It isn't often twins arrive in Maple or are born to par- ents originating in Maple. But last week Lee and Jack Hynd of Bosling Road be- came the proud grandparents of twins. Their daughter Cathy and husband Joe Kauf- mann were blessed with a baby girl, Heidi Lee-anna and a boy Tommy Johann. Both new arrivals weighed in be- tween five and six ponnds at York Finch Hospital, July 16. Mother and family doing fine. Congratulations are in Ill\\\l\\l\\\llll\\lllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllll A special comment should be made at this point, with- out saying good bye to ‘a number of Senior Citizens who have recently sold their homes and a great many per- sonal belongings and have moved to apartments in Richmond Hill. We do hope that they will all be happy in their new locations. and it should be pointed out that Maple's loss of Mrs. Janet Keffer. Mrs. Margaret Woods, Mrs. Lizzie Snider. Mrs. Hilda Allen and Mrs. Mildred Noble is a real bonus for Richmond Hill. Will ye no come back again? We do feverently hope this service will be as well used as the Gray Coach and GO Buses have been, so that it will be extended to include evenings and Saturdays and Sundays. For Senior Citi- zens, of course. half fares have been introduced, with half hour service in the morning and evening rush hours and 68 minutes be- tween buses during the day. Pocket timetables can be ob- tained from drivers and schedules have been advertis- ed in “The Liberal". They are also posted on the TTC stop poles. The true value of this service will show when the students return to school in September. But in the meantime, let's all use the buses whenever possible to insure continued service. The big news in the Maple area this last week is the first scheduled TTC “Red Rocket†service which had its beginning on Monday, with regular service Monday to Friday ' ma if A hearty Maple we John Yates Sr‘, “ho Acting Maple Correspondent “The Liberal†is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord. Teston, Kleinburg. Maple, please phone Mrs. Eva Hawkins at 832-2314; in Concord, Mrs. Carol Cole, 669-2602; in Kleinburg, telephone or write Mrs. Margaret Lade, at “The Liberal", 884-1105. 241-0480 (collect) Also Parcel Delivery Maple, Kleinburg, Concord And Testont News :30 6A3 ; (collect) ' l Delivery - i I l I CREDITORS l‘HERS state of >hn Wilkins .aving claims| tate of Fred- lkins, late of‘ Markham, in: Iunicipality of‘ l on or about! ' March, 1973,y ified to send camn fn 1*th Of special interest to the Senior Citizens of Vaughan Town is the CNE excursion August 16, with tickets for the grandstand performance of the Scottish World Festi- val. including admission to the grounds. We are truly sorry that we must end this part of our column on a tragic note. ex- tending sympathy on behalf of the entire community to Mrs. Amy Lord of Maple on the accidental death of her son Martin Saturday evening on a motorcycle. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon from the Marshall Funeral Chapel in Richmond Hill with Dr. Ram- sey Armitage of St. Stephen‘s Anglican church officiating. Interment was in Maple Cemetery. Our entire community has been saddened by this loss of another young life. and friends of Mrs. Lord and Tony hope that their prayers and thoughts of sympathy will strengthen the bereaved during this tragic time. Vaughan Senior Citizens As well as his mother, Martin is survived by his brother. Tony. It is understood from last week's column that your reg- ular correspondent is on holidays at least for this week and next. and, since the staff at “The Liberal" office also have holidays to contend with, and are busy, this column has gone back to Mrs. Louise Cooper for a week or 50. Anyone who has enjoyed their holidays. any- one with a birthday or anâ€" niversary. anyone with special news of any kind, please call 832-2408 this weekend. A hearty Maple welcome to John Yates Sn, who is visit- ing his son John Yates and family of Netherford Road, from Sussex, England. Mr. Yates was a guest with the Maple Senior Citizens when on an earlier visit. They headed out on the Midland Penetang 88 for a cruise of the 30,000 Islands on July 21, 1970. Once again, he joined the group, almost three years to the day, on their recent trip to the Thousand Islands in the St, Lawrence River. We do hope Mr. Yates will continue to enjoy his visit and return home with many happy memories. Newlyweds Travel By Coat/1 And