacuum cleaners and small appliances, Richmond Hill Appliances, 49 Industrial Road, 884-7903. tfc28 tic. excellent condition, $75. 881-1864. c1w28 USED office furniture. 2 secretary‘s desks. 2 office desks, one board table, 12 chairs and other assorted of- fice equipment. 884-2632. WAS‘HERâ€"spindrier. 11" k 0 new. Still under warranty $75. 884-4953. c1w29 YAMAHA 12 string guitar. new set of brass strings, $80. firm. 8'}2-1597. after 5 pm on week days. c2w29 WASHSTAND, tables. rock- ing chairs, quantity of chain: Barn full of furniture. 115 King Side Road. ‘2 mile west v‘f Yonge in Oak Ridges. 773-5448‘ c4w29 26" color TV, only $555.. with five year warranty. Bargain Ben. 301 Markham Road. Richmond Hill, 884-3632. MOFFAT gas dryer. automaâ€" LADIES coatsâ€"grey Persian Lamb. size 16 $150.: black Hudson Seal size 16. 8100.; red cloth. black fur trim. size 9. $10.: man‘s coat. size 44. needs cleaning. $10. All as now. Other clothing some never worn or worn once. mostly small sizes. 833-4816. cl\\'29 30 INCH Frigidaire stove. in excellent condition. 850. 832- 1401. cl\\'29 SONAR drums. black vinyl. Snare. tenor tom. floor tom. bass and pedal. Batter heads. Zilco cymbals and stands are new. price $300. 884-2898. after 6 pm. SIX Picken ducks. 773-4305. c1w29 WEDDING dress and veil. Size 12. worn once: also peach chiffon bridesmaid dress. size 12. 884â€"2603. 6 Scott Dr., Richvale 889-1109 Open Thursday and Friday to 9 pm. BEATTY deep freeze. best offer. 889â€"3465 or 221-74374 c1w29 MINK het. auttinim haze. like new. $25. 889-6618. e1w29 “4 size bed and mattress. good condition, $20. 832- 2379. c1w29 CLEARANCE sale of discon- tinued and overstocked lines of frames and wedding al- bums â€" various sizes and styles all at specially low price; Sale ends Jan. alst. Stuarts Studio. 30A Yonge St 5.. Richmond Hill. 10 to 150? off new and used tractors with blowers. snow blowers. John Deere Snow- mobiles. 25‘? down. no in- terest or charges until Oct. 1 ‘72}. Free $85. suit. Reid Lawnmower. 210 Markham TV CLEARANCE HUGE SAVINGS ONLY 7 LEFT 20“ Black and White Portable Televisions Reg. $194.95 to $219.95 Clearance Price $159.95 to $179.95 1 only 12' Portable $119. Hurry for this offer ‘Ihey will not last long Mahay Television 9212 Yongc St. - 881-2929 Across from Parkway Dept. Store Rd.. 884-9001 or 884-7716 LOUGHLIN LUMBER FOR SALE JANUARY SALE (Continued) SPECIAL c1w29 c2w28 clw29 c4w28 cl\\'29 c1w29 c2\\'29 c2w29 c1w29 ONE green 3-piece sectional couch. $40. 884-6279. WASHING machine, kitchen cupboard, wooden table, 4 chairs. fridge. boy's skates, size 9, new, pair of snow tires 900 x 15 4 tires 900 x 15, old records and garden tools. Call after 6 pm. 889- 8762. c1w29 RCA black and-Hwhite TV. 21" DYER. electric, excellent condition. $80. 884-4698. c1w29 AUTOMATIC washer and ,dryer, good condition, $60. for both. 884-2273. c1w29 FURNIiijE and abpliahces including fridge. stove, wash- BUILDING 6,000 sq. ft. to be demolished or moved reasonable. Call World Wide Shipping, 889- 6269. c1w29 TV Color, RCA. walnut, con- sol. 4 years old. excellent condition. 889-3994. AUIOMATIC washer and re- frigerator. 884-7197. after 6 pm. c1w29 in excellent condition. $75. 