I Helen Robinson She was a biteless worker in- the community. and had served as president of But- tonville WI. She was one of rthe prime movers in the or- ganization of the YCHA. two years before the hospital was built. and served as president of that auxiliary, president of the hospital re- gion, and chairman of the Buttonville Branch of YCHA. The community lost a dear friend last week, with the death of Helen Robinson who passed away a York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill. October 2. Wheréver good things were happening, there was Helen. She and her husband Joe and sons Roy and Bill kept -a hospitable home where old and new friends were al- ways welcome. iH‘err work a1. Holy Trinity Church, Thomhill, was 1e- gend. On Wednesday and Thurs- day of last week friends streamed $0 the Robinson home on Bayvlew Avenue to pay their last respects._ 'i‘he community is the poo- rer for her paming. _ râ€"a A funeral service was held Friday -a¢ Holy Trinity Church, with interment at Thornhill. Sï¬fviï¬ng are her husband Joe. sons Roy and_ Bill,_z_md Dawn. Neighborhood Notes More on Markham Fair -â€" entitled some of 't‘he ¢hings I missed that I wish I had seen! â€"- Six-year-old Ray- mond Brown’s collection of leaves which won a fourth prize in the school exhibits; Ray Grant and Harvey Brown competing in the cross-cut log cutting contest â€" they didn't Win, I'm 101d, but they sawed their 10; in one minute, 13 seconds Last week I forget to men.- tion that there were two beautiful oils 'in the ant sec- tion by Helen Speckert. He- len's father was the archi~ tect who built the Brown's Corners United Church ex- tension in 1960-61. He died a short time later, And Archie Little’s Gee Gaw Whimmy Diddles were a joy! Mary and Milt Sherman are home in Markham after almost a month at Owen Sound. During that time Ma- ry's aun’t. Mrs. George Beat- ty. died. Mrs. Bill Baker ‘has retur- ned from Windsor where she visited her brother while he was in hospital. Friends were sorry to learn last week that Stan Patterson was badly injured in a fall. His neck was bro- ken and he is at Sunnybrook Hospital in intensive care. We Wish him a quick re- covery. Last Thursday Buttonville W1 catered for a roast beef dinner when an Agincourt Bowling Club held a banquet and meeting. As a side event. WI mem- bers celebrated the birthday of President Rose Ba- ker. with a birthday cake and ice cream. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Bin- nington have been holi- daying at Jersey in the Channel Islands. NEWMARKET: Official ground breaking ceremonies were conducted recently for the new addition to York County Hospital. The addi- tion will cost $15 million and will be built to the east of the present hospital. bgefher with POLYME. {tunes nuclei Safetywflhbéion HARDWE BUTTONVILLE ', nun; LIV uA-u m -, w..