Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Aug 1973, p. 6

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The Liberal Classified â€" Southern York's Thursday Morning Marketplace Phones: 884-1105 - 6 â€" 884-8177 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and elec- tric models. Special rental rates available to students. Living. dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9 pm. 459- 0760. GET your Motorola (Quasar) works in a drawer color TV from Peter Smith, York Home TV, 306 Bayview (Plaza). 889-1646, 884-4165. tfc32 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line. (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc31 Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 WASHER, dryer and stove parts. gears, belts, wood bearings and wringer rollers, etc. For all makes. Repairs to vacuum cleaners and small appliances. Richmond Hill Appliances. 4') Industrial Road, 884-7903. tfc28 SEWING machine repairs (guaranteed). Also used ma- chines from just $19.95. Bernina Sewing Centre, 884- 3775. tfc-37 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES (Effective July 1, 1972) CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.25 and 10¢ per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for $1.15 and 10¢ per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50¢ CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, per in- sertion . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . , . . _ _ . . . _ . . , . , . . . a . . . $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105-6 or 884-8177 and you will receive an invoice. PJANOS, fine quality instru- ments by rebuilder, guaran- teed. Kleinburg. 893-1573. GLIDDEN Redwood Stain, $4.99 gal.; Portland Cement, $1.75 Bag; Shutters (10 sizes in stock) from $6.28 each; Picnic Tables. $28.50 each. Loughlin Lumber, Yonge & Scott Dr., Thornhill, 889- 1109. c6w4 YORK ALUMINUM ‘ Free Estimates. Aluminum5 siding, windows, doors, awn-1 ings. 884-4558 or 832-1319_l tfc5} WANTEDâ€"Saleable articles for the Victoria Square and District Lions Club for their annual auction and rummage sale. Saturday, September 15. 1973. For pick-up call 884-2882, 887-5750 or 887- 5627. c7w5 20f? DISCOUNT SALE on barbecue equipment, char- coal, electric and gas models. Hearth and Patio Store, 60 Doncaster Avenue, Thornhill. 889-3133. c3w7 ’73 500 HONDA, best offer. 887-5371. c2va BRAND new kitchen suite. round table, six chairs, $200. 889-8522. c2w8 FULLER Brush Products Ask about our big special 884~2510 c ASSORTED plate glass mir- rors, 889-1395. c1w9 TITSHALLS GREENHOUSE man’s. Both new this spring. Fresh vegetables and pickling $65 each. 773-5737. c1w9 beets by the bushel or basket. USE 78" base kitchen cab. 83 May Avenue. 334-4983. ‘inm IDuVith cinlr and fan Quif- BEDS (2), 30" box springs and mattress. with or with- out head boards, $20. After 5:30 pm. 884-6630. clw9 POSTURE-mate 39" bed and; dinette set. desk, dresser, slumber chair. gold. 889-5426. c1w9 } ONE pair junior tack skates, 51k. $20. 884-1844. clw9 pers. 141 Crosby Avenue, 884-5507. c3w9 for a 250 Ford pick-up truck. $225. Call 889-3330. c1w9 TOMATOES, cucumbers. pep- 5â€"750-16 tires and wheels 21" TV portable. $65. 2 amp- lifiers $20 each. 884-9349. GE refrigerator. electric stove. McClary, apt. size; dining roomsuite, double bed, Quebec heater, large; antique trunk. large; kitchen cup board, large. Best offers. 889-4328. clw9 MOVING SALE Bathtub. 4'6" on legs. large WASHSTANDS, rocking chairs, quantity of chairs. a barn full of furniture. 115 King Sideroad, Oak Ridges, 1% mile west of Yonge. 773- 5448. c4w9 8 SQUARES cedar shingla 669-9201. *1w9 MARKHAM’S ANTIQUE EXHIBITION & SALE 22 leading antique dealers. Featuring “Crafts that are Different". Markham Arena (Hwy. 7 & 48), Markham, Ontario. Opening preview & Pie Sociable on Thurs., Sept. 6 from 6 pm to 10 pm. Fri., Sept. 7 (11 am - 10 pm), Sat, Sept. 8 110 am to 6 pm). Sponsored by St. An- drew’s Presbyterian Church. Refreshments and Hot Beef Dinner (Friday evening On- ly). Free Parking. c2w9 FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. 