Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Feb 1973, p. 6

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THE LIBERAL, chhmona r1111, UnL'drlU, luuxcuay, AW. A, U“, '60 €14.93!!! I ALUMINUM Doors. windows, awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum siding. windows. doors, awn- ings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558 fac- tory. 832-1319 Maple. tfc28 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebulit standard portable and elec- tric models. Special rental rates available to students. TEAKWOOD Living. dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9 pm. 459- 0760. EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy, '7, just east of Fifth Line. (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc31 CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.25 and .10¢ per word thereafter. Minimum charge 31.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for $1.15 and 10¢ per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50¢ SEASONED fire wood, maple. beech. birch and oak, Holland Park Garden Cen- tre, 10141 Keele Street N., Maple. 832-2455. tfc14 "v.- . CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per in- sertion $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the m-.. .a unacihln but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. sertion ah.uu Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. RAILWAY TIES Holland Park Garden Centre. 10141 Keele Street N., Maple. 832-2455. tfc14 Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 PLYWOOD 4 x 8 sheets, fir 1%" special. Cail World Wide Shipping, 889-6269. th4 SEWING machine (guaranâ€" teed) from $19.95. Bernina Sewing Centre. 884-3775: BEDROOM suite 7-piece. dining suite 9-piece, Chester- field suite, Burma teakwood. New furniture. very reason- able. 1-247-4377. tfc27 '52 FERGUSON TEA 20-85, equipped loader, snow blade. front and rear, cab. Very good condition. 884-2728. 7 VA Matorola .(Quasar) color TV. York Home TV, Peter Smith. 889-1646. tfc20 FIREPLACE wood, hard maple and red oak, well seasoned. delivered. 884-8948. c4w28 CUSTOM engraved name desk plates, counter, direc- tion signs, badges, etc. Fast, reasonable service. Stuart's Studio, 30A Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. 884-6741. Crushed stone, sand. con- crete gravel, etc.. delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett 884-3089. DINING suite, French pro- vincial, table, buffet. 8 diners. 884-2879. c2w3l DINING room table and buffet, $150. 881-2886 after 6 pm. c1w31 SEWING portable. condition. after five SNOWMOBILE boots and helmets, one lady's medium suit. 884-9748. c2w31 ’68 CHEV pickup truck, 6 cylinder with a short box. In excellent condition. 773-5741. c1w31 GOALIE skates. size 8. used one and a half seasons, $30. 884-6196. c1w31 REFRIGERATOR $50. in good condition. 881-1063. c1w3l PIANO in excellent condition. $250. 881-1063. c1w31 TWO televisions with one hostess cart, like new. Best offer. 898-1207. c1w31 A BEST all cash deal for pianos, antiques, furniture, appliances etc. 881-1063. If no answer 889-9612. tfc31 COFFEE table and 2 end tables. French Provincial style. all for $50. 884-4767. '73 RUPP Nitro 295, wiifi slide suspension, 3 weeks old, private. 884-8317. c1w31 FUR jacket pastel mink, size 12, 3 years old, $200. Ski boots, Tyrol, size 9%, with press and» bindings, $60. 884-1553. clw3l 21" BLACK and White. Gen- eral Electric IV, $25.; white porcelain bathroom sink, hot and cold taps. $10. 889-5259. c1w31 BRAND new Luran floor covering, Normandy brick. 13%? x 9‘. Cost $84, sell 360. 889-1495. c1w31 furniture, some rummage. 884-8285. tfc31 SEVERAL pieces of used DRIVEWAY GRAVEL FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill WANTED 884-1745 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES (Effective July 1, 1972) WANTED machine. electric, White. excellent $40. 