- small J granddaï¬ghter. o Sidewalks ‘ o (hubs . Excavating o Trenchint o Drains 0 Septic Tanks Telephone 294-5290 (New and Repairs) Weldflck Constr. Co. 158 Weldrick Road 881-0069 Correspondent: ram-(maca- Richmond Reina Centre Richmond mu 834-6881 IRADDOCI OPTICAL AaP Bleach llOUlD JAVEl SUNNIX â€" OIANGE FAVOUIEO CIVSYALS Ann Page Beans 28-(I.oznns 3/51 (Sun 35¢ Comp-rod WM. Ooh" Bund- 0. Burn) CREAM 0' MUSNIOOM OR CHICKEN NOODLE MIN YOMIO SAUCE A£P Crystals KGIP Sail Detergent s-Ibba999¢ Ann Page Soups BLUE Dishwashing Detergent Ann Page Ketchup THIN CIISP CIACKIIS AGIP Saltines INSYANV AG-P Coffee Aâ€"PENN, AUYOMATIC (For Spoil." Oilhu Even in Mud Wu") Grapefruit Juice Shredded Wheat Hamburg Helpers A sun-a sun!) O! IN". IIAIILIAN com: (343 no $2 5 “P IIAND, SWEEYENED OI UNSWEFTENID, IECONSYIIUTED AG-P Tea Bags NAMSCO IECONSWYUVED UMON JUICE YOMAVO IONA DINNEI [4â€"01, CHEESEBUIGEI DINNEI l-ol, IEF' N000“ CASSEIOII 77-01, (NIH YOMAYO HAS! [4." PLANYEDS sumsu Ha no 36: DIY mum) no: PKG 88c Peanuts llanched prkg 59¢ CO“) WAYEI WASH Zero Liquid 8-flâ€"oz plague bonle 6 9¢ SPECIAI MIND IEWY CIOCKFI Realemon YUKON CLUB GINGER ALE O-FL-OZ BOTTLES 26/99 PLUS BOYTLE DEPOS" Side Bacon SUPER-"GO" BIAND, SUCED Back Bacon SWEET FICKIED. FEAMEAIED SCHNEIDIIS “AND Oktoberiest Sausage "$1.18 IUINS GIAND, “ME FACK. Sausages am AND PORK m88¢ (Sova 26: C PRIME RIB CROSS RIB '5 First 4 Ribs Only (5 av. 30: (Sun 3: Empnnd With 0""! Inndn of Soups) BEEF STEAKS rig Detergent 2o.oz aka 4 coupon! With 0"!" Dishwashin. Dflorgonh) 128-H-oz plastic iug 6 5 fl! Comp-Md WM! 00h" Bunch o0 Blank) 21.38 POLY PKG Of 5 3‘4-01 ENVELOPES END CUYS A&P WEO FOOD STORES Open Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Nights Until 9:90 P.M. lé-oz pkg 3 "NEW" ECONOMICAL SIIE Mb vac pa: lO-oz |ar ï¬ll-oz home. CENTIE CUYS Aflun H-fl-oz bll 7,7-07 pkg 20voz pkg 10â€"H-oz 1in plug 0‘ 60 3/5100 l-lb bag oznn18¢ cups) zbl|23¢ is 69¢ “$1.28 $1.49 955; Cooked Meat: |in 49¢ 39¢ 59¢ 97¢ 62¢ 57¢ SUPER-IIGHY, SKINKFSS BONELESS ROASTS BLADE or $ SHOULDER I Easy To Carve lb . 105 Yonge SI. N., RICHMOND III“. 8190 Bayview Ave., THORNHILI. Cherry Pie Jelly Roll JAN! PAIKEI, lEMON MEI'NGU! Pl! OI Date Crunch JANE PAIKEI JANE PARKE! Sweet Rolls JANE ruxu, sucso "AlIAN on Bread olonsmoum Family Donuts Raisin Bread JANE PAIKEI, JEllY OI PINEAPPLE TOPPED JANE'PAIKEI, 'lAlN OI SUGAIED JANE PARKER, SUCED def I’ll Bag COMING Mux pkgs 3151.00 lipton Casserole Bases 6 Iii-C Drinks Heinl Beans ROBERYSON'S. OIANGE 60H)!" SIlVEI SHRED, YHICK CUY Marmalade was 1'24II-oziar52/89: GOUIASN, MOINAY, SYIOGANO", "VIAIIINI. ORIENYAlE DUEIGINY (PIE'IICED â€<) ACYION 'IICED' Swan pkq ol 7, 24 ".01 D'astir His 8 9;! DIGESYIVE, SHOIYCAKE, CNOCOIA'! CHI', MIC! Peek Frean Cookies ‘s-ouin'aebag 59¢ IEEI Lu, CN!CKEN 1‘2-03, SPAIEIII 7‘4-0: ACYION PRICEO' Peek Frean Cookies ‘s-ouin'aebag 5 'UIE VEGEYABlE. DIGESYIBlE. 