It was with regret that friends learned of the death lof Jack Gran-t of 14th Avenue last week. He was a brother of Andrew Grant and Mrs. Clarke Young of Unulonville. If you like pancakes Brown's Comets will be the place to be on the night of Shrove Tuesday February 26. The Happy Timers will serve pancakes with maple syrup and the best sausages you The Pairs and Spares (Brown's Corners United Couple’s Club) will hold a bowling party at the Mark- ham Bowling Alley on Satur- day night at 7:43 pm. All those interested would be welcomed. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wea- therill who famed for many years on Kennedy Road near 17th Avenue and are now at the Village Squire in Mark- ham, will celebrate their 80th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday of next week and invite frlends to attend an Open House that day. from 2-5 pm at St. Andrew's Unit- ed. Markham. On Friday morning 11 members of the YCHA met at the home of the new chair- man. Mrs. Betty Ashley. for coffee and a brief meeting. Brown's Corners UC'W Wednesday of last week were at the home of Mrs. Garnet Stewart for their February meeting. Mrs. Walter Craig conducted the program and spoke on the new mission study: “Mission Impossible." Mrs. Sidney English accom- panied singing and Mrs. Ed- gar Fuller was co-hostess. Plans were discussed for a spring benefit to be held at Buttonvllle WI Hall in April. Members were asked to save Dominion Store tapes for the purchase of wheel chairs, etc.. at the hospital. Volunteers are needed to assist in the continuing care unit to help feed patients between 4:30 and 5:30 pm. Church News ever tasted Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steff- ler of Brussels were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Noman Reid last weekend. and spent some time with the Donald Reesors and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craig on Sunday. New Address But RC Board Not Moving A: of March 1, the York County Roman Catholic School Board offices will be located at 21 Duffel-in Street. Richmond Hill. The Shermans were at Owen Sound last weekend to attend the funeral of Mrs. Milton Sherman’s mother on Monday. Friends were sorry to learn of Mrs. Elmore Hill’s recent illness. Her daughter. Mrs. George Charity of South Porcupine who has been vis- iting for the past few weeks, delayed her trip home to be with her mother. The board is not moving from its present location. But renumbering of Yonge Street in the town has neces- sitated the change of mail- ing address which has been 75 Yonge Street North. Rich- mond Hill. This was ex- plained to the board at its February 5 meeting by Su- perintendent John Zupancic. THORNHILL BOILER Business Administrator Percy Laframbolse repon that it had been decided to replace the damaged boiler at St. Luke’s School in Thornhlll and recommended accepting a tender of $6.950 from Richmond Burners. Richmond Hill. Neighborhood Notes Four tenders were received but only two had individual tubes which can be replaced in an hour oriess. quite easi- ly. and this was the lower of the two. The administrator forecast a life of at least 20 years for the boiler and o! the heavy unit to feed the gas which is also being