Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Oct 1973, p. 19

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Next weekend is Thanks giving and the news has to be ready for Friday mor- ning. If you have an item for me have it in by then. Joseph A. Gibson Elemen- tary School Meet the Tea- cher Night is to be held on October 11 at the school from 7:30 to 9 pm. Come out and meet your child's new Neighborhood Notes Maple WI Plan Donation To Lee Homestead Restoration BY EVA HAWKINS The Maple WI women held their last meeting at the home of Mrs. Doris Payne on September 12. Twenty-two women were present and they answered the roll call by showing a vegetable and describing how it should be served. Recently the insitute had a most enjoyable visit to the Erland Lee Homestead in Stoney Creek. This building was the home of one of the WI founders. It is being restored outside and fumi- shed inside with period things. It was decided by the women to send a donation to the restoration fund. CREATIVE WORKSHOP Two ladies from the group. Mrs. Doris Payne and Mrs. Pearl Jarrett. had the op- portunity to participate in a two-day workshop in New- market on Creative Stitche- TY. Four people were killed in car accidents and two men were drowned in the Kes- wick and Bradford areas Saturday. Killed in a two-car collis- ion at Don Mills and Raven- shoe Road. south of Keswick. were Sheila Hales, 28, of Port Bolster. her aunt. Mrs. Vera Glendinning, 62, of Cannington; Fred Newson. 46, of Lochlin. and Nellie Watson. 68. of Queensville. Four Die In Fatal Two Car Crash Near Keswick Drowning Accidents Suffering multiple injur- ies were Susan Foster, 23, and Joan Hales. 55. both of Cannington, who were pas- sengers in the Hales vehicle, and Henry Newson, 75, dri- ver of the second car, and his wife. Sarah. 67, both of Lochlin, Ontario. F“““““““ York Regional Police said the Hales car was travelling north on Don Mills Road when it was in collision with the Newson car, which was eastbound on Ravenshoe Road. :Make Your Old Hardwood; {Floors LOOK LIKE NEW!: Police have charged Henry Newson with criminal negli- gence. Also near Keswick. Alex- ander Leiper. 32. of Marj- orie Street. Toronto. drown- ed when he parachuted into a small pond and became stuck in about four feet of silt on the bottom. A veteran of 10 years' jumping, Mr. Leiper mis- judged the distance, accord- ing to police. when he was making his final run from 3,000 feet. Instead of land- ing at a private airfield, he fell into the 10-foot deep pond. The deceased and five othâ€" ers. all members of the Cen- tral Ontario Sports Para- chuting Club of Baldwin, made the final leaps from the plane. APPLIED RESUSCITATION Keith Falconer, a part owner of the club. and stud- ent jumper. Ted Bar-ken. rowed out in a boat to help Mr. Leiper after he had landed. Another two mem- bers swam out to the spot. : PHONE 881-2936 @151 I Richmond Hill Floor Sanding The four pulled Mr. Lei- per from the silt and then applied mouth-toâ€"mouth res- uscitation after getting him to shore. He was then taken to York County Hospital. Mr. Leiper first started jumping with the "B" Comp- any of the 15th Scottish Par- achute Team in Toronto in 1963. “The Liberal” is always willing Maple, please phone Mrs. Eva write Mrs. Margaret Lade, at Custo'm Re-sanding FREE ESTIMATES Maple, Kleinburg, Concord And Teston News .m :c any,“ willinv on nuhlish items rezardinz people and events contnbuted by its readers In Maple, Concord. Teston. Kleml We specialize in ““““““J always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its ,one Mrs. Eva Hawkins at 832-2314; in Concord, Bunty Laird. 17 King High teacher. Children are wel- come to accompany their pa- The Maple UCW held their annual Fall Rally on September 19 at the church. Their guests were from Carrville UC’W, Sharon- Hope UCW, plus the Maple Anglican, Lutheran and Presbyterian ladies. The Ladies Trio from Maple United sang and the speaker was Mrs. Ralph Garbe of Queensville. She gave a most animated talk on the role of the Christian woman in a changing world and suggested ways in which this role might be fulfilled. Refreshments and a social Mrs. Ella Harris will be the Maple delegate to the 7lst Central Ontario WI Convention held at the R0- yal York Hotel in Toron- to from October 24 to 26. The Maple group has been invited to a dessert luncheon and euchre by the Laskay WI on October 10 at 12:30 at $1.50. MEETING HIGHLIGHTS To give you a bit more idea about the September 12 meeting, here are a few of the highlights. Mrs. Jean Robson read two papers: Agriculture Is Ontario's Prime Industry. ‘and the Soya Bean Plant. Mrs. Do- rothy Rumble presented a paper on- "Men love to won- der â€" that is the seed of science". In the Bradford area, Adâ€" riano Zuccon, 31, of Oak- wood Avenue, Toronto. drowned when he tumbled from a boat while out duck hunting. A companion, Sergio Nad- alin. who also fell from the boat. managed to reach shore and summon help. The next meeting of the local institulr is October 10 at 8 pm in King City at the home of Mm. Ella Harris. York Regional Police, who later recovered the body. said the drowned man was weighted down with quanti- ties of ammunition. Knox Presbyterian Church, Port Carling, was the scene of the July 28 wedding of Heather Lorna Donald and Barry Wood. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Donald of Port Car- ling. and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wood of Concord. Bouquets of daisies and snapdragons decorated the church where the Rev. Shir- ley Jeffery officiated at the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Keith Croucher of Port Car- ling was organist for Mr. Hugh Boal of Toronto who sang "I'll Walk Beside You" just prior to the bride's entry and “0 Perfect Love" during the signing of the register. Married In Port Carling Given in marriage by her father. Heather wore a full length gown of white organza with daisy trim around the neck and waistline. Her two- tiered veil was held in place by a headdress of daisies and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wood “The Liberal”, 884â€"1105. IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE hour concluded the evening. The UCW Smorgasboard is on October 12 and tickets are available fmm the mem- bers. See "Coming Even-ts" in the Liberal for details. There was a very serious typographical mistake in last week's write-up of- the Lions’ Golf Tournament. Please note that the event is on the weekend of October 6 not October 26. Please phone the organizers imme- diately if you wish to prati- cipate. Contact Walter Jurc- zak 832-1566 or Al Taylor 832-2526. for more informa- tion on starting time etc. and registration as a parti- ciparm. Maple Seniors met Mon- day afternoon of last week with guests from Klein'berg visiting to see the films of the March 24 trip to Spain. These were shown by Carl Patterson of Travelways World Tours. The group were not quite their usual Present Tax laws Bring Destruction Federal government help is needed if “historical buil- dings" are to be saved, To- ronto Alderman Art Eggle- ton stated recently. He claims that present tax laws encourage destruction of buildings rather than their preservation. Under present laws an owner can claim tax deduc- tions for depreciation of 'his building at a rate of 5% a year. If a fully depreciated building is sold, the govem- mem can reclaim some of the deductions This creates an incentive to destroy an old building and sell the land as a vacant sitte. Mr. Eggleton’s concern has been caused by the Globe & Mail's intent to move next year into the Front Street building previously occupied by the Toronto Telegram and its agreement to turn the present site over to Olympia and York Develop- ments Ltd. as a vacant lot. Toronto City Council’s Executive Committee has decided to inform the Globe and Olympia and York that tearing down the building would “severely prejudice" the ciiy's willingness to waive its recently-passed 45- foot height limit in the downtown area and sell ci- ty-owned streets the develo- That company plans to build a broad podium facing King Street with an office tower of about 70 stories ac- ross from the Toronto-Domi- nion Centre and to develop the Globe site later. per needs she carried a cascade bouquet of yellow roses, daisies and baby's breath. Mrs. Nicole Panchuk of Toronto. her attendant, wore a floor length gown of green daisy printed nylon. She car- ried a basket of yellow and white daisies. The best man was Paul Comission of Port Carling (formerly of Woodbridge) and Robert Donald. only brother of the bride, acted as usher. The men were navy blazers and white pants. It was a beautiful day for the reception at Sugar Hill Village on Lake Rousseau. Guests from Trenton, Toron- to. Torrance, Parry Sound, Sharon, Port Carling and Shilo. Manitoba, enjoyed the turkey dinner. The three- tiered wedding cake was decorated in white and green with yellow flowers. For their motor trip to Northern Ontario, the bride wore a pink mini dress with white accessories and a cor- sage of white camations and pink sweetheart roses. