0 Recreation up about 100% from $117,000 to $233,- 100. including an added $67,- 000 to start operations at the new Markham Centennial Arena; O Roads department down 7% from $1,332,000 to $1,- 236,000; 0 Parks expenditures (not including major capital cost items) up 131/é% frpm $185,- 000 to $210,000; ‘ 0 Library expenditures up 33% from $121,000 to $161.- 000; 0 Engineering depart- ment up 17% from $145,000 to $170,000; 0 Planning department up 98% from $73,000 to 0 Fire protection (not in- cluding capital costs) up 76% from $235,000 to $328.- 000; Markham Town's total ex- penditures this year will to- tal an estimated $11,768,915. up from $10,390,520 last year and $9,988,259 in 1971. The major areas of in- crease or decreas are as fol- lows: 0 General administration up 6%% from $491,000 to $522,000; up 98% $144,500 0 Building inspection vde- partment up 69% from $68.- 000 to $115,000; Barton outlines the full impact on Markham of the provincial tax relief said in news reports to be being transformed to the munici- palities by the increased sales tax. “You will note from this outline that the picture painted by the rec- ent reports doesn’t exist as far as our municipality is concerned for the year 1973," he said. Markham Town Taxes Turn Up Of these figures Barton said, “In my opinion we can be justifiably proud of the reflection.†(Continued from page 1) 'I'he ichmond MOTOR IIIII HOTEL _ entertain you! Plan Examiner required for the Town of Richmond Hill Minimum of five years experience. Secondary School graduate or equivalent. Car allowance and full fringe benefits. Starting salary: $8,300.00 per annum. Application will be received in writing until June 29, '73 by J. L. Hollowell, Chief Building Inspector. HARV'S PLACE PLAN EXAMINER NEAR $12 MILLION DOWNSTAIRS “PUBT' BUFFET LUNCH DAILY 12 Noon - 2 p.m. delicious hot beef. salads. {v , desserts. beverages 1‘ 69 YONGE ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL 884-1101 NEWLY RENOVATED DOWNSTAIRS “UNION†JUNE 18-3( Coming July 2 - 14 “GOOD BROS.†3 days left to see JACK PLEDGE Starting Monday, June 18th Town of Richmond Hill Serve yourself to a great meal ALAN RHODY Library board debt charg- es rise about $40,000 to $161,620 in Ma'rkham Town this year. Recreation spending on wages. full time. and part time, is up about $33,000 to over $63,000. A new item is $58,700 for operation of the Thornlea Swimming Pool. But capital expeditures in this department are down about $20,000. This depart- ment also will generate about $30,000 more in pro- gram revenue and grants this year to a total of $71,- 400. Most of the planning de- partment spending hike is for salaries, up $30,000 to $96,000. The department has recently moved into rented premises in the Don Mills industrial area and will cost $7,000. But this move has freed space for other depart- ments in the overcrowded Markham Municipal Building until the planned new addi- tion is completed. An addi- tional $19,000 will be spent on planning consultants, one of the jobs being a study of the Buttonville Airport area where the operators are seek- ing to expand. Most of the fire depart- ment increase goes to the enlarged new permanent fire- fighter staff, wage spending being up about $88,000 to $269,720 this year. IMPROVING PARKS Capital expenditures on parks this year are up about $26,000 to $86,000. Parks staff wages are up about $42,000 to $88,000 a year. 6 New transit service sub- sidy of $28,000. Most of the engineering services increase is due to more spending on salaries, up about $17,000 to $138,500. 0 Museum expenditures up 235% from $7,700 to $25,- 800; MORE PLANNING STAFF $2.00"!i UPSTAIRS The resolution was drafted at a recent meeting of the ratepayer’s association at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church which was attended by 60 citizens. Councillor Jim Cameron warned Monday night that a Toronto-based group with a disposal service operation in the Maple area “is actively engaged in getting Metro Toronto to consider an al- ternative plan whereby gar- bage would be hauled into Vaughan. “Time is simlpy running out on us.