Two Almost every bride dreams of being carried with her Prince Charming into the future in a shining coach. For one bride this became a reality July 14. when Penny Aubertin and Rick Forsee were united in marriage by Rev. Dr. Ramsey Armitage in St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Maple. Awaiting them as they left the church was a shining coach, drawn by two mules, in which they travelled through Maple for an hour before alighting at the community centre where the reception __-A _ L _I J The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Aubertin of Downsviewi formerly of Maple, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Forsee of Richvale. They are seen above as they boarded the coach. Seated beside the driver is Penny’s brother, Roger (Buz) Aubertin, who was an usher at the wedding. The coach came from the Kleinburg Movie Studios. fl‘wo buses have been as held. IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE On the recent excursion to Kingston and Gananoque. several passengers requested literature on the 30-day holi- day in Costa Del Sol, Spain, with one tour going Novem- ber 4 and three more in late March at a cost of $359 per Several have also indicated interest in the November 11 trip to California including such highlights as the Petri- fied Forest National Park in Arizona. the Hoover Dam, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Disneyland, and a night in Juarez, Mexico at a cost of $499 per person for 23 days. As we have men- tioned before, these longer trips are much more fun if several from the same area are able to book on the same tour, and for those interested call Mrs. Louise Cooper at 832-2408. Interest is beginning to mount for the September 8 tour to Vancouver. Victoria, via Winnipeg, Swift Current. Banff and then on to the State of Washington, Yellow- stone. Mount Rushmore and the Dakotas. This is a 21- day tour at a cost of $489. per person for twin accom- modation, including several tours and ocean cruises. For those who are serious- ly considering this trip, deâ€" posits should be in soon, as full payment is required four week before departure. Anyone wishing to go along on this outing should contact their club travel rep- resentatives i m m e d i a t ely. There has been so much in- terest in this excursion that we may go ahead and pur- chase more tickets, but only if those already in hand are spoken for by this weekend. We would urge anyone knowing a Senior Citizen who might enjoy the massed pipe bands and the RCMP Musical ride. to pass the word along, since the clubs are not ac- tive during the summer, and word can only be passed from one to another. chartered, to remain on the grounds for the day so that our seniors will be able to take along a picnic supper, a lawn chair if they wish. and be sure of a seat on their own bus following the Scotâ€" tish show. Ninety-five ad- vance tickets have been purâ€" chased, some in the $5 sec- tion and the rest in the $4. section at the west end of the grandstand. All of the $5. tickets have been sold. and quite a few of the $4. ones as well. Of special interest to senior citizens concerned w i t h senior citizens affairs, is the bus chartered to take a load of Seniors to the Ontario Senior Citizens Convention in Sudbury. August 20 to 23. This trip was stretched to four days to allw for tour- ing and to make the trip more restful than heading home on the evening of the third day of the conference. There are still only a few names on the list for this trip and unless more interest is shown, it will have to be cancelled. Church News With their Travelways bus driver, Art Cummings, and hostess and tour organizer, Mrs. Louise Cooper of Maple were Harry and Mollie Burn- field, Mrs. Rita Burbidge, Mrs, Sophia Smel‘a, Mrs. Nel- lie, Mrs. Grace Miller, Mrs. Merle Peterman and Mrs. Myrtle Bell of Kleinberg- ’Nashville area and the Hum- ber Club, Fred and Ellen Bentley. Mel and Edna White, Ted and Lil, Smart Mrs. Beulah Os-ter and daug- ter Mabel, Roly Keffer of the Maple Seniors Club with John Yates Sr. visiting in Maple. Mrs. Vi‘ Lockhurst, Walter and Martha Wylie and daughter Ruth, Ernie and Lily Foster, John and Lillian McLean, Mrs. Bea- trice Kitchener, Mrs. Edith Strugnell, Mrs. Beatrice Wild, Mrs. Ruby Locke, Thomas and Jessie Cadoo of Woodbridge Seniors as well as Mrs. Jean McDonald and Mrs. Annie Donaldson of King City and Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and