The 50-member orchestra. drawn from many areas. is almost completely self-sup- porting, but there is urgent need for additional funds to support its ambitious cam- paign to take its good music wherever interest can be found. Leader and conductor of the YRS Phillip Buddlsees particularly fertile ground in the classroom, and many visits have been made to schools in York where re- markable interest in good music and in the composiâ€" tion and sound of an effec- tive symphony orchestra has been evident. York Regional Symphony is presenting a special fund raising program at 8:30 pm Saturday in Bradford Mem- orial Community Centre. The combination of wine, cheese, and good light music along with the company of many friendly people is the program for the evening. Tickets will be on sale at the meeting for the bus trip to the Ontario Science Cen- tre February 28. There will be 88 tickets available. If more are required names will be taken and another bus ordered if numbers war- rant it. Return transporta- tion $1. Please bring the right change. Admission tickets at 50c will be available on arrival. This includes admission to the centre and to the show, “Kiss Me Kate", by Cole Porter. Concerts for adults have drawn large audiences, and the orchestra is anxious to ride the tide of growing public interest. The cost of moving a large orchestra with a great deal of impedimenta is consider- able, and week to week op- erational expenses must be met. For this reason the orchestra is inviting the public to support efforts by attending this special con- cert. It was a very pleasant afternoon Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Higgins. 290 Ruggles Ave- nue. w‘hen friends gathered to honor Mrs. Higgins“ moth- er, Mrs. Alice Bailie, who was celebrating her 90th birthday. A resident of Rich- mond Hill for many years. Mrs. Bailie was presented with a plaque from Premier Wllliam Davis and with a Centennial pin and flowers from Mayor William Lazen- by and members of the town council. Senior 'Citizens All members of Richmond Hill Senior Citizens Club are urged to make a special effort to attend the month- ly meeting at 2 pm next Wednesday in RichmOnd Hill United Church Auditorium. There are important items of business to discuss, and there will be door prizes and refreshments. Among the more than 130 guests were Canon James O'Neil and Mrs. O'Neil of St. John's York Mills Angli- can Church. formerly of St. Mary's in Richmond Hill. Canon J. de Pencier Wright of St. Cuthbert's. Leaside, Rev. and Mrs. Bernard Bar- rett of St. Mary's and Rev. and Mrs. Fred Jackson. also of St. Mary's. Many friends from the Senior Citizens Club, of which Mrs. Bailie is a member. came to offer best wishes and bring gifts. Mrs. Suzanne Rangel of Ottawa spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Higgins, Ruggles Avenue. With her were her three children, G r e g o r y, Christopher and Julianne. they were here to help cele- brate the 90th birthday of Mrs. Rangel’s grandmother, Mrs. Alice Bailie. Mrs. Bai- lie received a congratulatory telegram from her grandson- in-law. Commander Julian Rangel. who is with the Canadian Peace - keeping Mission in Viet Nam. na uuâ€"Dâ€"w 7 Mrs. iB'ailie is in excellent health and we wish her many more good years. A master of philosophy in the field of mathematics from Cracow University in Poland. Mr. Zelenyj was a major in the Polish Army in 1939 and was interned by the Germans when Poland was overrun at the begin- ning of World War 11. After the war he came to Canada and taught at Campbellville before coming to Richmond Hill. He was very active in the Polish community in Metro and was highly re- garded and respected as a scholar and adviser at the school and in the commun- ity. On January 31 Candy- stripers of York Central Hospital held their Valen- tine meeting in the hospital cafeteria. Present at the meeting were: Mrs. Joyce Studdy, director of