884-2572. c1w29 CRIB, 2 vacuums (one work- shop and one upright) one single cot and mattress, 2 wooden frame mirrors, one sunlamp, one boat steering w h e e 1, one recirculating heater for auto or tractor, baled straw. six laying hens and antique farm wagon without box. 832-2688. SKATES girls sizes 1 and 2. ski boots. buckle, size 2, electric heater tri-watt, new cameras 35 mm., 2. 889- 0498. *1w29 WOMAETS' ’sk’éYe’s £12673! 5, originally $25., used one sea- son. asking $12. 884-3060. 30" ELECTRIC stove, also fridge. $50. 881-1063. PAIR of ski boots. like new 884-1273. BYER] er and dryer, Spanish sofa and chair. tables. lamps. 25 inch color TV. 9 piece dining room suite and complete bed- room. perfect condition. 223- 9720. e1w29 1971 HONDA 450, 3,000 miles. like new condition. 889-5761. V c1w29 GIRL‘S ski boots. size 6, and fittings. Victorian settee. Chesterfield and chair. 485â€" 2974. c1w29 ‘71 MOTO SKI. 30 hp. $600 or trade for bike. 727-3085. clw29 FIREPLACE WOOD SPECIAL 7 CORDS of clean hardwood slabs for $98.00. Richmond Hill area. Team up with a neighbor and take advantage of this good buy Call 884- 3089. tfc29 EOO’EM Kncissl rskiis. tyrolia bindings. Langc-flo standard boots size 9. 884-2844. NURSES and nurses aides‘ with experience for nursing home. Yonge Street. Thorn- hill area. Phone 889-4651. HOUSEKEEPING help rc- quirocl for nursing home. Phone 889-4651. tch ONE waitress wanted full time. must have experience. C1111 Halfway House. 887- 5150. tfc18 WE are always in need of ex- perienced office personnel for temporary assignments. Mona Robertson Temporary Placement Service 884-6944 EXPERIENCED press brake operator to start immediate- ly. 884-5868. tfc18 HELP WANTED RN's, RNA‘s and nursing aides. part time and full time in nursing home. Phone 833- 5037. tfc16 HAIRDRESSER \v a n t e d. Must be experienced. 884- 8271. c2w28 man Dining room waiters Cocktail waitresses Front desk receptionist Housekeepers and cooks For interview appointment ment call Mr. Harry Parker 881-2121. HOTEL PERSONNEL WANTED Night porter and night desk- PARKWAY HOTEL Highway 7 and Leslie Street 02w27 FL‘LL and part-time and full time cleaning 833-5037. 8373-5037. tfc16 URGENTLY REQUIRED Experienced homemakers and babysitters. full and part time. transportation an as- set. over 21‘ 889-8047, PRIVATE HOSPI’IAL RE- QUIRES REGISTERED N I,‘ R SIN G ASSISTANTS AND NURSES AIDES. EX- CELLENT SALARY, ALL BENEFITS. DAY S H I F T AVAILABLE. THORNHILL AREA. TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED TO PUBLIC BUS ROUTES. PLEASE CALL MRS. ROLAND. 889- 4931. BE’I‘VEEN 9 A.“ AND 5 PM. c2w28 FOR SALE {HELP WANTED HELP WANTED (Continued) Garmiach German and press, size 12, half price, $25. c1w29 *1w29 c1w29 c1\\'29 clw29 clw29 tfc29 tfc24 tfc28 cook lady. tfc6 YOUNG MAN FOR RIGGING WORK ON TOWER CRANES 889-4800 c1\\'29 SERVICEMAN WITI-I ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL KNOW-HOW jEOR TOWER CRANES OR IYOL'NG MAN WITH SIMI- ‘LAR EXPERIENCE. PHONE 1 889-4800. c1w29 EXPERIENCED part-t i m c * Heating mtce. mechanic Carpenters '-‘ Laborers ‘ Set-up [The above personnel must ; have at least 3â€"4 years of ex- !perience in the preâ€"cast in- 1dustry. Please apply 10455 ’ Keele Street l\‘0rth. Maple. c2w29 {CLEANING lady two days weekly. own transportation, Thornhill. 889-4790. EXPERIENCED electrical ‘ appliance technician. Full‘ time only. Richmond Hilll Appliances, 49 Industrial Rd., 884-7903 or 884-6492 after hours. tfc28 URGENTLY required, home‘- makers, sitters and cleaning women, car is an asset. 