The funeral service was held August 14 at the Mar- shall Funeral Home, with Rev. Robert Smith of Rich- mond Hill United officia- ting. Interment followed in Salem Cemetery. Kinsale with Frank Rogers, Leslie Harbron, Lloyd Harbron. Jack Parkin, Harold Parkin and Allan Jones serving as pallbearers. Birthday greetings to Miss Grace Boynton. August 24; Mrs. Pat Ottaway. August 24; Mrs. Jack Leitch, August 27; Mrs. Vern. Pennock, August 27; Mrs. Philip Rumney, Aug- ust 29; Margaret Empring~ ham. August 30. Wedding anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mortson, married 14 years. August 29; to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hanna (Dianne Don- nelly) married three years. August 29. Monday of last week Mrs. Stan Boynton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Boynton and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Westall and boys visited the Blue Moun- tain Pottery plant at Colling- wood. Later they called on Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Mum- berson at Wasaga Beach. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Huggins and family in the passing of Mr. Huggins' stepfather, Mr. Arthur Butt. Her loss is mourned by cousins and many friends. FUNERAL SERVICE Rev. Allen Hallett conduct- ed the ceremony and Miss Sharon Buchanan played the wedding music, with “0 Per- fect Love" as the proces- sional. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father. was lovely in a bridal gown of white dotted Swiss with long fitted torso, and Ibouf- fant Skirt falling to a chapel Mr. Herb Boynton of Rich- mond Hill called on relatives i}: the community on Satur- Mabel Harbron Former Teacher Mabel Le dora Harbron who passed away in Central Hospital. Toronto, August 11. after a two month illness will be mourned by a wide circle of friends in Richmond Hill. Born in Kinsale, Ontario, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Harbron. Qualifying as an elemen- tary school teacher, she taught in Markham, Rich- mond Hill and North York for more than 40 years and held primary and music su- CHOIR MEMBER She was a member of Richmond Hill United Church and sang in the York Choraliers and the Ecumenical Choir. She was a member of Simcoe Court Independent Order of Fores- ters. Alberta Rebekah Lodge 262. Markham, and of the Superannuated Teachers. She received her degree from the University of Tor- onto Law School earlier this summer; spent some weeks articling with a law firm in London. England, and now has returned home to pre- pare for her marriage to Gareth Davies of Swansea, Wales, which takes place at Brown's Comers United Church September 1~ Mardi and her groom-to-be received many beautiful and useful gifts for which they thanked everyone. Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chad- wick have returned from hol- idaying on the West Coast. Taught40 Years lived Here 30 pervisoï¬s For 30 years she has lived in Richmond Hill. her add- ress being 80 Baker Ave- nue. HARTWICK-JONES A beautiful summer wed- ding took place at Brown‘s Corners United Church July 28, when Linda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones of Buttonville and Edward. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hart- wick, Senior, of Keswick, were married. Tuesday evening of last week, neighbors. friends and relatives gathered in Victoria Square Community Hall to hold a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Mardi Tyn- dall and Douglas Tindal who are being married in Victoria Square United Church August 25 at 3 pm. Neighborhood Notes 1973 is a momentous year for Maureen Martin. Maureen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Martin, and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gwyn Davies of Skewen, Wales. They met last year when both were study- ing law in London. Shower The Martins expect mem- bers of the Davies family to visit a week before the wed- ding. Buttonville Community Happenings TURN SPARE ROOMS INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Victoria Square Wedding Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandle RR 2, Gormley certificates CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF â€" PHONE 294-5290 train. A large white picture daisies completed her cos- gift from the groom, and as a hat and a cascade of white tume. Her necklace was a linl: with the past she wore a I OPEN SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 5PM In!“ 4 was?“ THURSDAY 9 am to 9 pm 0 FRIDAY 9 am to 9 pm 0 SATURDAY 9 am to 6 pm 0 SUNDAY 12 Noon to 5 pm ring which had belonged to her great grandmother Mc- Quay. and carried a handker- chief from her grandmother, Mrs. James McQuay of Union- ville. Kathy Jones and Carol Hartwick, sisters of the bride and groom, who were brides- maids, and Helen Winning of Unionville, maid of honor. wore similar long empire gOWns of figured orange ice georgette with daisies in their hair and carried swag bou- quets of gold and bronze baby ‘mums. The best man was Robert Doucette of TOT! onto. and ushers were the bride's brother Jim Jones and Bill Couperthwaite of 1Unionville. After the ceremony a reception was held at the THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. 23, 1973 13 Heintzman House. Thomhill. where Mrs. Jones received guests in a formal pink gown with mauve elegance corsage. Mrs. Hartwick assisted in pink figured sheer. For a honeymoon camping trip north, Linda donned a DIRECT PHONE LINES 773-4512 881-1820 I7 YONG! 81‘. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL NONI 8844123 \Hl/ white pant suit with red ac- cessories and corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Hartwick are living in Don Mills where the groom is an industrial engineer with Underwood- Olivetti.