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Wood are now residing in Willowdale. How to prepare food and beverages Cooking As An Art â€" with love and skill, Wednesdays 7 - 10 pm, $40 Take a course in food or beverage preparation this fall at Seneca College's King Campus. There's still space available in the following evening classes: Cold Buflets With A Special Flair, Mondays 7 - 10 p.m., $40 Register nowâ€"anytime from 9 am. to 10 pm. Monday through Thursdayâ€" to 5 pm. on Fridays. For complete course details, call 884-9901. Winemaking, Wednesdays 7 - 10 pm. $30 Kitchen Management For Professionals â€" Cope more successfully with planning and paper work, Wednesdays 7 - 10 p.m.. $30 ml? OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY SENECA COLLEGE DUFFERIN STREET NORTH RR3 KING CITY ONTARIO cheery selves. missing their ray of sunshine, Mrs. Pearl Brown‘ who is in York Cent- ral Hospital. All their best wishes went out to her Two bus loads of seniors headed out for color tours this week. We will report on them next Week. Ladies Bowling Last week's results: high single â€"â€" Bertha Ingram, high average â€"â€" Bertha Ing- ram 219, high triple â€" Bar- bara Gauthier 619. _ 1'2, Collies â€"â€" 11, Labs â€" 11, Beagles â€" 10, Poodles â€" 9, Terriers â€" 7. Deepest sympathy from our community. and indeed the entire area of York. goes to the family of Alex “Standings: Danes â€" 12, Greyhounds â€" 12, §p§miels Oil painting lesson-s, Mrs. Eleanor Tvolman, qualified teacher, October 15 to De- cember 17, Monday eve- nings. Fees: $10:00 for the 10 lessons. Joseph A. Gib- son Elementary School. For further information call Mrs. Joan Robson 832-898). Badminton Seniors (16 years and up) Recreation For Women, Men, Children Decoupage, Figure Skating Upholstery, Yoga And Art BY EVA HAWKINS Maple Correspondent Maple residents have been mailed outlines of the rec- reation program for the fall. Many area people may be also interested in what is offered and here are some of the new items. ART CLASSES October 9 to June 25 Tues- day evenings 8 pm to 10 pm at George Bailey Senior Public School. For further information contact Joan Lin-es 832-2379. Decoupage Tuesday evenings 7:30 to 9 pm October 9 to Novem- ber 27 at Joseph Gibson Ele- mentary School. Instructor Mrs. Peggy Little. Fee $12. For more information call Mrs. Carol Flyn‘n 832-2666 Figure Skating~Children "Maple arena: Thursday af- t'emoons 4 to 7 o'clock. October 18 is the starting date and skating will run for approximately 20 weeks. Audrey Kupchan-ko and Ja- 12 NOON MONDAY, OCTOBER 15/73 FOR WOODBRIDGE WATER METER IN- STALLATION â€" approximately 900 meters to be installed, meter materials supplied by the Town of Vaughan. Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to con- tentls, will be received by the undersigned unti ' 7 Specification; and tender documents can be obtained from the Municipal Office in Maple. -~-â€"r_-. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Alex Bishop readers in Maple, Concord, Teston, Kleinburg. Drive at 669-2314; in Kleinburg, telephone or ‘ TOWN OF VAUGHAN TENDER FOR WOODBRIDGE WATER METER |NSTALLATION R. H. KRAFT, P. Eng. Town Engineer Town of Vaughan Maple, Ontario Bishop of Maple, who passed away Septembgr 24 a; hqme. Mr. Bishop is survived by wife Mary Victoria (Barker), two sons. George of Oakvil- he and Albert of Burlington, daughters Isobel (Mrs. Lor- ne Burbidge of King City) and Marian (Mrs. William Mactaggert of Oakville), as well as one sister. Jennie (Mrs. Harvey Usher) of Woodbridge. He was an active member of his community, including membership in the] Masonic Order (Vaughan Lodge). the Vellore Old Boys and Vel- lore Euchre Club. the Maple Pioneers Bowlian League and at St, Paul’s Presbyte- rian Church. Concession 7. Vaughan, where he was Clerk of the Session. nice Tumrer will be instruc- tinng again this vear. Fees $10 for the first child and $8 for each other child. Re- gistration will be at the Maple arena on Tuesday from 4:30 'to 5:30 pm. Figure Skatingâ€"Ladies In his daily life he made many dea-r and close friends whose "thoughts and- prayers go out to his family along with those of the communi- ty. to strength-en them in their hour of loss. This will only be available if enough interest is shown. If you are interest-ed in Dar- ticipatin-g please contact Mrs. Shirley Amodeo at 832- 2409. Upholstery Joseph A. Gibson Elemen- tary School Tuesday eve- n‘ings, 7:30 to 9:30. October 16 to December 18. Fees $12. . The instuctor is Mi- chael Angelo from Rich- mond Hill, Registration will be held the first night, 15 minutes prior ‘to the regular starting time. For informa- tion as to what to bring the first night call Audrey Sand- ford at 832-1216 or Joan Robson at 832-8981. Yogaâ€"Ladies Thursday even-inng from October 4 to December 6 from 7:30 to 9:30. Anyone 18 years or‘ over. F'éé is $12 for the 10 weeks at Jo- seph A. Gibsnn Elementary School. For additional information on any of these activities please contact Mrs. Carol Flynn at 832-2666. W'Q‘NH Ladies Bowling The York Spotlight Coffee Club Bowling League has been bowling now for two weeks. The league was orig- inally started by Donnie Warwick about 11 years ago and has been going strong since then. Your correspondent was invited to join the league when she moved to