884- 5286. c2w28 EOOKKEEER experienced, part time, Thornhill, 889- 6382. tfc28 DRIVER salesman for whole- , sale florist in Richmond Hill â€"must know Toronto and Metro well â€" write Box 14. The Liberal. c2w28 HOSPITAL requires regisâ€" tered nurses for 2 regular days or evenings per week. Excellent salary, positions available. January 1/73, Thornhill area, transporta- tion provided to Richmond Hill and city bus lines. Please ing mother, Light housekeep- ing and care of schoolâ€"age children. Live-in preferred. 230-2710. c2\\'28 TECHNOLOGIST Full time ‘11 am - 7 pm) or part time for a modern pro- gresdve private laboratory serving the Richmond Hill area. Successful applicant must be currently CS'LT reg- istered with at least 1 - 2 years qualified experience in general technology with par- ticular interest in Hematolâ€" ogy. Excellent working con- ditions. For appointment call "0‘ "’19 c2w28 DEMONSTRATORS To display Figurine Plaques at home parties. commission with a guarantee. Call 884- 1957. clw28 SECRETARY â€" receptionist. typing and dicta experience. with Air Craft Sales Com- pany. Buttonville Airport. Contact Mr. Wilson. 297- 2626. 02w29 call Mrs. Roland. 889-4931 bctween 9 am and 5 pm. FEMALE, light assembly line workers. Apply in per- =on, Tip Top Products Co., 575 Oster Lane, Concord, Onto c2w28 HOUSEKEEPER for work- tellers. for Thursdays and Fridays. 3-8 pm. Thornhill area. phone Mrs. Aldred 889-5486. c3w29 SHORT order cook, experiâ€" once necessary. 4-12 shift. also counter help. 669-1322. c1\\'29 STEELES and Woodbine secretary receptionist for busy congenial real estate office, modern air-conditionâ€" cd premises. Experienced typist and organizer. salary commensurate with experi- ence. 493-8000. c1w29 DL'FFERIN Précast is look- ing for the following per- sonnet CLEANING woman needed, John-Henderson area Thorn~ hill, Thursdays or Fridays. 889-6553 ORGAN TEACHER TO teach afternoons or week night. Phone between noon and 9 pm. 889-2042. c2w29 DINING room and cocktail waitresses. experience preâ€" ferred also janitor wanted. Apply to The Honey Pot Ski Resort. 889â€"4988. clw29 RECEPTIONIST WANTED MATURE receptionist of neat appearance with typing and some bookkeeping ex- perience. Apply to manager. Mr. Harry Parker. 881-2121, Parkway Hotel. Hwy. 7 and Leslie Street lassociated with Resort Hotels Ltd.) c1w29 YOUNG man, neat appear- ance, \veekcnds and evenings. drivers license. apply Texaco. 7161 Yonge Street. Ihornhill. clw29 NEW CAR SALES Experienced person for GM dealership. Richmond Hill, top commission. call George Booth. 884-4481. clw29 MEDICAL LABORATORY D R I V E R-helper, furniture moving. Apply 70 Newkirk Rd.. Richmond Hill. USED (‘AR SALES Experienced person for GM dealership. Richmond Hill, top commission. call George Booth. 884-4481. c1w29 BANK teller required im- mediately, salary commens- urate with experience. Phone K. R. Smith, Royal Bank of Canada. Kcele and Hwy. 7. Concord. 889-7528 for inter- View (Continued) c2w28 c1w29 cl\\'29 c1w29 c2w29 SINGER for Friday and Saturday nights. double bass or guitar. rock and country. Call Jerry 727-6655 or Les 884-9477. c1\\'29 H‘OOL and diemaker. Must ‘have good background in fabricating tooling. Apply (Continued) OFFICE cleaning at night. 