884-4593' *1w31 02w30 tfc13 tfc28 tfc3 tfc29 c1w31 WASHER. dryer and stove parts, gears, belts, wood bearings and wringer rollers, etc. For all makes. Repairs to vacuum cleaners and small appliances. Richmond Hill Appliances. 49 Industrial Road, 884-7903. tfc28 20TH ANTVIVERSARY SALE 10 Percent Off All Panellings In Stock WASHSTAND, tables, rock- ing chairs, quantity of chairs. Barn full of furniture. 115 King Side Road. 1/2 mile west of Yonge in Oak Ridges. 773-5448. c4w29 G.E. automatic washer, dryer and refrigerator. Phone 884- 7197. c2w30 WOMAN‘S slates size 91/2, originally $25., used one sea- son, asking $12. 884-3060. RCA Victor 19" radio. 832-2664, FIREPLACE WOOD SPECIAL 7 CORDS of clean hardwood slabs for $98.00. Richmond Hill area. Team up with a neighbor and take advantage of this good buy. Call 884- 3089. tfc29 6 Scott Dr., Richvale 889-1109 Open Thursday and Friday to 9 pm. §ONY TC-127 stereo cassette recorder, like new offer. 898-1207. REAL fur pieces. 884-5554. c1w31 TWIN beds on one 84” Medi- terranean style headboard. Posturepaedic mattress, pur- ple and mauve shag rug; 2 matching tiered bedspreads. all $150. 884-4767. c1w31 ELECTRTC stove 3o". condition, $50. 884-4698 §MALL maitel r a d i o, Eatonia vacuum cleaner and accessories, good condition. lamps, etc. 884-4302. POOL tavble, (Enron, 4' x 8‘, $150. 889-3727. c1w31 STEREO, Sansui. 200 watt amplifier. 'I‘hornes turntable, 2 Advent loud speakers, war- ranty plus extras, $650. 832- 8790. c1w3l AMPLIFIER symphonic 12 inch Jensen, new, and sound system. Best offer over $50. 884-6430. c1w31 CLEANING lady. thoroughly experienced. r e f e r e n c e s, Wed.. Thurs. or Fri. 889- 3115. c1w31 FULL and part-time cook and full time cleaning lady. 833â€"5037. tfc16 HELPâ€"WANTED INSURANCE CODING CLERK Fast growing group of insur- ance companies has openinfl for experienced coding clerk with supervisory ability. Pre- ference given to mature per- son with accounting back- ground. Excellent benefits and opportunity for advance- ment. Phone Mrs. Rick. 889- 6204. c1w31 PERMANENT Pleasant A-l typist for busy Weston cffice, $114. to start. own transportation. call Mona Robertson, A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 884-6944 PERMANENT Junior NCR Operator. Must have own transportation. Call Mona Robertson. DRIVER with car and chauf- feurs license required im- mediately for Top 0' The Hill Nursery School. Morn- ing and noon. Phone 884- 3545. r c1w31 CLERK. experienced on in- ventory control and related office duties, Keele and Hwy. 7 area. Call 889-9974. LOUGHLIN LUMBER PART TIME OFFICE ASSISTANT Mature person to handle office for owner of small service company. located in Thomhill. Simple book- keeping and accurate typing required. Hours 10 am to 3 pm. Phone 444-9581, after 6 pm. clw31 pm. rnone iii-3001, alter 6 pm. c1w31 WOMAN or man to do tailor- ing for dry-cleaning plant in Thornhill area. 884-8801. (:2w31 CLEANING lady every sec- ond week, Thornhill area, own transportation. 889-7219, c1w31 For “mu-View ammimmem RED Crossihomemakers needâ€" call 881-2121. Parker. PARKWAY HOTEL Associated with Resort Hotels Ltd. c1w31 CLEANING lady Mr. Harry ed sporadically, Richmond Hill-Thornhill and area. Satisfying. rewarding work with sick and elderly. good remuneration. uniforms, etc., transportation n e c e s s a r y. required Phone 895-1341 or write 22 every other week. 889-9453. Prospect Street, Newmarket. c2w31 I c2w30 FOR SALE A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 884-6944 (Continued) TV with c2w30 c4w28 Best c1w31 c1w31 c1wBl tfc29 c1w31 c1w31 c1w31 NURSES and nurses aides. with experience for nursing home. Yonge Street. Thorn- hill area. Phone 889-4651. HOUSEREEPING help re- quired for nursing home. Phone 889-4651. tfc6 ONE waitress wanted full time, must have experience. Call Halfway House, 887- 5150. tfc18 WE are always in need of ex- perienced office personnel for temporary assignments. Mona Robertson , Temporary Placement Service 884-6944 HELP WANTED ITXIDERIENCED press brake operator to start immedigtg: Experienced homemakers and babysitters, full and part time. transportation an as- set. over 21. 