Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Nov 1973, p. 6

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WASHER. dryer and stove parts. gears, belts. wood bearings and wringer rollers, etc. For all makes. Repairs to vacuum cleaners and small appliances. Richmond Hill Appliances, 4'! Industrial Road, 884-7903. Lfc28 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and elec- tric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 tfc3 Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 GET your Motorola (Quasar) works in a drawer color TV from Peter Smith. York Home TV, 306 Bayview (Plaza). 889-1646, 884-4165. tfc32 SEWING machine repairs (guaranteed). Also used ma- chines from just $19.95. Bernina Sewing Centre, 884- 3775. tic-37 NEW dining room set. 7 ft. buffet and hutch, table and 6 chairs; also new professional hair dryer and chair. To phone for appointment, from 3 pm to 10 pm and all day weekends. 884-7228. tfc12 Free Estimates. Aluminum siding. windows, doors, awn- ings. 884-4558 or 832-1319, tfc5 TYPEWRITER. Underwood standard. good working order. tabulator. Elite type. $55. 884-6627. clw21 MANURE for sale, $20 per load delivered. Gardens r0- tctilled and garden supplies. 223-4143. c4w18 XMAS SHOPPING For Antique furniture and gifts. Ye Olde School An- tiques on Don Mills Road. just north of 17th. Open weekdays ’til 8:30 pm, Sat- urday til 6 pm. 887-5618. c6w19 350 KAWASAKI trail motor- cycle. 1973, $950. Twoâ€" speed CCM tandem bicycle. $60. 773-5795. c2w20 FOR XMAS GIFTS FAMILY PICTURES TAKEN IN YOUR HOME Portraits . . . Family Group- ings . . . Baby Photos . . . Pictures of your favorite pets . . done professionally in your home. Black and white. 8" x 10" â€"â€" 36‘ 5" x 7" â€"â€" $4. Color available at additional cost. (Effective July 1, 1972) CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.25 and 10¢ per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Seaond and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for $1.15 and 10¢ per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50¢ CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS, per in- sertion $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on TUESdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105-6 or 884-8177 and you will receive an invoice. TV COMBINATION Black and white Zenith, re- mote control, AM/FM radio. automatic record changer. 8 ft. 7995mm made mahogany cabinet. Mo (1 e 1‘ n design, closed front with record storage space, $225. Uphol- stered living room chair, beige tapestry, $45. Kidney shaped upholstered Love Seat. requires reupholstering, $45. 773-5343 after 7 pm. *1w21 TWO G78-15 snow tires, good condition. 884-4089. 48" BED with spring and mattress. $35.00. 889-6594. GENDRON billiard table, one year old. Complete cues, racks, snooker balls. table cover and score board. 773- 4502 after 6 pm. c2w21 BED Chesterfield S25. snow fence, 50'. new $10. 889-5766. c1w21 SINGLE beds, Chesterfield, dining room suite. stereo. Excellent condition, very reasonable. Phone Kleinburg 893-1293. c1w21 12 GAUGE pump shotgun. Remington Wing Master, like new; pressure pump for shallow well; propane gas stove, 30" Moffatt, complete- ly automatic, excellent con- dition. 833-5198. c1w21 CHESTERFIELD and chair. gold brocade. good condition, 889-3619. c1w21 DELUXE Emerson 25" color TV. excellent condition. $300. 889-7040. clel PAIR of urbanite snow ti 13, $30. 884-3516 NEWMARKET: Newmarket High School will undergo minor renovations and a consultant will be hired to investigate structural con- ditions 0f the old part of the school as the result of York County Board of Education action. recently. The trustees pared a list of recommended renovations to six projects aimed at bringing the build- ng in. line with fire regula- tons. That Comes to Your Home 884-6941 tfc21 YORK ALUMINUM FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 22, 1973 THE STUDIO WANTED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES used Goodyear Sub- snow tires, size 7.8- PEOPLE COMMUNICATE WITH PEOPLE WITH WANT ADS To Order Want Ads *1w21 *1w21 c1w21 CONSOLE Singer. straight lneedle, reverse stitch, plus Ibutton hole maker, zig zag iattachment. Call after 5 pm. 884-4894. c1w21 TEAKWOOD Living. dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9 pm. 459- 0760. FIREPLACES - Franklins - wood and coal stoves, metal chimneys. barbecues. fire- place accessories. Hearth and Patio Store. 