889-8050. c1w29 RECEPTIONIST-typist, pay- roll clerk required for com- pany located in Keele St. and Hwy. 7 area, some account- ing experience an asset, but not essential. 669-1425. c1w29 TERRITORY MANAGER Canadian Germicide Co. Ltd. has an opening in the Metro area for an ambitious sales representative interested in building own career with re- peat sales to industries in a well established territory. We prefer a person with a successful sales background.‘ Future management oppor- tunities available after pro- ven sales record. bracket income based on salary. commission and bonus. Must supply own car. 251-2233. \ c1w29 WE REQUIRE EXPERIENC- ED STAFF FOR PERMAN- ENT AND TEMPORARY OFFICE POSITIONS. HI CORPS 80 Yonge Street South 884-6782 - 884-6970 Executive ‘ EXPEDITING Experienced with customs importing and exporting. MACHINE OPERATORS For afternOOn shift. suitable for females. Apply between 9 am and 5 pm or telephone for appoint- ment VCA/FORMOI.D PLASTICS OF CANADA LTD. 95 Newkirk Road, Richmond Hill 889-9100 c1w29 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Lccal retail craft store re- quires matuxe person to assist manager. Position re- quires energy. dependability. resourcefulness and willing- ncss to accept responsibility. Experience unnecessary but craft knowledge helpful. ‘Phone 226-1575. 10 am to 10 nm. c1w29 MATURE woman. some typ- ing, car, willing to be trained as order clerk. N0 experi- ence necessary. Call Mona Robertson. A-l Employment Agency 884-6944 EXPERIENCED salesman re- quired for progressive mov- ing company. Success de- pends on his capacity to be aggressive and a going conâ€" cern. Without this desire and drive. please do not apply. Lamb The Mover Ltd.. 127 Birch Avc.. Thornhill. 889-4912. c3w29 COUNTER waitresses. part time from 5:30 to 10 pm. Experience not necessary. Apply Mrs. Purvis, GEM Store. 7171 Yonge Street. Rvynolds Extrusion CO. Phone 884-9161. Mr. Bren- nan 9 am to 5 pm for ap- pointment. clw29 Delivery and Yard Help Required Applicants must have chauf- feurs licence. city delivery experience an asset. Apply Superior Propane Ltd.. 8470 Keele SL. 'Kcele and Hwy. 7 area), 669-1145. c1w29 MOTHER‘S helper. live in. own room. 2 children. 889- 2036.. c1w29 ‘ 3RD CLASSistationary Enâ€" gineer. older man preferred. 884-3933. e1\\'29 ‘ DRIVERV required. male or female, pan-time. chauffeurs license required. 884-0464 or 225-5968. c2w29 HOUSEKEEPER or couple. private apartment. chauf- feurs license required. 884- 0464 or 225-9074. e2w29 SHOULDICE HOSPITAL 7750 Bayview Avenue Thornhill For appointment. call 889-1175 between 9 am and 4:30 pm c1w29 required ‘1“ nk;‘ CLEANING »u_,\_. l'idy w LICENSED automotive mechanics, body men and painter‘s helpers. for GM dealership. Good working conditions, clean. flat rate shop. Top wages. Apply to Bill Wilson. Service Man- ager. CLEANING woman, weekly or every other week. Steeles- Bayview area. References. 889-4185. clw29 CLEANING ladi. Vone day every other week. Baythorn area. Thornhill. 889-5810. c1w29 COMPANION to live inâ€"in Thornhill near transporta- tion. Write Box 16. “The Liberal". c1w29 BABYSITIER in my home, five days a week. live in orl out. Ask for Mrs. MacRae, 884â€"6322. clw29 BILLS piling up? Full or part time help wanted with flexible hours. Convenient for housewives with children or person who wishes to moonlight. Must have the, use of a car. For interview call Mrs. Perry, 727-4837, W A I T R E Si. experienced. Allencourt Restaurant. 