†he said. “This group has already applied to the province for a license to operate disposal sites in this municipality. “The Maple Ratepayers Association urges Vaughan Council to support this reso- lution." It reads: “Whereas Metro Toronto is actively seeking landfill sites for the disposal of garbage, and whereas such disposal methods cause con- siderable environmental damage, and whereas other methods of disposal are technologically feasible, be it resolved that the Maple Ratepayers Association are opposed to the disposal of Metro Toronto garbage in the Town of Vaughan. History. oblivious Thorn- hill and national historians and the religious, crashed head on with progress in the form of a looming builder's bulldozer last week. And the roof fell in Tues- I day night on Markham Town . Council. “I’m afraid we may be caught just sitting around here watching the world events pass us by when the ratepayers of this munici- pality are obviously not happy with what’s happen- ing." Councillor Fred Armstrong noted that the province “just might tell us that we lost out on this deal.†Councillor David Fraser objected to Councillor Cam- eron‘s suggesting that “we’re just sitting around," He also observed that the problem was a comp- licated one and agreed with Councillor Armstrong that “this matter of gar- bage isn’t entirely in Our control. The province might decide that there is no way the garbage is not going to come in here." A group of alarmed Vaughan Town Rate- payers are expressing fears that a deluge of garbage from Metro will be dumped on their heads any day now. The ratepayers presented a resolution to a committee of Vaughan Town Council Monday evening urging council to strongly oppose any such proposal. Fear Vaughan Garbage Deluge Girl Historian Faces Thornhill‘ Bulldozer Town planners and builder Steven Baron found an hisâ€" toric and religious building and pilgrim's miracle well smack in the centre of an $8,000,000 blueprint for six storeys of stacked condomin- ium townhouses that unbe- lievably has been five years in reaching the construction stage. It was Gibson House and Fort York all over again. Residing in that historiciof prominent people. This building dating back to the* council is faced with a real early 18005, a building Said dilemma that I don‘t know to be one of the mOSt im- * how to resolve." said Mark- portant such structures in ham Mayor Anthony Roman. Ontario. is a sweet young Miss Smith, builder Baron Thornhill lady teacher of and the mayor were gingerly Canadiana at Seneca College.‘ moving toward a meeting She has been spending thou- I about it. One man was killed and three other people injured in this motorcycle-truck collision on Yonge Street at Garden Avenue Sunday at 12:15 am. Killed was James White, 19, of Roosevelt Drive, Langstaff, who was a passenger on a bike driven by Kim Adams of Birch Avenue, Richvale. The latter was in collision with a langstaff Col/ison Pro ves Fatal It was pointed out that a works committee report on the situation was being pre- pared with Councillor Mike Bevan terming it an “excel- lent guideline for the prob- lem that is facing council in this matter.†Councillor Cameron said he didn’t expect council to “deal with this problem overnight. I’m all in favor of waiting for the report just so long as it doesn’t reach us six months from now when it might be too late.†He also disagreed with the comment by Councillor Fra- ser that the garbage problem might be out of the munici- pality’s control. of s such time He concluded by stating emphatically -un1ess “such ‘fantastic’ arrangements are forthcoming I am prepared to support the ratepayer's resolution later on. And those arrangements will have to be better than anything they've come up with yet." Council decided to accept the resolution for further study before considering any action. sands of dollars on restora- tion, building preservation and antique furnishings. The builder bought the land and didn’t know. Miss Elizabeth Smith was there. Miss Smith thought she had years to make her plans and arrangements for a perman- ent preservation of the site at 16 Elgin Street, Thornhill. After nearly two months hearing about it all in coun- cil. nobody seemed much further ahead. The builder says economics of operations mean construction must start in three weeks at most. Miss Smith says it just can't. "we were just totally amazed. Now all of a sudden we're confronted by petiâ€" tions from a great number of prominent people This council is faced with a real dilemma that I don‘t know how to resolve." said Mark- ham Mayor Anthony Roman. Miss Smith, builder Baron Councillor A head took a viewpoint stat “this Metro g is imposed on I be prepared Councillor Ab Hollings- head took a “realistic†viewpoint stating that if “this Metro garbage deal is imposed on us we should be prepared to make a fantastic deal as regards bypass roads and royalties in order to overcome the objections of the ratepay- ers of Maple.