Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Feb 1973, p. 27

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,a-munum\muumlmmmmummummununmunmmmmmumIulmmmmnmmmunuuuuummmumunuumumumuummuumu\mmmmmulmumuunuummumuuu.uuuuummunmmmmuumuumun“unumuummnunumumea Chief Bruce Crawford of York Regional Police this week defended his actions in banning the sale of Pent- house Magazine from area bookshelves, and said that he had received only one comment against his stand and many in favor. "Penthouse" Controversy The one against was that contained in a letter from Aurora Newsman Bob Roth, who said he was concerned “over the pattern of thought control that seems to be de- veloping as police policy in this region." ’I‘he Penthouse edict was handed down by Chief Crawford earlier this month when he informed region booksellers that they would be in danger of prosecution if they sold the February issue of the magaizne. Mr. Roth's letter was read to a meeting of the board of police commissioners, Feb- ru~ary 5. q.'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Two clergymen have accepted the chal- lenge â€" Rev. Robert Smith of Richmond Hill United Church, and Rev. Earl Gerber of St. John’s Anglican Church, Jefferson. Rev. Ger- ber is taking part in two celebrations, the town’s 100th birthday and the 125th annivers- ary of the founding of his parish. York Central Administrator James Hep- Others representing the old town are Norm Stephenson, Howard Bennett, Gil Mer- cer, Bob Ross Jr., Pete Lecuyer, Bert Louie, Harold O’Rourke, Maurice Wilson, Gary Rich- ardson, Hugh Currie, Harvey Head, Bob Whit~ marsh, Carl French, Glenn Doak, John Dixon, Alex Anderson, Mike Bruce, Dale Kenzie and Richard Fairbridge. “llllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllléa Police Chief Defends Actions The chief had 'declared pictures on pages 46, 47 and 48 as being obscene. In his letter. Mr Roth questioned the chief's right "to set himself up as cen- sor . . . " and said he re- sented the implication that he was "more moral, more righteous than the rest of us." Brothers Of The Bush ”Meet Tonight Is he or isn’t he telling the truth? Only Billy knows, and Billy Liar, played by Gary Peterman, isn’t telling his friends â€"- played by Carol and Brian Moore (right). He said he wasn't out to Men of all- ages and from all walks of life will assemble tonight (Thursday) in Richmond Hill Lions Hall on Centre Street East to get acquainted, to commisserate or to congratulate one another on a common achievement. What do they have in common? Beards! The evening has been planned by Lions Clubs of Oak Ridges, Richmond Hill and Richvale for the “Member Brothers of the Bush”, the 73 men who last month committed themselves to sprout as much foliage as possible on their respective faces for Richmond Hill’s Centen- nial Home Coming Week in June. That is when the beards will be judged, with prizes for trimmed as well as full-grown beards. All en- trants started out clean shaven, and tonight they will be able to see just what each has accomplished over the past month. Representing the municipal, council are Mayor William Lazenby and Regional Coun- cillor Gordon Rowe of Oak Ridges. From the town hall staff those enrolled include Burnie Toporowski, Bill Munroe, Bary Casper, Bud Cable, Barry McKinnon and Jack Vandermaas. 'I‘wo father and son teams are entered: Bernie Lalonde and sons Larry and Tom, and Elgin Barrow and son Dave. “Billy Liar” is the next play to be pre- Centennial Beards - “Member Bill y I: A liar, Or Is He: make a case for Penthouse. but one for free choice and “a case against the forced imposition â€" by use of po- lice power â€" of antiquated moral values" on the com- munity. Not that Penthouse "is such a bastion of cultural expression that it's contents should go without question; it's just that it is no more perverted or ‘obscene‘ . . . than scores of other maga- zines on the shelves," Mr. Roth said. -He said the news stands were full of material show- ing people being knifed, na- palmed and otherwise bru- tally treated. but it wasn’t banned, such "perversion" being apparently acceptable to the chief. He said he understood that the chief had acted on the complaints of “three zealots." If the chief wished, he (Rotlh) could get four to complain because the maga- zine had been banned. He said he had seen the “obscene” pages in question. and felt that anyone who was driven to the point of hysteria in demanding that they be banned. should “seek immediate profession- al help." Mr. Roth said |he also ob- jected to the “curious means" employed by the po- lice in having the magazine removed from the stands. Although the chief had de- nied banning it or ordering that it be removed, people were being told they could be charged, which