30, 1973 L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill TEAKWOOD 884-1745 WANTED tfc48 tfc3 c4w9 c1w9 clw9 'LADIES bike, 3â€"speed, good , condition. 884â€"3604, *1w9 4 x 8 sheets. fir 1&" special. Call World Wide Shipping, 889-6269. tfc4 Doors, windows, awnings, railings, siding, soffit sys- tems, trough. Free estimates. Ron Woods, 884-1514. ART LITTLE REMBRANDT STUDIO Private Lessons at your own home Daily Mon. - Fri. 9-3 pm Cleaning, restoring, framing all paintings 884-6690 WILLIAM WEGMAN 574 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill FIREWOODâ€"Sl7.50 per face cord, $20. delivered. Smaller quantities available. Day- break Farm, Yonge Street, 1 mile north of Richmond Hill. 884-9661. tfc47 BEDROOM Spanish, dining living room Burma Teak- wood. New furniture. Very reasonable. 1-247-4377, ‘WOOD heater suitable for ‘cottage; 180 twelve-inch ce- ment blocks; oil stove; elec- tric kitchen blender. 773- .4518. c1w9 TANDEM bicycle, excellent condition. 884-7878 after 5 pm. tfc5 FIREPLACES - Franklins - wood and coal stoves, metal chimneys, barbecues, fire- place accessories, Hearth and Patio Store, 60 Doncaster Ave. 889-3133. c23w4 PIANO - upright grand, re- cently tuned, $225. Call af- ter 6 pm, 833-5265. c1w8 HOUSE full of furniture, must sell, leaving country. Come and make an offer. Phone 851-2756 for appoint- ment. clw8 LOAM and manure for sale, garden supplies. 223-4143_ good condition. $300 or best offer. 884-3759. c1w9 HODAKA Ace 100 trail bike life preservers, 2 paddles. like new, $150. Phone 773- 5904, cle 14' FIBREGLASS canoe, 3 21 CUBIC foot freezer, $125. Call 884-7272. c1w9 HAMMOND M103, French lie. Both completely serviced, $2,200. Also 1 set of organ dollies with quilt, $110. Hall valet in excellent condition. $200. 884-8041. c1w9 Provincial with new 251 Les- NEW stainless steel aquar- ium hood, 30", $1.08; Ladies' Sunbeam hair dryer, $4.00; Chesterfield and chair, green. After 5. 884-4243. *1w9 ‘72 HONDA CB-350, 5200 miles, cert. $700. 851-1373. c1w9 ONE lady’s 10 speed and one USED 78" base kitchen cab- inet, with sink and tap. Suit- able for cottage, $30. Call 884-4707 after 6 pm. clw9 ARIENS Imperial riding mo- wer â€"â€"â€" cut 26", needs some work. take it away for $75. Phone evenings 887-5680. NEW potatoes for sale. 832- 8966. c2w9 ALL necessary baby equip- ment - items priced individ- ually, 889-4539. c1w9 TWO bathtubs for sale, 5' and 4'6". Call 884-1650. ‘71 HONDA SL 350. 5,000 miles. chrome frame, new paint. $750 or best offer. 884-7444. c1w9 BICSFELE. girl's 10 speed good condition. 889-4484. DISHWASHER, Lady Ken- more, under-counter. Avo- cado. as new $175. 884-3401. c1w9 ’63 VALIANT for parts. 889- 7197. c1w9 HARDTOP trailer, sleeps 6, propane stove. add - a - room, spare tire. extra storage cup- boards 8650. 832-2526. c1w9 IROQUOIS camping trailer, add-a-room. plus many ex- tras. Cost $900. 3-years‘old. Best cash offer or will rent for $40 a week. Call 884- 9025 any time. c1w9 CAMPER trailer, hardtop, sleeps 7, mattresses, Cole- man lamp. etc.; excellent condition, $395. 833-5265. FOR SALE TRAILERS FOR SALE ALUMINUM (Continued) PLYWOOD tfc46 c4w9 c2w8 tfc3 clw9 c1w9 c1w9 auer’ I fil’IST / receptionist, Boro- ex- s-old. rent 884- c1w9 dtop, Cole- rllent 5. c1w9 vay Plaza, Yonge St. & Hwy. 7 area. The individual we require will enjoy working with minimum supervision, thrive on public contact and possess a pleasant telephone manner. 50 wpm typing ne- cessary. Please call Personnel Dept. United Trust Co., 961- 2222, Ext. 372. c1w9 Apply in person: Stran-Steel Division Westeel-ROSco Limited 105 Industrial Road Richmond Hill MACHINIST and mechanical assembler with welding exâ€" perience wanted for plant of conveyor and packaging ma- chine manufacturer. General Conveyor Co. Ltd., 107 Doncaster Avenue Thornhill 889-7812 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED switchboard operators for shift work. 889- 7611. tfcl HOUSEKEEPER, full time afternoons, 2 school age girls, begin September. 