September 15 and 16 will bring the Canadian Arth- ritic Art Festival to Don Head School. Miss Eliza- beth Flood is in charge of the event. Also planned for October is a color train trip to Gra- venhurst October 14. Cost of 10 coaches to carry 600 people and a diesel engine would be $3,993. plus $220 for extra cars. A steam en- gine would cost an additio- nal $900, it was reported. Adult tickets will be avai- lable at $10 each and childâ€" ren's (12 and under) at $5 each. A 5% commission will be paid the senior citi- zens for sale of tickets. He also asked for munici- pal backing in the form of more parking areas, {IOWer boxes. benches, potted trees and signs pointing to the downtown area. Mayor Bob Forhan agreed with the petition, but warned extensive studies will be re- quired to determine the solu- tion to traffic re-routing prob- lems and to determine shop- An addition has been made to the Centennial events scheduled for the fall. according to a report of Richmond Hill Centen- nial Committee meeting July 24. This will be 3 Fiat 124 plus 124 Rally sponsored by the Toronto Chapter of the Fiat Auto Club. Included will be a parade beginning at the Dominion Store and proceding north to Rich- mond Heights Centre before the rallymgets underway at Target date for starting the mall would be sometime next spring, said Mr. Hempen. “It can’t be done overnight. It needs careful study and planning," he said.. G-MONTH TRIAL If, after a six month trial, the mall works. Mr. Hempen said he would ask the town to level the street area from storefront to storefront. Art Show, Car Rally Fall Color Journey 11 pm. ’THe cars wi‘fl away from the town all nigh? retyrning torthe pla- za in the ï¬lorning, 3nd breakfast will be served at the Black Hawk Motel. Frank Hempen. a Main Street jeweller, presented the petition. He said the 41 names make up 80 to 90 per cent of the merchants in the three-block stretch. Forty-one Main Street merchants recently petitioned Newmarket town council to turn the three - block area from Park Avenue to Water' Street into a permanent shop- ping mall. Newmarket Merchants Want Main Street Turned Into Mall to the waistline. Her veil was of tulle bordered with white lace and topped with a tiara of rhinestones and her bouquet was a spiral arrangement of red roses. white daisies and white sa- tin ribbon. Bridal attendants were Mrs. Mary Hawkins as mat- ron of honor, Miss Kathy Nicklas and Miss Colleen Treat as bridesmaids. Flo- wer girl was Miss Traci Ing- les. The matron of honor and bridesmaids wore princess line long dresses of blue and pink cotton Swiss eye- Hisey - luck St. Mary's Anglican Setting F0: July Wedding Ceremony Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore white dotted Swiss over nylon ta- fetta. The floor length gown was Empire style with a mandarin collar and a row of small white satin buttons St. Mary's Anglican Church was the setting for the July 28 wedding of Donna Mae Luck to Robert Bruce Hisey with Rev. John Coneybeare officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luck. 239 Anzac Road, Richmond Hill. and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hisey of Holland Landing. The church was decorated with pink and white gladioli with satin ribbons marking the guest pews. Wedding music was played by orga- nist Mrs. Estelle Markham. Quentin A. Hardy MD 20 Doctors Lane, King City announces that Dr. Paul T. Randall ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. Stephen Pearl will join him to associate in family practice on or before September 4th, 1973 AURORA: Regional govern- ment with its plethora of pro- fessional experts has left town council with less work and more pay than ever before. Mayor Evelyn Buck announced in a speech to the Aurora Rotary Club. “The agenda is ridiculous," she said. "We manage to spin it out and just talk about the few things we have on the wvnnfla," By phoning 884-2727 resi- dents can obtain informa- tion on almost every sub- ject from files which have been prepared and are kept up to date. Much of the work of compilation of this information and co-ordina- tion of the work has been made possible by a federal government LIP grant which has now expired. The phones have been and will continue to be manned. by volunteers who have been trained to handle emergen- cy calls. Councillor Tom Taylor said council was already working in this direction. Approval for Helpmate In- formation Services to hire a covordinator as requested in their budget presentation was given by Richmond Hill Council August 13 on re commendation of its finance committee. Seven months salary and benefits. commencing Sep- tember 1. have been provi- ded for in the form of a grant. Helpmate Information Ser- vices. which operates from the basement of the public library, combines Helpmate services of referrals to agen- cies which can provide as- sistance for those in need of it with a comprehensive information service. Councillor Doris Blair, who