Starting June 22, from 7- 11 pm an intermediate soft- ball tournament will continue on Saturday from 10 am to 9 pm. . Toronto Conference hon- ored the ministers retiring from Toronto Conference May 27. Of the 1'5 retirees only seven attended with their wives. Rev. Martin Jenkinson was asked to speak for a few minutes and Mrs. Jenkinson was presented with a lovely orchid. Rev. Jenkinson completes 42 years as a minister June 7. He was ordained in the Hamilâ€" ton Conference on June 7, 1931. Congratulations Rev. Jenkinson! Community Day Birthday greetings to Mrs. Carl Walker, June 6; Bruce Rumney. 14 years, June 6, Frank Brumwell. June 7; Peggy Ottaway. 15 years, June 8: Sharon Leitch. June 9; June Collard. June 10; This event is being sponâ€" sored by the Victoria Square Lions Club. Give them your support! Neighborhood Notes Carl Walker underwent emergency surgery in York Central Hospital on Thurs- day evening of last week. At this time of writing he ‘is progressing satisfactorily. His room number is 212. ‘How about a card to him help him return to better health! On Saturday there will be games, dunking machine. pony rides, chicken barbecue supper, from 5-7 pm. Dance from 9 pm to midnight, with Frank Barkey supplying the music. There will also be a euchre game for those who do not dance. A 50-50 draw will take place. Snack bar all day. Remember the bi-annual re-union of the Victoria Square Young People‘s Un- ion to be held in the com- munity centre June 16 at 3 pm. Please bring a main course or dessert. Tea and coffee will be provided. Bring along pictures of days gone by. The annual community day will be held June 23 from 10 am to midnight. A pot luck luncheon will be held June 15 at 1 pm in the Sunday School in honor of Mrs. Blanche Tatton who is going to make her home in an apartment in Rich- mond Hill at the end of June. All friends and rela- tives are invited to attend. in the Sunday school when meeting old friends was en- joyed by all. Guest organist was Miss Carol MacFadden, and guest soloist was Mervin Pickering. Following the service a pot luck luncheon was held The annual memorial serv- ice was held Sunday morn- ing with a large attendance. Rev. Martin Jenkinson was in charge. Church News I’ve never mentioned our school band, and I’m ashamed of it because they’re a darn good band. So many other programs have been on, and at the time it was important that they had as much advertisement as possible, so as a result the band hasn’t been mentioned. Music plays a big role in school and even more so if they’re good stuff. Like Bayview’s band. 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Mewâ€"7,4973- Revelation 73, Wednesday After noon and Evening Our Annual Folk Arts Festival Revelation ’73 took place Wednesday afternoon and evening. Among the displays were painting, sculpturing and varied handcrafts. Entertainment was pro- vided by our folksingers and our Bayview Band played in the evening from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. In the evening we roasted a pig on a spit with baked potatoes, salads and a number of desserts. Admission to the festival was 25c with student card, 50c without student card, and 50c for par- ents and friends. Cost for the dinner was $2.00. A fun-filled day and evening was enjoyed by all. If your still considering summer school it’s still not too late to sign up. In this type of organ- ization, you come first and foremost. Contact the Guidance Office for any questions you might ave. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS The BIac/r And Red CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE RR. 2, Gormley â€" Telephone 887-5421 BAYVIEW’S VERY OWN By RUTH BOLTON ï¬ayview Secondary Correspondent (Telephone 773-5184) SUMMER SCHOOL Will the ladies please meet at the community hall by 1:45 pm in order to go to Markham to take a tour of the museum. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hamil- ton are having open house. June 10 from 2-7 pm for all their friends from Victoria‘ Square and area at their new home at 178 Park Ave- nue. Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. John Lenz of Cleveland, Ohio, called on George Joyce and Mr. and Mrs. John McCague re- cently on their way to their summer home at Temagami. Woman‘s Institute The date of the June meet- ing of the WI' has been changed from June 12 to June 26. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Well- man and family of Omemee and Miss Vera Nichols 0tf Toronto had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil “Nichols. Wedding. anniversary greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Don Matthews, married 26 years, June 3; to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, married 30 years, June 8; to Mr. and Mrs. Don Boynton, married 11 years, June 9. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ham- ilton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hamilton and Vincent had dinner Monday evening of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols, the occasion being Don’s birthday. Mrs. Doris Pickering, June 14. ._I_._ VANDERMAAS, SEALED TENDERS, properly marked as to contents and addressed to Mr. R. Lynett, Clerk, Municipal Offices, 56 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill, Ontario, will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 NOON, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1973 for the supply of all labour, materials and equipment for the application of surface treatment materials on existing treated and asphalt roads, in various locations in the Town of Richmond Hill. General specifications relative to this con- tract shall be in accordance with the current D.H.O. Form 304, Specifications for Surface Treatment. Information and tender forms may be secured from the office of the Clerk, Municipal Building, Richmond Hill. A marked cheque, equal to 10% of the tender amount shall accompany the tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Works Engineer 4TH ANNUAL VICTORIA SQUARE DISTRICT SATURDAY, JUNE 23, I973 AT Victoria Square Community Centre 18th Avenue at Don Mills Road Town of Richmond Hill WORKS DEPARTMENT TENDER FOR SURFACE TREATMENT COMMUNITY DAY Intermediate Softball Barbecue Supper Children’s Games Euchre Pony Rides Dance 50-50 Draw Sponsd‘red By Victoria Square District Lions Club “Noon-p Softball Distance Throwâ€" junior girls, Maryanne Far- etis, Leigh Melinyshyn, Janet S'hotput â€" junior girls, Mary Rucas, Sharon Heaps, Lorraine Morris; junior boys, Steven Tuckey, Jamie Walk- er, Bradley Scott; intermedi~ ate girls, Lorraine Dysart, Cindy McLean. Johanna Adams; intermediate boys, Blair McBride, Janne Heimo, Robert Peters;.senior girls, Linda Willey, Sandra Cur- rie, Karen Laine; senior boys, Danny Tuckey, Ernie Claringbold and Harry Ab- lett. High Jump â€"â€" junior girls, Fanny Strumas, Alexa Foth- eringham, Sharon Heaps; junior boys, Warren Butt, Cameron Faulds. Mark Ir- win; intermediate girls, Ann Rozycki, Cathy Butt, Linda Buccaiwohio; intermediate boys, Paul Kallicrages, Tony Bryan, Robert Peters; senior girls, Barbara Pearse, Linda Willey. Uta Sinv-anni; senior boys, Danny Tuckey, Wayne Silvera and Robert Wahub. xRunning Long Jump â€"â€" junior girls. Lorraine Mor- ris; Janet Jones, Sylvia 'Hunt; junior boys, Graham Carl, Cameron Faulds. Paul Scho- field; intermediate girls, Lor- raine Dysart, Ann Rozycki, Barbara Browning; interme- diate boys, Paul Kallicrages, Janne :Heimo, Jerry Lanzil- lotte; senior girls, Christine Landry, Linda Willy, Bar- bara Pearse; senior boys, Charles Dalli, Doug Izwane. Jeff Easun. Standing Jump â€"â€" junior girls, Fanny Strumas, Elaine Chiu, Maryanne Fraretis; junior boys, Gra’ham Carl, David Akler. Warren \Butt; intermediate girls, Serena Simpson, Barbara Browning, Pa t ti Jones: intermediate boys, Paul Kallicrages, Nor- man Carrotte, Robert Peters; senior girls, Wendy Boos, Kathy Hancock, Karen Mac- lellan; senior boys, Richard Claringfbold. Danny Tuckey, Craig Vincent. Hop, Step and Jump â€" junior girls, Carolyn King, Elaine Chiu, Sylvia Hunt; junior boys, Warren Butt, Steven Tuckey, Mark Irwin; intermediate girls. Angela Comella, Joy Barrinvgton, Leslie Myers; intermediate boys. Tony Bryan, Darrel Wallingford, Mike Moore; senior girls. Wendy Brown- ing, Lila. Mantenuto, Bar- bara Pearse; senior boys, Tom Aloia, Charles Dalli. Danny Tuckey. Individual champions at the E. J. Sand School’s track and field meet May 24 and 25 are: Fanny Strumas, jun- ior girls; Graham Carl, jun- ior 'bOYS; Lorraine Dysart, intermediate girls; Paul Kal- licrages, intermediate boys; Linda Willey, senior girls; and Danny Tuckey, senior boys. Winners in the e v e n ts were: Many Winners At E. J. Sand Pupils Vie In Track & Field Clerk R. LYNETT 220 Yard Dash (interme- diates and seniors only) â€" intermediate girls. A n g e l Comellia, Joy Barrington, Lorraine Dysart; intermedi- ate boys, Jerry Lanzillotte, Robert Peters, Mike Moore; senior girls, Kathy Gregor- ish, Maureen Hunt, Karen Laine; senior boys, Craig Vincent, Brian Jones and Roland Wineman. 100 Yard Dash â€" junior girls, Alexa Fotheringham, Melodie Phinnemore, Elaine Ohiu; junior boys, Graham Carl, John Sheridan, Paul Perrow; intermediate girls, Ann Rozycki, Angela Chiu. Francy Dugan: intermediate boys, Norman Carrotte, Ro'b- ert Peters, Jerry Lanzillotte; senior girls, Barbara Pearse, Wendy Boos, Christina Lan- dry; senior boys, Craig Vin- cent, Tom Aloia, Ernie Clar- ingbold. I Relay Racesâ€"junior girls, Mary Rucas, Maryanne Far- etis, Fanny Strumas, Janet Jones; junior boys. Mark Irwin, Warren Butt, Paul Perrow, Danny Alberico; intermediate girls, Angela Comella, Linda Buccaichio, Joy Barrington, Suzanne Mudie; intermediate boys, Ron Burkhart, Matt Meliny- shyn, Darrel Wallingford; senior girls, Sandra Burk- hart, Matt Melinyshyn, Dar- rel Wallingford; senior girls, Sandra Currie, Lena Chap- pell, Eva Kalman, Lecia Gregorish; senior boys, Brian Jones, Danny Tuckey, Craig Vincent, Stephen Linton. 60 Yard Race (juniors only) â€" girls, Alexa Fother- ingham, Janet Jones, Elaine Ohiu; boys, Graham Carl, John Sheridan, Paul Perrow. 440 Yard Dash â€"â€" boys open, Jeff Easun, Paul Kalli- crages, N o r m a n Carrotte; girls open, Tina Berta, Chris- tine Landry, Nancy Cameron. Softball Accuracy Throwâ€" junior girls, Fanny Strumas, Maryanne Faretis, Rosaria Puopolo; junior boys, War- ren Butt, Bradley Scott. Steven Tuckey; intermediate girls, Lorraine Dysart, Bar- bara Browning, Angela Chiu; intermediate ‘boys. Mike Moore, Norman Carrotte, Tony Bryan; senior girls, Luanne Burda. Len Chap- pell, Christine Landry; sen- ior boys. Stephen Lin-ton, Donalda Brown, Harry Ab- lett. Jones; junior boys. Cameron Faulds, Steven Tuckey, Richard Quirk; intermediate girls, Joanne Adams, Cathy Butt, Ann Rozycki; interme- diate boys, Norman Carrotte, Mike Moore, Paul Kalli- crages; senior girls, Linda Willey, Karen Laine, Luanne Burdo; senior boys. Richard Claring‘bold, Danny Tuckey, Ernie Claringbold. Phone 884-2338 Open Daily 44 LEVENDALE RD., RICHMOND HILL LOCAL TIME c'm FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1973 All Contractors will be asked to provide proof in writing of Workman’s Compensation cov- erage and also if successful, proof of a mini- mum $200,000. liability and property damage insurance. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. J. Marvin Hunter S. L. G. Chapman Chairman Director of Education HANK SMIT Photography Sealed Tenders will be received until 4 pm. LOCAL TIME on THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1973, for the Interior and Exterior Painting of Schools belonging to the York County Board of Education. Specifications and Tender Forms may be ob- tained from the Purchasing Department, 22 Church Street, Aurora, after 1:00 pm. rnï¬ ' my..-“ sp lARGE INSTANT PHOTO $12.95 IN FRAME PASSPORT PICTURE PAINTING CONTRACTORS YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Administrative Offices, 22 Church Street, Aurora, Ontario. Local Tel. 884-8131 or 889-0660, 887â€"5931 and 727-3141 WE SPECIALIZE IN CHILD PHOTOGRAPHY Ready in a few minutes $4.95 Following the service, the congregation went to Bruce's Mill Conservation Area for the annual picnic. There were hot dogs and hamburg- ers served by the men, and At Browns Corners United Church Rev. Allen Hallett preached a special memorial day service. IMrs‘. Marguerite Jones sang a solo accompa- nied by Mrs. Don Reesor. Flowers in the chancel were presented by members of the Brown family and Mrs. Gor- don Spring. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mil- ler, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stats and their guests Mr. and Mrs. Tom Popham were among those who attended the mem- orial day service at Melville Church Sunday. Mrs. Patri- cia (Patterson) Moss was in the choir. Edgar Tooley called last week to pass along the good word that although the fam- ily has moved from the area he is still in the lawn spray- ing business hereabouts. He may still be reached through his son at Agincourt. Church News Hank Coleman is limping after a fall at the cottage last weekend, but it could have been much worse. He slipped down a rocky bank, caught his feet between stones and pitched headfirst into the lake. Fortunately Mrs. Coleman was there to hold his head above water until he was freed. This week, for the first time in almost 150 years there are no Browns at Brown‘s Corners (corner of Highway 7 and Don Mills Road). Late last week Mrs. John Brown moved from the farm to Markhamâ€"the end of an era. Seeding is extremely late this year, for this area. Only a few farmers remain in business, but these have many hundred acres under cultivation on rented land. Ordinarily seeds would be in by‘mid-May, but 1973 with its'long rainy season is prov- ing difficult. The Unionville Festival was a great drawing card on Saturday. The Halletts were there with their house guest Mrs. Dwight Finlayson of Sidney. Nova Scotia. So was Mrs. Alf Miller and many others. Antique shops were a great drawing card and the old steam locomotive brought back memories of days when Unionville's only link with the world was the old Grand Trunk Railway. Debbie Hood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hood, has completed her university years at Trent and hopes to take her fourth year biology at Sheffield, England. In the meantime she is working at the Centre for Forensic Sci- ences in Toronto. Neighborhood Notes Buttonvi/Ie Community Happenings CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF ' Hwy. 11, BRADFORD - South Side of Bridge F 775-6151 â€" From Dawn ’til Dusk I h‘I‘I“‘I‘I‘I‘II E/RIVERVIEW MARINA: ""“““'i‘_‘ï¬i afterward a program of games and races. Mrs. Marguerite Jones and the junior choir at Brown’s Corners United Church are practising for a spring con- cert to be held June 27 at the church. Proceeds are for the junior choir. Airport Study Completed An independent study of the impact of expansion at Buttonville Airport on the surrounding area is nearing completion and will be pre- sented shortly to residents, although no date has been set for a hearing. THE CLARIDGE 011-304 Black Matrix Picture Tube Each Night will feature Different Highlights ADMISSION $1.00 REFRES 7k DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF RUDY MEEKS of Orillia (Modern and Olde Tyme) {‘3 VINCE MOUNTFORD of Brampton MASTER OF CEREMONIES $17 JUDGING OF FINALISTS IN BEARD GROWING CONTEST (at 8:30 RM.) {3 MONTE CARLO and GAMES OF CHANCE FRIDAY, JUNE 22: THURSDAY, JUNE 21: FOOD! FOOD! FOOD! WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20: :27 OFFICIAL OPENING BY HIS WORSHIP MAYOR WILLIAM LAZENBY AT 8:30 P.M. if DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF “THE HI-HATS†a local group <33 MONTE CARLO and GAMES OF CHANCE {If DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF TERRY WHELAN’S “HUGH AND YOU KNOW WHO’ UAK R 3 BIG NIGHTS! RICHMOND HILL TV MONTE CARLO and GAMES 0F CHANCE a local group CENTENNIAL F EST IVA L 28 LEVENDALE ROA D RICHMOND HILL T315 Wednesday, June 20 Thursday, June 21 Friday, June 22 106 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL (6 PM. TO 1 AM.) DGES * RICHMOND HILL * AREA LIONS Phone 294-5290 .The study was compiled by consultants hired by the Town of Markham Flaming Committee. According to findings. noise would be “slightly†more significant than airport statistics would indicateâ€"and most signifi- cant at the end of the north- west runway extending over into Richmond Hill. It is also expected that traffic on the northeast runway would increase due to a greater number of twin-engine air- craft at the field. although it is felt this could be 're- stricted GOING FISHING PIKE OR PICKEREL? 1;,LEC'I‘ROHOME 0 Automatic Tint Y 0 Automatic Control 0 Automatic Fine Tuning 0 Automatic Colour Level Control for BAIT and I TACKLE I Oï¬LY ) 26" COLOR TV FOR ONLY An Excellent Degree of Excellence SOUTH BLOCK 3 WMABURGERS For Only One Dollar THIS THUR., FRI. 8. SAT. JUNE‘Zth, 8th *8. 9th $ .95 EVEN - WITH 1mg Just North of Richmond Heights Centre 88-1-8911 300 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL 1 Year Service & Parts Warranty 2 Year Picture Tube Warranty FANTASTIC SPECIA (at this _loc_ation onlff REGULAR 55‘ EACH 884-7456 REFRESHMENTS Drive - In EVEN LESS WITH YOUR. TRADE BHVALE