CONTINENTAL bed; maple dresser, chest. 884-1204. enamel, alinbst new.' 832: 2088. c1w28 ICE fishing hut, almost new $40. 889-2313 after 5 pm. ELECTRIC stove (large) good condition. 884-2170. SEVEN pc. arborite dinette suxte. $90. 884-8580. EXERCISE bicycle. A-l con- dition, $50. 773-5214 after 3 pm. c1w28 39" BED, Serta continenta‘l with headboard, from clean home. 884-7689. c1w28 4' x 8' Gendron pool table complete with balls and cue‘s, Perfect condition, $130.; Chesterfield, 2 piece green $40. 884-3781, after 4 pm. EATON’S Viking delux_e tYpeWriter. Phone 889-4193. c1w28 W001? and coal stove, white INGLIS natural gas dryer, excellent condition, setting for permapress, etc. $100 or best offer. 2 years old. 884- 1816. c1w28 SNOWMOBILE. 69 Ski Whiz, good‘condition, best offer. Dining room suite, Etean Allen, maple, four chairs, round table and sideboard. beautiful condition, best of- fer. 832-2055. tfc27 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line (2 miles east of Dixie Road), Bramalea; also 79 Doncaster, Thornhill, 881- 0000. tfc12 FINE quality pianos for sale by re-builder. Also tuning & repair service. Kleinberg 893-1573. tfclO TEAKWOOD Living, dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9 pm. 459- 0760. BEDROOM Spanish. dining living room Burma Teak- wood. New furniture. Very reasonable. 1-247-4377. Doors, windows, awnings, railings, siding, soffit sys- tems, trough. Free estimates. Ron Woods, 884-1514. 4 x 8 sheets, fir Jyé" special. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. t.fc4 . RUGS & BROADLOOM BRAND NAMES. WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION, IMPORTED AREA RUG-S, REMNANTS, ROLL ENDS, 1/2 PRICE. BENDER RUG C0. 492-1122 - 884-6554. FIREWOOD " for fireplace, split and delivered. 773-5488. tfc23 SEASONED FIREWOOD 16" face cord, $30 delivered and stacked. includes free kindling. YORK ALUMINUM Free Estimates. Aluminum siding, windows, doors, awn- ings. 884-4558 or 832-1319, tfc5 SEWING machine repairs (guaranteed).. Also used ma- ‘chines from just $19.95. Bernina Sewing Centre, 884- 3775. tfc-37 WASHER, dryer and stove parts, gears, belts, wood bearings and wringer rollers, etc. For all makes. Repairs to vacuum cleaners and small appliances. Richmond Hill Appliances. 4') Industrial Road, 884-7903. tfc28 GET your Motorola (Quasar) works in a drawer color TV from Peter Smith, York Home TV, 306 Bayview (Plaza). 889-1646, 884-4165. tfc32 Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular-makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and elec- tric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS Plywood Panelling Sale 10% off all panels in stock LOUGHLIN LUMBER 6 Scott Drive Thornhill 889-1109. 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 10, 1974 (Effective July 1, 1972) CASH RATES. lst insertion 10 words $1.25 and 10¢ per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for $1.15 and 10¢ per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50¢ CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, per in- sertion . . . . . $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105-6 or 884-8177 and you will receive an invoice. Reach more prospects faster. Save time and meney llBERAL CLASSIFIED ADS ) HOLLAND PARK GARDEN CENTRE Mapleâ€"832-2455 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES FOR SALE ALUMINW PLYWOOD 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 WANTED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES c1w28 c1w28 c1w28 c1w28 clw28 c5w27 c4w25 tfc46 tfc22 tfc3 tfc3 PERSON with designing and drafting experience required for small metal fabricating shop. Duties include purch- asing, drafting and general office work. 669-1352. TRUCK driver, responsible person to deliver farm seed, some farming experience helpful. Otto Pick and Sons Seed Ltd.. Mr. Hans Neilsen. 