889â€"8047. EXPERIENCED part-t i m e tellers, for Thursdays and Fridays. 3-8 pm. Thornhill area. phone Mrs. Aldred 889-5486. c3w29 13". 884-5868. tfc18 RN‘s, RNA's and nursing aides, part time and full time in nursing home. Phone 833- 5037. tfc16 URGENTLY REQUIRED; EXPERIENCED salesman re- quired for progressive movâ€" ing company. Success de- pends on his capacity to be aggressive and a going con- cern. Without this desire and drive. please do not apply. Lamb The Mover Ltd.. 127 Birch Ave.. Thornhill. 889-4912. c3w29 BILLS piling up? Full or part time help wanted with flexible hours. Convenient for housewives with children or person who wishes to moonlight. Must have the use of a car. For interview call Mrs. Perry, 727-4837. EXPERIENCED furniture packer and driver combined, dependability a must. good working conditions and bene- fits. Lamb the Mover, 127 Birch Ave., Thornhill. 889- 4911. c3w30 SALES PERSON MALE OR FEMALE A business executive. 20 and over. with pleasing per- sonality. good education management potential. Perm- anent position with advance- ment into management. No relocation. Starting salary. negotiable. For appointment call 222-5449. c2w30 GENERAL caretaker for plant and office, apply Tip Top Products. 5'75 Oster Lane, Concord. c1w30 URGENT Required homemakers, sit- ters and cleaning ladies, car is an asset. 884â€"5286. GENERAL CARETAKER Semi-retired a c c e p t a b l e. Apply Faberge of Canada Ltd.. 7939 Keele St. N., Con- cord (Hwy, 7 and Keele area). c1w31 PART-TIME help wanted to assist cleaning stables. 489- 2587. c3w31 CLERK Great job for person with little or no experience in busy department of Woodâ€" lbine-Steeles firm. To $95. Call Lynn Kurylo, 755-1171, Personnel World. c1w31 CLERK for mail/filing for insurance claims office in ’Ihornhill. Phone 889-6204‘ c1w31 TYPIST/GENERAL OFFICE Typist-general office duties. Position for responsible ma- ture person. Permanent work with this small old established company. located in Unionville - Markham area is interesting and (liver- sified. Salary negotiable. Phone Mr. Cooper 499-1553 (9 am - 5 pm.) tfc31 Parkway Hotels have an opening for an energetic wo- man of neat appearance, familiar with general bookâ€" keeping, references required. For interview appointment, call Mrs. Wilson. 889-1176 or 881-2121, Parkway Hotel, Hwy 7 and Leslie Street. CLEANING lady. experienc- ed. Bayview and John Street. 889-4424. c1w31 TAXI DRIVERS Day or night. full or part time. male or female. Regional Taxi 884-9191 c1w31 HELP WANTED For new Parkway Hotel, Hwy. 7 and Leslie Street. # x: 3 0 Q *2 ('ICI Janitor Cocktail Waitresses Clockroom attendant Waitress for formal din- ingroom Cashiers for nightclub bar Bartenders Busboys Housekeeper with 'laun- dry experience. For interview appointment call 881-2121. Mr. Harry , Feb. 1, 1973 (Continued) ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT c4w29 tfc24 tfc28 tfc6 tfc31 c1w31 WE REQUIRE EXPERIENC- ED STAFF FOR PERMAN- ENT AND TEMPORARY OFFICE POSITIONS. HI CORPS 80 Yonze Street South 884-6782 - 884-6970 Prrference to plastic and packaging machinery experi- ence. HELP WANTED PURCHASING EXPEDITING Experience in inventory, freight and customs proce- dures. MACHINE OPERATORS. Frr day and afternoon shift Suitable for female. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Exneripnce to trial balance COST ACCOUNTANT A graduate or presently en- mlled in recognized account- ing course. Apply between 9 am and 5 pm or telephone for appoint- ment‘ V.C.A. Formold Pack- ing. 95 Newkirk Rd.. Rich- mond Hill. 889-9100. c1w30 PART-TIME Receptionist. typing essential evenings in local real estate office. Call 884â€"2377. 