16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 25, 1973 I Carpentry Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) ROSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 Transmission Ltd. 9677 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL LEONARD R. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants 887-5720 - 889-2741 84 Yonge St. S. Aurora, Ontario .Outside lighting maintenance Equipped with ladder work. All Commercial. residential and industrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Engineering Joscelyn, Laughlin, 1 Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 121 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-4474-5 31 Geneva Street St. Catharines, Ont. 684-1177 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 Yongc Street North Phone: 889-8275 - 884-8651 NEWMARKE’I‘ â€" Proposals for two new shopping plazas are being considered by coun- cil. A seven-store plaza is proposed for the northeast corner of Scott Avenue and Eagle Drive and the other is a five-store development on the southeast comer of Yonge Street and Davis Drive. Brian H. Cowen Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. VAN DYKE, Aborist Competent Tradesman Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists Finlay Electric Auto Transmission Addition, Renovation & Rec. Rooms 83 Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill, Ont. Tel. 884-4171 Chartered Accountants SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop Alf Catenaro '73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 889-6662 CUSTOM WORK Electrical Contractors FREE ESTIMATES CARPENTER CONTRACTOR STEAMFITTING WELDING Forestry 884-6663 Call any time 881-2509 884-1993 884-7774 Mister BRIAN MATHER BUS. - 884-4050 RES. - 884-8392 I Optometrists Authorized Consumers’ Gas Contractors Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363-3959 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 Ernie Brock & Son LTD. FURNACESâ€" WATER HEATERS AND AIR CONDITIONING C.C.M. 8: Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 or 832-2445 Res. 832-1224 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-9295 884-9296 889-5729 Furniture, Office Supplies. Social Stationery Monday to Thursday 8:30 am. to 5 pm. Friday 8:30 am. to 8:30 pm. Close Saturday Air Conditioning Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. and 24 hour service to all of York County Telephone 727 -9488-9 Corner Agency Limited Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service W Heating Co. 889-0506 - 884-7977 Rear 47 Yonge Street 5. Aurora, Ontario Fire, Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Res. 727-2737 H. B. FISHER Office Supplies A. W. Kitchen, BUILDING 22 RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. SUITE # 204 PROFESSIONAL Insurance Sporting Goods By Appointment 884-3962 MAC SIA'I IAIM & msuuucl_ I TV Service I 884-4165 member in unur family? Anew by PETER SMITH York Home TV 306 BAYVIEW AVE. BAYVIEW PLAZA The Christian Science Monitoruy Box 125, Aslor Station Boston, Massachuseus 02123 Call your Welcome Wagon hostess. She has a basket of lovely gifts and helpful information for the new parents and baby. The editor of this paper might be willing to lend you his copy of The Christian Science Monitor. But don't count on it. He's an expert newsman with access to many news sources and a good paper of his own. But he still wants to get the Monitor's worldwide coverage and commen- tary on events. Apart from 2,711 editors, there are 20,000 educa- tors and students. 82.000 businessmen, 495 US. Senators and Congress- men, 3 Supreme Court Justices who read the Monitor. Why should they know more of what's going on, and why, than you do? For less than 11¢ a day, you can get your own special insight into the news. Everyday, like they do. Payment enclosed '_1 Bull me later Send me 4 month of the Monilorâ€" over 100 issues â€" tor only $11. Addro§§ 3W Nanie Stale I have this 15th day of October posted the Assessment Commissioner’s List for the Town of Markham in the Municipal Offices, 8911 Don Mills Road. The List should be examined by all persons assessed to ensure that the information and school support is correctly shown. A person whose name has not been included in the List or whose name has been included in the List but the