Monday of last week the first CGIT meeting of the season was held at Brown's Corners United with Mrs. Lloyd Tennyson and Mrs. Reg Allen as leaders. The girls. 12-18. will meet for r. study session and crafts each week. On Saturday evening when the Pairs and Spares (Cou- ples Club) held a euchre party at the church Mrs. Jack Cough and Harvey Brown were tops. with Mrs. 'Rae Donaldson and Rev. Al- len Hallett consolationists. A good evening. Cheryl Tennyson is con- ducting a crafts class a‘. Parkview School at Union- ville each Wednesday even~ lng. Congratulations to Debbie Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Stewart, and Will McKelvey who will be married at Brown's Corners United Friday evening. Deb- bie was guest of honor at a shower held at Brown's Cor- ners United October 16 when hostesses were members of the Pairs and Spares. Hostesses were Mrs. Fran- cey. Mrs. Ernie Walton and Mrs. Rose Brodie. During the evening Mrs. Lloyd Ba- ker. president. paid tribute to Mrs. Joe Robinson. a for- mer member who died some weeks ago. Buttonville WI members met at the home of Mrs. Garnet Francey last Wed- nesday night for their Octo- ber meeting. and were en- tertained with beautiful pic- tures of Europe taken by Mrs. Irene Empringham on a tour which included Hol- land, Germany and the Rhine Country. Austria, Switzerland. France. Italy and the beautiful Isle of Capri. Still gorgeous weather. Some of the flowers were nipped last week. and almost everywhere gardens are tid- ied up for winter. Last week- end at the Leaf menage the lawnmower was given its last workout before freeze- up (hopefully). Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Doner accompanied Mr, and Mrs‘ Don Doner for a week’s holi- days in Pennsylvania. They s p e n t Thanksgiving with their son-in-law and daugh~ ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stutzman and Bradley at State College, Pennsylvania. Neighborhood Notes A new correspondent will be needed for the Gormley area after November 21 as I will be moving from the community. Lori Armitage, Susan Dan- iel. Margaret Relf. Kelly Holland and Cindy Bevan, all school pals from Whit- church Highlands School and Miss Wendy Naugle of Shar- on attended a slumber party Friday night at Connie Ash's home. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Heise of Fort Erie and Mr. and Mrs. David Heise of Dunnville visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heise on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Quinn attended the funeral of their brother-in-law. Mr. Roy Col- Well in Scarboro Saturday morning. Miss Sandy Heise of Dunn- ville holidayed with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Helse. Little Jason Hurley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hurley of Walkerton is spending two weeks with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bymes while his parents are in Eng- land. Gormley WI will meet Wednesday afternoon next week at the home of Mrs. Roy Smith. Mrs. Henry Huyck, York Centre district president and Miss Rae McClure_ district secretary- treasurer, will be guests. Education and Cultural Ac- tivities Convenor Mrs. Wil- liam Noble will be in charge of the program. BULK CLEANING Correspondent: Mrs. Chu. Mllued Telephone 887-5“! Neighborhood Notes RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL O AURORA NEWMARKET PETER SMITH York Home T.V. 306 Bayview Ave. (Plaza) 889-1646 - 884-4165 BUTTONVlllE 50¢ PER. POUND or 8 POUNDS for $3.50 GORMLEY Markham Telephone 294-5290 TRY WORKS IN A DRAWER Correspondent: Color TV from GET YOUR ' CLEANING CENTRES Libby Beans Libby Alpha-Getti Oxo Cubes French's Fixin's WITH PORK Speed Starch YOMAYO "AllANO 7.7.07, CHEESEIUIGEI DFIUXE DINNEIS l. REE! N000“, DICE OIIFNYAI, (Hlll YOMAVO MA(AIONI 7.0: Miracle Spray Sizing Corned Beef IF" OI CNI(K(N HAVOIIR‘ Frozen Shrimp 16â€"02 pkg $2.09 WHITE OR COLOURED RAY VIA? Cherry Hill Cheese erozwedge89¢ EASY ON HEREFORD INSYANY SKIM POWDER EASY ON Shopsy Dinners FROZEN pkg 3 9¢ FOR BLUEWATER BRAND FREASURE lSlE, BREADED ROUND Fish Fries FROZEN BEEF BURGER l ONION 7-", TURKEY I. GRAVY S-nx‘ SALISBURY STEAK 8. MUSHROOM GRAVY 7-01 Snowflake Rolls Jelly Roll JANE PARKER Chiffon Cake Cinnamon Rolls Cake Donuts JANE PARKER JANE PARKER lemon Pie Full 8-inch, 24-02 pie JANE PARKER, ORANGE OI CHOCOlATE Babka Coffee Cake JANE PARKER JANE PARKER, Plain, Sugar, Cinnmon JANE PARKER BEEF, KIDNEY, CHICKEN, lIVEI Miss Mew cmrooo 6-oziins SOFT MOIST BURGERS Dr. Ballard's Kraft Cheese YUKON CLUB (PLUS 30 30-H-oz bonles BUTTERSCOTCH, CHOCOLATE, VANILLA ng of JeII-o Mini Puddings 49¢ REGULAR, SUPER, PIUS Kotex SANITARY NAPKINS pkg of 12 OLD COlOURED CRACKEI BARREL CHAMPION DOG FOOD -â€" BEEF, CHICKEN, [IVER Food Store Coupons! We Redeem ALL WHITE OR ASSORTED COLOURS BOXES OF 100 SHEETS ThuWuh . . .Malw TMSWMAEPWEO! Giant l-lb, 7-02 cake pkgs of 12 (BUY 3 PKGS â€" SAVE 17¢) Open Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Nights Until 9:00 P.M. A&P WEO FOOD STORES 7002 aerosol tin Pkg 0' I? Cubm 13-02 cake 16-02 cake 6 5 ’2’ ACYION PliCED! pkg 0512 32-02 pkg pkg of 8 3/5100 72-oz pkg . l9-fI-oz tin M II or Iin 12-02 wedge plrgoHO 20402 AEEOSOl YIN (PLUS 30"“! DEPOSIT, FACIAL TISSUE 12-02 [in ng of Four 5-0! Dim (SAVE 10¢) (SAVE 10¢) (SAVE 10:) 53¢ 59¢ (SAVE 6c) 59¢ (SAVE 6c) 39¢ 4/75¢ 6/99¢ 36f 35¢ 33¢ 57¢ JEWISH RYE BREAD 16-01 LOAVES PUMPERNICKEl JANE PARKER JANE PARKER, ENRICHED WHITE, SLICED OR PLAIN OR SEEDED .Margarine Cascade Detergent $1.39 Tomato Ketchup 32-fI-oz b" 65¢ AUTOMATC DISHWASHER â€" PREPRICED 50-OZ‘PKG IN OWN JUICE â€" CHUNKS, CRUSHED, SUCED DEl MONTE â€" VITAMIN C ADDED Pineapple Juice 48-H-oz rm 39¢ Luncheon Meat Del Monte Pineapple 1441.02 lin 31¢ Armour Stews 5 £19 24-01 [OM/Es Buy 3 loaves Save 17¢ BEEF OR IRISH ROYALL E, D. SMIYH APPlE, CARAMEL, CHOCOlAYE, lFMON Puddings Robin Hood 4/51.00 Fabric Softener GOLDENDALE (PARCNMENY WRAP) WOWNY. CONCENTRATED Pork Chops lb $1.09 RUIN‘ RDAND. SVOIF PACK Sausages Beef 5 Pork “33,! PEYFR PIPER BRAND, ANY \VEIGHY CU! Bologna RY THr PIECE (I‘OUIDI'R OR RI"! 105 Yonge St. N., RICHMOND “Ill. 8190 Bayview Ave., THORNHILI. SANDWICH WONDERSOF $325: PKG 0F BREAD LEAN BUTT ROAST n, 94;! Shaukless 8 4 Shoulder Roast Fl aonmss $51.09 PORK ROASTS GREEN, PINK, WHlTE, YEthW 'ed TEED I (EONEKSS t8 $1 . 19) 3/5129 FRESH (BUY 3 lOAVES â€" SAVE 17:) 66-Fl-OI PLASTIC BTL 24JI-oz Oin 12â€"01 tin 4Ibs99¢ $1.49 9‘01 PKGS 59¢ Back Bacon END cuvs lb $1.28 SWEET PICKLED. BY YHE PIECE SUPEILRIGH‘I‘, SUCED Back Bacon cmmcms “1.38 SHOP‘V IRAN!) SWV’F' NCKLEO, BY THE PIECF Side Bacon Corned Beef SCNNIIDERQ IRAN!) Oktoberfest Sausage lb $1.18 SARA I.