volun- teers; Mrs. Georgina Stever, advisory chairman; Mrs. Pat Robinson, coâ€"advisory chair- man: Mrs. Peggy Temple, president of the senior aux- iliary; and Mrs. Evelyn Laz- enby. chairman of the Allen- brae Branch of the YCHA. Memorial flowers will be placed in the chancel by the local association (West Dis- trictl in memory of Rich- mond Hill's first Guide Com- missioner Edna Imard. Be- fore World War 11 Miss 12- zard introduced Guiding to Richmond Hill, founding the lst Guide Company which met in the old chapel at St. Mary‘s. Miss Izzard was the Company‘s first captain and subsequently became the first district commissioner. Later she was made a life member of the asociation the executive body support- ing Guiding in the West Dis~ trict, and her faithful servâ€" ices will be remembered in the gift of memorial flowers every year for all Richmond Hill Guides and Brownies to see. Funeral services took place in St. Nicholas Catho- lic Church in Toronto Mon- day morning with interment at Mount Hope Cemetery. py to welcome nine prospec- tive membersâ€"two from the Richmond Hill area. The song birds 'are still hoping for more representation from this area to take part in a terrific program of singing in four part 'har- mony. Anyone interested phone Helen Denton, 884- 7803. The “Silvertonesâ€, the registered quartet of the chapter, went to Niagara Falls, New York, last week- end to compete in the novâ€" ice quartet contest. All enâ€" joyed meeting other quar- tets and having a day of harmony. Former pupils and teach- ing colleagues at Richmond Hill High School were sad- dened by the news of the death last Friday of Zenon Zelenyj, mathematics head at thé'school from 1955 to 1968. The York Highlands Sweet Adelines held a guest night January 30. They were hap- 7 Mrs. Stever said a few words about membership cardsâ€"a reminder to Vall 63ndystripers that they must show their card at the switchboard. -Mrs. Lazen‘by showed the girls the Centennial pins the Allenbrae Branch will be selling. Guest speaker for the eve- ning was Mrs. Audrey Wil- son, head of the,centra1 supâ€" ply department of York Cen- tral Hospital. She described the function of the depart- ment â€" the sterilization and storage of hospital equip- ment. The volunteers were then taken on a tour of the department and given fur- ther explanation of its op- erations. The junior auxiliary mem- bers were invited to attend the YCHA tenth annual meeting this evening «Thursâ€" day) at 8 pm at the Summit Golf and Country Club. Thinking Day, February 22, is the day all Scouts. Cubs, Guides and Brownies honor Lord and Lady Baden- Powell, founders of the world-wide Scout and Guide Movement. (Although Lord Badenâ€"Powell was several years older than his wife, both were born on February 22.) In Richmond Hill there will be a church parade Feb- ruary 25 at 7 pm at St. Mary’s Anglican for local groups. their friends and relatives. Participating groups will be Isa, 4th. 5th and 6th Scout Troops, Cub Pads and the attached Venturer Companies; lst and 2nd Richmond Hill Guide Cam- panies. and lst. 2nd and 3rd Jefferson Brownie Packs as well as the Ranger Company of Richmond Hill. All of these should be at the church in full uniform be- fore 6:45 pm. Friends extend sympathy to the family of R. D. Little, Arnold Street. Mr. Little’s sister Mrs. Bertha Jane Brown. died Sunday at St. John‘s Convalescent Home, Willowdale. Services were held Wednesday with inter- ment in Campbellville Cem- etery. Sympathy also to the fam- ily of William McQuillen, Dufferin Street, on the pass ing Monday of his sister, Mary Catherine McQuillen of Toronto. Services are being held today (Thursday) with interment at Mount Hope Cemetery. The promotion of Rev. Fred Jackson to the posi- tion of 'honorary assistant priest at St. Mary’s Angli- can Church does not mean that he is going into retire- ment. He will continue to make regular visits to par- ishioners in hospital and