Toys, books or games would be greatly appreciated for the amusement of the tiny tots. Two rooms in the school have now become available for YWCA use. One of these for 'baby sitting will also provide a short program of music expression and rythmic exercises which Mandy Hob- bins plans to run for the older pre-schoolers while their mothers are supping coffee and enjoying a craft, film or discussion. There will be a need for a full-time baby sitter for the two-hour program at $1.50 per hour. A pickup can be arranged. Phone June Bernie at 889-6739. It' was decided that due to 3 increasing numbers in at- 3 tendance there would be 3 only one more meeting Octoâ€" ‘ ber 19 at Emmanuel Church. '1 Starting October 20 the meet- . ings will be continued at' Charles Howitt School, Pear- son Avenue. According to the majority vote Monday morn- ings were more acceptable to the group. The local TAB group be- gan its second year of activi~ ties with about 20 ladies out to enjoy exercises for half an hour with Mandy Hobbins of Garden Avenue instructing. There were introductory games to follow and sugges- tions as to future programs. This year all 80 majorettes meet every Tuesday night at the hall on Spruce Avenue. If interested in joining please call Eileen Robertson at 889- 7007. YWCA The ladies’ executive will be holding a dance at the Lions Hall. Spruce Avenue, November 3, from 8 pm until 1 am, the proceeds going to- wards forming a drum corps. Costumes are optional for this event, however prizes will ‘be given for the best costumes Tickets are $7 per couple and may be obtained by call- ing Jackie Corrick at 889- 7900‘ There was a brief meeting with Rev. Canon Jackson from the York Lions Club as guest speaker. This was fol- lowed by dancing. A most enjoyable evening was had by all. Majorettes The seniors have added five new members' to the group this fall and a big wel- come is extended to all who wish to join them in their many events. They have al- ready had two general meet- ings, October 3 and 17. at which they discussed plans for the annual bazaar to be held at the Lions Hall. Spruce Avenue. November 17. Highlight of this season was the September 17 bus trip to Haliburton. The sen- iors enjoyed a nice dinner at the Maple Sands Motel at Minden. The colors were seen at their best from the two lookouts visitedâ€"at Haliburâ€"t ton Highlands 'and Minden. 1 Another event was an invi- tation by the local Lions to their charter night, which some of the seniors gladly accepted. Lions Bichvale Lions held their tenth charter dance October 6 at their hall on Spruce Avenue. Among the guests were Councillor and Mrs. Lou Wainwright and repre- sentatives of the various sur- rounding clubs. They all sat down to a beautiful dinner. William Simpson, also of Yongeview, is at present a patient in Sunnybrook Hospi- tal and we wish him a speedy recovery. Belated birthday greetings for October 8 to Dick Ablett of Yongeview. Senior Citizens Althea Taylor spoke to the Mr. Sanders illustrated the gested traffic, and public Ibuses * * * some “futureflrrne'eting',†speeding problem by saying that using the roads. Chief Crawford invited any Galbraith. d‘llllllllllllllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“llllllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllll“Ill“lll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllll““llllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllll“llll1lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll’9 Police Chief ‘Under Gun' At Thornhill Traffic Control ‘Nil' Henderson, Proctor He said a similar situation applied to heavy trucks which “the police stopped consistently for awhile but never seem to bother with anymore." Mr. Sanders said that rate- payers had petitioned for a 25- mile-per-hour speed limit on Proctor and "when we got it the police gave us good protec- tion for the first six months. Now we never see them." “This is a very serious prob- lem and the police just don‘t seem to be able to do anything about it," he said. “Do we have to wait until some child is killed before we get any action?" Maurice Sanders, a Proctor Avenue‘resident, led off pro- ceedings by complaining about speeding cars on Proctor, heavy truck traffic in violation of a bylaw forbidding same. If York Regional Police Chief Bruce Crawford wasn't previ- ously aware of any traffic prob- lems on Henderson and Proctor Avenues in South Thornhill he certainly is now. Motorists beware. Chief Crawford was under the gun. albeit friendly, October 1 at the South Thornhill Rate- payers‘ Association meeting at Henderson Public School. The chief was on hand to par- ticipate in a public discussion regarding "traffic abuses" on the above-named avenues. RICHV ALE RECORD MRS. MARY WATTS, 43 SPRUCE AVENUE? assimï¬ group about her program for ‘tomorrow. She had brought ‘ with her some very attractive ‘ideas for the use of dried flowers. Some of these were brush painted with oils, ] others spray painted. Some more good entertain- ment is on the way â€" the a n n u a 1 travelogue series sponsored by the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill. These start October 25 when John Strong will