24 The trustees of the York Educational C l i n i c met March 13. and decided to paint their own quarters at Richmond Hill United dur- ing the mid-winter school break. Plans were finalized for the “Celebrity Night" din- ner dance. This year, Oscar Peterson and Gordie Tapp are appearing. There will be dancing to Phil Nimmonds and his band at Bayview Country Club. Steeles Ave- nu‘c April 12. Tickets are available from Carol McDon- ald. 889-2705. Helpmale Information would be delighted to hear from anyone wishing to be- come involved as volunteers in this community. Another training course begins March 26 at Richmond Hill Public Library. 7:30-9:30 pm. Please call 884-2727 for further inâ€" formation. Drivers also are urgenth needed. Neighborhood Notes Come out and enjoy your- selvesâ€"meet other members of your community. Everyâ€" one is welcome to the Flap- jack Fling presented by Ward 6 (Richvalel Centennial Princess Committee at Lang- staft‘ Secondary April 7 from 10 am - 12 noon. Ad- ults, $2. children (under 12! 50c. Food â€"- fun â€" entertain- ment! Please support your local Centennial project and obtain tickets in advance from Marnie Twidaie. 889- 1401: Carol McDonald, 889- 2705: Jessie Wainwright. 884- 1'186: or Shirley Stanley. 884- 4127. i This year Michael scored 86 points for first place in the free bass accordion category and third in the stradella category. He is studying under Glen Sawka at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto and plays with an accordion band which plays at numerous events in the area and has travelled to festivals in other parts of Canada and the US. Michael is also an enthusiastic hockey player, a member of the Thornhill House League All-Star Team, and is active in Scouting. The Lions celebrated St. Patrick's Day with a dance in the 'hall on Spruce Ave- nue. Many turned out to en- joy themselves. despite the Stormy weather. Michael Parkinson, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Parkinson of Courtham Crescent, Thornhill, won two awards at the recent Kiwanis Festival in Toronto. A grade 8 student at Woodland Senior School, Michael has been studyingr accordion for six years. He entered the Kiwanis Music Festival for the first time last year and placed third in his class. . . .. n- . ‘I ‘ A 1 [‘7‘ A _ A reminder about ouchre. next week, (the last Thurs- day of the montm 7:45 pm in the Lions hall. Registration for minor ball for the Rich\'aleâ€"Lang~ staff area of Richmond Hill will be held Saturdays, March 31 and April 7 at Charles Howitt P u b 1 i c Sdhool between the hours of noon and 3 pm. Registra- tions from both boys and girls wishing to play ball this summer will be accept- girls wishing to this summm‘ will ed. Public Library The movie “Cinderellaâ€, a Walt Disney production is being shown as a feature for the Winter Break March 24 at 10 am. Open to allâ€" free of charge. The following new books have just arrived in our branch: The Odessa File by Fred- erick Forsyth, author of the Jackal. The sinister web of an organization that protects former members of the Nazi SS. is exposed. Rule Britannia by Daphne Du Mauricr. Suspense and humor in a tale of future England. united with the United States and an Eng- iishwoman who wants Eng- Two ,4 wards A t Kiwanis Festival THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, March 22, 1973 (IWANIS M RICHVALE RECORD came the mistress of William Randolph Hearst, who gave her everything she wanted but marriage. The Songs of Paul Simon. A collection of words, music and photographs of Simon and Garfunkel. Up Against City Hall by John Sewell. Written pre- 1972 election, this is a fas- cinating story of big-city politics. from the viewpoint of Toronto‘s best-known radical. land‘s independence Smokescreen by Dick Francis. Another topnotch racehorsing story, set in South Africa, with a film star as hero. Marion Davies by Fred Guiles. The story of a Zieg- {ield Follies girl who be- YWCA Mothers' Take A Break activities in Richvale are going great. A group of mothers gathered at the lib- rary March 14 to learn the Rogalsky The following ladiesâ€"Ann Rogalsky, Lilian Sova. June Bernie. Althea Taylor and myself, met at Arm's home March 12 to form a steering committee to plan future events and craft sessions for this group. Marg East. pro- gram coâ€"ordinator felt there were many talents the local ladies have to offer to their community. so that the pro- gram has every chance of expanding. It is to be hoped that many of our new neighbors in the BAIF development. likewise older residents of North and East Richvale. will join us any Friday. 