884-1147. c1w28 WAREHOUSE help in seed mill for packing farm seed and corn, and general wareâ€" house work for day and night shift, Otto Pick and Sons Seed Ltd., Mr. Hans Neilsen, 8844147. c1w28 SHIRT presser, experienced or willing to learn. Apply Wimbridge Cleaners, 884- 2162. c2w28 HOUSEKEEPER Warm, reliable mature wo- man required to care for 2 school age children. and home. Mother works, live in or out. Salary, hours, etc.. to be discussed, near Yonge St.. Thornhill. Phone 881- 2951. c1w28 CLEANING help. Steeles - Bayview, Wednesdays. 9:30 am - 3:30 pm, references. 889-5027. c1w28 operator. For appointEnent call 884-5185. c1w28 CARPET CLEANER MATURE person full time, must have chauffeurs license. 889-0601. c2w27 WANTED for Thornhill In- surance office, switchboard operator from 5 pm to 9 pm Monday to Thursday, from 9 am to 5 pm Saturday. Phone Mrs. Ellis, 889-4933 days. c1w28 EXPERIENCED letterpress TRUCK delivery, metro area, full time position, knowledge of area and customer rela- tions an asset. Apply Super- ior Propane Ltd., 669-1145. Keele and Hwy. 7 area. PLANT and yard help re- quired full time position. Apply Superior Propane Ltd., 669-1145. Keele and Hwy. 7 area. thR SEWING machine, reverse stitch, zig-zag. fancy stitch attachment, good condition, $30. 884-4698. c1w28 PIONEER car 8-track tape deck with mounts, $40. Mesh play pen, 40" x 40", $15. 884- 3501. clw28 TRUCK caps (2), excellent condition; also antique butter churn. 889â€"3892. clw28 ZENITH wringer washer and dryer, antique bed. springs and mattress, chest of draw- ers; 9x18 rug, cinnamon; child’s 20' swimming pool with liner. 884-3058 after 5 pm. *1w28 HELP WANTED COUCH and chair, gold and brown on white background, crushed velvet, good condi- tion, 1% years'old. reason- able. Phone 884o9488 after 5 BABY crib and mattress, Lloyd baby carriage, playtex nurser kit (11 bottles). 832- 1210. c1w28 DAVENPORT with chair, black and red $75, folding cot 36" $25, queen bedspread and matching drapes $40, double box spring and mat- tress $100, bird cage and stand $15. 7 x 9 lilac rug $25, Spanish traverse rod extends 150" $30, Priscilla net cur- tains, pink $10, large window shade. fringed, white $10. 884-4956. ‘ c1w28 CLEARING OUT AND ATTIC SALE Miscellaneous items for sale including 3 dinettes, chairs. dishes, cutlery. old collect- ibles, etc. Jennie's Snack Bar. Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, January 10, 11 and 12, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. REFRIGERATOR shitable for bar or playroom. 884-1796. 2 - SPEED, Skil jig saw model No. 524. price $25.00. Phone 636-0458. c1w28 ELECTROHOME 21" black & white console TV, recent picture tube; size 10 men’s ski boots, Garmont, made in Italy; Mansfield slide projec- tor; Agfra 35 mm camera. 884-6924 after 5 pm. c1W28 BOX trailer. 8§4-9502. c1w28 SINGER Ziz Zag sewing ma- chine and cabinet excellent condition, button hole attach- ment included. $75. 884- 1610. clw28 SNOW tires oh rims, G 78-14, used less than 500 miles, $25. each. 884-2410. c1w28 FOR SALE (Continued) clw28 tfc18 *2w28 tfc18 c1w28 *1w28 For further information on the above positions, please contact: MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN We require a maintenance technician with a background in electrical/electronic work to repair, calibrate and set up transistor test equipment. Initial training will be pro- vided on the day shift with final responsibility being on the midnight shift (11:30 pm to 7:00 am). ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Required immediately to per- form various clerical, com- puting and typing duties re- lated to preparation for and payment of invoices. Applicant must be able to type with 1-2 years related work experience. A knowl- edge of basic mathematics and basic principles of debits and credits and control ac- counts is desired. CLERK-typist for Thornhill engineering office. Good opportunity for bright indi- vidual who enjoys varied duties; bookkeeping an as- set. Phone Mrs. Linetsky at 889-9405. c1w28 LADY needed for cleaning and ironing two days weekly. South Thornhill near Yonge, $2.50 per hour. 889-8899. PIZZA MAKERS Full time experienced person required for our Aurora store. Apply after 4 pm. Magiking Pizza, 727-1321. c1w28 SEVERAL A-l BOOKKEEP- ING POSITIONS AVAIL- ABLE IMMEDIATELY. AL- SO NCR AND BURROUGHS MACHINE OPERATORS. Excellent salaries. Concord area. OFFICE HELP Person for office of Rich- mond Hill firm. Part time. Must be neat writer. enjoy meeting public. Write Box 94, “The Liberal†giving experi- ence and references. n02w28 DRIVER wanted for early morning delivery, Richmond Hill area, dependable car necessary. Call 887-5123 or 884-9195, 9-5.’ *1w28 TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT HELP We require fast typists, dicta- phone operators and account- ing clerks for temporary and permanent positions. III-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 80 Yonge St. South APPRENTICE and hairdress- er for Empress of Beauty. 6187 Yonge St. Call Vince, 221-0300. c1w28 DEGISTERED nursing aide needed for steady days, fre- auent weekends. Housekeep- ing staff also required. Coun- try Place Nursing Home. 884-9248. c1w28 GIRLS & BOYS Wanted to deliver morning paper in Richmond Hill area. 887-5123 or 884-9195 (9-5). *1w28 Mrs. J. Stewart TEXAS INSTRUMENTS UNIT SECRETARIES Required for a surgical and obstetrical area at York Central Hospital. No experâ€" ience necessary. Apply per- sonnel 884â€"1171, ext. 349. INCORPORATED 280 Centre Street East Richmond Hill, Ontario 884-9181 or 889-7373 CALL A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 884-6944 c1w28 ing room, above average wages. Call Ben Bosch. 884- 9171. c2w28 COOK experienced, split shifts, good pay. Call Ben Bosch. 884-9171. c2w28 WAITRESS/Waiter for din- JUNIOR computer operator, 360-20 disc system, Steeles- Dufferin area. Phone for appointment, 667-7773. MATURE person for clerical position in busy Thornhill office. Please call Mr. Homi, 889-4933. c1w28 RELIABLE person wanted. full time night shift and part time, also cleaning boy. Call Mr. Donut, 884-8456. a person who enjoys variety, who can do typing, A/R, in- voicing and answering phones. If this sounds like the job you have been look- ing for, call Jeanne at 755- 1171. Apply Williém D. Branson Ltd., 344 Newkirk Road, Richmond Hill. c2w27 G/B FRIDAY 3TH) An Ajax firm is looking for PRODUCE packers rwanted WAITRESS or waiter wanted full cr part time, days 01' nights, good wages, B 8: M Restaurant, Woodbine, South of Hwy 7, 499-0666. FULL time car hop wanted for Monday to Friday, 11 to 6 pm. Apply A&W Drive In, 884-8911, tfc20 HELP WANTED PERSONNEL WORLD Richmond Hill 884-6782 - 884-6970 also (Continued) c1w28 clw28 clw28 c1w28 c1w28 02w28 c1w28 clw27 Conservation Authority, 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview (vicinity Jane and Steeles). Including operation of dupli- cating machines and general office duties. Call Mrs. M. Elliott, 630â€"9780. clw28 JUNIOR POSITIONS IN OFFICE Available at The Metropoli- tan Toronto and Region IMMEDIATE opening with subsidiary of large US. cor- poration for an accounting clerk. Must be experienced thru trial balance and be able to work with minimum sup- ervision. Phone Mrs. Hall. 889-7506. c1w28 A GENERAL Motors dealâ€" ership requires experienced license clerk and switchboard operator. Top wages for top qualifications. Call Wilson' Niblett Chev-Olds, 889-5435 to arrange interview. c1w28 TYPIST We require a competent typ- ist to work in a pleasant environment in our budget finance department. Snap-On-Tools of Canada Ltd. Keele Street, 1 Mile North of Highway 7 â€" 669-9501 c1w28 DRIVER for parts delivéry In light truck, some inside work. Call Mr. Buchanan, 889-1105, Don Little Ford Sales Inc. clw28 CLERK-typist required for Loans Department. Ablilifly to meet public is a must, some lending experience preferred, but will train suitable applicant. 