60 Doncaster Ave. 889-3133. c23w4 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line (2 miles east of Dixie Road), Bramalea; also 79 Doncaster. Thornhill, 881- 0000. tfc12 METAL office furniture, desks, chairs. table, used, good condition. 889-3113. BEDROOM Spanish, dining living room Burma Teak- wood. New furniture. Very reasonable. 1-247-4377, BLACK}; white TV, $35.00. 331.0431. c4w20 PLYWOOD 4 x 8 sheets, fir I/é" special. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. t.fc4 ALUMINUM Doors, windows. awnings. railings, siding, sofflt sys- tems, trough. Free estimates. Ron Woods, 884-1514. FINE quality pianos for sale by re-builder. Also tuning 8; repair service. Kleinberg 893-1573. tfclo NORGE Moffatt automatic washer, excellent condition. Phone 884-6281. 9 am to 5 pm. After 6 pm, 727-6972, Aurora. c1w21 fibi’TABLE TV. 19", $30. Floor model TV, $100. 773- 5683 anytime 200 GALLON oil tank, free for removal. Call 884-3032 after 6:30 pm. c1w21 KITCHEN utensils. plates glass, knives. forks, cups, etc. 884-3980. c1w21 SUNBEAM Mixmaster $15. Small antique trunk and antique dresser. 884-3190. for one 15” GM rim. 884- 6672. c1w21 SWAPâ€"Two 14" GM rims FREEZER, large size. almost new. 884-3059. clw21 OiAK dresser, 3 drawers, modern plain design; sec- tional bookcase; Tappan elec- tric stove, 33" wide. like new. 485-6487 after 4 pm. c1w21 CHRISTMAS Specials â€" Bar- bie dolls. case and clothes; also Hot Wheel cars, tracks and extras. 884-6627. c1w21 SNOW tires. 855x14. Rims included. $20. 884-4218. POOL table and accessoi‘ies. 4x8, slate top, $500. 881-1017 after 5 pm. c1w21 GAS dryer $65, drill press $50. portable sewing machine $50, jigsaw $30. 884-4698. TORO snowblower, like new, 26" cut and 71"; hp engine. 884-6727. c1w21 TRIANG “00" train set, like new, worth $83. Asking $50. 884-1776. c1w21 GREY lamb coat and hat. size 16. $100. 884-2150. c1w21 TRAINER. Bass-MASter AMP, 3250. 889-2705. c1w21 LADIES black winter coat. brown mink collar. Excellent condition. 42-44, $40. 669- 2129. c1w21 GE DRYER. one toilet set. 884-5507. c1w21 45 GALLON steel drums. 5 gallon plastic pails. Galvanized steel angle, 4" x 312" x 1,41", 5%: ft. long. 884- 7630. clw2l FIREWOOD for fireplace, split and delivered. 773-5488. c2w21 SNOW fence $20.00 for 50 ft, roll. 6 ft. steel posts $1.55. 7 ft. $1.75. Chain link fence to clear at reduced prices. Norman Bone 884-1443. Mon. - Thurs Friday Saturday STORMS 8.: SCREENS repaired GLASS & MIRRORS FOR SALE REGIONAL GLASS & Paint Co. 301 Markham Rd. Richmond Hill 884-4172 CLEAR OUT SALE all paints (Continued) cut to size c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 clw21 tfc46 c1w21 c1w21 tfc3 ’72 SKIROULE RTX-MO, 45 hp. good condition. $695.00. Phone 884-3063 after 6 pm. *2w20 CASSETTE recorder and radio_ 884-8739. c1w21 '64 VW parts. motor. trans- mission and chassis; also Chevrolet rims. tires and battery. Call after 6. 884- 4031. c1w21 (i: STOVE. turquoise, good condition 360. Call after 5 pm. 884-7875. c2w21 FURNITURE Twin bedroom suite. two dressers and large mirror, with mattress and box spring. One new single mattress. One 7 ft. Danish upholstered chesterfield. Large Hi-Fi cabinet. Custom components and tape recorder. Ideal for small group. Antique cream porcelain Moffatt range. Like new condition. 