One of the most interest- ing outings the seniors have had lately we neglected to mention last week for the lack of time. The group ar- ranged for cars to take them to Bayview Secondary for the special Sunday afternoon production of “My Fair Lady" put on by the students and staff for senior citizens. Those who went for this special effort came home with the most enthusiastic re- .ports. and were most grate- ful to those who worked so hard to put on this play for the sixth time in as many days for the pleasure of the seniors. At their meeting March 12. “Chief†Meyers conducted a penny auction which was fun for all. and bingo followed to roundout the afternoon. An executive meeting was held last Monday afternoon preceding the regular meet- ing with several items of im- portance on the agenda. The trip to Washington has had one cancellation, so that ‘any couple or two people wishing to go along Clinic March 27, the first meeting after the school break. Mrs. Fox proved most popular on her first visit, so the group is expecting a very successful meeting. Please feel welcome to join the group at 9:30 am at St. Stephen's Anglican Church Hall. Women's Institute The March meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Pearl Jarrett. Mrs. Ella Harris is to attend the officers' confer- ence at Waterloo University May 1, 2 and 3. Many congratulatory and thank you notes received on the occasion of the 75th an- niversary were read. The district annual meet- ing is to be held May 10 in the Woodbridge Presbyterian Church. A food forum entitled “Around the World Dining" will take place March 27 at 8 pm at Victoria Square. This interesting meeting is open to anyone in the com- munity who would like to attend. We are anxiously awaiting news of all the holidayers who will be returning this weekend, including the group of Langstaff Secondary School students who are now in Rome. All news of holi- days will be gratefully re- ceived. Senior Citizens To any of you who are con- fined at home or in hospital. please accept our sincere get well wishes on behalf of the community. Sincere get well wishes to Mrs. Beulah Oster of Con~ cord. a member of Maple Senior Citizens, who has been missed for several weeks because of illness. We understand that Mrs. 'Hazel Borrett is on the mend following a bout with pneu- monia. She. also has 'been missed from the weekly senior citizens meetings. We were happy to hear that Barney Bryan returned home last week from hospital. and is doing very well. By this u'ekeend the itin- erary and other information for the May trip to Otttawa will be ready {or distribution. and payments for this_trip will be most welcome at any Roly Keffer spent a most enjoyable day last week when his four daughters, Mrs. Jean Bryson, Mrs. Ruth Grubb, Mrs. Mary Orr and Mrs. Rita Moore spent the day with him, catching up on the odd jobs that a busy man like Roly has not time nor thought for. He is filled with pride for these girls who are so much a part of his life. An executive meeting was held last Monday afternoon preceding the regular meet- ing with several items of im- portance on the agenda. At the time of writing, there had been no inquiries regarding the job for corre- spondent for this column We had hoped that someone might have 'been interested in taking on a part time job, requiring a few hours work each week, with tremendous satisfaction a benefit, as well as the monthly cheque. If anyone has any ques- tions, please feel free to call Mary Dawson at “The Liberal" 884-1105, or I will be most happy to discuss the various aspects of the job. The trip to Washington has had one cancellation, so that ‘any couple or two people wishing to go along should contact us as soon as possible to see if the vacancy is filled. For first class service to ALL Import Cars and Small Domestics Also A Large Selection of Guaranteed “USED CARS†TRY US â€" YOU'LL LIKE US YONGE ST. NH RICHMOND HILL TEL. 884-9274 or 773-4542 (Just 1 mile north, Richmond Hill) or 881-2931 SMALL CAR CENTRE Maple, Kleinburg, Concord And Teston News TESTON Just a reminder that this group is expecting a return visit from Mrs. Reva Fox from the Mental Health Clinic March 27, the first meeting after the school break. Mrs. Fox proved most popular on her first visit, so the group is expecting a very successful meeting. Please feel welcome to join the group at 9:30 am at St. Stephen's Anglican Church Hall. Women '5 Institute call Dr. Walter Jurczak 832- 1566. Tuesday Morning Group The problem facing the Lions at the moment