889â€" 5651 or 773-4391. c1w30 FLORIST salesman â€" driver for Toronto and Metro dis- trict, permanent position. Write Box 22, “The Liberal". c2w30 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY CLERK TYPIS’I‘ Applicants should have good typing speed and be interest- ed in working with figures. PTevious telephone experi- ence an asset, Position offers variety and good working conditions. RELIABLE 'baby sitter some- times on short notice. in King City. 833-5729. RN foflvging relief. Call 884-9248. c1w31 OPPORTUNITY IN CABLE TV Expanding cable TV com- pany requires sales repre- sentative to expand their «ales staff. Good opportunity for advancement and above average commission are available for aggressive in- dividual If you have a car and want to grow with a young expanding industry. call Mr. Jeffery. 884-8111, 9 am .- 5 pm Monday to Friday. c1w31 PROGRESSIVE plastic manufacturer is expanding and wishes to fill several positions for inspector pack- ers and quality control. 669- 1331, personnel office. S'ALESMAN required for large TV rental organization, good prospect: for the right man. We will pay salary. plus commission. plus car allowance. Apply in person 12-3 pm. Granada TV, 33 Yonge Street, South, or call 884-4433. c1w31 GENERAL MACHINIST RECEPTIONIST WANTED We require an attractive self- starter for busy TV rental office. must have pleasant telephone manner. some typ- ing and bookkeeping experiâ€" ence. Apply in person 12-3 pm, Granada TV, 33 Yonge Street. South or call 884-4433. c1w31 JANITOR - HANDYMAN Position available for person to maintain 2 storey Thorn- hill cffice building. Duties to include snow shovelling, lawn mowing, minor repairs and maintenance. Call Mr. Bryce. 889-4933, evenings 889â€"1833. c1w31 FEMALE, light assembly line workers. Apply in person, Tip Top Products Co., 575 Oster Lane. Concord, Ont. c1w31 ARE you management ma- terial? We have openings for someone who can manage 10 or more persons, write stating qualifications to B & M Enterprises, P.O.. Box 179, Oak Ridges. Ontario. c2w31 4TH CLASS Stationary En- gineer. older man preferred. 884-3933. c2w31 PERMANENT Phillips computer operators experienced with magnetic card memory bank. Salary open. own transportation. Call Mona Robertson PERSON to run hardware and paint department (New- market area) write resume and salary expected to Box 18. “The Liberal". tfc30 WELDERS experienced in light gauge steel. with wire feed welder, must be able to do layouts, call Mr. Hamilton, Research Cottrell 889-9778. c2w30 FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW Please Call R. 0-. Marshall 851-2861 Woodbridge A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 884-6944 (Continued) c1w30 c1w30 c1w31 c2w3l c2w30 THIRD CLASS ENGINEER Required at once, gas fired boiler. Shift work. Steady job. Apply chief engineer. Concord Floral Co.. Concord. c2w30 LEGAL SECRETARY PLUS -â€"â€"Mature experienced secre- tary required on part time basis. 4-5 hours daily, general practice. After 6 pm 532- 6057. c1w31 HELP WANTED 'IWO houseé in Lake Wilcox area. 773-5884, 536â€"7643. HOUSE for rent. $240., 11/: acre land. fireplace in rec. room. will suit 3 or 4 people. must have references. avail- able immediately. 884-7738. clw31 THREE r o o m bungalow. Thornhil] phone 889-3966, after 6 pm. c2w31 ATLEN'S fish huts, white fish and lake trout. RR 14, Oro. 1-705-325-2803. APARTMENT to sublet, 2 bedrooms. Thornhill location, quiet area. unusually large apartment, sauna and pool. 881-2550. c1w31 COUNTRY estate, option to buy. prestige area. woodland setting for professional and artistic adults. Four bed- rooms, two bathrooms, two open fireplaces. oil heat. Write, giving full details to Box 23, “The Liberal". MODERN 2 bedroom apart- ment in sixplex. $165. Con- venient transportation. 884- 9479 or 491-5934. c1w31 iIONGE' St.. Richmond Hill attractive single room, $15. 881-1063 c1w31 CENTRAL cosy one bedroom basement apartment, furnish- ed. suit one business person. Phone 884-3079. *1\\'31 ROOM for rent. Yonge Cen- tre area. Phone 884-2427. c1\\'31 ONE bedroom basement apartment with separate en- trance. $120. a month. adults only. 773-4101. c1w31 FURNISHED room, Elgin _Mills and Newkirk Road area, 884-7996. c1w31 ONE bedroom apartment central Richmond Hill, wall to wall carpet in living room. No children. $130 month. Available March 1. 