60W}?! I i USED CARS ‘72 INTERNATIONAL dump truck 9000 front end and 18.000 rtar end. 884-7610. c2w29 ‘70 CHEV, 9 passenger sta- tionwagon. 8 cylinder. power steering. power brakes. $1.800. still under warranty. Call after 6 pm 884-5879. c1w29 '70 GREMLIN. green. 6 cyl. 3-specd floor shift. good con-i dition. $1.200, 884â€"1347 after. 6 pm. tfc29 i ‘70 PINTO. standard trans- ‘ mission. radial tires. 2000 cc 1 engine. received company car. $1.300 firm. 884-4807. c1w29. '70 TOYOTA Corolla. newi tires. excellent condition.'. 884-5058. rc2w28 ‘69 ENVOY Epic. needsl minor engine work and minor body work. $350. firm. Willl swap for good 283 Chev orl Pontiac engine. Dennis or Jim. 773'5727. tfe27 ‘69 FORD l‘z-ton truck, Ask-l ing $1800 or best offer. 773-! 4405. after 6 week days. any‘ time on weekends. c4w28. '69 INTERNATIONALl Travelall. 4-whccl drive, all I extras. 727-2727. c1w29‘ ‘68 CHEVELLE. 6 cyifn’dbrn automatic. radio. excellent ‘ condition. 884-2306. *1w29 ‘68 PLYMOUTH, custom sub-. urban 9 passenger station wagon lie, 53648X. V-8 en- gine. power steering and brakes. automatic transmis- sion. radio and roof rack.‘ for this fine family automo-.l bile. call Bob Stephenson at‘ Kinnear Pontiac. 9612 Yonge; Street. 884-4481. c1w29 ; ‘67 BLUEiMustang fastbackfl good condition. 884-9600. l c1w29 884â€" c l “'28 ‘66 CHEV. 1--ton. $500. 5917. evenings. '66 GMC. V8. automatic. good condition. 884-7033 after 6 pm. *1w29 '65 PONTIAC Parisiennc. 2i door with buckets. 233. $300.i 884â€"7900. c1w29 ‘64 OLDS. best offer. 884â€"‘ 0785. c2w29 , '64 VOLKSWAGEN. good condition. $400. 884â€"6279. . *1w29 ‘62 CHEVY II wagon. as is or parts. some new. chromei bucket seats. best offer. 884- 8285. c1w29 “NEED TRUCK PARTS" Seasonalfly adjusted prices. Call us today for parts or: spring service. Moore Truck Parts & Sales Ltd. Holland Landing. 895-4666. tfe24 WANTED A CASH buyer needs pianos. furn'iture. antiques. chin a and glassware. Fast pickup. 889-5101. tfc25 ANTIQUES. appliances and furniture urgently required.1 top prices. fast pick-up. 881- 1063 or if no answer 884- 5806. tfe27 HOUSE wanted to buy. King City. private. 833-5365. tfe27 RAILROAD style pocket watches and guns by collec- tor. Pleasc phone 297-1480. tfc28 . HOUSE WANTED. PRIVATEl 884-9072 after 5 ‘ c2w29 DEAD or crippled farm aniâ€" mals picked up promptly. for direct line call Long Dis- tance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime Ed Pee-i oni & Son. Woodville. Ont. Licence No. 324C-66. i ' tfc29 HOME wanted for six-month old spayed eat. all shots. trained. very active outdoor- type suited for country homel only. but requires warm. sleeping quarters. No chargeg Please write D. Chang. 127. Fairlawn Ave.. Toronto 12. Ont.. or phone 486-1127. 1 c1w29l bedrooms. pm. WA NTED 1 TO RENT l WANTED by responsible parent. 2 or 3 bedroom dwelling. preferably within. 1 mile radius of RHHl. School. Would consider look- ing after dwelling wherci owner would be away for six! months or more. Box 15.1 "The Liberal". c1w29 l EXECUTIVE lady requires! furnished accommodation until March. will rent house or apartment. Excellent ref- erences. Phone 744-20601 evenings 889-2034. c1w29. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HORSES boarded. boxed stalls. well cared for. 7 miles east of Richmond Hill. in Markham Township. 887- 5500. e4w29 TWO Shetland ponies. sad- dles. bridles and double pony trailer. Quick sale $400. 832-2317 and 884-8996. c1w29 TRAILERS FOR SALE SNOWMOBILE trailer. ex- cellent condition. 884-3661. after 5 pm. Call 773-5912. tfc22 ()NE lrox trailer. one heavy boat trailer. one truck box. suitable for a trailer. Call 832-2088. e1w29 BABY SITTING BABYSI’I‘TING in my home. Cedar Ave. area. Richmond Hill: 884-2986. *2w29 ‘Girl Friday position wantedm . up itypes and sizes. 1 reserves. as property is sold.. DAY CARE FAIRLAWN J u n i o r and Nursery School. 