881-0270. quired full time position. Apply Superior Propane Ltd.. 669-1145. Keele and Hwy. 7 area. tfclB PART time weekend cafeter- ia help, 669-1322. c1w21 TRUCK delivery, metro area, full time position, knowledge of area and customer rela- tions an asset. Apply Super- ior Propane Ltd., 669-1145. Keele and Hwy. 7 area. CLERK for production con- trol records and to assist with invoicing and general office duties. Must have apti- tude for figures and be accu- rate typist. To start Dec. 3. Apply in person, 108 Doncas- ter Ave., Thornhill. c1w21 PART or full time laborer for plant engaged in tool and die work. Would consider retired person. Located near S'teeles & Keele. 661-2747. PLANT and yard help re- SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Full time, some experience. references, neat appearance, Apply Texaco, 7161 Yonge St., Thornhill, 889-2611, 9-6 DRIVERS wanted. nights or days, Call 884-7592 after 6 pm. c1w21 CLERK typist required for record company, must also be good with figures for inven- tory purposes. 889-3940. HELP WANTED TYPIST We require immediately an experienced typist in our accounting department, en- gineering office, Keele & Hwy. 7. 669-2270. c1w21 GRAPHIC artist. experienced in ruling and paste-ups. Duf- ferin and Finch area. 630- 8010. c1w21 CENTRAL Thornhill-Woman wanted for household clean- ing. 889-5204. c1w21 Assembly workers, material handlers. Machine adjuster/set-up op- erator. Required for automatic box seed machines and shrink wrap equipment. Apply between 10 am and 3 pm to Parker Bros., 7883 Keele St., north of Hwy. 7. CLEANING woman needed, weekly, Thomhill. 889-6553. c3w20 MACHINE operators, night shift, 4 pm~ 11:30 pm. Apply Tip Top Products. 575 Oster Lane. Concord (Hwy. 7 & Keele St.). 669-9712. c1w21 ROOM PERSON WANTED for Parkway Hotel, Hwy. 7, 1 mile east of Bayview. Call Mr. Latimer or Mr. Parker, 881-2121. c1w21 EXPERIENCED person, part- time, for children’s wear store. 884-2925. c1w21 EXPERIENCED painters wanted, Full time employ- ment. Wages according to experience. Call 881-0694, Monday to Friday, 9-5 pm. c1w21 WANTEDâ€"Person for clean- ing motel rooms. Apply in person to 9046 Yonge Street. Thornhill. c1w21 RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST required immediately, Yonge and Cummer Avenue, Willow- dale. Salary commensurate with experience. Call 222- 6585. c1w21 FACTORY HELP WANTED LABORER for lumber yard. Good wages, overtime. Apply Don Valley Lumber. 8060 Woodbine Ave., 491-0915. MATURE person for full time and part time, morning shift, experience preferred. Call Mr. Donut at 884-8456. 02w21 OFFICE assistant with grade 12 commercial certificate for local private school. Book- keeping. reception and typ- ing duties. Own transporta- tion required. 889-9221. DAIRY farmer needs week- end “help, experience prefer- red. 832-8841. c1w21 place and chimney builder. 884-2882. c1w21 LABORER wanted for fire- FULL time kitchen position available at the Villa Private Hospital, Thornhill area. Transportation provided to Richmond Hill and city buses. Mrs. Roland, 889-4931. c1w21 FOR SALE 0 To Receive Help In Writing Want Ads (Continued) c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 tfclB c1w21 c1w21 EXPERIENCED sales person in ladies' wear. 884.6402. Kraemar Fashions. tfclB DRIVERS. full and part time, must be over 21 with good driving record. Thomhill Taxi. 7711 Yonge St., Thorn- hill, 881-1717. tfc44 FULL time car hop wanted for Monday to Friday. 11 to 6 pm. Apply A&W Drive In, 884-8911, tfc20 BAR TENDER. WAITRESS/WAITER For Parkway Hotel, Apply to Mr. Parker. 881-2121. Hwy. 7. mile east of Bayview. c1w19 TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT HELP We require fast typists, dicta- phone operators and account- ing clerks for temporary and permanent positions. HI CORPS CHAMBERMAID / man. 889- 7442. tfc20 MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT Handy person familiar with general maintenance to work 4 mornings weekly and oper- ate front desk one night per week. Call Mr. Latimer or Mr. Parker, 881-2121, Parkway Hotel, Hwy. 7, 1 mile east of Bayview. c1w20 CASHIERS Full and part time required for ski season. suitable for mature female/male. Please apply in person: UPLAND’S SK! HOLE Uplands Avenue Thornhill c1w21 MECHANICâ€"LICENSED and APPRENTICE For busy service department doing general car repairs. 