884- 5952, c2w29 RELIABLE cleaning lady re- quired one day per week in Thornhill. 889-9582. c1w29 TYPIST experienced requir- ed for an engineering office in the accounting depart- ment, Keele and Hwy. 7. call 889â€"8384. clw29 CLERK for production in- ventory control records and to assist with general office duties. Must have aptitude for figures and be capable of working on own initiative. Accounting and costing knowledge an advantage. Yonge - Steeles area. Iele- phone 889-4837. c1w29 HbUSEKEEPER for active family, part-time or full-time. live in or out. 884-6168. WILSON-NIBLETT MOTORS LTD. 355 YONGE STREET N RICHMOND HILL 889-5435 - 727-9453 PERMANENT c1w29 1 c1w29 c2w29 c1w29 c4w29 c2w29 PART-time help wanted, no experience necessary. 884- 9297. c1w29 PRJDUCTION ‘HORSE drawn sleigh rides. SUPERVISOR 887-5195. tfc17 Must be able to maintain proâ€" BOOKKEEPING a n d ac- duction machineI‘Y. ' counting services for small PURCHASING , businesses. 889-5683. For afternoon shift. suitable for females. AppIy between 9 am and 5 pm or telephone for appoint- ment UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Lccal retail craft store re- quires mature person to assist manager. Position re- quires energy. dependability. resourcefulness and willing- mass to accept responsibility. Experience unnecessary but craft knowledge helpful. Phone 226-1575. 10 am to 10 pm. c1w29 MOTHER‘S helper-babysitter needed immediately. five days a week. _Must love chil- dren and he steady. Live in or out. 773-4056. clw29 HELP WANTED Miscellaneous ‘ Miscellaneous NIGHT MAN FOR PARKWAY HOTEL Immediate evening for a mature man of neat appear- ance for recentinn desk and maintenance dutim. 11 pm to 7 am. This is a permanent nositinn of responsibility. ref- orcncos requirpd. Anply to Manager. 881â€"2121. Parkway Hotel. Hwy. 7 and Leslie Sfreet, 'Azsr‘ciatod with Re- sort Hotnls Ltd). c1w29 COUNTRY CLUB REQUIRES ' JR. AR. clerk-h‘nist. filinE and addinz machine experi- once RECEPTIONIST â€" Evening and week-0nd duties. switch- ltnard and typing experience. For appointment call Mrs. Peck. 889â€"4833. c1w29 HOUSEKEEPER. middlé 2 weeks of February. top wnc'r‘s. 884-6168. C2W29 ; SALES REPRESENTATIVE ‘ Required for new low priced telephone answering machine company. High salary posi- tion to manager within 3 months. Draw against com-i mission. Mr. Arnold 6-9 pm Thursday and Friday! 884-3632 varied office duties. Some experience helpful CLEANING lady required every other Friday. No chil- dren. 881-1348. c1w29 889-3606. ‘ tfc3 BEAGLES. cockm‘s. terriers, shepherds, collies. poodle type puppies. guaranteed. $5. PETS FOR SALE to $35.. will hold. 889-7194. tfc22 DOG grooming. poodles, ter- riers. mutts. Betty Forsyth, 889-3606. ‘ tfc3 POODLES, black miniature. six weeks. shots. $75. 884- 7434. c1w28 PUREBRED Samoyed pup- pies, champion stock. 888- 1720. c2w28 SABLE brown BurmeserkAit; tens pedigree 'stock, $100. 833-5139. c2w28 HISTRALIAN Terriers: Eg- istered, 2 males, 1 female. 889-2386. tfc29 4 FEMALE puppies. small mixed breed, 7 weeks old. free to good home. 884-3927. c1w29 FREE puppies to good home, 8 weeks. 384-4185 after 5 nm. tch9 TAKING A HOLIDAY? Board your pet at Katrina Kennels. RR 5. Bolton. Cats and dogs, heated, daily exer- cise. 889-5217. *1w29 REGISTERED black minia- ture poodles 21’2 months, need loving homes. 