John and Anna Plaucitis from Rich- mond Hill. With excellent timing and everyone ready well ahead of time, the bus left Maple exactly at 8:30 am as sche- duled and with a coffee stop With all conditions "go", including excellent weather, 38 senior citizens and friends enjoyed their two-day tour to the Kingston and Cam- noque area July 16 and 17. Vaughan Seniors Enjoy Trip To Kingston, Thousand Islands person for twin accommoda- tion including kitchen. sev- eral tours and flight on Iberia 747 jet. July 29 will be (Photos by Susan Samila) the last Although there was nol room left for the driver andl hostess, both were given the VIP treatment and taken by car on the tour by one of the gentlemen from the Kingston C h a m b e r of Commerce. Everyone felt that this was typical of the kind of hospi- tality shown by the residents of this city. which is steeped: in the early history of our] country. ' , Following another Smor-‘l gasborg at the Holiday Inn, T0p O‘ the Inn, the gang literally waddled aboard the bus where they were enter“ tained with sing songs and’ stories most of the wayl home. There were several; stops and supper along the} way, 1 Since the group was early for the guided tour of the city of Kingston, they strolled around the farmer’s market for a short time till their tiny tour train was ready. The first on_the agenda for the morning was a visit to Spearns Gift Shop to see a breathtaking exhibition of Royal Doulton China im- ported for the recent Royal Visit and the Tercentennary of the City of Kingston. The collection had come from the Royal Doulton Museum in England. An excellent com- mentary was given, describ- ing the minute detail and workmanship that is in- volved in each delicate piece of art. And. of course, some of the ladies were unable to resist bringing home a sou- venir or two. With the beautiful weather and calm water, everyone enjoyed the cruise And then, after going under the Cana- dian span of the Interna- tional Bridge, they boarded the bus again, headed fur- ther east and crossed over the bridge to the Skydeck Tower where they first had a late smorgasborg supper. Then 25, not-so-tired souls rode to the top of the Sky- deck, 400 feet above the level of the St. Lawrence River and watched as the sun set. They could see over nearly a 40 mile radius of nature's bounty of trees, forest and water, with as well the occa- sional boat resembling water bugs from the height of the tower. After the long day, every- one headed for their rooms on arrival back at the motel and took very little time crawling into bed. In the morning, although departure time of 9:30 am had been set, the whole crowd of 38 and hostess were in the hotel lobby nearly an hour early waiting to greet the driver with a rousing cheer when he was the last to arrive. on the way. It arrived in Kingston at 12:15 noon to allow passengers to check into their hotel and have a leisurely lunch. By 2 pm everyone was back on the bus and on their way to Gananoque where they en- joyed the three-hour boat cruise and tour of the Thou- sand Islands, actually over 1,800 of them. Bob Farrelly of Maple was invited to play in the Gow- anda Invitational by a friend. Dick Carpenter. The tourna- ment was held at the Gowan- da Country Club in upper New York State July 13 and 14. Bob played with a 15 stroke handicap and the duo registered a four under par 67, with a 36 hole total of 129. Congratulations go to Bob and I think he must be pretty pleased for a week end golfer‘ Sunday for the combined services of Maple United and St. Andrew's Presbyterian in the United Church. Beginning August 5, 5erv- ices will be held in the Pres- byterian Church with Rev. Stanley Snowden of Maple United conducting services at 10 am as usual. WHAT PRICE LOOKING FC MEDIUM. SEE OUR WA CE CAR YOU FOR - LOW» M, HIGH? WANT ADS Demonstrations of corn- broom making, a craft from the Canadian scene of yester- year, can still be seen at Black Creek Pioneer Village. The Broom-maker’s Shop, complete with a resident broom-maker, is one of the latest additions to Black Creek. The first floor of the Broom-maker‘s Shop is one large room consisting of a work area and bachelor's living quarters. The furn- ishings are typical of the spartan accommodation and facilities of a bachelor broom- maker of that period. The second storey is being used to store broom corn. The local broom-maker was one of the busiest tradesman in a preâ€"Confederation