9:30- 11:30 am or the one meet- ing during pre-schooler's story hour Tuesdays, 10:30- 11130 am. Church News Public school religion classes will resume after the winter break, March 27, 4 pm at St. Mary Immaculate School, Trayborn Drive. For those interested in I: FESTIVAL OFH making the trip to Mary Lake, there will be a Ger- man Mass March 25 at 3 pm. Hockey Events Despite sleet, and hail, the crowds turned out tto sup- port the Richvale Minor Hockey League in attending a most attractive bazaar that 1110 following ladies had put so much effort into making a success. Glenda Thorsell, from the BAIF development was convenor. She welcomed everyone in out of the cold with a_hot cup of coffee and pop for the kids, both free of charge. Sue Vorich was kept busy with the refreshments and the sale of raffle tickets. The winners of these were Eileen Jones of RR 2, Markham, clock radio; and L. Lazzar, 39 Elm Drive, Thornhill a 400 day clock. The bake table had a most appetizing array of bread, cakes, pies, and cookies served by Phylis Vorich and Vicki March. Pat Mayhe'w, Jackie Gregorash and Marnie Twidale display- ed a large variety of crafts and knitted items in a most attractive bloat-h. Many of these, creations of Pat‘s mo- ther. were much appreciated. A wide selection of cloth- ing, linens, and household items made the white ele- phant table another inviting one, managed by Lynn Cromb and Joan Celsie. Other popular items for sale were the potted chrysanthe- mums, which gave a color- ful look to the hall. Although I felt the ladies who organized this bazaar deserved great commenda- tion, for their time and ef- forts. they assured me it (Photo by Jack Mitchell) Proposed Amendment No. 5 to The D. Stephenson. Chairman Planning Committee THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL MONDAY 2:30 P..\I. . in th Yonge MARCH l the C0! Elm G: ‘ the 0: Further s Town’s CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GEOFFREY COOK 84 Garden Avenue. Phone 889-4553 The York Educational 'Clinic is sponséring a dinner dance on April 12 at the Bayview Country Club. " The special stars of the evening will be Nimmons ‘n' Nine + 6 for a Big Band Sound to dance by and guest artist Oscar Peterson, the internationally known pian- ist. Television Comedian Gordie Tapp will be the master of ceremonies for the evening. tickets call Mrs. Caroline Cook at 889-4553 after 5. Young people and others who are looking for six weeks of summer employment might be interested in apply- ing to the Richmond Hill Parks and Recreation De- partment for a job as sen- ior leader, assistant leader or junior leader. The sum- mer program will run from July 2 to August 10. Applications should be It will Start at 7 and the sent to A1 White. 56 Yonge During the past six months. Regional Police twice advised local news dealers to remove copies of Penthouse Magazine from their stands or face prosecu- tion because of its alleged obscene material. There were also numerous other thefts in Richmond Hill during the week. A quantity of the maga- zines was taken from a truck belonging to Metro News, Scarboro. which was making deliveries on Yonge Street North in the Oak Ridges area of Richmond Hill, March 14. Playboy Magazine is the latest of its kind to be re- moved from the local scene, but this time York Regional Police can’t be blamed. Playboy Popular With Hoods price is $12.50 pep person The clinic is a school for children with learning 'disa- bilities that was organized eight years ago by a group of parents of such children. It operates in the top floor . ifï¬e above tafent has been donated to this cause. of the United Church of Richmond Hill and is staff- ed by highly qualified per- sonnel and run in co-opera- tion with the Ontario Assoc- iation For Children With Learning Disabilities. The event is the one big fund-raising item of the year and will partially de- fray the costs of the salaries so fees can be lower than they are in Toronto schools and children who need this training can get it even though their parents are in a lower tax bracket. For Nm‘thvale Motors vs W‘ t P Motors 4:50 â€" 5:40 lRaymore Construction v ‘ Suburban lRad 5:40 â€" 6 Bantam and Midget lF. & H. Motors vs Surf ICH 26th. 1973 at a Council Chambers Street North was the generous donations they had received, that made their venture possible, and wished me to thank every- one who had sent contribu- one week hence, is the night of the big hockey dance to wind up the first season, at the Lions hall. Centre Street East, Richmond Hill; featurâ€" ing buffet supper. refresh- ments, door and dance priz- es. $7 a couple. Tickets are available from the execu- tive, or phone me, 889-5787. rine 6:40 - 7:30 Bantam and Midget F. & H. Motors Vs Surf Ma‘ rine 6:40 - 7:30 Loughlin Lumber vs C. C Romano 7:30 - 8:20 H. Rimon, M.T.P.I.C Planning Director PETER SMITH York Home T.V. 306 Bayview Ave. (Plaza) 889-1646 - 884-4165 WORKS IN A DRAWER Color TV from LANGSTAFF NEWS GET 3:50 - ‘ Peewee YOUR vs 6:30 Ma‘ Value of the window $350. was done to several coin * * * boxes and $75 in cash was Dudley Avenue continues taken from Sofspray Carh-o. be :a Romy“. Sips); for Damage amounting to $200} broken. Reitman‘s Ladies Wear. Wash, 76 Bayview Avenue 250 Yonge Street North, had between March 13 and 14, its front window smashed by} Gordon Walker. 