18 William J. Salter Edward P. Sutton LEONARD R. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants 887-5720 - 889-2741 84 Yonge St. S. Aurora, Ontario J oscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 121 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. Ont. 884-4474-5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines, Ont. 684-1177 Brian H. Cowen Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL IART WORKJ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 Yonge Street North Phone: 889-8275 - 884-8651 Chartered Accountant P.0. Box 332 Kleinburg. Ont. 893-1977 I Carpentry Chartered Accountants Auto Transmission R. P. (Bob) ROSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 BY Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists AC - DC ELECTRICS PHONE 884-847 5 COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL WIRING FREE ESTIMATES EVENINGS 884-4049 Chartered Accountant Suite 203 55 Glen Cameron Rd. Thornhill Phone 881-1212 Line Drawings AND Cartoons BY JIM OSBORNE 47 Horsham Ave., Willowdale 225-1983 Outside ï¬ghting maintenance Equipped with’ladder work. All commercial, residential and industrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Residential ALL RESIDENTIAL, 889-6662 Electrical Contractors & Industrial Repairs & Alterations 24 Hour Service Electrical Modernization Plan Available Electric Heat & Air Conditioning FREE ESTIMATES Finlay Electric Active Electric CUSTOM WORK THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, FREE ESTIMATES Call any time 884-6663 884-5982 881-2509“ Commercial Engineering Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. VAN DYK - Aborist 884-7 774 Design Drawings Remodelling Plans Construction Advisory Free Estimates CALL PEB ROBERTS COMPANY 884-6253 Repairs Restyling Alterations NEW GARMENTS IN STOCK OR CUSTOM MADE JUST FOR YOU 5931 Yonge St., Willowdale (at Cummer) 225-0801 or 225-4442 Sewing in the Thornhill & Richmond Hill Since 1960 Construction Consultants SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS I Insurance Authorized Consumers’ Gas Contractors Leno’s Machine Shop FURNACESâ€" WATER HEATERS AND AIR CONDITIONING 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 STEAMFITTING WELDING HEATING and Air Conditioning Ernie Brock 8: Son LTD. Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363-3959 25 Grandview Ave. . Thomhill 889-1379 COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 or 832-2445 Res. 832-1224 24 hour service to all of York County w Heating Co. 889-0506 - 884-7977 Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. Forestry Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Fire, Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Res. 727-2737 Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. FINN FURS C0. Furrier CUSTOM FURRIER MAC BRIAN MATHER BUS. - 884-4050 RES. - 884-8392 Corner Agency Limited I TV Service | Telephone 727-9488-9 C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-9295 884-9296 889-5729 Furniture, Office Supplies, Social Stationery Monday to Thursday 8:30 am. to 5 pm. Friday 8:30 am. to 8:30 pm. Close Saturday Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Rear 47 Yonge Street 8. Aurora. Ontario 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill H. B. FISHER Office Supplies We've no red carpet to no" out; no bran band to ure- nado you. But we can help you wlth nnmu and loop tlons of schools, llsts 01 com- munity facllltles, shopping information and nllthe other things you'll want to know about your new home town. A Welcome wuon hoeheo willvlsltotyourconvenlenee to provide all No and if. to well. W. I" younâ€"free-ter a glephone all h Woleene Insurance . W. Kirchen, JUST ARRIVED? By Appointment Sporting Goods ’ (Continued) 884-3962 M.s. Joyce Clark 349 KerSWell Dr., Richmond Hill 884-1940 Feb. 8, 1973 Mrs. Watters Thomhill 881-0917 S'A'l IAIN INSUIANEI‘ Student Trip To France Board Vetoes Request Extra Day Trustce Mariane Gillan of Sutton. told a York County dcard of Education meeting January 29 that she found a letter from a student trav- e1 group asking for extra time on a proposed trip to Paris, “disturbing†and that the request should have come from the school prin- cipal. The letter in question was sent to the board from Mrs. M. M. Mlacfarlane, director of Canadian Travel and Study Foundation, which de- scribes itself as “a nonâ€" profit organization dedicated to helping young Canadians learn through travel." “The young Canadians" in this case are a group of 14 from Dr. G. W. Williams Secondary School in Aurora, who are panning a ski trip to Chamonirx, France, during the winterbreak from March 16 to 25. However. as Mrs. Macfarâ€" lane explained in her letter, although STSF made a re- quest for plane space 14 months ago, they were un- able to get the dates they needed. As a re- sult, G. W. Willamsis sched- uled to depart March 16 and return March 26, one day late for school. Could the board grant an extension of one day for the