is the number of ladies willing to provide baking for the bake sale tables. Since this table was sold out early last year, it is hoped that ladies other than wives of the Lions and the Brownies and Guides and their mothers, will feel the urge to donate some of their culinary arts. Since most of the proceeds from this effort- will go to local community work, more sipecifically the arena, it would be most gratifying to see the parents of those who benefit most from the arena lending a willing helping hand. The meeting March 13 was spent with the ladies enjoy- ing a relaxing morning shar- ing each others crafts. Most popular were crocheting and macrame. Some of the ladies showed a great deal of talent and everyone seemed to benefit. for they all ac- complished something and took home their worthwhile efforts. Mrs. Ella Harris is to attend the officers' confer- ence at Waterloo University May 1, 2 and 3. The March meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Pearl Jarrett. We have been assured that the recent news that maple syrup will be very scarce this year will not affect our fes- tival due to the forsight in getting their stock in well in advance. Also we are told that there will be lots of maple sugar candy for sale. It is pancake festival time again and the men of the Maple Lions are deep in t h e i r preparation-s f o r April 7. This trip will go May 22. 23, 24 and 25 and is ex- clusively for senior citizens unless at the last minute there are cancellations that cannot be filled, At the mo- ment. the buses are filling rapidly, and all names should be in. to us in Maple, to Harry Burnfield in Kleinbui'g and to Mrs. Mabel Julian in Woodbridge. time, as deposits must be made for hotel accommoda- tion: $50 for twin or couples and $68 for singles including bus, accommodations and guided tour as well as other expenses, incurred. Mrs. Jean Jackson gave a report of the meeting held by provincial board mem- bers. It was decided to renew membership in the Vaughan Historical Society, and a letter from Mrs. Bernice Noblitt, FWIO President, was For further information IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN that The Corporation or the Town of Vaughan in the Regional Municipality of York will apply to the Legis- lative Assembly of the Prov- ince of Ontario, at its next regular session for special legislation in respect of the following matters: (1) On applications to zone or rezone lands to permit multiple residential uses, the Council shall have regard to the matters referred to in Section 33(4) of The Plan- ning Act, and shall have the same powers with respect to such zoning or rezoning as the Minister of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern- mental Affairs has with re- spect to an approval of a plan of subdivision under said Section 33(5) and (8) and to require all conditions be included in an Agreement to be signed prior to the passing of the required By- Law, which Agreementshall take effect upon the approval of such By-Law by the On- tario Municipal Board. The Town may enter into Agree- ments providing for the ful- fillment by the owners of the land of all or any of the conditions imposed and such Agreements when registered on title of the land, shall run against the land to the ben- efit of the Corporation. (2) Any Agreement entered into by the Corporation pur- suant to Section 33(6) and, Section 29 (14) of The Plan- ning Act when registered on the title of the land affected by the Agreement, shall run against the land to the ben- efit of the Corporation. ,13) The Council may by a three-fourths vote of all the members of Council pass a By-Law to: (a) order the removal or demolition of any building, fence, scaffolding or erec- tion that is in a ruinous or dilapidated state, and (b) order the levelling or grading of any grounds, yards or vacant lots or the cleaning or clearing of any such lands of any trash, refuse, building materials, junk, waste paper. bottles. used motor vehicles, auto- mobile tires, automobile parts, old metal and other scrap material and salvage. and to provide the steps to be taken prior to the passing of such By-laws, a method of appeal, and a method where- by any costs to the Corpora- tion may be recovered as taxes. The March meeting of the ladies of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian will be held at the home of Mrs. Marj Robson, Richmond Street. Maple, March 21. The main topic on the agenda is the special meeting April 1 when the congregation of St. Paul‘s will join- that