6 THE LIBERAL, Rich The Liberal Classified; Southern York's Thursday Morning Marketplace TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and elec- tric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 tfc3 CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.25 and 10¢ per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for $1.15 and 10¢ per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50¢ CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, per in- sertion . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . _ . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105-6 or 884-8177 and you will receive an invoice. TEAKWOOD Living. dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9 pm. 459- 0760. EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line. (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc31 Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 GET your Motorola (Quasar) works in a drawer color TV from Peter Smith, York Home TV, 306 Bayview (Plaza). 889-1646, 884-4165. WASHER, dryer and stove parts. gears, belts, wood bearings and wringer rollers, etc. For all makes. Repairs to vacuum cleaners and small appliances. Richmond Hill Appliances. 4') Industrial Road. 884-7903. Lfc28 SEWING machine repairs (guaranteed). Also used ma- chines from just $19.95. Bernina Sewing Centre, 884- 3775. tfc-37 RAILWAY TIES $3.90 each â€"â€" Holland Park Garden Centre, 10141 Keele Street N., Maple. 328-2455. tfc52 iIANOS, fine quality instru- ments by rebuilder, guaran- teed. Kleinburg. 893-1573. 7 GLIDDEN Redwood Stain, $4.99 gal.; Portland Cement, $1.75 Bag; Shutters (10 sizes in stock) from $6.28 each; Picnic Tables. $28.50 each. Loughlin Lumber, Yonge & Scott Dr.. Thornhill, 889- 1109. c6w4 YORK ALUMINUM Free Estimates. Aluminum siding, windows. doors. awn- ings. 884-4558 or 832-1319. th5 WANTEDâ€"Saleable articles for the Victoria Square and District Lions Club for their annual auction and rummage sale, Saturday, September 15. 1973. For pick-up call 884-2882, 887-5750 or 887- 5627. c7w5 BOOKS FOR GRADE 13 Best prices for new and used at Bayview Secondary School, August 14-September 1. 3 GIRLS' bicycles, new ex- haust hood and fan, electric floor polisher. 889-0689. c2w7 r- 20% DISCOUNT SALE on barbecue equipment, char- coal, electric and gas models. Hearth and Patio Store, 60 Doncaster Avenue, Thornhill. 889-3133. c3w7 '73 500 HONDA, best offer. 887-5371. c2w8 ACCORDION for sale, good condition, 120 base. $75. After 5 pm. Call 884-3585. c1w8 FALL wedding dress, size 8. Call after 5:30 pm. 889-1859. c1w8 BRAND new kitchen suite round table, six chairs, $200 889-8522. c2va MOVING C u st 0 m bar, refrigerator, large dining room suite, bed- room suite and other house- hold articles. 884-9718. c1w8 '69 YAMAHA 180 trail bike, good condition. $150. Phone 297-2832. c1w8 DRYERfelectric, good con- dition. $50. 884-9444. C1W8 FIREPLACE mantle, stone and wood. $50; end tables, $10 pair; table lamps, $12 pair; basket chair covers, $8 pair; electric \bottle sterilizer. $12; car bed $7. baby sleigh $7, Gendron 3-way carriage $35, car seat $6. Phone 884- 6678. c1w8 MOVING SALE Sklar sofa and chair, swivel rocker. stereo, sewing ma- chine desk, 5 drawer chest. 2 dressers, one highboy, etc. 884-8366. c1w8 KENMORE Inglis automatic washer, very good condition, reasonable. 884-4548. KENMORE 13 cu. ft. refrig- erator, frost free, excellent condition. 889-6585. c1w2 EXPERIENCED part time teller required at the Bank of Nova Scotia, Thornhill, 889-4961. c1w8 ROCKERY stones,’ assorted sizes, reasonable. 884-2675. c1w8 ’71 BSA 250 Goldstar, condition. Best offer 3108. FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES (Effective July 1, 1972) WANTED tfc32 tfc48 c3w6 gg‘éaf'VIKING dehumidifier, 15 czwg pint. brand new. automatic. $59; and 18" fan, $12. Call 889-1424 after 7 pm. c1w8 _ A A , , A *1w8 good 884- c1w8 4 x 8 sheets, fir l/é" special Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. tfc4 Doors, windows, awnings, railings, siding, soffit sys- tems, trough. Free estimates. Ron Woods. 