There were 24 tables of players at Buttonville WI Hall for the fourth game of the present euchre series last Friday night, _ _ _ . .“a, ._. Winners included Mrs. Joyce Himmelman, Mrs. A1- bert Wood, Mrs. Agnes Fos- ter. Mrs. Reba Brillinger, Bill Swain, Paul Hickey. Myrtle Bril-linger and Bill. Wray, Jr. n...,,, v V Lucky draws went to Ken Green and Mrs. Keith Caro son. and freezeout winners were Mrs. Jessie Grainger and Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Bill Allen and Vera Harris. Hostesses for the evening were Rose Baker, Gertrude Hood, Gertrude Robinson, Elizabeth French. Agnes Baker and Dora Pralet. The final game will be played at the hall November 23. Mrs. Andrew Glennie en- tertained members of the YCHA when they met for coffee and business at her Bayview home Friday morn- ing. Main item of business was the coming euchre and benefit which will be held at Buttonville WI Hall Dec- ember ’7. Church News A number of local friends attended the evening anni- versary service at Headford United Sunday. Among them Jack Rodick, Miss Mary Rod- ick. Mrs. Douglas Hood. Miss Rhea Scott, Mrs. Jack Gough. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sher- man. Mrs. Tim Paterson, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craig. Mrs. Gordon Spring. The Melod Ante Singers of Scar- boro presented a musical program. Afterward refresh- ments were served. On Sunday at Brown's Cor- ners United Remembrance Day Service was combined with a 'baptismal service for Jonathan Allen Hallett. son of Rev. and Mrs. Allen Hal- lett. Colors were presented by two members of TYRO and the junior choir sang “Let There Be Peace On Earth". The senior choir sang “0 World of God". Correspondent: Mrs. F. H. Lent Markham Telephone 294-5290 Neighborhood Notes I Rev. William Butt officiat- ed at the christening and Rev. John Finlayson, Mrs. Hallett’s brother. spoke for Mr. Hallett who had a severe attack of laryngitis. Christmas draws near. 0n Advent Sunday. December 2, there will be a family cele- bration at the church with a potluck supper at 5:30 pm. followed by a craft session when decorations will be made for a Christmas tree to be trimmed that night. And there will be carols around the tree. Sunday the Sunday school session will be held during the church hour. Students will go to church for the first part of the service and retire to the Christian Edu- cation room before the ser- mon. MiSS Velma Brillinger, a missionary on furlough from Zambia, Africa. gave a time- ly talk at Brown‘s Corners UCW meeting Wednesday of last week. Miss Brillinger has been‘ in Zambia for the past five; years, and before that spent a dozen years in Rhodesia. She remarked on the pres-‘ ent political upheaval there, with the expulsion of east Indians and many Europ- eans, the closing of borders, and the influence of Chin- ese communism which is gaining ground through the building of a railway to the sea. which the Chinese have undertaken, to transport the country's copper to Dar es Salaam and the sea. "It is difficult to learn what people actually think of all this," said Miss