875. Stouffville. 640-4917. DO you have a drinking problem? If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call EM. 6-8684. tfc24 ANYONE wishing to contact Diane Doiron in regards to the recent death of her fath- er, Eugene. may phone her at 485-6895 or at 2181 Av- enue Road. Toronto, Ontario. c2w28 BLACK purse, silver c1asp.1 lost between Markham Road and Bayview, containing pairl of eye glasses and a sum of money. Please phone 884- 5022. c1w29 PRIVATE HOSPITAL PERSONAL JUNIOR PURCHASING EXPEDITING (Continued) required for LOST TYPIST c2w29 clw29 SNOWPLOUGHING. 24 hour service. 884-3661. tfc25 SNOWPLOWS, fabrication, installations and sales. 884- 3661. tfc25 RESIDENTIAL snow remov- al contracts or by the hour. 889-2987. tf025 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- tions. additions. and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc26 Highly recommended even by friends. Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulxâ€"Telephoneâ€" 884-1650. tfc24 CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free esti- mates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc2 GENERAL contracting, alt- erations and additions, home, offices, factories. Custom carpentry of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546‘ tfc3 New Flagstone Patios 8; Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 NORTHERN PAINTING RESIDENTIAL, commercial painting, interior and ex- terior, paper hanging. 881- 2075. tfc16 PAINTING, interior and ex- terior, wallpapering, plaster- ing and carpentry. 884â€"9026 after 6 om. tfc20 RON MOORE PAINTING PAPERHANGING Inferior-Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889- 8965. tfc32 Plastering FANCY SANDWICH 0R SWEET TRAYS for your showers. teas. clubs. bridge parties. Call 884-8611 or 889-2379. evenings. REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snowmobile repairs and serv- ice. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. tfc18 CARPENTRY work, recrea- tion rooms. additions. reno- vations. tile floors. and ceil- ings. Free estimates. ‘T. Prine. 889-3653. tfc3 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paperhanging. in- terior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5153. tfc46 FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and industrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 881â€"2509. PAINTING and decorating. interior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer & water lines, footings. 889-3604. WVALTER LONG PLUMBING Efficient service at reason- able rates. DRESSMAKING and altera- tions. 889â€"5713 after 6 pm. tfc9 RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€"- including Script. Block letters. Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884-1105. tfc42 PERRI-STYLE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 PLUMBING . & HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD 884-2201 SNOW PLOWING L. REZKA - 889-8098 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs a Specialty Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 832-1345 â€" MAPLE SHAMPOOING PAINTING 884-2433 PAINTING 884-2433 889-9475 727- 3303 Thornhill c2w28 tfc33 tfc20 tfcll tfc18 tfc48 tfc20 tfc48 tfc50 tfc43 tfc52 tfc2 tfc2 tfc28 SNOWPLOWING. driveways and sanding. 