present “Jamai- ca" â€" Land of Wood and Waterâ€. November 22 How- ard Pollard will show “Lon- dontownâ€; January 24 Dennis Cooper’s presentation will be “Inside Passage and Aleutian Islands", February 28 will bring James Forshee and “The European Alps". March Thank you for a most en- joyable evening. Tickets may be secured by phoning Merle George 884-4774, I certainly endorse all the complimentary remarks of “The Liberal's" drama critic who praised the local Curtain Clu'b's "Butterflies Are Free". Apart from being a most professional piece of acting on the part of all four cast members, it was a flawless performance. Credit is also due, of course, to those in the back- ground, Director Gerry Crack. Producer Margot Crack (who is just home from hospital) and Joyce Bragg Smith who assisted in the production. I also commend Set Designer Joan Harold for her work, along with co-workers Shir- ley Stanley, Peggy Gosling, Mary Ellen Barlow and Dick Rayfield, who were responsi- ble for the decor. If you have any sugges- tions please bring them along with some of your findings from along the highways and byways. If you can't â€" just come and bring your children for a morning out. Althea will have some samples for you to work with. Entertainment A very decorative wreath she made was of large pine cones. She suggests members can collect them and bring them along. She had a pic- ture of pressed wild flowers glued on to a paper backing â€"â€"very simple. Try it! Cosmo School Of Music Call or drop in today to Also: Sales, Repairs and Rentals by the day, week or month for all instruments Accordion Guitar HERE'S HOW 0 Sax Piano LESSONS FOR Clarinet Nick Belak of Henderson Avenue had similar complaints regarding the truck travel, con- gested traffic, and public buses using the roads. Mr. Sanders made several suggestions including an in- crease in unmarked police cars in the area and ask that con- sideration be given toward turning the two avenues into one-way streets. “I just don’t think the police will be able to control traffic in this area in another year the way it‘s building up," he said. “There are a lot of children, small children, walking these roads and it’s only a matter of time before someone gets killed." Mr. Sanders asserted that “if the police are unable to give us the proper protection council should allow Proctor and Hen- derson Avenues to go back to their original status as dead-end streets." Mr. Sanders also railed about the lack of sidewalks on Proctor (which is not a police responsi- bility). This brought an outburst of applause from the audience. He also blamed the traffic congestion on townhouse resi- dents who park their cars on the street “further aggravating the problem." “cars go down the street as if they were training for Mosport." Flute 1 YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL 884-5272 - 889-9761 YOU CAN FIND MUSIC It will be in _the Lions] * * Community Hall, 31 Spruce Members of the Avenue and tickets are avail- class at Roselawn, able at the hall every Tuesâ€" be taking the trip day evening'. The tickets are during the winter $7 a couple and can also be selling bags of I obtained by calling Mrs. gum to raise son Jackie Corrick at 889-7900. Ifunds for that trip The Richvale Lions Major- ette Corps is in its second year of operation. The Lions Club is now organizing a drum corps to march along with them on parades. To help provide some of the funds for this corps the par- ents of the majorettes are planning a dance to be held November 3 at 8 pm. Neighborhood Notes Over Thanksgiving Week- end the members of the jun‘ ior choir and young people’s group, under the direction of Bob Long, organist and choir- master from Emmanuel, were invited to camp at Willow Springs. St. Mary Immaculate Rom- an Catholic, Dufferin and Yonge Streets, is holding a convert class for adults be- ginning October 30 at 7:30 pm in the rectory. 21 it will be Robert Drouwer and “Scenic USA.†and April 25 Commander Karl Stein will feature "Intriguing Iranâ€. All showings will be at 8 pm at Bayview Secondary School Auditorium. Tickets may be obtained from any Rotarian or by phoning 884- 6902 or 884-4641. Church News The men’s club is holding an Oktoberfest October 26. Please pick up your tickets soon from John Poulet 889- 6952. This will be a gay, informal evening for adults. The ACW of Emmanuel Anglican, Mackay Drive, had a busy meeting early this month planning and creating some of the lovely gifts for their forthcoming Poinsettia Tea and Baiaar scheduled for November 17 from two to four. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GEOFFREY COOK 84 Garden Avenue. Phone 889-4553 lANGSTAFF NEWS He said that the department did not have the staff to patrol Henderson and Proctor Avenues all the time “but we do patrol it on select enforcement basis as we do all other streets ill the municipality." "If anything raises the hac- kles on my back is for someone to say we’re not getting the police protection we had a few years ago, He disagreed with one comment regarding the poorer police protection since it was recognized. “Traffic enforcement alone has resulted in a 700 percent increase in traffic violation tic- kets the last two years.