totally agreed with the peti- tion, said she feels council and the merchants should hold meetings, but not public ones. on the matter. HI Co-ordinator Gets Green light per reaction before a final decision is made. He chal- lenged the petitioning merch- ants to get a little action in this area, and called on them to bring in interim reports between now and spring on the backing the project can expect “when it gets down to a dollar investment by prop- erty owners in the shopping area." COUNCIL COMMITTEE Peter Hall, Bob Scott, and Randy LaMorre were the councillors named to work with the merchants. A reception, wedding din- ner and dance followed in the Black Hawk Motor Inn for 45 guests. Among them were the bride's grandpa rents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wil- lis from Toronto. For travelling the bride chose a red and white pant suit with a white wide brim- med hat, a red carnation and matching accessories. The groom’s mother wore a long dress of printed chif- fon with a corsage of green- tinted orchids with mat- ching rosebuds in her hair. The bride’s mother wore a long dress of mauve chif- fon with underlay of mauve taffeta with a corsage of pinkyâ€"mauve orchids. She wore matching rosebuds in her hair. Attending the groom were Bob Hawkins as best man and Cliff Dunbar and James Zaeszer as ushers. let, trimmed with ribbons of pink and blue satin. Completing their outfits were white picture hats, surrounded with pink and blue ribbons. They carried nosegays of pink and blue Chrysanthemums with strea- mers of ribbon to match. The flower girl wore a long dress of pink and white cot- ton with short puff sleeves and empire waistline. She carried a basket of tinted blue and pink daisies. Kuni Von Rothenstein, owner of Redstone Farms, 18th Avenue, Richmond Hill, just east of Bayview, was host to the Sixth Annual Ben- efit Horse Show on the Civic Holiday Weekâ€" end in aid of the Ontario Humane Society. In the picture above, Mr. Van Rothenstein is seen presenting the trophy to Jumper Champion Large Variety of Patterns“ Reg. , 319.95 8 to 10 colors to choose from FORMICA 8. ARBORITE $15.95 HANDY PANELS / CADILLAC 4 Hill Farm Scene 0f Beneï¬t Horse Show 8 ft. base and wall cabinet com- pletely finished with counter top lyour choice of color). Any size L or U shape available to your request Use KITCHEN CABINE T LESS THAN HALF OF MARKET PRICE $184.00 ONL 2‘x4‘ §1.49 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM FOR OUR LARGE VARIETY OF EXTERIOR CEDAR DOORS PAINT $6.95 PAINT $3.79 EXTERIOR GLIDDEN QUALITY OIL BASE Reg. $9.90 CEDAR FOR FENCING EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR WHITE PANELS NEVER BEFORE†4’x8’x V2†SPECIAL Real Plywood Prefinished $15.95 "x4" "x6" ASK See us for all your needs in Home Improvements and Cottage Materials FOR QUOTATION 2nx4n znxan Also competing in the jumping events of the successful event were well-known equest- rians Doug Henry and Ian Miller. Reg Barnes who rode Johnny-on-the-Spot owned by the Barnes family of St. David’s, Ontario. GAL Gal. 4») x4†Each SHOWERFOLD $29; 95 Reg. / nun! cum DOORS Shop and Save at your nearest AID Home Centre North of Maple Sideroad on Keel Street Hours: 8:30 am. to 5:30 pm. - Friday 8:30 am. to 0pm Saturday 8:30 am. to 5 pm. While They Jast CEILING PANEL 4-5-6-7-8 Ft Lengths COUNTERTOPS $44.95 PHONE 832-2271 - 889-4973 KEELE STREET. MAPLE ’ READY Regulation Size TO ASSEMBLE Topz5’x9' Height: 3W2“ (N0 tools required) OLYMPIC SIZE ‘ ‘ ; (.REENmEï¬uNTLnl ‘ . EXERCISE, POST FORMED PAINT GRADE LEGS 4’x4’ SPECIAL In 5 - 6 Colors PING PONG TABLES (Photo by Susan Samila) s 1.95 6C4ARTON Square ft VANI'I'IESE FREE DELIVERY TOP White 12“x12" T & G White Also in stock other patterns Per Fl. .95 Regulation Top: 5‘x9‘ Height: 30' $21.95 .75 ac 36†VANITY :Completely Finished Completely Finished : YOUR CHOICE I OF COLOR TOP Completely Finished OZITE CARPET RUNNERS 5 1.49 This week birthday wishes go to Dean Bolton who will be eight and to Andy Ratch- ford who will be 12, both August 23; to Sheila Ball, who will be eight, August 26; to Patricia Cruise, who will be eight and to Melinda Leicht who will be nine Aug- ust 27; and to Allison Beatty, who will be 10, August 28. Happy birthdays! There will be a celebration of Holy Communion Sunday at St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday with Rev. George Young, formerly priest-in- charge of Emmanuel, Rich- vale. preaching and officiat- ing. Lay Reader Les Eliot offi- ciated at Morning Prayer last Sunday and Keith Marsh preached. The flowers on the altar were placed to the glory of God and in loving memory of Mike Norton by Sheila Norton. St. John’s Mixed Blessings sang in the Better Living Building at the ONE Tuesday as part of the program honor- ing Richmond Hill Day. This Sunday they will be singing in the Pure Food BunEiHE for a half hour at 2 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm and 5 pm. Community News The junior young people’s group will meet Friday this week for fun and fellowship at St. Mark‘s Chapel, Oak Ridges. 