884-1188, Guaranty Trust. clw28 TELLER required. experi- ence preferred. Apply Guar- anty Trust. 884-1188. clw28 GENERAL CAFETERIA HELP No experience necessary. Full time or weekends. Af- ternoon and night shifts only. Hwy. 7 and Keele area. 669-1322. c1w28 SUNDAY SUN Carrier in 'the Richvale, Richmond Hill, Maple. King and Oak Ridges areas, Call 884-2345, evenings. c1w28 ATTENTION Boï¬s AND GIRLS Ages 10 years and up. Earn good money as a afternoons weekly; Leslie - Steeles area. Call 493-5545 after 6 pm. c2w28 BABYSITTER réquired 3 chance for‘ advancement; 884-8195. c1w28 TRUCK drivef. over 25, MATURE person willing to learn automotive parts. Must have chauffeur’s license. Ex- perience not necessary. Ap- ply to Baker Sales & Serv- ice, 889-1189. c1w28 DUE TO EXPANSION PARKWAY HOTEL HAS OPENINGS FOR: Bartender - waitress/waiter Cocktail waitress/ waiter for lounge Cocktail waitress/waiter for successful dining room position. opening for luncheon or dinner Reception-twist for reception desk Assistant chef with experience Chambermaid/man for bedrooms and laundry ‘ Door person for lounge, 7 pm to 1 am. Call Mr. Barry Parker 881-2121 Parkway Hotel c1w28 TELLER and typist posi- tions available. Hwy. 7 and Keele Street area. Toronto Dominion Bank, 669-1952. c2w28 SERVICE station attendant. Must be experienced, reli- able, bendable, with chauf- feur's license. Apply Baker Sales & Service, 889-1189. c1w28 PERSON required for small office 5 days per week. 8:30 am-5:00 pm, experi- ence helpful. After 4:30 pm, apply at 69 Industrial Road, Richmo'nd Hill. William J. Klees & Son Ltd. c1w28 FULL time or part time help. Please apply Scottfls Chicken Villa. 191 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill. c1w28 wanted for expanding Pharmacy Dept. in York Central Hospital Good clerical skills with average typing. Pharmacy experience beneficial but not essential. Call Person- nel Dept, 884-1171, Ext. 349. c1w28 Typist with knowledge of payroll in Thornhill area. HI-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 80 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill 884-6782 c1w2: CLERK-TYPISTS Some temporary vacancies are open for clerk-typists. able to type on electric machines at 40 wpm. Some experience in 3 Payroll Dept. would be an asset. These positions are for 10 to 12 weeks duration. Please send written applica- tions to Personnel Officer. Town of Richmond Hill, 56 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. c1w28 1y. must Be Experienced. Phone 884-6151. clw28 TOP hair stylistr,rimmediate- HELP WANTED WE REQUIRE CLERK-TYPISTV (Continued) c1w28 {SHELL Core machine oper- iator wanted, willing to train. }Steady job. Apply to Gam- [ma Foundry, 75 Newkirk Road. Richmond Hill, 889- 5392. c2w28 JUNIOR grocery clerk ’Hr full time employment. Apply at premises, Maple IGA. EXPERIENCED babysitter wanted for one child in baby's home. 884-5946. TY'PIST - receptionist for legal office, part time. Con- tact Mrs. Herman, 889-5533. c1w28 ELECTRONICS Two people required for telephone ' communication company in Thomhill. One trainee, one experienced. Start immediately. 881-2656. c2w28 PART time student wanted for early morning telephone duty. Hours from 6 am to 8:30 am. Please call 884- 9195 and leave name. perienced only need apply. Call 884â€"8271, after 7 - 221- 2761. c2w28 St. and Highway 77B. Phoï¬e 889-0860. c1w28 HAIRSTYLIST wantéd. exâ€" BABYSITTER one day per week, Wednesday. Yonge WOMAN needed in my home I to care for one pre-schoolerl and one school age, five days ’ per week, live in or out.‘ 884-8963 after 6:30 pm. ! CASHIER Three days weekly, 9 am to 6 pm, experience preferred. Apply at the office, Canadian Tire Store, 70 Yon-ge St. N., Richmond Hill, c1w28 WATCHPERSON weekends. 