8403 Yonge Street. Thornhill. Licensed full day school, open all year. ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR FEE CAN BE ARRANGED IF NECESSARY. 889-0464 â€" 223-5968 tfc16 RELIABLE day care given in my home. 884-4985. tfc25 RELIABLE day care given in my home. Rockport and. Tormore area. 884-6223 i c2w283 DAY Care available in my home. for 4 or 5-year-old child. Pembcrton Road area. 884-8204. tfc28‘ DAY Care given in my home: Oak Ridges area. Children of‘ any age. hot meals. 773-4207,. C2w28 DAY Care given in my home. i Lucas area. 884-3722. tfc28. MATURE woman needed to. day care in my home. Will. pick up and take hoch Yonge and Markham area. 884-6065 after 5 pm. elw29 RELIABLE day care given; in my home. North Taylor Mills. any age. 884-6502. c1w29 CHILD care in my home. reliable service and good lunches. 881-1050. c1w29 EMPLOYMENT WA NTED BOOKKEEPING .s e r v i c e 5. call evening or weekends. Call 884-6236. c4w28 EXPERIENCED young manj will do all house repairs and. cleaning. etc. 24 hours. Please‘ call Ray. 881-0648. e2w29 PERMANENT secretarial or have 4 yrs. experience of var- ious duties. 884â€"4794. c1w29 MAN with chain saw avail- able to do tree removal. brushing. etc. Call Larry. 884-5643. e1w29‘ ELECTRICIAN with Ontario‘ license requires full time' employment. 884-3998. : *1w29; LADY will do ironing. pick and delivery. Call Bea after 6 pm. 832-2522. c1w29 DRAFTSMAN 10 years ex- perience. machinery many Pulus auto-i motive. aircraft. architec-‘ tural. structural. plant lay-i out. flowsheets. patents. maps. technical illustration. instruction manuals. hard- ware catalogues. advert layâ€"i outs. etc.. good with ink or pencil and Leroy lettering, Also world wide experience' in purchasing and have oper- ated common machine shop. tools. All Canadian. Phone. 221-6838. c3wZ9. TRA‘VEL TOURS. cruises. rail and bustickets. reservations and inâ€"i. dividual travel. Call A. H j Creighton Travel Agency 1 889-5643. tfc47 i Transportation 1 RIDE wanted from South Richmond Hill to Keele Street and Langstaff. 8:30 am and 5 pm. 884-4938. ‘ c1w29l l 1 Room andâ€"Board l We miss you more each day. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bat- stone of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the en- gagement of their daughter. Ruth. to Mr. Robert Hannah.’ son of Mrs. Martha Hannah. and the late Mr. George Han-l nah of Willowdalc. c1w29. * i * Mr. and Mrs. Kcnnethl Groom of Richmond Hill arel happy to announce the en-‘ gagement of their son Ron-l ald to Judith Ann Westl daughter of Mr. and Mrs.i Walter West of Ennotvillcfl Ontario. c1w29. l 3111 flHPtttnrinm . BISHOP â€"â€" In loving mem-' ory of a dear mother and grandmother Julia Kirby Bishop who passed away January 18. 1967. . Her memory is a dailyi i thought. . â€"Loving1y remembered by‘ the family. c1w29 1% >I< >l( HARRISON â€" In loving memory of a dear husband. and father Frank. who passed away January 16. 1971. ' It's lonely here without you For life is not the same to usl Since you were called away.‘ â€"â€"Loving1y remembered by wife Forence and Family. *1w29 l a: HOWES. Herbert â€"â€" In 10v- ingr memory of a dear faâ€" ther who passed away Jan-i uary 15. 1972. i In tears we saw you sinkingu We watched you fade away.‘ Our hearts were almost broken. You fought so hard to stay. . But when we saw you sleep-l ing. . So peacefully free from pain.‘ We could not wish you back. To suffer that again. â€"Sadly missed by his lov-i * >k ing son Norman. daughterâ€". in-law Phylis and grandâ€"1 daughter Darlene. c1w29 * :4. s. HOWES * In loving mem- ory of a dear father who? passed away January 15.. 1972. ‘ His smiling way and pleasant face Are a pleasure to recall: He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. Some day we hope to meet him. Some (lay. we know not when. . To clasp his hand in the . better land. 1 Never to part again. â€"Sadly missed by daughter Hilda. sonâ€"in-law Lewson and‘ grandchildren. c1w29. IIK It 0‘ i HOWESâ€"In loving memory‘ of Herbert Richard Howes‘ who passed away January 15. 