22 ' THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thurday, Oct. 11, 1973 for the installation of sprink- ler systems in new homes, business and industrial build- ings has been given approval by council for the second time. The bylaw was ap- proved earlier this year but has been revised. Do you believe that traf- fic pressures on Yonge Street should be relieved by developing Bat-burst and Bayview as major arteries? Are you disappointed in the recent choice of roads for improvement? Are you aware of how and under whose control a traffic needs study is conducted and just how precisely traffic pat- terns can be predicted? If these questions concern you -â€" and “they should â€" tune in to TV 10 Thursday night at 7 pm The program will.be repeated at the top of each hour until midnight. NEWMARKET: A bylaw call By the year 1980 the sou- thern part of York Region will be wholly dependent on an extension of Metro To- ronto's trunk system for es- sential services. This is the conclusion reached by Re- gional Planning and Engi- lneering Commissioners Mur- ray Pound and Bob Hodgson in the second program of "The York Region â€" Plan~ ning and You“ being aired Thursday evenings on TV 10 (cable). The need for improvement in water supply and sewage disposal systems is reaching a critical point with the current boom in develop- ment. the guests agree. What price Metro hookup? Water Sewage Roads Cable IO Thursday My readers and I send our sincerest best wishes and I trust that you have had a wonderful time and fond memories. Mr. Jack Barton had his celebration September 27 and John Barton celebrated Sep- tember 30. Mr. George Veitch was remembered October 1. Johnny Walker became a year older October 2 and young Ronnie Read became 13 on the 7th. Belated anniversary greet- ings go to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams. who celebrated their 35th wedding anniver- sary September 23; and to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton who celebrated theirs Sep- tember 29. Belated birthday greetings go to Mrs. Minetta Ness, who celebrated her 86th Septem- ber 27. The UCW held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs L. Thelma Somerville. Devo- tions were read by Mrs. Jean Bushell and the refreshments were prepared and served by the capable twosome of Mrs Ann Walker and Mrs. Eleanor Veitch. Final arrangements were also made for the tur- key supper. These ladies are quite particular about their standard of home cooking! A special mention â€" Carr- vilie United Church is hold- ing a Communion service this coming Sunday. Neighborhood Notes The Carrville Church is having a Hallowe'en masQue- rade party October 27 â€" so get your sewing machine or- ganized and come out ready to frolic. Just a reminderâ€"the Carr- ville UCW will be holding its bazaar November 24, so please pass the word around. It is my pleasure to again announce the Carrville Tur- key Supper which is being held October 24 from 4:30 to 8 pm. Everybody is welcome. However on Thanksgiving Day, at least, we can say thanks out loud and show our gratitude for all that we have received. Church News not been grateful enough. We are very busy people, we seem to have many commit- ments. many projects to be undertaken, unconsciously we are showing our gratitude. Our country has had an abundant year. It is living in peace, our youth is not re- quired to take up arms against invaders, nor do we have to be concerned about neighboring aggressors. It seems that our country has the capacity to be on peace- ful terms with all countries. For all these things, I am truly grateful, but as I sit and write, I think that I have For the young, there are great opportunities for those who are willing to put forth an effort. For the elderly, we have the pension system, which although not ideal. compares very favorably with other countries and indeed with our own country a few years ago. For the workers. they are financially protected against illness. The ones who are in dire circumstances have also been financially assisted in many ways. Even in our 0v ity there are n contributors to Their names may the limelight and it that way. Thanksgiving Day has passed. When I think a it, we should be that every day for the wond‘ land in which we are so tu‘nate to live. In so many, many ways, a land of plenty. Neighborhood Notes CARRVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. Alice Harrison 88 Naughton Drive Richmond Hill Phone 884-6824 after ; with all countries. l these things, I am Iteful, but as I sit a, I think that I have grateful enough. We ' busy people, we r own commun- e many. many to the needy. may never be in and they prefer ay has just hink about a thankful wonderful are so for- system, ideal, Ily with indeed ' a few d an ng in t re- arms . V | ' IS ONLY A 5‘ SALE PRICES FPANASONIC WASHER] SPINDRYER G.E. 2 SPEED AUTO. 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COLOR PORTABLE HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE ' COLOR PORTABLE THIN-WALL CENTRE METROPOLITAN LICENSING COMMISSION THIS SALE AUTHORIZED UNDER THE REGULAR FINAL 2? HOUR LOW PRICEâ€"LIQUIDHIONâ€" 319.99 REGULAR FINAL 17 HOUR [OW PRICEâ€"[IOUIDATIDNâ€" 269.99 159.99 399.99 629.99 799.99 489.99 529.99 569.99 219.99 249.99 179.99 179.99 149.99 169.99 129.99 99.99 LICENSE HA1423 - A1435 UNDER BY-LAW 88199 t 154†299†229†599†384 488“ 529†449†769†299 233 139†168 197 139 159 127 8888‘ 99‘ 88‘