884â€"1514. tfc46 FIREWOODâ€"$17.50 per face cord, $20. delivered. Smaller quantities available. Day- break Farm, Yonge Street, 1 mile north of Richmond Hill. 884-9661. tfc47 BEDROOM Spanish, dining living room Burma Teak- wood. New furniture. Very reasonable. 1-247-4377. TANDEM bicycle, excrellen} £6h'dï¬ion. 3811-7878 after 5 nm “C5 FIREPLACES â€" Franklins - wood and coal stoves, metal chimneys, barbecues, fire- place accessories, Hearth and Patio Store, 60 Doncaster Ave. 889â€"3133. c23w4 PIANO - upright grand, re- cently tuned, $225. Call af- ter 6 pm, 833-5265. c1w8 HOUSE full £11651 7 Visell, leaving country. Come and make an offer. Phone 851-2756 for appo§nt: STOVE, 30â€, refrigerator, both in good working condi- tion. Small tent. 889-6913. c1w8 ment PEKIN’ESE, registered, good bloodlines, reasonable. 889- 4774. c4w8 APARTMENT size pianq, ex- cellent condition call 884-6517. 30" GAS range, gbod condi- tion, white. 884-4166. clwï¬ TENT-trailer, good condition, Iroquois-Apache with addâ€"aâ€" room. 833-5488, King City. ’73 KAWASAKI 82. new con- dition, 2 months old. must sell. Asking $875. 884-7525. COUCH â€"- 84" long, Danish modern, newly reâ€"covered in warm toast colored tweed. Teak wood legs, $90. 884â€" 2918 after 5 pm. c1w8 ‘72 KAWASAKI 90, 575 orig- inal miles. excellent shape. 884-4852. c1w8 MIRANDA Sensorex plus Soligor 135 F2.8, tronic flash, filters and $215.00. 884-6935. '73 CPL 120 Lionel camper- trailer, fully equipped. Used for one trip, excellent condi- tion. $2,500 value, any rea- sonable offer considered. 884- 2706. c1w8 DINING room suite, walnut, nine pieces, early 20’th Cen- tury, excellent condition. $950. Call 884-5036 after 5 pm. SANYL mini washer-spin dryer, like new, 889-8109. DINING tent, 9’ x12’, as new. Steel ladder racks, for Dat- sun or Toyota pick-up. Best offer‘ 884-3488. c1w8 CHEST freezer, also above ground swimming pool, 24 ft. in diameter. complete with ‘gas heater. 884-1669. c2w8 TWO Chesterfield suites, one sectional with 2 pieces; also Chesterfield and 1 chair, $25 each. Call 884-5036 after 5 RUG. rust color. 9' x12‘ with underlay, $65. 881-2197. c1w8 LARGE home. 3 bedrooms, 2 sitting rooms, 2 bathrooms. 2 fireplaces, pool size lot. Appointment only. 884-3895 after 5:30. c1w8 SAILBOAT. 14' Sunspot. car- topable, excellent condition, must sell. $325 or best offer. 884-3779. c1w8 16 CU. FT. brand ngw refrig- erator. $275 or best offer; coffee table and 2 step tables, $15. 889-8185. c1w8 ’68 HONDA 175, good condiâ€" tion, $250. 884â€"5469. c1w8 ITOAM and manure for sale garden supplies. 223-4143: SUNBEAM 18" electric mower. 825; HO 4'x8' layout, $25. 773-4252. BEETS, cucumbers and cab- bages fresh from the garden. Phone 889-4405. c1w8 TOURS. cruises. rail and bus tickets. reservations and in- dividual travel. Call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency, 889-5643. tfc47 FOR SALE KLUMINUM (Continued) PLYWOOD TRAVEL of furniture, Please I c1w8 c1w8 tfc3 c1w8 c1w8 c1w8 c1w8 F1.8, elec- case, *1w8 c1w8 c2w8 lawn train c1w8 CLEANERSâ€"To do janitorial also GomeSUC, lVlonudy-ruua; work for 4 dry cleaning only' 889‘7090- clwa stores. 5:30 pm to 1:30 pm BILLING CLERK EMonday to Friday. Steady This position would involve clw8 year round employment. Must invoice typing, ï¬ling and re- i-bus have driver's licence. Apply lated duties for new plastics :l in- in person only to Mr. Jack laminating plant, located l. H. ency, tfc47 Barth, 198 Yonge St. North, Keele St. and Hwy 7. Please Richmond Hill from 9 am to call 661-2351, ext. 42 4 pm. c1w8 c1w8 HELP WANTED Apply in person: Stran-Steel Division Westeel-Rosco Limited 105 Industrial Road Richmond Hill MACHINIST and mechanical assembler with welding ex- perience wanted for plant of conveyor and packaging ma- chine manufacturer. General Conveyor Co. Ltd., 107 Doncaster Avenue Thornhill 889-7812 EXPERIENCED switchboard operators for shift work. 889- 7611. tfcl DRIVERS, full and part time. must be over 21 with good driving record. Thornhill Taxi. 7711 Yonge St., Thorn- hill, 881-1717. tvfc44 HAIR stylist. experienced, full time, excellent wages. 