221-8657. c1w31 RICHMOND Hill. 369 Centre St. E.. basement apartment. no pets. Available now. 884- 8442. clw31 S'UBLET 2 bedroom apart- ment in fourplex west side of Yonge Street. ideal loca- tion. adult building. 884- 5981. c2w30 ROOM at Maple. two restau- rants adjacent. clean. quiet Canadian home. reasonable. 832-2051. tfc20 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities. 16 Lorne, lst house vast of Bork’s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 ROOM. cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884- 4928 for appointment. tfc3 ROOM to rent. close to Yonge in Thornhill. business lady. 881-2529. tfc23 RICHMOND Hill near Yonge, furnished room and shared kitchen. 769-3691, after 6 pm‘ tfc27 FURNISHED room for rent. 884-9738. tfc27 ROOM for rent, close to transportation. Phone after 5 pm, 884-9427. c1w27 AVAD'I‘MENT AVAILABLE 2 BEDROOM SUITES. RENT 'NCLUDES HEAT, HYDRO, SOFT “’ATER, FRIDGE. STOVE, ETC. NEAR RICH- MOND HEIGHTS PLAZA AT 48 LAVEROCK AVENUE. QUIET ADULT BUILDING. CALL SUPT. 884-2475. AURORA, Ibright spacious one and two bedroom apart- ments, $140 - $165. Adults. Yonge and Wellington. 486- 1377. tfc15 TWO bedroom apartments. 60 Laverock, Richmond Hill. water and hydro included. 884-2973. tfc14 RICHMOND Hill. one and two bedroom. clean family type building, shopping. school. $150, and $165. in- cluding parking. 884-6263. RICHMOND Hill, room for rent, $20. per week. close to Yonge Street. 884-30241 REDUCED rent in exchange for light duties, furnished bedsitting room. phone. kit- chen. in Richmond Hill. suit middle aged man or pen- sioner, 769â€"3691, after 6 pm. tfc29 FURNISHED one bedroom apartment in Aurora. Execu- tive or teacher or quiet busi- ness couple. $125 month. Phone evenings, 727-5597. SUBLET 2 bedroom apart- ment. Richmond Hill area, broadloomed, fourth floor. 884-6031 or 884-1910, be- tween 5â€"7 cm. c2w30 tween 5-7 ONE, two and three bedroom apartments. immediate ocâ€" cupancy. Ihornhill Terrace, 111 Inverlochy Blvd.. Thorn- hill. 889-6813. tfc30 TO RENT (Continued) clw31 c3w31 c1w31 c1w29 tfc49 tfc23 tfc30 I I (Continued) i W | d (Continued) BAYVIEW and Highway 7" WALLS AND FLOORS HORSE drawn sleigh rides. 1,700 sq. ft. unheated dryi DAY or NIGHT 337-5195. tfc17 storage space. $125 a month» 334.2433 m" 889-1899. “(:23'. BOOKKEEPING a n d ac- Repairs and Renovations NEW 1 and 2 bedroom apafl' counting services for small can J, s_ Adams ments. fUIly carpeted. RiCh- businesses. 889-5683. 889-6806 mond Hill. A-l location. 884- ‘ tfc33 tfc22 3797- 884'1596v 884'7858- DWQIDWRT’T‘I’AI. ennui rpmnv. . CKYAKIYD' nurnnr: Ar§nnuvn\1e WAREHOUSE space, central location, 2,000 sq. ft. 884- 1796. c1w31 fifizNISHED b e d r o o m. gentleman only. 884-7564. c2w30 ONE bedroom apartment for rent. 884-7701, after 6 pm. LARGE one bedroom apart- ment, 884-8255, after 6 pm. SUBLET one bedroom apart- ment, $155.. one month's free rent. 889-8830. c2w30 FAIRLAWN Junior and Nursery School. 8403 Yonge Street, Thomhill. Licensed full day school, open all year. ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR FEE CAN BE ARRANGED IF NECESSARY. RELIABLE day care given in my home. 884-4985. DAY Care available in my home. for 4 or 5-year-old child. Pemberton Road area. 884-8204. tfc28 DAY Care given in my home, Lucas area. 884-3722. tfc28 EXPERIENCED care given to children of any age. in my home at any time. hot lunch- es provided. Bluegrass Blvd. area. 884-8979. c4w30 DAY care availfile in my home on Essex Avenue, baby welcome. 884-6159. c2w30 RELIABLE day care, babies to school age. Beverley Ac- res area, Browndale Cres. 884-1374. c3w30 RELIABLE day care given in my home, 884â€"6223. Tor- more and Rockport. fiAY care in my home, baby Welcome, Edgar Ave. area. Thornhill. 