Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jun 1973, p. 5

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Procedural Hassle On Unassumed Road Policy and procedure were brought to the fore at the May 28 meeting of Richmond Hill Town Council as “unassumed” r o a d s were considered. 'Both played a part in a vote on 'a recommendation of council‘s works committee that the town assume the road known as the unopened road allowance north of Vaughan Road between Yonge Street and Arnold. MAYOR. DOES NOT VOTE On the question with a recorded vote the vote stood 4â€"4: Against -â€" Councillors Andy Chatea‘uvefrt, Charles Stewart and Lou Wainwright and Regional Councillor Lois Hance'y; For -â€" Councillors Graeme Bales, David Ste- phenson, William Corcoran and Regional Councillor Gor- don Rowe. Mayor William Lazenfby declined to vote and declared the motion de- feated since it had failed to carry. Mrs. Hancey chal- lenged his right to withhold his vote. claiming that -he must vote on a recorded vote. The mayor claimed that the Municipal Act stat- ed a mayor M-AY vote on any question. Town Solicitor Tom Fraser was in the municipal build- ing and came to the council chamber to give his opinion. He agreed with the mayor about the wording of the section quoted, but quoted another section which states that each member present (at a recorded vote) shall announce his vote.. Council's policy was then stated by Councillor Cha- teauvert as 'being, “If I do not vote, my vote is consid- ered to be in the affirma- tive." The‘ mayor declared that under this policy the motion had carried. A pre- vious motion by Hancey- Chateauvert that the motion be rejected as premature was defeated. SECOND PART Council then went on to consider the second part of the committee’s recommen- dation, which, with an amendment proposed by Councillor Wainwright, read, “That all roads which we are legally empowered to assume be assumed as sug- gested by the report from McCormick Rankin & Associ- ates Ltd. (Roads Needs Study Consultants) afiter investiga- tion and recommendation, with a list of roads to be assumed, and that all as- sumptions be deferred until all pertinent information has been presented to council”. Back in 1960, in order to create four building lots on his property, Owner Ned Hill had deeded to the town a 66-foot road allowance, prior to that date the road had been a private lane, and it has 'been maintained as a private road for 21 years. Solicitor David Fraser, ap- pearing for three labuttin-g owners told council. This preceded Bylaw 1000 which requires that all lots must front on an assumed road, he said. He also noted that the basic reason for Mr. Hill"s present application to 'have the road assumed is so he can sever another lot. “My clients are opposed to that severance and to the assump- STUDIO‘A' hf ALLENCOURT PLAZA 455 MARKHAM RD. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 884-7825 ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS Hill Council FRAMES Mr. Fraser reported that the property owners maintain and reconstruct the road when necessary at their own expense. The town‘s snow- plows had been used twice in 13 years. tion of the road." It was later revealed that Mr. Hill was supported by the one remaining owner. PRIVATE ROAD In 1960, Mr. Fraser said, the minutes of the planning board stated that the road would retain its private char- acter until the town decided otherwise and recommended that the right-of-way be re- tained as a private roadway. He asked that it be left to be dealt with with the other unassumed roads. 'He also felt that consider- ation of the assumption of the road should be postponed until after completion of a study of that area by the planning director is com- pleted. Councillor Wain w r i g h t wanted to know how sever- ances were issued without assumption of the road. “It was the first year of the committee of adjustment." recalled Mayor Lazenby. “I was a member of it and no guidelines had been laid down. We had rbeen in exist- ence only about three or four months." NOW ON LIST CouncillorStephenson pointed out that assumption of the road did not necessar- ily mean .bringing it up to standard immediately. Works Commissioner Bernard Top- oroski stated the road is low on the list of priorities and “I can’t see it being upgrad- ed for 10 years at least.” HMrs. Ha'ncey pointed out that improvements wo u 1d probably .be carried out only on petition of the majority of the property owners. Councillor Wainwright agreed, “It must be initiated by the people." Councillor Bales told coun- cil that the laneway into St. Mary’s Anglican Church is only 178 feet away from the busy Yonge-Vaughan corner and that six feet of the lane belongs to the property own- ers on Yonge Street. "'I hope that in future the church people would have a right- of-way over this road.” Councillor Stewart said he would like to see what the cost of the town would be before assuming the road. In rebuttal John Graham, one of the dbjecting owners, stated that the