884-2218, DRIVERS. full and part time. must be over 21 with good driving record. Thornhill Taxi. 7711 Yonge St., Thorn- hill. 881-1717. tfc44 SECRETARY DOCTOR’S OFFICE Richmond Hill, experience not essential. Good salary for reliability and efficiency. Apply Box 39, The Liberal. SKILLED carpenters in rough and trim. Full time, fair wage firm in Richmond Hill. Ex- perience necessary. For ap- pointment call 889-9880. tfc7 JANITORIAL Service -â€" To clean floors and machines in 2 coin laundries 7 nights a week, Apply in person only to Mr. Jack Barth, 198 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, 9 am to 4 pm. c1w8 DRIVER for local and long distance. Must have good driving record. Apply at Worldwide Shipping, 360 Newkirk Road. c2w8 ASSEMBLERS required immediately for Richmond Hill manufacturing company. Steady days, 8 to 4:30. Call Mr. Park, 889- 8473. c1w8 CLERK-typist, Keele and N0. 7 Hwy. 669-1683. c1w9 For Richmond Hill manufac- turing company. If you like variety, are an excellent typ- ist, have a friendly telephone and reception manner, famil- iar with general office, call Mr. Park, 889-8473. c1w9 JUNIOR drafts person for material handling equip- ment, Jane-Hwy. 7 area. 669- 2216,. c1w9 URGENT Full or partâ€"time persons re- quired immediately as home makers, baby-sitters, clean- ers, hostesses. also for in- valid and elderly care for busy Thornhill agency. Call 9 am to 6 pm. 889-8047. WELDER and welder‘s helpâ€" er for small firm. Call Mr. Wells, 887-5766. clw9 FOURTH class stationary engineer f o 1‘ greenhouse, 884â€"4591. c2w9 PART-time junior clerks. Apply Maple IGA, Maple, Ont. c2w9 ISaul’s United Church, Oak Ridges. Call 773-5754. DUE to expansion we are now accepting applications for full and part time switch- board operators. Nights, eve- nings. weekends involved; For appointment contact Mr. Liddle, 884-4971. c1w9 ORGANIST required, St PART time dock workers, 6-10 pm, two nights per week. 884-4947. c1w9 PART time workers for snack bar. week days, evenings and weekends. Phone K. Gilmor, 884-1368, Ric h m o n (1 Hill Arenas STORE KEEPER required to take charge of all store functions in a busy company in Richmond Hill. Must be experienced. Good prospects. Please call 884- 8159. c1w9 DANCERS Urgently needed for out of town and local work. Go-Go and exotic. Highest wages paid. Apply in writing, stat- ing personal information to North American Products, Box 190, Toronto, Ontario. DRIVERS. full male or female, for Richmond Hill's fastest growing taxi company, Will assist to obtain license. No experience neces- sary. but must be over 21 with excellent driving record. Regional Taxi, 884-9191. STABLE HELP Horse farm needs reliable person for feeding and clean- ing. Redstone Farm. 884- 2555. c1w9 Machine Operators Roll Form Operators Fitters (Structural) Welders, CWB Approved General Helpers PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER DICTA TYPIST Requires or part time. perm for Richmond 4973 c5w5 t.fc48 tfc7 tfc7 c1w9 clw9 tfc9 c1w9 c2w9 RETAIL SALES PERSON for better grade family shoe store. Mature person with retail selling experience. pre- ferably in footwear: 40-hour week. Apply at Shields Foot- wear Ltd., Richmond Heights Centre. c1w8 MACHINE OPERATOR Turret-lathe experience pre- ferred, shift work. good bene- fits and working conditions. Hiquall Ltd., Newmarket. 898-1211. c1w8 DISPATCHER, experienced only, for northwest end trans- port company. Send details to Box 41, “The Liberal". c2w8 3RD and 4th class stationary engineers required. For ap- pointment call Tom Nolan. 