889-8050. c1w31 DRESSMAKiNG, top fash- ions. plus quality. at reason- able prices. 889-6806. ALTERATIONS. dressmak‘ ing, bridal gowns. work guar- anteed. L. Richard. 441‘ North Taylor Mills, 884-l 1928. tfc31‘ PETS FOR SALE DOG# grooming. poodles, ter. v, G_,- riers. mutts. Be-tty Forsyth, 889-3606. tfgif AUSTRALIAN ' T?r'riers,7eg- istered, 2 males, 1 female. 889-2386. tfc2§ DRESSMAKING FREE plfiiiéslgrgood home, 8 weeks. 884-4185 after 5 nm tf029 GREEN Acre Pet Shop And Aquaria, Oak Ridges Plaza, 773-4401, 5 and 10 gallon starter kits on special, sing- ing canaries and all fish and pet supplies. ' c4w30 TWO Shetland ponies, sad- dles. bridles and double pony trailer. Quick sale. $400. 8‘32- 2317 and 884-8996. *1w31 PUREBPED German Shep- hard. female. not registered. 3 years, $35.00. 773-5460 after 5 pm or weekend. SAMOYED puppies, register- ed. perfect gift for Valenâ€" tines. 884-7682 before 6 pm and 884-3045 after 6 pm. LAB and hound pups. 6 weeks old, $5. and $10. 889- 8536. c1w31 ’â€"" F’J’ ’â€"â€"‘_' GERMAN Shepherd pups. Reg'd. 8 weeks old. black and tan, excellent temperment, reasonably priced. Hwy. 27, 21/2 miles north of Hwy. 9. 939â€"7119. c1w31 A CASH buyer needs pianos. furniture. antiques. c h i n a and glassware. Fast pickup. 889-5101. tfc25 ___/ RAILROAD style pocket watches and guns by collec- tor. Please phone 297-1480. tfc28 DEAD or crippled farm ani- mals picked up promptly, for direct line call Long Dis- tance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime Ed Pec- oni & Son, Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 3240-66. CAR for $50., running condi- tion. 884-6430. c1w31 '64 CHEV Impala, 2-door hardtop for parts. 884-1583 after 6 pm. rc1w31 WANTED A best all cash deal for pianos, antiques, furniture, appliances etc. 881-1063. If no answer 889-9612. tfc31 MORTGAGE coming due? Cash to consolidate bills? Low cost lst, 2nd and 3rd mortgage money available. Call me now for fast, con- fidential service. Bram Ogden, Emerald Isle Real Estate Limited. 889- 5651. 884-2377. tfc23 DAY CARE TO RENT 889-0464 - 223-5968 . URTGKGES WANTED tfc24 tfc30 tfc30 02w31 c4w28 tfc16 tf025 c1‘w31 c2w31 tfc29 ‘BOOKKEEPING and ac- counting services for small businesses. 889-5683. RESIDENTIAL snow remov- al contracts or by the hour. 889-2987. tfc25 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- tions. additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc26 Highly recommended even by friends. Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free esti- mates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 984-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc2 Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulxâ€"Telephoneâ€" 884-1650, tfc24 GENERAL contracting. alt- erations and additions. home, offices. factories. Custom carpentry of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. th3 i’lastering RON MOORE PAINTING PAPERHANGING Interior-Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889- 8965. tfc32 PERRI-STYLE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snowmobile repairs and serv- ice. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. tfc18 CARPENTRY work, recrea- tion rooms, additions. reno- vations, tile floors, and ceil- ings. Free estimates. T. Prire. 889-3653. tfc3 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paperhanging, in- terior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5153. tfc46 Miscellaneous FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and industrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 881-2509. PAINTING and decorating. interior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 PLUMBING & HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer & water lines, footings. 889â€"3604. WALTER LONG PLUMBING Efficient service at reason- able rates. DRESSMAKING and altera- tions. 889-5713 after 6 pm. tfc9 SNOW PLOWING L. REZKA - 889-8098 NORTHERN PAINTING RESIDENTIAL, commercial painting, interior and ex- terior, paper hanging. 