Engineering I Carpentry Outside lighting maintenance Equipped with ladder work. All commercial, residential and industrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. VAN DYK - Aborist 884-7774 RANDY HOULE ELECTRIC RAMER ELECTRIC Mister Transmission Ltd. 9677 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL R. P. (Bob) ROSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 ., By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour Residential & Commercial Wiring LEONARD R. ROSENBERG 8: ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants 887-5720 - 889-2741 84 Yonge St. S. Aurora, Ontario 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 7, 1973 J oscelyn, Layghlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 121 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-4474-5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharinet, Ont. 684-1177 Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists Finlay Electric Electric Heat & Custom Wiring Specialist Brian H. Cowen SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 Yonge Street North Phone: 889-8275 - 884-8651 Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL , 884-1993 Auto Transmission Bus. 884-7547 Res. 884-1395 Residential Wiring Free Estimates DAYS - 884-1313 EVGS. - 884-3998 Electrical Contractors 889-6662 r Chartered Accountants CUSTOM WORK Emergency Service FREE ESTIMATES Call any time STEAMFITTING WELDING Forestry 881-2509 884-6663 C.C.M. 8.: Raleigh Bicycles I ’ Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of , Sporting Goods I 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 [Optometrists l Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363-3959 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop RICHMOND HILL 884-9295 884-9296 889-5729 Furniture, Office Supplies, Social Stationery Monday to Thursday 8:30 am. to 5 pm. Friday 8:30 am. to 8:30 pm. Close Saturday 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Ernie Brock & Son Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. Telephone 7 27 -9488-9 Authorized Consumers’ Gas Contractors Corner Agency Limited COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 or 832-2445 Res. 832-1224 A. W. Kirchen, FURNACES â€" WATER HEATERS AND A IR CONDITIONING H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Fire, Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Res. 727-2737 Rear 47 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Air Conditioning 24 hour service to all of York County HEATING and 16 Yonge Street North w Heating Co. 889-0506 - 884-7977 Sporting Goods By Appointment Insurance 884-3962 MAC NEWMARKET: Parking will be banned on the west side of Main Street from Millard Avenue to Timothy Street on a six-month trial basis. town council decided recently. Council also voted to make Niagara Street one way south from Davis Drive to Millard. NOTICE TO CREDITORS And OTHERS All claims against the estate of William Henry. late of the Town of Richmond Hill, in the Regional Municipality of York. who died on or about April 9th, 1973, must be filed with the undersign- ed on or before July 6th, 1973, thereafter the under- signed will distribute the assets of the said estate hav- ing regard only to the claims then filed. DATED at Richmond Hill, this 6th day of June, 1973. Mary McNee Smith Henry, Executrix, by her solicitors, I TV Service Snug as a hug?! STUART PARKER AND ASSOCIATES, 50 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, Ontario. by PETER SMITH York Home TV PHONE Just send us your name and address and we'll mail you a tow free copies of tho Monltor without obllgation. Judged the most lair newspaper in the us. by professional Journalists themselves. A leading international daily. One of the top three newspapers in the world according to journalistic polls. Winner oi over 79 major award. In the last five years, including three Pulitzer Prlzes. Over 3000 new:- paper editors read the. “Monitor. whammy-c! cuneWaéonhom canihelp to on. tho Mrs. Joyce Clark 349 KerSWell Dr., Richmond Hill 884-1940 (And other Makes) Gdlhcrtodq‘ COLOR QUASAR TV SERVICE : Mrs. Watters Thornhill 881-0917 889-1646 The following birth announcement appeared in the alumni newsletter sent out by Abilene Christian College: “After waiting seven years for Maxwell House to perk, we decided to try Instant.†Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maxwell adopted twin girls. Why not some form of identification for the patient who leaves the optometrist’s after drops are inserted in the eyes ?. Patients are not only effected by sunlight, but cannot always see to walk straight. We know of one high school stu- dent who could have been labelled as on LSD . . .'due to the dilation of pupils and uncertainty of action. IT’S NEWS TO ME Here’s an oddity: College students under con- tract to Manpower this summer will receive $90 a week . . . and are not able to accept employ- ment from other sources, even if work is avail- able. What gives? HOW’S THAT? I overheard the following on the subway on a Thursday am: “This is the fourth day this week I’ve been late to the officeâ€, a girl in her early twenties told her companion (also late?). “It’s a form of protest against all-male manage- mentâ€!? ' NOTE TO OPTOMETRISTS CLINCHER I didn’t realize so many other people had had, or still have “the fear of flyingâ€. Watched a film of a whole jet flight of such travellers on Channel 2 recently. These people are attending flight classes . . . also learning to sit in ’planes without too much evidence of their former fears . and eventuallyitaking off and landing. Yours truly had the same f.o.f., once upon a time. How did I become a cure? I said my pray- ers and went up in 3 Cherokee PA 28 B . . . with my son . . . just after he got his private pilots license. After that it was like walking into a theatre . . . when I entered a jet ’plane. BREATHES THERE A MAN Capt. Edward Shoschain, who was “piloting†the group . . . said, “Flying is so safe I brought along my wife. But don’t all run over to my wife and ask to sit with her . . . she’s going to sit with me.†Are due: when a gas bar attendant . . . checking the oil . . . notices your fambelt is just about worn through _. . >. and tells you. It is hard to reahze that these “fenï¬nine†women onceâ€"in time of warâ€"cheerfully tackled men’s jobs with no protest marches demanding special recognition and it is to their eternal credit that, once peace returned after confhch these ladies vvere content to resurne ï¬fe as rnoth- ers and helpmates to war weary vets, cheerfully embracing domesticity with the same fervor with which they tackled their service duties . . . AND “HTH EQUAL SUCCESS 1‘ ll * * * THANKS FLYING JITTERS? (Continued from Page 2) own ladies and compare this with the usual grim visages of those who agitate for soâ€"called “equality†with men . . . as a mere male . . my soul rejoices in the knowledge that there still exists, in this world, a large number of women who deserve the homage and respect of all men in every walk of life. 3-theled summer fun motorized tri-sport machines Toro, John Deere, Canadiana, Lawnboy, Wheelhorse (Sunbeam Electrics $39.95) Tractors, Riders, Tillers, Chainsaws, Yardman Silent Hand Mowers, Keystone Minibikes, Gitane Handmade (French) Bicycles 10-speed $129.95 Big Discount on Snowblowers, Snowmobiles Chrysler Outboards and Boats, Peterborough Boats All Power Equipment set up and serviced when you buy “REMEMBER â€" PURCHASE WHERE YOU CAN GET SERVICE†Parts for most makes â€" 28 franchises to serve you 8:30 pm. 8:30 In The Spotlight =3goa-m- REID LAWNMOWER SMALL ENGINES REPAIRED AND SERVICED 210 MARKHAM ROAD Precision Chainsaw Sharpening All Work Guaranteed For Season Jerry Pritchard of Stan- ton Pipe outlined the two types of conversion possible in the manufacture of pipe as: soft conversionâ€"where the existing dimensions of the pipes will be retained but the measuramemts converted into metric; or hardâ€"where the diameters of the pipe are changed which would create a major problem for the manufacturer and municipal- ities. This alternative might increase the Canadian manu- facturer's opportunities to sell on the world market, but this would be limited by high production costs per unit caused by the limited Cana- dian market. “We are geared to go met- ric whenever you are," he said. As far as meters are con- cerned,‘ Mr. Silk foresaw no great amount of change ne- cessary, although it has to be kept in mind that though there is no Canadian legisla- tion on metrication, the met- ric commission has fairly def- initely said there will be no subsidization of costs. They will ’be born by industry and municipalities just as they have been in the United Kingdom and other coun- tries, It would also require the stocking and use of adapter pieces when existing mains have to be repaired, tapped or extended. It might also entail replacement of