settle- ment. in the Village of Sherwood, south of Maple, circa 1845. For a number of years it was a home and later used as a school prior to being moved to Black Creek. Sherwood Broom Shop At Black Creek The shop, a two-storey log building. was originally built Broom com, a member of the sugar cane family, was a field crop at that time. The plant grows rapidly to about six feet in height. As it ma- tures. broom corn develops (Remanufacturéd) Repairs and adjustments for less. Honesty, quality ~â€" all guaranteed. Before going anywhere . . . do yourself a favor. Over 20 years experience. The dozen members of the Bible class at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Maple this year held a car wash and raised $100 for the Big Brothers of York Region. Shown here during the presentation of the cheque are (left to right) Brian Snider, 15; Big Brothers Rep- $I69 12,000 mile or 12 month guarantee AUTOMATIC E TRANSMISSIONS; Telephone or call in person ATKINSON COLLEGE 4700 Kcele Street,Downsview,0ntario Telephone 667-3946(9a.m.-10p.m.) September 17/1973 - April 5/ I974 AUTUMN/WINTER 1973-74 Applications from new students to be received by August 1. Minimum age for admission as mature student -2| years. Evening Degree Programmes Programmes in administrative studies, Canadian studies, fine arts. humanities, science. social welfare and urban studies,in additién to the customary arts programmes PHONE BILL, 884-5153 (Any time) Car Was/1 Raises $ I 00 For Big Brothers YORK UNIVERSITY 5-â€; ATKINSON COLLEGE INSTAL‘LED :9 9, _(_ a straw-like tassel which is used for the bristles of the broom. By the mid 1850’s broom- making had become a thriv- ing cottage industry in many rural Ontario settlements. A one-man operation, using a simple broom-making ma- chine similar to that on demonstration at Black Creek, could turn out be- tween five and eight dozen brooms in a single day. AURORA: Jim Service of Mustang Financial Corpora- tion is seeking approval for a 100 - acre estate - country home subdivision to include an inn with dining and con- vention facilities. This devel- opment would be located on Jim Elder’s Elderberry Hills property at the south end of town, north of the Ontario Hospital. MARKHAM: Joseph Chiavet- ti, area contractor. who re- sided on Sir Gareth Court in Markham and his secre- tary Mrs. Agnes Smith, 39, were shot and killed July 13 at Orkney Beach, south of Orillia. Charged is the lat- ter‘s husband, a 21-year veteran with the Metro Police Force. ' THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 26, 1973 resentative James Davis of 21 Gosling Road, Maple; and Cheryl Cooper, 13, of 15 Naylor Street, Maple. The Big Brothers organization works to provide part time foster fathers for children. RICHMOND HILL Not just mortgages â€" not just savings â€" but a full range of the ï¬nancial services most people need. High, high interest on Guaranteed Investment Certiï¬cates â€" low cost safety deposit boxes â€" registered retirement savings plans â€" estate administration . . . V and G has a wide range of money services custom built to your individual needs. Call us? Money service custom built to yourneeds and Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1689 or over. Only customers of the distributing post office or offices served enroute are eligible to tender. This includes customers of all rural routes operating from these offices. Closing date for receipt of tenders in Toronto is Wednesday, 8th August, 1973 at 3:00 pm. Full particulars as to the detail of travel, tender forms, etc., may be obtained from the Postmaster at King City, Ontario, or from the Director, Central District, Ontario Postal Region, Room 430, 21 Front St. W.. Toronto, Ontario M5J 1A5 â€" Telephone 416-369-3173. This service will operate Monday to Saturday in- clusive. Pe_rspns tendering must be 21 years of age for the conveyance of Her Majesty’s Mail over King City Rural Route N0. ] The flowers your send the bereaved family are meaningful expression of your sentiment. Accordingly all flowers we receive are handled. and arranged with respect and care. The Canada Post Office is inviting mars/ml! guneral flame 126 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. Office Hours: Tues. - Thurs. 7h senior Trust Company 9:330 aJn- - 4:30 p-m- devoted entirely to serving F"- !h l I ' . 9:30 am. - 6:30 p.m. epeop e of 0" am, qat. 9 am. to Noon LIMITED 884-1062 (Photo by Stuart's Studio) 884-1107