“ 14:13; 6 9 lAYER CAKES ¢ lemon, Vanilla, Chocolah, Sinwbany Onion Rings lEO D‘OR, FROZEN Dishwashing Detergent 20“ Canned Pop 9 VARIETIES 8 O'Clock Bean Coffee I-Ib bag 97¢ A-PENN, AUYOMAYIC (For Spade†Dishes Evan in Hard Wu") Marshmallow Pies 14-ozpkg49¢ Clear Floor Wax 47.9-H-oz "61.69 A&P Saltines A Superb Blend of IOC'A: Bvuilim Coffee (Save 70: Compared With O:hev Clear Wang) YUKON CLUB Case of QwenOv-iour IO-N-ox Zin Graham Crackers 16-ozpk949¢ THIN CRISP CRACKERS A8? BRAND, SUGAR. HONEY ORANGE FLAVOURED AGnP Sunmix Crystals 69¢ ASP BRAND, Banana, Chomlale, Comm", Devil's Fond Flavouu A-PENN â€" SELF POllSHING -â€"â€" lONG lASTING NOV-YELLO"’IVG BUYT PORTION 6-FL-Ol TIN (Save 26: Compared Wilh Other Dishwashing Decergenn) DETERGENT COLLAbe PACK ‘ 0F 2, $ 32414)! PMS'flC 8115 C SMOKED, COOKED SUNUGHT IJQUID “89¢ SHARK PORTION 0r SHANK QUAR‘I'ERS l6-FL-Ol TIN 5 3 ¢ Readyu'fo-Serve Case of QwenOy-iour IO-N-o: Zip Top Tins "89311310 5! .39 pig 0! A. 2-02 pkgs POLY PKG OF F'VE J‘h-OZ ENVS ll-FL-OZ TIN 41¢ Mb Vac Pac 14-02 pkg ACYION PRICED! ACYION PRICED! 16-01 pkg 3 9 ¢ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 25, 1973 (J-LB BAG $2.85 voz pkg $1.28 $1.18 $2.29 AMPLE FREE PARKING REGULAR, DRY, OIlV Breck Shampoo 15-fl-oz plasticbotfle HAIR DRESSER R- CONDIYIONER Resdan for Dandruff Scope Mouthwash Crest Toothpaste Head 6: Shoulders Shampoo M89}! ORAL HYGENIC GARGLE REGULAR OR MINI FLAVOURS 15-01 JAR - 2,7-02 TUBE - lOYlON 2.7-Fl-OZ an All. PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1973 A&P WEO is one of ohe very few s'ores handling ihis fl Premium Qualivy Coffee SKIM MllK POWDER POTATOES lo-Ib has 5 9¢ ONTAR'O, OVEN READY IN FOIL YIAY SQUASH aunnnur 16-02 "a, pack 3 9 ¢ BEI. VER BRAND POPPING CORN P‘UYARIO. WASNED, MINI GRADE RED EMPEROR, BLACK RIBIER, GREEN CALMERIA These private labels are packed especially for A&P to s‘andards which are equal to or higher than those used by national processors. To be sure that these products are of consistently high quality, A&P’s quality control department do periodic random tests. Let the label be your guide to economy! A&P's own brands are top quality loads packed according to A8-P's own high standards for quality. You’ll find A81? WEO products in almost every section of your supermarket. We are all lamiliar with Jane Parker and Ann Page â€" but did you know that Super Right, Sail, Marvel, Yukon Club, lona, 8 O’Clock, Bokar, Silverbrook, Sultana, Sunnylield and Gilt Edge are A&P WEO labels? Even more important when we mus? shop cardully to make the most of our grocery dollars, A&P’s own pro- ducts offer you comparable quality a? lower prices. HOME ECONOMIST, Ida Burns Associates Inc, 1260 Lakeshore Rd. E. Port Credit, Ontario Saving In The Supermarket Always do what is honest and fair If an advertised special is ever sold out, ask the Manager for a Raincheck. It entitles you to the same item at the some special price the following week. Or if you wish we’ll give you a comparable item at the same special price. A&P offers an unconditional money~back guarantee. No maner what it is, no matter who makes it, if A&P sells it, A&P guarantees it. 8‘35 52¢ l $3351.26 By MARY HENRY s1.29 NEW LOW PRICE A&P BRAND au BOX $3.23 GUARANTEE: RAINCHECK: AGP 100% COLOMBIAN COFFEE l-lb vacuum pack tin Perc or Drip Grind 10-fl~oz bottle MARY for every cuuomer. IZ-H-oz bottle lOO-ml tube (6-7101 an $1.09) Nb pkg HENRY $1.79 32¢ 89¢ 89¢