52 Hunt someone who pushed a shopâ€"i Avenue, reported the theft 01 pingr cart through it and then two ladders tied to roof racks fled in a red car with a rac- on his car, at the Richmond ing stripe on its hood. Hi1] Arena. March 18. Another in‘cident in the same area resulted in the theft of three women‘s pant suits valued at $100, from a car belonging to Joseph Fish- bein‘, of Toronto. The car was parked on the Richmond Heights Plaza Int at ihe time. Young people and others who are looking for six weeks of summer employment might be interested in apply- ing to the Richmond Hill Parks and Recreation De- partment for a job as sen- ior leader, assistant leader or junior leader. The sum- mer program will run from July 2 to August 10. Applications should be sent to A1 White, 56 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, Ontario. The ladies of the ACW of Emmanuel Church are col- lecting items of clothing, toys and white elephants for their rummage sale to be held on April 7. Mrs. Fran Turtlebui‘y will accept calls to arrange for pick-up at 889-1891. Mrs. Sylvia Hamblyn and Mrs. Joyce Walters have ev- erything ready for the St. Patrick‘s card and euchre party on March 23 in the Parish Hall of Emmanuel Anglican Church, 15 Macâ€" Kay Drive, Richvale. The tickets are $1 at the door and there will be prizes and delicious refreshments. Charles Howitt School is the place for registration of all boys and girls who wish to play minor ball this sum- mer. The dates of registra- tion are March 31 and April 7 from noon to 3 pm. G O L D CIRCLE SAVINGS PINK CIRCLE SAVINGS 29.5 INSTALLED BLUE YELLOW CIRCLE CIRCLE SAVINGS SAVIXGS .55 .55 .95 INS'I'AIJJ‘ZI) INS'I‘;\I.I.I:II) lNSTAH‘E†HUNDREDS or CLEARANCE SAVINGS AT fmstgno COLOR-CODED TO MAKE IT EAS_Y! was thieves in the Thomhill area of Markham. $141 Gordon Walker, 52 Hunt Avenue, reported the theft of two ladders tied to roof racks on his car, at the Richmond Hill Arena. March 18. The ladders were valued at Samuel Miller, 126 Arnold Crescent. told police his house had been broken into between March 17 and 18, and various rooms searched. However. it was not known if anything was taken. At Crosby Heights Senicr Public School. 11 panes of glass valued at $75. were broken. Three residents of an apartment block at 170. re- ported thefts from or dam- age to their cars while they were parked in an under- ground garage at theabove address. STORES Robert Cadwell had $175 worth of tapes taken. while David Hall lost a wallet conâ€" taining his credit cards and other papers. Value $50. John Davis. 111 Welling- ton Street, Markham. report- ed the theft of $340 from his apartment by someone who gained entry through an un- locked window. In the Concord area -of Vaughan, vandals poured sugar in- the gas tanks of six trucks on the premises. caus- ing $1,000 damage. At the Dou'blerink Arenas. a dressing room was broken into and two sets of pads belonging to Thornhill Church hockey team. were stolen sometime during the week. Two lamps valued at $75 in front of the home of Lewis Rice, RR 2, Maple. were smashed by vandals. Richard Thomson. 67 Elm- grove Avenue, Oak Ridges. reported the theft of a tape player and 16 tapes from his car while it was parked at King City Arena lot. Value of the goods is $188 “The Liberal†requires a Correspondent for the Headford area. If you are interested in serving your home communlty and earnlng some extra money then please phone HEADFORD CORRESPONDENT For All Occasions Rice's Flowers RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-1812 Phone 889-1812 - At All Hours - Flowers Wired Anywhere Fill up your fuel tank with our high-heat Fuel Oil. Your whole family will appreciate this qual- ity fuel and the heat-comâ€" fort it affords. IF YOU WANT WARMTH Amp COMFORT, WELL, WERE HERE TO GIVE IT, LET US TELL.’ USED CLOTHING Mon. to Sat. - 9 to 5 at the YWCA RESALE SHOP RAMER FUELS 21 Yonge St‘reet N. Richmond Hill 884-4811 PS. We fused good Used Spring clothing. 189 CENTRE ST. E. 884-1313 RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 250 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 0 884-44 Open Thursday & Friday Evenings ’til 9 pm. 1105 We Deliver to Toronto 8. Surrounding Districts 1 TORONTO women's ' V. $1331" :31.- V ‘1" . .: V: r ; U v C9 Discover a whole new woman's world. Discover the new woman that’s you. Totally fresh. Totally fascinating. Totally feminine. The Toronto Women's Show. New iob concepts for 1he new woman. Gourmet cooking techniques. Spring fashions. Makeup ideas. Travel femures. Browsing and shopping. Music. Books. Sports. All in the elegant, exciting environment of Toronto's newest, most luxurious show spot. Don't ou miss Y THE FOUR SEASONS SHERAYON HOTEL Directly opposite City Hall DOZENS OF EXCITING PRIZES Top prize is a dream vacation for two in sunny Puerto Rico, flying American Airlines and staying at the beautiful Cerromar Ho'el in San Juan. Wed.~Fri., March 21-23, H o.m. till 10:30 pm Saturday, March 24, 10 cm. till 10:30 pm. For further information call 367-0799 884-4401 for ï¬he bigggst chance of savmgs! IT'S A NEW WOMAN'S WORLD