884-8175. c2w8 CLEANER â€" Part time to clean floors and washers in 2 coin laundries, 10:30 am to 12 pm, seven days a week, Apply in person only to Mr. Jack Barth, 198 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill from 9 am to 4 pm. c1w8 KITCHEN pesitions available at the Villa Private Hospital for day and evening shifts, Thornhill area. Call Mrs. Rowland, 889-4931 between 9 am and 5 pm This position would involve invoice typing, filing and re- lated duties for new plastics laminating plant, located Keele St. and Hwy 7. Please call 661-2351, ext. 42 LIBRARY assistant for part- time duties at the Richvale Branch of the Richmond Hill Public Library. Preference given to applicants from the Richvale area. Apply in writ- ing, Mrs. Patricia Hart, Chief Librarian, Richmond Hill Public Library, 24 Wright St, Richmond Hill, Ontario. BARTENDERS / waitresses / waiters for golf club, Gorm- ley-Stouffville area. 887-5801, Mr. Forret or Mr. Wallace for appointment. c1w9 PART time secretary-treasur- er for agricultural society. Mainly work at home. Must attend monthly meetings. Apply in writing, Box 81, Richmond Hill. c1w9 THIRD-class stationary en- gineer for gas-fired boilers at $4400 per hour, and fourth- class stationary engineers at $3.50 per hour. Phone for appointment Chief Engineer, 884â€"8175. c2w9 FULL time cashier. Experi- ence not necessary but pre- ferred. Apply at Maple IGA, Maple. Ont. c2w9 SERVICE station attendants. Rudy’s Esso Service, Hwy. 7 and 400. requires 2 full-time and 2 part-time attendants. Phone 851-0446 for interview appointment. *1w9 Experienced preferred, live in, one child, doctor‘s home, Thomhill, 889â€"5134. c1w9 EXPERIENCED e l e c t r o - mechanical draftsman. Loca- tion Richmond Hill. Perman- ent position with good fringe benefits. Apply Box 45, “The Liberal". c1w9 LIGHT assembly, local plant, 2 hours daily between 8 am and 5 pm. Phone 889-2066. PRODUCTS COMPANY | Permanent position for relia- lble person as helper in out Iretail division. Please call personnel department, 889- * CADILLAC BUILDING OFFICE cleaners. part time or full time, own transporta- tion, local, nights. 884-6767. c1w9 CONGENIAL girl for moth- er’s help, live in and baby- sitting and light housework. 889-1595. clw9 CLEANING lady, small home, 1/2 day Fridays only. $7. 884- 5510. c1w9 STUDENT to do janitorial work in 3 coin laundries, holidays and Sundays, after- noons and evenings. Must have chauffeurs license. Ap- ply in person to Mr. Jack Barth, 198 Yonge Street North, from 9 am to 4 pm. TYPIST required. Apply Toronto Dominion Bank, 10 Royal Orchard Blvd, contact Mr. St. John, 889-0510. c1w9 CLERK for drug store, hours 11 am to 8 pm. Vanguard Pharmacy, Maple, 889-1111. c1w9 STUDENT/for factory main- tenance 4-7 pm and Satur- days. Call 884-5868. c1w9 HAIRDRESSER’S assistant, no experience needed, we train you. 889-8154. c1w9 ARCHITECTURAL technolo- gist or technician required for varied practice. Denis Bowman Architectural. King. Ontario, 833-5402 or 364-2036 (Toronto Line). tfc9 WOMAN for laundry cleaning 5 mornings a week, 9-11 am. Family of 2 adults, centrally located bungalow. Write Box 46 “The Liberal". c1w9 v2'adu‘1‘ts,’ centrally located bungalow. Write Box 46 “The Liberal". c1w9 PERSON required for gener- al labor. Apply in person, Canadian Spawn and Supply Ltd.. 208 Newkirk Rd., be- hind water tower. c1w9 TELLER ence experi- Guaranty Trust, 884- 1188. c1w9 OPERATOR for rubber tired front end loader, Stouffville area. 888-1232. CIWQ RELIABLE sales person for required. preferred, Richmond Hill, MATfiRE person to work in dry cleaning store. King City. 832-2402 or 833-5502. c1w9 BILLING CLERK (Continued) HOMEMAKER c2w8 c1w8 c1w9 c1w9 c1w9 c1w9 idé’e' DlgmiER required per- tfcg manent position for Country -.â€" Place Nursing Home. Call “fig 384-9248. c1w9 TWO roorngiand EbathroomlWAITRESSES/waiters, Sum- available in exchange for mit View Gardens Restaurant. some baby sitting, Older per- 884-1370. c2w8 son or pensioner preferred. COUNTER be} p wanted. Mr. Phone after 6‘ nnnut in Rir-hmnnd Heights GROCERY clerk with super- market experience. Apply in person, Allencourt IGA. corâ€" ner Bayview and Markham Road, Richmond Hill. 02w8 LAW office clerk-trainee, young, energetic. willing to learn: drivers license essen- tial (standard transmission). Call Mrs. Leaght, 884-9235. HELP WANTED: HELP WANTED URGENTLY required clean- ing people, homemakers and sitters, excellent salary. 