†Chief Crawford told the audi- ence that he was “quite appre- ciative of your concern in the area and I realize it's a very serious concern and I sympa- thize with you." He said that Henderson Ave- nue was “getting worse and the probability of additional town- housing will mean even more congested traffic. “When I attempt to complain in one department I get shuf- fled from one place to another. I call up the bus company they tell me to get in touch with the traffic co-ordinator and he tells me to call the police. It just goes on and on and I end up nowhere." an instrument for eight weeks. No need to purchase an instrument. Register at our School of Music and have the FREE use of Members of the grade 8 class at Roselawn, who will be taking the trip to Mexico during the winter break, are selling bags of Hallowe’en gum to raise some of the The majorettes will be sell- ing chocolate bars later this month to support their activ- ities, such as trips to parades. There will be music by a husband and wife disc jockey team and a buffet and bar privileges. Wearing a cos- tume is optional, but there will be prizes for the best costumes. The CFM added two new couples to the group which met at Tim and Peg Pater- son’s, 12 Claridge Drive, Oc- tober 3. Father Ken Pierce said Mass for the group of 14 present. Any couples wishing to join this local group, please phone 88945318. Correction 7:30 to 8 pm with a short talk, time for reflection. Mass and homily. If you haven’t already been there’s still to- night and tomorrow. Arch- bishop Philip Pocock will dedicate the new chapel to the Sacred Heart as a special mass Saturday at 5 pm. This will fulfill your Sunday obli- gation. Tickets are now available at the rectory or after the masses for Novemberfest ’73. to be held on the 2nd. How- ever, tickets are limited, so buy now! I have been informed that the information given me last week that the Richvale OMHA teams would be play- irug in the old arena in Rich- mond Hill this season is not correct. Bond Lake Arena again will be the home base of these teams. Retreat week is drawing to its close. The Jesuit Fathers are conducting a week of spiritual renewal, starting at “We will have Mr. Roman at some future meeting,†said Mr. Galbraith. Mr. Galbraith said Mayor Anthony'Roman- had not been officially invited to attend that meeting but had expressed his interest in the problems facing the ratepayers. Councillors Bob Adams, Gary Kay and Roy Muldrew were on hand via invitations. Invited ‘but absent was Regional Councillor Harry Crisp. The discussion on traffic abuses was one of a number held at the meeting and which involved high density develop- ment, taxes, etc. South Thornhill Ratepayers' Association Chairman Jack Gal- braith said later that the asso- ciation “is very appreciative at the way Chief Crawford reacted to our complaints and the atten- tion he gave them. He has con- tacted several ratepayers per- sonally on the matter to indicate his interest in our problem." “If you have any problems we want to hear about them," he said. “If you don’t get satisfactory results there I suggest you call me at Newmarket and I can assure you that you will get your answers there. ratepayers with complaints to first call the local police division at Markham. The language school for young people six to 15 will operate each school day from 5 to 7 pm to the end of the school year in June, and the sponsors will wel- come all young people in this age group. The school is on John Street east of Bayview Av- enue, Thornhill. For information call Sot- ere Dimangei 889-6994 ev- enings, 465-1155 days, or Mrs. Anastasia Agnidis, 889- 8507. ’ A modern Greek language school sponsored by the As- sociation of Parents and Guardians of North Metro is opening Monday in Bayview Fairways Public School. At Bayview Fairways Modern Greek SchooI ï¬g WES TRO] 28 LEVENDALE RD. RICHMOND HILL an extra degree of excellence Even Less With Trade 0 Total “Solid State†design chassis and tuner o Electrobrite Picture 0 Electromatic operation â€" truly simple automatic color that you set once and never worry about it MODEL C16-402 again 0 Instavu provides picture and sound THE CLARIDGE RICHMOND HILL TV With the blessing of His Excellency Bishop Isidore, St. Vladimir was chosen to be the patron saint of the T‘homhill Church. St. Vladi- mlir, ruler of Rus’-Uklraine (979-1019) is recognized as one of the greatest rulers 'of his time. His greatest achievement was the intro- duction of Christianity to the Ukraine in 988. The first anniversary of St. Valdlimir's Ukrainian Oa- tJhlolic Church in Thorn-hill was celebrated September 16, with the beauty of the Pon‘tif-i‘ci-al Liturgy and a following banquet. The only sad feature of the great day was that everyone could not be accommodated and the organizers have apologized for this. Instructions ch‘ing by Mrs. wacz and in “Meet The Teachers Night" Wednesday evening was well attended by interested pa- renvts. Those who did not attend missed the opportu- nity of meeting the new teaching staff who will be guiding our children through- out the year. Ukrainian Catholic Church For a mere