The December meeting of the WI will be held Decem- ber 11 at 8 pm at me Lhome of Mrs. John McOague. in the community hall De- cember 15 from 10:30 am to The party is for children of the community and sur- rounding area up to 12 years Of age. There is NO admis- sion charge. Remember the dabe â€" Do- cember 15. The annual turkey sthoot which was held at the Vic- toria Square Park Saturday afternoon was sponsored by the Lions Club and proved to be very successful. Neighborhood Notes church, with school childre Following the will be a pot Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandle RR 2, Gormley Women’s Institute There will be a demonstra- tion by Mrs. Myers. Hostes- ses: Mrs. H. Barber, Mrs. Carl Walker, Mrs. S. Bayw- ton, Miss Grace Bowman. Roll call: exchange a gift. All ladies in the communi- ty are invited to attend. Christmas Party The annual Children’s Christmas Party sponsored by the Victoria Square Dis- trict Lions Club will be held There will be songs, games, magician, Santa and refreshments. Bilnthday greetings to: Don Canning, December 7; 'Mrs. Jim Woodward, December 10; Julia Hardle, 12 years. December 11. Wedding anniversary greet- Lngs to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hard‘ie, married 29 Years. December 9; to Mr- 8 Mrs. Harvey Collard. mar- ried 46 years, December 10. Sympathy is extended to Reg. Allen and famin in the passing of a loving wife and mother, Mm. Reg. Allen, following a lengthy illness. following a lengthy illness. A speedy recovery is wished for Miss Anita Or-r who underwent surgery re- cently in the York County Hospital, Newmarket. ‘ Miss Irene Knapp spent The weekend with Mrs. Blanche Tatton at Richmond Hill. ' There were 13 tables of euchre players at the com- munity h'all Friday evening. Prize winners were: Mrs. Gert Holt, Mrs. Anna Dews~ bury. Mrs. Gertrude Orr, Jim Grain-gem, Fran-k Brum-' well and Mrs. Eloise Gee. Lucky draw was won by Frank Brumwell. Another euchre party will be held in the community 'hall December 14 at 8 .pm. Church News The annual White Giif-t Sewice will be held Decem- ber 9 at 11:30 am in the church, with the Sunday school children taking part. Following the service 'there will be a pot luck luncheon in the Sunday school room. This luncheon is for ï¬he Sunday school children, their parents, and the congrega- tion. Each family is asked to take something for the first caurse and something for the second course. [PSI-COLA 4 WW? c H E E R SALAD DRESSING ' BATHROOM TISSUE POWDER DETERGENT ¢ 32-FL-OZ JAR I PKG OF 2 ROLLS KING SIZE 5-I.B BOX , 69"“ $1.49 git“ flxï¬iï¬'. I'- 1.. ..:_-.5,..‘.. J.- “ ‘ I-i-n‘ ’ WHITE, YELLOW, lILAC PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSIT Buy a Case of 8 Another euclu‘e party will be held in the communimy 'hall December 14 at 8 .pm. Church News The annual White GiIf-t Suvice will be (held Decem- her 9 at 11:30 am in the church, with the Sunday school children taking part. This Sunday parents tlon. Ea Please be generous with your whilte gifts for tlwse less fortunate than: we are! December 2 was flhe first Sunday in Advent. During the service Kirsten Mikkel- sen and Margarifte Frisby as- s'iSted Mr. Bewell with the lighting of the first Advent Candle. The official board of Vic- tboria Square Charge will meet in the Sunday school December 12 at 8 pm. Please reserve this date to participate in decisions vital to both congregations. These models are free. so' wnite for yours now. 'Dhou- sands have already been mailed, so write today to Dept. 8141, Beltane Elect- ronics of Canada Ltd, 3637 Metropolitan Blvd. 13., Mon- treal 455. P.Q. A speedy recovery is wished for Miss Anita Or-r who underwent surgery re- cently in the York County Hospital, Newmarket. ‘ irene Knapp spent flhe weekend with Mrs. Blanche Tatton at Richmond Hm. ; Prize winners were: Mrs. Gert Holt, Mrs. Anna Dews- bury. Mrs. Gertrude Orr, Jim Graingeu‘, Fran-k Brum- well and Mrs. Eloise Gee. Lucky draw was won by Frank Brumwell. tlon. Each family is aska take soman for me 1 course and something for second course. Try this