889-6041. c2w7 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED for bedroom maintenance and laundry. Call Mr. Par- ker, 881-2121 Parkway Ho- tel, Highway 7, 1 mile east of Bayview. c1w7 KITCHEN and dining room help for children’s home. Mature person with some cooking experience preferred. Good working conditions and wages. Call H. Klenkler, 929- 0249. 02w7 INVENTORY MANAGER Responsibilities include sales analysis and estimates. Com- plete training provided. Good mathematical skills and at- tention to detail essential. Post secondary training pre- ferred. Please apply in writ- ing stating training and ex- perience to: Scholastic Publi- cations, 123 Newkirk Road, Richmond Hill, Ont. Atten- tion: Mr. J. Falk. c2w7 SECRETARY DOCTOR’S OFFICE Richmond Hill, experience not essential. Good salary for reliability and efficiency. Apply Box 39, The Liberal. WE PROMISE YOU This job won’t be dull. Var- ied duties include reception, invoicing, typing, basic book- keeping, pleasant surround- ings. Join us and get involved in business. Salary open. 669- 9272. c1w7 HOUSEKEEPER, full time afternoons, 2 school age girls, begin September. 884-2218. tfc'? ESTABLISHED picture fram- ing and molding manufactur- er has openings for male or female employees in finish- ing. shipping and framing departments. Experience not necessary, will train on loca- tion. Good salary and work- ing conditions. Apply to Mr. E. Marten, Multiframe Ltd., 253 Centre St. E., Richmond Hill. 02w7 HAIRDRESSER, full or part time, Willowdale area. 222- 3568. c2w‘7 TRUCK driver for building supply company, steady ployment. Call 832-1277. Machine operators Roll Form Operators Fitters (Structural) Welders, CWB Approved General Helpers SKILLED carpenters in rough and trim. Full time, fair wage firm in Richmond Hill. Ex- perience necessary. For ap- pointment call 889-9880. tfc'l PARTS driver, General Mo- tors dealer. Permanent posi- tion, chance to learn parts business and progress to in- side work. Apply York Mills Pontiac Buick, T. W. Graham. 485-7641. clw'l JANITORIAL Service â€" To clean floors and machines in 2 coin laundries '7 nights a week. Apply in person only to Mr. Jack Barth, 198 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, 9 am to 4 pm. clw8 DRIVER for local and long distance. Must have good driving record. Apply at Worldwide Shipping, 360 Newkirk Road. c2w8 DICTA-typist for Richmond Hill manufacturing company. If you like variety, are an excellent typist, have a friend- ly telephone and reception manner, familiar with general office, call Mr. Park, 889- 8473. c1w8 FREE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER required immediately for Richmond Hill manufacturing company. Steady days, 8 to 4:30. Call Mr. Park, 889- 8473. c1w8 STUDENT’tO drive truck and now1anu, 003-5301 Uclwccu a work in yard on Saturdays fland 5 pm- __c2ws and after school. Apply in MULTILITH pressman with person, Loughlin Lumber, 6 Itek experience. Steady em- Scott Drive, Thornhill. c1w8 ployment in Thomhill, excel: required for cable television office. Excellent opportunity for advancement in growing company. Call Mr. Jeffery. 884-8111. c1w8 Requires JUNIOR CLERK Phones: 884-1105 - 6 ASSEMBLERS 23, 1973 c5w5 tfc48 tfc7 c1w7 RETAIL SALES PERSON for better grade family shoe store. Mature person with retail selling experience, pre- ferably in footwear: 40-hour week. Apply at Shields Foot- wear Ltd., Richmond Heights YOUNG person required to train as metal spinner. must be willing to learn and be a hard worker. Mr. Dawson. 884-5868. c1w8 Centre HELP WANTEDl HELP WANTED HELP WANTED! HELP WANTED Miscellaneous mnnnnnpm \Contlnued) 2 (Continued) _ .m . In"! _- -v--n.‘vn n In-_¢:_...ul CASHIERS and saies help. days 3-4 times weekly. Apply CONSTRUCTION company located north of Steelesâ€" Woodbine area requires re- ceptionist with general office experience, must have own transportation. Salary $100. Call 499-1523. clw8 6;;1vaciiaâ€"nv Tire. 70 Ybnge St. N.. Richmond Hill. clwgi LIGHT FACTORY WORK Clean, modern, cosmetic company requires steady, re- liable workers. Steady days. Full company benefits good starting rate. Apply Faberge of Canada Ltd., 7939 Keele Street North, Concord (just north of Hwy. 7), Mr. D. Feston. c1w8 LOCAL bank requires clerk- typist. 