dollar, don’t let your children miss this golden voppomtunity for a bit of enjoyment and physical fitness. Let’s see all the boys out Tuesday evenings and the girl's Thursday eve- wings. The program to be held at the school is design-ed for fun. relaxation and friend- ship and offers a wide varie- ‘ty of activities such as group and team games (basketball, volleyball, mat and floor gymnastics and crafts). Richmond Hill and Distnict YWCA c-o-spons-ored by the Richmond Hill Parks and Recreation Committee have planned a physical fitness program for children ages 7 to 13 Ito be held, this win- ter in 16th Avenue Pu'bilc School. Cost of the 10 week program is $1. The boys‘ program is scheduled for Tuesday eve- nings: ages 7 '00 10 start at seven and end ant eight and ages 11 to 13 start at eight and end at nine. The girl-3‘ program will take place every Thursday evening, with the 7-10 year group from 7 to 8 pm and the 11-13 group from 8-9 School News EAST RICHVALE SOCIALS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. SOPHIE LOGUSH Telephone 889-4405 i‘n crossâ€"stit- years providi: Aena Holo- ment and recre canldlemaking local occasions $199.95 26" COLOR TV THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 18, 1973 25 [OMEI The Thornhill group meets Monday nights at 8 pm and welcomes prospective mem- bers and guests, says Choir Director Ken Weber of 25 Wildcherry Lane. The pres- ent Thornhill group has been active for the past three years providing entertain- ment and recreation on many ens-Sheraton Hotel in Metro. The 60-member Thomhill group will be part of a 700- voice choir performing at Toronto City Hall Saturday at 4:30 pm. Barbershoppers 0f Thornhill Will Sing At City Hall The Thornhill Barbershop- pers are sponsoring the On- tario District Convention of their international barber- shop singing organization this weekend at the 4 Seas- ons-Sheraton Hotel in Metro. The 60-member Thornhill Special thanks go rto Mr. and Mrs. Peteu- Makoht'm for donating -the paint for the church, to Nicholas Bodnar- chuk who sacnificed 'two weeks of 'his holidays and spent most of the rtime on the rooftop in 95 degree heat, and to Miss Sophie Bodnarchuk for the artistic painting in «the from gable of the chuwh. Pastor of St. Luke’s Ca- tholic Church, now St. Vla- dimilr Ukrainian Catholic Church located .on Church Street in Thvomlhill ri’s Rev. Vladimir Shewchuk, OSBM. by Mrs. Ollie Wolowski are conducted every Tuesday from 7-10 pm. Jugt walk in. The Ukrainian School is well underway every Saltur- day morning from 9:15 rto 12:30. Ilt includes instruction in the Ukrainian language, religion and singing. It is not too late -to register. The dedicated. (teachers are Miss Oksana Baahlinska. Mrs. Slawka Sherem-eta. Mrs. Lu- ba Zoraska and Mrs. Lesia McLeIlan. Boys between [the ages of 7 and 10 are encouraged to join Cubs. Eor information phone Mrs. Helen Chum-3m 487-8070 or Mrs. Mary Gregoris'h at 889-5136. Ukrainian classes for adults are held every Saltur- day morning from 10-12. For more information telephone 225-4803. ONLY SOUTH BLOCK PHONE 884-7456 (Non Profit Organization) 0 Full day care 0 Nursery School Classes (half day) 0 Part week - full pay programs 0 Before and after school programs I Lunch, infant care 0 Fully qualified staff Founded by 15 concerned professionals for the care and education of children. Ages: 11/2 to 10 years. THE KALE We carry a complete line of mufflers and tail pipes for all American and European cars. I have this 15th day of October posted the Assessment Commissioner’s List for the Town of Markham in the Municipal Offices, 8911 Don Mills Road. The List should be examined by all persons assessed to ensure that the information and school support is correctly shown. A person whose name has not been included in the List or whose name has been included in the List but the information relating to him, as set out therein, is incorrect may apply personally or by his agent by completing and filing a form obtainable at the Office of the Clerk at the address shown below during normal office hours. THE LAST DAY FOR FILING FORMS RE- QUESTING ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS OR DELETIONS SHALL BE NOVEMBER 9th, 1973. 9190 YONG! S'I'. MIGHTY MUFFLER NOW OPEN RICHVALE MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION FORMS AVAILABLE AT LOCAL SPORTING GOODS STORES Please mail to: The Registrar. 174 May Ave. For Further Information - 884-2414 10% OFF (One block south of Steeles at rear of St. Patrick’s Anglican Church) Administrator Mrs. Audrey Gauthier DAY CARE AND RESOURCE CENTRE REVISION AND CERTIFICATION OF ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER’S LIST SCHOOL SUPPORT mars/ml! guneral flame 126 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill “Just South of Richmond Hill†Serving the Community under the Wright & Taylor and Pipher Chapels FOR INFORMATION CALL 226-1380 LIFE TIME GUARANTEE 1087 LILLIAN STREET REGULAR PRICE CUSTOM PIPE BENDING Town of Markham PHONE 889-9977 Come in and try us. Muffler & Tail Pipe SPECIAL LIMITED since 1876 884-1062 N. J. Pickard, Clerk, Town of Markham, 8911 Don Mills Road, Markham, Ontario. DUSUUPE