Norman Stephenson, Cliff Twidale and Arnold Mortson will be the fenceviewers for another year. Councillor J-ack will be the council 1 tative on the social council. Fred Bovaird was again appointed weed inspector squect to ministerial appro- va . Library Board Mrs. Ann Goodin of Oak Ridges was named to the lib- rary board to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. Ruth Biggin (two years). Mrs. Barbara Cox of Mill Pond Court was elected for a term of three years. Mayor Lazenby announced he will be representing himself on this board this year. Mrs. Hancey has been the mayor's alternate for 11 years. Civic Improvement Named to the Civic Im- provement Committee were Sam Hall, Mrs. Dorothy Price, Karl Tsafaroff, David Fayle. Sig Langhammer, Jack Blyth. Harold Forster. William Mirrlees. Judge James Butler and former Town Clerk Russell Lynett. Architect Doug Allen, who has served on this committee for several years. had sub- mitted his resignation. Mayor William Lazenby said the town’s voters will have the opportunity this fall of voting on the question of whether a board of parks management should be estab- lished. Mrs. Hancey felt council should be responsible for informing the public what a board of parls ma- nagement will mean. I OTHER COMMITTEES Committee of Adjustment Since the Committee of Adjustment will no longer be dealing with land seve- rances. but only with minor variances, it was decided to cut the membership from seven to five. The terms of Howard Jackman. who will represent Richmond Hill on the Region of York Land Se- verance Committee, and of Alan Peck had expired. The remaining five members: Doug Higgins, William Ru-ttle. John MacDiarmid. Tom Graham and Vern Plant will be the continuing com- mittee. Other members of council wanted more time to consi- der the suggestion, so deci- sion was deferred until the next council meeting. Regional Councillor Lois Hancey said she always was extremely appreciative of the volunteer assistance given by the people who serve on council-appointed boards and commissions. “I don't want to discour- age them. Witho"t th‘m we would be in a poor way because they a u g ..i e u t council. However. I am anxious to get an overall parks and recreation facili- ties plan as a part of the town’s Official Plan and haven‘t had any success. We need to know where we are going." Mr. Wainwright noted that the parks and recreation budget for this year calls for an expenditure of $65,000 on a park in the north end of town and of $40,000 on a park in the south end of the town. “When I asked for an itemized list of these ex- penditures, I didn’t get it. If parks and recreation was a committee of council. I would know.†Agreement was expressed by Councillor Lou Wavin- wright. “When I see a budget in excess of a quarter of a million dollars come in, I believe council should be in control. The opinion I get from staff is that parks and recreation should be a com- mitee of council." So the burden on council members would not be un- duly increased, Chateauvert also suggested that with more staff in the works de- partment, the transportation and parking committee's duties might be assumed by the works committee. This would free the three mem- bers serving on transporta- tion committee to serve on parks and recreation along with the usual two council representatives and a num- ber of representative citizens. BUDGET CONTROL However. Chateauvert said the appointed members are not answerable to the public and yet have one of the big- gest committee budgets, 'af- ter the works department He feels council should have more control. Mr. Chateauvert was a member of parks and recre- ation before being elected .to council three years ago. Re- cent membership has inclu- ded two council represean- ves and seven citizens. ven suggested the time has come when parks and recre- ation should become a major committee of council and chaired by a member of council. The committee could be augmented by the know- ledgeable citizen volunteers who have donated chair time in previous years. Question Hill Parks And Fun Organization Decision on t ship of Richmon and Recreation will be delayed councll declded night of last we 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario,‘Thursday, Feb. 14, 1974 runcu dec‘ded 4 ght of last week‘ Councillor Andy the council represén- n the social planning :ian on the member- )f Richmond Hill Parks Recreation Committee )e delayed two weeks. Major wo weeks. Monday Chateau- time has 1d recre- . a major 17 Yonge St. South, Richmond Hill Phone 884-9125 Direct Phone Lines 7 7 3-4512â€"881-1320 ummm m