50% per flat rate unit hour and usual company benefits. Apply to: HELP WANTED DELIVERY person wanted with own car for Thomhill Pizza Shop. Call Jerry. 445- 6682 before 4 pm or 881-1070 after 4 pm. c1w21 WOMAN for light housekeep- ing duties for 3 hours five afternoons per week. Across from BAIF subdivision. Please contact 889-6437. c1w21 The Villa Private Hospital has position available for a clerk typist receptionist. Ap- plicant must have own trans- portation. Mrs. Roland, 889- 4931. c1w21 EXPERIENCED person need- ed to wait on tables. Please apply to Royal Palace Steak House Tavern, 10 Royal Or- chard Blvd,, Thornhill, 881- 0241. c1w21 SALES REPRESENTATIVES Full or part time sales rep- resentatives required by ex- panding cable system. Top commission Paid with good opportunity for advancement. Phone J. B. Jeffery, 884â€"8111. c1w21 twice weekly. 8139-3816â€"767- 1161. c1w21 BOOKKEEPER required im- mediately in Markham area. Must be experienced in con- struction accounting and capable of handling complete sets of records to trial bal- ance. 887-5795 or 887-5251. c1w21 CLEANING lady once or 4TH CLASS engineer. Call Mr, Lavers, 884-8175. c1w21 Maintaining grounds, clean- ing and maintenance of buildings and general repairs. Some carpentry or mechan- ical knowledge would be helpful. NEEDED A-l secretaries with short- hand for A-l office positions in Concord to Maple area. Call A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 884-6944 clw19 THORNHILL TRAVEL OFFICE Requires reservations sales clerk-typist. Must have pre- vious office experience in- cluding telephone. typing and accurate with figures. MR. DATEMA CANADIAN TIRE STORE 70 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill c1w21 Duties to consist of prepar- ing quotations and accepting bookings for charter bus transportation. Only those with previous office experience considered. Reply in writing only to: Travelways, 120 Doncaster Avenue, Thornhill. L3T 1L3. c1w21 NIGHT supervisor with nurs- ing experience, proven abil- ity to handle groups of chil- dren. Fri. and Sat. nights, 10:30 pm-7 am. Phone Mrs. Moore, 889-5421. c1w21 WOULD like someone to babysit in my home, free room and board, some money also. 773-5107. Oak Ridges. Office Assistance 80 Yonge Street South 884-6782 - 884-6970 SHOULDICE HOSPITAL 7750 Bayview Ave. Thornhill For appointment call 889-1175 between 9 am-4:30 pm c1w21 HANDY PERSON FOR PRIVATE HOSPITAL (Continued) c1w20 a to 3-BEDROOM brick bungalow, free large private lot, available 5 oney months at reduced rent for dges. loving care pet cat, owner c2w20abroad. Call 884-6649. *1w21 URGENTLY required: Clean- ing people. homemakers and sitters; excellent salary. 884- 5286. tfcll ESTIMATOR For Domtar's arborite divi- sion. We are a manufacturer and fabricator of plastic lam- inates and fibres. Location: Keele - Hwy. 7. Knowledge of production machine opera- tions required. Experience in time and motion study an asset. Generous fringe bene- fits. Salary negotiable. Please Call 661-2351, ext. 42 PUNCH-PRESS operators for Richmond Hill plant, day and night shift. Good starting rate and company benefits, 889- 7549. tfc8 WANTED â€" Full and part time mover's assistants. Must have chauffeurs licence and ability to drive trucks. Call 223-2345. tfc14 Required immediately for new plastic laminating firm at Highway 7 and Keele St. Duties concern order desk. correspondance and related detail work. Good telephone voice necessary. Will train recent school graduate. Please call 661-2351, ext. 42. clw19 STUDENT or semi-retired man or woman for early morning delivery. 1% - 2 hours per day. Must have late model car. Call 884-9195 or 884-5371. c1w21 HELP WANTED CLAIMS adjuster, experi- enced. for telephone adjust- ing of general insurance claims in Thomhill office. 