Concord. This was my first time ever bowling and after the aches and pains had gone I really enjoyed the game. As of September 25 teams number one and eight are leading with 10 points. High average is 217, June Shakespeare, high triple flat is 685, Rose Bemardi. If you are interested in sparing for the league please contact Erna McCutcheon 669-2156 01' Kathy Gameson 636-4272. Socials The Voice Of Concord Last month the community of Maple wel- comed Rev. George French. his wife and fam- ily, as the new minister of St. Andrew’s Pres- byterian Church and St. Paul’s Vaughan. The new minister is seen above with his wife Barbara, daughter: Sue, 13,_ and son Bill, 15. i Birthday wishes to Ron uw"AAgavaeosffibfiféfio, Mr. French attended the University of Dubuque, Igwa, on an athâ€" The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 12 NOON MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1973 FOR MUNICIPAL GARBAGE COLLECTION â€"â€"-bounded by Yonge Street, Bathurst Street, Highway 7 and Steeles Avenue. Specifications and tender documents can be obtained from the Municipal Office in Maple. Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to con- tents, will be received by the undersigned until The Meat Shoppe (CUT and WRAPPED) TAKING ORDERS UNTIL TOWN OF VAUGHAN TENDER FOR YONGE 8. BATHURST AREA GARBAGE COLLECTION (Formerly Johnson’s Food Market) 2&8 MAJOR MACKENZIE DR. MAPLE Presbyterian: Welcome New Minister Town Engineer Town of Vaughan Maple, Ontario R. H. KRAFT, P. Eng. Laird, Kin-g High Drive for October 8, Ron's birthday falls on Thanksgiving Day so it M“ be a double celebration for the Lairds. Ydur correspondent wishes you all a very happy Thanks- giving and a happy holiday: NEWMARKET: The Meadow- brook Home and School Asso- ciation is proceeding with fund-raising plans for a crea- tive playground at the school,‘ despite lack of formal liaison with school board and town officials. Voluntary donations of time and material are planned to keep costs down. There will be three phases, each a separate entity. In- cluded m’ll be a large sand- box, log stumps of varying heights. slide, log teepees, a log scaling wall, a culvert pipe tunnel, bridges, climbing towers, monkey bars, rope- climbing mesh, log house, balance beam and earth mounds. OCT. 6th ONLY LIBERAL, Richmond Hill,‘ Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 4, 1973 832-1231 letic scholarship, and later the Dubuque Theol- ogfical Senfinary. IIe has served for nine years in three different charges in New Jersey, coming to Maple from Cedar Grove in that state. He succeeds Rev. “Biff” Andrew who re- tired at the end of April. Winterize your money now RICHMOND HILL VICTORM and GREY Now is the time to put your money in a safe. cozy‘place for the Winter. where it can’t be lost or stolen or risked. Winterize your money in a Guaranteed Investment Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VI L11 Ufllfl and U1 lL'JI TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Certificate paying high, high interest and available to you today at Victoria and Grey. You’ll get great comfort in watching it grow you a lot more money by Spring. Notice of Complaint must be made in writing either by letter or on forms available at the Municipal Office. Any Notice of Com- plaint should specify the reason(s) therefor and shall be mailed by ordinary mail to the Regional Registrar named below, and, in addition, by registered mail to any person whose assessment is complained of, not later than the 3lst day of October, 1973. For purposes of identification, please include name and postal address. If possible, note also the assessment roll number, the street address, concession and lot numbers, and the municipality in which the property under complaint is situate. ,,,_-_I-.'I The 1970 Assessment Roll, amended to 1973 may be inspected at the Town of Vaughan Municipal Offices, in Maple, after September 30th, 1973 during normal business hours, (8:30 am. to 5:00 pm. Monday through Friday). ' Any complaint with respect to an assess- ment on the assessment roll 'may be brought to the Assessment Review Court pursuant to Section 52 of The Assessment Act R.S.O. 1970 Chap. 32, as amended. A 1973 assessment may be appealed although it may be identical to the 1972 ass- essment. Mr. J. L. M. Harbinson, Regional Registrar, Assessment Review Court, 713 Davis Drive, 3rd Floor, Newmarket, Ontario. NOTICE RE: 1973 ASSESSMENT LAIRD J. RUDY, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. Town of Vaughan The .s'enior Truxl Company devoted entirely I0 xerring the people of Onlario. (Photo by Stuart's Studio) Clerk, Town of Vaughan F. G. J ackman, Office Hours: Tues. - Thurs. 9:30 am. - 4:30 pm. Fri. 9:30 am. - 6:30 p.111. Sat. 9 cm. to Noon 884-1107

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