was in- timidation. . . . I most strenuously object to veiled threats be- ing used by the police as a means of imposing their personal moral code on the citizenry of this Region," Mr. Roth said. Chief Crawford said that he was “simply enforcing the law." When it was changed, that would take the responsibility away from the police. He said that the Criminal Code stated that a person must “knowingly” sell ob- scene pictures. To remove this alibi from the bookâ€" sellers. the police Were warning them in advance. He said the police were sympathetic with the sell- ers. who didn't have time to check all the magazines in advance. “I have received many calls at home and at the office." Chief Crawford said. “They are behind me 100 percent. They tell me to forge ahead." burn and Dr. Bernard Granton have many opportunties to compare beards in their fre- quent encounters at the hospital. Don Head Farms on Major Mackenzie Drive has four entrants: Elmer Pembleton, Doug Hallman, Bill Lekk and Bernard DuRose. Oak Ridges entrants include Don Cook, Fred Russell, John Green, Stewart Bell and Charles Tupper. And from the southern por- tion of the town contestants are John Bennett, Maynard Whitley and Len Edwards. sented by the Richmond Hill Curtain Club at their new theatre at Elgin Mills and Newkirk Road. The play opens February 16, and tickets can be obtained by calling Audrey Randall- Smith at 884-6052. Entrants from Branch 375 Royal Canadian Legion are Don Parnell, Neil Jarvie, Gary Moss, Bill McPherson and Vic Palmer. Sandy Neal and Alex Paterson are representing the old Richmond Hill Volunteer Firefighters’ Gang. There are also some who work in Rich- mond Hill, but live elsewhere like Ron Searle of Thornhill, Barry Matthews of Toronto and John Martins of Willowdale. Lions on the list include Don Cowden, Earl Cooke, Neil Crowe, George Chassie, Ev Baker, Harold Waldon, Gary Waklin, Grant Marshall, Danny Boyle, Larry Taverner,~ George Shore, Mike Peters, Joe Doucette, Merrill McPhail and Bruce Smith. He said the police weren’t acting as censors and were prepared to take the matter to court and let the court decide. May Cost $1,000 To Err In Vaughan “We are quite prepared to accept the finding of the court." he said. The chief said he hadn‘t received any objections from the storekeepers, or editors and publishers of the magazine. On a motion by Comm-is- sioner Ray Twinney, sec- 0 n d e d ‘b y Commissioner Stewart Rumble. the meet- ing agreed to write a letter to Mr. Roth thanking him for his “point of view," and or- dered the letter filed. AURORA: Members of the NDP have formed an Aurora Caucus to bring themselves closer to grass roots activity and act as a "watchdog" over town politics. This decision will be im- plemented by a bylaw pass- ed later in the meeting, which provides for the im- posing of fines of not more than $1,000 exclusive of costs, on every person who contravenes a bylaw of the town. Infractions of bylaws in Vaughan are going to be more costly in the future. Town council February 5 ap- proved increasing the top limit of fines from $300 to $1,000 for each breach of provisions of any of the town‘s bylaws. “DEMO by Tony Whitney) At the advice of the town’s works department three con- ditions must be met before final approval is granted: that the Langstaff sewer treatment plant and the BAIF sanitary trunk are com- pleted and in operation; that phase one of the Trench Street reconstruction is com- pleted (from Vaughan Road to the northern limit of the hospital property) to provide sewer outlets; and that well six is developed and in oper- ation to permit a refined assessment of the town's wa- ter supply and demand sit- uation. Centre Street Subdivisions Will Produce 56 New Homes Richmond Hill Council ap- proval for revised plans of two subdivisions at the west end of Centre Street West, Richmond Hill, was given January 29 on the recom- mendation of council‘s plan- ning committee. A total of 56 single family lots will be produced by the subdividing of 11.4 acres. Chief Bruce Crawford told ;the board that Constable Robb had apprehended one man and two juveniles, July ‘24. 1972, after they had ‘broken into Nick's Resta- lurant on the Stouffville lRoad, and made off with $500. Constable MacKay ques- ‘ tioned a y o u t h driving ‘ around Doublerink Arenas parking lot in Vaughan. ‘ November 29. 