1972. 1. Loving and kind in all hisl ways. Upright and just to the end‘ of his days. . Sincere and kind in heart} and mind. What a beautiful memory he left behind. Sadly missed by hi: daugh-i North Toronto' demehed' 2'3i ROOM and [ward available-lter. Marion. son-in-Taw Har- after 6. 88443639. c1w29. ERESSMAKING i DRESSMAKING. top faSh-‘ ions. plus quality. at reason-l able prices. 889-6806. c4w28 SALE REGISTER JANUARY 24. VVEDNES-l DAY. at 1 pm. â€" Auctionl Sale of household furniture.‘ some antiques. the property‘ of Mr. Ernest Eade. in the Village of Gormley. one mile west of Don Mills Road. no Frank Ben- c1w29 Terms: Cash. nett. Auctioneer. Zilnrthmming * Marriages ’ AUBERTIN-FORSEY Believe it or not. they've set the date! And given us all another shock. After an en-. gagemcnt that was shorter but every bit as stormy as1 the courtship itself. Penc-‘ lope Karen Shaunna Shelley has announced to her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Roger and Evelynne Aubertin. formerly of Maple. that she would like to become the bride ofl Richard David. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray and Mary For- scy of Richvale. This totally unexpected (as yet anyway.i considering the length of the eourtshipl but extremelyl happy event is scheduled to take place at 4 pm on Sat- urday. July 14. 1973 in St. Stephen‘s Anglican Church in Maple and arrangements have been made for Dr. Ram- sey Armitage to perform the official ceremony cf tying the nuptial knot. c1w29 * R's GENTLES - LAIRD December 22 1972 at Saint Paul's Lutheran C h u r c h.. Patricia Joan. second daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Laird. to Brian Robert. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gentles. all of Richmond Hill. c1w29 CARI) ()F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Jones of 67 Weldrick Road would like to thank all their many friends. neighbors and customers in the area for patroni7ing their store for the past nine years. c1w29 ‘ fice. three grand- Bonnie and c1w29 l vey and his children. Nancy. Marion McPhee. wk * >01 POOLE â€" In loving memory. of a dear mother andl grandmother. Violet May.l who passed away Januaryl 14. 1965. I Things we feel most deeply. Are the hardest things to‘ say. i Dearest mom we loved you‘ in a very special way. If we could have one life. time wish. ‘ .One dream that could come true. We‘d pray to God with all our hearts. For yesterday and you. . â€"Sadly missed bw daughter. Eleanor. and husband and. grandchildren. c1w29 duke i Dom\“\e\ . l DIAI! INTIRNATIONAL umplny l i tLawrence-Dufferin) . $125 Clerk-Typist i Be a front runner and attain; status by taking complete. charge of this one girl of-. Great variety of dut-| ies along with plenty of “pub-; lic contact". Dicta or ShOI’t'. hand is an asset. Excellentv benefits. (Finch-Dufferin) $125 + Payroll Clerk Opportunity to run you owni show! Accept full responsi-l bility of computerized pay-l roll. plus all personal rec- ords for this leading comp- any. General clerical duties. Congenial atmosphere. (Maple. Ontario) 5125 Diem-Secretary Demonstrate your top-notch dicta skills by assisting the general manager of this fastw growing company. General secretarial duties along with. VIP. contact. Car is es- sential. (Finch-Dufferin) $100 + Machine Operator Display your NCR talent andi be a welcomed asset to this leading recording firm. Dut~ ies include posting of ac- counts payables. plus gen- eral clerical duties. Excellent potential. Call: Miss Kirkcy - 787-0397 3089 Bathurst (at Lawrence) Tflraflt BAILEY. Margaret At. York Central Hospital. Thursday. January 11. 1973. beloved wife of the late Harry Bailey. of Richvale. dear mother of Ted and the late Harry. dear grand-l mother of Bill and Janice. Rested at the Marshalli Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. Ser-i vice was held Saturday. Interment Pine Hills Cemâ€" etery. c1w29 * * t BURGESS. William â€" At Toronto on Monday. Jan- uary 15. 