†He concluded by statin It was Councillor Cameron .ting ser explained ing he was the garbage 1e moment. we’ve got to ;e an entire [y the pro’s the entire a matter opposing v at this Councillor Cameron told the group that two large garbage disposal groups with substantial American financ- ing and ownership are pres- suring‘Vaughan Council for agreement to re-zone large areas for four major north- ern dumping areas. Coun- cillor Cameron stated his opposition to such expansion plans. Ratepayers ‘ and Ian West long range pr ed in such exp ing water, a pollution. who made known his oppo- sition to any Metro garbage dumping operation in Vaughan at the recent rate- payer’s meeting. He stated that the present “Mount Goodhead" operation is completed and then gave details of recent proposals for expanding the existing dump area. (Norman Goodhead, the former reeve of North York, is one of the persons in- volved in Disposal Services operation working out of a dumping site just north of Maple. The continued shut- tling of garbage trucks to and from the site through Maple has resulted in num- erous complaints from the residents.) The contim natural resoul mented on 2 was suggested alternative. It was also stressed that Metro Toronto would con- tinue to dump its garbage forever unless pressured into alternate methods which are now technologically feasible. Many questions asked about the existing landfill operation and the proposed It was also Metro Toronto tinue to dump forever unless p Many about the operation schemes. mented tr forman-ce Service 0] the cox without time. “Trucks travel 1 the site at all hou sultinlg traffic, in with the large sand-and-grave] causes intolerabl to the residents Street and Major Road." Another Maple ratepayer. Bill King, expressed dis- gruntlement to “‘The Liberal" over the apparent reluctance of council to support the citizens. “You’ll find that in any municipality which has successfully fought off Metro garbage that the councils have been one hundred per- cent behind them. “It doesn’t seem to be happening that way and we find ourselves battling a billion dollar operation on our own." 'Mayor Garnet Williams told “The LibEral" that council had been approach- ed by interests “regarding dumping garbage in the municipality but we’ve had no firm application. That’s the way the situation is at the moment.†He added that it was his understanding that if any garbage operation was start- ed up in Vaughan it "would be strictly industrial waste. I haven‘t heard anything about us receiving Metro‘s garbage." He noted that the province was the one that issued licences for garbage disposal site operations and it was up to council to rezone the areas A classified ad in “The Liberal" is a good way to turn out-grown or unneeded items into cash. It‘s easy to order your ad. Just phone 884-1105â€"6 for direct-ï¬ne service. truck driven by Terry Kirbyson, 19, of Millard Avenue, Newmarket. Adams is in St. Michael’s Hospital, To- ronto, in serious condition. Both Kirbyson and his passenger, Debra Beames, 18, 0f Nis- bett- Drive, Aurora, were treated at York Central Hospital for injuries. Richmond Hill Fire Department attended at the scene. ouncillor Carr company hac ‘nout a licence continuing resources on and zzested as ‘e large r l-grave] intolerable residents Operation questions asked :9 existing landfill 1 and the proposed One member com- that the past per- I of the Disposal Operation was poor. llor Cameron said pany had operated a licence for some travel to all hours to and from ‘ rs. The re- conjunction‘. number of t r u c k s, e nuisance of Keele ‘ Mackenzie waste was c re-cyc one m1 5 com- cycling major in question to permit dump- ing. "Of course, the province has the authority to over-rule any municipality," he added. The ratepayers plan to carry their fight to Pollution Probe, Metro Conservation Authority, York Regional Council and ultimately . . . maybe even the courts. We have 9,463 ready-made picture frames in most styles, sizes and finishes at.50% OFF. All framed, hanging pictures are 50% OFF the price marked on th em. We do Custom Framing at very little ad- ditional cost. HOUSE OF 10,000 PICTURE FRAMES 102 Doncaster Ave., 889-4346 Open 9 ’til 6 Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. Turn right lst light north of Yonge and Steeles. 