12 hours Saturday, 12 hours Sunday. Own transportation. Cook Equipment. Costa Rd.. Concord, 669-1640. Ask for Syd Hunt. c1w28 CLEANING ’person wanted two half days or one whole day. Hardwood floors, good pay. Don Mills Road and 17th Avenue. 887-5074. c1w28 DEPENDABLE c 1 e a n i n g woman wanted every other Friday Thornhill. Own trans- portation. 889-7929. c1w28 BABYSITTING and house- keeping. live in, King area. Four children 4-8 years. Pro- fessional family. Write stat- ing experience any referen- ces, salary expected and phone number. Apply Box 90, “The Liberalâ€. c1w28 WAREHOUSE 8: SHIPPING We have permanent posi- tions available in warehouse and shipping departments. If you are willing and able to assume responsibility please call: FRAM FILTRATION BUILDING cleaning person- nel, good salary and com- pany benefits. Only reliable interested persons nee-d 313' ply. Toronto Airways Limi- ted 297-1422 Mr. G. Marshall. DRIVER, full time, 5 days, over 25 male or female. Lig‘ht delivery $95.00 week- ly plus or with own light truck ‘an-d wagon, $160.00 weekly. 244-4207. c1w28 PART-TIME HELP Attractive, pleasant, energe- tic pets-on as sales help for new homes. New Deslie north of Stleele‘s area. Hours Monday â€"â€" Friday 10.30 amâ€"3 pm. Call Mr. Blomf‘ield after 10 am. 881- 1162. c1w28 HANDYMAN / women wanted to finish rec roo‘m. Carpent- ry and heat outlets. 884â€"2384. *1w28 CLEANING lady once every fwo weeks and babysitter occasionally on afternoons, call after 5 p.m., 889-8032. c1w28 SERVICE station attendant, must be erperienced, able -to operate tow truck. Shift work. 888-1041. c1w28 HOUSEKEEPER, live in, res- idence for elderly. $400 per month, will train. Apply Box 91 “The Liberalâ€. c2w28 TOW truck driver required. Experience preferred. Long hours, low wages but good for laughs. 884-1144. EXPERIENCED clé an i ng woman, 4 days a week refe- rences, 881-1881. clw2‘8 PERSON required to learn office supply business, full time. Please call Mr. Brooks, 884-9295. c1w28 quired. Phone Mr. Wells, 887-5766. clw28 COUNTRY club requires secl retary. Typing, shorthand pre- ferred and general office experience. For appointment call Mrs. Peck, 889-4833. OFFICE person for a small office in Thomhill. Duties include typing, reception and light bookkeeping. Must have own transportation. Apply to Box 92 “The Liberal". c1w28 EXPERIENCED weld; Keele and No. 7 district. Phone Mrs. Risk, 661-2280. c1w28 HELP WANTED RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST PRODUCTS OF CANADA LTD. 65 DUNCAN ROAD THORNHILL 889-7620 MR. A. BAX c1w28 (Continued) c1w28 c1w28 c1w28 02w28 c1w28 clw28 c1w28 SMALL apartment or house for senior citizen couple or superintendent position in small apartment. Phone 1- 745-3526. collect. c1W28 GENTLEMAN lobking for small, quiet house to rent. Box 89 “The Liberalâ€. c1w28 RIDE wanted from Rich- mond Hill east side to Maple, leaving at 7 to 7:10, returning at 5 approximate- ly. 884-1791. c1w28 PROFITABLE thriving bus- iness, owner must sell due to illness, can operate from your home. 884-5286. The Orange Door Play School has openings for one girl and one boy, ages 3-5, mornings only. Run by experienced teacher. $10.50 per week. Phone Mrs. Joanne Tunni- cliffe, 884.9435, c1w28 DAY care in my home, pre- schooler: on Bluegrass. 884- 8282. c1w28 DAY care given in my home, 884-7149. c2w28 DAY care given, 'Beverley Acres area, pre-schoolers and under. 884-6040. c1w28 DAY care or housework wanted, 773-5488. c1w28 YELLOW sto’n’e gbld ring with seed pearls. 884-5188. BOY'S prescription glasses, possibly in the area of Bev- erley Acres School. 884- 2472. clw28 LOST on New Year‘s DaY, girl's black riding hat on Elgin Mills. Finder please call 884-3386. Reward. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BLACK and white Labrador, no tail, lost Saturday near Taylor Mills and Bayview. lReward. 