information relating to him, as set out therein, is incorrect may apply personally or by his agent by completing and filing a form obtainable at the Office of the Clerk at the address shown below during normal office hours. THE LAST DAY FOR FILING FORMS RE- QUESTING ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS OR DELETIONS SHALL BE NOVEMBER 9th, 1973. (And Other Makes) COLOR QUASAR TV SERVICE : Mrs. Joyce Clark 349 Kerswell Dr., Richmond Hill 884-1940 Mrs. Watters Thornhill 881-0917 WW REVISION AND CERTIFICATION OF ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER’S LIST SCHOOL SUPPORT (Please punt) Town of Markham Zip 889-1646 N. J. Pickard, Clerk, Town of Markham, 8911 Don Mills Road, Markham, Ontario. The Liberals took their lumps in expected fashion Tuesday night of last week at the annual meeting of the York North Federal Progres- sive Conservative Association at Thornhill. (Continued from Page 2) expanding their repertoires. She has a special affinity for jazz and popular music, of which she says the words are half the battle. “With pop music the words must Come from inside the singer and reach the audience in an intimate, emotional way.†But perhaps the area where Patricia has done the most is in the field of contemporary music. Over the years she has performed the works of such musicians as Stravinky, Schonberg, Menotti, Britten and Bequith. Her list of accomp- lishments in this branch of music are virtually too many to enumerate. - ‘ 1,, Trudeau's Love Affair With Red China Providing the lumps was guest speaker Sinclair Stev- ens, MP York Simcoe, who flayed the Trudeau Admini- stration for its “totally inept†performance. York North PCs “The Liberals." he said, “have only one purpose in mind and that is to retain power at all costs." The meeting also saw out- going President Keith Evans of Willowdale express disap- pointment at the light turnâ€" out of 40 members of the association. Mr. Evans added however that despite the “fact of a poor turnout staring me right in the face I know that this is no indication of the en- thusiasm of this association.†But to mention just a few, she has per- formed with Stravinsky and for the Associete- de la Musique Contemperaire of Montreal. She created the role of the Mother in Harry Som- mer’s opera Louis Riel and has sung many times at the Vancouver, Stratford and Guelph music festivals. Recently she travelled to Royens, France, where she was the soloist at the 9th In- ternational Conference of Contemporary Music. She also recently finished playing in Charles Wilson’s opera Heloise and Abelard, and is sched~ uled to do the witch of Endore in King David this January. On November 4, Patricia Rideout will be giving a concert in Seneca College’s Minkler Aud- itorium, at Finch and Woodbine, and I’m sure that when she “gives just that much more†it will undoubtedly succeed. She feels it is very important for a per~ forrner to reahze the linï¬ts of his capabfliï¬es, and yet make the very best of what he has. “There is always a sort of excitement in watch- ing a performer take just that extra little risk, give just that much more of himself â€" when it succeedsf’ 7A “Ifjvééï¬Ã©vcicvorrding to Patricia, “to last you have to really love it, she should be singing for a long time to come. The new president of the association is Don Bailey of South Thornhill. His position was uncontested as were the other positions on the new executive. Her recordings include ‘Evocations†by Harry Sommers, “Patricia Rideout in Recital†and “The Trumpets of Summer†by John Bequith. Accord- ing to Pat, the rewards of contemporary music are great. “Singing it shakes the cobwebs out of the head. There’s also a great deal of creat- ivity in premiering a work that’s never been done before.†Speaker Stevens described the Trudeau Administration as being “incredibly inept" and of being solely interested in “keeping the reins of power at all cost.