Brill- inger. “They believe kind- ness is a greater virtue than honesty, and they often give the answer they think you want to hear . . ." She said there is talk of expelling missionaries from the country. but if asked. the people say they need the missionaries‘ help. Miss Brillinger also show~ ed beautiful colored pic- tures of Africa from Cape Town north. and suggested that anyone travelling to that continent should stay for any length of time would be well advised to go by ship because of the cultural and climatic shock. During business. conducted by the chairman, Mrs. Wal- ter Craig. it was noted that final smorgasbord funds tot- alled more than $1,350. AURORA: Jack Williamson. a former councillor and a defeated candidate in last year‘s election, was named by council to fill the seat left vacant by the resignation of Don Roberis. The first run- ner-up. Bill Trent. was named BUTTONVILLE to the council seat vacated by Evelyn Buck when she moved to the mayor's chair after Dick Illingworth re- signed. YONGE & LEVENDALE RICHMOND HILL Laundromats Open 7 AM to 11 PM Seven Days a Week TRY COIN ‘AUNDRIES WHITE SWAN BATHROOM TISSUE Stouffers Dinner Macatoni & Cheese WHITE, PINK, YELLOW ACTION PRICED! Mixed Vegetables AM‘ BIAND. "OZEN PURE, FROM FlORIDA, Proton, Concennued ACTION PRICED! HtOZEN, MACARONI R CHEESE Mixed Vegetables Ions. r‘kw 4/51 .00 WEEIER OUEEN, FROZEN. IN VOMAYO SAUCE ACNON PRICED! $090099ch FROZEN, CONCENTRAYED Saico Orange Juice 12~fl-oznns 3/5100 Wm 8l$199 14 FLAVOURS $351.59 SAVE 46¢ PROCESS CHEESE SINGLES ‘ A&P ORANGE JUICE 6:521 5 [$199 Frozen Foods! 12-Hqu Iin EIGHT O'CLOCK INSTANT COFFEE WITH THIS COUPON 10-01 JAR ONLY 99¢ § W» J); JVLIA 5W VUQQQWQ PLUS DEPOSIT 40-Fl-01 BOITlES 8 O'ClOCK 4 Instant Coffee WR5?WJUUUZWWWRRRWM A&P WEO FOOD STORES 41¢ Open Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Nights Until 9:00 P.M. 92-2 5' _) PPQQWSZmS’uï¬QQQMNQQm@9933?Y (3 With This Couponâ€"Save 46: 100% BRAZILIAN COFFEE ACTION PRICED! W) m 12-07 pkgs (aweasnv 24-01 PIE 89c) 8-01 play PKG 0F 2 ROLLS 16~f|~oz tin OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 1794, 1973 4/5100 4/5100 2/5100 ACVION PRICED! ACTION PRICED' 3-OZ PKGS 53¢ 105 Yonge SI. N., RICHMOND I'III.I. 8190 Buyview Ave., THORNHILI. 10-01 JAR WITH THIS COUPON PARCHMENT WRAP Monarch Margarine Ginger Ale ElSlE STIX YUKON ClUBâ€"IZ HAVOURS INCLUDING WI»: h'I deposit) Hostess Potatb (hips 9-02pk965¢ Purina 009 (how 2s‘lbba955.49 Schneider's Cheese K.P. Relishes TRIO, CHOPPED BEEF, CNICKEN PARIS DOG FOOD MllD, COLOURED Borden's Popsicles Nescafe (offee 5 VARIETIES REGULAR OI DIP Kleenex Facial Tissue box 04 7.00 shee's 3 9 g Viva Paper Towels INSTANV GREEN, lAVENDEI, PINK, WHIVE, YELLOW ACYION PRICED! Alpo Dog Food WMIYE, GREEN. YEllOW, COIAl DETERGENT libby Vegetables MIX 0R MATCH -â€" CHOICE SlICED BEETS )O-Fl-OZ PEAS I CARROTS OI MIXED H-FlOZ 9-Fl-01 JARS FRESH â€" 15 PIECES BOX-O-CHICKEN mmwmï¬ O 3 LEG QUARTERS O 3 BREAST QUARTERS O 3 WINGS, 3 NECKS O 3 GIBLET PACKETS .»59¢ (BANOED DEAL) $00 30-9I-oz bottles léofl~oz iar 143/4-02 [in Mb pkg I’WIN ROLLS Bread Bran Muffins “BROWN 