884-8126. 7 c1w8 STEEL fabricator requires junior person to write up orders, shipping bills, pick up and delivery of plans. Will train intelligent person for advancement. Box 42 “The Liberal". clw8 RELIABLE cleaning lady with transportation wanted once or twice per week. 887- 5795. clwfl NCR 3300 operator required, experience essential. Excel- lent opportunity, usual bene- fits. Apply in person to Den- alt Chemical Industries Ltd., 601 Rivermede Rd., Concord (Keele-Hwy. 7 area). clwfl o PACKAGING. MACHINE MECHANIC 0 MACHINIST O FITTER Required immediately for an expanding company. Perman- ent position. Wages commen- surate with experience. Call Markham 294-0454. c1w8 KEY punch operator 026. part time days or evenings. Apply E.C.S., PO. Box 141. Richmond Hill. c1w8 MECHANICAL FOREMAN - TOOLMAKER To look after and supervise set-up and equipment main- tenance in varied plant oper- ations. Person sought must have good mechanical apti- tude with some experience in toolmaking. Preference to those with experience in plas- tic blow or injection molding, thermal forming. Call 669- 1441‘ Mr. M. Belvedere. c1w8 MACHINE OPERATOR Turret-lathe experience pre- ferred, shift work. good bene- fits and working conditions. Hiquall Ltd., Newmarket. 898-1211. c1w8 DISPATCHER, ekperienced only, for northwest end transâ€" port company. Send details to Box 41, “The Liberal". c2w8 3RD and 4th class stationary engineers required. For ap- pointment call Tom Nolan. 884-8175. c2w8 PART time typist required for regular work in small of- fice in Yonge 8: Steeles area. Must be fast and accurate 881-2051. c1w8 HOMEMAKER experienced preferred, live in, one child. doctor's home, in Thornhill. 889-5134. c1w8 CLEANER â€" Part time to clean floors and washers in 2 coin laundries, 10:30 am to 12 pm, seven days a week. Apply in person only, to Mr. Jack Earth. 198 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill from 9 am to 4 pm. clw8 PART-TIME and second job,‘ employment available at the A & W Coffee Shop, 82 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. If you are a mature, outgoing person who enjoys working with public and handling food with 3 to 6 hours free several times a week. Apply at the above or phone 889- 2590 for added information. Openings for both male or female. Above average wages and employee benefits. c1w8 FULL TIME employment available at the A 8: W Coffee Shop, 82 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill: 1 Waitress/ Waiter category 2. Days and evenings. Above average wages and employee bene- fits. Phone 889.2590 or apply at the above address. c1w8 KITCHEN positions available at the Villa Private Hospital for day and evening shifts, Thornhill area. Call Mrs. Rowland, 889-4931 between 9 lent working conditions and advancement prospects. 889- 2971 days, 889-6910 evenings. clw8 RN for day relief; RNA's, 3- 11230, 11-7230; nursing aids; also domestic, Monday-Friday only. 889-7090. c1w8 (Continued) c1w8 ACCOUNTING CLERK required by non-profit organ- ization to undertake work of a general accounting nature. including payroll. Previous related experience would be advantageous. For further de- tails please phone Mrs. Mel- son. 630-9780. c1w8 ROLLING Hills Golf Club requires experienced short order cook. part-time wait- resses or waiters and part- time janitorl 889-1101 or 297-1121. c1w8 BOYS AND GIRLS EARN EXTRA SPENDING MONEY AND WIN PRIZES Routes available in your area for the Sunday Sun. For more information call today 88+6822. *1w8 THOROUGHBRED BREEDING FARM Requires full time help. Must have own transporta- tion to and from work. Must be a responsible person. Sal- garâ€"yr £10000 Goi‘mley and Leslie area. Call 888-1274. NC1w8 MOTHER’S helper. to assist with 3 small children, live in. 449-2726. c1w8 EEANI‘NG Edy wanted, one day a week, Thornhilll 889- 2665. c1w8 TWO rooms and a bathroom available in exchange for some baby sitting. Older per- son or pensioner preferred. Phone after 6. 