884-8948. VACUUM CLEANER Repairs and parts to all makes. Richmond Hill Appliances 49 Industrial Road 884-7903 SNOW plowing. John Traup- mann. 889-0738. Twentyafour hour service. c8w28 RAMER Electric. residential wiring, free estimates. 884- 1313. *1w29 419 LYNETT Crescent. Rich- mond Hill. six-room detached bungalow, plus 2 finished basement rooms. near schools and shopping. 491â€"6340. HOUSE for rent. 884-4171. c1w29 BAYVIEW and Highway 7, 1.700 sq. ft. unheated dry eforage space, $125 a month. 889-1899. tfc28 ONE or two bedroom apart- ments. 160 Essex Avenue. 884â€"4906‘ c2w28 ONE bedroom apartment. with fridge and stove. 180 Bayview Avenue. 884-5728. tfcw28 3-BEDROOM bungalow. iin- mediate occupancy. 889-8050. c2w28 NEW 1 and 2 bedroom apart- ments. fully carpeted. Richâ€" mond Hill. A-1 location. 884- 3797. 884-1596. 884-7858. A bright 2 bedroom, equipâ€" ped. over store, $145., adults. Sheppard & Yonge. 486-8578. tfc25 INDUSTRIAL SPACE RICHMOND HILL Now available. prime location 3,000 ft. 6,000 ft. 800 ft. heated storage CALL R. A. DYE LIMITED REAL ESTATE 881-0790 OR 884-4988 NIGHTS 884-2803 ROOM at Maple. two restau- rants adjacent. clean. quiet Canadian home. reasonable. 832-2051. tfc20 FURNISHED room. cooking facilities. 16 Lorne. lst house east of Bork's Jewellers at Yongei tchl léoomfcbé‘kin’g andâ€"parking facilities. Please phone 884â€" 4828 for appointment. tfc3 i 7 i 7 close to to rent. Yonge in Thornhill. business lady. 881-2529. tfc23 RICHMOND Hill near Yonge, furnished room and shared kitchen. 769-3691, after 6 pm. tfc27 FURNISHED room for rent. 884-9738. tfc27 bedsitting room, phone, kit- chen. in Richmond Hill, suit middle aged man or pen- sioner. 769-3691, after 6 pm. tfc29 LARGE furnished bedroom for rent. 884-7564. *1w29 YONGE Street, Richmond Hill. attractive single room. $15. weekly. 881-1063. c1w29 NETVMARKET â€" Fully furn- ished 3 bedroom brick home. rec. room and fireplace. Close to GO bus and shop- ping. Adult family only. $200. per month. 1 year lease. Call Barbara Hinton. 884- 8183, Thos. N. Shea Ltd.. Realtor. c1w29 fibroblwa rentrrelose to transportation. Phone after 5 pm. 884-9427. c1w27 n L-J_A»_‘ ~AJ~nuI une {0N6}; ST. - THORNHILL $300. monthly. 9 room brick home. 3 car garage. Call Mr. Windsor, 889-8181. FURNISHED room for rent. 884-9738. tfc27 fibâ€"ORi/Ififor Vriefi.” Eiose to transportation. Phone after 5 pm. 884-9427. c1w27 £16151: 2 bédeEn modérn apt. includes heat. hydro. water. 727-9488. c1w27 OFFICE space 520 sq. ft.. 18 Yonge St N.. now available, heating and air conditioning. 491-0277 or 293-4678. tfc25 [\PAPTMENT AVAILABLE 2 BEDROOM SUITES. RENT 'NPLUDES HEAT. HYDRO. SOFT WATER, FRIDGE. qTOVE, ETC. NEAR RICH- MOND HEIGHTS PLAZA AT 48 LAVEROCK AVENUE. QI'IET ADULT BUILDING. CALL SUPT. 884-2475. RICHMOND Hill, one and two bedroom, clean family type building, shopping, school. $150. and $165. in- cluding parking. 884-6263. FLAT for rent $125. month- ly, suitable for single person. close to Yonge Street. 884- 3024. ' clw28 FURNISHED room. "close to all conveniences. 884-6019. c3w28 SMALL office for rent, on Yonge Street, just south of Richmond Hill. For informa- tion phone Mr. Scout. 889- 4922 days, 884â€"7968 evenings. c2w28 MODERN bed-sitting room and kitchen. furnished. park- ing. 884-7312 evenings. WOODBRIDGEâ€"B bedroom self-contained apartment. de- luxe stove and fridge. Newly decorated. Adults only, no pets. abstainers please. $225 monthly. 