RICHMOND TAILORING' QQA_A010 MMMSï¬ NEWMARKET: The Ontario Government has agreed to a $10,000 grant on the Railings- worth Civic Centre. a $15,000 grant for the Quaker Hill Swimming Pool, $2.800 for Dennis Park. $1.700 for Bay- view Park, $1,500 for Haskett and $800 for the fair grounds. Also approved is nearly $10.- 000 for the addition to the Lions Club ampitheatre pro- viding ownership is trans- ferred to the town. Prelimin- ary approval has been given for a grant of up to $20,000 for the proposed community centre. Carol and “What Child is This," with her own harp accompaniment, and the se- nior choir sang. Next Sunday will be a baptismal service when bath senior and junior choirs will present Christmas Music. At 7:30 pm. the OGIT Vesper Service will be held. a fine service last Sunday at Brown's Corners United Chum‘h â€" with Mrs. Jim wolfe at the organ. Mrs. Marguerite Jones sang two beautiful carols â€" The Star m’l‘hei afterhoon concluded with an exchange of gifts. Church News At Brown’s Corners Uni- ted Linda Donaldson was the Advent Candlelighmer and Rev. Allen Hallett conducted During the meeting Mrs. Rose Baker paid tribute to two members who passed away during November and early December â€" Mrs. Wm. McGimpsey and Mrs. Reg Allen, two very dear friends. ‘Bingo winners were Mrs. Bill Baker, Mrs. Milt Sher- man. Mrs. Morrison Sellar, Mrs. Richard Pralet, Miss Mary Rod‘ick. Mrs. John Johnson, Mrs. Russell Burr. Mrs. George Kelly and- Mrs. Rose Brodie. Roll call. featuring Christ- mas Memories, inclu- ded practising for Christ- mas School Concerts, skat- ing. coal in a stocking, a hot water boiler rthat sprung a leak on the great day, guests arriving in a hay wagon. very deep snow. jingling Sleigh bells. goose for dinner, Christmas Market down at St. Lawrence, visits home to England. and an uncle’s long Scottish grace, an orange in a stocking, and a handsleigh pulled by a white horse. Wednesday of last week Buttonville WI members held a Christmas Lun- cheon and bingo party at the Buttonvllle Hall. Hostesses were Mrs. George Kelly, Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson and Mrs. Richard Pralet assisted by other members. Last Saturday John and Mary Rodlick held their an- nual Christmas Party when guests were Mr. and Mrs. James Rodick of Buttonville, Mrs. Morrison Sellar of Brantford, Mrs. Wm. Rode and Mr. John Rodlck and fa- mily of Weston Miss May Harper of Bolton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Early of Lon- don. Mr. Russell Boyington who was rushed rto hospital two weeks ago when his heart pacer failed is 'home again and enjoying life. Friends were sorry to learn that Mrs. John Donald- son .is in Scarboro General Hospital for surgery. Reports are encouraging and she is getting along well. Neighborhood Notes A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE! Mrs. Tim Paterson will start the New Year in a new home. Thursday night of last week an auction sale of articles from the Paterson Home was held at the Victo- ria Square Community Hall with g00d results, and Mrs. Paterson expected new oc- cupants in her Markham home early this week. We wish her happiness in her rew venture in apartment living. immmmmmmmnï¬ As you celebrate Christmas, we extend best wishes for y0ur holiday-"Thank you." 884-4212 5 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill BUTTO‘NVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. F. [1. Leaf Markham Telephone 294-5290 Cool Whip Smedley's Carrots DETERGENT Palmolive liquid Red Rose Tea Bags ALL Small‘ FROZEN, DESSERT TOPPING ACTION PRICED! ORANGE PEKOE. PKG OF 60 ACTION PRICED! w "ï¬â€˜ ~;7./ . a»; / {it 1742 CANADA no. I GRADE, 37/\ H FLORIDA GROWN, FIRM, RIPE 'effl/ Tn AA A 1' n I: c XL“: TGM'K'T'B'E'S' 2-LB 69¢ )‘ ‘ Aflm 'FRICEQ! ‘ 19“.“ “NM “noun: PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1973. WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES Pk: o! 1 rails SCOTTOWELS Whole, Choice Oualiiy ACTION PRICED! IMLOZ “NS Iley's Carrots Butternut Squash OVEN READY IN FOIL YRAY 24-Fl~02 PLASTIC BTI. Cisséu 5;! ACTION PRICED! Open Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Nights Until 9:00 P.M. A&P WEO FOOD STORES 79¢ ‘ Wrap 88¢ ; PLASTIC I0 VARIETIES 6‘/2-O‘ PKGS PEEK FREAN COOKIES CHRISTIE RITZ $3151.00 16.01 YRAY 16191 10%?! 