Friends were sorry to learn [that Mrs. Cliff Moss and her sister Mrs. Rhoda Gilmour were involved in a serious accident on Highway 7 at Concession 5 last Mon- day eVening. Mrs. Gilmour is in serious condition at North York General and Mrs. Moss was badly shaken up. We wish them a rapid recovery. Keith Hood tells us the Scarboro Chapter of Barber- shoppers will go to Kansas City next summer to com- pete in the international competition to be held there The chapter, of which he is a member, took first place n the Ontario competition held about two weeks ago in Toronto. Friends were happy to see Mrs. Lillian Roberts of Van- couver in vthe neighborhood last week. Mrs. Roberts and her late husband were at M-F Farms for several years when Mr. Roberts was the accountant there. The autumn decor provi- ded by Adele Carrulthers charmed everyone. and the candle-lit room was an invi- ting dining hall. And while the guests waited to be served there was music pro- vided by Dorothy Reesor, Marguerite Jones and mem- bers of the children's choir. Another old family. name leaves the neighborhood. On Saturday Otto (Mike) Mc- Quay hold an auction sale at the home where he was born. He has moved to pro- perty northeast of Metro. More on that later. ' There were 22 tables of players at the third game of the present euchre series sponsored by Buttonville WI Friday night. The smorgasbord at Brown’s Corners United Church, is now a memory â€" friends came from long dis- tances to attend â€" Islington, Brantford, Burlington, Mon- treal and many from the To- ronto area and right around home. A large panty atten- ded from B.C.‘s sister church. Eastminster United. in Toronto. But the best thing was the coâ€"operation of everyone rigm around home. from planning the event to the clean-up of the last dish. Stanley Pat/terson is mak- ing good progress at Sunny- brook Hospital, after a re- cent fall in which his neck was broken. He is now able to walk in little. Prizes were won by Mrs. Earla Bramme‘r, Mrs. Mild- red Edding-ton. Mrs. Evelyn Woodcock. Mrs. Aileen Sti- ver; George Foster, Donald Brodie. Jim Eddington. and Matzt Davie. Lucky draws went to Cecil Latcham and Harvey Hill, and freezeout winners were Mrs. Kay Prentice and Cecil Lautcha-m Mrs. Stella Claughton and Bill Swain. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Rose Brodie. Mrs. Tim Paterson, Mrs. Jim Rodick, Mrs. Mil- ton Sherman. Mrs. Ken Stots and Mrs. George Bar- Among the grade 13 gra- duates who will attend gra- duation ceremonies at Thorn- lea Secondary School Friday evening are Wayne Stiver, now in the audio-visual course at Seneca College. Sharon Buchanan who is at University of Western 0n- tario. and Susan Tennyson. who is taking nursing edu- cation at a Toroto hospital. Friends were happy to see Mr. James Dugan of La- chine. Quebec in the area last week. Mrs. Keith Carson (Bever- ley Burr), a member of the York Central Consumers' Association will talk on lo- cation with Harvey Brown of Markham in his capacity as a beef producer, and Jim and Vicki Boynlon of C. S. Boynton and Sons, Ltd.. Victoria Square. The subject of this month's Consumer Program is “Beef â€" From The Hoof To The Plate." Those with Cable TV in the Richmond Hill viewing area should tune in next Tuesday evening to see a program of interest. Neighborhood Notes RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-1812 