1972, and i found he was driving a stolen lean Chief Crawford said. . The youth had stolen keys from a North York garage to get the car,.and when turned over to Metro Police. he was charged with breaking and entering and theft. posses- ? sion of stolen goods under ‘ $200, theft over $50 and pos- session of burglar tools. The land is on the east side of Trench Street im- mediately north of Don Head Secondary School, is rela- tively flat, sloping only 15 feet from the northwesterly comer to the southeastcrly corner. Most of the surface water is drained by a swale running parallel to the east boundary. The land is vacant except for one single family dwell- ing located in the extreme southwesterly corner. Neigh- boring properties to the north. east and west consist of single family dwellings. The board accepted the resignations of two Markham lDivision constables, William 1 Sheridan and Brian Kindy. Chief Crawford said that } Constable Sheridan, a first class constable, was resigning 1' to join the Markham Fire De- . partment. Re-Elect |.yon, Cook Police Heads Judge William Lyon 01‘ To- ronto was re-elected chair- man of York Regional Board of Police Commissioners at a meeting of the board January 23. Judge Lyon is an ap- pointee of the provincial gov- ernment Two Constables. Kenneth Robb of the Markham diviâ€" sion. and Kenneth MacKay of Vaughan Division. receiv- ed commendations from the b o a r d for “outstanding efforts in police duties". It will be the third time in that capacity for both men, who were appointed to the board for three-year terms when the Region was formed in 1971. The three subsequently re- ceived two-year probation terms and were ordered to make restitution. Reâ€"elected vice-chairman was Gordon Cook of King. He was later jailed for three months' consecutive on each charge. Constable Kindy, a fourth class probationary constable. resided in the Barrie area and found the distance too far to go to work. the chief said. The board approved the promotion of Second Class Constable Constantine Tsino- nis of the Richmond Hill Division. to first class con- stable. Owner of the western end 'of this development is John Gelleny and his section will contain 31 lots. Owner of the other part is Thomas ‘Felley and that section will 1contain 25 lots. The pro- l . Iposed plans comply With lboth Bylaw 1000 and Bylaw ‘66-71 which call for a min- imum of 50 feet frontage and 5,000 square feet in area. It is forecast there will be approximately 63 elementary School pupils and 15 second- ary school pupils in the 56 .new homes. A 10 foot walk- ;way will be provided from the .proposed crescent to Don Head School site. The plans submitted sev- eral months ago have been revised by the towu staff to change the street pattern, the number of lots and their iorientation. The interior crescent will be 66 feet wide ‘and the alignment of Centre “Street West has been made ias straight as possible. Recornmendaiions of the planning committee to which council agreed included: That the owners enter into a subdivision agreement re- garding construction and in- stallation of services, pay- ment of taxes and all other requirements of the munici- pality. That such easements as may be required shall be secure-d at the expense of the owners. That hydro, gas, phone and TV cable services be underground. That the owners agree to pay a lot contribution fee of $655 per lot and other levies for util- ities and central services as may be determined. That the owners pay to the town cash in lieu of 5% dedica- tion of land for public pur- poses. That the owners agree to plant one tree on each lot. STOUFFVILLE: J a c 0 b Smith, jeweller has retired as custodian of the village clock, 40 feet up in the civic square tower. For 30 years Mr. Smith has made weekly jaunts up and down the bel- fry ladder. He started when the tower was part of the fire hall, which was torn down in 1967. The clock has a 30 1b. pendulum and a bell to sound the hour. Mr.‘ Smith has made 3,120 trips and climbed 187,200 steps in‘ the 30 years to give the clock ‘ its weekly winding by crank- ing the weights like an old‘ milk separator. Glenn Smith‘ has taken over his father's1 duties with the clock. 1 Dinner Dandng Those most annoying marks made by the. pressure of your glasses. This never happens with POLYMIL frames with HARDLITE hard resin lenses -â€"they're lightâ€"really light. Is it any wonder women (and men, too) prefer them. Togetherâ€"POLYMIL and HARDLITE hard resin lenses provide cosmetic beauty, safety and comfort. BRADDOCK 79“"‘94 OPTICAL ‘ 5 Richmond Heights hmfi Centre man Richmond Hill 884-6881 You can do without! The “Beauty Spots" PARKWAY HOTEL Highway 7 1 mile east of Bayview 881-212] RESERVATIONS The Old English Roast Beef Room 4 YONGE ST. SOUTH Richmond Hill Hydro Electric Commission THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 8, 1973 28 LEVENDALE RD. 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The Hydro Finance Plan will help you get started right away. II' 659'"5 comfort. . . year-round! “The Color T. V. you want at the price you want to pay” your hydro 884-4466 PlCl FOR ONLY SOUTH BLOCK PHONE 884-7456 27

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