1973. William. beâ€" loved husband of the late Pearl Hurry. late of Green- wood Ave.. Toronto. Rest- ed at the Marshall Funeral Home. Yonge St.. Rich- mond Hill. Service was held Wednesday. Inter-l ment Maple Cemetery. c1w29 >t< >I< II: CUNNINGHAM. Ella â€" Sud- denly at her home on Church St. N.. Richmond Hill on Monday. January 15. 1973. Ella Cunning- ham. dear mother of the late Gordon. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Rich- mond Hill. Service was held on Wednesday. Inter- ment Richmond Hill Pres- byterian Church Cemetery. c1w29 >l< * >l< HANNAH. Dorothy May. be- loved wife of Harry F. J. Hannah. loving mother of Mrs. R. Morley Lynne. Douglas and Marlaine.. Bruce. Ian and Louise.‘ loving grandmother of Sandra and Diane. c1w29. * >I< * JOHNSTON. Catherine Iforv merly Gibson) »â€" At Newâ€" market on Friday. January. 12. 1973. Catherine. wife of the late David Johnston. dear mother of Cathy} ers. .l. R. Pontonl andi Violet tMrs. B. Chudykl3 and Ian Gibson. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St, N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Monday. Crema- tion. e1w29 * KELLOUGH. George â€"â€" Sud-‘ denly. in Toronto on Mon- day. January 15. 1973. George Kellough. beloved. iusband of the late Flor-‘ a"c; Goad of Richmond Hill; dear father of Normal tMrs. D. Andrcwsl of Ma-j ple. and Grant Kelloughl of Kettleby. dear grandâ€"r father of Darlene. Craig. Gary, Wade and Alison. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service Friday 2 pm. In-j terment Maple Cemetery. c1w29 l .l§()BZA. Rosa ---e At Doctorsl. Hospital on Wednesday. January 10. 1973. Rosa. Kobza. dear daughter of Rosa and the late Rudolf‘ Kohza. sister of Franz.1 Rudolfine. Anna. Hedwig. Karl. Leopold. Monika. sis- tcrâ€"in-law of Karl Schiman and Marilyn Sabata. aunt of Peter. Heidi. Susan and Kent. Miss Kobza rcsted‘ at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge St. tat Hwy. 7B1. Thornhill. Fun- eral service was held in St.: Luke‘s Roman Catholic. Church. G r c e n Lane. 1 Thornhill. Cremation. i c1w29 LYSYF. Jacob â€" At Bran-1 son Hospital on Friday. January 12. 1973, Jacobi Lysyf of Maple. Survived by two sons. Edward andi Joseph. Rested at the Mar-j shall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond . Hill. Service was held ‘ Saturday. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. c1w29l n'~ >i< i MeNAB. Eileen A. â€" On‘ Thursday. J a n u a r y 11.. 1973. Eileen McNab. daugh-. ter of the late Joseph andi Eileen McNab. dear sister of Harry. Wilfred. Father Francis McNab and Al- berta Daly. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home.1 126 Yonge St. North. Rich-i mond Hill. Mass was celeâ€" brated in St. Mary Imac-. ulate Church. Yonge St... Richmond Hill. Saturday. Interment Mount Hope Cemetery. Memorial dona- tions may be made to the. Canadian Cancer Society. c1w29 :i: ‘l= * SOMERS. Larry G. â€" Sud- denly on Thursday. Janu- ary 11. 1973. Larry Som-j ers. beloved son of Mrs- Eileen Somers and the. late David Somers. dear brother of Leona. Laurie. Keith. Neil. Jerry. Murray. Anne and Lynda. Rested at} the Marshall Funeral. Home. 126 Yonge St. N... Richmond Hill. Service‘ was held on Saturday. In- terment Holy Cross Ceme-i tery. c1w24 >‘s aâ€: at STALKER. G. Berkley. MD â€" Peacefully at his home on Kerrybrook Dr.. Rich-. mond Hill. on Monday.. January 15. 1973. Dr. Berk-‘ ley Stalker. beloved husâ€" band of the late .\'eyrla‘ Stalker. brother of the late Dr. Malcolm Stalker. Rest- ed at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N..l Richmond Hill. Service Thursday at 11 am. Inter- ment Walkerton Cemetery. Clw29 NEWMARKET: More than 82.150 has been collected for the Colin Rose Memorial Scholarship Fund. which will provide an annual award to the most outstanding 12-year- old pianist at Newmarket Music Festival, The fund was established in memory of Colin Rose. 12. an eception- al pianist who died Christ- . charge. i28 to pay or face 30 days in ‘jail. mas Eve. He was the son of Dr. and Mrs. Clayton Rose. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Jan. 18, 1973 Jailed 30 Days After Noisy Thornhill Party A young Thornhill man who kicked a York Regional Police sergeant in the groin May 17 when the sergeant came with a search warrant to investigate a noisy apart- ment party. was jailed 30 days by Provincial Judge .Russell Pearse in Richmond Hill Court Friday of last week. Robert Cadwell. 21. plead- ed guilty to wilfully obstruct-‘ ing police. He was also plac- ed on probation for two years. Assistant Crown Attorney James Crossland told the court police were called to Cadwell‘s apartment because of the noise. YRP Constable} Richard Pike entered the} apartment and was about to ‘start a search when Cadwell told him to get out until he had a warrant. When Sergeant Evan Kelly arrived with a warrant. Cad- well rushed out of the apart- ment and kicked Kelly. Crossland said 4' * >I< A Richmond Hill youth 'who drove and was impaired from drinking while his license was suspended after he became emotionally upset: when his sister's baby died in a house fire Sunday July‘ 30. was fined a total of $350 and was put off the road for a year. He‘d been convicted and fined for failing a‘ breathalyzer test five days earlier. Stanley Petronski. now of Hamilton. in court here Thursday of last week admit-. ted his license was suspend- ed while he was driving a 1966 automobile at 10 pm on that Sunday in July. At the .time of the offense he was fined $200 for impaired driv- ing and had his license sus-‘ pended six months. Judge Pearse gave Petron- ski a further $150 fine on the suspe n ded driving with until February Pentronski‘s license to drive was suspended a ‘ further six months. * * Fined $200 or 30 days for having a breathalyzer read- ling of 2.50 while driving a truck at 9:30 am December 18 in Richmond Hill was Terence Andrigon. 31. form- erly of 73 Wright Street in Richmond Hill and now of 451 Elmwood Drive. HIGH TEST READING Judge Pearse noted the test reading was very high and that the conviction meant an automatic three month suspension of driver‘s license. He gave Andrigon until January 31 to pay the fine. Andrigon's weaving truck was stopped by police. the court was told. He pleaded guilty to an impaired driv- ing charge. >|< Also fined $200 or 30 days for failing a breathalyzer test with a reading of 2.00 was Neal Provan. 21. of 79 Meadowview Avenue. Thorn- hill. CHRISTMAS DAY * vl< His vehicle was weaving all over the road when he was stopped while driving south on Yonge Street near his home on Christmas Day.‘ the court was told. * :I: Fined $175 or 30 days for. impaired control of a car? parked with the motor run-1 ning at the Richmond Hill: Curling Club. Elgin Millsl Road at 5:05 am January 7 was Frank Wood. 43. of 335. South Taylor Mills Drive.‘ Richmond Hill. ‘ FELT AT HOME When he was awakened in the car he thought he was at home and failed a breath- alyzer test with a reading of 1.70. the court was told. Crown Attorney Crossland said Wood had a previous conviction but it was five years old so he was treating. the matter as a first offense: * i x >3: >1: A Toronto driver who fail- ed a breathalyzer test after. being in control of a parked‘ car was granted a restricted driver's license to visit his. mother at hospital every. Tuesday evening and Saturâ€" day afternoon. Gordon Tutty. 