Phone 889-1812 - At All noun - PETER SMITH York Home T.V. Rice's Flowers 306 Bayview Ave. (Plaza) 889-1646 - 884-4165 For All. Occasions Flowers Wired Anywhere BUTTONVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. F. H. Lent Markham Telephone 284-5290 WORKS IN A DRAWER Color TV from GET YOUR We Deliver to Toronto & Surroundinl Districts ACTION PRICED! WHITE ‘ COLOURS A&P Towels Centre (at (hops Ib$1.38 lOIN PORK PKG OF 2 ROLLS BONELESS BLADE or SHOULDER ROAST Super-Right Red Brand Grade "A " Beef 'Ol llOlllNG Brisket Plate Ik48¢ Cooked Ham A&P WEO FOOD STORES Open Wedngsday, Thursday & Friday Nights Until 9:00 RM. TIDE Powdered Detergent KING SIZE S-lB BOX ACIION PRICED! DUERGENT $‘Ié2 ll61.18 SUPER-RIG!" Beef liver SLICED Shopsy Corned Beef $1.29 SCHNEIDERS. SlICED 105 Yonge St. N., RICHMOND l-IILI. 8190 Bayview Ave., THORNIIILI. Inshm Co‘fee (Bonus Fult) Maxwell ACTION PRICED! $112 House lO-OZ JAR SAVE 20: PKG OF FOUR 1-01 PKGS 6-02 Vac Pac SAVE UP TO 30¢ WITH THESE COUPONS EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE Ib88¢ 98¢ 9 to 11 Chops in a Package No Centre Slices Removed Hershey Chocolate Blade Steaks Ib$1.18 Cross Rib Steaks Ib$1.38 Cube Steaks Stewing Beef ACTION PRICED! INSTANY HOT DRINK CUT FROM EVE OF SIRlO!N POINT EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING SUPER-HIGH! RED BRAND GRADE "A" BEEF 243 CARTON BONELESS CU‘S 3-LB BAG Scott Baby Diapers Ib$1.78 Ib$1.18 ACTION PRICED! DISPOSABIE PKG OF 30 SAVE 40: SAVE 30¢ TWIN ROLLS pkg of 12 PLAIN, SESAME SEED, POPPY SEED PLAIN OI WHEAT JANE PARKER Brown N Serve Rolls 52:†3 9f EACH FRENCH ROLLS Frozen Foods! BURNS BRAND, SVORE- PACK Bee! 8: Pork Sausages Ib88¢ Side Bacon Bologna BY THE PIECE PETER PIPER BRAND, ANY WEIGHI CU! Cooked Meats BURNS BRAND, SLICED, MACARONI l- CHEESE CHICKEN lOAF, PICKlE I PIMENTO and DUYCH lOAF ï¬wmm p}; 4‘ to BONUS u THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 1, 1973 Ketchup ACTION PRICED! Heinz 20‘Fl-OZ an AMPLE FREE PARKING pkg of 10 VOMAYO 6-02 Vac Pa: 9;! ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 1973‘ SMOKED COOKED HAMS «89¢ JANE PARKER, (DElICIOUS PLAIN OI TOASYED!) (BUY 2 [OAVES - SAVE 21:) JANE PARKER Apple Pie Raisin Bread sucso 16-01 loaves JANE PARKER, VANILLA JANE PARKER, DANISH (COFFEE CAKES) Bread JAN! PARKER, RAISIN TWISY Macaroon (up Cakes pkgolé43¢ Chocolate Brownies 15»: ioil nay 69¢ SNANK PORTION OR SHANK' OUARTERS JANE PARKER Coffee Cake ACTION PRICED! POST CEREAL APPlE DRINK 5X “AND SUGAR CRISP Heinz Snapple Cabbage Rolls Romi Spaghetti 2prkg 59¢ Heinl Chili Sauce 10-fI-ozbonle39¢ SPAGHEWINI, READY CUT MACAIONI, IIGATONI. PENNE RIGATI, PENN! lISCE ACYION PIICEDI Swing Crystals ORANGE FLAVOUR 79¢ York Peanut Butter Iévoziar59¢ SMOOYH OR CIUNCHY POlY PKG OF FIVE JV/A-OZ ENVS Potato Chips Back Bacon END CUTS “1.28 VINO lAY Glad Bags SUPER-RIGHT. SllCED SUPER-RICH? OUAIIYY, SWEEY PICKlED, BY I'NE PIECE PlASflC can": curs us $1.33 5x umo (ma vnc PAC $1.83) Wieners Mb Vac Pac 88¢ Food Sfore Coupons! 49¢ 13 -OZ PKG We Redeem ALL READY TO SERVE Full 8-inch, 24-01 pie ACIION PRICED! "99¢ l-lb Vac Pac BU" PORTION 14-62 cake 40-fI-oz bottle 2/89¢ 14-flooz Iin 10-02 pkg pkg 051049¢ (SAVE 10d (SAVE k) (SAVE 66) (SAVE 66) ACHON PRICEDI 53¢ ACYION PIICED! 53¢ ACTION PRICED! ACflON 'llCEDl ACYION PRICED! (PIEPIICED 69¢) 59¢ 59¢