884-4513. c2w27 barrel and fiu‘nace'oil tank. 832-2688. ‘ C1W28 USED heavyiduty wheel SADDLE - Western, 884- 2137. c1w28 DEAD or crippled farm ani- mals picked up promptly, for direct line call Long Dis- tance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime Ed Pec- oni & Son, Woodville, Ont. License No. 324C-66. A CASH buyer needs pianos, furniture, antiques, china and glassware, Fast pickup. 889-5101. tfc25 RABBITS, breeding does, does to litter in 2 weeks. <mall rabbits, 8 weeks old and bucks. 832-2688. purebred, no paperé. 773- 4009. 01W28 SEVERAL dogs available for new homes including 4 large purebred dogs. Also young 90% Airedale. 887- 5012. c1w28 Transportation LOVELY tiny breed pup- pies, beagle pups, reason- able prices, 832-2076. WHITE miniaï¬xre poodles. POODLE, rhale, white, e months old, $50. 773-5447 IRISH setters, registered. Champion stock, born Dec- ember 27, $150. Phone 832- 2435. c2w28 POODLE CLIPPING Petgrooming â€" Accessories. I‘he Poodle Scene, 76 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill. 884- 5587. c5w26 Poodles - Spaniels - Terriers a specialty 25 yrs. experience Glimtomdale Kennels Keele St. N. King City 833-5715 riers. mutts. Betty Fofsyth, 389-3606. tfca GENERAL office work, re- ception, typing, some book- keeping. 9-5 - construction, car essential. northwest sub- urbs. 669-9555. c1w28 D_OG grooming. poodles, ter- PETS FOR SALE I HAVE an outstanding op- portunity for you full or part-time in the motorist service field. No investment. Excellent new and repeat commissions. Call me, Fred Aspenlieder at 1-478-4989. SECRETARY $135 Is your mind creative and organized? Can you type 60 words per minute and have shorthand and/or dicta? If you are looking for a chal- lenging position in person- nel. we have just the one. Call Jeanne. 755-1171. CLERK typist, invoices, or- der correspondence. Small manufacturing office. Keele and Highway No. 7. 669- 9881. c1w28 HELP WANTED DAY CARE WANTEIj TO RENT PERSONNEL WORLD WANTED DOG GROOMING LOST (Continued) c1w27 *1w28 c1w28 c1w28 c1w28 c1w28 tfc29 02w28 c1w28 tfcl7 REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snowmobile repairs and serv- ice. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. tfc18 Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial, residential and industrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time. 881-2509. RUBBER s'ï¬mps Several type faces to choose from â€"- including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884-1105. tfc42 GENERAL contracting, alt- erations and additions, home. offices, factories. Custom carpentry of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 RON MOORE PAINTING PAPERHANGING Interior-Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889- 8965. tfc32 Plastering CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free esti- mates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION J. MISKE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Complete Aluminum Products For free estimates Call 884-5044 Out-of-town 476-2011 HANS BUTT 889-4106 EVERYTHING in A lo a n Aluminum. Home improve- ments, eavestroughing. HOUSE PAINTING Drapery and Wallpaper Hanging. Free Estimates Phone Sid Thompson 889-0841 painting, interior and ex~ terior, paper hanging. 881- 2075. tfc16 RESIDENTIAL, commercial Efficient service at reason- able rates. HOME IMPROVEMENTS a n (1 general contracting Reasonable rates. TOM-LYN CONTRACTORS 884-7837 or 884-5460 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer & water lines, footings. 889-3604. PAINTING and decorating. interior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 PAINTING, interior and ex- terior, wallpapering, drywall, and carpentry. 884-9026 af- ter 6 pm. tch ing parking lots and drive- ways. 884â€"6045 or 884-3641. RENOVATION CONSULTANT Thinking of renovating home or basement? For advice please call 889-7884. tfc28 BLOWING snow and sand- TREE removal and trimming. Farms. residential. commer- cial. Call 773-4009. c3w28 SMALL moving jobs or de- liveries, evenings and week- ends. Call anytime. 