pumps. flange pieces and valves in older lines and could result in a smaller carrying capac- ity. “Tell us what you want,†he urged. “Let’s be the pace- maker this time. The U.S.A. is not doing anything at pres- ent and we could well lead the way." On display were many products needed by water- works departments â€" plastic pipes, couplings. fittings, shut-off locators, etc. Of particular interest to people of Richmond Hill was the Neptune Meter display of its ARB systems, at present being installed in this mu- He told the group that Canadians will have to make up their minds in the very near future. “We need to be- gin the process of change as soon as possible. To date it is voluntary within the guide- lines set out by the metric commission but it is import- ant to the waterworks indus- try that local municipalities unanimously decide now the way they want to .go." SAFETY Featured at the morning session was a talk on the In- dustrial Safety Act, with em- phasis being placed on the need for a standard size of manhole large enough to al- low a reasonably sized man wearing breathing equipment to pass through to work on watermains. Suitable equip- ment was on display as well as a blower which could be used to dissipate poisonous and explosive gases which might be present. METRICATION Ken Silk of Neptune Met- ers. Toronto. spoke on Metri- cation, pointing out that Can,- ada and the USA. are the only remaining major indus~ trial countries who have not as yet adopted the metric system as the standard for weights and measures and that the U.S.A. is expected to pass the necessary legis- lation this fall for the changeover within the next 10 years. 100 Delegates Come To Hill For Waterworks Conference More than 100 delegates registered at the Central Ontario Waterworks Conference Spring Meeting held at the Black Hawk Inn May 30. They came from neighboring municipalities and included one man from Wisconsin. The Town of Richmond Hill hosted a luncheon with Mayor Lazenby extending greetings to the delegates. Also present were Councillors Graeme Bales, Bales, Charles Stewart, William Corcoran and Lou Wainwright and Regional Councillor Lois Hancey along with several members of the town staff. DISPLAYS 884-7716 884-9001 Chairman of the confer- ference was Jim McKichan of Mississauga. Vice-Chair- man Fred Bovaird of Rich- mond Hill was in charge of all arrangements and did a creditable job. Dave Ground of Richmond Hill is also on the executive as a director. After luncheon, demon- strations were carried out on the tapping of plastic pipe and installation of a hydrant, fol- lowed by a guided discussion on the subjects dealt with during the conference. At some time in the future, it is hoped that a computer in a central office will be able to automatically read thousands of meters over telephone lines and then pre- pare the bills. ing data The system adds to the conventional water meter lo- cated in the basement of a building a weatherproof re- ceptacle on an exterior wall which is wired to the water meter. The meter reader. in- serts the contact points of a gunvlike gadget, pushes but- tons and reads the same numbers ‘as appear on the water meter on a dial in a box he holds in his hand. He records these numbers after the account number in a book. This is an interim serv- ice only. When the whole municipal- ity is on the Neptune system. a more sophisticated "box" will be used on which the meter readings will .be re- corded on a magnetic tape which may then be fed into a computer which will make out the water bills to be sent to the users. It is claimed this will cut dowu on the hours of meter reading and completely elim- inate human errors in read- The system will eliminate callbacks. difficulty in reach- ing the water meter to record its reading, eliminate esti- mated bills and improve cus- tomer relations. nicipality. All new services are being installed with the ARB equipment and a gradw a1 installation in existing services will see the whole town on the system in about four yeais, it is estimated. R1 R2 RMl RM2 RM3 RM4 RM5 RM6 GC GCR NC HC DC l-Cl 1-C2 0 D SP Single family detached dwelling Single family detached dwelling Single family detached, semi-detached, duplex, triplex & double-duplex dwellings Maisonette. row-house, and Multiple dwellings Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment General Commercial General Commercial and dwelling units that are integral part of building Neighbourhood