24" VANITY $34.95 30†VANITY THE LIBERAL, Richmond HiII, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. 23, 1973 Church News RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-1812 Phone 889-1812 - At All Hours - Rice's Flowers For ALL Occasions Flowers Wired Anywhere Elgin Mills Jefferson News $44.95 $39.95 Correspondent: CAROLINE LOMAS Telephone 884-3000 per ft. 27" We Deliver to Toronto 8 Surroundin/ Districts Part of Lot 32, Concession 4 in the said Town, designated as Parts 2 and 3 on a plan depos- ited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South as Plan 64R-2765; Part of Lot 33, Concession 4 in the said Town, designated as Parts 4 and 6 on said Plan 64R-2765; Part of Lot 34, Concession 4 in the said Town, designated as Part 7 on said Plan 64R-2765: Part of Lot 35, Concession 4 in the said Town, designated as Parts 8, 10, 11, and 13 on said Plan 64R-2765. LAND IN THE TOWN OF MARKHAM .IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK, FORMERLY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Part of Lot 26, Concession 5 in the said Town, designated as Part 1 on a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South as Plan 64R-2764; Part of Lot 26, Concession 4 in the said Town, designated as Parts 2 and 3 on said Plan 64R-2764; Part of Lot 27, Concession 4 in the said Town, designated as Parts 4, 5 and 7 on said Plan 64R-2764; Part of Lot 28, Concession 4 in the said Town, designated as Parts 8 and 9 on said Plan 64R-2764; Part of Lot 29, Concession 4 in the said Town, designated as Parts 10, 11 and 12 on said Plan 64R-2764; Part of Lot 30, Concession 4 in the said Town, designated as Part 13 on said Plan 64R-2764; Part of Lot 31, Concession 4 in the said Town, designated as Part 1 on a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Divis- ion of Toronto Boroughs and York South as Plan 64R-2765. LAND IN THE TOWN OF WHITCHURCH- STOUFFVILLE IN THE REGIONAL MUN- ICIPALITY OF YORK, FORMERLY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM IN TH E COUNTY OF YORK, DESCRIBED AS FOL- LOWS: 2. (a) where an inquiry is requested, it shall be conducted by an inquiry officer appointed by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General; (b) the inquiry officer, (i) shall give every party to the in- quiry an opportunity to present evidence and argument and to examine and cross-examine wit- nesses, either personally or by his counsel or agent, and (ii) may recommend to the approving authority that a party to the in- quiry be paid a fixed amount for his costs of the inquiry not to exceed $200 and the approving authority may in its discretion order the expropriating authority to pay such costs forthwith. “owner†and “registered owner†are de- fined in the act as follows: “owner†includes a mortagee, tenant, exe- cution creditor, a person entitled to a lim- ited estate or interest in land a committee of the estate of a mentally incompetent person or of a person incapable of manag- ing his affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom land is vested; “registered owner†means an owner of land whose interest in the land is defined and whose name is specified in an instrument in the proper registry, land titles or sherâ€" iff’s office, and includes a person shown as a tenant of land on the last revised assess- ment roll; The expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect of the lands intended to be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the inquiry officer are parties to the inquiry. This notice first published on the 16th Aug- ust, 1973. v NOTES: 1. The E The Box 147, Newmarket, Ontario. L3Y 4W9 The Regignal Municipality IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICA- TION BY THE REGIONAL MUNICI- PALITY OF YORK FOR APPROVAL T0 EXPROPRIATE LAND DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE “A†HERETO IN THE TOWN OF MARKHAM AND THE TOWN OF WHITCHURCH-STOUFF- VILLE IN THE REGIONAL MUNICI- PALITY OF YORK FOR THE PURPOSE OF WIDENING WARDEN AVENUE (REGIONAL ROAD NO. 65) FROM :2861‘H AVENUE TO STOUFFVILLE AD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applica- tion has been made for approval to exprop- riate the land described in Schedule “A†here- to. Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriating author- ity shall so notify the approving authority in writing, (b). (a) THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND in the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or, when he is served by publica- tion, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice; in the case of an owner who is not a reg- istered owner, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. approving authority is. Council of The Regional Municipality of York, Expropriations Act provides that, SCHEDULE “A†of York, Robert N. Vernon, Regional Clerk, 62 Bayview Avenue, Newmarket, Ontario. L3Y 4W9