church had not asked for a right-of-way, that in the past Mr. Hill had opposed such a sugges- tion and the other owners still oppose such an access. “Such a suggestion should be initiated by the church people." Mr. Hill declined an op- portunity to speak. “I would rather not take up any more of .your valuable time," he said. SHOW AND DANCE nus FRIDAY - n. H. ARENA Elgin Mills - Jefferson News Community News This week birthday wishes go to Evonne Johnson who will be 11 June 9. to Marie H'omer who will be 10 June 10 and to Steven Vey who will be nine June 11. Grades.5 and 6 pupils of Jefferson Public School May 28 made an excursion to Midland. Of interest was Ste. Marie among the Hurons. a restored Jesuit mission on its 17th Century location. Both grades were researching ma- terial for their Indian proj- ects. The youngsters vieWed a movie of the history of the mission, a guided tour of the fort and the museum. They Were very interested and en- thusiastic, Many thanks are extended to the five mothers who as- sisted the teachers in super- vising the children on this trip. The lst Jefferson Brown- ies went to Camp Richildaca for the weekend of May 25- 27 and had a wonderful time. This was the first time these Brownies have camped. They did crafts, went orienteering and swimming among other pastimes. I'I'Lhe nine Brownies were supervised by Brown Owl Mrs. Joan Hamilton. Tawny Owl Mrs. Elizabeth Carlisle 'and Guider Mrs. Cathy Croswell. Vicky Arseneau, Lynda Bell, Diana Dannenfeldt, Shelley Henderson. JoAnne Kinzett, Tracey Knipe. Jack- ie Evisonl, Lisa Stadelbauer and Charlene Street earned their holiday badges. The following girls re- cently flew up to Guides: Lynda Bell. JoAn-ne Kinzett, Tracey Knipe and Kelly Stadelbauer, They now are members of the lst Guide Yes. the time when cadet training for the year comes to an end is fast approach- ing. The cadets are now waiting expectantly to go to camp. Each summer thousands of air cadets attend summer camps at Canadian Forces bases. Of two weeks' dura- tion, the camps feature h e a 1 t hf ul recreation out- doors, plus advanced instruc- tion in the air cadet syllabus of training. Transportation. summer clothing, meals and medical care are provided without expense to the cadet. Cadets are selected for camp on the basis of regular at- tendance and good service with the squadrons. Some cadets are also chosen for pilot training and a survival course. So why 'don’t YOU join the best, the Royal Canadian Air Cadets, for young men and women between the ages of 13 and 18 years. Come out on a Tuesday eve- ning at 7:15 pm. We are located at the Royal Cana- dian Legion on Ohio Road off Elgin Road East. By Corporal Tom Vollenberg The Days Are Becoming Fewer! FLIGHT llNE 778 9:00 - 1:00 A.M. CORRESPONDENT: CAROLINE LOMAS - Telephone 884-3000 Company which meets at McKillop Public School un- der the leadership of Mrs. Barbara Pfenning. The lst Jefferson Brown- ies and Guides held their an- nual mother and daughter banquet at St. John's Angli- can Church June 4. The York South 4-H Homemaking Club achieve- men-t day was held June 2. Both Temperanceville I and PI clubs took part. In the morning all club leaders and members participated in a number of activitiesâ€"judg- ing sewing, quiz, analyzing and discussion. During the afternoon Temperanceville I had an exhibit. "Dressmaking Details". Katrw Winter was the commentator. 'lbmper- anceville II put on a skit, “Know Your Pattern". All members of the club took part. Julia Lomas of Temper- anceville II received county honors for completing six 4-H projects. Melody Ross, Robin Stephenson, Carol Crossley and Kathy Winters of Temperanceville I and Martha Henshaw, Carol Jen- nings. Lori Smith, Julia Lo- mas and Caroline Lamas of Temperanceville H received certificates of achievement. presented on completion of every two projects. All girls and leaders were presented with sterling silver spoons. Church News The service at St. John’s Anglican Church next Sun- day at 10:30 am will be Holy Baptism and a celebration of Holy Communion. The flowers on the altar were placed there to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. George Di'bb and their son Easier Night Driving/ Officers and cadets of Squadron 778 Richmond Hill would like to say thank you to everyone who attended the squadron's fifth annual inspection last week. 0 reduces reflections O improves light transmission 0 greater visual efficiency Pm will: SIIIII‘GME anti-reflection lens coating BRADDOCK 3 OPTICAL 3 Richmond Heights 3‘ Centre ‘ Richmond Hill 884-6881 Jack, by their son, Douglas of Thornhill. The flowers on the Snively memorial window were placed there to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Marjory Snively, by members of her family on the anniversary of her birth- day. The final ACW general meeting until autumn will be held today (Thursday) at 8 pun in the upper room of the parish hall. Mrs. Margaret Chambers of North Toronto, who is a practising lawyer, will be the speaker. Her theme will centre