851-1366. clw29 (Continued) PLUMBING Repairs and Renovations Call J. S. Adams 889-6806 Plumbing and Heating Repairs, Alterations, New Installations 24 Hour Service 832-8822 Maple Mechanical Contractors TO RENT c4w28 tfc22 tf029 tfc28 tfc24 c1w29 tfc23 tfc49 1:? 889-9461. c1w29 )UBLE'T two bedroom apart- ment for 6 months. Close to plaza and town buses. Park- ing. hydro. water, heat in- cluded. $185. a month. Phone 884-4906, c2w29 ONE bedroom apartment $145. monthly including water, heat and parking. 402 Markham Road at Bayview. Phone 884-1909. c1w29 PHONE 884â€"1105 0 TO ORDER WANT ADS 0 TO RECEIVE HEL LARGE one bedroom apart- ment sublet February to Au- gust 31. Modern building with all conveniences. Call after 6 pm 884-8255. clw29 NEW 3 bedroom house. fire- place. garage and broadloom, 1‘: bath, full basement. $270 a month. 884-9534 or 487- 3883. c1w29 BAYVIEW and Markham 1”: acre land. house in ex- cellent condition” suit 3 or 4 people $280 a month. must have references. 884-7738. c1w29 MAPLE TWO bedroom apartment. beautiful old Canadian house, big garden, separate en- trance., garage. for respons- ible family. 833-5929. FURNISHED apartment for gentleman. parking. 884- 1012. clw29 RICHMOND Hm. roomfâ€"or rent. $20. per week, close to Yonge Street. 884-3024. UNUSUALLY large 3 bed- rl‘om home. heated double garage. available February 1st. 889-1234. tfc29 KTTfiXfiVE one bedroom baccment apartment. suit girl qr adult couple. 884-9490 after 6 pm. clw29 RASEMENT apartment $110. monthly. includes fridge. stove and parking. 884-3160. c1w29 r70.70731771‘01- rent. Steeles and Yongo. in bungalow. 889- 5841. between 4 - 6 pm, $15. clw29 FOUR r o o m apartment. equipped. $130. monthly. water and heat included. 884-1297. c1w29 ONE bedroom apartment. suitable for couple. located Centre Street near Yonge. immediate occupancy, $125. 884-5552. c1w29 THORNHILL furnished one bedroom. new basement, apartment. near Yonge. laun- dry. work room. parking and pleasant yard privileges in- cluded. Available February REDUCED rent in exchange for light duties, furnished bedsitting room, phone, kit- chen. in Richmond Hill, suit middle aged man or pen- sioner. 769-3691, after 6 pm. ' tfc29 {{ONGE Street, Richmond Hill. attractive single room, $15. weekly. 881-1063. CTEAN 3-mom winterized cottage, suitable for one girl only. 884-8630, Richvale area. c1w29 SMALL basement apartment in Oak Ridges, bedroom. bathroom and kitchen. Suit- able for one person only, $85. Phone after six, 773-4118. MORTGAGE coming due? Cash to consolidate bills? Low cost lst, 2nd and 3rd mortgage money available. Call me now for fast. con- fidential service. Bram Ogden, Emerald Isle '72343Tfi7r‘twin, 28 hpl, like new, $750 with cover. 884- 4630 after 6 pm. tfc27 '70 SKI-‘Dbé'fibfiiicTâ€"fid electric start, like new con- dition. 832-1012. c1w2!_3 '71 340 TNT Ski-doc with extras. 832-8777. c1w29 Real Esiate Limited. 889- 5651. 884â€"2371 tfc23 SNOWMOBILES IN WRITING WANT ADS FOR INFORMATION ABOUT WANT ADS HAROLD KEFFER LTD. REALTOR TURN SPARE ROOMS INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS M ORTGKGES TO RENT (Continued) HELP WANT c1w29 clw29 c1w29 c1w29

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