889-6204. c1w21 APPRENTICE COMPOUNDER Our company, a leader in the toiletry and cosmetic indus- try. is looking for an individ- ual to start at the bottom and be trained and educated in compounding and mixing. Our main considerations will be to an alert, conscientious and aggressive individual who wants a career. Please apply Mr. Jim Kidd, 669-1441, 9 PILKINGTON BROS. CANADA LTD. requires FABRICATORS As a manufacturer of archi- tectural aluminum products, we require individuals with experience in blueprint read- ing, operating saws, punch presses, drill presses. etc. Excellent salary and fringe benefits. For interview please call Mr. D. B. Sheppard, 669- 1930. c1w21 am to3 pm EXPERIENCED shear oper- ators. good working condi- tions. Hours 7 am to 5:30 pm. 4-day work week, Mon. to Thurs., pay according to ex- perience. Apply in person to 22 Heritage Rd., Markham, Ontario. c1w21 CLEANING lady wanted once weekly. References re- quired. Thornhilli 889-0419. c1w21 RECEPTIONIST for veterin- ary clinic, typing essential, good telephone manner. Fri- day 1-8 pm, Saturday 9 am- 4 pm. 889-4851. clw21 MATURE person for filing and general office work in Thomhill. Call Mr. Homi 889-6204. c1w21 CARRIERS wanted for Thorn- hill area, boys or girls. for delivery of The Globe & Mail. Call 884-9195 or 884-5371. PRES-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER r e q u i r e s welders, fitters, spray painters, general help- ers, laborers, shippers, main- tenance personnel. Apply in person, Stran-Steel Building Systems. 105 Industrial Road, Richmond Hill. c4w19 3 to 4 hours per week plus Saturdays, for pleasant per- son with car. 789-7285. clw20 CLEANING woman required, one day a week. Only serious applicants need apply. 884- 5786 after 6 pm. c3w20 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Bork’s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 ROOM at Maple, two rest- aurants adjacent, clean, quiet Canadian home, reasonable. 832-2051. tfc38 Centre of Maple opposite bank, $80 a month, 832-2364. tfc14 modern kitchen, call after 5 Pm. 884-9693. tfc19 SLBEDROOM apartment in duplex. private drive and garage. 221-5829. c2w20 STORE or office 240 sq. ft TWO bedroom apartment available December 1, one baby only. apply superinten- dent. 441 Elmwood, 884- 6148. tfc19 Woom for rent, no car. 884-6305. tfc20 UNFURNISHED room, near Yonge St., 773-5578. 727- 5809. tfc18 Wapmment, INSIDE SALES CLERK $50 to $100 a week EXTRA MONEY T0 RENT (Continued) c1w19 c1w21 *1w21 O For Inforation About Want Ads 3-BEDROOM bungalow near Markham Road. Immediate cccupation. 225-7424. c1w21 ROOM for rent, close to transportation. 884-9427. TWO furnished bedrooms, one double. one single, 773- 4643, Oak Ridges. 42 Bond Avenue. c2w20 FREE rent of basement apart- ment to lady in return for household duties for 3 adults. Call 884-5358, after 6 pm. Newly decorated ground floor suite. Excellent front location and parking. Call 889-1176. c1w21 ROOM for rent. 884-8730 FURNISHED room, Elgin Mills and Newkirk area. 884- 4231. c1w21 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, adult building. rent $185 monthly. Includes fridge, stove. heat, hydro and water. Near Richmond Heights Cen- tre. 884-2475. tfc21 STEELES/YONGE 2â€"bedroom, newly decorated kitchen, appliances, broad- loom. drapes. finished base- ment, garage, $275. 491-9307. clw2-1 KEELE Street. Maple â€" 8 room house, 2 baths, $275 per month. 832-2364. tfc21 PRIVATEâ€"Z-bedroom apart- ment, Thornhill, $185 month. 889-7166. c1w21 IO SUBLET â€"â€" 1-bedroom apartment. $165 monthly in- cludes hydro and parking. Available Dec, 1. 884-2987 after 6 pm. clw21 SINGLE room, close to Yonge St.. fridge. stove. 884-8464. c1w21 2-BEDROOM, $185 month. Includes parking and fully carpeted. 884-9534 or apply Superintendent, 276 Cedar Avenue, Apartment 406. AURORAâ€"a-bedroom house. separate dining room, garage, large backyard. Available De- cember 1. 727-5704. tchl 2-BEDROOM upper duplex, centrally located. available immediately. Water and heat only included. $200 a month, referrals required. 884-9878. c1w21 ONE-BEDROOM with private washroom. in comfortable home. kitchen privileges op- tional. Suit one or two busi- ness girls. 