on some of her experiences on the bench as a judge in juvenile and family court. All ladies of the congregation are in- vited. St. John’s Mixed Blessings sang at the Fishnet, a coffee house in Richvale, last Satur- day evening. legion Auxiliary Elects Officers The June meeting of the ladies auxiliary of Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion, was held in the new Legion Hall on Elgin ‘Mills Road Officers were elected for the coming year: President Mrs. Mary Robson; lst Vice- President Mrs. Greet Tonner; 2nd Vice-President Mrs. Aud- rey Davenport; Recording Secretary Mrs. Gloria San- ford; Corresponding Secre- tary Mrs. Ethel Good; Treasurer Mrs. Gerry Chap- man; Sergeant at Arms Mrs. Audrie A/pperly; Past Presi- dents |Mrs. Joan Dickson; Executive: Mrs. Marie Fin- nerty. Miss Elsie Bumie, Miss Jean Chapman, Mrs. Addie Mills. Mrs. Ma'bel Brooker. Mrs. Barb Robson and Mrs. Ethel Buck. / BADILLAC n Use KITCHEN CA BINE T LESS THAN HALF OF MARKET PRICE $184.00 DID YOU KNOW 1. the Richmond Hill Public Library is looking for human interest photographs depicting early life in the Rich~ mond Hill area? If you have any to aid- the comple- tion of a history of this area, please contact or drop by the Library. Your support of this Centennial pro- ject would be greatly appreciated. 2. Richmond Hill has a new clothing centre? Contact Helpmate Information if you are in need of clothes or if you have any to donate - 884.2721 the community association for riding for the disabled needs volunteers? The volunteers will assist handi- capped persons on the horses, serve refreshments, or provide transportation for the riders. If intereted, please call volunteer chairman at 221-1409. DESTROY WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons in possession of land in accordance with The Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 493, that unless the noxious weeds or weed seeds growing on their lands within the Town of Markham are destroyed by Friday, June 15th, 1973, and throughout the season as often as it is necessary to prevent the ripening of their seeds and dispersal of their pollens, the Council of the Town of Markham has appoint- ed a Weed Inspector to cause said weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed in such a manner as he may deem proper, and that the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspector in the discharge of his duties shall be placed on the Collector’s Roll of the Municipality against the respective lands concerned and that such amounts shall be collected in the same man- ner as taxes. The co-operation of all persons concerned is earnestly solicited. TOWN OF MARKHAM NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO By KATHY GABY. 884-2727 Helpmate Information HI FROM HI 4-5-6-7-8 Ft. Lengtth COUNTERTOPS CEDAR FOR FENCING 139x4l' 2l'x4” - I l”x6" 2”x8” 4"“ ASK FOR QUOTATION See us for all your needs in Home Improvements and Cottage Materials WHITE Exterior and Interior POST FORMED In 5 - 6 Colors Weed Inspector, Town of Markham. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 7, 1973 5 SHOWERFOLD Per Ft. .95 DOORS 2 Reg. @AA 05 ALL CEDAR KNOCK DOWN PICNIC TABLES OLYMPIC SIZE F GREEN PAINTEDé TOP . READY TO ASSE'MBLE (No tools required) PAINT GRADE LEGS The widening of Elgin Mills Road (Reg- ional Road No. 49) in the Towns of Markham and Richmond Hill to a basic width of 100 feet from Bayview Avenue (Regional Road No. 34) to 400 feet east of Don Mills Road (Regional Road No. 8) 'with additional wid- enings at cuts, fills and intersections, together with the clearing, grubbing and fencing thereof and the grading, gravelling and paving thereof to provide a basic two lane roadway with additional turning lanes at intersectons and the construction of culverts, drainage works and all other related works and undertakings and the acquisition of the necessary lands and interests in lands. ELGIN MILLS ROAD The Engineering Committee of the Reg- ional Council will, at its meeting to be held at 2:00 pm. on the 19th of June, 1973, at the Engineering Building on the west side of Don Mills Road one and one-quarter miles north of the Aurora Side Road, hear in per- son or by his counsel. solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. PING PONG TABLES Information with regard to the above proposed work may be obtained at the office of David Hill, Director of Property, at the Engineering Builging (Tel. 895-2393). _ ’ ” DATED at New'ma‘rket this 10th day of May, 1973. $1.95 (Regional Road No. 49) The Council of The Regional Municipality of York proposes to pass a by-law authorizing: THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK 12”x12” T & G White Also in stock other patterns EDWARD OAKES 62 Bayview Avenue Newmarket, Ontario Solicitor for The Regional Municipality of York :5 YOUR CHOICE I 0F COLOR TOP ;Completely Finished ‘ 24” VANITY $34.95 30” VANITY Completely Finished OZITE CARPET RUNNERS 64 square ft. CARTON per ft. 27”

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