62. of 65-B Emmett Avenue was fined $200 or 30 days and was given until January 31 to pay. He had 43 years driv- ing experience with nothing. but a few minor traffic viola-i tions. his lawyer told the. court. ‘ HARDSHIP CASE . Judge Pearse prohibitedi Tutty from driving anywhere i in Canada for three monthsl This judge‘s order recentlyj has been found to take pro" cedence over the usual proâ€" vincial Transport Depart- ment automatic three-month suspension. a l l o w i n g the judge to grant a restricted} driving privilege in special cases of hardship. often dur- ing working hours, Crown Attorney Cross- land told the court Tutty was found November 17 in a car parked opposite the Rich- mond Inn Motor Hotel. Yonge Street South. Rich- mond Hill. trying to put his house key in the ignition. He‘d a breath test reading of 1.80. 1 _\ restricted license grant- ing a travelling salesman the right to drive from 7 am to 9 pm also went to Paul Cleary. 32. of 2 Navan Cres- cent. Aurora. Otherwise he is prohibited from drivingi anywhere in Canada for; three months. NEARLY HIT CRUISER . His swerving car caused a‘ police cruiser to take evasive action to avoid a collision. This 11:08 pm while he was driv- ing north on Bathurst Street from Highway 7 in Rich- mond Hill. the court was told. He admitted being impair- ed and was fined $200 or 30 days in jail. * * Another restricted driving license for working hours from 8 am to 4:30 pm went to Donald Ulicni. 28. of 59 Pritchard Avenue. Toronto. He was fined $200 or 30 days. given until January 31 to pay. and prohibited from driving anywhere in Canada for six months. except while working. READING OF 2.00 He failed a breathalyzer test after being stopped November 3. His test read- ing was a high 2.00 and he'd been speeding down Highway 48. weaving from shoulder to centre line. and forced another vehicle off the read. the court was told. * =k * 20â€"year-old Markham of a one-year-old * A father child admitted a gun posses-.10t was demolished sion charge in a case involv- ing domestic problems with a young wife who‘d gone home to her mother. "The young father was charged with having his father‘s .22-calibrc revolver for a purpose dangerous to the public peace. He plead- ed guilty and refused to .have a lawyer. REFUSES PLEA Judge Pearse rerSed to accept the guilty plea on this indictable charge. but con- victed the young man on the lesser and included offense of having a prohibited weap- on in a vehicle in a situation described to the court as “impulsive under stress.“ The young man had the gun under the front seat of was September 18 at. ‘family situation. his car. the chamber of am-. munition in his pocket. He picked up his wife at work and drove her home while threatening to shoot himself. if she didn‘t return. SUSPENDED SENTENCE Judge Pearse gave the young: father a suspended sentence and put him on a year‘s probation so he would conditions. ment. HOLLAND ST. people. Due to Training Program. obligation: and related functions. and bar machine. Thomson. JUNIOR GIRL FRIDAY A†you, for modern office in Richmond Hill, typing and general office duties, excellent working Please apply in writing to BOX 17. “THE LIBERAL" Fibreglass Spray 8. Chopper Gun Operator We are looking for a well trained con- scientious operator for yearâ€"round employ- PHONE 775-3121 OAK RIDGE CANOE Thousands Have Wondered If they could sell real estate â€"â€" there’s really no trick to it â€" if you like people and houses, and have the ability to manage your time and effort. the rest is easy â€" simply matchingr people to houses and houses to the expansion of our Toronto offices at 5841 Yonge Street, in the Newtonbrook Plaza. we would be pleased to train five additional residential sales repre- sentatives in our complete Real Estate Sales If you would be interested in discussing a career in real estate please call without G. D. Foster, 221-5515 Gibson Willoughby Limited REALTORS AUTO PARTS MANUFACTURER KEELE STREET - HIGHWAY 7 AREA TELEPHONE 669-1010 REQUIRES O STOCK RECORDS CLERK Some experience essential. be required to maintain stock records system ASSISTANT SHIPPER Junior position for strong. healthy individual with desire