884-9859. clw21 3-RO0M apartment, bath- room. separate entrance, $140, includes hydro and parking. Call before 1 pm. 889-3498. c1w21 ROOM FOR RENT. 884-8346 after 6 pm. c1w21 HOUSE for rent in Rich- mond Hill â€"â€" 3-bedroom brick bungalow, broadloom, rec. room, garage. work shop. etc. Newly decorated, must give references. Available Jan. 1, 1974. Call 884-7379. clw21 good condition, $800.00. 884- 2525. c2w21 BASEMENT apartment, 369 Centre St. E. No children. no pets, available immediately. 884-8442. c1w21 MODERN 2-bedroom apart- ment, parking. 636-6837. 3-BEDROOM house, work- shop. oil heated, Don Mills Road. Ideal for ski-doc sales or light manufacturing. $365 monthly. 727-8125. tfc21 ONE-BEDROOM apartment equipped with fridge and stove. wall to wall in living room. Business couple. 884- 9042 after 5 pm. c1w21 SHARE new furnished home with young single man, Yonge - Richvale area. 889- 7118. tfc2l SUBLETâ€"3-bedroom apart- ment, 2 bathrooms, newly decorated, fully broadloomed, air conditioner, all applian- ces, all rec. centre facilities. $275 monthly complete with parking, Yonge & Steeles. immediate possession. 226- 1043 after 5 pm. c1w21 2-BEDROOM apartment. Bay- view and Markham area, $174, adults only. Call 884- 6263. tfc21 FURNISHED basement apart- ment. 221-2534. c1w21 HOUSE for rent, possession December 15. Write Box 82 “The Liberal". c2w21 YONGE St., Thornhill. Single room in attractive house. $18 per week. 887-5032. c1w21 POLAKIS SNOWMOBILES We at Bethesda Sales 8: Serv- ice, your local authorized dealer, have been selling and servicing SKIROULE - Cole- man Snowmobiles for 6 years. We have parts. clothing ac- cessories, new and rebuilt machines and engines. Phone 884â€"7774. 888-1166. c12w15 for performance BELL AND HALL SALES for service Kleinburg. 893-1836. ’71 TNT 340, 268 miles, $525. 884-4231. c1w21 SKI-D00 300 motor com- plete with carburetor. clutch and muffler, $100. 773-5360. c1w21 MEDICAL 0R DENTAL SUITE FOR RENT 72 SKIROULE RTX 440‘ Snowmobiles TO RENT (Continued) c4w20 c1w21 clw21 c10w13 tfc21 c1w21 ior. Call after 6, Karl. 884- 4832. ms PAINTING, interior. exter- Roger Proulxâ€"Telephoneâ€" 884-1650. tfc24 ANY type of tiling - floors, walls. Gino's Tiling, 884- 9026 after 6 pm. tfc8 §NOW plovi'ing. commercial and residential, free estim- ates. Phone 223-9381. c4w18 PAINTING. interior and ex- terior, wallpapering. drywall, and carpentry. 884-9026 af- ter 6 pm. tfc8 SMALL moving jobs or de- liveries. evenings and week- ends. Call anytime, 884-9502. c4w18 WOOD burning fireplaces. complete with chimney, one day installation. Call 889- 6048. *4w18 PAINTING and Decorating, interior and exterior, resi- dential, commercial and in- dustrial. 493-0803. tfcl? BOOKKEEPING and acâ€" tounting services for small businesses. 889-5683. PAINTING and decorating. interior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 BAKER;S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer 8: water lines, footings. 889-3604. WALTER LONG PLUMBING Efficient service at reason- able rates. WORTHERN PAINTING RESIDENTIAL, commercial painting. interior and ex- terior, paper hanging. 881- 2075. tfc16 ifiANS BUTT 889-4106 EVERYTHING in Alcan Aluminum. Home improve- ments, eavestroughing. CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free esti- mates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION SHAMPOOING Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 RON MOORE PAINTING PAPERHANGING Interior-Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889- 8965. tfc32 Plastering PLUMBING 8: HEATING RICHMOND REFINISHING Furniture repairs, reuphol- stering and refinishing. Phone 884-8379 for free estimates. c3w21 GENERAL contracting, alt- erations and additions, home. offices. factories. Custom carpentry of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884-1105. tfc42 FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and industrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 