881- 2075. tfc16 PAINTING. interior and ex- terior, wallpapering, plaster- ing and carpentry. 884-90gfi after 6 pm RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal” 884-1105. tfc42 PIKE ELECTRIC Installations and mainten- ance, commercial and resi- dential. Free estimates. 884- 7216. c2w3( Plumbing and Heating Repairs, Alterations, New Installations 24 Hour Service PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-330.". R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs a Specialty Free Estimates 488â€"7521 889-3185 New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 SHAMPOOING 832â€"8822 Maple Mechanical Contractors iii-1345 â€" MAPLE CHIMNEYS 889-9475 PAINTING 884-2433 PAINTING 884-2433 Thornhill tfc20 tfcll tfc18 tfc48 tfc20 tfc29 tfc2 tfc48 tfc43 tfc50 tfc52 tfc20 TOURS, cruises, rail and bus nten- tickets, reservations and in- resi- dividual travel. Call A. H. 884- Creighton Travel Agency. c2w30 889-5643. tfc47 tfc2 SNOWPLOWING. driveways and sanding. 884-8948. SNOW plowing. John Traup- mann, 889-0738. Twentyafour hour service RAMER Electric. free mates. 884-3998. GENERAL home improve- ments by skilled tradesman. Free Estimates 889-3730 VACUUM CLEANER Repairs and parts to all makes. Free pick-up and dc- livery. Richmond Hill Appliances 49 Industrial Rd. 884-7903 KODACOLOR d e v e l o ping and printing. same day serv- ice. lowest prices. QUALITY FILM SHOPS 6083 Yonge Street, 226-4060. 406 Spadina Road, 483-7576. 2830 Victoria Park. 493-7544. c4w3l fin; FURNITURE DOCTOR Touch ups and repairs. 884- 8963. c1w31 WINNEBAGO Motor Home. 18‘, fully equipped. low mile- age. excellent condition. 895- 5889, Newmarket. clw31 HORSES boarded, boxed stalls. well cared for, 7 miles east of Richmond Hill, in Markham Township. 887- 5500. c4w29 EVE ‘4 Horse Mare, has won in games and bulldogging $475 or best offer. 884-3483. c2w30 RESPONSIBLE young family looking for house in town or country, will do repairs for reasonable rent. 773â€"4273 or 889-2344. c1w30 RESPONSIBLE couple seek small bungalow. North To- ronto area. Ask for Chrystal. 889-0910. c1w31 PLUMBING Repairs and Renovations Call J. S. Adams 889-6806 resident camping for chil- dren. 884-2844. 727-9941. RICHILDACA offers day and '72 340 TNT twinfzs hp., like new, $759 with cover. 884- 4630 after 6 pm. tfc27 '67 SKIDOO. excellent con- dition, 101/2 hp, best offer. 884-3865. c1w30 SKIDOO ’69 Olympique. elec- ’73 RUPP NiTro 295, with slide suspension, 3 weeks old, private. 884â€"8317. c1w31 tric start. 18 hp $200. 889-3727. 399 TNT 30 hp. excellent con- dition. $295. or best offer. Motor, ’71 Yamaha 292, best offer. 884â€"7008. c1w31 Miscellaneous Children’s Camp EOKKEEPING s e r v i c e 5, call evening or weekends. Call 884-6236. c4w28 SN OWMOBILES DRAFTSMAN 10 years ex- perience, machinery many types and sizes. Pulus auto- motive, aircraft, architec- tural, structural. plant lay- out. flowsheets, patents, maps, technical illustration, instruction manuals, hard- ware catalogues, advert lay- outs, etc., good with ink or pencil and Leroy lettering. Also world wide experience in purchasing and have oper- ated common machine shop tools. All Canadian. Phone 221-6838. c3w29 EXPERIENCED s e c r e t ary (Thornhill) wants permanent homework from doctor, lawâ€" yer, etc. Dictaphone, typing. filing, etc. No bulk envelopes. 881-0673. c1w31 FORMER sheet metal and office machine mechanic re- quires light work, permanent, or small assembly work at home. 727-5874. , c1w3l YOUNG woman. éxperienced homeworker wishes part-time job. 884-7953, c2w31 USED tractors, MH 30 reduc- ed to $475.; Ford 640, $1,425.; new 3 speed MF 135 diesel. $3,650. EMPLOYMENT WA NTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TRAILERS FOR SALE RUMBLE TRACTOR MASSEY FERGUSON 887-5886 WANTED TO RENT Equipment TRAVEL FARM new track, c1w3l c4w28 c8w28 ‘ esti- *1w3l c1w31 c10w31 tfc3l c1w31 PHONE 884-1105 '71 FORD Capri. 