group? Mrs. Macï¬arlane, who appeared in person and read her letter to the board, asked. Trustee Doreen Quirk of Markham wanted to know if Mrs. Macfarlane wanted the board to subsidize for a sup- ply teacher for one day. erxi VMacfarlane said that her group would to ready to pay for any teacher requir- ed. of Markham said the board had refused permission in the past to teachers who wanted extra time, and shouldn't change its policy now Mr. Honsberger then mov- ed that the buard refuse permission to the CTSF group in order to be consist- ent with its policy. Trustee Robert Horughton of Richmond Hill said he thought such trips were good and should be encour- aged, but felt the impression was going out to parents that the board was sponsor- ing the Clhamonix trip. 7 7-4_â€"_.I ".5 my -.._..,.,, _ The trips are arranged through the schools and parents with CTSF and are scheduled: during holiday time “61131 like tvo see such trips arranged through the board in future. Trigâ€"Edam supported Mr. Honsberger‘s motion not to allow the extra day. .Trustee John Hornsbergexj Houghton sa_id lhe ------------I | PleasoPrlnl I ' Box 125. Aatbr Station I Boston. Massachusem 02123 I mu Judged the most fair newspaper in the US. by professional journalists themselves. A leading international daily. One of the top three newspapers in the world according to journalistic polls. Winner of over 79 major awards in the last five years, including three Pulitzer Prizes. Over 3000 news- paper editors read the, Monitor. Just send us your name and addrese and we’ll mail you a few free copies of the Monitor without ongaï¬on. Addruo. Nnmo‘ Olly‘ sme Tm: (mum/m Same: Momma ligious experience and look at what is religion. The course will be offered as a credit and will be taught one period per day, with Robin Wood, a philoso- phy and history graduate. with one year of theology, in charge. It would be open to students in grades 11. 12 and 13. Trustee Craig Criibar, a minister in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church rin Newmarket. said 'he felt it was -a “beautiful course" that would attract many young students. A .. .,,, 'He commended the staff for the course. but said he felt a study of the B'hai faith should have been in- cluded. Both Thomlea and Bay- view Secondary Schools have carried the course for the past two years. EARLY ADMISSIONS The board also received a staff report on early admis- sions. which followed up the progress of -a group of stu- dents who had been admit- ted to kindergarten under age in 1972. “in; study reported on 26 students, who had not been promoted to grade 1 at .nn the end of the year, and 96, who had gone ahead to grade 1 or to a kindergarten primary class. 10 ...... _, In the first group, 16 were now attending kinder- garten in the same sdhool they attended in 1912, six were in kindergarten in an- Concord Family Among Those Arrested In Heroin Seizure Eight men and one woman have been charged with conspiracy to import heroin, following a raid by RCMP suad drug officers Saturday at a residence near Keele Street and Highway 7 in the Concord area of Maple. Police seized more than 70 pounds of heroin con- cealed in t'he false bottoms of sea trunks. which police termed the largest seizure in Toronto‘s history. The heroin is said to have a potential street value of $40 million. At a hearing in Provincial Court Monday, Crown Coun- sel Tom Clea'ry asked Judge Peter Wilch for a bail hear- ing. and was granted the re- quest. The Crown is oppos- ing bail for the nine. Those charged are Nicola Asaro ,59, of Rockview Gar- dens, Concord. his wife, Gaetno, 52. and their son. Simon, 22. Asaro suffered a 'heart attack in the raid and is in hospital under police guard. Arrested in Toronto were Francesco Billitte, 22, who had- been in Canada a week visiting from Sicily; Bene- detto Ziss-o, 59, Dalemont Avenue; Frank Cutrona, 47, Tilden Crescent; Vito Cut- rona, 32 Westmoreland Ave- nue; Antonio Sciortino, 39, Ridgemount Avenue; and Antinio Cidispoti, 35, Wood- ville Avenue. An RCMP official said Saturday’s raid was the windup to “the largest and All persons having claims against the Estate of FLOR- ENCE ELLEN STRACHAN. late of Maple. Ontario, who died on or about November 20th, 1972, are required to send a statement of their ouuu u u»u».....-_, claims to the undersignedl before the 14th day of Feb-lk l‘uaI'Y. 1973, after which date the estate will be distributgd unc pawn. having ragga} 7me to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have not- ice. DATED this 17th day Of January. 1973. Stanley Andrew Donaghan, Administrator. by his solicitors, Walsh And Walsh, 85 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario, MSH 2C9. NOTICE TO CREDITORS And Others In The Estate of Florence Ellen Strachan other school under the juris- diction of the board, and four were believed to be attending kindergarten in a school outside the jurisdicâ€" tion of the board. The report said that, in addition. five early admis- sion pupils who were pro- moted to grade 1, but who then moved outside the re- gion, were required to re- peat grade 1 in their new schools. Of the 96 early admission pupils promoted to grade 1 or to a kindergarten clas in June, 1972, 62 remained in the same school. 