'N SERVE" ROLLS Apple Pie IANE PARKER, "BROWN 'N SERVE" JANE PARKE! Golden loaf Cake 10m cake43¢ PLAIN OR WHEAY JANE PARKER JANE PARKER MIX OI MIC“ â€" JANE PARKER. PUMPERNlCKEI. OR PLAIN OR SEEDED (BUY 3 lOAVES â€" SAVE 17:) Jewish Rye Breadéieffl [$1.00 Bfead pkg of two, 8-92 loaves IANE 'ARKER. FUKY CRUST pkg of 2 roils 12-02 wedge IO 0: iav JANE PARKER, ENRICHED WHITE, SLICED ï¬'ï¬â€˜iflo lam: 3 I $1.00 SAVE l4: pkgor1269¢ ACVION FIUCEDE xi»: $1.95 3 /$l.00 3/SI.OO ACYION FRICED! 3 [$1.00 ACTION PRICED! ACIION PRICED! AC‘ION PRICED? ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! ACHON PRICED! 6/9955 559% pkg of 12 Fu'J 8-inch, 24-02 pie SUPER RIGHT QUALITY. SWEET PICKLED, BY THE PIECE FRESH CHICKEN PARTS lEADY-YO-SERVE. SMOKED, COOKED. all" POIYION ll 99¢ Hams Shank Portion BlACK DIAMOND. 6 VARIENES Danish Spreads 4‘02 tub 3 [5 FROM FLORIDA â€" ALP, FROZEN. CONCENYIAYED Ftesll Chicken Cuts Sausage Meat Orange Juice Danish Spreads Asparagus (uts SUPER-MGM! QUALHY, SKINlE$S Beef liver SLICED BURNS BRAND CUDNEY BACK BACON WHOlE lEGS. WHOLE OI SPUT IIEASYS 5W!" PREMIUM. 'OIK pkg of 6 E. 0. SMITH 3 1-D IUBS FRENCH ROLlS pkg of 10 PLAIN. SESAME SEED, POPPY SEED CHICKENS FRESH (SAVE 10:) (SAVE 6c) \SAVE 6:) 39¢ (SAVE 6c 39¢ 53¢ CANADA GRADE “Aâ€, EVISCERATED, FOR FRYING, ROASTING OR BROILING 2 f0 3 lbs Average Frosted Ball Donuts English Muffins Coffee Cake JANE PAIKEI lemon Whirls JANE PARKE! Angel Cake JANE PARKE! JANE PARKER, APPLE RAISIN (offee Cake Iz-ozcake 5 3;! JANE ARKER, DANISH (COFFEE CAKES) (SAVE 10:) THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 15, 1973 (SAVE 6c) (HI-oz tins 12-H-oz lin 28-FL~OZ BOTTLES (BUY 3 LOAVES -â€" SAVE 17:) 5/5100 3151.00 3/5100 ACYION PRICED! AMPLE FREE PARKING ACIION PRICED! "639% w98¢ large siZe cake pkg of 6 pkg 0' 6 LEG QUARTERS BREAST QUARTERS MIXED QUARTERS CH!CKEN HALVES WHOLE CHICKEN CUT UP (SAVE k) (SAVE 6c) (SAVE 60 (SAVE 6c) 53¢ 39¢ 53¢ 59¢ BOUYIOUE, PINK & MUS OR GOLD I AVOCADO, PKG 0F 2 [Gus ACYIC Delsey Bathroom Tissue 3 l5 Tuberculosis, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma & Emiahysema Bartlett Pears Cooked Meats Highliner Frolen (od Polish Sausage NIAGARA CO'L lb 98¢ AUSTRAl, FANCY QUALITY, HALVES 5X BRAND FIOIEN, SllCED NIKEY l. GRAVY MAME LEAF, SUCED, DUYCH lOAF, CHICKEN lOAF, OLIVE lOAF IN IAWEI TOMATO PASTE 00 6/51 HEINZ $ 48-Fl-Ol "NS USE CHRISTMAS SEALS â€" Fight END CUTS lather Shave 4 Shaving Cream Schick Blades pkg of 14 $1.29 lathef Shave 4'/Iooz aerosol tin o 5 ,1 REGULAR, SNAVING MINE! 7-02 AEROSOt YIN) noxzw, anusuuss NOXIEMA DOUllE EDGE, SYAINLESS (PKG OF l0 HUS l FREE!) Noxnma Medifoam 69¢ (Pk. of 5 Plus 2 flu!) CANADA No. I GRADE, NETTED-GEM VAIIE", 'DEAl FOR BAKING Ont. Potatoes w-Ib bag 89¢ BEAVEI BIAND Popping (om 2-Ib cellobag 29¢ ASSOIYED, IN HANDY SLEEVE, 4" POT Tropical Plants Each 99¢ CANADA No. I GRADE, FLORIDA, WHHE, SEEN-£55, SIZE ll Grapefruit 10 for 89¢ Health 8 Beauty Aids! 28-51-02 lins .5 69¢ MACAIONI ‘- CHEESE, 6-01 Vac Pac 14-0: pkg .08 CENTRE CUTS 10â€"02 iar (PKG or 7 00¢) ACTION mum 3/5100 2/5100 5V2-OZ TINS ACTION PRICED! 65¢ 85¢ 44¢