installed. He also reported that an access to Ste. Margaret Mary School in Pine Grove from the west is now assured. When 'I‘rossach Circle is de- veloped as part of a new sub. division. the new access will be available. It will allow vehicles to come into the schoolyard at the same level rather than having to climb the very steep hill. UNIONVILLE PORTABLE He said interim approval of the portable for John XXIII School. Unionville. has been received from the ministry. Final approval will take about a month. but the board can now proceed to order the portable. The cost from the supplier of recent pox-tables has risen to $9.300. he said, of which $7,000 is recover- able in grants. BUTTO‘NVILLE A 90" I\""“’O¢),sla“"L WORKS IN A DRAWER ' Color TV from Sweetheart Peter York Home T.V. 308 Bayvlew Ave. (Plan) 889-1646 - 884-4165 Markham Telephone 294-5290 Correspondent: GET YOUR JANE PARKER, wmre. snaacnso, suczo (Buy a loavesâ€"Save m) FROZEN! ORANGE, GRAPE, STRAWBERRY Chocolate Brownies 69¢ JANE PARKER JANE PARKER JANE PARKER Apple Pie Raisin Pie JANE PARKER JANE PARKER JANE PARKER, JELLY OR PINEAPPLE TOPPED Angel Cake Sweet Rolls Glazed Donuts JANE PARKER. 2 WHIYE OR 1 WHITE 5 I WHEAY 45:35:. pkg of two, 8-02 loaves 3 PLAIN OR WHEAT, PLAIN, POPPY SEED, SESAME SEED (SAVE 6:) Twin Rolls pkg of 12 French Rolls pkg of 10 pkg 3 9¢ SANDWICH BREAD JOUBIS 3:::::$I.OO FEWWULDER RSX’EWZZ lb 6 9% Collect a table full of Banbury Inn Fine China. Every four-piece place setting includes a dinner plate, a bread and butter plate, a cup and a saucer. Start YourSet Today! Pork Chops lb 9‘ SWEET P'CKLED, BONELESS, VAC PAC TOWN CLUB, SLICED Side Bacon Nb vac pac $1.09 SHOULDER OR BUTT Leg Of Pork Roast Ib86¢ SUPEfl-RIGHT OUAllTY, MEATV Pork Hocks OFFER GOOD THRU APRIL, 1974 Blade Steaks lb $1.28 Cottage Rolls lb 98¢ FRESH. EIYHER END SUPER-RIGHT, GRADE "A" BEEF EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING IO'NELESS, SHANK Stewing Beef lb $1.28 Ground Pork lb $1.08 FRESH SMOKED HAMS $88,! "We Redeem All Food Store Coupons" SHANK PORTION COOKED, READY-YO-SERVE Full 8-inch, 24oz pie 15-02 FOIL TRAY (f W98? BUTT PORTION A&P WEO FOOD STORES Full 8-inch, 24-02 pie m99¢ m54¢ large size cake Open Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Nights Until 9: pkg of8 pkg 0‘8 ACTION PRICED! Cooked Ham 6-02 vac pac FRESH, CANADIAN, PORK Lean Butt Roast lb 79¢ SCHNEIDERS BRAND. SllCED (BONELESS LB $1.09) 5x Wiener: Z-Ibvac Dec $1.48 SCHNEIDERS OR MAPLE lEAF Wieners I-Ib v‘ Sausages Sausages BURNS BRAND, PETER PIPER Wiener: I-Ib vac pac 88¢ Schnnidou Brand, Country Stylo or Siulu BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK, EEEF I PORK Bologna BY THE PIECE lb 54¢ Side Bacon END curs lb 78¢ By ï¬lo Piece, Rind On (Conn. CUM lb 98¢) Mb VAC PAC (SAVE 10:) (SAVE IO:J (SAVE 10:) (SAVE 10:) SIDE BACON (SAVE 6:) 65¢ 75¢ (SAVE 60 59¢ 59¢ SUPER-RIG"? BRAND, SUCED $1.18 DESSERTS McCain French Fries 2~Ibpk959¢ FROZEN, REGULAR- CUI’ Green Beans YORK, FROIEN, FENCH STYLE BROAD, EXTRA BROAD, FINE, MEDIUM Romi Egg Noodles WIYH TOMATO SAUCE Heinz Spaghetti 105 Yonge SI. N., RICHMOND HI“. 