884- 5286. clw9 STRONG young person re- puired for factory work. Good working conditions for right person. Call 889-0536. c1w9 We have many temporary and permanent positions to choose from. If you are anxious to be placed in an interesting position and are SECRETARY ACCOUNTING CLERK CLERK TYPIST We will try our best to help you immediately. Hi-Corps Office Assistance 80 Yonge Street South 884-6872 Attractive, pleasant, enerâ€" getic person as sales help for new homes. “New Leslie 11 0 r t h of Steeles Avenue. Hours: Mon. - Fri., 10 am - 3 pm. I Pleasant telephone, light figure work. Must be ac- curate. Hwy. 7 and Keele. 669-1344. c1w9 DRIVER wE'nted for Thorn- hill Pizza Shop, with own car. 881-1070 after 4 pm. DISHWASHER, Honey Pot. 889-4988. c1w9 NURSING Aides required for Country Place, 100 bed nurs- ing home on Elgin Mills, east of Bayview. Call 884-9248. c1wQ MATURE person, full time or part time, will train, please apply Scott's Chicken V2113, 191 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. tfc9 OFFICE clerk required for interesting position in Cable TV billing office. Excellent opportunity to learn com- puter billing system, with room for advancement. Phone 884-8111, Mr. Jeffery. MAINTENANCE person ma- tured to do general mainten- ance. Hours 6 am to 2 pm, 5 or 6 days a week, also short order cook for kitchen duties. Hours 8 am to 4 pm, 5 day week, at McDonald’s Rest- aurant, Richmond Hill. For appointment call 884-3211. TEMPORARY PART-TIME ONE experienced used car lot person. Phone 889-1105, ask for Ken Morrison, Used Car manager. c1w9 EXPERIENCED teller re- quired. Apply Mrs. Denton, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Maple. Ontario. 832-2216. . c1w9 FURNITURE company re- quires persons to work in warehouse and on trucks as helpers. Must be \viilmg to work. Apply Warehouse Sale, Yonge and Gamble Road, Richmond Hill. c1w9 ELDERLY but capable lady to help with housekeeping and cooking (European cook- ing preferred), lovely coun- try home in Thornhill area. Live in, weekends off. 889- 2991. c1w9 TRUCK DRIVER TANDUM GRAVEL 25 YEARS or over. Good driving record required. Top wages, overtime. Phone Mr. Ragan, 888-1046. c2w9 LEAD hand for controlling packers and handling ma- terials required by packing personnel. Knowledge of in- ventory control an advantage. Apply in person, 108 Don- caster Avenue. Thornhill. INSTALLER for car stereo systems, electronic experi- ence helpful, some sales ability necessary, call Target Tape. 884-8567. c1w9 EMPLOYEE for night tem- perature duties. Steady job, Concord Floral Co. Hwy. 7 West, near Keele, 669-1920. COOK required for Country Place Nursing Home. perma- nent position. Must have own transportation. Call 884- 9248. c1w9 Call: Mr. Blomfield after OPERATOR for rubber tired front end loader, StOUffVille area. 888-1232. c1W9 RELIABLE sales person for Bakery and Delicatessen, full time, 22 Levendale Road. 884-6691. tfc9 COME IN AND CHAT CLERK-ORDER DESK (Continued) 881-1162 c2w8 c1w9 c1w9 c1w9 c1w9 cl\v9 clw9 c1w9 c1w9 COUNTER help wanted. Mr. Donut in Richmond Heights Plaza, 250 Yonge St. North. 884-8456. c2w8 ORDER-typist. must be fast. accurate typist, filing involv- ed, new plant located Keele Street and Hwy 7, Will train school graduate. Please call 661-2351, ext. 42. c1w8 THE Villa Private Hospital in Thornhill has positions avail- able for registered nurses. part-time day and night duty. Transportation provided to city buses and to Richmond Hill. Call Mrs. Mabley, 889- 4931 between 8 and 4 pm. MAINTENANCE person for manufacturer’s showroom, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am. to 11 am. Highway 7 and Keele St. Call Mrs. Mintz, 669-2420, c1w9 CLERK TYPIST for small office. Must be good typist with good tele- phone manner. Good salary. benefits and working condi- tions. Keele Street, Hwy 7 area. Mr, Hamish, 669-2533. c1w9 require machine attendants, female/male. for light facâ€" tory work, afternoon shifts, 4-12 midnight. Please apply 112 Newkirk Rd. North or phone 889-6258 LIGHT ASSEMBLY WORKERS Apply Tip Top Products, 575 Oster Lane, Concord (Hwy. 7 and Keele Street), c1w9 FACTORY help required for day. afternoon and midnight shift. Apply Formold Plastics of Canada Ltd.. 95 Newkirk Road, Richmond Hill. c1w9 JUNIOR CLERK KEELE - HWY. 7 Inventory