take communion to the shut- ins as well as working with the Richmond Hill Minister- ial Association in planning and presenting marriage schools for those contemâ€" plating matrimony. New as- sistant priest at St. Mary‘s is Rev. John Coneybeare, who will also serve as priest at Emmanuel, Richvale. Rev. George Young, former priest at Emmanuel, is now serving as assistant at St. Mary's and St. Gabriel’s. Rector at St. Mary’s is Rev. Bernard Barrett. The first two succeSSful pupils of Linda Hare, Kers- well Drive, to enter the mid- winter examinations at the Royal Conservatory of Mu- sic, Toronto, were Jonathon and Peter Brillert, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bril- lert, Browndale Crescent. Jonat‘hon. who is in his‘ second season of study, reâ€" 1 ceived 73 percent honors withl examiner’s remarks, “sight‘ reading excellent. ear test excellent, and fine style for the pieces (playediâ€™ï¬ Peter. who is in his first season of study, received '74 percent honors with re- marks: “good feeling for style and expression" and mgood style". Their teacher is a stu- dent at Bayview Secondary who is also studying at the conservatory. Five pupils of Richmond Hill Piano Teacher Estelle Markham are to be congrat- ulated for their success in recent examinations at the Royal Conservatory of Mu- sic. Toronto. Christine Burnett passed her grade 4 history examina- tion. Lynne Bradstock earn- ed honors in grade 8 piano. Deanna Wright and Peggy Murakami passed their grade 9 piano. and Karen Wright was successful in her grade 10 piano examination. On January 29 Karen Wright, Christine Burnett and Kathryn Watters played in auditions for the Ontario egistered Music Teachers‘ Association recital and all earned an A plus. They will play Saturday at the ORM- TA recital in North York Li- brary. 5126 Yonge Street and will be eligible for the ORMTA scholarship recital in May. Thirty-six girls from 2nd Richmond Hill Guide Com- pany have successfully com- pleted a fire prevention and fighting course at the Rich- mond Hill Fire Hall. thanks to Fire Chief Robert Ken- nedy and his men. Fire brigade badges were awarded to Diane Baker, Maggie Buzzese, Kathleen Carlisle, Faith Creasor, Sha- ron Creasor, Joanne Doucett, Judy Forsyth. Kim Hardy, Bridget Howe, Janet Hodg- son. Sandra Kennedy, Krista Kunstmann. Cathy Kuruliak. Christine Lazenby. Sandra MacMillan, Cathy McLean, Cindy McCully, Karen Mc- Phee. Susan Ogden, Susan Pack. Kelly Quinnell, Sherry Quinnell, Darlene Robertson, Kim Robson. Susan Romsky, Janice Shelton, Jane Sikorâ€" ski, Christine Skinner, Bar- bara Stannard, Kimberley Thomas, Mary E. Vent, Shel- ly Waugh. Louise Whitten. Sarah A. Williamson, Jenni- fer Wood and Louise Zuraw. Your social and club activities make interesting reading for “It’s Hap- pening In The Hill". Your friends and neighbors like to be kept up to date on vacation news, guests from out - of - town, academic achievements and special projects and social events. Address your news to Editor Margaret Lade, “The Liberal", 63 Yonge Street South, or telephone 884-1105. This is a free service, but news items should be into the office by Monday for inclusion in the cur- rent issue. £§i$“éhr'i§{iï¬Ã©"'s1£iï¬}iérf 133}â€" bara Stannard, Kimberley 6 maximum mmlmum Lu v uiVunuu 1 (1011.» 1 0;;u1 ' 0 Thomas, Mary E. Vent, Shel- O O O Q I $500. 