8109 Buyview Ave†'l'a-IORNI'IILI. m98¢ m79¢ 8 O'CLOCK “23:1: BEAN COFFEE SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, SWEET PICKLED, BY THE PIECE (CENTRE curs LB $1.48) Bock Bacon End Cuts lb $1.28 SHOPSY BRAND, OVEN ROASYING Corned Beef 1b $1.59 Meat Pie$pkg of 2, 4-02 pies49¢ MAPLE LEAF, SlICED, 5 VARIETIES Meats 6-02 vac pac MCOUMDE BRAND, Steak, Chick-n, Touniore HIGHLINER. FROZEN Cod Fish 8. (hips 20.02 pkg 99¢ MP DIAND. FROZEN. OCEAN Perch Fillets 1-Ib pkg 83 ¢ Chicken Cutlets lb $1.08 GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN APPLE DRINK DESSERT PEARS Dream Supreme mommy! Sunlight Soap Salad Bowls Donor! Whirl lmnM Mix, 4 Flavour: ACTION PRICED' White ov lemon (Pkg of 3 bus 30¢) ACTION PRICED! Plastic Tumblers TOWN 'N COUNYRV (at or Dog Food ASSORTED COLOURS (Propvicod l9c) ACTION PR'CED! SPECIAL PACK ‘ VARIETIES loney Soup Mix (Propvked 29:1 Bit Pens MEDIUM, BLUE FANCY OUAUTY Heinz Tomato Juice 5% PORK SHOULDERS 10 to lA-Ibs average lb ¢ Fresh Ground at Time of Purchase frozen [is]: 8 Poultry STRAWBERRY 6-0: carton 5 FRESH, CANADIAN, WHOLE 10-02 pkgs Shop Early While Supplies Lasl! 12-02 pkgs p Mix pkg 10¢ (Prepviced 29¢) ACTION PRICED! 3/5100 28-H~oz tin 3/5100 ACYION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! 9-oz size ACTION PRICED! each10¢ ACYION PR‘CED! 15-02 tin ACYION PI'CED! each 1 ACTION PRICED! 39¢ H-oz tin bar Lavoris Mouthwash 7-H-oz bottle 77¢ Children's Aspirin Bayer Aspirins $ 4-PIECE PLACE SEWING ONLY ORAL ANTISEPTIC Handi-Wipes ACEYYLSALICYLIC ACID YABLETS BAYER BLUE '- GREEN OR RED 8 ORANGE 100% BRAZILIAN OUTS TANDING VALUE! 10¢ 10¢ ACTION PRICED! COUNTRY lANE Cu. of 24 6-fl-ox Zip Top Yint $2.39 10¢ 10¢ 10¢ With fat/I $3.00 Purchase Monarch Margarine Green Giant Corn FANCY, NIBLEYS Highliner Tuna Fish Highliner Mackerel GOlDEN CORN PARCHMENT WRAP Beehive Syrup SOLID WHITE MEAT Corn Flakes KEllOGG‘S PLAIN OK RIPPLE Hostess Potato Chips ACTION PRICED! STONEY CREEK Coating Mix CRUM 'N BAKE Brunswick Herring Orange Juice CENYRE CUT SAICO, SWEETENED, PURE Buttoncokh, Chocolate. Tapioca AC‘I'ION Dannon Puddings Tee Pee Yogurt Gage Envelopes All FlAVOURS PASTEl WHITE Budget Envelopes pkgol 1710;? I-LB SAVE BAG 9 ¢ 00 RM. AMPLE FREE PARKING (Propviced 49c) (Propricod 39:) (PREPRICED 69c) 6-fl‘oz Zip Top S-fI-oz Zip Top 6-f1-oz zip top 'in 12-fl-oz tins THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 14, 1974 bonle 0‘ 100 79¢ 4-02 carton 4-01 carton BTI. OF 2‘ TABLEYS 3 '/4â€"02 tin 2-02 pkg ACTION PRICED! pkg M28105! ACTION PRICED‘ “10¢ 24-02 pkg 7 ACTION PRICED! pkgom75¢ 9-02 pkg 14-02 fin ACYION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! 7-oz tin ACTION ACTION PRICED 24b lin ACTION PRICED! ACYION PRICED! SAVE 26¢ 3/79¢ blin49¢ ztin ztin39¢ pkg 10¢ 10¢ 10¢ 10¢ 10¢ 34¢ PRICED! PRICED! 59¢ Su pplie last; All PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SAYURDAY, FEBRUARY 1m, I974. YELLOW COOKING 2 lbs 29¢ CANADA No. I GRADE, ONT. GIL, Parsnips FRESH,FLAVOURFUL 215549¢ CANADA No. l GRADE, ONL, WAXED, Turnips swm, MILD Iblz¢ CANADA No. I GRADE, WASHINGTON CANADA No. 1 GRADE. 0N7. IIADFORD Carrots MAR§H GROWN 31b529¢ CANADA No. I GRADE, ONTARIO Aniou Pears fulips 6-inch pot $1.99 Fiteplace Logs lEISUlE IRAND GIVE F-lOWERS FOR VALENTINE'S DAY YHE FAMOUS RED TRIUMPH VARIEYY 5 5or 59¢ PACKAGE OF 6 “‘69 each While Supplies last!