Posting Clerk with neat handwriting. Chance for advancement. $90 start. Hi-Corps Office Assistance 80 Yonge Street South 884â€"6872 c1w9 GOLF course workers want- ed part and full time. Experi- ence preferred, but not ne- cessary. Apply or phone Glen EXPERIENCED babysitter with 1 i g ht housekeeping, Tuesday to Thursday, 9 to 4, own transportation 889â€"6677, ' clw9 Cedaré (361% Club, Markham area. 294-4457. c1w9 PART time sales personnel. Cashiers merchandise pricers, morning and / or afternoons. Duties will include maintain- ing displays. counting mer- chandise and ordering proce- dures. Apply Mrs. Nemet. PART time warehouse help. mornings and/or afternoons. Related duties will include stocking shelves. filling orâ€" ders. Chauffeurs license de- sirable but not essential. Apply Mr. Myles, Canadian Tire, Richmond Hill Thurs- day August 30. c1w9 Canadian _ - Tire, Richmond Hill, Friday. August 31. c1w9 CLEAN-UP man required for pre-cast plant. Keele and Hwy. 7 area. Hours 5 pm to 2 am. 669-1425. c1w9 FULL time weekly babysit- ter, evenings, Maple area own transportation, one child, 6 years, good pay. 832-2473. c1w9 EXPERIENCED stockâ€"keeper required for Electronic Com- ponent field. 222 Newkirk Road. Richmond Hill. 889- 7313. c1w9 BOOKKEEPER required, 889- 7201. c1w9 CLEANERâ€"To do janitorial work for 4 dry cleaning stores, 5:30 pm to 1:30 pm Monday to Friday. Steady year round employment. Must have driver’s licence. Apply in person only to Mr. Jack Barth. 198 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill from 9 am to 4 nm. c1w9 HOUSEKEEPER Immediate openings for housekeeping assistant to make up bedrooms and oper- ate laundry equipment. Call Mr. Parker or Mr. Latimer. 881-2121, Parkway Hotel, Hwy. 7, one mile east of Bay- view. c1w9 NIGHT PERSON IMMEDIATE OPENING Reliable night person for re- ception desk. switchboard and maintenance duties, 11 pm to 7 am, permanent posiâ€" tion. References required. Mr. Parker. 881-2121, Park- way Hotel. Hwy. 7, one mile east of Bayview. c1w9 COATROOM" ATTENDANT Start October 1. 6 pm to 1:30 am daily. Call Mr. Parker, 881-2121, Parkway Hotel. Mechanically skilled personsl 1% baths, panelled living wanted for apprenticeship in} room, available September, high speed bookbinding trade. $350, 833-5265. c1w9 Good starting rate and excel- LARGE basement apartment leIit future rates available to l Aurora, close to Go bus and su1table candidates. _ {shopping_ stove and fridge, Ronalds Federated Graphics $145 monthly includes um- 225 YQnge Stre§§__Â¥orth ities, parking. 773-4508. BOYS AND GIRLS EARN SPENDING MONEY TORONTO SUNDAY SUN Richmond Hill routes avail- able, also Oak Ridges. Rich- vale and Maple. Call today 884-6822. c1w9 NEWMAN - GREEN OF CANADA LTD. VAPPRENTICES (Continued) Richmond Hill 884-9121 c2w8 c1w9 c1w9 c1w9 PUNCH-PRESS operators for Richmond Hill plant, day and night shift. Good starting rate and company benefits, 889- 7549. tfc8 RELIABLE help. full and part-time, coffee shop. Own transportation. 9-11 am. 297- 1422 after 5 pm. 297-1522. HELP WANTED PART - TIME steno-dicta- typist 20 hours week. Must be experienced in general office procedure. 889â€"7146. WITH CURRENT EXPAN- SION WE REQUIRE A TRUCK DRIVERâ€"TORON- TO AND SUBURBS. RELI- ABLE WITH GOOD DRIV- ING RECORD. A NUMBER OF PEOPLE AS WAREHOUSE PERSONNEL AND LIGHT ASSEMBLY PERSONNEL. OFFICE MESSENGER We are seeking a reliable office messenger for the in- ternal handling of mail. Will perform other light duties in stationery stores. This is for a permanant full time em- ployee. INVENTORY 3 DAYS / WEEK For inventory audit pur- poses. We are seeking an alert, aggressive person who likes the detail of reconcil- ing figures and is available Wednesday. Thursday and Friday on a regular basis. SNAP-0N TOOLS OF CANADA LTD., KEELE STREET, 1 MILE NORTH OF HWY. 7 669-9501 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities. 16 Lorne. lst house east of Bork’s Jewellers at Yonge. tf051 STORE or office 240 sq. ft. Centre of Maple opposite bank, $100 a month. 