884-5786. SMALL Richmond Hill man- ufacturer requires bookkeep- er for one person office. 5 day week. must be reliable. Mr. Dawson, 884-5868. ADULT person required for Pre-Cast concrete plant, Keele and Hwy 7 area. Hours 5 pm - 2 am. 669-1425. c1w8 EXPERIENCED driver, part- time. night newspaper de- livery. 889-7760. c1w8 SECRETARY required for the Town Engineer for the Town of Markham. We offer a salary commensurate to the ability and experience, good fringe benefits and steady employment. Apply directly to the Town Engineer, 8911 Don Mills Rd., Markham be- fore Aug. 29. 1973. c1w8 ACCOUNTING CLERK FOR PRIVATE HOSPITAL Cashier and accounts receivâ€" able. Aptitude for figures. typing. Experience in ac- counting helpful. SHOULDICF. HOSPITAL 7750 Bayview Avenue Thornhill for appointment call 889-1175 between 9 am and 4:30 pm. Excellent opportunity for a person who enjoys dealing with people. The job offers a variety of duties involving lending and collections, typ- ing necessary, previous exâ€" perience with finance com- pany or bank preferred. Top salary paid to qualified per- son. CLERK-typist required for busy engineering office. Typ- ing of purchase orders, inven- tory control records and other general office duties. Hwy. 7 and Keele Street. 669-9300. c1w8 LIGHT WAREHOUSE help, Keele and Hwy. 7. 669-1683 c1w8 CLERY-tï¬igt, Keele and No. 7. 669-1683. clw8 ARCHITECTURAL alumin- um window manufacturer re- quires experienced produc- tion help. Rate of pay based on experience. For appoint- ment. call 669-1373. c1w8 GROCERY clerk with super- market experience. Apply in person, Allencourt IGA. cor- ner Bayview and Markham Road, Richmond Hill. c2w8 Full time invoice typist and file clerk required for small office. Must be accurate. type minimum 50 words per minute and enjoy meeting public. Some sales- counter experience helpful but not essential. Ideal position for recent high school graduate. Starting salary $80 a week. Contact Mr. Tiller. The Association of Kinsmen Clubs â€" 889-0450 NIGHT watch â€" Semi-retired person required as night watch to work inside with light maintenance duties. Attractive salary and benefits. The McMichael Canadian Collection, Kleinburg, On- tario. 851-2421 or 893-1121. CREDIT INTERVIEWER EXPERIENCED woman to care for an infant and do light housekeeping. 8:30-4:30, Monday-Friday. Good salary. 884-9700. c1w8 WAITRESSES / waiters. One full time and one part time. Apply in person to The Fry Basket, 7057 Yonge Street. Thomhill. *lw8 WHAT PRICE CAR YOU LOOKING FOR - LOW. Trans-Canada Credit 330 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill 884-9281 MEDIUM. HIGH? SEE OUR WANT ADS. (Continued) THORNHILL AREA c2w8 c1w8 clw8 clw8 YOU I 280 Centre Street East, .OW, Richmond Hill. Ontario [? 884-9181 or 889-7373 c1w8 c1w8 WAITRESSES/waiters. Sumâ€" WAITRESS or waiters. Apply mit View Gardens Restaurant. B and M Restaurant. Good 884-1370. c2w8 wages. Li mile south of Hwy. n __ xxrnaAkz...‘ A ...... A Mm MATURE help wanted for kitchen and customer service, some food experience pre- ferred. full time. Apply to George’s Italian Cafe, 187 Yonge Street North, Rich- mond Hill. c1w8 COUNTER help wanted. Mr. Donut in Richmond Heights Plaza, 250 Yonge St. North, 884-8456. c2w8 FOUNDRY WORKER Learn operation molten metal furnace. 23 Harlech Court. Thornhill. 889-8560. c1w8 FARM manager required â€"â€" Man with good background of farm experience, capable of managing a modest farm operation employing mental- ly handicapped workers and supervisory assistants. Wages and terms of employment will be discussed with appli- cants in personal interviews. Write Daybreak Farm, RR 1. Richmond Hill. clw8 WE REQUIRE SECRETARIES â€"â€" with short hand and/0r dictaphone. ISAY CARE â€" Mature woman to look after 9 - month - old baby in my home, 2 or 3 days SECRETARY - Person Friday w i t h s o m e bookkeeping knowledge. Challenging posi- tion for a person who is able a Week, light housekeeping. Will consider your home if in vicinity. 