8300. : I 22 Levendale Rd. â€" South Block O 0 1y Waugh' Louise Whine“, 4 Special Plus 21 Regular Games at $20. ‘ Richmond Heights Centre â€" Telephone 884-6691 ' Sarah A. Williamson. Jenni- East side of Bayview at Crosby Ave. * * * OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK * * * fer Wood and Louise Zura\v.i§oW¢â€.W-L-““I‘II‘Il“i undei‘standing of } A treat is in store for ‘those who enjoy gospel mu- sic. The Harmonaires from Vandorf, Freeman Quartette from Newmarket and the Ambassadors from Gormley are presenting an evening of music at St. Paul’s E‘nited Church. Oak Ridges on Feb- ruary 17 at 7:30 pm. All the if'a'mily is welcome. Tickets Tare available at the door. 1 Refreshments will be served. [For advance tickets (half iprice) call 773-5832. Duplicate Bridge The winners on January 29 in the duplicate bridge club were John Hall and Murray Hallatt in first place, George Payment and Ross Jenkinson secondl Friday Margaret McTavish and John Leonard were first and Marie and Stewart Cole second. There will be a Swiss team tournament on February 16. New members and guests are welcome to participate. All teams must register in advance. Phone Marie Cole. 773-4280. Find out what the Mor- mon Church does for the family at an open house February 16 at St. Joseph's Roman catholic School, Roney Road. The Theme is “Let’s Keep It Together". There will be film strips, talks, music. refreshments sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints which at present has Wainwright Lost Fight For Ward 6 Voice On Parks Board The Allenbrae Branch of YCHA will hold its next meeting at 8 pm Monday at the home of Mrs. Sally Wil- son, 412 Wenlock Street, Richmond Hill. New mem- bers are welcome. The Curtain Club is be- ginning a new series of drama classes for children February 17, 10:30 to 12:30 noon at the new Curtain Club Theatre, 400 Newkirk Road at Elgin Mills Road. The ten week course for children 10 to 15 will be conducted by Joni Clavir. For information call Iris Stringer, 884-4117. no chapel of its own. but meets in the school. The church stresses family to- getherness. asking families to set aside one evening each week when they plan to be together to discuss family affairs. Although the Civic Im- provement Committee is a mayor's committee. normally appointed by the mayor. this year Mayor William La- zenby requested each ,mem- ber of Richmond Hill Coun- cil to name one member at a committee of the whole meeting January 15. Composition of the com- mittee for the coming year will bPJudge James But- ler, 105 Wright Street; Sam Hall, 352 Skopit Road; Bus Vermuelen, 33 Centre Street East: Albert Reindlhardt, 123 Harding Boulevard: Da- vid Hay. 73 Laverock Ave- nue: Jack Blyth, Yonge Street. Oak Ridges; Steve Langhammer. 96 Yongehurst Road; David Fayle, 17 Elizaâ€" beth Street North; William Mirrlees. 117 Lawrence Ave- nue and School Trustee Douglas Allen, 191 Laveroek Avenue. iret Lade editor The $500 jackpot winnerJ at Richmond Hill Lions‘i Bingo Monday was Mrs. G.1 Harris of Aurora. * lit * ‘ up ‘ say the Biggins. Bob and Ruth Biggin of Mill Pond Court took a week's holiday from their busy lives and. together with their children, John and Judy McConkey and Peter Biggin, went skiing at Bolton Valley, Vermont. “The snow was just great. Too bad we couldn't ship it here for the carnival," Ward 6 Councillor Louis Wainwright tried unsuccess- fully to have the parks and recreation committee named in the same manner, so that all areas of the town would have representation, but the majority of council decided to pursue the established practice of nominating sev- eral names and the seven re- ceiving the highest number of votes to form the com- mittee. The results were â€"former Councillor Shaun Beggs, 58 Leisure Lane: Glen Philip, 378 Osiris Drive: Pat Deciantis. 13 Church Street South: Har- old Jones. 210 Richmond Street; RU§ell Tilt. 25 Bridgeford Street: David Barton. 272 Axminster and Our Lady Queen of the World 0 O EVERY THURSDAY at 8 RM. maximum minimum $500. JCCkPO'I' S300. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensiblyi meet every Tuesâ€" day evening in the portable at St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church, B‘ayview and Crosby Avenues. UXBRIDGE: Uxbridge Township will be placed under the Pits and Quarries Act in the near future. This means that no person can open. establish or operate a pit or quarry, except with a license issued by the prov- ince. Pits already operating will not have to obtain a license for six months. No provision is made for town- ship approval of pit applicaâ€" tions and council has gone ion record stating it believes it should have the right to ‘see all applications and to approve or disapprove of ‘ them. The CNE's new President Douglas Palmer of Schom- berg. formerly of Richmond Hill, was introduced at the annual CNE Luncheon Thursday of last week‘ Rep- resenting Richmond Hill at the luncheon were Mayor Lazenby; York Regional Representative to the ONE Executive Committee Gord- on Rowe; Floyd Perkins, a former recve of Richmond Hill and warden of York County, and James Grainger. The latter two were repre- sentatives from Richmond Hill's Centennial Commit- tee. place in the Queen Eliza- beth Building at the CNE. The luncheon took‘ II "I LGIII Among the most attractive ‘of the numerous Richmond ,Hill Centennial souvenirs to ‘ be offered for sale this year 'are the decoupage wall }hangings of two of the town‘s oldest houses. i Members of York Central Hospital Auxiliary are of- !fering the plaques singly or in pairs, but orders that have come in so far, reports ‘YCHA lst Vice-president Joan Paton, have been for pairs. Artist Heather Blaney and her husband, Brock, live in one of these houses, 111 iRichmond Street. The other, Doctors agree that group therapy really works, and members of TOPS are will- ing to vouch for it. Come and see the results. Every- body welcome. For further information call Bonnie Mc- Donald 884-1775. A time of great blessing was experienced at St. John's Baptist Church on Sunday morning when ten new members were received into the membership of the church preceding the servâ€" ice of Holy Communion. The Pastor Rev. Dana Lamb extended the right hand of friendship to Mrs. G. Robertson. Mrs. S. H. Mesley. Mrs. H. Todd, Miss Brenda McFarland. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lugsdcn, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hurlburt. and Mr. and Mrs. G. Smith. The new members were welcomed by Deacons Ed Robbin and William Allison. At this service two new dea- cons were installed. They are Mrs. Audley Kirchin and Jack Major. students at Bavview Secon- dary while Peter attends Don Head. Want to have fun and lose weight at the same time? Why not join TOPS, ON 700 in Richmond Hill. Bob has just been elected chairman of the bohrd of managers of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church; Ruth as chairman of the library board: John and Judy are Barry Bingham, 38 Elm- grove, Oak Ridges. Also appointed were Nor- man Stephenson, 49 Hunt Avenue; Cliff Twidale, 102 Westwood Lane: and Arnold Mortson, RR 2, Gormley, who were named fence view- ers; Fred Bovaird, weed in~ spector; Mrsi Ruth Biggin. Mill Pond Court. for a three-year term to the li- brary board and John Mac- Diarmid, 80 Trayborn Drive: Victor Plant. Elm- grove, Oak Ridges; and Wilâ€" liam Ruttle. 47 Laverock Avenue to the committee of adustment for a period of three years. Plans are well under way for the annual St. Patrick's Day Bridge and Euchre to be held at Our Lady Queen of The World Roman Catho- lic Parish Hall on March 16. Coâ€"conveners Ethel Engle- hutt and Peggy O’Toole held a meeting with their helpers recently to discuss final de- tails. This promises to be an en- joyable evening with prizes, a raffle ‘and refreshments. say committee m e m b e r 5. Tickets are available from Mrs. Margaret Lawlor. '73 Y.C.A.M.R. " 500 " 'I‘OKEN N0. 100 SHIRLEY DULMADGE TORONTO. ONT. Members of York Central Hospital Auxiliary are of- fering the plaques singly or in pairs, but orders that have come in so far, reports YCHA 1st Vice-president Joan Paton, have been for pairs. Artist Heather Blaney and her husband, Brock, live in one of these houses, 111 Richmond Street. The other, built in 1849, is the Hall Street home of Dr. and Mrs. James Langstaff. The Blaney house was‘ built around 1832 by the owner of a coach house orl stable, but unfortunately no record is available of the name of the original own- er or builder. It is known‘ that the owner supplied horses for stagecoaches that stopped in Richmond Hill on their way to meet the Lake S-i'mcoe boat at Hol- landing Landing. 