†SOCIALIS’I‘S AID LIBS He cited the continuing alliance of the Liberals and the New Democrats as an example of to what extent “Trudeau will go in keeping that power to the detriment of the country." Stevens accused the Social- ists of keeping the Liberals in power and “extracting every bit of socialistic legis- lation out of the terrified Trudeau Administration they He blasted the Liberals for their “do nothing" attitude to rising unemployment and in- flation and for their “lofty. In The Spotlight The Liberals, he said, red fused to even consider any form of wage and price con- trol because “they're afraid the NDP's will object and bring them down." WAGE AND PRICE CONTROLS Stevens .said that a Conservative Administration would introduce some imme- diate measures to combat rising inflation and “wage and price control could be one of these tools along with the cutting of government spending at the federal level which is continuing to sky- rocket." almost distainful refusal to even attempt to bring in any corrective legislationffl 7 7 rifle said that the Conserva- tives would simply “put the lid on increased federal spending. not_cqt it back." He also said the Conserva- tives’ answer to rising food costs would be to allow the farmers to realize a realistic profit on their products. “Every time the farmer does something to make a profit the government steps in and regulates him. Confi- dent farmers, assured of a living wage. would go out and produce the goods and prices would fall according- ly." he said. COMMUNIST CHINA He also admitted to being “puzzled and disturbed†about Trudeau’s "continuing fasci- nation with China." Trudeau, he said, had spent more hours in China the past few days than he had ever spent in the United States or Continental Europe since he arrived in office and "they are our biggest trading part- ners, not Communist China." He also speculated on the probable date of the next election which "in all likeli- hood won’t be in 1973." He hazarded a guess that it could be next March or April but more likely in October 1974 if at all. Other members of the new executive are lst Vice-Presi- dent Walter Donkin of Rich- mond Hill. Second Vice- President Kerry Gilmor of Richmond Hill. Treasurer Henry Turner. Public Rela- tions James Standing, and Membership Chairman Muriel Oliver, Markham. Stevens also called on the association to start orienting its thinking toward a coming election because it will “in all likelihood be within the next two years if not sooner as I mentioned." York North Conservative Candidate in the last election Stephen Roman spoke a few words declaring that “this riding will definitely be a Conservative riding in the next election if we all get out and work." PETER SMITH York Home T.V. 306 Bayview Ave. (Plaza) 889-1646 - 884-4165 WORKS IN A DRAWER Color TV from GET YOUR The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Heintzman House is sponsoring a toy sale. Tea. toys and trinkets, November 13 from 12 to 4 and 7 to 10 Heintzman House Auxiliary Toy Sale pm at Royal Orchard and Baythorn in Thornhill. Tick- ets are 50c for admission and 50c for refreshments. Tickets are available from Mrs. Elaine Parry, 149 Royal Orchard. 889-5465. This will be a sale of spec- ially selected European toys in time for Christmas giving. Don't buy until you have seen these Italian. Swedish and toys from other coun- tries. gum WIHIISIIIELII WASHER ONLY ANTI-FREEZE OPEN 8 A.M. - 9 RM. WE MAKE IT EASY AT Reid Lawnmower Sales and Service STORES YONGE STREET NORTH I50 Lobrosse Avenue. Poinle Claim, Que INDUSTRIES szou a: EM)" NEWMARKET: The parks and recreation department of this town is offering 36 special programs this year as well as the traditional hockey. figure skating and ringettee programs. Many schools are completely booked with recreation and community programs and both arenas are nearly 100% sold out. Sheet, Pillowcase Tablecloth Service RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL O AURORA NEWMARKET TRY (2 doors north of Summit Restaurant) 884-7716 ONE GALLON CLEANING CENTRES """""""""""""""""""""""""" ‘ ' I ‘ , h e \ RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE OPEN THURS. & FRI. EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M 250 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 0 884-4401 Idi'N'lng SUPER-SAVING FLUORSAMPLE â€" SALE MON. - WED. TELEPHONE: 884â€"3750 gigggbggm THE FINEST IN FURNlSHINGS ( DURING OCTOBER ONLY) . 0/‘ 0% A I, Clea. DESIGNS IN TEAK 457 MARKHAM RD. - RICHMOND HILL ( ALLENCOURT â€"‘ PLAZA ) Gram 00v vouv car Hunk snow mobtle collage and home 0 WI“ no! scratch _ chm "15! or crack :hlp lull RICHMOND HILL prec‘ USE OUR ‘rtrestone CREDIT PLAN. AMERICAN EXPRESS or CHARGEX from 881-2384 aboux“