26 are in grade 1 in other York County schools, six are be- lieved to be in grade 1 in schools outside the board’s jurisdiction. and two cannot be located. Only one case was report- ed of an unpromoted pupil being placed in a private school, the report noted. A motion by Trustee Honsberger of Markham that a committee be set up to look into the report, was voted down. Sam Chapman, director of education, said that, if the board's decision was to have a junior kindergarten, then it was “a waste of time to fool around" with commit- tees. The latter only delayed things. A recommendation by Trustee Cribar of Newmar- ket that the report be re- ceived and the information noted. was approved. most complex investigation. national and international in scope." He said the initial inves- tigation was started; by Sgt. Neville Gillespie of the To- ronto headquarters drug squad. and then headed by Sub-Inspector Lyman rHen- schel, officer in charge of drug investigations. LI74 , He said it was mostly a matter of surveillance â€" “basically damn good_invesâ€" tig‘ation â€"â€" with assistance coming from the US. Nar- cotics and Dangerous Drugs Bureau and U.SZ Customs. He said the heroin was found in the false bottoms of steamer trunks, which had arrived in Canada a week ago. The heroin could be cut three or four ways and then cut again into caps for said aunu. He said a kilo of heroin in Toronto sells for about $500,000 and a cap sells for $20. Inspector Henschel would not say where the confiscat- ed heroin had been lheaded for but it is expected it was for sale to addicts in On- bario. A new way to really get your mall movmg: Postal Codes. mmmï¬ngmagaflEmz-ï¬ï¬memi Mmmmmmmï¬smm meaflï¬Emmflmï¬mmmEm If you haven’t already received it, in the next few days you’ll be getting your new Postal Code in the mail. It’s not very exciting to look at. But it is very necessary. And it’s really not as complicated as it looks. After two years of studying the systems of most of the countries of the world, here’s how we developed Postal Codes for Canada. The map sequence on the right shows just how accurate Postal Codes really are. To uncomplicate your Postal Code, you will be receiving a Postal Code Pack- age. It contains your code, instructions on how to use it, a handy address book, special Postal Code stickers for your envelopes, and ~ postage paid address cards that you should send to your friends. If you don’t have enough, you can get as many as you need at your nearest Post Office. Because, after all, your Code doesn’t move your mail unless your friends use it. And if you haven’t received your Code by March 12th, please call your local Post Ofï¬ce. We will mail it to you immediately. It is pOSsible however, that you are not in the CENTRAL ONTARIO POSTAL DISTRICT, in which case your area may not have been coded yet. area down â€".Ior example, a city. KZP: By adding another letter, we indicate a speciï¬c section of that city. KZP 0P4: And by adding three more characters that section of the cit is further narrowe to one side of a street between two intersections. Sit-‘éét Vsalerthe inspector Get the habit. Posles Your snowmobile is probably insured under a standard automobile policy as approved by the provincial government and used by all insurance companies. Under this standard policy your insurance company "shaIl not be liable for bodily injury to or death of any person occurring while the automobile m BEING USED IN ANY RACE 0R SPEED TEST.†The growing popularity of snow vehicle racing and speed contests at winter carnivals and other community outings exposes snowmobile owners and drivers to personal liability imposed by law. It doesn’t matter what company you are insured in-the standard mlicv is used bv all insurance companies, not just this insurance company. It doesn’t matter what company you are insured m-tne stanuam policy is used by all insurance companies, not just this insurance company. This note of caution is extended to all snow vehicle owners as a public service. If in doubt of your position, we suggest you discuss this vitally important matter with your insurance agent. For your own sake, don’t engage in racing or speed tests. Richmond Hill â€"â€" Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. 884-1551 Willowdale â€" Neil G. McDonald Limited. 226-161] Canada was ï¬rst divided into 18 la e areas, each csignated by a letter. By adding a number, we narrow that area down â€" for example, a city. By adding another lencr, we indicate a speciï¬c section of that city. Code: can also represent: â€"an oï¬ce building with 10 or more companies. -or a company that receives large volumes of mail. â€"or an apartment building with over 50 suites. â€"or, in legs densely town. pc; 'hiixéii Arch, a 'code wiï¬ represent the whole