881-2835. c1w8 t 0 a s s u'm e responsibility. Gamma Foundry Company Ltd.. 75 Newkirk Road. Rich- mond Hill. 889-5573. c1w8 ORDER-typist. must be fast. accurate typist, filing involv- ed, new plant located Keele Street and Hwy 7. Will train school graduate. Please call 661-2351, ext. 42. c1w8 EXPERIENCED cleaning wo- man wanted in Thornhill 11/2 days a week. Own transpor- tation required. 889-8119. EXCELLENT TYPISTS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Hi-Corps Office Assistance 884-6782 c1w8 COCKTAIL WAITRESS/WAITER for dining room and lounge, experienced, and references required. Call Mr. Parker, 881-2121, Parkway Hotel. Hwy. 7, 1 mile east of Bay- view. c1w8 NIGHTPERSON WANTED ‘ FOR PARKWAY HOTEL Immediate opening for a maâ€" tured person of a neat ap- pearance for 11 pm to 7 am shift. Position is for front desk reception and building maintenance during the later hours. Call Mr. Parker, 881- 2121, Parkway Hotel, Hwy. 7, 1 mile east of Bayview. c1w8 KITCHEN HELP WANTED Person to assist in kitchen and dishes, 12 to 3 pm daily. Call Mr. Parker, 881-2121, Parkway Hotel, Hwy. 7, 1 mile east of Bayview. c1w8 RECEPTIONIST WANTED for reception desk and small switchboard. Ideal for retired sales person. Call Mr. Parker, 881-2121, P a r k w a y Hotel, Hwy. 7. 1 mile east of Bay- view. c1w8 â€"CADILLAC BUILDING PRODUCTS Experienced fork lift driver. Call 889-4973, Mrs. Somsay. c1w8 WAITRESS or waiter wanted for full and part-time jobs for Copper Kettle Restaurant, 7529 Yonge Street, Thornhill. Apply in person. c1w8 THE Villa Private Hospital in Thornhill has position-s avail- able for registered nurses. part-time day and night duty. Transportation provided to city buses and to Richmond Hill. Call Mrs. Mabley, 889- 4931 between 8 and 4 pm LOCAL bank requires exper- ienced part-time help. Phone 884-4469. c1w8 FULL TIME kitchen Summit View Gardens 1370. BANK requires full time clerk. Experience an asset but not mandatory. Phone 884-4469. clwt} INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTANT required to assist this rapidly growing manufacturer and importer of varied electronic and mechanical products. Initial responsibility will lie in the detailed accounting and control of one of our divisions, c o m b i n e d with other special projects as re- quired. This position will be prefer- ably filled by a 3rd year RIA student with equivalent prac- tical experience. ASSEMBLERS (day and afternoon shifts) Required immediately for light factory work. Previous experience is less important than ability to do fine work needing good eye/hand co- ordination. Please telephone Mrs. J. Stewart: TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED also required 884-8111 clw8 c2w8 help. 884- *2w8 7 (in Woodbine Avenue. 499- 0666. clw8 MILL hand required to han- dle IOU-pound bags. Apply in person, Maple Feed Mill, Railway Street, Maple. c1w8 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL 1, i Crushed stone. sand, concrete i0 'gravel. etc.. delivered in ‘small quantities. Call C. L. c1w8 Knappetï¬ 884-3089. tfc48 require machine attendants for light factory work. after- noon shifts, 4-12 midnight. Please apply 112 Newkirk Rd. North or phone 889-6258. FACTORY HELP Apply Parker Brothers Games, 7883 Keele St. 8: No. ’7. Applications accepted be- tween 10 am and 4 pm, Mon- day to Friday. c1w8 PUNCH-PRESS operators for Richmond Hill plant, day and night shift. Good starting rate and company benefits. 889- 7549. tfc8 PERSON for office work, ex- perienced in payroll, sales tax and corporation tax, in- surances, commission, and rebates and production rec- ords. Apply Box 43, “The Liberalâ€. c1w8 RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST One part-time, 3 nights a week and one full time, re- quired for new Richmond Hill real estate office. 223- 7333. 1 clw8 RELIABLE help. full and part-time, coffee shop. Own transportation. 9â€"11 am, 297- 1422 after 5 pm. 297-1522. EXPERIENCED teller re- quired. Apply Mrs. Denton, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Maple, Ontario. clw8 SERVICE station attendant, experienced only; top pay to right man. Denny‘s Sunoco. 