1 The pen and ink sketches by Mrs. Blaney have been reproduced and mounted on pine, painstakingly antiqued and shellacked. A descrip- tion and history of the houses is mounted on the back of each plaque. The original structure was founded on logs on the sur- face of the ground and con- sisted of living-room, kitchen and two bed rooms upstairs. In 1860 Thomas Stockdale. a tailor. ‘added a two stomy addition of dining room. hall k“. RYE BREAD LOAF 29¢ EI The York Central Hospital Auxiliary already has orders for more than 80 of the historical plaques it is selling in recognition of Richmond Hill’s 100th Birthday, although the plaques are still in production. The pen and ink drawings done by Heather Blaney are mounted on wood with attractive brass hangers. The YCHA’s First Vice-president, Mrs. Joan Paton, right, is in charge of sales. “The Liberal†requires a responsible boy or girl for an established paper route in the (‘r‘estwood Road area of Thornhilll. For further details please phone Dinah Darlington at 884-1105. LEMON ROLLS EA. 65¢! “THE SHOP WITH THE EUROPEAN FLAVOUR†73% This Week’s Specials 7’: mufla $79.99 Clearance Specieâ€! I9 th Century House: Beautiful Wall Plaque: See our selection of darkroom equipment incl. safelights, trimmers, trays. easels. chemicals, paper, etc. Richmond Heights Centre LEVENDALE PASTRY SHOP We have a delicious assortment of Baked Goods for Valentine's Day In 1967 a family room was added. making use of the original barn boards on the property. The original sketch was done by Mrs. Blaney for use on personal Christmas cards. The drawing of the Lang- staff House Mrs. Blaney did as her contribution to the YCHA's Centennial project. to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the town. The Langstafl‘ house was built in 1849 by Dr. J. L. Langstaff and four succes- sive generations of Drs. Langstaff have lived in it and had their offices there. The house originally faced Yonge Street and was surâ€" rounded by beautiful grounds. It had a tennis court, stables, barn, work- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 8, 1973 PH 0T0 SUPPLIES 884-3221 b: A total of 400 plaques are being producedâ€"200 of each of the houses, so the supply She is pictured above with Dr. and Mrs. James Langstaff. Dr. Langstaff holds a reproduction of the sketch of the Blaney House, 111 Rich- mond Street, which was built about 1832, and his wife holds a picture of their own home built by his great-grandfather, Dr. J. L. Langstaff in 1849, which has served as home and office for four generations of Drs. Langstaff. MUSIC IS THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE . . . Give (J Valentine Gift of a Piano Lesson of . . . ESTELLE MARKHAM ARCT RMT TELEPHONE 884-3787 LDALV, 1 SPAISEHizIBs ....... lb. 79 ¢ LE4an SIDE BACON Ib.89¢ ESEAGE ROLLS .. lb. 79¢ NOW is the TIME to fill your FREEZER Front Quarters of Beef . . 73c lb. Sides of Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . 83c lb. Hind Quarters of Beef .. 93c lb. Sides of Pork . . . . . J . . . . . . 69c 1b. IF YOU DON’T HAVE A FREEZER - WHY NOT LET US GIVE YOU OUR QUOTATION! PORK CUTLETS lb. 89 ¢ LEAN, MEATY LEAN SMOKED Levendale Road 0 Richmond Heights Centre Telephone 884-5801 TOP QUALITY LOWER PRICES Custom cut, wrapped and fast frozen for your convenience LEVENDALE MEATS is limited. They are selling for $7.95 each or $15 a pair and will be available early this month in the gift shop at the hospital. or orders may be placed with Mrs. Paton, 884-5149. Proceeds from sale of the plaques, like those from all auxiliary projects, will be used to help equip the rap- idly expanding hospital. (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) 17