of St. Andrew's for a special missionary serv- ice with Rev. George Mal- colm, speaker. The UCW are having their rummage and bake sale Saturday March 31 at 1:30 Mrs. Pearl Brown, Mrs. Margaret Penlington and Mrs. Lulu Leece took part in the program consisting of humorous readings. a dia- logue on the history, objec- tives and ideas for the con- venors, ending with an article on Women's Institute Resolutions. Rev. Stanley Snowden of Maple United was the guest speaker, with his topic also “Resolutionsâ€. He stressed that these can be wonderful thoughts. but they don‘t do any good until they are put into action. A delicious lunch was serv- ed by the hostess and the lunch committee. Church News read telling the members that they must soon start to learn the new metric system. and where help can be ob- tained. TOWN OF VAUGHAN Ladies â€" There was one shutout March 12 in which the Scoundrels took all seven points from the Tramps. The remaining three contests were identical. Each of the This puts the men’s stand- ing thus: with Jim Craibe way out in front with 103 points followed by Mel White with 82 and Alex Bishop with 75. Pete Craibe is closing the gap too. with 60 poimts. Pioneersâ€"March 15 Roy Clegg stole the show with games of 200, 255 and 303. With a 213 average, he is onw one pin «behind the leader. Jack Kearsey who has a 214 average. Pete Craibe took two games and 5 points from Alex Bishop. pm at Maple United Church. Good used clothing. white elephant and toys donations would be welcome and can be left at the church on Fri- day afternoon or evening be- fore the sale or call Mrs. Kay Jones 832-2509 for pickâ€" up. Bowling PETER SMITH York Home T.V. 306 Bayview Ave. (Plaza) 889-1646 - 884-4165 The Children’s Aid Society of the Regional Mun- icipality of York is adopting flexible work hours, effective April I, 1973, for a six-month trial period. The offices of the Society will be open: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Fridayâ€" 9 am, - 4:30 pm. Wednesday ONLYâ€" 9 am. - 9:00 pm. 1). c. VAN CAMP, Our Sales Office is on the West Side of Yonge Street, iusf North of Hwy FOR INFORMATICN CALL 881-2252 WORKS IN A DRAWER Color TV from PRESENTS THIS UNIQUE 4 BEDROOM 2 STOREY HOME GET YOUR awe-BM IN NOTICE Other Hawk scorers were Derek Varley. George Smith and Shaun Monaghan, with Tim Burgess notching the Wings' solitary counter. Hi-C The Kleinburg Hi-Cs con- sist of approximately 15 members of high school age who meet every Friday night at the junior school for sports activities and also get- together alternate Sunday evenings at the United Church. 6-1. This was the first of a two-game total goal series. For the winners, Tony Griffith was outstanding with three goals and could well have had more but for two good saves by the op- posing goaltender. In the first playoff game of the novice cup Saturday at Nobleton Arena the Hawks took a commanding lead of Klein burg K larion Hawks Drub Wings Sharon Groundsell took double honours for the week. scoring a 277 high single. and a 730 high triple. Barb Gauthier still held her 213 high average. Beggars, Rogues. and Ras- ca’ls won five points. leaving two points each for the Scamps, Hobos and Rovers‘ With only two regular weeks left before the play- offs, the standings are as follows: Beggars, 26, Rogues 22. Scoundrels 22. Rascals 19, Scamps 16, Rovers 14, Hobos 12, and Tramps 9. Although relatively small Executive Director. The group also held a euchre night at Kleinburg a few weeks ago and another one is being planned. With the help of two mus- ical groups, Sandstone Road and Mandrake, who gener- ously donated their services, the Hi-Cs were able to hold a very successful dance and sen-d $50 to the CHUM Kids Crusade. Mrs. Gladys Ireland has been counsellor with the HiCs for three years. Presi- dent is Steve Johnston, Sec- retary Debbie Decaire and Treasurer Lise Decaire. New members are most welcome. in number, the group has been busy with some very worthwhile projects. The starve-in held last year brought in $350, half of which went to the Bengla- desh relief and half to the Parry Sound Indian Youth Centre. The Voice Of Concord The lst Concord Guides spent an evening at the meet- ing of the 2nd Thornhill Guides, accompanied by Leader Mrs. Marg Clouston. The evening’s entertainment was provided by Mrs. Ida Sainsbury, a grandmother who does a lot of hiking. She showed slides of the Bruce Trail and other na- ture walks. Mr. and Mrs. John Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Laird attended a St. Patrick’s dance in Markham, March 17. We and about 10 other people were snowed in the parking lot and had to be towed out â€" on St. Patrick's! March came in like a lamb â€" but it sure is going out like a LION. Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Cameron were married March 21, 1923. at the home of the bride‘s parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Acheson, Dundalk. Present on Saturday were four mem- bers of the wedding party, the bride's brother, Fallis Acheson; and her sisters, Mrs. Nelson Lindsay (Louise) of Kleinburg, who was ac- companied by her three children, Mrs. Margaret Johnston of Markdale and Mrs. Flossie Inkster of Ware- ham. In spite of last Saturday’s storm, almost 250 relatives, friends and neighbors joined Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cameron of Leisure Lane, Richmond Hill. in the George Francis Memorial Hall of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church to celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Main East-West Roads Road Allowance at southern boundary Road Allowance between Lots 5 and 6 Road Allowance between Lots 10 and 11 Road Allowance between Lots 15 and 16 Road Allowance between Lots 20 and 21 Road Allowance between Lots 25 and 26 Road Allowance between Ldts 30 and 31 Road Allowance between Lots 35 and 1 east to Testén Road, in Kleinburg - Stegman’s Mill Westerly from Isling'ton Avenue west to Teston Road, through Nashville - Nashville Road Road Allowance between Concessions 9 and 10 Road Allowance between Concessions 10 and 11 Road north from Highway 50 between Vaughan and Albion Other Roads Road from Islington Avenue Road Allowance Main North-South Roads Road Allowance between Road Allowance between Road_Allowance between Road Allowance between Road Allowance between Road Allowance between Road Allowance between Little 8th Road Little 9th Road Internal Roads THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 22, 1973 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF VAUGHAN BY-LAW NUMBER 26-73 A By-law to Name Highways in the Town of Vaughan. WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Vaughan ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the names shown in the following list be considered the official names for the road allowances described as follows: Notice is hereby given that the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Vaughan has given first and second readings to proposed By-law Number 26-73, as set out below. Consideration will be given to the third and final reading of the said proposed by-law at 2 o’clock pm. on Monday, April 2nd, 1973 in the Council Chambers, Municipal Offices, 2141 Major Mackenzie Drive, Maple. Any person wishing to comment on proposed By-law Number 26-73 should do so by contacting the Clerk at 832-2281 prior to 12 o’clock noon Friday, March 30th, 1973. F. G. JACKMAN, Clerk. READ a FIRST and SECOND time this 5th day of March, 1973. “G. A. WILLIAMSâ€, Mayor “F. G. JACKMANâ€, Clerk READ a THIRD time and finally passed this 1973. NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF THE TOWN OF VAUGHAN Fifty Golden Years between Gifts included eight place settings of gold-plated flat- ware, a set of gold-plated coffee spoons and a gold col- ored crystal bowl, from the family, bouquets from the town, the Order of the East- ern Star, Senior Citizens, friends and family. Mayor William Lazenby presented Mrs. Cameron with a town crest pin and Mrs. Lazenby presented a matching pinto Mr. Cameron. Telegrams c ame from Governor - General Roland Concessions 8 and 9 Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions - Stegman’s Mill Road Albion-Vaughan Road Highway 400 Islington Avenue Highway 27 Highway 50 Steeres Avenue West Highway 7 Langstaff Road Rutherford Road Major Mackenzie Drive Teston Road Kirby Road King-Vaughan Road Bathurst Street Dufferin Street Keele Street Jane Street Weston Road Pine Valley Road Kipling Avenue Martin Grove Road McGillivray Road Simmons Street (Lots 14 and 15) Huntington Road Cold Creek Road Michener and Mr. and Mrs. Allin and Ken from Hawaii; and plaques from the dom- inion government. the On- tario government and Lieu- tenant-Governor Ross Mac- donald. The Camerons have one son, Archie of RR 2, Wood- bridge and two grandson. Ian Archibald, of CHIC, Bramp- ton; and Bruce. a grade 12 student at Langstaff. All ar- rangements for the day were made by the family. (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) G. A. WILLIAMS, Mayor. day of Mayor Clerk