38 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. c1w8 TYPIST with knowledge of bookkeeping and general of- fice routine for small office at Keele and Hwy. 7. Salary commensurate with experi- ence. 669-9680. c1w8 MATURE person to live in. Light housekeeping, babysit 2 school-age children, in Thornhill. 9 am to 5 pm call 884â€"8606 After 5 pm call 889-8176. c1w8 MAN and 3A-ton truck avail- able for small moving, cellar and garage cleanups. 884â€" 6463, 499-0356. tfc51 UNIVERSITY student. ex- perienced in small moving, house painting, gardening and driveway black topping. 889-3550, ask for Jim Mac- Kenzie GRADE 13 student with own equipment and transporta- tion wants to work â€" grass cutting, hauling away garâ€" bage, yard cleaning, etc. Phone 889-2636. tch RENOVATING and painting, give Janco a call. 384-9767. c2w7 FOR apartment cleaning call 225-0105. c2w8 SECRETARY with diversi- fied experience looking for evening work. 773-4549 af- ter 6 pm. c1w8 CLEANING windows, paint- ing and odd jobs. 884-2395. c4w8 EMPLOYMENT WANTED TYPING done in my home, 884-7149. c1w§ EXPERIENCED G e r m a n lady wants day work every Tuesday from 8 am to 3 pm, $13 and car fare. Call after 5 pm. 889-6911. c1w8 ‘ GARDENING lB-FT. Aristécrat, sleeps 5, stove, oven, ice box. 884-5525. c1w8 FOR sale or rent, camping trailer. mattresses, Coleman lamp and add-a-room. $40 a week or sell for $400 cash. 884-9025. c1w8 22’ MOTOR HOME Sleeps 6. new 10-p1y tires, rebuilt engine, propane stove, fridge. electric water pump, sink, bathroom, dinette, lots of storage, broadloom, custom upholstery, radio with stereo speakers inside and out. Ask- ing $2.800. 884-6678. c1w8 CAMPER trailer â€" Apache hardtop, sleeps 6. Three- burner propane stove, ice box, sink and water tank. 884-3890. c1w8 CUSTOM built tent trailer for small car, sleeps 4. 595’ wide, $195. 884-5144 after 6 pm. c1w8 REWMAN â€" GREEN OF CANADA LTD. ALL types of landscape gar- dening, specializing in rail- road tie walls, etc. Get your free estimates early. 889< 6338. tfc38 GARDENS designed, lawns seeded, shrubs pruned, all material supplied and planted by expert. 884.7953. tfcï¬ J. S. G. Lawn Maintenance, Gardening. 889-2987. 11:18 TRAILERS FOR SALE c1w8 clw8 tfc52 Roger Proulxâ€"Telephoneâ€" 884-1650. tfc24 ANY type of tiling - floors. walls. Gino's Tiling, 884- 9026 after 6 pm. tfc8 PAINTING. interior and ex- terior, wallpapering. drywall, and carpentry. 884-9026 af- ter 6 pm. I tch BOOKKEEPING and ac- counting services for small businesses. 889-5683. FOR concrete and/ or asphalt work call John Bareba. Con- tracting, 889-6344. Rea§ot_1_- able rates HANS BUTT 889-4106 EVERYTHING in Alcan Aluminum. Home improve- ments, eavestroughing. PLUMBING 8: HEATING HUNTERi Safety Courses available. Phone for ap- pointment, home 884-3231, office 832-2261, local 209. Ask for Len. c1w8 LAWNMOWER repair ice. 234 Alsace Road, Lott. 884-8647. ALTERATIONS, new addi- tions. recreation rooms, all types of concrete work. After 6. Bruno, 889-7462. c8w2 Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free esti- mates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER. CONSTRUCTION tfc2 SHAMPOOING Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 GENERAL contracting, alt- erations and additions, home. offices, factories. Custom carpentry of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 RON MOORE PAINTING PAPERHANGING Interior-Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889- 8965. tfc3g ï¬lastering REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snowmobile repairs and serv- ice. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. tfc18 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paperhanging, in- terior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5153. tfc46 FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and industrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 881-2509. an RAMER ELECTRIC 884-1313 884-3998 PAINTING and decorating. interior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 PLUMBING 8: HEATING A. MILLS 8: SON LTD. 884-2201 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer & water lines, footings. 