50%. PICTURE “E? r FRAMES 233‘ Second _ membership fl 2%] ‘ enroll in one Ofour figure shaping \ plans and receive a free enroll in one alour figure shaping plans and receive a free regular personalized \membersnip fora friend or relative SIZE18 you can be a 14 .n36days SIZE20 you can be a 14 .n 51 days SIZE 16 you can be a 12 m36days IF YOU ARE A SIZE 14 you can be a 10m 31 days SIZE22you can be a 16m 51 days We are so positive that you will receive these results by fouowing’ our personalized program of figure shaping and food consultation that we will give you OVERWEIGHT (Photo by Fawn) 6Months FREE If We Fail! The Richmond Hill Dynes ‘Jewellers struck early and late Tuesday night as they put down the Winston Park Caterers 4-1 in a Toronto and District Major Fastball League game at Winston Park. Bob Domik and Wally Dick shared mound duties for the Jewellers with Dom- ik going five innings and getting credit for the win. He allowed two hits, walked three. and struck out 11. He allowed the only run. Dick 'tossed the final four innings UNDERWEIGHT JUNE 28, THURSDAY, 8 pm â€"Richvale monthly euchre. 31 Spruce Avenue. Refresh- ‘ments. Admission $1.00. JUNE 29 AND 30, FRIDAY AND SATURDAYâ€"5th An- nual Highland Games, Ux- bridge Park, Friday 6-12 pm Ceilidh and Beer Garden. Saturday Jr. Piping and Band Competitions. games, Highland Dancing Champion- ship. Massed Bands at 2 and 5 pm. Evening entertain- ment. Admission $1.50 per person. c2w51 JULY 1, SUNDAY â€"â€" 10-6 Antique show and sale, Lions’ Hall, 106 Centre Street East. Richmond Hill. Furniture, china. glass, silver. jewellery. brass. pictures. Bargains galore. Sale held first Sun- day e'.'ery month‘ Donations to Leukemia Fund. c1w-48 JULY 1, SUNDAY, from 12 midnight to 2:30 am â€" Roller Skating at Oak Rid- ges Arena. Admission $1 in- cludes draw for one pair roller ‘skates. Also regular session $1. 7:30 - 10 pm. Hurry and lose some quick pounds can enjoy summer in a bathir L SHOULDER AREA AND BUSTIJNE Fill in and contour BODY WEIGHT Gain 5 to 15 lbs UPPER ARMS Add '/z to 1% Gain v, to 1‘ THIGHS Gain 1 lo 2" ative hf†lose some quick pounds. so that you enjoy summer in a bathing suit. 8 YONGE ST. N. AURORA 727-3125 c2w5 1 CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE TOUR AND FIGURE ANALYSIS 'n/itam/ to 97mm) (59’ allowing three hits while striking out seven and walk- ing one. The Jewellers tagged Starter Clive Gregory for two runs and 10 hits in his seven innings. He walked one and struck out seven. Al Griffin replaced in the eighth and allowed two runs, two hits, a walk, while striking out one. Domik ran into some early trouble as he walked Larry Rodgers, Keith Gray singled and then he walked Ray O'Quinn to load the bases. He settled down to strike out the next two batters but walked Frank Laverde to force in a run. He retired the side on a force-out. The Jewellers moved ahead 2-1 in the third inning as Bob McLellan tripled and then came home on a per- fect sacrifice bunt by Mic- key Hancock. Richmond Hill scored its final two runs in the ninth inning as.Bruce Staughton tripled, Dick walked, and Hancock singled both of them home; 85 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL 884 - 9297 AND 643,743.13 INCHES FIGURMAGIC MEMBERS HAVE LOST 448,6781/4 POUNDS Two Thornhill residents were killed when the car in which they were driving. was in collision with another ve- hicle on Bathurst Street in Richmond Hill. June 13. Killed instantly was Steven Rowley. 17. of 110 Oak Av- enue, driver of one of the cars, while Donald Eckman, 36, of 119 Romfield Circuit. his passenger, died about two hours later in York Cen- tral Hospital. BARRIE PLAZA BARRIE 726 - 2922 Police said that Rowley had been going at a high rate of speed south on Bath- urst Street near Elgin Mills Road, when he lost control and was in collision with a northbound car driven by George Goulding, RR 2. Maple. In an earlier story, “The Liberal" inadvertently re- ported that Mr. Eckman was the driver of the other car. Mr. Goulding sustained slight injuries. and his wife, Rita. and their daughter. Tracey. 11. suffered multiple injuries and were treated at York Central Hospital.~