884-9502. c4w28 TAX refilms, personal and small business. 884-3605, 9 am - 10 pm. c4w28 VAN DEN BRINK CARPENTRY Oak Ridges ALL TYPES OF CARPENTRY WORK FREE ESTIMATES 773-5582 ______ , walls. ‘Gino’s Tiiing, 884- 9026 after 6 pm. tfc8 Roger Proulxâ€"Telebiuaï¬eâ€"Jâ€" Bill-1650. tfc24 ior. Call after 6, Ka'rlfï¬Ã©i- :1832. tfc9 ANY typ_e‘ of_ tiligg - floors, Rugs and chesterfielas. Day 03 night. 884-2433. tfc20 iPAINZ‘ï¬fIGK interior, exter- CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 A.v.S. ELECTRIC Electrical modernization Electric heating Free estimates 884-9067 FINLAY ELECTRIC NORTHERN PAINTING R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs 3 Specialty Free Estimates 488-7521 889-318 PLUMBING Repairs and Renovations Call J. S. Adams 889-6806 PLUMBmc. & HEATING PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 832-1 345 -â€" MAPLE Miscellaneous WALTER'LONG PLUMBING SHAMPOOING 889-3185 tfc20 Thomhill tic-t7 !IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!IIIIIIIIIIIII tfc48 MON. - TUES. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. WED. - FRI. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 12 noon tfc24 tfc2 tfc22 tfc38 c4w25 tfc50 tfc2 tfc22 884-“05 - tfc4 tfc2 uâ€... uynca, AIIWCILLILCU LUUJ' bedroom home, good barn, references, immediate pos- .‘ session, $300 per month. Call When no hand could 8†thee ease. Mr. Boyd, 889-2188. c1w28 God the helper of the help UNFURNISHED basement less apartment, older lady or bus- Saw thy pain and gave the! iness girl. Phone after 6 peace. pm. _ missed Lynne STEELES and Bathurst. Marlaine, Mary. Louise share a male house, furnish- Douglas. Ian. Bruce ant ed, ideal for students, 881- grandchildren Diane and 1102 evenings. c2w28 Sandra. c1w2£ UNFURNISHED basement apartment, older lady or bus- iness girl. Phone after 6 pm. 884-1970. c1w28| HORSE FARM Don Mills Road North, 20 level acres. modernized four bedroom home, good barn, references, immediate pos- session, $300 per month. Call Mr. Boyd, 889-2188. c1w28 Share new furnished home with young single men - $85 per month, 889-7118. FURNISHED home with kit- chen equipment, for mature gentleman. 884-4139. c1w28 RICHVALE -â€" Bedsitting room and kitchen, private entrance, close to Yonge. Available January 12th to mature person. Call after 5 pm. 889-2992. c1w28 TWO bedroom apartment if; Oak Ridges, $160 per month plus hydro. 773-4118. COMFORTABLE room for rent, gentleman, 884-1864. c1w28 AI‘I‘RACTIVE room avail- able. No cooking facilities. Close to transportation, park- ing. 889-3270. *1w28 HOUSE io rent, 72 Weldrick Road, Richmond Hill. Phone after 6 pm, 651-2122. c1w28 FURNISHED rooms for rent. double and single, parking, cooking. Richvale, near Yonge, 889-3498, clw28 Yonge Stneet 727-5809. BASEMENT - bed - sitting room. unfurnished. share kitchen and bathroom with other girl. 884-8963 after 6:30 pm. c2w28 FURNISHED room, near Mills - Newkirk aréa. 8E4â€" 4231. c1w28 FUchIngp _ room, Elgin THREE bedrooms, ultra mod- ern kitchen, comb. living- dining area. Available im- mediately. 884-7069 after 6. FURNISHED’Eoom, close to transportation, 884-9738. TWO-BEDROOM apartments, immediate occupancy, hydro included. 889-6813, tfc28 SINGLE furnished room, cen- trally located. 884-5056 after 5 pm. c1w28 ROOM for rent; private (anâ€"- trance. washroom and kitchen facilities, cable. 884-8785. ONE bedroom apartment, first floor, living room, din- ing and kitchen. On lake. ROOM for rent close -to transportation, phone after 5 p.m., 884â€"9427. *4w28 A v a i 1 a bl e immediately. $175.00. 887-5267. c1w28 STORE basement, private washroom. 16B Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. For information please call Mr. Brooks, 884-9295. c1w28 RICHMOND Hill â€" sublet one bedroom apartment, Es- :ex Avenue, 884-7708. BASEMENT apartment furnâ€" ished. Quiet or mature perâ€" son or couple, $150 per 'nonth. 