881-2509. REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snowmobile repairs and serv- ice. Open 8 am _ 9 pm. 884-7716. tfc18 Repairs and Renovations Call J. S. Adams 889-6806 CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 Miscellaneous PLUMBING & HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 J. MISKE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Complete Aluminum Products For free estimates Call 884-5044 Outâ€"ofâ€"town 476-2011 WiNDow CLEANING 884-2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 PAINTING 8: PAPERHANGING IVAN DALTON 773-4314 R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs a Specialty Free Estimates 488-7521 889-31! 832-1345 â€" MAPLE PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 VAN DEN BRINK CARPENTRY Oak Ridges ALL TYPES OF CARPENTRY WORK FREE ESTIMATES 773-5582 RUBBER STAMPS PLUMBING 889-3185 tchO Thomhill tfc33 tfc22 tfc50 tfc38 tfc43 tfc48 tfc9 tfc2 tfc47 tfc2 tfc2 ' HOME IMPROVEMENTS and general contracting Reasonable rates. HORSE for sale. 1% years, filly. Welsh 8: quarter horse. sired by Capt. King. 491- 5969. c1w21 LITTLE RED‘S RIDING GOODS one mile west of 48 Hwy. on Stouffville Road. is all ready for Christmas. Horse related gift items at reasonable prices. Lots of tack‘ goodies on special. Open Thursday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday and Sunday. 640-4198. c1w21 TOM-LYN CONTRACTORS 884-7837 or 884-5460 HORSE AUCTION Special Christmas Sale, Mon- day. December 3, 6 pm, at Stouffville Stock Yards. Quarter horses. Appaloosas, Palominos. ponies, etc. New and used tack, auctioned preceding horses. Complete tack shop on location with dozens of special Christmas sale prices on tack and horse related gift items. Lucky draw and special bonus prizes. Plan to attend our last sale of 1973. To consign horses or for information telephone 1-640-4198. W. T. "Bill" Simmons, Auctioneer, Simmons Auction 00., RR 4. Stouffville, Ontario. c2w21 TYPING in own home. Will pick up and deliver. 884-6872. c1w21 MAN with new halfâ€" ton truck for deliveries and small moving jobs. By the hour. day or week. 884-1700. c1w21 BABYSITTING in my home, beginning December 17. Bev- erley Acres area. 884-5788 evenings. c1w21 (EXPERIENCED) day care, my home, three days a week. Monday to Wednesday. 884- 1287. *1w21 DEAD or crippled farm ani- mals picked up promptly. for direct line call Long Dis- tance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime Ed Pec- oni 8: Son, Woodvilie, Ont. License No. 324C-66. A CASH buyer needs pianos, furniture, antiques, china and glassware. Fast pickup. 889-5101. tfc25 prices paid. 884-9787. 727- 3322. c1w21 VOLKSWAGENS â€"â€" Highest SNOWMOBILE double trail- er. 884-6312. c1w21 4“ PLANER-JOINTER, good DAY care given in my home, Beverley Acres area. 884- 9734. c1w17 condition. 887-5485 RELIABLE and experienced day care given in my home. Bayview and Markham area. 884-2563. c1w21 DAY care available in my home. Bayview & Elgin Mills area. 884-4613. c2w21 DAY care available in my home, Beaverton Road area. 884-8638. c1w21 DAY care wanted immedi- ately Monday to Friday, 8 am - 6 pm. for 2-year-old, Romfield Circuit. 881-1424. c1w21 RELIABLE woman wanted close to Mill Pond. 884-5887. c1w21 LADY will day care LADY will day care pre- schoolers, Bayview Fairways. 881-0873. c1w21 DAY care in my home. 884- 7583. c1w21 LOST, November 20â€"Large sum money vicinity A&P Plaza in Richmond Hill. Re- ward. Phone Mrs. Hill. 722- 3192 collect. nc2w21 BLACK calf, female, 4-5 months old. about 4 ft. high, between 16 Avenue - Hwy. 7, Sunday morning. Reward. Please call 889-9021. *1w21 ONE small female tortoise shell cat, Benson Avenue area. Reward. 884-2358. MALE cat. orange and white, lost in vicinity of Elmwood and Essex, Answers to Tim- othy. Reward. 884-2350. SILVER grey dog with tar- tan collar. Green Lane and 3rd Line, November 9. 889- 3786. c1w21 BEAGLE. female. sandy color and white. 884â€"2257 after 6 pm. c1w21 PIANO and Theory lessons, near G0 station. 884-3925. tfc16 tions. Reasonable prices. 