832-2364. Lfc52 ROOM. cobking and parking facilities. Please phone 884- 4828 for appointment. tfc3 APPLY AT: FRAM FILTRATION PRODUCTS OF CANADA LTD. 65 DUNCAN ROAD THORNHILL MR. A. BAX c1w9 R#OOM at Maple, two rest- aurants adjacent, clean, quiet Canadian home, reasonable. 832-2051. tfc38 ONE and two bedroom apart- ments, immediate occupancy._ Thornhill Terrace, 111 Inver- lochy B1vd., Thornhill. 889- 6813 or 881-0089. tfc5 FURNISHED 1 bedroom ap- artment, $140 monthly. Ex- ecutive, teacher, or refined business couple. Telephone Aurora 727-5597. tfc8 2 BEDROOM winterized cot- tage, $95 month. 773-5897. c1w8 ONE - bedrOom apartment suite, adult building, quiet street. close to shopping and transportation, $155. Avail- able September 1. 887-5730 after 6 pm. c1w9 SNAP-ON TOOLS OF CANADA LTD., KEELE STREET. 1 MILE NORTH OF HWY. 7 669-9501 ONE - bedroom apartment, $157. Bayview and Markham area. Call 884-6263. c1w9 ONE or two bedroom apart- ments for rent, 451 Elmwood Avenue. For appointment call 884-7289. c1w9 FURNISHED room for girl, cooking. 884-7996. c1w9 FURNISHED housekeeping room, suit quiet business man. 884â€"1215. c1w9 MALE teacher looking for same to share 2-bedroom apartment. 884-1975. c1w9 3-BEDROOM house available immediately. Phone 727-4113. c1w9 BRAND new 2-storey 4-bed- room, garage, $300. 499-2530. clw9 KING Townshipâ€"3-bedroom home on 1 acre wooded lot. Living room. dining area, large kitchen, bathroom and washroom and garage. Jane Street near King Road. Ask- ing $265 per month. T. L. Fraser Ltd., Real Estate Brokers, 884-6885. c1w9 SNACK BAR fbr rent at ABC Bowling. 884-7565. c1w9 FURNISiED bedsittin‘g room suits gentleman. 884-6743. afibedroom apartment, fur- nished for rent. Call after 6 pm, 884-6045 or 884-3641. ITARGE attractive room close to transportation, parking. 889-3270. CIWQ * KING CITY Furnished 3 bedroom home, 1% baths, panelled living room, available September, $350, 833-5265. clw9 TOURS, cruises, rail and bus tickets. reservations and in- dividual travel. Call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency, 889-5643. tfc47 TO RENT (Continued) TRAVEL c1w8 c2w9 c1w9 clw9 l“1w9 c1w9 c1w9 ufil- PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulxâ€"Telephoneâ€" 884-1650, tfc2lt ANY type of tiling - floors, walls. Gino’s Tiling, 884- 9026 after 6 pm. tfc8 PAINTING, interior and ex- terior, wallpapering. drywall, and carpentry. 884-9026 af- ter 6 pm. tfc8 BOOKKEEPING and ac- counting services for small businesses. 889-5683. FOR concrete and/or asphalt work call John Bareba, Con- tracting, 889-6344. Reason- able rates. tfc45 HANS BUTT 889-4106 EVERYTHING in Alcan Aluminum. Home improve- ments, eavestroughing. LAWNMOWER repair serv- ice. 234 Alsace Road, Bill Lott. 884-8647. tfc48 ALTERATIONS, new addi- tions, recreation rooms, all types of concrete work. After 6, Bruno, 889-7462. c8w2 CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free esti- mates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc2 SHAMPOOING Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tchO GENERAL contracting, alt- erations and additions. home. offices, factories. Custom carpentry of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 RON MOORE PAINTING PAPERHANGING Interior-Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889- 8965. tfc32 Plastering REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snowmobile repairs and serv- ice. Open 8 am _ 9 pm. 884-7716. tfc18 Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal” 884-1105. RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paperhanging, in- terior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5153. tfc46 FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and industrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. 7 Free estimates. Call any time. 881-2509. CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 PAINTING and decorating, interior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 Miscellaneous BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer & water lines, footings. 