to learn. Call Mr. Cormack. MACHINE OPERATORS Semi-skilled to operate automatic chuckers. lathe Will train in set-up. Call PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS Capable of set-up. maintenance and operation of press-on production basis. MAINTENANCE PERSON Handyman to be responsible for small building repairs. plant cleanliness. cte. semiâ€"retired individual. have a probation officer to assist him in handling his The youth was also ordered to avoid having any sort of weapon or. ammunition in his possession for two years. Thornhill Man In Fatal Crash . Three died in the 17 pro- vincial highway crashes in York Region last week. Thornhill and Toronto. drivers were injured and twoi Toronto passengers werel killed in a two-car crashl Sunday on Highway 48 south: of Sutton Road in Georgina‘ Township. according to Oak. Ridges OPP Detachment. ‘ A young Ontario County driver was killed Thursday. of last week on Highway 7 in Markham Town west of the county line when his car left a curve. bounced 165 feet and while flying four feet above ground. struck a tree. His 1973 model Chevro- ALL DEAD IN 205 Dead are Larry Somers, 24. of RR 1. Goodwood: Kevin Flanagan. 20. of Rose Avenue. Toronto; and Peter Seress. 20. of Crestview Road. Toronto. In York County Hospital‘ in fair condition at press time was Peter Wilson. 19. of Oriole Parkway. driver of the southbound double car that skidded on snowy highway near Sutton and collided sideways with a northbound Thornhill Myron Holubec. 43. of 10 Al- bion Close. Thornhill. was also injured. OPP INVESTIGATORS The Sutton crash was in- vestigated by Provincial Con- stable Jim Orris and the Markham crash by Provin- cial Constable Bert Carr. fatality ‘ the . car.. During the past week OPP‘ for impaired driving on York Region highwavs. plus one for driving while disquali- fied. There were 17 collisions and $22.43] in property clam- age. BRADFORD North Party selected will Call Mr. Cormack. Call Mr. Scherer. Ideal position for Call Mr. Murray. ‘ officers arrested four personsl 7 CLEANING STAFF OCCASIONAL EVENING WORK Cleaning stainless steel food processing mach- inery. Mature persons (2) only required. FOR INTERVIEW PLEASE CALL 881-6101 AUTO MECHANICS REQUIRED By well established Volkswagen dealership in Richmond Hill. Must be able to work on all makes of cars. Goo-d working conditions and wages, company paid fringe benefits. References requ1red. Apply to Mr. K. Wichtler or Mr. J. Moss W. & P. Motors Ltd. 178 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill Telephone 889-7701 Township OI King Requires A Municipal Solicitor The council of the Township of King is. requesting applications for a Solicitor with municipal Legal Experience and who is pre- pared to attend at the township office at least half a day every two weeks. Solicitors submitting applications should state fee structure as well as municipal law experience. All applications to be submitted by 12 o'clock noon. January 29th, 1973. H. T. ROSE. Clerk, NOBLETON, ONTARIO MOVING? YOUR UNITED VAN LINES AGENT et us help you solve Moving problems Gentle as a Lamb eIore you move! “0"â€â€œ889-4911-2-3 Modern Storage Warehouse FULLY SERVICED INDUSTRIAL SITES 1 TO 20 ACRES For Sale or owner will build for lease TANKOOS, YARMON LTD. 8 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO 363-5086 OR 884-3905 Experienced Real Estate Agents Wanted Major Toronto Realtor expanding operation into your area requires ambitious and enthus- iastic pepole. Top commissions plus incentives In-Company training programs Be your own boss Manage your own time Interested Call ELEANOR CALDER MANAGER Young & Biggin Ltd. 7724 Yonge St. Thornhill, Ontario 889-9330 at: a: * a: QVOyaGeu r9 RESTAURANT II'IIIN. £sso DlAtll MAPLE, ONTARIO Opportunities available for KEEN. PLEASANT. AMBITIOUS WAITRESSES DISH WASHERS SHORT ORDER COOKS FULL & Part Time Positions To Apply Phone 832-1555