Commercial Highway Commercial District Commercial and dwelling units forming integral part of building Industrial and Commercial Industrial and Commercial Agricultural, golf courses Single family dwelling, agriculture, golf course, parks Single family detached dwelling Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section and Section and Section and Section .2 . .3 .4 .5 and Section 6 and Section 7 and Section 8 and Section 9 and Section 2 and Section- 3 and Section 4 5 6 2 3 a and Section and Section and Section on 44d QQQGQG a came» a and Section and Section 8. nd Section 5 0 and Section 5 11 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 l 1 1 . 6 6 6 8 8 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 1 There is also indicated on the zoning map certain areas in which other symbols in brackets are added to one or more of the above symbols. The symbol in brackets indicates the proposed eVentual use for the land when satisfactory municipal services are available and a by-law re-zoning the lands is passed. In the meantime the symbol not in brackets indicates the present permitted use. .__..-_ ___.,. __-_. __ -“V A summary of the symbols and of the major uses permitted each zone is set out below and reference should be made to the appropriate section to deter- mine the minimum lot sizes, frontages. yards, etc. If the use 15 remdential then reference should also be to the general provisions of Section 6. If. the use is commercial then reference should also be made to the general provisxons of Sec- tion 7. If the use is industrial then reference should also be made to the general provisions of Section 8. SYMBOL ____V -.., -_.- -4 u... - ..... _.-_..-__‘.w_- mAï¬aéhe-c‘imia .thc by-law as Scha-ihle “A†is a ibnihg map. in order to ascertain the use permitted on a parcel of land reference should be made to the map to ascertain the symbol imposed on the area; in which thellpag‘cel IS lgcated. If you do not attend and are not represented at this hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings. DATED at Richmond Hill this 22nd day of May, 1973. The lands affected by this by-law are all of the lands within the Town of Richmond Hill except those lands which were formerly part of the Townships of King, Markham, Vaughan and Whitchurch and annexed to the Town of Richmond Hill as_of January lst, 1971 by the Regional Municipality of York Act'. 1970. ,A,J_~ 4A THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Tuesday, the 26th day of June, 1973, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon (local time) at Richmond Hill High School Auditorium, 51 Wright Street in the Town of Richmond Hill for the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or opposing this application. IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 35 OF THE PLANNING ACT RM3 RM4 RM5 RM6 and recording meter IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill for approval of its Restricted Area By-Law 66-71 pas- sed the 30th day of August, 1971. EXPLANATORY NOTE FOR BY-LAW NO. 68-7! ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD PERMITTED USE APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING WCTORM and GREY VI [/1 U1 [III and UHDI TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL (R.S.O. 1970, C349) smut SAVINGS 0" ORIGINAL ou FMNTINGS muunsr a summp run In: gyms moms mu “Mummy†__ .A 622SHEPPARD AVEW. l L, hgsï¬ggEElESAVEIASIW I (mmmnb30-2643 oflï¬gayvjew' 221-5787 _ uouusnmv: tum}. mus. m. was. ya 9‘ A! THE FRAME UP we don’t say we invented framing but we sure improved on it. We work at it constantly. OVER 2,000 FRMK SNAKES ____ FRAMES from 25% OFF SA VE 7% SALES TAX WitTo to choose from BUMPER STLCKERON YOUR CAR â€" ENOUIRE NOW o ovus o cmcus o if‘NDiELE NEEDlEPOINT â€" TAPESTRIES blocked & stretched at cost THE FRAME UP -and- On Special Savings Accounts as of June 1. The senior Trust C ompany devoled emirer to serving (he people of Ontario. )m an»... ‘F {ï¬ï¬féï¬s 25% OFF Sféï¬i‘is 2 Locations to Serve You the frame and pictura people Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section R. LYNE’I'I‘, Clerk REFER TO 8.2 and Section 8 8.3 and Section 8 9 and Section 5 10 and Section 5 amisiï¬kvsm: Fifif'il'ï¬ï¬Ã©â€˜ FREE! REGULAR GlASS Office Hours: Tues. - Thurs. 9:30 am. â€" 4:30 p.111. Fri. 9:30 am. - 6:30 11.11:. Sat. 9 2.m. to Noon Willi-M Ha}: and Section and Section and Section and Section and Section and Section 884-1107 mairo om: