Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jul 1973, p. 8

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KING CITY & MAPLE 833-5253 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ont: Be the first to inspect this delightful 2 storey 4 bedroom brick farmhouse in the heart of King’s best farmland. Soft maples surround- ing the house are filled with singing birds and gentle summer breezes. This lovely home has been preserved with the original oak trim and pine floors by 46 years of love and care with the present owner. The expan- sive 2 acre lot is ideally suited for horses, football or family reunions with fencing all around plus 2 garages. Gardeners will adore the well established vegetable plot. Just list- ed at $68,000.00. Don’t be disappointed by a sold sign! Tim O'Hara, 297-1270 or King, 833-5253. Sparkling 4 bedroom country home clad in no-care aluminum siding on 1/2 acre. This home has been the convent of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul. Close to church and school, conveniently located on a paved road, there are 9 rooms plus full base- ment all in A-l condition. $58,000.00. Mrs. Marion O’Hara 297-1270 or 833~5253. 175 ft. of lake frontage with 2 winterized cottages. There are 3 bedrooms, full bath- rooms and fully equipped kitchens. Boat house. Charming island setting with mag- nificent view. $40,000. Mrs. Marion O’Hara, 297-1270 or 833-5253. 1 1/3 acres in Bolton-Nobleton area. Cozy custom built split level home with broadloom throughout and spacious kitchen, appliances built in. Separate kennel, insulated, with 5 runs. $57,500.00. Mrs. Marion O’Hara, 297- 1270 $57,500.00. Mrs. Marion O’Hara, 297- 01. 833-5253. KING - VICTORIAN HOME MUSKOKA - 2 COTTAGES KING - GREEN LANE LICENCED KENNEL nrio. Thursday, July 26, 1973 HAVING PROBLEMS With your existing financing? Mortgage Coming Due? We arrange, sell, buy or exchange all types of Mortgages. For confidential service, call Jim Boagey. RICHMOND HILL - $18,500.00 Bright, valnminum siding, 2 bedroom bunga- low. Easy financing. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL 3 bedroom bungalow situated on a beautiful 1/3 acre lot. Double garage, finished rec. room, fireplace. Many extras. Good mort- gage rate. RICHMOND HILL COUNTRY SE'I'I‘ING 3 bedroom bungalow with lovely panelled liv- ing room and fireplace, situated on large treed property, close to schools and transporâ€" tation. Asking $35,900.00. CALL 889-5651 - 884-2377 - 773-4391 * LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE SHAMROCK You should be sure you know BEFORE you start to look so that you won’t later get in over your financial capabilities. Harry Sadler, F.R..l -.--..--.....- -â€"r_____ The simplest-713w is to calculate the amount of monthly mortgage payment you can handle com- fortably and then see how much mortgage that pay- ment will suppoVth4~ l-. . . . - 3,,44 From your NET monthly take-home pay deduct the costs of non-housing items such as food, cloth- ing, insurance, installment payments and recreation. From that result deduct standard housing costs such as taxes, insurance. maintenance and fuel. The final result should be the approximate monthly mortgage payment you can afford. râ€"w .-----. , -.... A Realtor can readily tell you by checking his tables of interest rates and terms how large a loan the payment will carry over a given period. The size of the mortgage you can afford plus the amount of your down payment will readily give you the price category you should_be_looking in." , 4 M ,, u,,,, n-_ -..v-°~__, iv. .. 7V. A knowledge of what is sensibie financing for your family is one of the foundations of a wise choice in home purchases by eliminating future home money worries. Four bedroom two storey backing on golf course. Master bedroom has 4 pc. ensuite and den with walkout to sun deck. Large living room and dining room broadloomed. Family room with fireplace and walkout to patio. 2 pc. bath on main floor. Electric heating, two car attached garage, paved drive. This home has been professionally decorated throughout. ASKING $74,900.00 889-5651 - 884-2377 - 773-4391 NEWMARKET Distinguished four bedroom ranch style bung- alow in highly fashionable area of town. Liv- ing room is accentuated by a unique Ten- nessee marble fireplace, large dining room, cosy rec. room. Two car attached garage, paved drive. Enormous, well landscaped lot. ASKING $72,000.00. Members of York Region Real Estate Board See you next week. Real , Estate Broker 125 YONGE STREET-SOUTH AURORA, ONTARIO A U R 0 RA _727-1333 TORONTO 8812443 'SYMINGIUN â€" n-a u... -â€"-. Avlcll 'IV I333 NIOIVI I'll“, W. S. SYMINGTON Members of York County, Ontario & Canadian Association of Real Estate Boards PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT REAL ESTATE By HARRY SADLER FIGURE OUT HOW MUCH HOUSE YOU CAN AFFORD Emerald Isle Real Estate Ltd. AURORA REALTOR Leading Real Estate Buys In ' Southern York Region 3 Yonge Street S. â€" Richmond Hill SEPTEMBER POSSESSION 1800 sq. ft. sidesplit, family room with fire- place, 2 baths, basement walkout, 2 car gar- age, large homesite. Only $20,500. down to one 914% mortgage. Call Sy Gardner, 884- 4446. SPACIOUS CUSTOM BUILT 6 year old 8 room backsplit, double car garage, rec. room and bar plus family room with walkout to patio. Floor to ceiling fireplace, drapes and broadloom, 1 acre homesite. Call Finn Samuelsen, 884-4446. INNISFIL COTTAGE $10,900. 5 room fully furnished frame cot- tage on 50x135 ft. lot. Close to golf course, swimming, ice fishing and snowmobiling. Immediate possession. Call Ben Thompson, 884-4446. KING CITY NEW 4 bedroom sidesplits, plus family rooms, open fireplaces, walkout basements, almost 1/3 acre homesites. Asking $63,500. Call Mel Atkins, 884-4446. 6 room brick bungalow, 3 family sized bed- rooms, featuring broadloom throughout. A-l condition. Call Cliff Thomson, 884-4446. 1'/z STOREY DETACHED King Sideroad, large 103x423 ft. homesite, zoned commercial or residential. A good in- vestment for the near future. Asking 845,900. Call Rhoda Dunbar, 884-4446. ALL NEW DETACHED Bungalows with your choice of styling and decor, 4 months possession. Close to schools and shopping. Call Doug Bennett, 884-4446. RICHMOND HILL BUNGALOW Spacious 3 bedroom bungalow, private drive, garage, rec. room, fast possession, large homesite. Try 88,000. down. Call Lee Cole, 884-4446.. YONGE ST. FRONTAGE Commercial excellent location for doctor’s of- fice or small business. Asking $46,900. Call Fran Rockley, 884-4446. FOR ANY PURPOSE RESIDENTIAL FIRSTS . . . . . . . . . . 9%% SECONDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 I/z % COMMERCIAL COTTAGE & FARM LOANS MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD Approved Correspondent for the Mortgage Insce. Co. of Canada MORTGAGE LOANS €32 PHIL' POWELL “Honesty and Service Is Our Motto” 884-4446 BRAMALEA DETACHED I :9 arms sumac m: susunssl CALL PHIL POWELL 884-8183 889-8303 RICHMOND HILL BUNGALOW 6 room brick detached home on lovely treed lot, with sin- gle garage and paved drive. Extras include finished rec- reation room and more. Priced to sell. Call Mrs. C. Crawford. 1 cottage and sleeping cabin on beautiful and private is- land located just outside Pe- terborough on the Trent System. Priced at $16,500.00. Call Larry Sanders. $36,900.00 FULL PRICE 6 room two storey house well located in Central Richmond Hill. Carries easily on the 91/2% mortgage. Your down payment considered. Early possession. Call Larry San- ders. 30 CHURCH ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL 889-7938 - 773-4141 THRIVING BUTCHER BUSINESS IN KESWICK Illness forces sale. Young aggressive butcher must give up growing business. 1969-70 sales - 845,381.00, 1972-73 sales - $172,852.00. Ex- cellent room for further expansion to fresh fruits and vegetables. Priced to sell at once at $24,900.00 plus stock at invoice. List of equipment available with broker. CALL VERN GRIFFIN (416) 294-5151 SUMMER COTTAGE Lovely family home, 4 bedrooms, 2 storey, shining clean, 8 rooms plus finished base- ment. Den rec. room, fireplace, double gar- age. Mrs. MacMurtry, 889-7771. BAYVIEW - THORNHILL 2 storey townhouse, only 31/3 years old, lovely condition, close to shopping and buses. This home is priced right for your pocketbook. Call and see it!! Fran Rhodes, 226-3333. MILLION DOLLAR VIEW Beautiful King, very special 4 bedroom split on one acre lot, master with ensuite, main floor den, family room, fireplace, walkout and laundry, 2800 sq. ft. plus finished basement. $74,900. Miriam Sherman, 889-7771. PEACEFUL LIVING! You hate driving on those busy highways, you would like to sit in the privacy of your own treed back yard and enjoy swimming or horseback riding. Call now and inspect 2 beautiful properties on 1/; and 1 acres with spotless 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Mrs. Sykes, 889-7771. Member Toronto & York Real Estate Boards HOUSES T0 RENT _3333 Bayview Avefm' '8’89-7771 226-3333 H. KEITH LIMITED REALTOR THORNHILL Beautiful backsplit bunga- low. Paved drive, broadloom. drapes. fenced and land- scaped. Large finished rec. room. Owner moving east. iMove in time for school. Reasonable down payment. Listed at only $40.900.00. 41 ACRES - $29,500.00 Near Sharon Rd. - Don Mills. Beautiful bush lot. Trem- endous potential. 450 ft. road frontage. Sandy soil. W 773.4511 AURORA - JUST LISTED GORMLEY RETREAT 214 Acres California ranch style bungalow nestled in wooded area. 3 bedrooms. large living room with floor to ceiling fieldstone fireplace, dishwasher in ultra modern kitchen! Family room! End of August possession. $113,- 000. Connie Ladkin, 889- 9330. 1/2 ACRE NEAR AURORA Small starter house on lovely treed lot. 2 bed- rooms, separate dining room, living room has fireplace. Reduced to $32,900.00. Jane Haight, 889-9330. THORNHILL-BAYVIEW $62,900.00. 4 bedroom beauty. only 2 years old. Private landscaped lot. Very attractive living room - dining room. Main floor family room. fire- place, laundry room. Good basement area for rec. room. Jane Haight, 889- 9330. THORNHILL $57,900. Lovely 4 bedroom fam- ily home, 2 full baths, double garage on nicely landscaped lot, close to schools, shopping and transportation. Appliances included. Mrs. Hagarty, 889-9330. YOUNG & BIGGIN LIMITED/REALTOR Thornhill 889-9330 - 727-3442 7724 Yonge St. 884-5111 THREE bedroom clay brick bungalow, good living dining room, family kitchen, full basement. garage. Asking $46,500. Call 889-2951, Tom Murphy le., Realtor. COIN LAUNDRY Richmond Hill. 20 washers, ideal for retired person, low down payment. one mortgage for balance, 5 yr. lease, net approx. $6,000 yearly. Mrs. Sutherland. EGLINTON & CHAPLIN Toronto. Immaculate 5 room bungalow with open fireplace in living room, finished rec. room, asking $45,900. Mrs. McKay. PICKERING: In a letter to Ontario Riding MP Norm Cafik, Mrs. Ruth Hay of Brougham described a rec- ent protest against the pro- posed airport as “the sorry little parade" in which she recognized only one person with connection with the community. “The majority were hippie-types only out for something to do. The folks here in Brougham feel very bad that such a thing could happen (the mock- hanging of Mr. Cafik at the airport offices). “I am very much anti-airport but I do not think this kind of behav- ior by a small minority is a way to show our feelings.” LTD. 884-5422 VARIETY STORE $27,500. Busy, well stocked established store on Yonge St., no competition for blocks, good lease. Mr. Mc- Vey. NEWMARKET: ‘The town has acquired the last piece of property around Fairy Lake with the purchase of an acre from Mrs. Frank Stephens for $20,000. The property will be sold to the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority for a Holland River valley park. All the land on the river from Water Street to Mulock Drive is now pub- licly owned. 889-2951 PROPERTIES WANTED MURPHY ALL TYPES OF PROPERTY REQUIRED FOR A MARKET VALUE ESTIMATE, WITHOUT OBLIGATION CARLISLE BY READING AND USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Do you know of an easier way to shop or sell? When you make the “Liberal” Classified col- umns your market place, all you do is place your ad and wait for the phone to ring (and ring it will) or sit back and enjoy reading the Class- ified columns, then phone for an appointment to see the advertised items. Want ads do the work â€" and quickly. PHONES 884-1105 - 884-8177 Members of the Toronto York County and District Real Estate Boards “Home Paper of the District Since 1878” REALTOR LTD. 28 Yonge St. S. 889-7381 - 173-4335 884-7751 PHOTO M.L.S. “The Liberal” TOM CALL REALTOR 773-4302 884-5422 c1w4

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