Rural landowners looking for ways to improve their acreage will find The Metro Conservation Authority has some sound ideas for assist- ing them. The authority's land man- agement staff will hold its annual conservation assist- ance tours at Palgrave For- est and wildlife area on June 9 (between 10 am and 3 pmv. The program is for property owners with 10 acres or more within the watersheds of this authority. Conservation Tour Rural Landowners The icomprehensive con- servation program will offer property owners opportunity 4.1- .._ r..,.. V to discuss their problems and ways that they can im- plement a program similar to that being carried out by the authority in its conserva- tion areas. The program ,will cover such things as refores- tation. shrub row planting. stream - bank stabilization and stream and pond man- agement. Many farm properties in the Toronto area have been purchased for non-agricul- tural purposes and the assist- ance program will be of par- ticular help to these owners. For more information please contact Metro Con- servation at 630-9780. Gambol'g Lamb Gives Welcome A one-time Richmond Hill resident who figured in a bi- zarre stabbing incident here in 1967. has been charged in the death of an eleven-year- old Cobourg area girl. Gary Leo Genereaux. 29. of Trenton. was charged ‘by On- tario Provincial Police with the stabbing murder of Mich- elle Keogh, who was found dead by her parents several hours after leaving a school bus last week near their home in the Grafton district. The child had been strangl- ed and stabbed through the heart. In January. 1967. Mrs. Evelyn Thompson of Rich- mond Hill, was working in the Village Pizza Bar. Yonge Street South, when a lone customer attacked her, stab- bing her three times in the neck. Police picked up Gener- eaux the next day at his Lorne Street rooming house and charged him in the stab- bing incident. Figured In Hill Stabbing, Charge Man Child's Death Mrs. Thompson fought off her assailant. but not before he tried to knock her head against the wall. Mrs. Thompâ€" son screamed. and Bill Mc- Mullen. a security guard. and now court attendant at the Provincial Court House in Richmond Hill. who was coming to the pizza bar to pick up an order. chased the man, but lost him. He subsequently was con- victed and received eight years. He was out on parole from a federal penitentiary at the time of the Cobourg stabbing. A pet lamb greeted about 50 women. composing the executive and all presidents of United Church Women within York Presbyterial as they met at the home of Mrs. Jean Nauta. Lemon- ville. May 23. It was a per- fect start to the meeting held in the beautiful country home with its many early Canadiana antiques. In the chair was President Mrs. Jean Rumble of Head- ford and the worship service was conducted by Mrs. Mar- ion Starr of RR 1 Gormiey. It was announced that a bursary fund has been start- ed for Camp Big Canoe. that June 12 will bring a rally in Ravenshoe Church with the theme to be “Good News. Let's Proclaim it". The lad- ies were urged to do some- thing about Sunday shop- ping. “Write your MP and let him know how you feel about it," was the adVice given. Smaller groups under the leadership of prospective vice-presidentsâ€"Dr. Margar- cl Arkingstall of Queens- ville, Mrs. Liz Flucker of‘ King City. Mrs. Marion Starr of Gormley and Mrs. Mary Warren of Zephyr â€" were formed for discussions. Ideas from each UCW were exchanged and discussed. including free will giving, family services. Bible study. Key 73. mission study and money-making events. ' NEWMARKET: Traffic lights for the intersection of Lorne Avenue and Eagle Street will be installed as soon as the reconstruction of Lorne is complete. regional councillor Ray Twinney told council. Lights for two other town inâ€" tersections. Main and Walter Street. and Lundy's Lane. Prospect and Davis Drive, are under study. At noon a delicious pot luck luncheon organized by Mrs. Margaret Jeffrey and Mrs. Iva Evans was enjoyed. Mrs. Muriel Graham of Au- rora extended the thanks of the group to the hostess and those who contributed to the luncheon. After reports by members of the executive. the group was reminded that for the next two years the mission study is to be “Mission Im- possible â€"â€" Unless". A&P WEO FOOD STORES Open Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Nights Until 9:00 P.M. 105 Yonge St. N., RICHMOND “Ill. 8190 Bayview Ave., THORNHILI. â€"- -nnxa Danish Réspbe", JANE PARKER, COFFEE CAKES _ A _ Sweet Roli; Chqcolote Brownies JANE PARKER, PINEAPPLE Cherry Pie JANE PARKER Lemon Pi; JANE um: (r... JANE PARKER, MEIINGUE 'N Sweet ‘N Good TOPPED (Buy full 8-inch, 22-01 pie Stand to En!) (Action "ICED; full 8-inch, 24-02 pie 15~oz foil tray 5 ' 2 rates â€"â€" s"; Pkgs of 8 Pkg of 6 (SAVE 10:) (SAVE 10:) (SAVE 6c) 53¢ 17:) MARVEL BRAND, SUCED Twin Rolls Cheese Bréad 3 12.02 JANE PARKE! JANE PARKER, SUCED JANE Ball Donutrsm JANE PAIKER. FIOSYED THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 7, 1973 23 PARKER, PIEMIUM QUALITY AMPLE FREE PARKING 24-02 loaves 3 24-02 pigs of 12 MANAGER INS!" loaves Pkg of 6 (ACYION PRICED) loaves PRICE (SAVE 14:) $1.00 $1.00 CORNED BEEF mm PIKE 1202 TIN