'Ol FIVING Ol GAKING CNEIIY, CITRUS COOU'. OIANGK. ORANGE-"NEAPPIE. GIAPE. HONDA PUN(H ACVION PRICED! IN YOMAYO SAUCI Crisco Shortening [ADV BORDER {RC/[N 5 lb hr" .69 Full 8-inch, 24-01 pie HUI-oz tins 16-01 loaves (SUV 2 IOAVES â€"- SAVE 90 H-lI-oz 'ins 24-01 loaves (BUY 2 [OAVESâ€"SAVE 2k] SHIED. OIANGE SCOYCH 12-01 foil Nay 9-02 cake 3-lb tin pkg of 12 ‘/7 pkg of 8 3151.00 4131.00 o7 pkg ACNON 'I‘CED' ACYION PllCED' 218W 2/69¢ 2/89¢ $1.39 (SAVE ‘0‘) 45¢ 69¢ 53¢ (SAVE k) (5 AVE 61) (SAVE 8:) 59¢ (SAVE 61:) 58¢ CU! FROM EYE Of SlllOlN FOINI Cube Steaks HOMELESS gigging Beef Cuts lb$1.18 Brisket Plate “>483! HIGHLINEI, FROZEN, IN SATYEI Boston Bluefish v-owk985¢ IIEASUIE ‘SlE, FIOIEN, ROUND Breaded Shrimp wowks$209 IU’E" “AND. "0194 (dd Fish 8- Chips CAI! MIXES, 1001 â€" IANANA, CNOCOlAYE IUDGE, WHIYE, GOlDEN, DEVIl'S KOOD, CNOCOLATE, “MON ICING MIXES, 7‘2-02 -â€" VANIllA, CHOCOLAYE, CHOCOLAVE FUDGE 5:22:2‘100 IICE. TAPIOCA, CHOCOlATE, BUYYEISCOTCN ACYION PIICED! Nestle; MlNI PUDDINGS pkgot 3, 5.02 Ims VACIAl "5w: â€"â€" WHIYE ACYION PIICED’ Scotties DOUIH MIND INSI'NI COW" Chase & Sanborn VARIETY PACK "-01, MAPLE I IIOWN SUGAR 'J'Ol, MAIN Il-ol, SUGAI 'N SPICE Io-u, IAISIN l SPIC! iI-al. AFPlE A CINNAMON 9~o| ACTION 'IICED! Bonnie Pet Food Bonnie Pet Food 'S-o: ï¬ns 310ԠCHOCOlAYE. CHOCOLAYE MA“, STIAWIEIIV, VANILLA, ASSOIYED a 73-01 'KG (annual. INSTANT BREAKFAST 0â€!st 76¢ Carnation INSIAm BREAKFAST HOWARD 'ONNSON, NEW ENGLAND Clam Chowder Quaker Oats BEEF NOODlE. CHICKEN NOODLE, GREEN PEA, ONION, YOMAYO DOG Ol CA1 CHOCOLATE OI VARIEYY MONARCH MIXES 68:2’66¢ MIX and MATCH READYâ€"TO-SERVE boxes of 200 sheets THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thurday, Oct. 11, 1973 13.3.01 PKG 0! l0 ENVS my [4.9 |O~oz~ iar 1541-02 lin lb$1.78 (ASEOF 24 ACHON PIICED! 2/75¢ AMPLE FREE PARKING pkg 5/69¢ $1.79 $1.09 nn49¢ :35; $ 2 .1 9 AlnP offers an unconditional money-back guarantee. No matter who! it is, no matter who makes it, if A&P sells ii, A8-P guoronvees it. Chun King Dinners Honey Dew "OIEN, BIEADED CHICKEN I: PINEAPPlE, SWEEY I. SOUI SPAlillBS, SHRIMP Meat Pies "OIEN, CONCENTIAYED. OIANGE DRINK SUlYANA BRAND, IIOIEN, BEEF, CHICKEN. YUIKEY POIAIOES CANADA VANCY GIADE. ON'VAIIO, "CK 0' IN! CIO' BRUSSELS SPROUTS ONTARIO GIOWN, NIH. FIESH ONYAIIO GIOWN, MINI GRADE SUPEI-SIAINLESS Eiilï¬iéiam Blades pkgor 10 $1.07 IEGULAI OI UNSCENYED DEODOMM Right Guard Petroleum Jelly GIILETTE Trac II Raior Adorn Hair Spray AN7|.PEISPIIANT Soft & Dri 5-02 aerosollin 'QEGUlAI, EXYIA NOlD. UNSCENYED IEGUlAI. Gillette Dry look “shun on :xvumom mun srnv Al? BRAND Fame Creme Rinse McINTOSH APPLES 3 M69}! "aif 13 oz‘ aerosol I'm ’1. I WIYH BODY, WIYH “MON. IXYIA CONDITIONEI 6-02 aerosol [in 8-"02 plastic boflle 8-02 pkg; 6-02 aerosol tin IO oz cup IO-Ib bag 14-02 pkg 12-5l-oz Din Each ACYION 'IICEDI >1 'in 3/891! 59¢ nn 99¢ $1.09 $1.04 $1.19 77¢ e91¢ 39¢