889-3604. .n WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 WALTER LONG PLUMBING Efficient service at reason- able rates. NORTHERN PAINTING RESIDENTIAL. commercial painting, interior and ex- terior, paper hanging. 881- 2075. ' ' tfc16 Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call "The Liberal" 884-1105. tfc42 PAINTING 8: PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs : Specialty Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3] PLUMBING Repairs and Renovations Call J. S. Adams 889-6806 832-1345 â€" MAPLEA MAME CHIMNEYS PIANO TUNING and Repairs 893-1573 Kleinburg Ed Kuhn PAINTING 884-2433 PAINTING 884-2433 889-3185 tfczo Thomhill tfcs tfc33 tfc45 tf038 serv- Bill tfc48 tfc43 tch tfc49 tfc48 tfc50 tfc22 tfcz tfc33 cabinet work. Free estimates. WARD WOODWORKING C0. 884-7055 tfc44 Ad ditions Garages Cottages Renovations Rec Rooms Bathrooms Siding Roofing Cement Work Tile Floor For our reasonable rates, call 773-4216 after 5:30 HOME IMPROVEMENTS and general contracting Reasonable rates. TOM-LYN CONTRACTORS CUSTOM grass cutting - flail and sickle mower. Acre- age and lots cut. Sorry no lawns. Also gardens worked. 773-4106. th4 PURPLE POODLE PARLOR Monthly rates: boarding and clipping, experienced clipper â€" pick-up and delivery. 887- 5956. c5w5 J. MISKE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Complete Aluminum Products For free estimates Call 884-5044 Out-of-town 476-2011 DEPENDABLE day care in my home, large back yard, excellent lunches, as well as attentive care. Arrange- ments may be made for Sep- tember. 881-1050. 02w? DAY care in my home, for 4 year old boy, to play with my 4 year old boy, prefer- ably afternoons, 884-6503. DAY care in my home, Drewry-Hilda area. 225-0105. c2w8 DAY care iavailable in my home. 884-3193. c2w8 DAY care given in my home, 884-7149, fenced yard. NEEDED lyé day for kinder- garten boy at St. Joseph School, 16th Avenue and Duncan Road or Bayview - Markham areas. 889-0202 be- fore 9:30 am or after 4 pm. clw8 Miscellaneous EXCELLENT day care in my home. Fenced-in back yard. (Ages 3-5). Richvale area. 881-2489. c1w8 Custom carpentry and WANTED â€" 3 or 4 bedroom house, occupancy September 15. will pay up to $225 monthly. one year lease; ref- erences available. Call Tor- onto 636â€"4143 collect. tch SMALL apartment _t9_ rer‘lt“ Write 303234, “The Liberal." tfc7 BUSINESS couple with small dog need unfurnished apart- ment or small house, Thorn- hill area. 889-5353. c2w8 LARGE room, Richmond Hill area, 5 day week Mon- day to Friday. Please call 757-6006. c1w8 /â€" YOUNG couple with child need 2 bedroom apartment or duplex with studio space. Call 449-9203, Don Mills. YORK University arts stud- ent hopes to find living stud- io space outside city. 727- 1659 Richard. c1w8 COUNTRY home, 35 mile radius of Metro. for working couple. 278-870} A HOUSE or a farm, Maple- Thomhill area. Close to transportation. Call 755-2542. c1w8 ROOM and board, 5 days a week, 2 meals. Bus. 889- 5592 between 8 am and 5 pm. c1w8 A CASH buyer needs pianos. furniture, antiques, china and glassware. Fast pickup. 889-5101. tfc25 VAN DEN BRINK CARPENTRY Oak Ridges ALL TYPES OF CARPENTRY WORK FREE ESTIMATES 773-5582 DEAD or crippled farm ani- mals picked up promptly. for direct line call Long_ Dis- tance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime Ed Pec- oni & Son, Woodville, Ont. License No. 324066. ttczd' 884-7837 or 884-5460 / FEMALE cat, 3 years old. part Persiqu, white. black - â€"-II.... ru-v - ..._-_,, and tan, wigh yellow collar and bell, anSWers to Ginger. Girl's pet, reivard. 884-2168. LOST, near Neal Drive last week, black cat with orange chin and markings. Children miss her. Please call 884- 5948. c1w8 H & ' J HOME IMPROVEMENTS 6 FT. rotary cutter. brand new, 3 point hitch. 884-7878 after 5 pm. tfc5 for a free estimate DAY CARE FARM IMPLEMENTS WANTED TO RENT WANTED r o o m, Richmond LOST tfc47 tfc42 tch clw8 tfc4 c2w8 c1w8 c1w8 c1w8