889- 4145. tch EMPLOYMENT WANTED DRESSMAKING and altera- DRESSMAKING Miscellaneous PHONE 884-1105-6 LIVE STGCK FOR SALE DAY CARE WANTED TUITION (Contmued) FOUND REWARD LOST c1w21 c1w21 clw21 tfc29 tfc4 PETS FOR SALE DOG grooming. poodles, ter- riers. mutts. Betty Forsyth. 889-3606. tfc3 DOG GROOMING Poodles - Spaniels - Terriers a specialty 25 yrs. experience Glimtomdale Kennels Keele St. N. King City 833-5715 WANTEDâ€"Home for friend- ly 7 months old pup, house trained and spayed. Call 884- 9759. c1w20 To good home a house cat. 884-8730. *1w21 ST. BERNARD crossed New- foundland, 6 weeks old. $50. 887-5508. *2w21 TWO Persian kittens. free to good homes. 884-2666. c1w21 miniature. registered. 9 weeks old. 884â€"5663. c1w21 POODLE Puppies â€" White WANTEDâ€"Good homes for 2 orange and white cats. One female, 2 years old. spayed. One male. 11/.» years, neu- tered. Please call 884-6798. c1w21 SMALL black kitten. male. needs good home. 884-7650. c1w21 old. spayed. child's pet. 773- 5763. c1w21 WHITE female cat. 1-year- FEMALE student free in exchange for babysitting. etc. Leslie-Steeles, 889-0747. TRANSPORTATION wanted from Richmond Hill to Hwy. 27 and Bellefield Road. arriv- ing 8:30 to 9:15 am. leaving at 4:45 pm. 884-2325. c1w21 l-BEDROOM flat in older house. or small house. Rich- mond Hill. Box 80 "The Lib- eral". tfc21 BABYSITTING in my home. have 7-month-old boy. 94 Woldrick Road. Richmond Hill. 884-6010. c1w21 gas. save your car: Call 884- 6686. clw20 ROOM for rent â€" Board optional. gentleman prefer- red. 773-5770. tfc20 BRAMALIEA car pool. Save NOVEMBER 24, SATURDAY â€"â€"Auction Sale of full line of household furniture â€" 1964 Oldsmobile 4-door V6. piano and bench, chesterflelds and dishes. The property of the estate of the late Mr. Harry Smith. At Lot 4, Con. 3. Whitchurch. 1 mile north of New Gormley, 1% miles west of Don Mills Road. Terms: Cash. Sale at 12:30 pm. Re- freshments on the groundsâ€" Alvin S. Farmer. Auctioneer, Gormley, Ont. 887-5311. Room and Board NOVEMBER 27. TUESDAY EVENING â€" Auction Sale of household furniture will be held in Victoria Square Com- munity Hall on Don Mills Rd., 33.4 miles north of Hwy. 7, 2% miles south of Gormley. the nroperty of Frank Stover of Richmond Hill. Terms: Cash, Sale 7:30 pm. Alvin S. Farmer. Auctioneer. Electric 4-:burner stove, combination radio. GE washing machine, Premiere vacuum cleaner. 2 electric clocks. continental twin beds with box springs and mattress, 1 antique bed and spring, 2 dressers. power lawn mower, 2 end tables, coffee table. floor lamp. an- tique kitchen chairs, 22 rifle, about 5 fishing rods, quantity of bedding. feather pillows, some dishes and china, 2 upholstered chairs. 3 table radios, number of drapes, 2- wheel trailer, good condition. many other articles too nu- merous to mention. c1w21 NOVEMBER 28, WEDNES- DAY EVENING â€" Auction Sale of first class household furniture. Dining room suite carved buffet. small pine stand with drawer, high back chairs. bed sofa like new, chest of drawers, pine drawers all dove tailed, chest of draWers with porcelain draws, good; antique bedroom suite with carvings; new Samuel vacuum cleaner, new humidifier, antique square stand with claw feet. stain- less steel coat hanger, 3 an- tique china dolls, 1 set bridal rose china dishes, odd dishes, antiques; glassware, cooking utensils, picture frames, quantity of bedding, quilts. quantity of linens. 1 large dining room rugi12x20 like new, 1 cushion floor covering about 10x10. Many other ar- ticles not mentioned. This furniture is clean and well kept, Don't miss this interest- ing auction. Sale will be held at Victoria Square Hall, 3% miles north of No. 7 High- way on Don Mills Road. 2% miles south of Gormley. The property of Miss Mable Pow- ell. Terms cash. Sale at 7:30 pm in the evening â€" Alvin S. Farmer. Auctioneer. Phone 887-5311. c1w21 BABY SITTING Transportation Sale Registers WANTED TO RENT FREE c8w20 tfcl7 c1w21

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