her. glass. 2 oz. Instructions for ‘making invisible bond. Use for joining plastic, wood. rub- ‘54-2311. . . ,. , 79¢ __ 0 Fan-Drying ° Strong For all fabrics. paper. wood. foam [qbber,_s(yrofoam, arboréte, etc. 641802'2 34-1832 . . L .2' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99;. lumbo-size. 2" wnde by 60 yards long. £4490 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . 2.39 itandanrsize. Masking tape. 2/." wnde g3! 60 yards long. ix hardened and tempered steel nut- drivers in convenient. useful sizes from 1’.†to ï¬â€™C All with easy-grip. unâ€" weakable handles. Handy for hard-to- get-to places. M-ISZI. , 3.511 6-Piece Nutdriver Set Unlimited versatility with this completely Interchangeable handle, heating unit, and (in. You are insured of reliable soidered connec- tions and longer tip life. Replacement heating units and not knife attachments available. igwaits. 1 15 volts AC/ 6418030 f7 All PURPOSE SPRAY GLUE Detachable Tip Detachable Heat Unit , '29 All-Purpose Glue SOlDERING KIT 64-2318. Stops rust, loosens frozen parts. pm- tects. Attachment for hard-to-reach greas. Good at home or shop. Contains Handy All-Purpose Lube Oil 95 8.95 ° Silicone Formula 0 Resins Heat and Moixfule ‘69 79¢ 350 1.69 239 Automatic Wire Stripper/ 99‘ 995 Mikael! “Soldering KN Ensemble a sand 3.50 RA; 1506 SPRAY Professionally strips wire from #12 to #24 gauge in seconds. cleanly without nicking or breaking wire. Lightweight, durable. 64-1955. 3.95 Strum: 10.000-volt dielectric tape. .007-in. thickness good for tempera- tures up to 80° C. Made in U.S.A. by one of America's largest makers. 64-2345“ 64-2349 64-2350 5at. N 0‘ 1.29 Vinyl Electrical Tape QEANERN lUBRICAh REALISU ~x12 “x20 "x66 Size [1-2 3-11 ngUp' TV YUNEF AND CONTROI 5129 You Can Improve Your TV Performanéé "-2!!! For All Types of Tuners! Easy-to-Use Television Alignment Tool Kit 3-Piece Non-Metallic Alignment Stick Kit ' Fin 90% of IF & RF Tram‘lormers :63 1.29 Cleans and lubricates ex- pensive movimz parts. Minimizes wear without leavngr damaging redid- uai or 0in deposits. Reâ€" duces drift. resistance. 64-2315. 1.29 TuneUConhnl Cleaner Lubricant Now Over 160 Stores in All 10 Provinces E WITH ANY $5 3‘; PURCHASE FROM jV} THIS PAGE M Full pound . . . no sweepâ€" ings. A $4.00 vaiue to {it many needs! 64-2890. Rent. 1.4‘ OFFER Electronic Hardware Assortment Non-Metallic and Safe to Use. Why pay through the nose for minor adjustments on your color TV? 8 hex ends cover most iron core transformer adjustments: 2 screwdriver lips plus extender: handy pocket. pouch. 64-2220. .. 3.93 Reg. 1.49 CLEANER {£341.15 COLOR 98 TV mums? 5" 98 Each tool has 2 working ends. K- Tran screwdriver: 351†Delrin tip. 54.†metal tip. Delrin hex wrenchH ll"â€"undercut and to reach bottom slugs. 64-2223. .7 _ V 1.4! Safe for Any Color TV! 61-2222. 3 Screwdrivers with 115;†din: f!†(Ha. I 7" 1 Safe to use. Fits stundard coils in amp. hi-_‘ tuner. recorder or TV. Color TV Alignment Tool Kit Keep your TV in "new" condition. Just remove tuner knob and spray in. Cuts drift, wear and resistance. Improves color. adds life and brightness to picture. 64-2320. I38 rivers: l 12†fiber glass din: l 12†fiberglass with l 7†Delrin. “1" dia. Em '0 Crimp: All Terminals O Super-Grip Insulaied Handles A real “do-it-all." Crimps insulated solderless terminals: slices machine screws: measures stud sizas, 100's of uses. A "must" for hobbyist and (lo-it- yourselfer's workbench! Safe. easy. 64-2268. 6.49 64-2269. 22 Assorted Terminals 1.99 611950 m V [E] U E] E) Reverses miniature Phillips [0 miniature straight hlmle instantly. 54-1949. ., . .. 1.79 63-1951. Two-in-One Reversible Screwdrivers 1 All-Purpose Crimping Tool Color TV Tuner Cleaner Phillips and 9;†standard Phillips and 1,4" standï¬rd I49 1.49 2.25 3.98 Professional Dual-Heat Soldering Gun - Easy‘szrip. Instant selection of 140 or 100 watts. Built-in spotliuht for hard-to-nzetâ€"at areas. Balanced weight and comfortable trimzer ,lrrip: easy to hold and handle. High efï¬r‘iency copper [in spreads solder evenly. Extra tips (64-237) below. 64-2190. , A [1.95 REPLACEMENT SOLDERING TIPS For Weller Soldering Guns - 100/140 Wam $596 I TV/Radio service cement. Fast-setting. clear drying. Contains 3.2 fl. oz. 6443309 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79¢ ~VQHCÂ¥ 2.79 2.29 1.79 Cii. No. 64-237 64 -2 34 64-1952. Spring-loaded stripper and cutter has plastic cushioned grips. flush cutting gytiq . Strips #12 to #24 gauge wire. HI-VOlTAGE INSUlATOR I 79 Bond strength aver 3000 pounds per sq. in. Easy to mix and apply. Cements non-porous items. 64-2426. , 1.49 Prevents arcing. corona shorts. Over 20.000V dielectric strength. Prevents rust. pitting. corrosion. Contains 6 oz. 64-2317 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.19 Dial Gauge You Wan! {or Stripping Mini-Pliers for Close Work 64-1840. 4‘ 64-1811. 4‘ 64-18-12. 1! 64-1843. 4‘. Dial-Type Stripper/ Cutter 8200. D446 Super Epoxy Glue FoFModel n95 D5507 ' ' Insulated Grip 0 Drop Forged 0 Fully Polished 4" Nipper; 4V2†Dingonll 1.1/2" Flat Nose 4%" Long Nose Y 269 Quick Drying 2 for .79 2 for .79 . . . . . 79‘. 7‘)c 2.69 1.49 9999 3333 2222 21