884-3128. clw27 LARGE furnished 1' o o m. central Richmond Hill. close to Yonge and transportation. 884-8312. c2w27 STORE, Bayview Shopping Plaza, Bayview Avenue. Rich- mond Hill. $350 month. Approx. 1800 sq. ft. Call 364-1964. c3w27 rent, 884â€"8346, after 6 2-BEDROOM a p a rt m e n t, Bayview and Markham area $175, adults only. Call 884- 6263. tfc24 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, adult building, rent $185 monthly. Includes fridge, stove, heat, hydro and water. Near Richmond Heights Cen- tre. 884-2475. tfc21 UNFURNISH‘ED room for FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne. lst house east of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 STORE or office 240 sq. ft. Centre of Maple opposi’ce bank, $80 a month, 832-2364. tfcl4 DON'T spend the winter wor- rying about your heat! Let Percision Sheet Metal Heat- ing & Air Conditioning cal~ culate your heat throughout the house. No obligation on estimates. Phone 884-6557. Moving & Cartaéé From suitcases to ‘houses. 15 years experience. Reasonable rates. 223-4143. c4w28 DRAPERY'Eack installation Free estimates. 889-4087 BOOKKEEPING and ac- counting services for small businesses. 889-5683. WILLOWDALE MECHANICAL Plumbing and Heating Repairs and Alterations 24-Hour Service 889-3708 â€" Thornhill Miscellaneous TO RENT (Conunued) 773-5578. tfc28 c1w28 tfc28 *1w28 c2w28 c2w28 c1w28 c3w28 C4-w28 c4w25 tfc25 tfc33 HANNAH â€" In loving me cry of a dear mother an grandmother, Dorothy Ma who passed away Janua‘ 9, 1973. ‘ more. As I walk through life alon â€" Sadly missed by husban Harry. ; clwi HANNAHâ€"In loving mama} of a dear wife, Dorotl May who passed away Jal [nary 9 1973. I have lost my soul's con panion, A life linked with my own, And day by day I miss hi ness The world can never fill â€" Sadly missed by D01 Mary and Diane. clw joyed How sweet their memory st But death has left a lone home, And God has filled. â€"Ever remembered by h band and family. c1 HANNAH, Dorothy Mayâ€"L loving memory of a de mother who passed aw Jan. 9, 1973. 0 happy hours We once CULLENâ€"In loving memc of a dear wife and moth Martha who passed aw on January 9, 1966. ‘ One precious heart is gonel The voice I loved is still, The place made vacant in! TYPING done at home. a 6872. c2 anytime. 773-4519 HOUSE CLEANINGia REPAIRS and alteratl done by professionals. B Cleaning Centre. 884-44 BOX trailer, sultï¬le snowmobile, box for pick truck. 832-2688. c1 DRESSMAKING and alt FRENCH lessons with tea er from France. $25 f0! lessons. Richmond Stu 884-9044. L c2! small things around house. Apply Box 88 “ Liberal". ‘2 PIANO and theory lesi 884-3925. ch DOES anyone in your f1 1y have a drinking probl Try Al-Anon. Write Box Richmond Hill. c2 COMPANION wanted to DO you have a (111 problem? If so AA can Write Box 84. Richmond 1 or call EM. 6-8684. t EMPLOYMEN‘ WANTED (100. New 18" track, battery for push button Extra lights for night safety. $495. Call 832 after 6 pm. ‘ c DRESSMAKI FURNISHED roomTaF 884â€"6981. ‘ tric start. less than 50 I used. Best cash offer. 4048. . c ‘69 NORDIC. 24 hp,‘ track. $250. 884-4231. c‘ rI‘WO bedroom “Apart available now, adults 887-5348. c '79 MERCURY, 22 hp .ate kitchen. Suit quiet son. 832-1334. _ c MAPLE. large moth MOTHER with baby v to share own new town with straight business non-smoker. abstainer. Yonge St.. Richmond 884-3968. ( FURNISHED modern in quiet family home. 7969. ¢ room, 3 piece wash fridge. private entrance 7564 or 884-9066. I FURNISHED bed - s‘ 1n fltmnriam FURNISHED room for suit gentleman, 884-674 FURNISHED room, cl< Yonge. respectable a; ance. Please call after 884-2649. TWO bedroom apa available Feb. 1. One only, $175. Apply su tendent, 441 Elmwood. TRAILERS FOR SALE PERSONAL Snowmobile TUITION TO RENT (Continued)