non-operating model in the privacy of your own home to see how tiny hearing help can be. It’s yours to keep, free. It weighs less than a third of an ounce, and it's all at ear level, in one unit. No wires lead from body to head. Old To Hear Better Montreal â€" A free oï¬fer of Special in-tenest to those who hear but do not under- stand words has been an~ nounced by Beltane. A non- operating model of the smal- lest Beltone aid ever made will be mailed to anyone sending 1°C for postage and handling. You're Never Too Sheet, Pillowcase Tablecloth Service RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL O AURORA NEWMARKET Victoria Square Open Monday to Friday 8:00 am. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 am. to 12 noon LIBERAL Classified ACTION AD TRY (Advertisement) luncheon is for school children, 1; . and the congn To place a telephone 884-1 105-6 ' 5CLEANING ‘ ; CENTRES JANE PARKER, SLICED (BUY 3 LOAVESâ€"SAVE 17c) 35:23“ .222: 3 I $ I 9â€"9 rum on 5:50:01 Bren JEWISH RYE MIX OR MAYCH â€" JANE PARKER, PUMPEINICKEL Full 8-inch, 24-< JANE PARKER, ORANGE OR CHOCOLATE Chiffon Cake rum on :ttDED, ' Bread Jams" “E 16-ozloaves 4 (DUY 3 lOAVES â€" SAVE 17:) JANE PARKER, lEMON MEIINGUE FULL B-INCH. 12-02 PIE OR Jelly Roll Cinnamon Rolls JANE PARKER JANE PARKER Raspberry Whirls English Muffins Jane Parker Fruit Cake JANE PARKER, DANISH (COFFEE CAKES) Glazed Donuts JANE PARKER JANE PARKER Bread JANE PARKER Twin Rolls I van Rolls pkgs of 12 351.00 JANE PARKER, 2 WHITE OR 1 WHITE & I WHEAT (SAVE 6c $2.29 l‘x’z-LB PIECE White Swan Towels :32: 5 9¢Y ’ Ivory liquid accents cart mxmsa cases» w cuocmxe, mssrwe‘ smm’ï¬xz Dad's cookies†5 9 Romi Spaghetti / 25‘ †:g ASSORXED COtOï¬RS OR DECORATOR ova 2/3 nuns AND Mots $4.39 3-LB RING A&P WEO FOOD STORES Open Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Nights Until 9:00 P'.M. pkg of two, 8-02 loaves giant 14!), 7-02 cake i pk90f639¢ (BUY 3 PKGS -â€" SAVE I7!) '0: pie 13-02 cake $5.89 pkg of 8 3/SI.OO S-LB RING 3131.00 (SAVE l0<‘ Each (SAVE l0¢) (SAVE 10:) (SAVE 10:) (SAVE 6c) (SAVE 6c) (SAVE 6t) 79¢ 59¢ 39¢ 53¢ 39¢ 105 Yonge SI. It, RICHMOND "Ill. 8190 Bayview Ave., THORNHILI. 8 O'CLOCK BEAN COFFEE A SUPERB BLEND OF 100% BRAZILIAN COFFEE CHICKEN NOODLE Lawry's Soup Mix 4-02pk932¢ BREAD I BUYTER, SWEET MIX, KOSHER BABY DllLS Heinz Pickles 15.n.oz iar 49¢ PETER PAN 13'/1-oz pkg ¢ 13'/1-oz pkg ¢ CHICKEN OR DEVILLED HAM (CORNED BEEF 4V2~ox Vin 82C) Underwood Spreads 4‘/2-oz!in 64¢ KISMEY Soft Margarine l-lb tub 49¢ Clark Soups LADY BORDEN, BOUTIQUE Ice Cream TOMATO 0R VEGEYABLE 100% Brazilian Coffee ACTION PRICED! 8 O'Clock Bean Coffee l-LB BAG OFFER EXPIRES SAYURDAY, DECEMBER llh, I973. APRICOT BRANDY, RUM E RAISIN, COFFEE COGNAC, CREME DE MENTHE ACTiON mew: 1-quarl carton 10.f|-oz tins l-lb tub 49¢ .iins carton SAVE I-lB ' SAVE 9¢ Nflock Bean Coffee I c $2.5 5 Taster's Choice Salado Tea Bags Kal Kan Dog Food llOUID Javex Bleach FABRIC SOFYENER Fleecy CHICKEN NOODlE ORANGE PEKOE BEEF, MEALYIME SYEW Lipton's Soup Mix pkg of2envs27¢ BEEF- IRISH, MEAT BALL, CHILI, WIENERS ‘- BEANS INSTANT COFFEE Puritan Stews 100% flrhzilinn Cofï¬n ACTION PRICED! SPAGHETTML mm cm mum. magma, mm mm, 95mm uscea DETERGENT OFFER EXPIRES SATURDAY, DECEMBER Bill. 1973. ACTION PRICED! it: $2.55 SAVE 30¢ 128-fl-oz plastic jug ACTION PllCEDt 128-H-oz plastic iug .67 ACTION PRICED! THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 6, 25 15-fl-oz tins 9-02 iar pkg of 60 8 AMPLE FREE PARKING 14-02 tin SAVE 30¢ 2I89¢ 36¢ Alka-Seltzer FIRSY AID FOR HEADACHES Alora Pizza Alora Pizza Coffee Rich sara Lee BUTTER STREUSEL 12‘/z-oz pkg Schick Blades pkg ol7 88¢ SUPER-SYNNLESS Gillette Blades pkgono $1.07 Right Guard FROZEN, CHEESE FROIEN. PEPPERONI Eggo Waffles Bufferin FROZEN KELLOGG’S, FROZEN, BlUEBERlY KICKS, FROZEN EFFERVESCENT INJECYOI - STAINLESS STEEL ANTI-PERSPI‘ANT, SllVEI FROZEN FOODS! TOILET GOODS! APPLE DANISH 14â€"01 PKG 94¢ CARAMEL PECAN 1001 PRO 95¢ .62 BUTTER STREUSEL 12‘/z-oz pkg mam m VWM W 30%.?! 6 ACTION 9834.339! 11-02 aerosol tin ACYION PRICED! $1.39 (30% FREE!) 99¢