69¢1Rose Pickles “ï¬g†39¢ "We Redeem A_ll Food Store Coupons" Quaiiiy! Savngs! Vaiue! 105 Yonge SI. N., RICHMGND III“. 8190 Bayview Ave., THORNHILI. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL...AND TO ALL GOOD EATING “V†' ’ ' ‘ ‘ / , OCEAN SPQAY, mum on. 18.1.1313 willcmus mm ANY mum CRANBERRI’ES WE“, "HIS In “SASS NUS Borne DEPOSU PEPSI-COLA YDKO?‘ CWQ - 13 “£991!†"33.93386 SWIFT PREMIUM, DUTCH lUNCH Salami BY THE PIECE Cooked Meats Cocktail Sausages 8-ozpkg 69¢ MAPLE lEAF BRAND Cocktail Wieners 8m pkg 69¢ Polish Sausage SUPER-RIGâ€); RED BRAND GRADE "A "BEEF EXCELLENY FOR BRAISING Blade Steaks Cube Steaks Prime Rib Steaks “1.38 Potato Salad 5X BRAND MAPLE lEAF BRAND Smoked Hams SHANK PORTION lb SHOPSY BRAND, COlE SlAW OR MAPLE lEAF BRAND, SUCED, MACARONI l. CHEESE, CHICKEN. OLIVE OR DUYCH lOAF BONElESS â€" N0 WASTE FIRST 4 RIBS READY-YO-SERVE, COOKED PEPSI-(OLA CASE OF 24, lO-Fl-Ol ZIP TOP TINS SWIFT PREMIUM, CANADA GRADE " A", EVISCERATED, $301!", VAC PAC, YOUNG PARTY SUGGESTIONS BUTIE§§ALL {gaggivs “36¢ Ismsg GUARANTEED GOOD EA‘UNG OR ni BYTHEPIECE $517.09 Perch with Onion 8-ozpk939¢ All MEAT PRICEKVEEEECâ€"TNE THROUGH MONDAY, DECEMBER 24m, 1973. \ Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil '08 in by 25 h roll PKG Swen Mix, 5w"! Mun-rd, Swu' Wain. Broad 'N Bun", Swen Roliuh ACTION PRICED! Black Diamond m 83¢ Dr. Ballard: DOG FOOD PROCESS CHEESE SlICES Reynolds Wrap CHAMPIONâ€"BEEF, KIDNEY4 CHICKEN, llVER, lS-OZ TINS ACYIOD SAVE 36¢ FRENCH FRIES ACTIOR PIKE! MrCMN. “DIEM. 53055111.“ OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT TO YOU . . . nun PORTION [B $1.09 6-02 Vac Pa: DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! 24â€"02 canon 5/$I.00 ACTION PRICED! ACYION PRICED! “1.08 “1.18 “1.78 44¢ 79¢ M} 1...... --l..... 124...: c--.1- u. §03%%1‘A"b%09%WWUOWW Side Bacon Blue Water Sole 9-ozpk989¢ Beef 6: Pork Sausages lb 88¢ Wieners SUPER-RIGHT, SUCED BURNS BRAND, STORE PACKED MAPLE lEAF BRAND flUPERY BRAND, FROZEN, PARTY STAIYEIS FROZEN, IN lEMON BUYYER SAU SEA, FIOZEN Shrimp Cocktail Pork Shoulders MAME lEAF, RANCH STYLE READY-TO-SEIVE, SMOKED, COOKED, PICNIC STYLE YOUNG TURKEYS ggygparcups {mgmscnum mama. mm m: 8 O'C WIYH YHIS COUPON - SAVE 91: 100". IIAIILIAN COFFEE ACTION "ICED! 08¢ l 1579,: win-oz Bonus 5 YO §4B$ AVG. 3 O-FI-Ol WW5 Bran Muffins Golden [03! Cake Golden loat take 10-02 cake 43¢ JANE PARKER, 2 WHITE OR I WHITE I. l WHEAY (SAVE 6:) Bread “BROWN ‘N SERVE†$26.31;; 39¢ Pumpkin Pie JANE PARKER JANE PARKER, lEMON PIE OR JANE PARKER um! um (SAVE 60 FROZEN SEAFOODS! OFFER EXPIIES DECS“! 21“, "73 MINCE 91E roan-oz TIN :44:qu Tl†BY THE PIECE 6/991! {NUS at 08903"? 29¢ ACIWN "NED! A050" Pï¬CW! Amos 'mcm I! YO M485 AVE l-lb Vac Pac .28 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 20, 1973 23 I-Ib Vac Pac PKG OF 2 4-02 JARS Full 8-inch pie AMPLE FREE PARKING ACTION PRICED! 88¢ 84¢ JANE Pm“. SNOWFLAKE OI TWIN ROLLS pkg; o§ {IIIIIII“II‘I‘II‘IHI‘1IIllflilIKKIN‘IIIIVQ The time of year to extend best wishes to our friends. The time of year to be concerned about those who are in need. The time of year for gentleness and remembering. The time of year to welcome a stranger with warmth. The time of year to wipe away all bitterness. The time of year for sharing. The time of year for gathering those you love around you. This is the time of year for all of us at A&P to greet you with warm and friendly ieeiings. EVEIY GOOD WISH FOR YOU! PERSONAL HAPPINESS AT CHIISYMAS. CHRISTMAS . . . FRENCH ROLLS pkg of 10 PLAIN on warm ‘ ' TWIN ROLLS pkg of 12 MAIN, Pom SEED, SESAME 55m PKG ¢ /' FDFNFH 9mm nLn n‘ m MP W50 é‘ZQWQQQQQQWflWWWï¬ a O’ClOCK : BEAN (OFFEE VW'; MAIILIAI COFFEE WITH YHIS COUPON â€" SAVE 30: OWE! lXPIIES DECEIIEI 2294. 1773 FRENCH STIKS 3W 'AUQR, "MOVIE 'M SEQVE") IDA BURNS ACYION PIICiD!