889-3604. WALTER LONG PLUMBING Efficient service at reason- able rates. NORTHERN PAINTING RESIDENTIAL. commercial painting, interior and ex- terior, paper hanging. 881- 2075. tfc16 PLUMBING & HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 RAMER ELECTRIC 884-1313 884-3998 PLUMBING Repairs and Renovations Call J. S. Adams 889-6806 LUIGI’S Double Star Electrical Contracting 884-1452 R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs a Specialty Free Estimates 488-7521 889-318 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 832-1345 â€" MAPLE RUBBER STAMPS mNo TUNING PAINTING 884-2433 PAINTING 884-2433 and Repairs 893-1573 Kleinburg Ed Kuhn 889-3185 tfc20 'Thomhin trc33 tfcfi tfc38 tfc43 *4w9 tfc49 tfc48 tfc2 tfc50 tfc42 tfc22 tfc33 tfcz PAINTING, interior, exter- ior. Call after 6, Karl. 884- 4832. tfc9 PATIOS, chimneys. verandas, sidewalks, r e p a i r s, septic tanks removed and repaired. 889-0879. c1w9 CATERING for small parties and Showers, fancy biscuits. cookies, cakes and pastries, etc. Very reasonable rates. One week's notice required, 889-3992 after 6 pm. c1w9 Custom carpentry and cabinet work. Free estimates. Additions Garages Cottages Renovations Rec Rooms Bathrooms Siding Roofing Cement Work Tile Floor For our reasonable rates. call 773-4216 after 5:30 HOME IMfit’OVEMENTs' and general contracting Reasonable rates. TOM-LYN CONTRACTORS 884-7837 or 884-5460 CUSTOM grass cutting - flail and sickle mower. Acre- age and lots cut. Sorry no lawns. Also gardens worked. 773-4106. th4 WARD WOODWORKING PURPLE POODLE PARLOR Monthly rates: boarding and clipping, experienced clipper PETS FOR SALE DOGS and cats boarded. We have a new cattery this Year with roomy cages and out- side runs. Come and see it. Rivercourt Kennels Reg’d., Yonge Street south of Au- rora, 1-727-5488. tfc49 DOG girooming, poodles, ter- riers. mutts. Betty Forsyth, 889-3606. tfc3 WEIMARANER, pure bred, championship stock - 1 yr. old, ready to be trained. 88+ 8040. c1w9 COLLIE pups, Lassie type, champion blood lines, $125 up. 833-5311 or 889-4891; BEAGLE puppies, male, 8 weeks old, CKC registered. 889-2141. c1w9 BRINDLE boxer, 8 months old, 884-5360. clw9 FREE KITTENS There are only 5 left of these adorable cuddly grey and white part persian kittens, male and female. Call Lynda 884-8567. c1w9 WHITE Toy poodles, males and females. shots. $100 up. 884-6512. c1w9 FUPPIEsâ€"Part lab and part St. Bernard, $10. 884-2577. CHIHUAHUA free to home. 887â€"5383. firms to good horfié, 5 baby kittens. 881-1261 after 5 pm. c1w9 J. MISKE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Complete Aluminum Products For free estimates Call 884-5044 Out-of-town 476-2011 BUDGIE bird, cage 27nd all supplies. Must 889-4790. YORK University faculty member with baby seeks 2 gr 3 bedroom house or farm house, $150 to $200. 630-3827. c1w9 SMALL apartment to rep; Write Box-34, “The Liberal." tfc7 BUSINESS couple with small dog need unfurnished apart- ment or small house, .Thorn- hill area. 889-5353. CZWB UNIVERSITY lecturer and family (2 children) require furnished house for at least 3 months, $300 limit. Very responsible, excellent refer- ences. Stouffville 640-5460. Miscellaneous TEACHER. Room(s), owfi kit- chen. Quiet. 5%. mile from bus. $125. 630-7743 collect. *1w9 GARDENS designed. lawns seeded, shrubs pruned, all material supplied and planted by expert. 884-7953. ALLitprWdf landscape gar- dening, specializing in rail- road tie walls, etc. Get your free estimates early. 889- 6338. tfc36 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Crushed stone. sand, concrete gravel. etc.. delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett, 884-3089. tfc48 J. S. G. Lawn Maintenance. Gardening. 889-2987. tfc48 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING IVAN DALTON 773-4314 pick-up and VAN DEN BRINK CARPENTRY Oak Ridges ALL TYPES OF CARPENTRY WORK FREE ESTIMATES 773-5582 H & J HOME IMPROVEMENTS for a free estimate GARDENING WANTED TO RENT 884-7055 Garages Renovations Bathrooms Roofing Tile Floor sell, $15. c1w9 tfc44 tfc47 tfc42 tfc9 c2w9 tch tfc4 c1w9 good c1w9 c1w9

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