17,500 miles. 773-4515. c1w31 ‘71 PINTO. needs some work, $1,100. or best offer. 884- 8824. after 6 o‘clock. GREENWOOD RENAULT ‘71 RENAULT 12, TL, vinyl roof. vinyl seats, radio, radial ply tires (4-door sedan) $1.975. ‘ '71 RENAULT 12 TL. vinyl seats. radial tires. (4-door sedan). $1,835. "71 RENAULT 10. vinyl seats, radio. Michelin tires, Mâ€"door sedan). $1,495. ‘71 AUSTIN America, radio, snow tires. f2-door sedan), $1,395. '71 VOLKSWAGEN Super Beetle, “stick shift automa- tic". radio, (2-door sedan) $1.875 - '70 VOLVO 142, 2-door, ma wheels, tach‘, new radial tires and snows. vinyl roof, wood steering wheel. radio, $2.495. ’ '68 RENAULT 8. radio, radial tires. (ll-door sedan). $795. ‘68 DATSUN 510. 4-door radio. reâ€"painlcd $1,195. '68 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle. radi“, seat covers. $895. ‘70 BOND “GT 6" Sports coune. radio. overdrive. radial tires, $1,595. Industrial Road at Yonge St. Richmond Hill 884-8841 or 773-4444 '70 BOSS MUSTANG. 302, excellent c o n d 1 ti o n. 884- 9470 after 5:30 pm. c1w31 ‘69 BUICK 4-door hardtop LeSabre. $1.600, certified, must sell. 832-2664 ‘69 FORD LTD. 9 passenger station wagon. automatic. power brakes. steering, radio. good condition. one owner. $1.800. Phone 884-2913. '69 FORD 1é-ton truck. Ask- ing $1800 or best offer. 773- 4405. after 6 week days, any time on weekends. c4w28 ‘69 CHEVELLE Sport coupe. 327 3-speed. Call 889-8498 after 6 pm ‘68 FORD Custom, 6 cyl.. automatic,, good condition, certified. $650. Steve after 6 pm. 832-8998. c1w31 '67 CHRYSLER Newport, 4- door hardtop. P.S.. P.B., radio. 54,700 miles. one own- er. $1,150 or best 'offer‘.‘ Certified. 884-5504. tfc30 radio. good condition, $690. 889-2372. c1w31 ‘67 TOWTA Corona. 4-door. standard. $300 or best offer. 884-6714. c1w31 ‘67 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle. low mileage, white with red interior, in excellent condi- tion, $785. ‘65 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle. mechanics. excellent, certi- fied. good second car, $350. ’68 CORTINA 1300, only 28.- 6’8 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe 000 miles. white with blue in- terior, radio, priced at only $650 TO ORDER WANT ADS TO RECEIVE HEL ‘66 CHEV 6 cyl., $125.; ’64 Chev. convertible, 8-cyl., $190. Good motors, needs b:dy work, as is. 773-5632. clw3l IN WRITING WANT ADS FOR INFORMATION ABOUT WANT ADS '66 CHEVELLE convertible. 327, evenings. 884-7423. ’66 MUSTANG, V-B, 3 speed. new paint, clutch. exhaust, good condition $750. 881- 2494 after 4 pm. c1w31 '66 PONTIAC custom sports convertible, V-8, automatic. discs, power steering, power brakes. Very clean, certified. Firm $650. Call 881-0104, after 6 pm. c1w31 ‘66 PONTIAC 2-door hardtop, Parisienne. PS, PB, BS, for parts $200. firm, Dennis 773- 5727 or 449-1883. c4w31 ’66 VALIANT, 4-door, 6 auto- matic, $425. ’62 Valiant, $165., certified. 887-5309, after 5 pm. c1w31 ’65 FORD Galaxie. 4-door, 352 engine. power brakes and steering, $225. 889-2928. USED CARS ‘65 VOLKSWAGEN, 350, good condition. 889-4193. '64 FORD Fairlane, uncerti- fled, $75. 889-8704, after 5 ’64 FORD V-8. best offer, phone 773-4325. clw31 ‘64 OLDS., best offer. 889- 0785. n02w31 ’64 PONTIAC, running con- dition. 283 motor. $75. un- certified. 832-8742. c1w31 ’63 RAMBLER Ambassador Deluxe, new battery, good snows. excellent on gas and oil, uncertified. $275. 773- 5230. c1w3l '62 CHEVY 2 wagon, as is, or parts. some new, some used, chrome bucket seats. 884-8285. tfc31 Seasonably adjusted prices. Call us today for parts or spring service. Moore Truck Parts & Sales Ltd., Holland Landing, 895-4666. tfc24 SMALL black dog, answers to Blackie, Major Mackenzie Drive area. 832-1474. SMALL CAR CENTRE Just 1 Mile North of Richmond Hill 884-9274 or 881-2931 “NEED TRUCK PARTS" fadio, (2-door sedan) LOST HELP WANT *2w31 c1w31 clw30 c1w31 c1w31 c1w31 c14w31 c1w31 clvw31 c1w31 clw31

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